The Latvian Association of South Australia in Wayville, South Australia, Australia | Non-profit organisation
The Latvian Association of South Australia
Locality: Wayville, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 406 716 464
Address: 36 Rose Tce 5034 Wayville, SA, Australia
Likes: 510
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25.01.2022 The Board of The Latvian Association of South Australia Inc. (ALB) informs the Latvian Community of South Australia at large that in light of the heightened level of concern related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and inline with the Commonwealth of Australia Dept. Of Health directives all activities scheduled by the ALB have been cancelled until further notice. The activities cancelled until further notice include: All ALB LaimaCHSP programme group based activities (Rosme, morning, bus trip and scrabblemornings) Monthly cooking classes (March and April) Gift & souvenier shop Sakta (closed as of 21 March until beginning of May) Mixed Choir Dziesmu Laiva rehersals and sadziedansevent. We will notify when regular activities will resume, pending the stabilisation of the current health crisis. We sincerely thank each and everyone of our supporters for your understanding and co-operation at this unprecedented time. We wish everyone good health and look forward to seeing each and every one, when the COVID-19 virus fight will be over. The Latvian Association of SA Inc. >>>---<<< Adelaides Latvieu biedrbas valde inform Adelaides latvieu sabiedrbu, ka sakar ar COVID-19 vrusa izplatbu Austrlij un sekojot Austrlijas Veselbas ministrijas nordm, ka visi paredztie Adelaides Latvieu biedrbas paskumi/sarkojumi tiek uz laiku atcelti. aj skait iekauta visa ALB Laima senioru programma (Rosme, kino rts, izbraukums ar pusdienm un scrabble rti). Ar tiek uz laiku atceltas pavrmkslas klases (marts un aprlis), k ar ALB veikali Sakta skot ar .g.21. martu, uz laiku nestrds (ldz maija skumam). ALB jaukt kora Dziesmu Laivas minjumi un sadziedans sarkojums uz laiku atcelti (ldz maija skumam). Darsim zinmu, kad atkal darbba tiks atskta, kad situcija stabilizsies. Ms jau iepriek pateicmies visiem par sapratni un sadarbbu aj vl nepieredzt veselbas prbaudes laik un novl visiem labu veselbu. Uz atkal tikanos, kad COVID-19 vruss bs apkarots. ALB valde
25.01.2022 Sakta is open on Saturday from 10am until 1pm! Just in - 2021 Calendar for everyday appointments and to view Latvia through a camera lens. Come and grab one before they all run out! As always, we also have our very popular Latvian rye bread for sale! We also just received some Latvian glass Christmas ornaments that will make a great decoration for your tree or home!... Lots to see and buy at Sakta this Saturday from 10am! See you then!
25.01.2022 Lieldienas ir jautri svtki, tpc Rosmieši turpina svint, suminjm ar gavinieci Astrdu Veigurs vias apaaj jubilej. Lai veselba un možs gars
24.01.2022 We're looking at a bright future! We are currently renovating our Latvian book store "Sakta", and will soon be opening our doors! See you soon! Ms skatmies uz gaiku nkotni! aj klusaj period, msu veikali, Sakta, tiek remontts! Drz vrsim durvis un darbu atsksim! Uz tikanos!
24.01.2022 Rnram Kauperam izsakm sirsngu paldies par 4.maija sveicienu gan vrdos, gan dziesm! "Mana dziesma" lai tiek dziedta no paaudzes paaudz!
24.01.2022 Cooking is back! Saturday Skaidrte will be demonstrating her Layered Ryebread Desert. There are only 20 seats left for Skaidrtes demonstration. Please call Ilze on 0406 716 464 to secure a seat! Saturday 11am, 36 Rose Tce, Wayville. Our bookstore, Sakta, is open from 10am
24.01.2022 Announcement: Tomorrow's cooking class at The Latvian Assoc of SA is cancelled due to strict COVID restrictions. Our gift store "Sakta" is open from 10am to 1pm. Our new 2021 calendars are for sale, as well as Latvian rye bread. Come and visit!
