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25.01.2022 THE CIRCLE Build your circle. Gather your village. Find your sisters. ... Because other mums need you too. As a first-timer, the connections I have made and support I have received from other new mums has been nourishing and honouring of our shared transition to motherhood. Whilst I have lots of friends who are already parents, there is something really special about being on this journey of learning, growing and transforming, together. Since my third trimester I have been fortunate to be part of a mother-centric (rather than baby-centric) group called ‘Soul Mumma Circle’, facilitated by Nichola Kinnane of @in.body.wisdom. Every week she holds a sacred space where we feel safe, seen and deeply listened to. I have laughed, cried, thrown my hands in the air, fed, written, signed, drawn, massaged, meditated in the presence of these women. Our friendships feel very deep and it is a pleasure to walk beside each other, regardless of the choices we each make in our mothering. During isolation, it has been amazing to have the technology to allow us to connect regularly with the other women in the group. But it was even more special to catch up in person @theyogaplacecafe and see how much our babies have changed in these few months! While we chatted and reflected, our little ones enjoyed playing, exploring, sharing their toys and giggling - it is so special to see them interacting and learning from each other! A big thank you to @nichola.jade and @shebirths for keeping us all connected and supported throughout iso times. #mumsmatter
25.01.2022 Teaching Withdrawals. One week in and this is what it’s come to... Missing my students, practice community and your smiling faces ... Hope you enjoy this tribute to our time apart
24.01.2022 A beautiful friend linked me to an article recently that I resonated with deeply and, just in the past week, I have felt myself crossing a threshold into the mystery of the unknown. Written by a midwife, Jana Studelska, the article sums up my experience so well... "The last days of pregnancy - sometimes stretching to agonising weeks - are a distinct place, time, event, stage. It is a time of in between. Neither here nor there. Your old self and your new self, balanced on the ...edge of a pregnancy. One foot in your old world, one foot in a new world." #38weeks
22.01.2022 BABY BRAIN During pregnancy, there is massive development in a woman’s brain with growth in the areas concerned with Learning (Plasticity) and Loving (Oxytocin). This also happens in the brains of newborns (under 3) and these changes are preparing you both to enter your new role. The term ‘Baby Brain’ gets thrown around, especially when pregnant and newborn mothers forget their keys or lose track of what they are saying (it’s a good excuse!). But actually this period of h...igh plasticity’ and hormonal rewiring is a good thing! It supports the creation of ‘baby radar,’ where mothers become intuitively aware of their child’s needs...if they are hot, cold, hungry, tired or need a nappy changed. Positive traits of baby brain are that mothers become: - More present in the moment - Able to read their baby’s body language - Better at multitasking - Heightened in their senses - More relaxed, contemplative and companionable. Due to increased levels of the hormone oxytocin, this can translate to a gooey and mushy brainwave state, which is often perceived as forgetful, spacey, emotional, unpredictable and even stupid. However baby brain is part of nature’s grand plan to help protect the foetus and newborn baby, read his/her cues and provide the security, stability and love that they need to thrive.
20.01.2022 MOTHERMORPHOSIS The term ‘personal yoga practice’ has been redefined in our household since Jan 15, 2020. I have been surprised how much my body and practice has changed and, after three months, it is a challenge to find the time and energy for daily practice. But recently I realised that a significant amount of suffering was coming from expecting it to go back to the way it was. So I started to focus on the benefits of evolving into a new phase of my yoga practice, it into my daily life as a mother. As soon as her first child is born, a mother enters a new phase known as matrescence (and fathers, patrescence) which, similar to adolescence, is a transformation taking years. It takes time for a new mother to get used to her new brain and body and, despite her desires for a quick return to work, exercise and her pre-pregnancy body, she will never completely return from this place. Her brain has literally been upgraded with extra neurons and her body is now flooded with a cocktail of hormones required for loving and learning. No wonder many new mothers report they ‘don’t feel themselves!’ ‘Mothermorphosis’ is a term coined by Dr. Oscar Serralach, which describes this period as an opportunity for a woman to reach a new level of her potential as a human being. In the same way, we will be forever changed by COVID-19. Already we have been forced to adapt quickly to a new normal, many of us applying the skills we learnt on the mat to embrace life in this new phase. Our brains are being rewired to a new virtual world, one that we will probably always feel a bit threatened by. It’s ok to still want things to return to the way they were, but with practice and detachment we can start to embrace the opportunities that exist for transformation within - physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. #mumsmatter #postpartum #postpartumcare #postpartumhealing #matrescence #threemonthsold #motherhood #yogainreallife #liveyouryoga
