Lagoon Medical Centre in Yangebup | Medical centre
Lagoon Medical Centre
Locality: Yangebup
Phone: +61 8 6117 0480
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25.01.2022 If you notice a loved one is feeling fried, let them know theyre supported and valued. Words are powerful and they can make a world of difference. #RUOKEveryday
25.01.2022 You dont have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says theyre not OK. By knowing what to say, you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before theyre in crisis. Learn what to say at #TheresMoreToSay
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, granddads, step dads and all the other male role models in our lives. We hope you enjoy your special day.
23.01.2022 This year, National Diabetes Week runs from 12 18 July and the focus will be on supporting the emotional and mental health of people living with diabetes. Did you know that people living with diabetes can make up to 180 extra decisions each day covering everything from food to medication to exercise and more just to stay well and healthy? Mentally and emotionally that is a lot of stress to deal with.... Research shows that managing the daily challenges of diabetes can lead to anxiety, distress and depression for one in three people living with the condition. Thats why this National Diabetes Week, well be working to: Raise awareness of the mental and emotional challenges of managing diabetes Highlight the services and support available to the diabetes community Draw attention to gaps in diabetes service and care Above all well be working with our community, so you know youre not alone. We are here to help and support you. If you or a loved one have any questions, contact the Diabetes WA Helpline on 1300 001 880
22.01.2022 Hand hygiene is paramount!
22.01.2022 National Tradie Month Tip Be sun safe We all know that getting too much sun on our skin can be a bad thing, leading to possible sunburn, dehydration and skin cancer. Because tradies often spend a large proportion of their working day outside, they can receive 5 to 10 times more UVR exposure each year than indoor workers. So its really important to practice sun safe behaviours every day.... Use the five sun safe behaviours, slip, slop, slap, seek and slide, to keep your skin protected, and download the Cancer Councils free SunSmart app to get a daily update on the UV Index and required sun protection times in your area. For more information please make an appointment to chat to our GPs about a skin cancer assessment, and for your tradie tips please contact us on 6117 0480 for an appointment. Put yourself in our hands #nationaltradiemonth #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #backpain #backpainbeeliar #backpainpeth #lagoonphysiotherapy #nathanfreemantlephysio #putyourselfinourhands #physiorules #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy
20.01.2022 Who will you ask? Who will you listen to? Who will you support? Who will you check in with? Learn how to support someone at #InThisTogether #StayConnected #RUOKEveryday See more
20.01.2022 For anyone in need of a little Friday motivation
20.01.2022 National Tradie Month Tip Monitor your mental health According to Mates in Construction, 190 Australian construction industry workers die by suicide each year. It might not be traditional for tradies to open up about their emotions, but statistics like this show how important it is to be savvy about mental health.... Looking after your mental health can play a big part in making sure youre able to do your job well and enjoy life outside of work. Learn how to take care of your mental health by managing stress, speaking up if youre finding things difficult and noticing when others might need a chat or a helping hand. Find more information about the signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression and suicide and where to get help from Beyond Blue. Looking after yourself and looking out for your mates can literally save lives. For more information and tradie tips please contact us on 6117 0480 for an appointment. Put yourself in our hands #nationaltradiemonth #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #backpain #backpainbeeliar #backpainpeth #lagoonphysiotherapy #nathanfreemantlephysio #putyourselfinourhands #physiorules #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy
20.01.2022 National Tradie Month Tip Know your rights and responsibilities In Australia, you have the right to expect your workplace to be as safe as possible, and to be trained to safely do your job and use equipment. You also have responsibilities in ensuring that you work in a way that is safe for you and others.... For more information and National Tradie Month tips please contact us on 6117 0480 for an appointment. Put yourself in our hands #nationaltradiemonth #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #backpain #backpainbeeliar #backpainpeth #lagoonphysiotherapy #nathanfreemantlephysio #putyourselfinourhands #physiorules #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy
19.01.2022 Thursday Tips from our Physio Nathan! Having being a sports physiotherapist and coaching many sports, I have found injury prevention is more important than rehabilitation in the long-term to enjoy your chosen physical activities. Nathan is available to provide exercise programs to prevent future problems in addition to treating your current injuries. Put yourself in our hands Call the practice on 6117 0480 to make an appointment or book online via Hot Doc.
