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Laura Weller Life Coach

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21.01.2022 22 days left until the end of the year!! I don’t know about you but I am SO relieved for this year to be over And as we're nearing the end of the year there are all kinds of feelings coming up about where we are in terms of our 2020 goals.... And I’m gonna bet some people are feeling pretty behind. I know this year wasn’t easy! But you know what? I guarantee you’ve learned more than you realise about who you want to be and how you’re going to get there. 2020 has made many of us stop and assess what’s really important in life. Physical health, love and connection. And of course, mental health and emotional well-being. So whatever you’re feeling, remember that. You are enough! You are brilliant!! You are worthy and capable of everything you’ve ever wanted!!! Today, celebrate how far you’ve come! The more you celebrate your small wins, the more there is in life to celebrate. The key to success is realising that our big goals aren’t going to happen overnight, in the next week or maybe even the next year but this is okay. We tend to focus on the end goals rather than the small and significant steps we take to get us to that goal. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out. So don’t wait until you reach your goal to celebrate your success, celebrate your small wins along the way. Celebrating these small wins will fuel your drive and propel you forward towards your goal. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the destination! We've got 22 days left to propel towards our goal, let's sprint to that finish line. Let’s give it all we’ve got

17.01.2022 An anthropologist proposed a game to children in an African tribe. He placed a basket full of fruit near a tree and he made the children stand 100 meters away. He then told the children that whoever got there first won all the sweet fruits in the basket. When he said ready, steady, go! .......... Do you know what the children did? They all held each others hands and ran together to the tree. They shared the fruit equally amongst each other and then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that when one could have had all the fruits for himself, they said, ‘UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?’ ‘UBUNTU’ in the Xhosa culture means: ‘I am because we are.’ The belief that we are defined by our compassion and kindness towards others. Let all of us always have this attitude and spread kindness wherever we go. Let’s have an UBUNTU life..... I AM BECAUSE WE ARE #honoringpetro #RUOK #Thoughtfulthursday

15.01.2022 December is hands down my favorite month of the year because it truly is a magical time. December for me is stepped in traditions, family time and making memories. While December is a time of joy and peace, it too is the most busiest and stressful month of the year, with the many gifts to buy and the extra social events on the calendar. With all these extra pressures you can wear yourself down pretty quickly, and that’s not what this jolly season is all about. It’s essential... to gift yourself the priceless gift of SELF-CARE Self care isn’t just a bubble bath every now and then with an overpriced bath bomb or an expensive spa day once a year that you have to put on your credit card. It isn’t waiting until you’re at breaking point before you sit down for an hour (and still feel guilty about it.) It isn’t putting on a nice outfit and forcing yourself to meet up with those ‘friends’ that you’ll sit and gossip with and walk away feeling drained wondering if the second you leave, it’s u who they are going to talk about. Self Care is making small choices every day that benefit your physical and mental wellbeing. It’s saying NO to that event you don’t even want to go to. It’s buying yourself some decent underwear, instead of wearing that 10 year old bra you got before you had kids, or throwing out the pants that have holes in them. It’s decluttering the stuff from your bedroom so your mind doesn’t feel chaotic and you don’t break your ankle every time you try and climb into bed. It’s stretching out your body in any way that feels good; yoga or walking or dancing. It’s drinking some water so you’re not a dehydrated shrivelled mess walking like a zombie to the kettle crying for coffee. It’s making a dentist appt before all your teeth fall out from the packet of biscuits you eat every day. It’s eating some fruit + veg to keep your body healthy. It’s listening to your favourite album and singing loudly instead of listening to radio ads trying to get you to buy a product to make you prettier. It’s saying no to the friends who drain your energy every time you spend time with them. It’s setting boundaries. It’s believing in your dreams and not needing validation from others. Self Care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. When you’re happy and feeling good, you’re kinder to those around you. When you’re calm and content, you make the best decisions. Your mood and your energy has a direct knock on effect to your family and the people around you. You CANNOT pour from an empty cup. You can’t help anyone if you’re constantly recovering from stress induced illnesses. Look after yourself this holiday season and gift yourself some time out for self care, don’t feel guilty about it because you are worth it

09.01.2022 Too much of a good thing is bad except for too much good chocolate is barely enough.... Moderation Is the Key to Life! Health, well-being, and success rest on one principle: In all things moderation.... Have You Ever Wondered... * Can you get too much of a good thing? * What is moderation? * Should you strive for moderation in all things? And yet, our culture values extremes. You can never be too rich or too thin" is a persistent message. People are no longer capable of watching just one favorite TV show; they binge on whole seasons at a time, forgoing sleep and other basic needs. If you're a real-estate junkie, you can gawk at flashy celebrity mansions with 21 bathrooms or 100-square-foot "micro houses." Many have no problem downing a Big Mac (1320 calories) or a Nutella filled Krispy Creme donut (1360 calories). An opposing camp includes those who recoil in horror at a teaspoon of added sugar or a gram of gluten. Anything that happens to anyone is "Super Awesome!" Or, "The. Worst. Thing. Ever." We have a 'more is better' algorithm built in. We evolved to like fatty food, but too much isn't good. Many substances or stimuli are beneficial in certain amounts, but then reach a tipping point after which they become harmful. We don't naturally moderate ourselves, because in ancestral conditions we didn't have to. It is possible to have too much of a good thing, even chocolate. Therefore, finding the delicate balance between extreme pleasure and boredom creates the most opportunity to sustain long-term happiness, health and success. Everything in Moderation a Key to a Happy and Balanced Life

06.01.2022 I want you to get honest with yourself about what you’re showing the world, and what you’re hiding. Are you livestreaming your workouts but stress eating behind the scenes? ... Are you taking smiling selfies but struggling to get out of bed in the morning? Are you shoving your feelings down so far you’re convincing yourself you won’t have to feel them in the end? Are you actually taking care of yourself, or numbing out? You have to practice radical self-awareness. You need to be more mindful than ever of your codependent behaviors that don’t serve you. Unfortunately, I’m seeing caretakers double down on taking care of others instead of themselves, and workaholics doubling down on their jobs, ignoring their physical and emotional wellbeing. This is a marathon, not a sprint. NOW more than EVER, you have to let go of the beliefs and behaviours that aren't serving you. You have to take care of yourself so you can come out stronger on the other side. So I have a question for you: What does it look like to put yourself first? What old behaviours do you need to disrupt, and what new behaviours do you need to ground yourself in, so you can show up for yourself?

04.01.2022 I’m thinking about you..... The protecting, nurturing, adapting, teaching, working and juggling you have been doing has got to have taken a toll. I'm making the assumption that some of you feel like you are running on empty. I was speaking to a friend on Friday and she said that she is socially exhausted. ... While it is the most wonderful time of the year, our To-do-list is stretched and so are we. Socializing and shopping and then more shopping and more socializing. So, I'm checking in to encourage you to take care of you. I want to make sure that you stay strong, because you never know what is around the corner in life, and what demands your big shoulders will need to carry. Best to be prepared. Self-care is like the oxygen that enables us to show up with zip, pep and that "in charge" energy that your kids need. Without it, parenting (let alone getting ready for Santa!) gets pretty tough. So, my question to you is - How can you look after you this week? If you need to let go a little bit more, DO IT. If you need to go to bed early, DO IT. If you need to ask for help, DO IT. If you need to have a conversation with a friend, DO IT. If you need to set some better work boundaries, DO IT. If you need to adjust your expectations, then DO IT. If you need to get better organised, DO IT. You know what works for you, so just DO IT

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