Krista McCrimmon-Birth and Postnatal Doula in Riverside, Tasmania | Medical centre
Krista McCrimmon-Birth and Postnatal Doula
Locality: Riverside, Tasmania
Phone: +61 438 272 404
Address: Ecclestone Road Riverside 7250 Riverside, TAS, Australia
Likes: 460
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25.01.2022 Enjoying some Xmas cheer and cuddles with some of my clients yesterday . It has been a very challenging year . These beautiful little babies have made it memorable for all us for all the right reasons xxx Merry Christmas
25.01.2022 To induce or not to induce if your waters break before your contractions start ? Whats the bottom line? Having labor induced with oxytocin for term PROM may lower a persons chances of experiencing infection, but does not have an effect on the Cesarean rate or newborn infections. One of the most important ways to prevent infection after your water breaks is to avoid vaginal exams as much as possible during labor.... As long as both mother and baby are doing well and meet certain criteria, waiting for up to 2-3 days for labor to begin on its own is an evidence-based option. At the same time, induction is also an evidence-based option. In todays era with access to antibiotics if needed, the 24-hour clock for giving birth is no longer based on evidence. See more
24.01.2022 Medicine has something to learn from the wellness movement; we need better ways to hear womens experiences of their bodies. And when those stories cannot be told within the conventional channels of medicine, we may end uponce againhearing them from journalists, from activists, and from angry women who are seeking out alternative health care options. And that may be a bitter pill to swallow.
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the men who love and care for the all the children that are in their life . These men come from all walks of life. Some are biological Fathers and Grandfathers and some are not . It doesnt matter. Love is love Dads are the most ordinary men,turned by love into super heros ,adventures, story tellers and singers of songs.... As a doula , I have had the pleasure to meet a whole lot of awesome new dads. These dads are present they are funny they are caring and the love for their families shine brightly. Happy Fathers Day
24.01.2022 I had the privilege to support my beautiful client as she welcomed her new born daughter into the world. And with the birth of her baby I also had the joy of witnessing the birth of a brand new mother. The moment a child is born a mother is also born. This is Sarahs story. As proudly seen through my eyes....Continue reading
24.01.2022 Tonight I wanted to share Logan's Birth Story through my eyes with you all. However, much we know about birth in general, we know about a particular birth. We must let it unfold with its own uniqueness. -Elizabeth Noble The Birth of Baby Crisp...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Beer and Bubs supporting the Partners to be awesome support and informed decision makers as they help their partners to achieve a positive birth experiences
22.01.2022 Here are six ways to help make important decisions surrounding your pregnancy and birth.
22.01.2022 Too funny not share this one
22.01.2022 This made me laugh ! I am hopeless at folding a fitted sheet Im still waiting for Katrina Squires to pass on her tips Parenting - we are all just doing the best we can ! luckily thats good enough Children dont need perfect parents ... they just need good ones just like the fitted sheet ! It doesnt need to be perfect
21.01.2022 Opening soon in Launceston
21.01.2022 The last few days I have been spending time with a couple of my postpartum families. Yesterday I had the joy of hanging out with Georgie and Luca My heart ! Luca is just a little ray of sunshine
20.01.2022 An informative read on cesarean sections. Including some good questions to ask your care provider. WHO ( the world health organisation) states that, at the population-level caesarean section rates higher than 10% are not associated with reductions in maternal and newborn mortality rates (WHO 2015). The caesarean section rate has increased over time... Although the majority of Australian women have vaginal births (i.e. vaginal births including vaginal breech, forceps and vacuum), there appears to be a trend away from normal birth. Australia has high rates of births by caesarean section (30.9% ) The National Core Maternity Indicators (NCMI) present information on measures of clinical activity and outcomes. The results : In Australia in 2018, 30% of selected women giving birth for the first time had a Caesarean section 1 in 10 (9.2%) women smoked during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy in 2018 1 in 4 (26%) selected women had an instrumental vaginal birth for their first Labour was induced for 45% of selected women giving birth for the first time in 2018
19.01.2022 There are many benefits of labouring and birthing your baby in the water Just the thought of a warm bath alone relaxes the nervous system xx
19.01.2022 One month ago today, baby Leon made a calm but rather speedy entrance into the world. Welcomed into his daddys hands under the shimmering light of a silvery moon and the light of my i phone. Leon decided the front lawn of his new home would be the perfect place to make his debut Look at how he has grown xx A handsome baby boy who is still so calm ,a happy and cherished little baby ... Misha Petrusma
