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King Island Natural Resource Management Group | Non-profit organisation

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King Island Natural Resource Management Group

Phone: +61 3 6462 1825


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25.01.2022 Keep your eyes open for the OBP's...

24.01.2022 Ragwort is a serious pasture weed. It is a declared weed. It can be controlled - plan now. More info:

24.01.2022 great work getting all the bird surveys done this spring - all done by local residents this time.

23.01.2022 We are looking for an enthusiastic and passionate person to join our team! Is that you? Get in touch for more information


21.01.2022 Today is National Threatened Species Day. Here's something all who care about preserving Australia's unique wildlife can do - today or anytime...

20.01.2022 Planting natives at Currie Harbour with Grade 3 & 4 students. ALL WELCOME. *** Must have Working With Vulnerable People card ***

20.01.2022 Yes it was ambitious but KINRM has pulled it off: restoring the old Lighthouse Keepers Walk from Currie Light to the harbour. The track was completely overgrown with African boxthorn, a declared and very difficult weed, but with funding from many different areas and considerable support from King Island Council and TasPorts the walk is now a glory of natural and cultural value.

20.01.2022 GRANTS TO TACKLE WEEDS -This is a special announcement. Applications are now open for the next round of the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund! Grants of up to $10,000 are available to farmers, community organisations, land managers, industry and other entities to undertake best practice, long-term and effective actions on priority weeds. This is a competitive small grants round with a total of $200,000 available for distribution. Another grant round for larger, more complex weed ...projects will be released later in the 2020/21 financial year. Eligible activities include on-ground management of weeds, weed education and extension activities, and critical weed management planning to underpin the effective management of priority weeds. Priority will be given to applications that propose a strategic and targeted approach to tackling priority weeds and demonstrate co-investment through funds or in-kind support. Please visit to read more, download the guidelines, application form and priority weed list. Applications close 11 pm, Sunday, 1 November 2020. This project is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund facilitated by NRM North with support from NRM South and the Cradle Coast Authority. For any questions, please contact the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund Coordinator, Dr Raelene Mibus at NRM North on 1300 109 676 or [email protected] or Cradle Coast Authority NRM Engagement Officer Hannah Sadler Ph. 03 64338400 [email protected] See more

19.01.2022 TassieCat has just released four new brochures around responsible cat ownership. They are the first four brochures on their website ‘Home, Sweet Home: How to keep your cat happy at home’ provides practical advice as to how you can transition your cat to a life at home. It includes information on how to transition an existing cat that was previously allowed to roam and how to keep a new cat at home. ‘5 common cat behavioural issues ...and how to solve them’ will help people solve unwanted behaviour. This will prevent people from surrendering a cat because of behavioural issues and it will assist people when behavioural issues might appear after transitioning their cat indoors. ‘Surrendering a pet cat’ provides people with information on what to do with an unwanted cat. ‘Keeping your cat healthy’ advises people on the importance of vaccinations and provides information on Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and Feline Leukaemia.

18.01.2022 Some progress photos of our current boggy creek project, where we have followed up all sea spurge within 500 m of the tufa terraces, and have started on a large patch threatening the KI Community Complex plant community...

18.01.2022 We are looking for Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos during June and July.They should be moving around in flocks at the moment so if you see any let us know. Better still, download a form and start counting!

16.01.2022 A great opportunity for King Island beef and sheep producers. Places limited to first 10 businesses to register.

12.01.2022 Tassie Cat have more information brochures available. The latest two are about the cat borne disease, toxoplasmosis- the affects on humans and wild life; and also sheep, goats and pigs. Find them at

12.01.2022 All cats more than six months of age should be microchipped and desexed. The owner of a cat is responsible to ensure this - Cat Management Act. For more information and ideas to keep our cats, communities and wildlife safe:

11.01.2022 Need to get out? There’s plenty to see in the Pegarah Forest which opens back up to the community this Friday. Thanks to King Island Field Naturalists for the images: The image of the Cordyceps shows clearly the caterpillar from which this fungus grew; Wine glass fungus (Podoscypha petalodes); Geastrum triplex otherwise known as earth stars; Amanita muscaria after rain: Sickener Toadstool (perhaps:)

11.01.2022 KINRM continues to work on the Currie Harbour Project which won the Australian Community Media Landcare Community Group Award 2019. Over the last 3 months more than 400 native seedlings have been planted in the area around Currie Harbour and the lighthouse. There are another 80 plants to be planted in this stage. KINRM are hoping to hold Field Days again soon, and every 3 months. Field Days will involve weed control and seedling care and maintenance. KINRM Weed Crew will be continuing to remove boxthorn and other unwanted weeds in the difficult places.

10.01.2022 From Little things Big things Grow... Amazing job from the 40 students who planted 150 plants at our Tasmania Landcare award winning bush restoration site at the Currie Wharf. We have now had 318 individuals volunteer about 1300 hrs to this project from our island population of 1500!

10.01.2022 A highly successful day had by all. Thank you Grade 3 & 4's for your incredible enthusiasm and energy.

09.01.2022 The KINRMG in partnership with the King Island Beef Producers Group delivered the first field day from the Pastures PrincipleS course. This course is one part of a bigger project about managing pastures on King Island. The pasture principles course is fully subscribed but there will be more workshops coming up. In February we will have Dr John Cleeland talking about pastures and animal health, focusing on strategies for weaning and drenches. In March (or April), we will hav...e a pasture ID course. There will also be another field day later in the year highlighting the learnings from the pasture principles course to the wider farming community Today we looked at some pretty impressive pastures at the Shaw’s farm and then we measured some pastures at Gado Management. We learned to calculate available pasture and pasture budgeting. This project has been funded by the Agrigrowth Tasmania, DPIPWE See more

07.01.2022 what a lovely bit of King Island

06.01.2022 FARMERS Funding Round open NOW $1000-$10,000 grants. This is your chance to apply for funding through the Landcare Action Grants for practical on-ground works for sustainable agriculture and Rivercare type activities. Types of activities eligible include: Removing weeds (small scale projects not otherwise funded, such as by the Weed Action Fund)... Fencing to protect natural values Providing off-stream watering points Controlling pest animals Maintaining and improving ground cover (including pastures) Protecting and enhancing on-farm remnant native vegetation, including planting of new areas of native vegetation, and improving the management of existing remnants Managing fire regimes Protecting and revegetating habitat (including threatened species and communities) Habitat augmentation, such as installation of artificial fauna movement devices, artificial nesting or roosting habitat, environmental thinning or seed banking For more information See more

06.01.2022 Matthew wants raven & currawong feathers - you can leave them at the King Island Courier office for him.

06.01.2022 NOW is the time to easily identify BONESEED with it's VERY BRIGHT YELLOW FLOWERS. It can be seen along Main St and North road, Currie, in people's property and on the roadside near Camp Creek. A dangerous 'Weed of National Significance', this plant spreads prolifically. By law it must be controlled by landowners. KINRMG have done a lot of work on it in past years, but is now spreading again. Please help by doing your bit on your property. Contact us for any assistance with identification or removal, 64621825 or [email protected]

05.01.2022 Coastal wellbeing survey still open. The more King Islanders who do it the more relevant the findings will be.

05.01.2022 Download the booklet here:

03.01.2022 King Island Natural Resource Management group monthly meeting is Monday 13 July 5.30pm. If you are interested in joining in please contact Michelle on 64621778 or email [email protected] for more information. We welcome any interested people. Normally we meet at KIRDO but due to spatial distancing only 8 people may attend. We are having people join in through Zoom though, so one way or another you can participate.

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