Leafy Greens Garden Coaching and Consulting | Brand
Leafy Greens Garden Coaching and Consulting
Phone: +61 491 336 915
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25.01.2022 So this is what I have been up to today ... my phone did run out of storage but you’ll get the idea... it’s a little bit of experimenting and re cycling turning livestock feed bags into potato grow bags... the soil I’ve used is a premium grade veggie mix... the bags are made of a polypropylene material and are both breathable and allows the water to go through plus they are recyclable and apparently growing potatoes in them is a thing... polypropylene is also the material used in geo textile fabrics which is widely used in the Horticulture industry and grow bags... so when these potatoes grow I’ll unroll the sides up a little and add more soil up the stem... and using seed certified potatoes is the best way to go ... less chance of soil borne disease... and we will see how it goes
25.01.2022 This is an awesome November growing guide from Slow food Hunter Valley
25.01.2022 When it comes to gardening I am a bit of a thrifty gardener... the plants in this bed cost $1.60 and look at them thriving... three 20cent reject punnets of rainbow silverbeet and two 50cent punnets of reject cabbages ... and the potted potatoes and bag potatoes are thriving
25.01.2022 SPOTLIGHT on Cucumbers -Cucumis sativus The cucumber is classed as an annual flowering vine. It is fast growing and easy to grow ... and it's time to plant them now. It is a warm season crop for temperate and sub tropical zones. for the tropics dry season is best...Cucumbers can be grown along the ground or over a trellis. They love full sun, good drainage, a soil pH of between 6-7.5 and love living life in an enriched composted soil. HEALTH BENEFITS Did you know that cucumbe...rs are roughly 95% water and are very hydrating. They can improve skin health...are loaded with vitamins (K,B,C) and minerals. They contain antioxidants, including flavanoids They can aid in digestion and weight loss and can also help treat bad breathe They can improve heart health and help improve your cholesterol numbers. And they taste sooo delicious when they are home grown. So why not plant some today. Info sources: Better earth Secrets Mag. and webMD
24.01.2022 This was exciting...my Seasol prize pack finally came through the mintgh
23.01.2022 Herbs and veges to sow and plant in Nov. in Oz.. key at bottom Asian Greens... WT- CT Basil... T,ST,A,WT,CT Beans(French and climbing)... A, WT, CT Beetroot... WT, CT... Broccoli... WT, CT Cabbage... WT, CT Capsicum, Chilli...T, ST, A, WT, CT Carrot... A, WT, CT Chives... WT,CT Choko... T, ST, WT Coriander... WT, CT Cucumber... ST, A, WT, CT Eggplant... T,ST,A,WT,CT Ginger... T,ST,A,WT Kale...WT,CT Kohlrabi... WT,CT Leek... A,WT,CT Lettuce... ST,A,WT,CT Melon... ST,A,WT,CT Okra... T, ST, A, WT, CT Parsnip... WT, CT Potato... A, WT, CT Pumpkin... T, ST, A, WT, CT Radish... ST, A, WT, C Rocket... A, WT, CT Rosella... T, ST, A, WT Silverbeet... WT, CT Spring onions... ST, A, WT, CT Squash/Zucchini... ST, A, WT, CT Sweet potato... T, ST, A, WT Sweetcorn... T, ST, A, WT, CT Tomato... ST, A, WT, CT KEY: Tropics (T)... Subtropics (ST)... Arid or semi arid ( A)... Warm Temperate (WT)... Cold temperate (CT)... These are known as zones and the areas you reside in... happy planting everyone See more
23.01.2022 It’s a great idea to plant flowers in and around your veggie beds... not only does it look good it brings the pollinators in... lavender and onions
22.01.2022 Here are some great tips for your tomato growing with Trevor from Garden Gurus #Seasol #Thegardengurus
22.01.2022 In case you missed it! On Saturday's episode, Trevor had some great tips to share on growing plants directly from cuttings. We'll be back next weekend for ano...ther episode of The Garden Gurus! NSW - 3:30pm Saturday 24th Oct on Channel 9 NT - 4:00pm Saturday 24th Oct on Channel 9 VIC, QLD, SA, WA & TAS - 4:30pm Saturday 24th Oct on Channel 9
22.01.2022 The four S’s of gardening that I posted to my personal page... enjoy
22.01.2022 From the patch this morning... Plants don't need us to grow... Just give them the best possible condition s and they will grow themselves... The first photo of the bed has sunflowers, pumpkins, potatoes, silver beet and cabbage... The first of the black jack zucchini s is growing strong... Golden nugget pumpkins the first of... Borage.... Strawberries and sunflowers
22.01.2022 This Sunday mornings activity in the patch
21.01.2022 Loving the colours of the corn flower
20.01.2022 This afternoons harvest and my babies
19.01.2022 Starting a leafy greens garden need not be overwhelming it can be as easy grabbing a pot, some good quality potting mix and a packet of seeds of seedlings... this loose leaf lettuce will continue to grow throughout the season and you just pick what you need
17.01.2022 Reducing waste is one way to a more sustainable lifestyle! #sustainableliving #reducewaste #saveourplanet #recycle #ecofriendly
16.01.2022 One of the joys of growing your own veggies is being able to share it with family and friends... This big basket this morning has made its way to my daughter s place.