19.01.2022 We encourage you to reach out, have a yarn, check in with your mob and stay connected - because were stronger together. If you or a loved one need support, Lifeline can provide a listening ear and telephone crisis support 24/7 on 13 11 14
18.01.2022 Thank you to the tato-ly wonderful friends around us who always look out for us, have our best interests at heart and ask R U OK? Tag your best spud!
18.01.2022 National Tradie Month Tip Eat for energy and nutrition Eating out for lunch or having a takeaway can be a quick fix for hunger, but the options at the local corner store or takeaway joint arent always the healthiest. Food and drinks like burgers, chips, sausage rolls and soft drinks can contain a lot of kilojoules (energy) but arent very nutritious. This means that your body doesnt get a lot of the nutrients it needs from these foods, but does get a lot of extra that if not used, will be stored as fat. Help your body get the nutrients it needs by packing tasty and nutritious food and drink in your esky - like a healthy sandwich and an apple or banana. If you visit the local takeaway or fast food joint, look out for the kilojoules on the menu and select items that are lower in kilojoules (energy). Also, remember to hydrate on water rather than opting for a soft drink. A good tip is to freeze your water overnight, and then use it to keep your food cool and you hydrated during the day. For more information and tradie tips please contact us on 6117 0480 for an appointment. Put yourself in our hands #nationaltradiemonth #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #backpain #backpainbeeliar #backpainpeth #lagoonphysiotherapy #nathanfreemantlephysio #putyourselfinourhands #physiorules #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy
17.01.2022 Are you or a loved one living with a chronic condition, like asthma? It can be a life-long challenge, managing symptoms, avoiding triggers, and navigating various treatment plans and medications. However, it is manageable with a personalised Asthma Action Plan. Call the team on 6117 0480 to book in with a GP to talk more
16.01.2022 Breathing in and breathing out. Many of us take this simple action for granted yet for those that live with asthma, it can become a serious challenge that can severely limit a persons activities. National Asthma Awareness Week is on from the 1st to the 7th September 2020. What is Asthma? Asthma directly affects the lungs when certain triggers cause swelling and a narrowing of the airways. This restrictive feeling in the airways along with the mucus that is produced makes it hard to breathe. Asthmatic episodes can occur over a longer period of time or within minutes.
16.01.2022 Each year on 11 November, at 11am we pause for a minutes silence, as we remember those who have served, died and suffered in all wars and armed conflicts, and this year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. Remembrance Day is an important time to remember the honourable Australian service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy our freedom today. We will remember them.... #remembranceday2020
15.01.2022 Symptoms of Asthma Include: wheezing continuing cough tightness of the chest... Short of breath Symptoms may be triggered early in the morning or in the evening, or after activity, yet if an asthma management plan is followed then this will minimise symptoms. Causes of Asthma The direct cause of asthma is still proving to be elusive though to some extent may be hereditary. Environmental factors such as tobacco smoke, weight gain can increase the chance of the onset of asthma.
14.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that 1 in 12 people will develop bowel cancer in their lifetime? Blood in your bowel movement, unexplained weight loss, persistent change in bowel habit & severe abdominal pain are all symptoms you should have checked by your GP. #bowelcancerawarenessmonth
14.01.2022 In Australia, one in nine people have a form of asthma and although there is no cure, symptoms can be controlled with an Asthma Management Plan. Chat to our doctors today to take control of your asthma! Book an appointment by calling the practice on 6117 0480 or book online through our website
13.01.2022 Choose somewhere relatively private and comfortable, and make sure youve both got enough time to chat. By picking your moment, you can help them feel as relaxed as possible when opening up. Find more conversation tips at
13.01.2022 Screening for women under 25 By now we all know the Cervical Screening Test has replaced the Pap test, but what do these changes mean now for young women under 25 who are about to enter the new program? If you are under 25 years old your first Cervical Screening Test will be due either: When you turn 25 years of age If your last Pap test was at 22 years of age and your result was normal it is safe to wait until you turn 25 years for your Cervical Screening Test.... After you are 25 years of age, once it has been two years since your last Pap test If you had a Pap test at 24 years of age and your result was normal you can wait until you turn 26 years to have the Cervical Screening Test. Of course at any age if you are experiencing unusual symptoms contact the clinic on 08 6117 0480 to schedule an appointment!