18.01.2022 To my dear students, I will be going on maternity leave from Tuesday 5th November (until at least June 2020). If you can make it, I would love to see and practice with you at any of the upcoming classes: Sunday 27th October 4-5pm Yin with Myofascial Release The Yoga Place Blacksmiths... Monday 28th October 11am-12pm Yin The Yoga Place Blacksmiths 4.30-5.30pm Yin Twine Yoga Studio Tuesday 29th October 9.30-10.45am Restorative Twine Yoga Studio 5.15-6.15pm Yin with Myofascial Release Twine Yoga Studio Monday 4th November 11am-12pm Yin The Yoga Place Blacksmiths 4.30-5.30pm Yin Twine Yoga Studio
18.01.2022 FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM In my 20’s, if you had asked if I wanted to have kids, I probably would have said that I didn’t. Not that I wasn’t interested but, whilst working in Bangkok at the United Nations Development Program and later at Greenpeace, I became incredibly anxious about the state of the world and bringing more children into it. Back then, I didn’t have the tools of yoga and meditation to guide me back into the present moment when I noticed my mind spiralling into fear.... Worries about the future and unprocessed emotions from my past left me always seeking strategies to escape what I was feeling, from binge eating, drinking and watching TV to over-exercising, sleeping and thinking. Because of the environment I was working in, I was being constantly bombarded with negative thoughts about the state of our planet and the impact humans were having on it. A key teaching of the Buddha states: "Whatever the practitioner frequently thinks and ponders upon will become the inclination of their mind." So of course, my mind was more inclined towards negative and catastrophic thinking. Over the past 10 years of practicing mindfulness, I have noticed the majority of my thoughts are much more hopeful, optimistic and wholesome. And not by following the common bumpersticker catchphrase, ‘think positive’. By inclining the mind back to the present moment in meditation, and in daily life, we begin to shift out of automatic habitual thinking. Research has shown that through the repetition of bringing the mind back again and again, it strengthens the neural pathways in the brain geared towards positivity. So much so, that when I met the right partner, Frank Reti, it was with a whole-hearted ‘Yes, let’s do this!’ that we made the decision to step into parenthood. And, though the world is still in an uncertain place, I feel there is no better time in the history of this planet to raise a conscious human than now!
17.01.2022 FINDING JOY In the light of current events, it's perfectly acceptable to be feeling less than joyful. Worry, stress, fear and guilt are very normal reactions to the situation we are in, with desperate measures being taken to protect our health, bellies and livelihoods. Disappointment looms as the future we were looking forward to has either been cancelled or postponed and our measure of self worth has been re-defined by how much we have stockpiled in our cupboards. Instead of... making us feel more secure, this protection of ‘self’ isolates us even more from who we truely are as well from our fellow humans, leading to loneliness and depression. What we all need is a collective oxytocin boost - the hormone of love, trust, empathy, compassion, relaxation and pleasure - this will help lower our blood pressure, decrease our stress and bring us closer to our fellow humans (even if only through our smartphones). This morning, while changing Gabe, I did a silly dance to distract him and he was so delighted that he peed all over his face! When I laughed out loud, I realised this is something I need more than ever right now. In the blur of the past 9 weeks, finding my way as a new mum, I have forgotten to prioritise the things that bring me joy. So over the next few weeks (or who knows, maybe months) I am committing to an oxytocin boosting self-care plan. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, scared, or sad: - Go for a walk in nature - Do some yoga or breathing - Eat a delicious meal - Get out in the garden - Spend time with close friends (connect via voice or video) - Have some alone time (folding baby clothes does it for me) - Pat the dog - Watch some funny TV shows or crazy cat videos - Sing karaoke in the bath with Frank (yep, this happens!) If we all spend just a few moments a day refocusing our attention back to what brings us joy, it might make this chapter of our lives a little less stressful. What brings you joy (comment below)? #postpartum #postpartumcare #sparkjoynotfear #mumsmatter
16.01.2022 TRUST YOUR INTUITION The best piece of parenting advice I have been given over the past 6 months has been ‘Put down the books and read your baby’. With that in mind, I recently decided to quit a program I was enrolled in, after leaving the first session feeling stressed and anxious. For several days I doubted myself as a parent and worried that I was doing something (or neglecting to do something) that would affect Gabe’s development.... A few days later, when tuning into my mother’s intuition (a valid and worthy source of wisdom), I realised that right in front of my eyes is an extremely contented, delightful, inquisitive and securely attached little man who is meeting all his milestones in his own time. And that one person’s professional opinion based on studying other babies and adults was not the absolute truth. At least, not for me and my baby. Owning my power as a mother in this situation has helped me to stop inflicting so much judgement on myself for not always being perfect and not always following what others think is best. I won’t always get it right, and that is ok. But the process of making decisions on behalf of my child and family is part of the journey and I have realised I can trust my intuition! Here’s how to let your intuition guide you. Feel into your body, what does it want to do now? What does your body want to eat right now? What does your body want to read, listen to or communicate right now? What would bring the most ease and joy in this situation? Lesson learned: Instead of listening to the experts, trust your inner voice and your own intuition. #mumsmatter
