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Legacy Health & Performance in Somerville, Victoria, Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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Legacy Health & Performance

Locality: Somerville, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 422 188 675

Address: 6/55 Simcock Street Somerville 3912, Victoria 3912 Somerville, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Here we look at the pro’s and con’s of compound and isolation exercises. Hint: both are awesome

25.01.2022 Well it doesn’t look like we are going to be back in the gym for a couple more months . To our members who attend week in, week out to look after both their physical and mental health, we feel your pain. This has been a shitty, frustrating period of time and HOPEFULLY we are starting to see the end of it.... I never thought I would see the day that the health industry would be shut down due to health concerns, but here we are . Thanks for everyone’s continued support and we look forward to seeing you on the other side

23.01.2022 SQUAT OVERVIEW Here’s a very fast breakdown of how we setup and perform a standard barbell squat! Over the next couple of weeks we are going to break down common mobility limitations and how we can fix them, as well as providing substitute exercises that you can use in the mean time.... We will also looks at common weaknesses that can cause technique breakdown during the squat (back, glutes, quads) and what we can do to strengthen them up. If you have any questions, comments, fire away

23.01.2022 Torso strength! Strengthening your mid section is hands down the best way to bulletproof your back. If the muscles surrounding your spine are strong and mobile, they are going to be able to stabilise and protect your spine through movement.... Here is a quick little warm-up/finisher I use to help strengthen my mid-section from all directions!

23.01.2022 With 3 weeks to go until reopening, it’s time to start getting things ready to go! Whilst we are looking forward to getting back to normality, we do have 1 small change in store. We are going to continue with the class model for our morning sessions! Classes will run at 5, 6, 7 and 9:15am and will be a typical mixture of strength and conditioning. There will be a limit of 15 people per class!... If you were thinking of getting involved and would like to get in early, we are now taking on new members for our opening on the 22nd of June!

23.01.2022 Body fat can be confusing and/or frustrating. Here I’ve tried to break it down and provide some simple information that can hopefully help you out!

22.01.2022 Who’s missing their training partner/s? Being around like minded individuals is one of the main reasons people are drawn to the gym environment. There are some people that like to train alone, but most prefer the atmosphere and the accountability of a good gym! We can’t wait for the vibes when we reopen, it’s going to be worth the wait

20.01.2022 One of our new post-iso toys all ready to go for next week! The reverse hyper is fantastic for building the glutes, hamstrings and lower back whilst decompressing the spine. This is another addition to our list of tools that we have to help bulletproof your body for every day life and/or athletic performance.... Everything we do here at LEGACYHP is done with purpose and we can’t wait to get back to doing what we do best - helping people get better and better!

20.01.2022 OFFER ENDS SUNDAY! We’re giving you the chance to get yourself back into routine - no contract, no commitment, just $50 for your first month at legacy. Yes you get the chance to train with these two cowboys and myself for just $50!! That’s full access to classes and all of our coaching services.... We want to help as many people as possible get back on their feet post-iso and what better way to do that than a fully-coached month. If you’re interested, hit our DM with a

19.01.2022 Whilst the news of local sport being cancelled is extremely disappointing, it does offer us the chance to continue improving on the things that make you a great athlete! As we return to our ‘off-season’ programming, we will continue to develop our strength, power, speed, mobility and endurance. It is up to us what we do with this down time and at Legacy HP we are determined to make sure we find a small positive out of a pretty negative time!

18.01.2022 With most local sport competitions cancelled for 2020, it now begs the question.. what do you do with yourself? I say we stay positive. All though it’s crap we can’t play, we rarely get a better opportunity to work on our physical ability. Your body is fresh and you now have months that you can spend putting in the work!... The first thing I would suggest doing is listing out what you’re currently good at and what needs the most work. Is it strength? Size? Power? Endurance? Speed? Whatever it is, make it your focus for the next couple of months. Assign 30-40% or your time/effort to the area that needs the most work and use the rest of your time and energy to maintain the other areas of performance at a high level. Over time your weakness will become a strength and you can rotate your focus to another area. Now is not the time to sit on your backside and play the ‘ill start in summer’ card. That type of attitude and work ethic gets you nowhere. Stay in shape, remove your weaknesses and hit 2021 in the best shape of your life

