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Kriya Yoga Studio in Seven Hills, New South Wales | Community organisation

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Kriya Yoga Studio

Locality: Seven Hills, New South Wales

Phone: +61 422 392 937

Address: 3/71 Boomerang place 2147 Seven Hills, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Yoga Quotes - Practice Meditation. You’ll find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise. Paramahansa Yogananda... #yoga #yogaquotes #yogapractice #yogatips #yogatrainer #lifestyle #yogaforfit #yogateachers #yogaclasses #yogacourses #meditation #vedicyoga

25.01.2022 : Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world - : #yoga #yogaquotes #yogapractice #yogatrainer #yogainspiration #meditation #Fitness #yogateachers #yogaclasses #yogacourses

25.01.2022 ? Planks help strengthen your core, arms, legs, tones your buttocks, builds abs & improves your mental focus. #planks #planksbenefits #coreworkout #fitness #health #yogatrainer #yogapractice #yogaclasses #stayfit

24.01.2022 Meditation or dhyana can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. These 5 types of meditation work as a stress reliever, helps you to rest physically and mentally while having a positive effect on your entire nervous system. ! - ... #meditation #meditationclass #meditationpractice #yoga #yogalife #stressfree #mindfulness #meditationtraining #sydneyyoga #peaceofmind

24.01.2022 Our comprehensive yoga teacher training is going to start on 12th December. It's a golden opportunity to become a certified yoga teacher. "-- ." Call us or visit the link and register your seat now: #yoga #yogateachers #yogateachertraining #yogatraining #yogapractice #yogatrainer #hathayoga #certifiedyogateachers #yogaforfit #sydneyyoga #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogaforhealth #yogatrainer #yogaclasses #yogacourses

23.01.2022 "A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves." . Visit: to know more! . #yogaquotes #yoga #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogateacher #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #yogajourney #meditation #mindfulness #yogamotivation #yogaeveryday #yogalove #yogi #yogagirl #namaste #quotes #yogaquote #loveyourself #consciousness #thisisouryoga #yogaddiction #inspirationforyoga #yogaposes #yogaeverywhere #yogatravel #believe #yogaforall #presentmoment

23.01.2022 Our Yoga Teacher Training is an excellent way to relax and unwind. Our Teacher training program tailored to deliver to you pioneering evidence-informed Yoga & Meditation Training. Are You Ready to embark on an awesome Yogic Journey? Register now! . Visit: . #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #love #yogisofinstagram #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #instayoga #yogalifestyle #bhfyp

23.01.2022 - . ... #yoga #yogapractice #yogaforfit #yogaclasses #yogatrainer #yogacourses #haathayoga #vedicyoga #yogateachers #yogaforwellbeings #meditation #yogaquotes

23.01.2022 Please book your meditation class online ! Dedicated one hour meditation practice

22.01.2022 Yoga is the practice of.... . Visit: to know more! . #yogaquote #yoga #yogainspiration #yogaquotes #yogateacher #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #namaste #yogaeveryday #yogaquotesoftheday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #quote #meditation #yogagram #quoteoftheday #yogajourney #yogagirl #yogaquotesdaily #yogameme #quotes #motivationalquotes #mindfulness #quotesaboutlife #yogavibes #yogatribe #selflove #yogaquoteoftheday

22.01.2022 Yoga Quotes - Quite The Mind and The Soul Will Speak. -Buddha... #yoga #yogaquotes #motivation #YogaCourse #yogajourney #yogatraining #meditate #meditation #yogaforlife

22.01.2022 Our power yoga teacher Dikshyant waiting for a class to begin while he warms up in a headstand... Power yoga 8:00am Saturday 7:30pm Wednesday

21.01.2022 Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you". - Amit Ray #meditation #nourishing #inspirationalquotes #wisdomquote #yoga #flowering #meditationclasses #YogaTrainer #divinity

21.01.2022 If you are looking to deepen your practice and learning about the yogic philosophy or wanting to pursue a career as a yoga teacher then apply for this course now! . Visit: . #yoga #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #yogateachersofinstagram #200hrs #200hrsttc #200hrsyogateachertraining #yogalearn #learnyogaposes #yogateach #becomeyogateacher #certifiedyogacourse #yogapractice #instagood #instadaily #photography #thursday #thursdayvibes #thursdayvibes #thursdaymotivation #thursdaythoughts