24.01.2022 M un sirsngs paldies visiem, kas vakar piedaljs msu virtulos Balt galdauta svtkos!!! pas m paldies visiem msu viesiem par atsaucbu un video sveicieniem. Jauki nosvinti svtki saules mu Latvijai! Thank you to all who participated in our "White Tablecloth Celebration" - our first online zoom event! Friends joined us from near and far for a celebratory evening!
22.01.2022 Following the successful Baltic Christmas Market held last year, the Baltic Council is planning to hold another market this year on Sunday 29th November 2020 from 11 am to 3 pm. The aim of the Christmas market is to promote our community produce, handicrafts, art and other Baltic items for sale to the wider Baltic Community and to the general Adelaide community. We are now seeking expressions of interest from people or organisations for stalls for this market. We will a table of approximately 2.4 metres in length to be used as the stall and the decoration etc will be left to the stall holders. All stalls will be in the main hall of Estonian House and set up will be allowed on Sunday from 9 am. There will be a $10 fee for each stallholder. There will be some snack food available for purchase on the day in the bar area which will be available for anyone attending. The bar will also be open on that day. Would you like to set up a stall? Please contact Rudis Dancis on 0412 637 427 or email [email protected]. See more
21.01.2022 Rosmes dalbnieki odien atkal satiks, lai svintu, mintu un baudtu kop banu. Suminjm Geu 99 dzimanas dien un gaidsim nkogadu, kad bs liela un apaa svinana. Ziedi un laba vljumi ar Lolitai. Rosmiei izbaudja ar moderno tehnoloiju priekrocbas un Ilzes Radzias vadb visi kop splja Kas, kas ko? Aicinam ar citus senjorus pievienoties Rosmes pulciam. Rosme seniors monthly lunch on 1.September (start of School year in Latvia) had everyone reminiscing about their first day at school and with the use of technology played the internet quiz "Kas, kas, ko?" Two birthdays were celebrated: Geas 99th and Lolitas birthday. A delicious Latvian lunch followed by coffee and Birthday cake!
21.01.2022 Otrdien, 4.februr atska darbu senjoru grupa Rosme. Un izrdjs, ka plaaj jubilru pulci bija prsvar Laimas darbinieces. Paldies par ziediem un uz tikanos nkoaj Rosm
21.01.2022 Kas notiek Adelaides Latvieu biedrb, .g. mart?
21.01.2022 Tiekamies rt plkst. 10:00 ALB "Sakt"! See you tomorrow at 10am at Latvian gift store "Sakta"
20.01.2022 Today we welcomed the return of cooking classes! Ulla demonstrated her classic Latvian borscht recipe to some hungry onlookers. The Latvian bookstore Sakta was also open to eager shoppers buying Latvian rye bread. A lovely morning had by all! @ The Latvian Association of South Australia
20.01.2022 Members of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communities of South Australia attended a wreath laying ceremony to remember the mass deportations of 1941 by The Soviet Union.
19.01.2022 Paldies vru korim "Veseris", pai Sandrai un Robertam Birzm par atsaucbu un ldzdalbu ALB Balt galdauta svtkos "Zoom". Ar "Vesera" vadbas atauju, ievietojam dziesmu "Lni, lni dievi brauca". Atkrtoti baudiet kora varenbu. Jauku klausanos!
19.01.2022 Cooking class is on tomorrow, Saturday 27th March at 11am! Inra K will be demonstrating how to colour traditional Latvian Easter eggs AND also how to make Pashka! Please call Ilze 0406 716 464 to book your place. Pavrmkas kursi - 27. mart plkst.11:00, ALB nam pavrmkas klas rds latviskas Lieldienu receptes!! Pieteikšans zvanot Ilzei: 0406 716 464
18.01.2022 A big thank you to Krys, Aleksas, Dam and the Adelaide Lithuanian Community for hosting the Baltic Beer Night last night! A great success! Beers from Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia were thoroughly enjoyed!!