19.01.2022 Yesterday was my last day supporting Jess, Ed and baby Hazel . Its always sad when Its time to say goodbye. To have the opportunity to be a close confidante and guide in such an important time in a families life is a true honour. Your one inspiring,loving and awesome young woman Jess Jones. Hazel has the best role model to guide her through all the years of her life in you.I have loved every moment I have spent with you xx ... I always leave feeling so proud of how far all my families have come . From not knowing a great deal about birth, babies and parenting to feeling informed , educated and excited about all that is to come . Trusting in their own abilities to be the best parents that they can be to their beautiful babies . Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first Jess Jones
18.01.2022 You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you, Peter Pan. That’s where I’ll be waiting. -Tinkerbell
18.01.2022 A great video on why,when and how to transition your baby out of a swaddle to a sleep suit
18.01.2022 Happy 3rd Birthday to one of the most beautiful little girls I know. Catey Pops I hope all your little girl wishes come true ! I love you to the moon and back again @ Felicity Viney
17.01.2022 INDUCTIONS ! What you may wish you would have known In this article Dr Sara Wickham shares some of the evidence, issues and implications that women say they were less aware of but which they wish they had been able to take into account when making their decision. There are, of course, way more than ten things to know! This is intended to serve as a starting point for discussion rather than to be exhaustive.
17.01.2022 As a doula it truly is an honour to be chosen to be part of such an important life event . The day you meet your baby for the first time is one memory you will never forget . These precious memories will stay with you forever. Helping to educate and support families so that they can experience the gift of a positive and empowering birth experience, however way their birth unfolds is so rewarding . All my birth and postnatal packages are named after Goddesses for a reason ...; Every single one of my beautiful clients is a Birthing Goddess . They make my heart sing with joy and take my breath away every time. There is a power that comes to women when they give birth. They don’t ask for it,it simply invades them.Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through , carrying the child with it. - Sheryl Feldman
17.01.2022 A big happy 1st Birthday to my handsome little doula baby Preston Ross for today Preston enjoys making lots noises playing his drums and he just loves Emma wiggle , so I guess his favourite colour would have to be yellow Its been just a year since you were born, but you have given us all so many sweet memories to cherish for a lifetime. Im looking forward to making more wonderful memories with you tonight at your birthday tea little Preston Ross ... Anna Howell
17.01.2022 Baby cues, and how to read them
15.01.2022 Dad’s too can learn a few tips on how to best support their partners during labour and birth Beer and Bubs :Childbirth Education for Men
14.01.2022 I wanted to share tonight a review from Michelle and a Devin . This beautiful family ,like many families had the extra stress of pregnancy and birth during a pandemic . This quote reminds me of how my beautiful clients didnt let the pandemic take away all that they had to look forward too courage is not the absence of fear,but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear . - Ambrose Redmoon ... During very challenging circumstances, being the outbreak of COVID-19, it was such a relief to know that we had Krista in our corner throughout our pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey. Initially, we were understandably anxious about being pregnant and birthing during a pandemic. As expectant parents all we wanted was for our baby to be safe and well. Krista totally understood our worries and helped us voice them. Yet she also encouraged us to not let what was going on in the world take any joy away from the wonderful experience that was unfolding for us. Her gentle reminder helped us replace fear with courage, which meant that despite the unprecedented circumstances, excitement, love and joyful anticipation were always at the forefront of our experience. Krista had a wealth of valuable information to share with us, which ultimately helped us feel informed, empowered and well prepared. She put big smiles on our faces with a beautiful gift hamper, helped to nourish us with her postpartum meals and she was always there to lend a caring ear when we needed someone to talk to. Its clear that Krista is a doula with a big heart and she shares her passionate and nurturing spirit with everyone she works with. As a result she helped make our journey toward parenthood lighter and brighter. We are so grateful for her part in welcoming our beautiful baby girl, Matilda Hope, the light of our lives, into the world! Michelle & Devin
14.01.2022 The best advice to maintain a healthy milk supply is ‘watch your baby, not the clock.’
13.01.2022 I am a little behind in writing my birth stories.But, tonight I am pleased that I can share the birth of baby Oliver - as seen through my eyes. Every birth is different,and every woman's experience and telling of her story is unique. We all have the power to empower others with our stories. Enjoy xxx...Continue reading
13.01.2022 In a world where pressure on mothers is immense - where mother judgement is rife, I think we could all do well to listen more to Winnicott. Its not possible to be perfect as a parent....and even if it were, it wouldnt be desirable to be so. Our children need us to slip up, they need to see us make mistakes and learn how to deal with them and they need us to be good enough in order that we give them space to grow and develop independence.