17.01.2022 Under 2 weeks until we can say goodbye to our outdoor gym! It’s been a hell of an experience with our members showing some real commitment to their training. As much as we have enjoyed the frosty winds and occasional rain, we are ready to get back under the barbells and use some of our new toys indoors.... As a team we have spent iso improving our systems, buying new purposeful equipment and making some small changes that will allow us to provide an even better service to our members. We are incredibly passionate about helping people continuously improve their physical wellbeing and we can’t wait to have everyone back with us in 12 days time

17.01.2022 5 tips for increasing your bench press 1. Utilise slow eccentrics. Lowering the bar slowly is a great way to master technique and to stop you bouncing the bar off your chest! 3-5 second lowering phases is a great place to start. 2. Do pause reps! If you do tend to bounce the bar off your chest or you’re an A-grade half repper, you probably do need to start programming some pause reps. Lower the bar slowly, pause 1cm off the chest for 1-5 seconds and then explode up. This w...ill really aid your bottom position and teach you how to drive out of the hole. 3. Never neglect your triceps. Soo many people forget the importance of the triceps for locking out the bar. If tricep training is just an afterthought you throw in for 3 sets of 12 at the end of your session, forget having a big bench! 4. A healthy bench is a strong bench. Nothing ruins your strength like a stuffed shoulder. Make sure you spend quality time strengthening your rotator cuff muscles and your upper back! 5. Mix up the stimulus. Don’t start every session with 4 sets of 8 reps on a flat bench. Go up and down the rep chart (1-10), change up your angle and change up your lifting tempo.

16.01.2022 Adductor/groin injuries are very common early in the football season due to a large increase in high-intensity changes of direction as you begin playing games. It is important that your adductor muscles have the strength potential to be able to deal with this significant increase! There are many ways to train the adductors, but the Copenhagen plank is one of the most simple and effective exercises to include in your training. In this video, Ben has set up with his shin on top... of the bench which will provide a moderate tension to his left adductors. Beginners should start by having the inside of the thigh (above the knee) on top of the bench. More advanced athletes could go as far as using the ankle and/or adding some weight onto the hip. #legacyfootball

16.01.2022 The lads put some work in tonight

15.01.2022 DEADLIFT SET UP The deadlift is one of the most butchered exercises there is! And it’s usually because people put load ahead of technique. Here is a quick introduction into how we setup for a traditional deadlift.... Over the next couple of weeks we will go through common issues, how to fix them and some alternatives that we can use.

14.01.2022 Member #10 the infamous @jwall_se J Wall gets a bit if air time on here so you can probably tell that he’s been with us for a while, 2 years to be exact. In that time he has managed to cut an astounding 16kg whilst getting strong and shredded AF (his words, not ours). J Wall is a great example for anyone that struggles for time. Not only does he have two little girls at home, he is also a volunteer fire fighter whilst obviously working full time. His training and diet is not ...perfect every week, but he never lets the weeks add up. This is exactly what we preach at legacy, long-term consistency! In his own words, he says he loves the gym as it allows him to have a laugh whilst getting jacked and he gets to perve on other blokes. We love having you here mate

12.01.2022 If this is what can be done at home, Imagine what can be done in the gym! In his time at LEGACYHP @mitchwilli has successfully rehabbed a shoulder, returned to full strength, moved past his previous maximums and now taken out our members only at-home challenge. This is all achieved through consistent, well-directed work. There are no shortcuts!... We will hopefully be reopening our doors in a couple of short weeks and if you would like to hit the ground running, we are now currently taking expressions of interests to join our team! Hit us up through direct message to learn more about what we can do for you

12.01.2022 Missing the squad #countingdownthedays

11.01.2022 For all of my athletes out there, these are the things you should be working on! Think about what YOU need to improve! Ps to my sports scientists - I know I fkd up the I in SAID, I let you all down

11.01.2022 Are you still putting in the work?! Regardless of equipment or environment, we encourage everyone to make physical self improvement a non-negotiable part of their day. Whether it’s bodyweight reps, running times or mobility work, there is always something that you can work on!... Don’t get lazy, be part of the minority that are using this time to IMPROVE.

03.01.2022 How do you get jacked? You train smart, eat smart and recover well. Here’s a quick overview.

01.01.2022 Why we need variation and why too much can be detrimental to our results

01.01.2022 A huge shout out to all of our awesome members who have taken a bit of the gym home with them We’ll never stop putting in the work!

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