21.01.2022 Yoga Quotes- The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life. - B.K.S Iyengar... #yoga #yogaquotes #yogalife #yogaclasses #yogacourses #sydneyyogaclasses #yogatrainer #yogateachers #yogaforfit #meditation #haathayoga #vedicyogaclasses

20.01.2022 Meditation is a way for nourishing & blossoming the Divinity Within you. . #yoga #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #yogaposes #yogateacher #yogacenter #yogaaustralia #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #meditation #meditationclasses #yogatrainer

19.01.2022 How to Do Adho Mukha Svanasa Push Chest back towards thigh Draw belly up and into the ribcage Push Knee backward... Lengthens sitting bones to the sky Wrap shoulder blades around the back of rib cage Push floor away through hands and spread fingers wide #yoga #yogacourses #yogatraining #yogatrainer #yogateachers #sydneyyogaclasses #yogaclasses #yogaforfit #healthbenefits #yogaposes #vedicyoga #haathayoga

19.01.2022 Prenatal yoga session @9am Saturdays at our studio. Work with breath and affirmations towards smooth pregnancy. Mother and bub’s well-being is at the core of our sessions. Please bring your yoga mat and a towel to use on the props. ... Book online

19.01.2022 The regular practice of yoga is truly the key to living a healthier, happier life. The practice of yoga postures confers practitioners with multiple physical & psychical benefits. In addition to this, a regular practice of yoga inspires a person to become more aware of their choices, helps them lead a more fulfilling life, and encourages them to be more content with whatever they have. . Visit: to know more! . #yoga #wednesday #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdayvibes #wednesdaymotivation #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyliving #meditation #meditationpractice #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogapeace #yogaposes #yogaclassesonline #instagood #instablackandwhite #quoteoftheday #motivationdaily #fitnessmotivation #lifestyle #lifeisgood #fullfillment

19.01.2022 Yoga Quotes- Yoga gives us a space and time to journey to the simplicity of breath and movement and connecting with ourselves. -Jill Conyers... #yoga #yogaquotes #yogalife #meditate #yogatrainer #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogatraining #yogacourse #sydneyyoga

18.01.2022 There is always room for change, but you have to be open to that change. . visit: . #yoga #yogaquotes #mondaymotivation #mondayvibes #mondaymorning #yogapractice #australiayoga #yogacommunity #change #changeyourlife #acceptchange #changeandgroweveryday #changeandgrow #innerpeace #innerstrength #selflove #selflovejourney #soulpath #feedyoursoul

18.01.2022 Yoga Quotes- Yoga is not about what you do. It is about how you do it. - -Adriene Mishler #yogaquotes #yoga #yogapose #yogapratice #yogatraining #yogatrainer #yogaclasses #yogaforfit #motivational #yogalife #sydneyyoga

18.01.2022 Join Our comprehensive and transformational Yoga Teachers Training Info Session starting from 6th September 2020 from 10:00 AM Our Teacher training program tailored to deliver to you pioneering evidence-informed Yoga & Meditation Training. Register Now.... Visit: #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #yogainstructor

18.01.2022 Become a Certified International Yoga Teacher & facilitate powerful wellness experiences in your community! Hurry up & book your seat now to avail of an early bird discount! . Visit: to register! . #yoga #yogateachers #yogateacherstraining #yogateacherslife #becomeyogateacher #becomeyogainstructor #yogapractice #200hrs #200hrsttc #yogateachersofinstagram #yogateacherscourse #yogateachertrainingaustralia #sydney #yogateacherssydney #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondayvibes #instagood #instadaily #instafashion #instaphoto #photography #photooftheday #instadesign

18.01.2022 Become a Certified International Yoga Teacher with our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program designed to give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to teach yoga classes. Hurry up! Only a few seats are left. Register before 15th August to avail of an Early-bird Discount. . Visit: to Register! . #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #love #yogisofinstagram #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #instayoga #yogalifestyle #bhfyp

