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Latinos in Melbourne in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Community group

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Latinos in Melbourne

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 411 245 868

Address: Level 7, 343 Littke Collins street 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Visa Updates, Changes, New Visa Options and Flexibility Updates for Onshore and Offshore Students - TR Application time extended for offshore students - Studying outside of Australia will also count as a study period in Australia... - Additional time to provide an English language test result Read more: ------------------- If you are currently offshore and want to apply for TR 485 (Temporary Graduate Visa), fill up this form: (Upon filling up, one of our Team Members will contact you shortly) In regards to any Migration/Education/Visa related query, book an Online Consultation with RACC Australia Migration Agent and Education Agent: ------------------- #visaextension #visaupdates #borderupdate #tarvelrestriction #studentvisapplication #trforoffshorestudents

24.01.2022 /Sponsor Post/ 1 Year Diploma in Project Management. - Course Fee (Promotional Offer): AU$5500... - Initial Fee: AU$ 1000 only - Monthly installment payment option available Join our Free Event this Thursday to know more about other 1 Year Affordable Study options: ---------------------------------------------------- RACC Education & Migration Services - 20 years of experience - We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses - No service charge for student visa application* - 4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction - Our Team speak multiple languages English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc... - Registered Migration Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003) - - - - - Book your Free Consultation today at : -------------------------------------- #1yearcourse #diplomaofprojectmanagement #cheapcourses #visaextension #studentvisaextension #tradecourses #prcourses #autonomotivecourse #vocationalcourses #coversionprogram #registerednurse #nursingcoursewithoutbackground #invitationround #regionalmigration #paintingcourse #constructioncourse MARN1572961, MARN1172003)

23.01.2022 ASEAN Students of RMIT's coffee chat with Michael Moeidjiantho(Registered Migration Agent, MARN1572961). 6 PM Today! - The journey and the pathway for International students. Michael will take us back 2 decades back when he started.... - Useful advice and pathways for International Student #Internationalstudents

23.01.2022 it is what it is

22.01.2022 Live from Parliament :

22.01.2022 Working Holiday Visa Expiring soon? Read more about your options: 1 Year Courses starting from $4500 per year (Diploma of Digital MArketing, Diploma of Project Management) // Limited-time promotion. - - - - - Book your Free Consultation today with RACC Australia Migration Agent and Education Agent 4.9/5 Google Rating ---------------------------------------- #TR485 #studentvisaextension #raccaustralia #studentvisaextension #migrationagent #educationagent #maraagent #raccmigrationagent #statesponsor #regionalmigration #interimperiod #InvitationRound #PriorityOccupationList #Visapplication #MigrationAgent #RACCAustralia

22.01.2022 Event starting shortly in about half an hour. At 5:55 PM. Register now if you have not registered yet. Registration Link:

22.01.2022 Following today's 191 new cases, Victorian premier Daniel Andrews announced and reimposed Stage Three Lockdown in Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire Read more here: #Stage3lockdown #stagethreelocdown #coronavirusvictoria #wfh #lockdownvictoria #raccaustralia #ocvidupdate #lockdownmelbourne

17.01.2022 Breaking News Victorian Premier Dan Andrews now announcing the roadmap to reopening for Victoria. - 4 Step planogram to COVID Normal - Curfew to be eased from 28 September (9pm-5am)... - 101,000 workers are expected to be back at work by 28 September Check out the industries and the full news below: ------------------ Amid the pandemic, you still would need a valid Visa to remain in Australia. Read more: ------------------ Book your FREE Online Consultation with us: (Registered Migration Agent, MARN1572961, MARN1172003) ------------------------------------------------------- 20 Years of experience in assisting students with Visa and Education Free Student Visa Application if you apply for a course through RACC Professional Year Scholarship #raccaustralia #roadmap #stagefourlockdown #regionalvictoria #visaextension

14.01.2022 1 Year Diploma course for only $4500 Monthly Installment payment option available No service charge for Student Visa Application* Read more: - - - - - - - - - -... RACC Education & Migration Services 20 years of experience Our Team speaks multiple languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc... We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses No service charge for student visa application* 4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction Registered Migration and Education Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003) - - - - - - - - - - Book a FREE Online Consultation with RACC Australia Migration Agent and Education Agent - - - - - - - - - - #Scholarship #Business #VisaExtension #SocialMediaCourse #DiplomaofMarketing #Diplomacourses #ProjectManagement #MasterofProjectManagement #EducationAgent #StudentVisa #VisaApplication #MigrationAgent #RACCAustralia See more

