Leeza Browne | Business consultant
Leeza Browne
Phone: +61 414 163 076
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25.01.2022 Risk of Covid-19 affecting early childhood services. To see the full video; https://education.nsw.gov.au//resource-library/q-a-with-dr
25.01.2022 A massive thank you to everyone who participated in our Directors Network Meeting today! It is so great that we have such an amazing group of people who can be there to support one another! We definitely need to stick together during these times! Today we touched based on:... 7.1.2 - Management Systems - in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service. - Covid Return plans & modifications to risk assessments with families coming back into the service 7.2.1 - Continuous Improvement - There is an effective self assessment and quality improvement process in place. - Self Assessment Tool We also discussed educator rosters, Reconciliation Action Plan and strategies on getting input from children into the service philosophy, qip etc. Please feel free to add any further comments to contribute below or see - Further notes in our private group! Next Meeting: Monday 10th August - 10am-11am - (change to 2nd monday of the month due to schedule conflict)
24.01.2022 Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and approved providers must have a process for managing confirmed cases of COVID-19 as part of a services COVID-19 risk mitigation strategy. The NSW Department of Education has recently developed a flowchart for the sector to support services with the management of confirmed cases within ECEC services.
24.01.2022 I am a really affectionate person and defintely miss hugs so I found this article in the safest ways to hug during the pandemic really great! In early childhood we cant help but to hug the children we care for day, but here are some great tips to help Look after yourselves!
24.01.2022 Education Minister Dan Tehan is providing an update on childcare. The headlines out of this press conference: Fee-free childcare will end on July 12, with gover...nment subsidies and family fees returning thereafter. A new work activity test will support parents with reduced income. From July 20, centres will lose access to the JobKeeper wage subsidy. Read more in the 11.55am post in our free #coronavirus live blog: https://www.theage.com.au//coronavirus-updates-live-worldw See more
24.01.2022 The last few months have been unprecedented, with families staying at home self isolating. As restrictions start to ease we look forward to our little friends returning to our service over the next couple of months. Here are 7 tips to transitioning back to child care. #transitiontochildcare #postcovid19 #childcare
23.01.2022 A massive thank you to everyone who attended and contributed in our Directors Networking Meeting today!! We reflected on: Standard 7.2 - Leadership - Effective Leadership builds and promotes positive organisational culture and professional learning community Element 7.2.1 - Continuous Improvement - There is an effective self-assessment and quality improvement process in place... & supported each other in the current climate. Please get in touch if you have any suggestions on what you would like to cover in our next meeting scheduled: Monday 1st June - 10am - 11am - EST.
21.01.2022 A massive "Thank You" to everyone who attended our Directors Network Meeting this morning, it is always great seeing your faces each month and feel a sense of community. This month we discussed: - Introduction of floor books - Scheduling time - creating a 6 week schedule... - Challenges with finding and hiring educators - Sleep check requirements - best practice - QIP - Self Assessment Working Document We conducted an in depth conversation into Orientation (6.1.1) and Induction processes (4.2 & 7.1.3) at each service. We will share all the resources discussed in our private face book group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2840294622683897 We look forward to seeing you all again at our next meeting on Monday 5th October - 10am-11am Topic to discuss: Mentoring Team (please bring any supporting documents and procedures of practices you use to conduct this process)
21.01.2022 The department have finally released an official version online of the self assessment working document which services can use to prepare for A&R and for services that opt in can copy and paste this information from this document into the self-assessment portal. Services who choose to opt in for self-assessment are not required to submit a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) as the online self-assessment form incorporates the key elements of the QIP. Services have now caught on... that this document, (as long as it is regularly updated with progress notes on your goals) can be used as a combined self-assessment & QIP as it meets both criterias. https://education.nsw.gov.au//using-self-assessment-to-enh
20.01.2022 Mr Dan Tehan just made an announcement on the education and care sector that; 1. Free child care will end on July 12th. 2. The child care subsidy will start back from July 13th for families. 3. There will be an increase to hours allowed under the activity test (more details to follow) 4. Job keeper will end for our sector from July 20.... 5. A transition payment consisting of 25 per cent of fee revenue will continue to be paid to centres from July 13 to September 27. Mr Dan Tehan also stated; What were asking of the sector is that childcare fees remain capped at the level of the reference period (which is the fortnight ending 2 March), - interesting times! - more details to follow.