15.01.2022 NOURISHMENT According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, post-birth a new mama needs to nourish her blood and restore the vital energy in the body (Qi) with replenishing, warming and nutrient dense foods. Therefore, it is important to eat regular small meals (instead of 2-3 large ones) of mainly foods that are fresh, sweet, warm, oily, soft and moist. Bone broths provide good-quality protein and are a fabulous base for soups and stews even during summer. Slow cooked veggies, p...ulses and meats are easier to digest (than cold, dry and raw foods) and help to increase breastmilk and blood. Chicken soup really is good for the body and soul and is served to new mothers all across the globe. For our 'Golden Month' we have set up a meal train and are incredibly blessed to have home-cooked meals delivered to us every couple of days by our family and friends. This food has been lovingly prepared with the intention to support us to be the best parents we can be to our little man. It brings tears to our eyes how generous our community has been and how well looked after we feel when we eat this nourishing food. Mama’s Mantra: "Rest well, feed yourself well, be well." If you feel called to participate in our meal train please PM me. This image is of a bounty of delicious food prepared lovingly by Kim Cherie Davidson. We also wish to thank Pauline Perkins, Leslie Peters, Renee Walker, Karis Price, Peter and Libby Perkins who have dropped off incredible meals to us this week. Thank you
14.01.2022 Pay attention to all the precious moments of your life, they will pass soon enough - Hannah Perkins At this time of year and stage of pregnancy it is easy to ...feel like I am just waiting for the next exciting meet our baby. But waiting and longing for that moment means that I am missing out on life right now, as it is unfolding. So, as per my yearly tradition, I am going offline until after our baby arrives...spending time going inward and enjoying as many precious moments with these two souls. #39weeks Happy New Year to all. May you be happy, prosperous and well!
13.01.2022 This is not what you had planned. This is not what you’d envisioned. There are no visits from friends, no loving doula bringing you soup, no yoga classes, no coffee dates, no stroller walks through the park. There is empty space where you had planned comfort and company. There are long days with no one but your little one to talk to and this big transition to navigate all alone. I know it’s lonely. I know the walls of your house feel tight and the days feel so long, and you c...rave a warm hand on your knee and the soft embrace of a friend. You wish for someone by your side to marvel at this beautiful baby of yours and to wrap an arm around you when the feelings get too big and scary. We were never meant to do this alone. Motherhood has never been a solitary sport. And yet here we are, in this odd chapter of isolation and distance, with no choice but to do it by ourselves. But mama, know this - we are alone. Together. You are surrounded all the other mothers who are navigating this tender time in isolation. You are held by all of us who have walked the path before you and who know how much you must be hurting. You are wrapped in the warm embrace of mother earth, as she too settles into this time of slowness and healing. This too shall pass. And when it does, hugs and coffee dates and visits from friends will taste so much sweeter. Soft kisses on your cheek and arms around your waist and gentle laughter in your ear will be the joyful medicine after this trying time. Until then, hunker down mama. Find the cosiest, warmest spot on your couch, sink into the pile of unfolded laundry and sleep, with that sweet babe warm on your chest. @spiritysol Re-posted from @betterpostpartum #mumsmatter
11.01.2022 Pandemic by Lynn Ungar What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath... Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is. Sing. Pray. Touch only those to whom you commit your life. Center down. And when your body has become still, reach out with your heart. Know that we are connected in ways that are terrifying and beautiful. Know that our lives are in one another’s hands. Do not reach out your hands. Reach out your heart. Reach out your words. Reach out all the tendrils of compassion that move, invisibly, where we cannot touch. Promise this world your love for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, so long as we all shall live.
07.01.2022 BREASTFEEDING MEDITATION When I fell pregnant I knew that my spiritual practice would change. Instead of one daily sitting meditation session, I now have approximately 10-12 short meditation sessions - while breastfeeding. Just as with sitting, I get into a comfortable seated position and take three calming breaths to synchronise my brainwave state with my baby’s. I affirm that I have arrived and that my attention is on him. I make any adjustments to ensure that we are both c...omfortable and then allow him to latch. My attention is on my baby and on my breath, whenever it wanders I gently bring it back. The longer we nurse, the more relaxed we both become and the easier it is to synchronise our breathing. My body makes just the right amount of milk for my baby, responding to his nutritional needs. As he sucks, my pituitary gland produces hormones which help my body to produce more milk for my baby. He gets all that he needs because I feed my baby following his cues, watching for signals to say that he is finished and that our meditation is now complete. We are both deeply satisfied and enjoy the many benefits our deep connection.