18.01.2022 ALB Sakta rt (sestdien) bs atvrta no plkst 10:00 ldz 15:00 pirms AZVVas izlaidumu, ALB nam 36 Rose Tce, Wayville. Visi laipni aicint iegdaties kartias, k ar Latvijas un vietjo meistaru darintas dvanias.ALB Sakta rt (sestdien) bs atvrta no plkst 10:00 ldz 15:00 pirms AZVVas izlaidumu, ALB nam 36 Rose Tce, Wayville. Visi laipni aicint iegdaties kartias, k ar Latvijas un vietjo meistaru darintas dvanias.
18.01.2022 Sekojot Austrlijas valdbas nordm, ALB sarkojumi/paskumi tiek uz laiku atcelti. Darsim zinmu, kad atkal darbba atsksies. Paldies par sapratni un jums viesiem no mums visiem novlam labu veselbu! - ALB valde In accordance with the Australian Governments directives, The Latvian Association of SA has cancelled all scheduled activities until further notice. We will notify when regular activities will resume. A sincere thank you for your understanding and support. From all of us to all of you, wishes of good health!
18.01.2022 A commemoration service for the anniversary of The Baltic Way was held today at the St Peters Latvian Lutheran Church. Attended by approximately 50 people and livestreamed over Facebook, the service was lead by Dean Jnis Priedkalns, Father Agnis Roztis and Deacon Ivars Ozols. (Photography Pteris Strazds)
18.01.2022 Cooking class 27th February at 11:00am Margota and Ints will demonstrate the process of making a starter culture for yoghurt and cottage cheese and from the home-made cottage cheese bake a cheesecake (biezpienkka). Due to COVID-19 restrictions bookings are essential. Donation at the door $10.00 (LAIMA clients $5.00). Please call Ilze 0406 716464 to book your place. 27. februr, plkst.11.00, ALB nam Margota un Ints demonstrs jogurta un biezpiena sntes ieskšanas procesu, un pc tam no paštaist biezpiena ceptu biezpienkku. Dalbas maksa $5.00 LAIMAS klientiem, prjiem $10.00. Pieteikšans obligta (ierobežojums 20 cilvku).
17.01.2022 ALB jauktais koris "Dziesmu laiva" ieldz visus uz Mras Zltes dzejas muziklo pcpusdienu, Tlavas, Lielaj zl, svtdien, 2020.g.1. novembr, plkst. 14:00. Piedalsies DV vru koris Daugava k ar citi dziedtji un mzii. Ieeja $15. Bietes vars iegdties pie durvm. Sdšana bs pie galdiem. Vars iegdties kafiju un kkas. Ja, COVID-19 ierobežojumi tiks pastiprinti, muzikl pcpusdiena nenotiks. Ldzu sekojiet COVID-19 ierobežojumiem! Skku informciju var uz...zint no L.Daenke 0423 591 176 >>>----<<< ALB choir Dziesmu laiva invites you to a musical afternoon to celebrate the works of Latvian poet Mra Zlte Sunday, 1st November, 2020 at 2:00pm, Latvian Hall. The program will include: ALB choir Dziesmu laiva, DV male choir Daugava and many other performers. Entry: $15. Coffee and cakes available for purchase. All COVID-19 restrictions at the time will be adhered to. For further information phone Lilita: 0423 591 176