15.01.2022 It’s the perfect time to be planting cucumbers... these four yummy crystal apple cucumbers are fresh from the patch... they are perfect sliced for an afternoon snack
14.01.2022 There is nothing better than home grown produce... this mornings pick from the patch... a rainbow of colour and it’s really not that hard to get these results... onion carrots parsley silverbeet beetroot normal silver beet and some little Brussel sprouts
12.01.2022 Hi everyone thanks for following this page that’s awesome thank you... since I am back out of work again and had what I call the unpleasant task of sitting in the job providers office again last week ... I noticed a poster on the wall which said if you can’t find a way create one so that is exactly what I have been working on this week and I now bring you Leafy Greens Garden Coaching and Consulting... I’ve put my two loves together to create what I hope will be a successful... business one day... as we have ploughed through 2020 we have become aware of just how important our food security is and sourcing local fresh fruit, herbs and vege ... but it’s even better if we can grow some of our own... over the last six months I haven’t had to buy any leafy greens saving me a tonne of money... we saw earlier in the year that not only was toilet paper wiped off the shelves but so was vegetable seeds and seedlings... the thing is tomatoes were not going to grow successfully over the winter months... and in all honesty we are not out of the woods yet with border closers still in place possibly for the next six months so expect to pay more for your fresh produce over the coming seasons... if you’ve been toying with the idea of growing some of your own fresh produce just do it whether it’s s few pots on the balcony or a raised vege bed in the backyard and if you’re feeling overwhelmed just send me a message I’ll point you in the right direction See more
11.01.2022 It’s still raining heavily in my neck of the woods... so today I’ve collected a big bunch of peppermint from the tea bed and got the dehydrator going... now sitting back with a fresh cup of herbal spearmint tea
10.01.2022 Soil is so important especially for your indoor plants... here’s a great story on just that
10.01.2022 My little corn patch two weeks ago and today... lots of growth in two weeks... yummy
09.01.2022 Who here loves Aloe Vera... I have pots of it at the patch and it is a must have in any kitchen... It is great for soothing burns like I did a night ago on boiling water...ouch and brilliant for soothing sunburn if you forgot your sun protection before working out in the garden.. don't forget your sun protection.#aloevera #naturesmedicine
09.01.2022 With heatwave conditions this weekend I decided to get out into the patch early ... I've covered what ever I could with what I have and had a huge harvest... The first of the corn to come off... 17 cobs and look at this yummy golden goodness. A sink full of silver beet, 3 more cabbages, zucchinis, cucumber and brussel sprouts. If you have a garden of any sort try to give it a helping hand and covering it with whatever you have... Old sheer curtains, old sheets, old shade cloth any will help... And tonight they will need a water ... Stay cool as you can this weekend and stay hydrated... Welcome to summer
09.01.2022 Today’s harvest fresh from the patch... huge turnip and Swede the last for the season... fat carrots, the last lonely little radish... need to plant more... and the silverbeet that just keeps on giving
08.01.2022 There is just nothing fresher... and look at the size of this one ... wow
07.01.2022 Thought I’d make up a yummy treat for the chickens... wheat grass seeds scattered into an old nursery tray on about two and a half cm of soil then lightly cover with more soil... keep in a well lit spot out of direct sunlight and keep moist ... we’ll see how it goes
06.01.2022 Living on tank water I have to collect as much of Mother Nature’s liquid gold (water) as I can for my ever increasing gardens... these two 1000 litre IBCs are connected to the guttering on the shed and in last nights rainfall was able to collect an extra 800 litres of water... so much of this precious resource ends up in storm water drains I reckon every home should be able to have at least one water tank installed to help gardeners get through the hotter months
05.01.2022 Nothing like a fresh brewed cup of peppermint tea from the garden to liven the senses... happy Saturday everyone
04.01.2022 Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean that you can’t garden... today I’ve planted cucumber, radish, corn, luffa and sunflower seeds and got the micro greens going again... plus the wheatgrass that I planted on Thursday is really coming along... they are a great superfood but the chookies are going to enjoy this lot... plus with the rain I’ve collected over 3 and a half thousand litres of water for the gardens ... yay... how’s your Sunday going?
04.01.2022 New life at the Patch ... I love my chickens but sometimes they can be naughty and break into the veggie patch creating all sorts of havoc
03.01.2022 It was like Christmas today when I arrived home... this big box of Seasol was sitting at my front door... it was from a competition I won a few months ago but due to Covid couldn’t be sent until now... Seasol is one of the products that I do use on my garden... my plants seem to jump out of the ground after using itThank you Seasol I’m so excited with all of this plant yummy goodness
02.01.2022 A rainy day project... seed tape
02.01.2022 Love this smell! Did you know it was named petrichor by a couple of Australian?