18.01.2022 Today is R U OK?Day, a reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, tomorrow and any day it's needed. Learn what to say after R U OK? so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask #RUOKDay #theresmoretosay #RUOK
18.01.2022 New court ruling passed to see casual employees start to accrue leave entitlements. We defintely need more guidance over the finer details as to what defines a causal so we dont get caught out here! This will have a massive impact on our sector and doesnt make any sense as to how casuals can double dip to receive the higher casual loading rates and also accrue entitlements anyway?... I will keep an eye on movement surrounding this and keep you all posted! How will this affect your business?
18.01.2022 Wow!!! What a feeling! This is a dream come true! Our service received a rating of overall EXCEEDING the national quality standards!!!!! ... I am so blessed to have such an amazing team of dedicated and hard working professionals I cannot thank you all enough! It is a feeling a pure joy and relief to have our blood, sweat and tears over the last 3 years recognised by our early childhood regulatory authorities. Onwards and upwards to keep setting benchmarks for our sector! The sky is the limit! #exceedingnqs #platinumeducation #bosslady #earlychildhood
18.01.2022 The planning cycle! Questions to reflect on national quality standard 1.3 - assessment and planning Element - 1.3.1 - assessment and planning cycle
17.01.2022 What to do if a child arrives with a runny nose. Full video with the department located here; https://education.nsw.gov.au//resource-library/q-a-with-dr
17.01.2022 What a great idea! covid-19 care cards - print, doodle and write in daily!!
17.01.2022 PARENTING DURING A PANDEMIC - GOES LIVE IN 1 HOUR!!!! This is a shout out to Parents! How are you going navigating through these crazy new circumstances that... we are now identifying as our 'new normal'? Are you Spending a lot more time at home, not being able to see friends and family? Are you attempting to support your children to engage in at-home learning? Are you worried about your health and your familys health? Do you have additional stressors that have impacted your family? Dont worry if you feel like youre not getting it right. This is something that we have not had to experience before. We are all trying to do our best with what weve got. But what we can do is make sure that we have Full Cups to be able to support our children, family, and friends during this time. Join Sandi Phoenix and Dr Louise Porter for a cuppa and a chat around parenting during a pandemic, and how to ensure you are being kind to yourself and learn some parenting tips for coping during these challenging times. Register for the FREE webinar by clicking on this link to the pre-launch preview of our Cup filling challenge for families: https://phoenix-support.thinkific.com/courses/family The link to the webinar will be added to this online challenge. - Date: Thursday 30th of April - Time: 4pm AEST
16.01.2022 Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! Send good vibes your way for an amazing June! A brand new month is like a fresh piece of paper and only you get to choose what is written on it - choose wisely and do more things that bring you joy!
16.01.2022 Did you know that childrens creativity has decreased by 90% since 1990? As a society we have jam packed not only our own time but also the time of our children, all day at school, then after school sports, homework, reading etc. but what if this was contributing to the reduction of creativity, what if we actually allowed children to be bored and this actually lead to brilliance. When we take all of that away....I wonder what positive differences you have seen in your childre...n during this time of home learning, not being able to go to after school activites, unrushed, the positive connections being formed and creativity booming! It is not our job to entertain children - it is our job to know them, to respect them and provide them with open ended resources to allow them to have the time to wonder and create. Lets take the pressure off our kids and let them unleash their brilliance. Now that is a great perspective!
15.01.2022 Attention: Directors Network Group - Time to check your email!! Invitation to attend our monthly meeting scheduled meeting on Monday 4th May - 10am-11am. You need to accept the zoom invitation to receive the information!
15.01.2022 A great perspective from a parent when they finally realised the impact of free child care on their childs high-quality educational centre.
14.01.2022 A bit of fun for a Thursday! Can you find the 3 Hiden words? . . #funthursday #puzzletime #lightersideoflife
12.01.2022 Really great visual Covid sign.
11.01.2022 In case anyone needs to share advice on how to deal with the awful footage going around on social Media. Thanks Kate and michelle.