17.01.2022 Invitation to attend an event to commemorate the mass deportations of the Baltic peoples You are warmly invited to attend the annual Melbourne Baltic community event commemorating the mass deportations by the Soviet regime of the peoples of the Baltic states on 14 June 1941. This year the event is coordinated by the Melbourne Latvian community. The format has been adapted to accommodate the restrictions on gatherings imposed as a result of the coronovirus pandemic. We are p...leased that the proposed electronic option will enable a wider community to participate. The program will include addresses by the President of Latvia, Egils Levits, the President of Latvia 1999-2007, Prof. Dr. Vaira Ve-Freiberga and the three Honorary consuls in Victoria, Danute Levickis (Lithuania), Lembit Marder (Estonia) and Janis Delins (Latvia) with musical performances by Baltic musicians from Australia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. The event will be available to watch on YouTube (via an unlisted link) from Sunday 14 June 2020 at 10.00am (EST) and be available for viewing until 30 June. It is anticipated that the YouTube link for the event will be available on or before 12 June on the websites of the Sydney Latvian Community -, Latvian newspaper "Laikraksts" in the "Sarkojumi, ziojumi", ("What's On") section - , the Latvian Federation of Australia and New Zealand - and the Melbourne Estonian community - The link will also be available by contacting Anita Anderson, Chair, Association of Latvian Organisations in Melbourne [email protected], Peter Strazds, Baltic Council of South Australia [email protected], ; Ilze Radzins, Chair, Adelaide Latvian Society [email protected] , Bernadette Pilli, Chairperson, Melbourne Estonian Society - [email protected] and Rita Maiulaitis, President, Australian Lithuanian Community in Melbourne Association Inc. [email protected]. Let us light a candle as we join around the world to reflect on the memories of our shared painful history and contemplate the worth of our hard won independence and the responsibility of building a strong Baltic future. Anita Anderson Chair Association of Latvian Organisations in Melbourne See more
16.01.2022 Reminder: cooking class Christmas tomorrow. Don't forget your Kris Kringle gift to the value of $10.00 and a plate of food. Sakta will be open from 10:00am. Last rye bread delivery this year! Piparkkas (gingerbread), calenders (A4 Latvian version, made for Australia) & other Christmas gifts available.
16.01.2022 The Latvian Mixed Choir Dziesmu Laiva is celebrating 70 years since its foundation on March 28th, 1951. Congratulations and long may Latvian songs live!! ALB jauktais koris Dziesmu Laiva dibints 1951.g. 28 mart. Šogad atzm 70. pastvšanas jubileju! Daudz baltu dieniu dziedot!!
15.01.2022 Rosme seniors with their colourful hats and a Latvian style lunch on 3 November celebrated Melbourne Cup and Latvia's 102nd Birthday along with the birthdays of our own seniors. Kršas cepures, zirgi un garšgas pusdienas latvisk gaum!!! Rosmieši tiks 3.novembr un pavadja jauku pcpusdienu klusoties zias no Latvijas, skatoties Adelaides latviešu skolas video un jsmoja ldzi Melburnas kausam, apbalvoja uzvartjus un apsveica novembra jubilrus.
15.01.2022 Atgdinjums: šo sestdien, 24. oktobr notiks ALB pilnsapulce ALB nam (34 Rose Tce, Wayville). Skums plkst: 12:00. Ldzam ALB biedriem nekavjoties nokrtot biedru maksas. Biedru maksas varat veikt ar bankas prskaitjumu (transfer / pay anyone) uz ALB kontu: The Latvian Association of S.A. Inc, Dnister BSB: 704-235, Account Nr.: 00018935 veicot bankas prskaitjumu, ldzu, nordiet savu vrdu un uzvrdu.
