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25.01.2022 Interested in sharing yoga with teens? I highly recommend it ... but it’s important to have some solid training first. This course is amazing! Very comprehensive and with access to all sorts of experts in their field on the teaching faculty (such as Dr. Dan Siegel ). I was lucky enough to attend the training some years ago when their course came to Sydney but I’ve heard the online course is just as incredible. I’ve got some cute boxes of Mood Cards I’ve been told to ready to send out to anyone from Australia or New Zealand who are among the first ten to sign up for this April The TeenYoga Foundation is a charity with it’s focus on promoting yoga and wellbeing for young people across the globe.
24.01.2022 THE IMPORTANCE OF CREATIVITY We are constantly surrounded by creativity, or rather the result of it. Maybe the thought of creativity scares you or maybe creativity is your sanctuary However you feel about being creative, it serves a VITAL role in mental health and identity . ... Even if you don't think you are creative, I can guarantee you use it EVERY DAY . From choosing what clothes to wear , the foods you eat and the route you take to get to school/work - it all involves a touch of creativity One of the most beneficial things about creativity is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety as well as helping us build a better connection with ourselves When we are being creative, many things are happening on both a MENTAL and PHYSIOLOGICAL level: Connectivity between different parts of our brain is enhanced Our ability to perform divergent thinking (generating many different outcomes to one situation) is improved Our mood increases Stress is reduced and our heart rate lowers So whether your form of creativity involves MUSIC , ART , SCULPTURE , COOKING , DANCING , COLOURING IN , GARDENING , DESIGN , WRITING , PHOTOGRAPHY , OBSERVING NATURE or anything else you want (remember that creativity can be involved in everything) we encourage you to incorporate more of it into your week!
24.01.2022 WEEKLY WELLNESS CHALLENGE When you wake up in the morning, what do you do? Do you resent the fact that you have to get out of bed and start your day? Or do you wake up excited for the experiences and opportunities that might come your way? ... Do you mindlessly wander through the morning as you get ready? Or do you mindfully perform a routine that you know will make you feel amazing? This week we are CHALLENGING you to implement a SHORT ROUTINE into your mornings Even doing something as simple as taking 2 MINUTES out of your morning to implement some sort of routine has been shown to increase your PRODUCTIVITY throughout the day, LOWER STRESS , increase ENERGY , and IMPROVE your MOOD ! We've included some examples of tasks you can include in your morning routine on the next slide! Swipe across to see them Let us know how you go with this weeks challenge! We love hearing from you
23.01.2022 This training is AMAZING If you feel called to learn more about this beautiful life-changing practice, I highly recommend Rachel’s Training at Ray of Light . It’s such a privilege to be a part of this incredible team
23.01.2022 Em’s words of wisdom for this week! #teenslearningfromteens There are so many external factors influencing our mental wellbeing at the moment From lockdown to the fear everyone feels about the pandemic to approaching the final weeks of the school term (which could involve Prelims or HSC exams for some) there is SO much going on! ... It is so important to look after yourself right now . Aside from the usual 'make sure you're sleeping 8 hours a day , eating proper food , moving your body . etc.' we want to touch on mental health and emotional intensity this week A common theme in our society is the dismissal of our emotions in order to maintain a well-presented exterior . We rarely show that we aren't coping or are too stressed and anxious to function Instead, we fall into the trap of dismissing how we're feeling and forget about our emotions . As a result, our emotions from the past month/year/years build up until we break down What if we started to process how we feel THE SAME DAY/ (or week) that we experience them ? Maybe this huge build-up of emotions which can lead to issues with our mental wellbeing, declined physical health, extreme fatigue and many other symptoms There are MANY ways to process our emotions and the best way is WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU . In this week's WEEKLY WELLNESS CHALLENGE we will be sharing some of our favourite ways to understand and process our emotions Yoga, meditation and mindfulness play HUGE roles in facilitating working through our emotions as it helps promote MENTAL CLARITY In 2007, a study revealed that practising just ONE HOUR of yoga asana (the physical postures) significantly increased participants GABA levels . GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter which essentially means that it helps BLOCK feelings of STRESS AND ANXIETY . How cool! The increase of GABA levels (when looking at processing our emotions) means that we will be able to FOCUS on the situation that is truly troubling us instead of all the other worrying thoughts circling around our brain We'll be sharing more on this throughout the week so stay tuned and turn on your POST NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss out! If you would like to experience this AWESOME effect of yoga , sign up for Term 4 AFTER SCHOOL TEEN YOGA through the KinKou Yoga website or message us for more information
23.01.2022 THIS IS HAPPENING So exciting
22.01.2022 THAT'S RIGHT We have TWO NEW SPOTS available for the Learn to Love Yourself (really!) Retreat of the 30th of September The retreat will run from 10 am - 4 pm at @rayoflight000 in Bulli ... We would love for you to come along and share a day filled with learning new things, lots of laughs and a whole heap of love Send us a message for more information and to book in!
