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25.01.2022 Wellbeing Wednesday. Many people have asked how they can be added to my weekly wellbeing email. If you would like to be on the mailing list please send a message me or email me at [email protected] Every week I share evidence based tools tips and strategies from wellbeing science and neuroscience for people to thrive personally and professionally. #wellbeing #workwell #livewell #thrive
24.01.2022 Making time for the things that bring you joy is an important strategy for your wellbeing toolkit. It’s a long weekend here in South Australia and we have been fortunate to take our van away to Middleton. It’s one of our favourite places to be in nature, surfing the waves, taking in the beach air and seeing the happiness in our dog Indie as she endlessly chases the waves. That big doggy grin brings us so much joy. What brings you joy on a long weekend? #workwell #livewell #wellbeingtoolkit #wellbeing #resilience #mindfulness #grattitude #indiethereddog
23.01.2022 I know many families who enjoy happy feet at their childcare centres in Adelaide . And now theres a way they can continue as we navigate our current circumstances. Find out how in the post below.
22.01.2022 Arent they cute. Helping Aaron put up signs tonight and there were strange screams in the bushes. So went to investigate, either there was a turf war underway or some bow chicka wow wow #mindfulness #appreciationofbeauty #lovenature #thisisaustralia @ Paracombe, South Australia
21.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day. There has never been a time that we have been more aware of it. And perhaps never a time that we have cared more about the mental health of ourselves and others. Take a moment to check in.... how are you feeling right now? If 1 was great and 5 not so great, where do you sit? Then consider this... What is one thing you can do to move closer to number 5?
21.01.2022 On this International Nurses Day Thank you for the amazing care you provideOn this International Nurses Day Thank you for the amazing care you provide
21.01.2022 Its the little things that bring so much joy. #mindfulness #nature #wellbeing #workwell #livewell #resilience
20.01.2022 In the wake of this bushfire crisis. Disaster has an impact on kids. Here is some advice to guide them through the experience.
19.01.2022 What is your zone? I have placed myself in the growth zone. It is scary and it is exciting. While it feels safe to be in the comfort zone, take action to work with the fear zone by deepening learning and testing the comfort zone. For me, there is a knowing within that if I lean into the growth mindset, I will make space and will be challenged in ways that I will grow.
19.01.2022 Come along and learn why mindfulness is an important wellbeing tool. My next course starts on August 3rd.
19.01.2022 When we understand what helps us to navigate a VUCA world, we are empowered to build our HERO within. #psychologicalcapital #hero #hope #efficacy #resilience #optimism #mindfulness #emotionalintelligence #positivepsychology #neuroscience #reset
19.01.2022 Happy 1st of the month. People will forget what you said and forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel Maya Angelou
18.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone. Here is my latest podcast with Dr Narelle Lemon discussing the tools for wellbeing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
17.01.2022 Excellence firing my positive emotion.
16.01.2022 This information may be useful for you or someone you know. My heart breaks for all of the animals.
16.01.2022 Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony - Gandhi Here’s to a Happier January with Action for Happiness
15.01.2022 Its Mental Health Week here in Australia. Manage your wellbeing by practicing self care; -Practice mindfulness -Do something that brings joy - Spend time with family and friends.... -Do something that cultivates meaning. -Set small achievable goals. -Exercise -Eat well And get adequate sleep. See more
14.01.2022 When it comes to managing adversity, fore warned is fore armed. In this radio interview Prof. Lea Waters from Melbourne University talks about strategies to manage an extended time indoors.
14.01.2022 A moment to savour #savour #wellbeing #workwell #livewell #resilience #mindfulness #whataview #thebluff #salife #sabeaches #fleurieupeninsula
14.01.2022 The action for happiness Joyful June calendar has been released with many ways to look for whats good, even in difficult times
14.01.2022 No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop This weekend as we perhaps find ourselves sitting in front of the TV in our lounge rooms or camping in the back yard, perhaps feeling a little sad about cancelled Easter plans. Find a way to exercise kindness. Other people matter, and even more so in the times we find ourselves in. Growing evidence suggests that, beyond making people feel good, the experience of positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and cont...entment hold numerous social, intellectual, and physical benefits. Kindness is an important tool for our wellbeing. So, what is Kindness? Kindness is an altruistic act to promote someone elses welfare. An act of kindness can significantly brighten someones day. Research has found that people report a significant boost of happiness after undertaking an act of kindness for the benefit of others. It has also found that when people receive kindness from other people, they are inspired to enact kind behaviour toward other people. When we are kind to others, see kindness towards others and when we receive kindness, we experience a lift in positive emotion. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., a celebrated author and pioneering scientist in the study of happiness defines happiness as being happy in your life and with your life. Happiness can be amplified by intentional acts. It is an ingredient to positive relationships and a remedy to our down times. A 4 week study of acts of kindness revealed that people who undertook kind acts for others experienced increased happiness over time, leading to a positive impact on their wellbeing. She says, To make yourself happier, you should try to make other people happier. What is happening when we undertake an act of kindness in that moment? Acts of kindness improve emotional well-being and happiness. When we engage in acts of kindness toward others, we feel socially more connected and cultivate a sense of meaning. Acts of kindness strengthen our relationships and helps us to feel more optimistic about the world. We are also likely to express gratitude, this in turn motivates us to be better people and strive to be the best version of ourselves. When we acknowledge that another person has contributed to our happiness it makes us want to pay it forward. How to deliver an act of kindness. People can deliberately increase their happiness levels by engaging acts of kindness. For inspiration for acts of kindness at this time you might like to visit The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Facebook page or their website listed on the calendar below and find inspiration to become a RAKtivist. Wishing you wellbeing.