12.01.2022 Its R U OK? Day, our national day of action and a reminder to Trust the Signs, Trust your Gut & Ask R U OK? any day its needed. Today were calling on Australia to learn when and how to start a conversation that could change a life. Learn the signs and how to ask and help us move closer to our vision of a world where were all connected and protected from suicide:
12.01.2022 Today marks the start of National Cervical Cancer Awareness Week and the theme of the week is #timetocatchup ! This year there have been more barriers to screening due to lockdowns from COVID-19, however we want women to know that NOW is the time to catch up if you have missed your most recent cervical screening. Between March and June 2020, almost half of Australian women fell behind in their Cervical Screening Tests. Before this, we were on track to eliminate cervical ca...ncer in Australia by 2035. This November we're asking everyone to remind anyone with a cervix in their lives to go and catch up on their missed tests. Embrace the awkward - book in for your cervical screening today Make an appointment by calling the practice on 08 6117 0480 today!
11.01.2022 How are you going? We can all reach out and provide support to our mates, loved ones, colleagues and neighbours going through a tough time. Start the conversation, because that conversation could change a life. Learn how at Reach out to our GPs and make an appointment on 08 6117 0480 or book online through See more
10.01.2022 Did you know - Over 70% of all cervical cancers detected are in women who have never screened or are overdue. Regular cervical screening is your best protection against cervical cancer. If you’re unsure when you’re next due, call the practice on 6117 0480 to schedule an appointment with your GP
09.01.2022 If you think a friend, family member or colleague is struggling, chances are they might be. When you notice a change, no matter how small, trust the signs, trust your gut and ask R U OK? Learn the signs at
08.01.2022 Did you know you can check-in for your appointment at Lagoon Medical Centre and see your place in the queue, all from your mobile phone, using the HotDoc app. The HotDoc app is available for free download for most android and iOS devices.
07.01.2022 Love your heart Take care of your health especially during COVID-19.
06.01.2022 Lagoon Medical Centre is a GP Urgent Care provider. Not all emergencies require an emergency department visit, many people can be seen by a GP for non-life threatening conditions. You can book an urgent care appointment online at: or by calling reception on 08 6117 0480. #GPUrgentCare
05.01.2022 Held in June each year during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Red Apple Day is an awareness day for bowel cancer with a symbolic message. The red apple (Bowel Cancer Australias logo) is actually an abstract representation of a human colon and the small hole in the apple represents the worm (cancer). If detected early enough and removed, the worm is unable to continue affecting the health of the apple. The same is true for bowel cancer, which is preventable, treatable and beatable if detected in time.
05.01.2022 National Tradie Month Tip Think twice about alcohol and drugs While enjoying a drink at the end of the workday might be a tradition among your work crew, its important to think carefully before consuming alcohol or drugs.... Alcohol and drugs can impede your decision-making skills and ability to use your body properly. This means the effects of either could impact how well you can do your job, and make you dangerous to yourself and others when youre at work. The use of alcohol and drugs can also impact your overall well-being, relationships and activities outside of work. You can learn more about drugs and alcohol, how they could affect your performance at work and your overall health through the resources on the Alcohol and Drug Foundation. For more information and National Tradie Month tips please contact us on 6117 0480 for an appointment. Put yourself in our hands #nationaltradiemonth #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #backpain #backpainbeeliar #backpainpeth #lagoonphysiotherapy #nathanfreemantlephysio #putyourselfinourhands #physiorules #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy
05.01.2022 Perth tradies need to look after the most valuable part of their toolkit their health! The Australian Physiotherapy Association announces Tradies National Health Month for August 2020 MEDIA RELEASE This August 2020 during Tradies National Health Month physiotherapists at Lagoon Physiotherapy Beeliar are calling on tradies to take care of their most valuable asset their health. It comes as Aussie tradies continue to have some of the poorest health and injury out...comes compared to other workers. To promote Tradie month, Lagoon Physiotherapy Beeliar will be offering 20% off appointments to all tradies during the month of August 2020. According to the latest Safe Work Australia statistics*, our tradies make up less than one third (30 percent) of the Australian workforce yet account for almost