22.01.2022 Monday evening yoga with Em Black starting soon!
19.01.2022 AHIMSA Radiate kindness to all living beings... including yourself! P.S. how cute is this pic! ... #ahimsa #peace #kindness #yoga #kidsyoga #yogateacher #childrensyoga #ahmisayoga #love #selflove #selfcare
19.01.2022 Reflections from a conversation tonight #feelmorethinkless #animalsgetitright #traumaresponse #thebodyknowsthescore
19.01.2022 Looking for a gift for an amazing teenager in your life? Get in touch if you’d like a voucher for After School Teen Yoga for Term 1 2021!! #giftfinder #christmasgiftforteen #stockingfillerideas #afterschoolwollongong #teenyoga #calmteens #livelifeonpurpose
18.01.2022 WEEKLY WELLNESS CHALLENGE Being kind to ourselves and practicing the concept of AHIMSA can be difficult at times ... but this weekly wellness challenge is HERE TO HELP Whenever we start something new (whether it be a new skill, hobby or self-care practice), getting started and overcoming the FEAR OF FAILURE is often the hardest part .... So what actually is SELF-LOVE (or the term I prefer - SELF-ACCEPTANCE)?? SELF LOVE is saying 'I am worthy of love (and acceptance) from both myself and others' . No matter how you LOOK or ACT . No matter the EXPERIENCE, SKILLS or QUALIFICATIONS you have . No matter the number of FRIENDS you have . Loving ourselves has no conditions and is about applying NON-HARMING/COMPASSION/AHIMSA to ourselves, even if we have no clue how. TO GET STARTED on this journey towards self-acceptance we start with COMPASSION . Self-love DOES NOT MEAN never having a negative thought about ourselves. It means that when we have those thoughts we are able to RESPOND in a way that is compassionate . YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THIS WEEK IS TO START NOTICING THESE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND RESPONDING WITH COMPASSION For this challenge you have the option of either A) spending 5-10 MINUTES noticing each thought you have and responding to the negative ones with kindness or B) trying to notice and respond to your negative thoughts throughout the whole WEEK or for a whole DAY . How do we do that? Let's say you have a thought like "I look disgusting. How will anyone ever like me?". It's not very nice, is it? Think about what you would say to a close friend, family member or a child if you heard them say that to themselves. Then tell yourself what you would say to them e.g. "I am definitely not alone in feeling this way but I KNOW that I deserve love and acceptance no matter what I look like." You might find this EXTREMELY CHALLENGING at first . As you keep on PRACTISING positive and compassionate thoughts, it will get SO much easier to the point where its nearly second nature! We can't wait for you to try this out this week . As always, let us know how you go with this challenge! Being kind to ourselves and practising the concept of AHIMSA can be difficult at times r by sending us a direct message. YAY!