14.01.2022 The next 4 week introduction to mindfulness course starts on the 4th of Feb. would love to see you there or tell someone you care about so that they can leant this important tool for their wellbeing toolkit.
14.01.2022 Do the conversations you have with people, leave them feeling energised? In this episode of the Work Well, Live Well podcast, I am speaking to Marcia Ryan about high quality connections.
13.01.2022 Understanding and Leveraging off of the strengths in a team helps us to intelligently and strategically manage the challenges that show up at work. #workplace #wellbeing #strengths #resilience #mindset #positivepsychology Photo credit: cover band central.
13.01.2022 This time last year as I contemplated the year ahead, I had no idea of what disruption lay ahead. I considered the challenge was almost behind us. It has most definitely been a year of disruption. One that has challenged us in many ways and changed our lives.... We’ve woken up, we’ve pioneered and we’ve cherished valuable time. We’ve learned valuable and sometimes hard lessons. 2021 is a year of ReSet for me, to lean into what I have woken up to and to power forward in living my passion, loving family and friends and not wasting a moment. Happy New Year #reset #wellbeing #resilience #gratitude #workwell #livewell #optimism #herowithin
13.01.2022 Having accomplishment in life is important for thriving and flourishing. My goal is to get to standing on the paddle board. #accomplishment #growthmindset #goals #thrive #flourish #wellbeing
12.01.2022 Tough news for Qantas employees. Even when there is the expectation redundancy may occur, for many when it does happen its a time of great uncertainty, and the feeling of isolation and fear can be overwhelming. How the news is delivered has a significant impact on the experience. Its not easy for the person receiving the news, its not easy for those who deliver it, and its especially not easy in these times. This is an area I am passionate about. ... I remember my own experience as a lonely uncertain time. If you have experienced redundancy please reach out. I can help you with some tips and strategies to move forward. #workwell #livewell #resilientredundancy
12.01.2022 Anything can be taken from us but one thing: The freedom to choose our attitude in any set of circumstances. Victor Frankl. I appreciate this quote by Viktor Frankl. He is someone who showed extraordinary resilience in a time of great struggle. Interestingly, In recent times I have found myself reflecting on his book Mans Search For Meaning. In times of challenge and struggles we are equipped with a choice. We can choose how we show up to our experience. We can look at e...verything that is wrong or we can look for the opportunity before us. When we look at all that is wrong we become closed minded and struggle to see opportunity. If we choose the mindset to look for opportunity or find the good in tough situations, we think more broadly and this opens our mindset to think more broadly. While we may not be able to control what is happening in the world around us, we do have a choice in the mindset that we adopt. It is easy to look about the world right now and see fear, despair, hurt and disconnection. Looking through my wellbeing toolkit, When I see and feel fear, I can remind myself that this is a perfectly normal response at this time and it is OK for me to feel fear. By acknowledging or labelling that I am feeling this way, neurologically, I immediately reduce the impact of my experience. When I am talking to others who may express despair, I can be that listening ear. When we feel heard a lot of the weight of this experience lifts. When I hurt or when others hurt I can accept this as what I feel at the time and allow myself to feel it. It is often when we push it away that we feel it more. When I feel disconnection from my co-workers and my friends, I can remind myself that this is not permanent. This is a time we can find different ways to connect. When people widen their distance from us, I understand that this is safety for them and me. When I feel anxious, I can practice mindfulness with calming breaths or get up and take a walk and get some of those good endorphins pumping through my body. This helps to reduce the stress response and lower the cortisol (stress hormone) pumping through my body. Movement is so important for our wellbeing and mental health. When I am feeling flat I can assess the foods I am consuming and make sure I am fuelling my body with good nourishing food. When I feel tired or if I am moody. I can turn the television off, I can stop looking at social media, I can listen to uplifting music or go outside and hear the birds and I can get a good sleep. Sleep is so very important for our wellbeing at lot of important stuff happens within our bodies when we sleep. We are so much more tired at the moment as our mental bandwidth is not only thinking about our normal day to day tasks, we have so much more to absorb at the moment. Think of sleep as a reboot so that you are able to function more effectively. Wishing you wellbeing.