13.01.2022 http://Sponsor Post// Business Visa 188 B NSW State Nomination granted in less than 3 months Review from the client -... " From the beginning, the steps where explained Advised on all the risks and alternate Business Visa options Provided Clear Instructions and timely support No communication barrier as their team speaks multiple languages " Genuine Advice You can Trust. #RegisteredMigrationAgents - - - Book an Online Consultation regarding any Migration, Visa, or study-related query: #RegisteredMIgrationAgent #Subclass888 #Subclass188 #BusinessMigration #PermanentResidency #VisaApplication #Visaextension

13.01.2022 1 Year Diploma courses starting from $4400 . Monthly Installment payment option available Weekend/ evening class option No service charge for Student Visa Application*... Read more: - - - - - - - - - - RACC Education & Migration Services 20 years of experience Our Team speaks multiple languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc... We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses No service charge for student visa application* 4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction Registered Migration and Education Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003) - - - - - - - - - - Book a FREE Online Consultation with us: - - - - - - - - - - #Scholarship #Business #VisaExtension #ProjectManagement #MasterofProjectManagement #EducationAgent #StudentVisa #VisaApplication #MigrationAgent #RACCAustralia See more

12.01.2022 Re-opening Australia - Ease of Restriction - Latest Coronavirus statistics... Read more: #LatinosinMelbourne #easeofrestriction #lockdown #covid19 #coronavirus

11.01.2022 Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List Announced just now. - 17 Occupations are listed - In-demand courses for Migration... - In-demand sectors Read more: - - - To know your MIgration options, State and Regional Migration pathway, or Visa related inquiry, book a FREE Online Consultation with us: - - - (Registered Migration Agents, MARN1572961, MARN1172003) Genuine Advice You can Trust ---------------------------------------- #raccaustralia #skilledmigration #190visa #491visa #189visa #nsw190 #nswstatenomination #skileldoccupationlist #Priorityskilledoccupationlist #sollist #skilledoccupationlist #eoi #invitationround #newlist

10.01.2022 * Sponsor Post * Register Now to save a seat for You: - - -... Time: 6:00 PM Date: 2 July 2020 (Thursday) Registered Migration Agent from RACC Australia Migration Agent and Education Agent will be providing helpful advice on Temporary Graduate Visa, Permanent Resident Visa, and other Visa Options for international students. - - - Topics within this session include: Requirements to apply for TR and PR How to maximize points to apply PR What options do you have to apply PR Professional Year with Scholarship, when to start State Nomination and Regional Migration #LatinosinMelbourne

10.01.2022 me @ my responsibilities . . . #memes #funny #español #latinos #latinx ... #internationalstudents #lmao #memesdaily See more

09.01.2022 . . . #memes #funny #español #latinos #latinx ... #internationalstudents #lmao #memesdaily See more

09.01.2022 http://Sponsor Post// Massive Discount 1 Year course for only $4400... Check more course detail here: To check more study options more: *At RACC, we do not charge any service fee for course application. Book a FREE Online Consultation with us: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #StudyinAustrlia #InternationalStudentsinAustralia #LeadershipandManagement #Diplomacourses #Affordablecourses #GraduateDiploamCourses #teachingcourses

09.01.2022 In the Federal budget, the Government announced a $1.2 billion dollars investment in wage subsidy which will be for businesses hiring new trainees and apprentices. - In effect from 5 October 2020 - Estimated to create 100,000 new jobs - This is great news for students who are studying cookery, trade, and other in-demand courses. Read more: ------------------------ RACC Education & Migration Services - 20 years of experience - We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses - No service charge for student visa application* - 4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction - Our Team speak multiple languages English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc... - Registered Education and Migration Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003) Book your Free Consultation today at : -------------------------------------- #victoriastatesponsor #victoriainterimperiod #RegionalMIgration #StateSponsor #Statenomination #cookery #hospitalitymanagement #chefcourse #diplomaofprojectmanagement #cheapcourses #visaextension #studentvisaextension #tradecourses #wagesubsidy #budget2020 #tradeoccupations #indemandjobs See more

08.01.2022 Australia is planning to reopen completely by 1st July 2020. Gradual ease of restriction is in place for the states. Here's a state by state look at the new rules in place: - - - #Easeofrestriction #victoria #melbourne #government #internationalstudents #restriction #lockdown #relaxation #socialdistancing #exercise #outdoor #socialgathering #crononavirus #covid19 #migration #RACCAustralia #reopeningAustralia See more