10.01.2022 Whatever you have going on this week! Just a reminder that youve got this! Have an awesome week!
10.01.2022 Tonight in the US, history was made as the first female Vice President elect Kamila Harris stood up and addressed the nation with the most powerful message. "While I might be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last "Because every little girl watching tonight sees this is a country of possibilities."... "Dream with ambition," she said to all the little girls watching. "Lead with conviction, and see yourselves in a way that others will, not simply because they haven't seen it before. but know we will applaud you every step of the way." As joe Biden the new president elect stated the first female in the white house, about time! So proud to be witnessing history unfold! For all you women out there, dream big because if you can dream it, you can do it! #bidenkamala2020 #womensupportingwomen #youvegotthis #dreambigger #dreambigworkhard #uselection2020
09.01.2022 Have you ever had one of those moments when you are just like YES! That is why I do what I do? Today I was listening to a podcast in the car which i do most mornings as I love learning and believe in making the most out of every moment! It was #jimkwikpodcast and he was interviewing #jayshetty what a combination! If you havent heard of these 2 please stop now and follow them on all social media outlets!... The podcast was about purpose vs passion and I hear this a lot, that people are either struggling to find their purpose in life or have lost their passion. Jay Shetty in the most amazing way only he knows how, spelt it out so clearly! PURPOSE IS PASSION IN SERVICE meaning that passion brings US joy, but when we use our passion to teach, service or make a difference to OTHERS that is purpose! He also quoted that when you protect your purpose, it will protect you - meaning protect it like it is the most valuable thing you own! For those struggling to find their purpose or feel like they are lost he said THE BIRTH OF PURPOSE COMES FROM THE INCEPTION OF CURIOSITY He explained that there are 4 stages to developing a purpose; 1. Curious - toddler 2. Interest - child 3. Passion - teenager 4. Purpose - Adult He suggested that if you have lost your passion start with curiosity and interest. Finish this sentence. I am curious about? Or I want to know more about? I am #grateful that I get to experience my passion every day and pass my knowledge on to others to live out my purpose of creating a better world for children and i just cannot believe how aligned these stages are with what we are doing every single day at #platinumeducation - Thanks for being part of it! #passionmatters #lightafireinmysoul #earlychildhoodeducation #platinumeducationgroup
09.01.2022 Rituals, Routines & Daily Habits - Rachel Hollis has implemented 7 daily decisions to show up as her best self! I think its really important to put yourself first and know what it is that you need to do to show up as the best version of yourself. It has been a focus of mine recently and Ive been working hard on developing daily habits, especially during this period where its almost like time has stood still a little and allowed us to catch up! ... If I had to choose 7 this would be it; 1. Daily affirmations 2. Contact a friend 3. Walk 4. Daily affirmations 5. Quality phone free time to connect with family 6. Journaling at night to clear my head 7. Go with my natural flow - I work best at night so I have been starting my mornings off slow and then working and spending 2 hours each afternoon on things that matter to me; research, writing articles, developing assets etc. What about you? Whats your 7 daily decisions to show up as your best self?
05.01.2022 A big thank you to everyone who attended our Educational Leader network meeting tonight! We reflected on: Standard 1.3 - Assessment and Planning - Educators and co-coordinators take a planned and reflective approach to implementing the program for each child.... Element 1.3.1 - Assessment and Planning cycle - Each child's learning and development are assessed or evaluated as part of an ongoing cycle of observation, analysing learning, documentation, planning and implementation and reflection. I will email out a summary of points covered to participants by the end of the week. If you were not able to make tonight but you would like to share your process of Assessment and Planning to add to the notes please either message or send me an email! Next Meeting: Monday 25th May - 7pm-8pm Topic: 1.3.2 - Critical Reflection
05.01.2022 Reflective Practice Vs. Critical Reflection
04.01.2022 Have you seen the newly ratings certificate? The reason for the new design is help families better understand the ratings system for each service. There was previously some controversy in regards to a star rating comparing it to that of a restaurant. However, when you see the document in full, it is much more vibrant, easy to read and also lists each quality area in a graph. In early childhood we are very visual and I think this document is much more visually appealing th...an the previous. One of the negative aspects of this new ratings certificate is that even if a service receives significant improvement required they still receive one star? I’d love to her your thoughts on the new ratings certificate. You can order your updated ratings certificate from: https://education.nsw.gov.au
04.01.2022 Spring has sprung!! As I wake this morning to a brand new season, I remind myself that every season has its purpose. While winter is a time for hibernation, spring is a time for rebirth where everything comes back to life and everything blooms - I feel a sense of hope and optimism in the air! With new opportunities, growth and sense of wonder of what lies ahead! Im ready....are you?