14.01.2022 Adelaides Latviešu biedrba sirsngi sveic tautiešus Latvijas Republikas proklamšanas 102 gadadien. The Latvian Association of South Australia wishes Latvians worldwide a wonderful Latvian Independence Day
14.01.2022 O SESTDIEN ALB SAKTA atsks darbu!! Pc piespiest prtraukuma un neliela remonta, Sakta vrs durvis apmekltjiem 15.august. Darba laiks sestdiens no plkst.1013.00. Vars iegdties Latvijas, msdienu stila keramikas traukus un lina izstrdjumus. Noprkami stikla alus kausi un vna/dens glzes ar saules zmi, k ar smargi lavandas maisii ar spka zmm. Dabjamas latviskas rotas lietas, T-krekli ar latviskiem motviem, k ar vairku autoru gleznas, mzikas disku izvle. Atradsit ar citus jaunumus. Visi laipni aicinti! Latvian gift store "Sakta" is opening its doors THIS Saturday!! Come and see us between 10am and 1pm to pick up some lovely Latvian gifts! We have a lot to offer, such as Latvian rings and other jewellery, glassware, ceramic decor, souvenirs and much more! See you on the 15th of August!
14.01.2022 Invitation for Baltic seniors: Aging well. ALB LAIMA (CHSP* programme) and Multicultural Communities Council of SA invites all Baltic seniors and their adult children to an information day on: Saturday, 10 October 2020, Latvian Hall Tlava, 4 Clark St., Wayville
14.01.2022 CHSP LAIMA- senjori atkal priecgi satikties un doties izbraukum. Ievrojot visas drobas normas, devmies Handorfas virzien zemenes gan nelasjm, bet apciemojm Beerenberg imenes veikaliu un iegdjmies labumus. Vlk pusdienojm The Old Mill hotel
14.01.2022 Latvian Bookstore Sakta reopened its doors to joyous faces this morning. Please feel free to visit us every Saturday from 10am to 1pm for all your Latvian gifts and jewellery needs!
13.01.2022 Jaunieu koris "Balsis", dirients Ints Teterovskis - Kultras dienu ieskandinanas koncerts! o svtdien plkst. 14:00, Latvieu nam "Tlav", 4 Clark St, Wayville. Bietes pie ieejas $30/25 (Brniem zem 16 ieeja bezmaksas) vai internet: Come and listen to Youth Choir "Balsis" from Latvia joined by Adelaide Latvian choirs this Sunday, 16th February at 2:00pm at Latvian Hall "Tlava" 4 Clark Street, Wayville. Tickets can be purchased online NOW or at the door, $30.00/$25.00. Musical Director/Conductor: Ints Teterovskis An opportunity to enjoy a summertime musical treat! Refreshments will be available for purchase. For more information phone Rudis Dancis on 0412 637 427.
11.01.2022 The Latvian Association of South Australia congratulates the Lithuanian community of South Australia on their Independence Day. Dieve, palaimink Lietuv!
11.01.2022 Fancy and cleansing ale after a hard working week? Come on down to The Lithuanian Club next Friday at 6:30pm to be with friends and enjoy some tasty lagers! Meals available! See you there!
11.01.2022 Cooking is back! Tomorrow Ulla will be demonstrating her Classic Borscht Recipe. There are only 10 seats left for Ullas demonstration. Please call Ilze on 0406 716 464 to secure a seat! 11am, 36 Rose Tce, Wayville. Our bookstore, Sakta, is open from 10am
10.01.2022 Nu beidzot ms zinm, kas ir Ogre McLaren Vale. Laimas senioriem oti patika gan viesmlgie pašnieki, gan garšgais alus un prgi. Ja jums ir kdi jautjumi droši prasiet senioriem
10.01.2022 Adelaides latviei - uzvelciet tautas trpus par godu Latvijai! odien svinam Latvijas Republikas neatkarbas atjaunoanas 30. gadadien un piedalmies virtul gjien nostot savas fotogrfijas via Facebook Uzvelc tautas trpu par godu Latvijai!" Sveiks svtkos! #tautastrpugjiens
10.01.2022 The Latvian Association of South Australia congratulates the Estonian community of South Australia on their Independence Day. Jumal õnnistagu Eestit!