18.01.2022 How to Do Virabhadrasana Warrior Pose 3 Begin in a lunge with your front knee bent, your back leg straight and your back heel lifted. Raise your arms above your head. Move your hands to your heart, with palms pressed against each other in a prayer position. Lean forward until your back leg extends straight back, even with your hips. Keep your foot flexed and your gaze downward. Make sure your standing leg is strong and straight. Reach your arms forward so that your bo...dy forms a T shape. #yoga #yogacourses #yogaclasses #yogapractice #yogaanytime #healthylifestyle #yogaforfit #sydenyyogaclasses #healthyliving #yogateacher #yogatrainer #innerhealth #healthyliving #yogaposes #Virabhadrasana #warroirpose #yogatraining #yogacoursessydney #sydneyyogaclasses

17.01.2022 Practicing yoga is an excellent way to practice self-care and get a chance to make time for yourself! . Visit: to know more! . #y...oga #fitness #meditation #yogainspiration #yogapractice #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogateacher #namaste #yogalove #pilates #yogaeveryday #mindfulness #workout #gym #yogagirl #wellness #health #motivation #yogaeverywhere #yogachallenge #yogini #yogapose #healthylifestyle #nature #fitnessmotivation #asana See more

17.01.2022 Yoga Quotes - Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become. Paramahansa Yogananda... #yoga #yogaquotes #yogateachers #yogaclasses #yogatrainer #sydneyyogaclasses #yogaforbeginner #yogaforfit #healthylifestyle #inspiration #haathayoga #vedicyoga #yinyogaclasses

16.01.2022 ? Yoga poses to activate or balance the fourth chakra include heart-opening poses like Camel, Bow, Wheel, Boat and more. . : 0422 392 937... #yoga #yogaclasses #yogapractice #heartchakra #hearthealing #YogaTrainer #yogateacher #yogalife #yogaposes #sydneyyoga

16.01.2022 Health Benefits of Tadasana for Women above 60 years - Stronger and toned thighs, ankles, arms, and abs Better digestion Better Blood circulation... Lower tension and stress levels Improve flexibility Steadier breathing Join our yoga classes to remain ahead of others stay safe and health #yoga #yogaclasses #yogaposes #yogateachers #yogatraining #yogacourses #yogaforoldage #yogalife #healthylifestyle #yogaforfit #vedicyogaclasses #hathayogaclasses #yogatrainer

16.01.2022 Yoga Quotes - "Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations. - Paramahansa Yogananda... #yoga #yogalife #yogaquotes #yogapractices #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogatraining #yogateachers #vedicyoga #haathayoga #yogateachers #yogaforfit #motivation #sydneyyoga

15.01.2022 Become an international certified yoga teacher join our 200-hour certified yoga course in-depth learning and practices. Register now to avail of an early bird discount. Visit us: or call us: 0422 392 937... #yoga #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #yogateachers #yogatrainingteacher #yogatrainings #yogatrainer #yogaforfit #yogacourse #yogasession #sydenyyoga #yogaforfit #yogaforhealth #certifiedyogateachers #australianyoga

13.01.2022 Calming the mind is yoga. Not just standing on the head.Our Yoga Teachers Training program is designed to deliver in-depth knowledge and skill on Yogic philosophy. 200hrs of training program gives you the confidence to teach yoga classes. Join our info session on 6th September, 10:00 AM Call us to book your seat: 0422 392 937 #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga

13.01.2022 " : " #yoga #dolphinpose #yogapose #ardhapinchamayurasa #healthbenefits #yogaclasses #YogaTrainer #yogateacher #yogalife

13.01.2022 How to do Surya Bhedana Pranayama Sit in a cross-legged position on the yoga mat. Make Vishnu Mudra with the right hand. Make Gyan mudra with the left-hand... Close the left nostril, using your finger, and start breathing in. Try to use full seconds. Hold both nostrils, using your thumb and ring finger, and hold your breath. Open your left nostril and breath out slowly and steadily. #pranayama #suryabhedana #pranayamacourses #pranayamatraining #mudra #yoga #yogaclasses #yogacentre #yogaforfit #healthylifestyle #sydneyyoga #gyanmudra #vishnumudra

12.01.2022 10% off on your online bookings ( any class pack purchase) - Redeem at the studio!