04.01.2022 It was photo day at Kindy, and anyone that knows me knows that for most part I love things to go as perfectly as possible, and put a lot of planning and effort into making it so, and anyone that knows kindy photo day, knows that they are long, painful and tiring. (Definitely not a day we look forward to) Today plain and simple, nothing went according to plan. - we had the natural setting in our outdoor area all set up, took some photos of children who just dropped in as it ...wasnt their scheduled day, and then it started to rain so we had to change to a backdrop screen, which meant that some children had a different back drop, not our style at all - somehow our team got mixed up and told ALL the families that didnt attend today to arrive at the Centre at 9am - so yes we had all the families outside the Centre gates waiting - as its covid we had to ask them all to wait in their cars for up to 20mins (usually we would have a staggered booking - p.s - if any of you are reading this, thank you so much for your patience) - because we moved to the backdrop they had to keep changing it over for the Normal photo and the grad photos, which meant families were waiting longer - we went to get one of the childrens photo taken, and were advised at this point they only took photos of the children who were purchasing packs, which meant they wouldnt be in the group photo - the original children didnt get an individual photo only a sibling photo with a different background - families couldnt purchase an individual photo because they got the grad pack and not the other pack I definitely learnt ALOT from today, and we sorted out each obstacle as it came up! But really it wasnt about the photography at all, it was about the fact that no matter what happens in life when it is outside of our control there is no point stressing about it! Sometimes we cant choose what happens to us, we can only choose how we react to it and thats all that counts. So today I made a pledge that I will not stress out over things I cannot control! Who is with me?
03.01.2022 Happy early childhood educators day!! Thank you! Not just today but everyday! Xx The role we play in society is so crucial with 90% of childrens brain development occurring before they are 6 years of age! May everyone find themselves somewhere that appreciates, values, is supported but most of all is free to just be themselves! ... Have a fab one and never forget the vital role you play!
03.01.2022 In case you missed it!
02.01.2022 Breaking news - Just announced - FREE child care to end July 12th!!!!
02.01.2022 A massive thank you to everyone who joined us tonight on zoom for our monthly educational leader network meeting. Tonight we discussed; 1.3.2 - Critical Reflection - Critical Reflection on children's learning and development, both as individuals and in groups, drives program planning and implementation.... We also discussed the difference between reflective practice and critical reflection. We delved into the 3 areas of critical reflection; Programming - critical reflection of children as groups and individuals Critical Reflection of our own practice Service decision making is informed by critical reflection. Key notes in our private group! Our next meeting will be: Monday 29th June - 7pm-8pm - please pop it into your diary and i look forward to seeing you all then!
01.01.2022 I was talking to a family about this the other day and thought I would share the story! You know the times in life when you are just trying to juggle way too much, and when your in these times, it can feel at any moment everything could come crashing down. As human beings we go through seasons, some seasons, you feel like you have it all under control, but others, perhaps not. ... What if, instead of feeling on edge, we just gave ourselves permission to let some of our balls fall, give ourselves a break and focus on what matters most. This is the story that some of the balls we are juggling are made of rubber and some are made of glass. If we drop some for a short period, they will bounce back once we pick them up again, but if we drop the glass balls, they could have long term effects. So next time you are having one of those moments, maybe consider, which of your balls are made of glass? And which ones will bounce back if you let them go for a bit! Putting your priorities first is not selfish, it’s essential!
01.01.2022 Have you seen this?
01.01.2022 Australia gets an honorable mention for its commitment to sustainability in early childhood! How does your service promote sustainability?
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