08.01.2022 +37C - what a wonderful day to be near the water! LAIMA seniors lunched and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at the Cruising Yacht Club of SA. A fabulous view, great company and good food. Thank you to Inese Lainis, who showed us around and gave everyone s "behind the scenes" look. After such a great outing, homeward bound, there was singing all the way! Next outing is planned for 17 March. Šodien LAIMAS seniori devs skaist izbraukum uz Cruising Yacht Club of SA. Laiks, kompnija un skats bija burvgs. Paldies msu nama mtei Inesei Lainis, kas mums pardja un paststja vairk, nek ms paši btu redzjuši. Labi paduši - dzieddami braucm mjup.
08.01.2022 Senioru programma Rosme ir atskusi darbbu. Šogad pirm tikšans reize bija veltta mlestbai dzej, jokos un padomos. Prieks bija redzt, ka seniori krtgi lasa sludinjumus un bija ieradušies ar sarkaniem akcentiem aprb. Paldies no Mrtes, Ilzes un Ilgas par siltiem sveicieniem dzimšanas dien. Uz tikšanos mart... Rosme seniors first get-together for 2021 was yesterday! To celebrate February and Valentine's Day our theme was LOVE . Everyone received a heart which had a poem, saying, joke or words of wisdom which were read out and shared. Our seniors do read the Ziotjs, as all had "read the memo" to wear something red! Our birthday celebrations for this month were Ilga, Mrte and Ilze. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines!
07.01.2022 Baltic Way Commemoration Service
07.01.2022 The Baltic Way Commemoration Church Service will be conducted on Sunday 23rd August at 2pm at The St. Peters Latvian Lutheran Church, 23 Rose Tce, Wayville. All welcome to attend. Maximum 100. Attendees will be required to adhere to current public event conditions. Hand sanitizer will be supplied and names and telelphone numbers recorded. Dienvidaustrlijas Baltieu Padomes rkotais Baltijas Cea atceres dievkalpojums notiks svtdien, 23. august, plkst. 14:00 Sv. ...Ptera baznc. Visi laipni ielgti. Ierobeots skaits 100. Ievrosim visus pareizjos COVID-19 noteikumus. Apmekltjiem ir jievro 1.5 metru atstarpe, jpiekopj roku dezinfekcija (bs sagdta), jpieraksts sagatavot sarakst, uzrdot: vrdu, tlrua numuru. See more
07.01.2022 Gaišus, sirsngus Ziemassvtkus, Ar paši labu veselbu, cilvku saprašanos un krietniem darbiem piepildtu Jauno 2021.gadu! Wishing everyone near & far a peace filled Christmas! Good health, understanding & a year filled with good deeds in 2021!
06.01.2022 ALB SAKTA atsks darbu 15. august! Pc piespiest prtraukuma un neliela remonta, Sakta vrs durvis apmekltjiem 15.august. Darba laiks sestdiens no plkst.1013.00. Vars iegdties Latvijas, msdienu stila keramikas traukus un lina izstrdjumus. Noprkami stikla alus kausi un vna/dens glzes ar saules zmi, k ar smargi lavandas maisii ar spka zmm. Dabjamas latviskas rotas lietas, T-krekli ar latviskiem motviem, k ar vairku autoru gleznas, mzikas disku izvle. Atradsit ar citus jaunumus. Visi laipni aicinti! Latvian gift store "Sakta" is opening its doors on Saturday August 15th! Come and see us between 10am and 1pm to pick up some lovely Latvian gifts! We have a lot to offer, such as Latvian rings and other jewellery, glassware, ceramic decor, souvenirs and much more! See you on the 15th of August!