11.01.2022 "Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is a new success. Health is new wealth. Kindness is the new cool" #yoga #yogaquotes #yogaclasses #yogatraining #yogacourses #yogaforfit #staymotivated #yogateachers #yogatrainer #vedicyogaclasses #sydneyyogaclasses

11.01.2022 Our comprehensive yoga teacher training is about to start on 20th September. Its a golden opportunity to become a certified yoga teacher. One-to-one training with an interactive session. Call us or visit the link and register your seat now: to get an early bird discount. #yoga #yogateachers #yogateachertraining #yogatraining #yogapractice #yogatrainer #hathayoga #certifiedyogateachers #yogaforfit #sydneyyoga #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogaforhealth

11.01.2022 Our comprehensive yoga teacher training is about to start on 12th December. It's a golden opportunity to become a certified yoga teacher. One-to-one training with an interactive session. Call us or visit the link and register your seat now: #yoga #yogateachers #yogateachertraining #yogatraining #yogapractice #yogatrainer #hathayoga #certifiedyogateachers #yogaforfit #sydneyyoga #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogaforhealth #yogatrainer #yogaclasses #yogacourses

11.01.2022 A 200-hour yoga program that will take your practice to the next level. Train, practice, and become a certified International Yoga Teacher. . Visit: . #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #love #yogisofinstagram #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #instayoga #yogalifestyle #bhfyp

11.01.2022 Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program is an intensive course designed to give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to teach yoga classes. Your yoga teacher training journey with us is as much about deepening your own practice as it is about gaining the skills to teach others. Book your seat now & become an International Yoga Teacher! . Visit to register! . #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #yogateachertrainingcourse #yogateachertrainings #learnyoga #learnyogaposes #internationalyogateacher #certifiedyogainstructors #yogacertification #yogacertificationcourses #becomeyogateacher #200hrsttc #200hrsyogateachertraining #photography #fitness #thursday #thursdayvibes #thursdaymotivation #thursdaythoughts #nstagood #instagram #instamood #offers #yogaoffer #healthylifestyle #healthyliving

10.01.2022 YOGA is the stilling of the changing states of the mind... . Visit: to know more! . #tuesday #tuesdayvibes #tuesdaymotivation #t...uesdaythoughts #yoga #yogaquotes #yogaquotesoftheday #yogaquotesdaily #yogaquotesforlife #quotestagram #quotestoliveby #quotesaboutlife #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogaposes #learnyoga #learnyogaonline #loveyourself #lovemyself See more

10.01.2022 Yoga Quotes- "In asana practice we learn to cherish each breath, to cherish every cell in our bodies. The time we spend on the mat is love in action" - Rolf Gates We provide in-depth knowledge and skill on yogic philosophy based on your busy lifestyle. ... Visit us: #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #sydenyyogaclasses #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogaforbeginner

10.01.2022 Look deep into nature! . Visit: to know more! . #yoga #yogaquotes #tuesday #tuesdayvibes #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdaymotivation #yogaquotesoftheday #yogaquotesdaily #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #soulconnection #souljourney #nurtureyourself #treatyourself #photography #yogaphotoshoot #loveyourself #fillyoursoul

10.01.2022 Do You Know? Salabhasana strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks, and backs of the arms and legs. This pose stretches the shoulders, chest, belly, and thighs, improves posture stimulates the abdominal organs, and helps relieve stress. #yoga #yogacourses #yogaclasses #yogapractice #yogaanytime #healthylifestyle #yogaforfit #sydenyyogaclasses #healthyliving #yogateacher #yogatrainer #innerhealth #healthyliving #yogatrainer #vedicyoga

10.01.2022 I was looking for someone. . #yoga #fitness #meditation #yogapractice #yogainspiration #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogateacher #mindfulness #yogalove #namaste #yogaeveryday #pilates #workout #gym #motivation #health #wellness #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #healthylifestyle #yogachallenge #nature #yogini #yogapose #fitnessmotivation #healing

10.01.2022 Opportunity to become a certified yoga teacher with our 200 Hrs yoga teachers training program designed to give you the knowledge, skill and confidence to teach yoga classes. Register now for an info session to clear all your doubts Visit: or call us: 0422 392 937 #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga

10.01.2022 Our comprehensive yoga teacher training is about to start on 20th September. It's a golden opportunity to become a certified yoga teacher. One-to-one training with an interactive session. Call us or visit the link and register your seat now: to get an early bird discount. #yoga #yogateachers #yogateachertraining #yogatraining #yogapractice #yogatrainer #hathayoga #certifiedyogateachers #yogaforfit #sydneyyoga #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogaforhealth

10.01.2022 Mudra, a Sanskrit word, means a symbolic hand gesture that has the power of producing joy and happiness. It has been proved that regular practise of mudras not only contribute to ones overall good health but can be used as a preventive measure as well. Our hands define our karma and fingers being the power points, are a link between individual Pranic force and universal cosmic energy. The position of our hands has the ability to influence energy of our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change the mood and increase our vitality.