18.01.2022 See the Event Page for more info and to book your spot!
18.01.2022 WEEKLY WELLNESS CHALLENGE ... it's a long one so pour yourself some tea and get ready to read This week we've been talking about emotional processing and mental health . For this week's wellness challenge we are inviting you to TRY OUT processing your emotions AS SOON AS POSSIBLE instead of bottling them up and neglecting the importance of emotional releases. HOW TO PROCESS EMOTIONS... 1) NOTICE how you are feeling WITHOUT over analysing it It sounds pretty obvious but you can't process your emotions without noticing that you are having them . This ties into being MINDFUL as we notice that we are feeling an EMOTION and it will pass . It's the difference between 'I AM ANGRY' and 'I FEEL ANGER RIGHT NOW' . 2) ACCEPT that you are experiencing an emotion Accepting (or allowing) emotions in something that is often NEGLECTED but is one of the most VITAL steps to feeling better . What often happens instead is we RESIST how we are feeling which causes us to struggle more . No emotion lasts forever so when we experience these negative feelings, it is much EASIER to notice what's happening and then accept that what we are experiencing is a TEMPORARY emotion 3) ALLOW yourself the time and space to FEEL YOUR FEELINGS Provide yourself with the time and space to feel whatever it is you are feeling . This may look like going to the bathroom, for a walk or waiting until you get home and noticing WHAT you are feeling and WHERE in our body you feel it. No judgment, no attachment and no right answers. 4) RELEASE your emotions This step will look different for everyone . It is important to understand that there is NO RIGHT WAY to release your emotions and you will often have to find the activity that works best for you . Swipe across for our personal favourite ways to release emotions SOME KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN EXPERIENCING DIFFERENT EMOTIONS Don't overthink or over complicate what you are feeling Try to process your emotions as soon as possible (which may not be until you get home or even the weekend and that's okay)! And do not feel bad if you completely forget to process your emotions - we are all human!!
17.01.2022 Understanding how our body works is a HUGE benefit to living life on purpose! And knowledge of and understanding of ways to help our nervous system holds the key Join Rachel from Ray of Light as she shares her knowledge of yoga and how it relates to the nervous system. This one’s for TEENS ONLY
16.01.2022 Wow ... what a year it’s been! Teenagers can start 2021 with the powerful practice of yoga helping to keep them steady, calm and optimistic for the future! After School Wednesdays at the Old Wollongong Courthouse. Use an Active Kids Voucher and pay ZERO! ... See the Event Page for more details and to book a spot
15.01.2022 Teen Yogis! My classes have finished for the year, but you could try Andrea’s class this coming week
13.01.2022 Wonderful Emmy comes to After School Teen Yoga on Wednesday afternoons This little clip will be shown at the Teen Yoga Summit which is an online international event happening right now! Emmy (along with Em Black) will also be participating live for the teen Q&A panel (5:30am tomorrow AEDT time!!), giving an Australian perspective on being a teenager and discovering yoga There are spots available for After School Teen Yoga Term 1 next year! See the KinKou Yoga Facebo...ok Event or the link in the Insta bio for details And it’s not too late to register for the rest of the Teen Yoga Summit! (Repeats of sessions/speakers will be on their YouTube channel, so you don’t need to stay up in the early morning hours to watch plus if you make a donation you’ll be sent the recordings after the event ) #teenyoga #australianteenagers #teenyogasummit2020 #teenyogafoundation #thefuturesingoodhands #teenleaders #makeadifference #afterschoolactivities #wollongong
13.01.2022 So this week, I asked Em to write a post with this quote from @Richroll Mood Follows Action... it’s a mantra I use to get me to do the things I KNOW are in my best interest! Here’s Em’s take on it, after reading it without ANY context: MOOD FOLLOWS ACTION When I first read this quote, I didn't quite understand it . I was confused as it sounded a little dismissive of the importance of BAD MOODS and experiences; treating them as insignificant ... After some contemplation, I started to realise the TRUTH behind the statement . How mood does, in fact, follow behaviour and not the other way around Think about the times you've experienced a strong emotion . Happy, sad, angry... it doesn't matter Then think about the