three in five (58 per cent) serious workplace injuries. The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) campaign aims to engage and empower tradies to maintain their health and wellbeing, and seek preventive treatment before small niggles become more serious chronic injuries. Most tradies assume a few aches and pains are part and parcel of their demanding physical work, but few seek regular preventive health checks which can significantly reduce common musculoskeletal conditions, including muscle/tendon injuries, knee, shoulder and back pain. APA physiotherapist Nathan Freemantle says it is important to remind tradies that their health and safety is a priority, and that their bodies are their most important tool. This Tradies National Health Month, were reminding tradies to look after all aspects of their health and wellbeing, Nathan Freemantle said. We want tradies, their families and employers to be proactive about managing and preventing a range of common injuries and health conditions. Physically demanding trade jobs can exacerbate conditions like heart disease and diabetes, but with the strong evidence-based treatments that physiotherapists employ, tradies can maintain their health and continue doing what they do best. * Safe Work Australia 2015-16 National Data Set for Compensation-based Statistics For more information about how physiotherapy can help keep tradies in top condition please contact: Lagoon Physiotherapy Beeliar Unit 1, Beeliar Hive Shopping Centre 283 Beeliar Drive, Yangebup WA 6164 08 6117 0480 Put yourself in our hands See more
04.01.2022 Welcome Dr Gagandeep Kundal! Dr Deep graduated in 2002 from the Government Medical College Amritsar, India. He has been practicing as a GP in Australia for the past 3 years. Dr Deep has experience in all different areas of medicine and has particular interest in paediatrics, mental health, mens health and travel medicine.... Outside of the clinic, Dr Deep enjoys reading, driving and watching movies. Languages spoken: English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu You can book with Dr Deep online via HotDoc or by speaking with one of our friendly receptionists on 08 6117 0480 or pop in.
04.01.2022 We are open on Monday 28th Sept for the public holiday, Queens Birthday 8am - 6pm Stay safe and enjoy your long weekends!... Call the clinic and speak to one of our friendly receptionists on 08 6117 0480, or online through Hot Doc -
03.01.2022 National Tradie Month Tip Dont skip exercise Because the work can be physical, many tradespeople get some incidental exercise each day as part of their job. But while you might feel strong or fit because of your work, its important to think about the types of exercise youre not getting during the day and activities that might benefit your body.... Stretching exercises, like yoga, can help relieve tension, improve flexibility and maintain range of motion, while cardio burns excess kilojoules and strengthens your heart and lungs. Improving your core strength can help reduce your risk of pain and injury at work. Take some time every day before or after work, or at a lunch time, to focus on a bit of bodily maintenance. For more information and tradie tips please contact us on 6117 0480 for an appointment. Put yourself in our hands #nationaltradiemonth #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #backpain #backpainbeeliar #backpainpeth #lagoonphysiotherapy #nathanfreemantlephysio #putyourselfinourhands #physiorules #sportsphysio #sportsphysiotherapy
03.01.2022 We are open after hours! If you need a doctor after hours, we are available. Please book online or call us. Monday to Friday 7am - 9pm Saturday and Sunday 8am - 6pm Website - Phone number - (08) 6117 0480
03.01.2022 Patients aged 65 and over may feel increased lower back stiffness or pain during the colder months. Our teams chiropractor, Dr Brian, is able to apply gentle techniques to help you with your lower back pain. Call the practice on 6117 0480 or book online through Hot Doc!
01.01.2022 Its time to ask R U OK? if you notice a change, no matter how small, in your friends, family and peers. Look for clues in: What theyre saying What theyre doing Whats going on in their life By acting as eyes and ears and reaching out to anyone whos going through a tough time we can show them theyre supported and encourage them to access help sooner. Learn more at
01.01.2022 7 simple steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
01.01.2022 Controlling Asthma The best way to manage and reduce the severity of asthma symptoms is to take a proactive approach ensuring that medication and puffers are used correctly so that the right dose reaches the lungs during an asthmatic episode. Speaking to your doctor about your medication or puffer, as well as potential side effects will give you the best chance to holistically manage asthma. Controlling asthma with a Management Plan can reward you with a full and active lifestyle. Book in to talk with one of our GPs today by calling the practice on 6117 0480 or online through
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