09.01.2022 You Are The Sky.. . Visit: to know more! . #yogaquotes #yoga #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogateacher #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #yogajourney #meditation #mindfulness #yogamotivation #yogaeveryday #yogalove #yogi #yogagirl #namaste #quotes #yogaquote #loveyourself #consciousness #thisisouryoga #yogaddiction #inspirationforyoga #yogaposes #yogaeverywhere #yogatravel #believe #yogaforall #presentmoment

08.01.2022 A Unique opportunity to become a Yoga Alliance RYT-200 Certified Teacher. Apply now and avail of an Early Bird Discount! . Visit and register now for the Teachers Training Program! . #yogainstructor #yogateachers #yogateacherstraining #meditation #yogaeverydamnday #yogapractice #internationalyogateacher #yogacourse #yogacourseteachertraining #advanceyogacourse #yogateachertrainings #yogalove #yogajourney #namaste #spiritualawakening #asana #yogastudent #vinyasa #vinyasaflow #yogaworkshop #mondaymotivation #mondayvibes

08.01.2022 Feed your soul with delicious music!

08.01.2022 Join Our comprehensive and transformational Yoga Teachers Training & become an International Yoga Teacher. Last Day to Avail of an Early Bird Discount. What are you waiting for? . Visit to Register. . #yoga #yogateachers #yogateachertraining #yogateachercourse #yogacourses #yogalearn #learningyogaposes #learnyogaonline #internationalyogateacher #internationalyogateachertraining #yogatrainingteacher #tuesday #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdayvibes #australiayoga #australiayogateachertraining #sevenhills #sevenhillsyoga #nstagood #instadaily #instaphoto #photography #photooftheday #bhfyp #todaysthought #yogi #yogisofinstagram

08.01.2022 "My yoga mat is a magic carpet when I am on it, I discover places within me I never knew existed" . visit: to explore the world of Yoga & well-being! . #yoga #yogaquotes #friday #fridayvibes #fridaymood #weekend #weekendvibes #meditation #silence #innerpeacequotes #innerpeace #instadaily #instaquotes #quoteoftheday #loveyourself #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #yogaeverydamnday #exercisemotivation #motivationalquotes #letsdothis #yogainstructors #sevenhills #australia

08.01.2022 Discover Yoga Teacher Training classes and features designed to support your busy lifestyle. Explore Hatha, Vinyasa, and a variety of Yoga types to find just what you need & Become a Certified International Yoga Teacher. . Visit: . #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #yogainstructor #yogacommunity

08.01.2022 Bhujangasana (Cobra Yoga Pose) to remove back pain Benefits of Cobra Yoga Pose: 1. Stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest, and abdominals 2. Decrease stiffness of the lower back... 3. Increases flexibility 4. Strengthens the arms and shoulders 5. Improve Menstrual Irregularities 6. Elevates Mood 7. Invigorates the Heart Steps: 1. Place your hand's palm down on the ground beneath your shoulders. 2. Lift your chest up off the ground by straightening your arms. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your body, pointing behind you instead of out to the side. 3. Gaze upward and keep your abdominals engaged 4. For cobra pose lie down on your abdomen and point your feet behind you. Yoga is good for health dont wait to start doing. We provide in-depth learning and practices on yoga. Visit: . #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #cobrapose #bhujangasana

07.01.2022 Being aware of and listening to your innate and intrinsic wisdom is a cornerstone of living a life you love. . Visit: to know more! . #mindbodysoul #wellness #mindfulness #selfcare #health #meditation #yoga #selflove #love #mindbodyspirit #mentalhealth #fitness #healthylifestyle #motivation #healing #mindset #positivevibes #liveinspired #healthyhappylife #healthyliving #wellnessjourney #spiritualawakening #spirituality #happiness #loveyourself #inspiration #holistichealth #wellbeing #gratitude