12.01.2022 Hi Friends, Everywhere we turn in some way or another we are all affected by the bushfires. It's upsetting, it's triggering, Many of us feel helpless. Mental Health First Aid has provided this guide for those affected by the current bushfire crisis here in Australia.... These guidelines are designed to help members of the public to provide mental health first aid to someone who is experiencing distress related to Australias bushfire crisis.
11.01.2022 Here is some helpful information for you or someone you care about what to do if you have lost your job.
10.01.2022 #staysafe #staywell #staystrong Please take a moment to thank our fellow friends in community Lets keep each other going and moving forward amidst this crises and challenging time! Photo credit: Roopak Desai
10.01.2022 When planning the pathways toward your goals, lean in to curiosity and take the opportunity to learn different approaches along the way. #reset #hero #wellbeing #resilience #mindset #growthmindset #goalsetting
10.01.2022 Here is my latest podcast with Dr Narelle Lemon discussing our wellbeing toolkit. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. #workwell #livewell #positivepaychology #mindfulness #resilience #wellbeing #wellbeingtoolkit
09.01.2022 Good reasons to move Source: David McLean
08.01.2022 Last year I had the privilege of meeting Shanon Harvey at a Mindfulness and Meditation conference. I have been so looking forward to this self-experiment documentary and her insights about her experience. You can sign up for the release and it's fantastic to know that it will be streamed for free from May 27 to June 3rd. #workwell #livewell #mindfulness #mentalfitness...
07.01.2022 Here is the Action for Happiness, July calendar full of great strategies for building resilience.
07.01.2022 In this episode, I am talking with Dr. Michelle McQuaid (MAPP) about her teams research into workplace wellbeing. With some interesting findings around the affects of the bushfires, Covid19 and the economy, I hope you find it as interesting as I did. #worklace #wellbeing #workwell #livewell #positivepsychology #wellbeing #workplacewellbeing #resilience
07.01.2022 Hi everyone. I want to check in with you. How are you feeling? What are your thoughts at the moment?...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Understanding our strengths empowers us to be our best selves. #strengths #wellbeing #mindfulness #resilience
06.01.2022 Understanding our strengths empowers us to build a deeper understanding of self and to develop a mindful approach to understanding our thoughts and emotions. #reset #mindfulness #strengths #wellbeing #emotionalintelligence #positivepsychology #psychology #resilience #thrive
05.01.2022 Engaging my appreciation of beauty and excellence . What beautiful wall art. #appreciationofbeautyandexcellence #characterstrengths #wellbeing #resilience #mindfulness #reset
05.01.2022 Happy Thursday everyone. Action for Happiness have released this special coping calendar. It has some great tips for us all. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedomsto choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Viktor Frankl
05.01.2022 Every business should get a dog.
05.01.2022 A mindful moment on the Jamieson river. Breathing in the fresh air, noticing the beauty, listening to nature and cultivating gratitude. #mindfulmoment #wellbeing #mindfulness #nature #gratitude
04.01.2022 I love to see creativity at work. Thank you to all of our healthcare workers for keeping us safe.
04.01.2022 There is no denying we currently face some challenges as we navigate towards reducing the spread. Here is some great advice for children from the World Health Organization (WHO).
03.01.2022 I admire creativity and excellence in others. Such as this impressive silo art at Sea Lake, Victoria. #mindfulness #wellbeing #resilience #siloart #victoria #appreciationofbeautyandexcellence
03.01.2022 Our power resides in our decisions of how to act.
03.01.2022 Go on SCREAM!!! Screaming is a great way to release stress an tension. You can record your scream here and it will be released in Iceland’s open spaces. The dog may think I’m silly but I’ve started the day feeling great.
03.01.2022 Hi Friends, Everywhere we turn in some way or another we are all affected by the bushfires. Its upsetting, its triggering, Many of us feel helpless. Mental Health First Aid has provided this guide for those affected by the current bushfire crisis here in Australia.... These guidelines are designed to help members of the public to provide mental health first aid to someone who is experiencing distress related to Australias bushfire crisis.
03.01.2022 Hey there. My next 4 week intro to mindfulness course starts in November. Please share with someone you care about, or come along for a refresher. Wishing you wellbeing.... Leanne
03.01.2022 As we enter into 2021, we can develop our inner HERO through Hope. This element of psychological capital is about identifying pathways toward our goals. This is also defined as "way power". Secondly building motivation or energy toward these goals enables us to persevere when faced with challenges. This is known as "will power". It could be said that, where there is a way there is the will. #workwell #livewell #psycap #HERO #mindset #hope #agency #goalsetting #efficacy #resilience #optimism
02.01.2022 Appreciating excellence #mindfulness #viacharacterstrength #strengths #wellbeing #adelaidebeaches #grange @ Henley/Grange Beach
02.01.2022 Excellence at its best My valentines card hand made by the MR. #appreciationofbeautyandexcellence #creativity #valentines #wellbeing #mindfulness
01.01.2022 Good morning community I have family in lobethal who have been affected by the cudlee creek fire. They are safe and are leading recovery efforts. If you are able to help in anyway please contact Kye.
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