08.01.2022 ! - Subclass 801 and subclass 820 granted on the same day - Expert Registered Migration Agents - Genuine Advice You can Trust.... Read more: ---------------------------- RACC Education & Migration Services - 20 years of experience - We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses - No service charge for student visa application* - 4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction - Our Team speak multiple languages English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc... - Registered Migration Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003) - - - - - Book your Free Consultation today at : ---------------------------------------- #partnervisa #Partnervisapplication #visaextension #studentvisaextension #educationagent #maraagent #raccmigrationagent #statesponsor #regionalmigration #interimperiod #InvitationRound #PriorityOccupationList #Visapplication #MigrationAgent #RACCAustralia

08.01.2022 that's just how we are . . . #memes #funny #español #latinos #latinx ... #internationalstudents #lmao #memesdaily See more

08.01.2022 State of Disaster Victoria announces the State of Disaster and will move to Stage 4 Lockdown from 6 PM (Sunday, 2 August 2020) - Melbourne will be in Stage 4 lockdown and till 13 September 2020.... - The curfew will be in place from 8pm to 5am - Tighter restrictions imposed. Read more here: ---------------------------------------------------------- #stateofdisaster #stage4lockdown #victorialockdown #tighterrestrcition #coronavirusvictoria

06.01.2022 *at a party* "Suavementeee..." :... . . . . #j4f #students #memes #suavemente #latinmusic #elviscrespo #funny #latinos #memesdaily #internationalstudent See more

05.01.2022 /sponsored post/ Register via this link: (Zoom link and password will be provided upon registration before the event day) Migration Pathways and Visa Options Affordable options (same Course)... Invitation Round Trend Find out your PY OPTIONS in Melbourne and other States When to start PY Scholarship See more

04.01.2022 /sponsored post/

04.01.2022 When will Travel ban be lifted and restrictions be eased in Australia When will International Students be allowed to come back in Australia Read more to find out Visa Implications of the lockdown:... See more

03.01.2022 http:// Sponsor Post // Nursing Course without Nursing background 1 Year Teaching Course with Guaranteed Job Placement 1 Year Diploma Course: $4400... And many more.... 11 June (Thursday), 6:00 PM Register Now to save a seat for You: - - - Conducted by Registered Migration Agent (MARN1572961) Apply to courses anywhere in Australia. At RACC Australia Migration Agent and Education Agent, there is no service charge student visa applications. #LatinosinMelbourne

03.01.2022 Registered Migration Agent will be providing helpful updates and advice on MIgration pathways and Visa options. Topics within this session include: Popular Trade Courses Hospitality, Cookery courses... Trade Courses in Regional Area Affordable Courses Information on changing your existing Course Study options across different states Migration updates Registration Link: #latinosinMelbourne #tradecourses #visaextension #studentvisa #prcourses #studyinaustralia

03.01.2022 Update Victoria Skilled Visa Nomination update for the interim period. - Focus on Health care sector occupations - Application opening date is 8 September 2020... - The last date of application is 5pm, 21 September 2020 Read more: - - - 50% discount on your 190 and 491 application. RACC Australia Migration Agent and Education Agent To know your Migration options, State and Regional Migration pathway, or Visa related inquiry, book a FREE Online Consultation with RACC: - - - (Registered Migration Agents, MARN1572961, MARN1172003) Genuine Advice You can Trust ---------------------------------------- #raccaustralia #skilledmigration #190visa #491visa #189visa #nsw190 #nswstatenomination #skileldoccupationlist #Priorityskilledoccupationlist #sollist #skilledoccupationlist #eoi #invitationround #newlist #victoria190 #victoriastatenomination #subclass491 #visanomination

02.01.2022 Good News for Melbourne and Victoria #lockdown #ease #rule #covid19 #update #victoria #update #news #melbourne #corona #lockdownupdate #travel #outdoor #indoor ...#gathering #restriction #hospitality #golfandtennis #sport #commercialrealestate #essential #housepainting #mobileandhomebusiness #pool #carwash See more

02.01.2022 If your visa is expiring soon and you are considering extending your stay in Australia, you may have multiple options to extend your visa Read more: - - - - - - - - - - RACC Education & Migration Services... - 20 years of experience - Our Team speak multiple languages English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc... - We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses - No service charge for student visa application* - 4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction - Registered Migration and Education Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003) Book a FREE Consultation with us: - - - - - - - - - - #Scholarship #BusinessAdministration #StudentVisaApplication #InternationalStudent #RACCAustralia #VisaApplication #VisaExtension #MigrationAgent #EducationAgent #MARA See more

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