situations/circumstances that caused you to experience that feeling Maybe it was an instant reaction, a result of something that happened the previous day/week or it could've been the result of emotions that had built up over time without being released EVERY EXPERIENCE WE HAVE INFLUENCES US ON AN EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL LEVEL ... even if we don't realise it at the time Knowing this, we have the opportunity to a) think that it is a cool fact, acknowledge it and carry on with our life OR b) think that it is a cool fact, acknowledge it and use it to our advantage (when we feel called to) Say you wake up in a bad mood . Instead of sitting in a bad mood all day, we can ACKNOWLEDGE that we aren't feeling our best and then think about the ACTIONS that will result in a positive change in MOOD This is a pretty powerful tool when it comes to wellbeing and health as it doesn't dismiss the occurrence of negative emotions and feelings . Instead helps us realise that WE have the power to influence our mood Not our friends, not our family, not the things that happen TO us, but the things that we do or the ways we react on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL Look out for this week's WELLNESS CHALLENGE where we will be sharing some ways to apply this mentality into your morning
13.01.2022 WEEKLY WELLNESS CHALLENGE This week we've been talking about RISK TAKING and how little risks can play a beneficial role in our lives! What better way to end the week than with a challenge to TAKE A LITTLE RISK! ... We challenge you to choose AT LEAST one little risk to complete this coming week We've made a list with some ideas if you can't think of any Swipe across to see them Have an amazing week!! P.S. Don't forget that bookings for TERM 4 AFTER SCHOOL TEEN YOGA are now open! Send us a message for more information or book in directly through the KinKou Yoga website
12.01.2022 After School Teen Yoga starts in two weeks today AND there are just two spots left See the Event Page for more info and to book in!!... #2021goals #lifeskills #teensonly #wollongong #bodymindconnection #livelifeonpurpose #stressless #lessanxiety #feelgood
11.01.2022 Life's tough but so are you Whatever it is you are going through, know that you are loved and supported You've got this
11.01.2022 #Creativity allows us to express ourselves without focussing on #perfection. Start loving the mis-takes, the things that are out of place and the choices that lead you down the road less travelled. This is what true creativity leads to; an exposing of the untouched wonders of life <3
10.01.2022 This is fabulous!! I just love it and in such a gorgeous setting too It is REALLY well done... a beautiful way to explain the workings of our brains (using words and a yoga flow!) and how we can emotionally regulate ourselves. Perfect for children and useful for adults too! Well done Calmer Kids and Belinda Thomson
09.01.2022 Do you have still have an unused Active Kids Voucher for 2020? Register now for After School Teen Yoga Term 1 2021 and use your unused voucher before it expires!! No more to pay ... Visit KinKou Yoga’s Facebook Event for more info or click on the link in Insta bio #teenyoga #activekidsvoucherapproved #afterschoolactivities #wollongong #teachingteensyoga #stockingfillerideas #teenchristmasgifts
08.01.2022 It's the last week of term!! Yipee! This week we're focussing on the yogic concept of AHIMSA or non-violence and how to apply it to our lives Ahimsa originates from the YAMAS taught in yoga philosophy . The Yamas are a set of 5 BEHAVIOURS to avoid in order to create the space we need to incorporate POSITIVE VALUES and actions .... Ahimsa or non-harming is the first of the 5 Yamas followed by truthfulness and authenticity , non-stealing and avoiding jealousy , being intentional in your actions and not being greedy . When thinking about ahimsa, we often think about being compassionate towards other people and the planet. While these things are SUPER IMPORTANT, we can't forget to extend this practice of non-violence towards OURSELVES . How often do we talk negatively about ourselves both to other people and in our thoughts? How often do we tell ourselves we aren't capable or worthy? How often do we forget how AMAZING, TALENTED and BEAUTIFUL we are? Throughout the rest of your day, start to notice when these negative thoughts pop into your head . When they do, take a deep breath, repeat an affirmation (eg. 'I am beautiful, strong and confident' OR 'I've got this') and let them pass It may feel silly at first but over time it will help retrain the patterns of your mind from negative thoughts into ones filled with love Good luck!