05.01.2022 Senioru grupa "Laima" odien devs izbraukum un baudja gargas pusdienas The Birkenhead Tavern. Ja tev ir pri 65 gadiem aicinam ar tevi piebiedroties msu pulkam. Laimas biroja tel.: 81720820
05.01.2022 Happy Summer Solstice! Lgo lustgi!!
05.01.2022 BALT GALDAUTA SVTKI - Adelaides Latvieu biedrba ieldz visus tautieus un labvus kop atzmt Latvijas Republikas Neatkarbas atjaunoanas 30. gada dienu. Svinsim katrs savs mjs, bet tomr visi kop! Uzkljiet svtku galdu un ienciet "Zoom" telp. Varsim sastapt viens otru ekrn un uzdziedt augstu laimi Latvijai!... Tiksimies ar paiem viesiem no tuvienes un tlienes, visi mi un pazstami! Ja, pirmo reizi lietosiet "Zoom", tad ierodaties 15min pirms laika, uzklikiniet uz "link" un sekojiet vism nordm. Interneta adrese: Tiekamies Balt galdauta svtkos pirmdienas (4. maij) vakar plkst. 19:00 - 21:00 (pc Adelaides laika), 12:30-14:30 (pc Latvijas laika). WHITE TABLECLOTH CELEBRATION - The Latvian Association of SA invites young & not-so-young to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Latvia's Independence Restoration Day. Set the table at your home and come join in the celebrations via "Zoom". Our special guests will join the celebration from far and wide and many we have met before. If you are using "Zoom" for the first time, enter the virtual room up to 15mins prior by clicking this address: See you on Monday night at 7pm - 9pm (Adelaide CST), (Latvia, 12:30pm - 2:30pm).
04.01.2022 Atgdinjums: sestdien, 24. oktobr notiks ALB pilnsapulce ALB nam (34 Rose Tce, Wayville). Skums plkst: 12:00. Ldzam ALB biedriem nekavjoties nokrtot biedru maksas. Biedru maksas varat veikt ar bankas prskaitjumu (transfer / pay anyone) uz ALB kontu: The Latvian Association of S.A. Inc, Dnister BSB: 704-235, Account Nr.: 00018935 veicot bankas prskaitjumu, ldzu, nordiet savu vrdu un uzvrdu.
03.01.2022 Welcome back to Sakta for 2021! We will be opening our doors this Saturday from 10am (until 1pm)! Come along to find all your Latvian gift ideas. 2021 Calendars are still available for purchase 20% off. As always, we have Latvian jewellery, cards, music and much more. Come and visit! See you this Saturday!
03.01.2022 Daudz laimes dzimšanas dien! Dziesmu Laiva šodien svin 70. jubileju. Happy 70th birthday to Dziesmu Laiva!Daudz laimes dzimšanas dien! Dziesmu Laiva šodien svin 70. jubileju. Happy 70th birthday to Dziesmu Laiva!
03.01.2022 Sakta is open tomorrow from 10am until 1pm! Just in - Gift Cards! Just in time for Christmas! We also have Piparkkas! A definite must for any Christmas stocking! 2021 ALB Calendars are on sale!! Calendars can be purchased online and delivered anywhere in Australia ($5 postage fee, message us for payment details). We also just received some Latvian glass Christmas ornaments that will make a great decoration for your tree or home!... Lots to see and buy at Sakta tomorrow from 10am! See you then! See more
03.01.2022 See you Sunday! The 2020 Baltic Christmas Market will happen this Sunday! The market will operate under a Covid-safe plan and will be subject to any further SA Government Covid-19 announcements. Unfortunately no meals will be available but drinks can be purchased from the bar and consumed while seated. ... We will see you on Sunday at Estonian Hall!
02.01.2022 Latvia is currently celebrating "Ji" - the summer solstice. On Ji, people travel from the city into the countryside to gather and eat, drink, sing and celebrate the solstice by observing the ancient folk traditions relating to renewal and fertility. MIchael Palin had the pleasure of attending Ji celebrations in Latvia. (Courtesy BBC).
01.01.2022 Skaidrte showed her masterchef skills by demonstrating her layered ryebread desert. Participants were eager to try Skaidrtes low fat low calorie desert at the end of the class. Staunch supporter of cooking classes since day one is Jolanta, who celebrated her birthday today - Happy Birthday Jolanta!
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