07.01.2022 Lead The World Toward A Healthier More Active Way Of Life. Join Our Yoga Teachers Training & Become a Certified International Yoga Teacher! Book now to avail of an Early-bird Discount! . Visit: to know more! . #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #love #yogisofinstagram #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #instayoga #yogalifestyle

06.01.2022 True friendship cannot be found, it has to be earned. Happy Friendship Day! . #friendshipday #friendship #friends #friendshipgoals #friendshipquotes #friendships #love #friendshipforever #happyfriendshipday #friendshipgoal #friendshipbracelets #friendshipismagic #friendshiplove #friendshipneverends #friendshipbracelet #friendshipfriday #bff #nightlife #friendshipquote #birthday #bhfyp #friendshipbraclets #friendshipcollar #friendshipbros #art #friendshiphappy #friendshipsgoals #friendshipgift #life #bhfyp

06.01.2022 Yoga Quotes- Doing anything with attention to how you feel is doing yoga. Jean Couch We provide in-depth knowledge and skill on yogic philosophy based on your busy lifestyle. ... Visit us: #yogateacher #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogi #meditation #yogapose #yogajourney #yogachallenge #namaste #yogini #yogaposes #asana #mindfulness #yogadaily #fitness #hathayoga #yogainstructor #yogacommunity #sydenyyogaclasses #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogaforbeginner

06.01.2022 " " #meditation #yogalife #mindfulness #healthyliving #yoga #yogapractice #peaceofmind #pranayama #yogaclasses

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04.01.2022 Check out the Health Benefits of Garudasana or Eagle Pose. Join our yoga classes to enjoy the health benefits of various yoga asanas that will keep you active and focused on your day to day lifestyle. Call us on +61 422 392 937 to know more about our yoga sessions. #yoga #yogaclasses #yogatraining #yogatrainer #garudasana #yogaasanas #yogateacher #yogaforfit #healthbenefitsofyoga #Sydneyyogaclasses #eaglepose

04.01.2022 Elbows are forearm distance apart... Top of head on mat, use upper body strength to balance Interlace fingers Shoulder blades draw toward tailbone Tailbone lifts toward heels Core is engaged Pelvis align over crown of head Arches of feet align over pelvis Toes are spread, big toe mounds touch Press up through balls of the feet #yoga #yogaposes #yogapractices #yogapracticesdaily #yogatrainer #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogateachers #yogaforfit #sirsasana #vedicyogapose #haathayoga #sydneyyogaclasses #sydneyyogatrainer

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02.01.2022 Morning Yoga Poses for Beginners Triangle Pose Deep lunge Forward Bend... Elbow Plank Garland Pose Upward Dog Pigeon Pose Join our yoga classes for in-depth learning and practices. Our yoga classes are designed based on your busy lifestyle. We provide One-to-one training with an interactive session. Call us on 0422 392 937 #yoga #yogaposes #yogaforbeginners #yogaclasses #yogacourse #yogapractice #yogalife #yogaforeveryone #yogajourney #morningyoga #yogatrainer #yogatraining #sydneyyogaclasses

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02.01.2022 Our comprehensive and transformational yoga teacher courses will provide you deep learning of yogic philosophy and boost your confidence to conduct yoga classes. Join Our 200-hour yoga teacher training to become a certified international yoga teacher. Register now to avail of early bird discounts. Call us: 0422 392 937... #yoga #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #yogateachers #yogatrainingteacher #yogatrainings #yogatrainer #yogaforfit #yogacourse #yogasession #sydenyyoga #yogathoughts #australianyoga

02.01.2022 Health Benefits of Paripurna Navasana Tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles Improves balance and digestion Stretches your hamstrings... Strengthens your spine and hip flexors Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines Aids in stress relief Improves confidence Join our yoga classes to achieve Navasana health benefits #yoga #yogapose #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogatrainer #yogateachers #vedicyoga #navasana #healthbenefits #lifestyle #sydneyyogaclasses

01.01.2022 "Yoga takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists. . #nature #yogajourney #balance #hathayoga #crossfit #peace #reiki #healing #selfcare #lifestyle #healthy #training #selflove #sport #travel #yogacommunity #flexibility #life #relax #inspirationquotes #yogaclasses #yogacourses #yogatrainer

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