13.01.2022 Lets not forget how important it is that the way a woman feels about her birth, and the way she was treated during her birth, will effect the way she lives the rest of her life. Birth effects everyone. The experience is so significant that we cannot even fully comprehend how impactful it can be. The choices and care available for women here in Australia are better than in many, but still far from perfect.
12.01.2022 Love this quote
12.01.2022 Some information about a very common little intervention called the Stretch and Sweep
12.01.2022 Oh how adorable or is just me that loves anything and everything birth related
12.01.2022 Welcome to the world little Eleanor Rose Brooks Who made a very peaceful debut on her estimated delivery date ! A precious baby daughter for Josh and Sarah Brooks Im looking forward to sharing Sarahs empowering and beautiful birth story with you all very soon xx ... Babies, truly have a special gift in the way they instantly make us all smile whenever we have the pleasure to say hello to them
11.01.2022 This is a great read on infant sleep
08.01.2022 Thank you Misha for your beautiful review I was all teary eyed reading your review xxxxx You are such a caring ,happy and loving young woman. How lucky am I ,that you invited me along to share in your birth and postpartum journey xxxxx Full of surprises too ... As much as we know about birth,we know nothing about a particular birth. Each birth will evolve in its own special way. As some of you may remember baby Leon decided the front lawn of his parents home was the perfect place to make his debut. Welcomed peacefully into world under the light of the silvery moon and and my iphone in the early hours of a cold winter morning Misha Petrusma
08.01.2022 I had a wonderful day joining in celebrating the impending arrival of Logan and Georges baby daughter on Sunday I also had the joy of enjoying cuddles with my doula baby Isla, who is already running around and exploring all that her little hands can reach Logan is one glowing birthing goddess Im looking forward to supporting Logan when her time comes to embark on her birth journey, collecting the soul of her baby and bringing her earthside xx ... witnessing the birth of a new baby and a newborn mother is a privilege and an honour Logan Pentland Laura Wilson
08.01.2022 De bunking the myths on feeding your baby to sleep and self settling xxx
08.01.2022 What a great idea
07.01.2022 Connecting person to person with children from birth. Or, as child specialist Lisa Sunbury suggests in the title of her recent post, entering into a conversation with your baby.
07.01.2022 Welcome to the world Chester Jacq Chugg born on the 11/11/2020 at 5.33pm Congratulations to my beautiful and nothing short of amazing birthing Goddess Quelin , her husband Quinton and new big brother Eddie on the safe arrival of their new perfect little baby boy. I’m looking forward to sharing Quelin’s birth story soon. ... Quelin was one very calm , quiet and controlled birthing goddess I’m so proud of you Quelin xxxxx There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don’t ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it. Sheryl Feldman Quelin Chugg
07.01.2022 Welcome to the word little Miss Georgie Mae Who made her long awaited debut at 9.53pm in the 5th of September 2020 . 3.9kg and 51cm of perfection A beautiful little daughter for Alison and Lyndon Brouwer Im looking forward to to sharing Alisons birth story with you all very soon. I am in awe of another of my birthing goddesses who swayed and jiggled her hips for 35 + hours without ever losing faith in her own ability to bring this little baby earth side, no matter how long she had to work to get there . She was birthing her baby her way !!!