06.01.2022 What an incredible day today was Our first Day Retreat for Teen Girls @emblackyoga and I feel so much gratitude for the opportunity to share a day of nurture and self care with such beautiful humans ... HUGE thanks to @rayoflight000 for her wonderful generosity in providing such a beautiful space and many thanks to @sealightstudio for the yummy food ... and we get to do it all over again next Wednesday #teenyogaretreat #teenyoga #selfcare #loveyourself #teenexperience
05.01.2022 You can book now for After School Teen Yoga in Term 4 Wednesday afternoons at the Old Courthouse, Wollongong. Active Kids Vouchers accepted!
03.01.2022 These two ... there’s just no stopping them now they’ve found their passion and they’re on a mission!! This little clip is Em and Mon’s contribution to the Teen Yoga Summit (an international online event in progress right now!). Em and Mon are also hosting a retreat day coming up very soon . I’ll put a link to details in the comments Becoming a teen yogi doesn’t mean you need to become a teen yoga teacher though! ... Yoga has something for everyone and anyone... whether it’s to help with some anxiety, to stretch tight muscles, to bring some calm to your everyday... or for loads of other reasons!! #teenyoga #teenyogateacher #yogaforeveryone #teensonamission #findyourpassion
03.01.2022 WEEKLY WELLNESS CHALLENGE This week we want you to incorporate 20 MINUTES of creativity into your schedule - in whatever way #creativity looks like for you Whatever it is you decide to do (check out our previous post for some ideas), try to do it WITHOUT JUDGEMENT ... We know that creativity reduces stress , lowers our heart rate , improves connectivity within our brain and makes us feel happy . If you struggle with fixating on PERFECTIONISM, try to focus on the benefit of being creative rather than the outcome We want you to be FEELING GOOD and letting creativity FLOW through you , not stressing over how good something looks or sounds. We hope you enjoy this weeks #challenge We would LOVE to see what you end up doing for this weeks challenge! Send us a message or tag us in a pic
03.01.2022 Taking RISKS is such an important part of life Take a moment to think about the BEST memories you have , the times you've felt a sense of accomplishment , and the times you have been proud of yourself For the most part, these times have been accompanied by a sense of RISK ... WHEN WE ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING THAT SCARES OR INTIMIDATES US WE OFTEN FEEL THE GREATEST SENSE OF HAPPINESS AND ACCOMPLISHMENT Imagine if we went through life not doing anything that scares us ! Imagine if we got up every day, brushed our teeth, drank some water, sat down and scrolled on our phones for an hour, walked a lap around the house, sat down again, and went to bed . Imagine if we did that EVERYDAY.... BORING right?! Making cool memories are always fun, but taking little risks here and there provide so many OTHER BENEFITS . Here are some of my favourites: New opportunities may arise You feel a sense of pride and accomplishment #CREATIVITY increases #Confidence and new skills develop Helps develop emotional resilience Learn new things Experience new RELATIONSHIPS, EXPERIENCES, PLACES AND KNOWLEDGE An opportunity to actively follow your #DREAMS SO risks are awesome ... and can play a HUGE role in mindfulness. Similarly, mindfulness plays a role in risk-taking. When taking risks we should be #MINDFUL about the possible outcomes . But risks also assist in our development of mindfulness . The greatest way to test and build our ability to be mindful is when we are taking #risks This weekend we will be sharing some FUN ways to incorporate risk-taking into your life - stay tuned for that :)
03.01.2022 What’s on my mind ?? The mental health of our young people is on my mind ! I want to help... Will you help too? Join me in a small way to try to make a difference!
02.01.2022 We all have DREAMS, GOALS and ASPIRATIONS But we often get scared and refrain from taking that first (and scariest) leap to start following them After School Teen Yoga helps provide space for teens to calm that voice in our heads (that tells us what we CAN'T do) so that you can feel #CONFIDENT in yourself and your abilities We want to help you know how powerful and beautiful you are so you can bring your #DREAMS TO LIFE . Bookings for Term 4 are NOW OPEN Send us a message or book in directly through the KinKou Yoga website (link in bio)