06.01.2022 MASSAGE Everything that a woman experiences during pregnancy is directly transferred into the growing life inside her body. The joy and stress relieving properties of massage, yoga, meditation, swimming, being in nature, intimacy, aromatherapy and sacred bathing increases the connection between the mother and her growing baby. One thing that I integrated into my routine during pregnancy was to give myself a daily full body massage followed by a warm epsom salt bath. This tec...hnique, called Abhyangha, is a form of Ayurvedic medicine which involves anointing the body with warm oil (usually black sesame), often infused with healing herbs and balancing essential oils. The benefits of regular Abhyangha invite the same qualities as being deeply loved, loving yourself and loving another: with strength, stability, openness and warmth. It can be used in pregnancy and postpartum to relax the muscles, calm the nervous system and bring a woman in touch with the amazing, changing, expansive inner world of her body. Now, in my fourth trimester, I continue this ritual and share it with my baby, Gabriel. He enjoys the connection of my hands gently caressing his body and the oil makes his skin so lovely and soft. Oiling ourselves daily enhances the lovely bond we have already established and grounds us both in our bodies with nurturing and nourishment.
04.01.2022 BEING MUM 10 years of meditation practice has prepared me for this moment. Nowhere else to be. Nothing else to do. Right here. With you. When the mind draws me away, thinking that there is something else to do, I come back. The practice now is being your mum. Feeling like a complete beginner. But knowing that all I need to do is breathe. The rest will unfold.
03.01.2022 This is what my yoga practice looks like at #36weeks. This morning I went to a delicious restorative yoga class with @onepointoffocus and on this cool(ish) afternoon enjoyed a nanna nap with my many pillows and props. Normally I want to just chuck them all off and sleep without anything touching me - I’m just too hot - but this (coupled with a back tickle from @ferike1117) took me straight to heaven!
03.01.2022 UNCERTAINTY Not knowing. Since as far back as I can remember, fear of the unknown has always been an edge for me. Having very little control over an uncertain future usually makes me very anxious, so I get busy with strategies and projects to try to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the indefinite. Take birth for example. Over the 41 weeks of pregnancy I had plenty of time to think about how I wanted an unforeseeable future to unfold. To avoid feeling unsettled I crammed my time ...with reading and exploring everything I could about birth and beyond. I hired a private midwife; listened to affirmations; went to workshops; saw a naturopath, psychotherapist, yoga therapist, physiotherapist, acupuncturist; I exercised; practiced meditation and, despite feeling strong, healthy and resilient, I still felt unprepared for what was to come. However, during COVID-19 I feel surprisingly different. Honestly, being a caregiver for a newborn during this time of global uncertainty has been the best and most rewarding distraction! He is not concerned with the latest updates on the news or what is coming in the future - his only concern is to see me smile, to hear my calm and attentive voice, to connect with my heart and for me to be fully present with him in the NOW. Margaret Mead recalled her grandmother as a rare breed of woman, one who understood the nature of change and the need to be prepared for the unknown. She said, This generation must discover how to bring up children to live in this unknown world. How to bring them up without absolutes. The greatest gift we can give our children is to teach them to nest in the gale. I would go as far as to amend her quote and say that he (and all other bubbas born into the world at this time) are actually teaching us: how to slow down, to rest, to remain present and, above all, to settle into the world, as it is. I have to keep reminding myself that he chose to come at this momentous time in history. And only he knows what he is here to learn (or indeed teach). #mumsmatter #postpartum #postpartumcare #postpartumhealing #matrescence #newbornmothers #motheringduringcovid19
01.01.2022 1 MONTH OF HOLDING YOU When a baby is born, so is a mother, and the birth of a mother can be more intense than childbirth. - Julia Jones You came into our lives 10.5 months ago, Gabriel, and existed in our hearts long before that. Birthing you certainly had its challenges (more on that in another post) but the time that you have been earth side has shown me how deeply the mother instinct is woven into my DNA.... I am surprised to discover that I can handle the sleepless nights, sore boobs, monotony of hours of sitting, countless nappy changes and contorting my neck, shoulders and back to hold, carry or feed you. I can breathe through the crying, burping, fussing and not knowing how to soothe you. In the small moments that you are asleep, I can sacrifice some of the activities I used to love (yoga, meditation, exercise, reading, puzzles) to prioritise feeding myself, filling water bottles or sanitising the breast pump to prepare for the next round of milk production. I can do this. I am doing this. I am your mother. And you are worth it. #mumsmatter
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