06.01.2022 Let me love you a little more . Before you’re not little anymore Enjoying cuddles with Camilla at my postpartum visit with Liana Youl yesterday. I think we talked for four hours straight ... without taking a breath Lots to catch up on when we haven’t seen each other for three weeks ... Thank you to my mum for making Camilla a special little Rabbit
06.01.2022 I was truly in my element today My first new mothers catch up since before Covid 19. These beautiful calm new mothers either welcomed their babies into the world this year or are only weeks away from meeting their new precious babies . Im so proud of each and every one of them Sarah Brooks Misha Petrusma Sharni Heys Jess Jones Shona Croucher Ally Brouwer Logan Pentland @Ashleigh Walker
06.01.2022 Colette ,enjoying the pumpkin and coconut soup with the almond damper muffins I made her from Julia - Newborn Mothers cookbook Colette and her new little family had just finished having some special memories captured before I arrived . Oliver , then had his lunch before sleeping like a trooper, ( it’s exhausting being photographed) Now mummy could enjoy her lunch and some down town before he woke for his afternoon tea Simple pumpkin soup is such a classic Australian co...mfort food .In this recipe , garlic , ginger and asafetida helps to energetically warm the coconut milk making it more valuable for newborn mums Almond damper is a yeast free , chemical free alternative to bread Colette Wilcox
06.01.2022 Dads !! There is so much you can do to be a part of the early days of life with a new baby. Though , Dads don’t usually follow my page mums ! You’ll have to show it to him
06.01.2022 Mum life Its wonderful and fulfilling one minute and in the next you can feel like you are unsure and floundering in the dark. Every morning sleep deprived mummys show up and start again. In the end the love parents have for their babies does conquer all the trials and tribulations. And just one smile melts your heart and makes it all worth while Im so proud of the woman and the mother Sharni has become . I love how she shares with her friends and family , her wins ...and what she has found challenging in her everyday life with baby Halle . So many new mums suffer from sleep deprivation and mum guilt . Reading other womens honest experiences that are not all glossy and perfect help new families to realise that what they are feeling is perfectly normal . New parents are all trying to find their way through the woods into the clearing, one day at a time. When all your decisions come from a place of love ... your best on any given day is enough ! And ask for help xx Thrive and dont just survive . The way we perceive our children changes altogether when we feel supported Share the load and the love xxx Thank you Sharni Heys for agreeing to sharing one of your personal posts with me xx igshid=15oo5tbx7ny4h
05.01.2022 This simple Acronym can help you make informed decisions anywhere and anytime throughout your pregnancy , labour ,birth , postpartum and even parenting A great little tool to keep on hand when you need to take a breath , clear your thoughts and evaluate what may be the best choice moving forward
04.01.2022 Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart - Winnie the Pooh Its hard to believe that beautiful baby Hazel, is already 5 weeks old xx
04.01.2022 Just one very happy doula and her very scrumptious doula baby ‘Ollie ‘ having a catch up This was taken about 4 weeks ago now . As you can see .... one of us is much more excited than the other to be reunited ... Colette Wilcox
04.01.2022 What is the evidence for induction or a c section for a big baby ? I think it’s time to stop fearing women and focus more on empowering them
04.01.2022 Caring for our newborn mothers . Should not be just a nice extra . It should be the gold standard and the only standard of care available to all newborn mothers Helping newborn mothers thrive in their new roles and not just survive . As a society we should be able to better than that .
04.01.2022 Many researchers and public health officials have been working for years, trying to figure out why our c-section rates are so high and what can be done to reduce them. What Doctor Shah found was that perhaps weve been going about it all wrong.
04.01.2022 Date Milk is the perfect drink for a newborn mother to enjoy anytime of the day really. The milk and date combination have just the right balance of warmth and sweetness. The nutmeg sprinkled on top ,not only tastes good but helps to balance your nervous system,relieves pain and induces sleep. Dates are loaded with fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly. Dates are a good source of calcium, magnesium,potassium and zinc. Vitamins such as Vit K, Iron thiamin,ribofl...avin,niacin and folate are also contained in dates. Dates taste good,they contain tryptophan which is a precursor for serotonin ( our feel good neurotransmitter ) Serotonin supports the chemistry of LACTATION. Finally,milk production removes sugar from our blood,which we need to replenish. Which explains why we crave sweet things so much,and cant stop eating chocolate bars!! This makes naturally sweet dates the perfect newborn mother food as they are sweet,healthy and help with milk production . This recipe is from my mentor Julia Jones Nourishing Newborn Mothers recipe book. The most wonderful postnatal recipe book full of beautiful Ayurvedic recipes to heal your mind,body and soul. Date Milk Makes one cup 34 dried dates 1 cup milk pinch nutmeg Soak dates in water for an hour or overnight. Use hot water if you havent got much time. Put all ingredients together in a heavy based saucepan. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat and use a blender or stick blender to puree the date milk. Pour through a nut milk bag, ne sieve or cheesecloth to strain out the dates. Serve immediately. Julia - Newborn Mothers
04.01.2022 Breastfeeding is about comfort, connection and immunity, as well as food. It is also nutrition for a babys brain and this means that as your baby enters new developmental stages, he will most likely go on a feeding binge to fuel his growing brain.
04.01.2022 The golden hour where mum and baby get to take a breath , say hello and oxytocin ( the hormone of love ) flows freely . This creates the perfect environment for baby to start the breast crawl and enjoy their first breast feed.
04.01.2022 Enjoying a cuddle with newborn baby Chester today while on a postpartum visit with his beautiful mummy Quelin. I look forward to sharing Quelin’s positive and healing birth story soon
04.01.2022 Enjoyable Interactive activities you can share with your beautiful 2 month old baby.
02.01.2022 A lovely review from my postpartum client Melissa I so enjoyed the time I spent with this beautiful new little family as they found their feet in the early days of life with baby Huon Krista My fiance actually encouraged me to find a doula I connect with to build our support team for pregnancy and beyond. He is an osteopath with a passion for treating babies and pregnant woman and saw the role of a doula as really important for us. We had heard of Krista prior to meetin...g her and loved the look of what she offers as a doula. We had just moved, with no family close by, so for us it was important that I connected with Krista. After meeting Krista we knew she would be a great support for me and Bub, what we didnt realise is how much her services would also help Andrew. (Since Andrew was the sole carer for myself and Huon, and I needed bed rest for sometime.) The days Krista visited Andrew could relax knowing I was looked after through the day and that there would be a yummy treat to try too. We still miss Kristas treats! Since having Huon I now understand that building a support team for pregnancy and the post partum period is so important and during Covid even moreso. Krista created an open, nurturing space for me to be myself, to be vulnerable and feel supported through recovery and gave me confidence as a first time mother. I could talk to Krista about absolutely anything without fear of judgement. Debriefing about my pregnancy and labour was really important and Krista gave me tools to help me move through this. I highly recommend Krista as a doula. Her motherly, caring nature is so gentle and encouraging, her cooking is delicious and specific to you through the healing process and her smile and laughter is infectious. I couldnt speak more highly of her. Thanks for everything Krista, Love Melissa, Andrew and Huon xo
02.01.2022 Halle and I enjoying some Xmas fun today This time last year we were looking forward to meeting little miss Heys in the new year . And now she is about to enjoy her first Christmas To all the beautiful little babies You are like bright little stars ... Welcome to your 1st Christmas I hope you all know What blessings you are See more
02.01.2022 These are the precious memories you think you will always remember. But as time passes we do forget . Keep a note book ,write in your baby book and jot these special memories down . When you reflect back reading your notes In the years to come ,I promise they will make you smile A special walk down memory lane
01.01.2022 There is no one "right way " to parent your child. Just your way. having the confidence to trust your instincts.No one knows your baby better than you do. We all tend to worry too much and compare ourselves to others that seem to be doing it all so well. That may be easier said than done,but perhaps shifting societal attitudes can help parents everywhere to get there.... Sometimes finding peace with parenting is as simple a cutting yourself a break.
01.01.2022 Dear friends, Let magical moments of Christmas bring love ,peace,Joy,hope and kindness to your hearts and your home . I wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas.... Magical moments ... I have had more than my fair share this year . Through the hard times I always focused on what we could do and not what we couldn’t . We changed a birth policy . My birthing Goddesses all made my heart sing as they bravely birthed their babies into the world . My doula babies Oh, my heart You bought so much more love into this world . My mothers circle bought me so much joy Being surrounded by my amazing new mothers and all their beautiful babies . I look forward to 2021 , where I will have the privilege of supporting and witnessing the joy of all my new clients as they too welcome their little babies into the world Thank you to you all for all your support and for helping to bring awareness to the importance of birth and postnatal support . One positive birth at a time . We can make a difference to the way women perceive and experience birth Flowing onto not just seeing postpartum support as a nice extra . Seeing it’s an essential part of recovery and knowing you are worth it Our future generations well-being depends on having strong capable parents xxx As for now , I will be enjoying a little down time in the next few weeks . Spending some much needed time with my family . And looking forward to being reunited and wrapping my arms around my three little granddaughters, daughter and son in-law .
01.01.2022 So much great information to guide parents to feel informed and confident
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