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Libellula Naturals in Lesmurdie, Western Australia, Australia | Health/beauty

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Libellula Naturals

Locality: Lesmurdie, Western Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 418 939 499

Address: PO BOX 3007 LESMURDIE WA 6076 6076 Lesmurdie, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Here it is! I’ve extracted the colours from the rose petals and hibiscus flowers and used them in this face lotion This is only half strength as you can see how red the original colour was in the picture. The extracts are not only for colour, Mother Nature has supplied us with some wonderful skin benefits. So many hours over the last 9 months finding the best active ingredients, positive charged cationic ingredients (our skin is negatively charged and opposites attract... so it will really condition your skin) testing, testing and testing. A few Australian extracts were used in this one..Desert lime, high in vitamin C and a great antioxidant, and Kakadu Plum that has the highest level of vitamin C of any fruit in the world! A lot of other special ingredient and also Fragonia essential oil only produced in WA. How fabulous to be able to produce natural lotions with so many great benefits...I’m a little bit proud of myself

23.01.2022 Reuse/Return/Recycle I have mentioned this a few times but it’s always worth repeating You never burn a candle dry..ever. Always leave about a cm of wax in the bottom. Now, what do you do with that leftover wax? (It should be in a liquid state by now) Well I am here to make your day! I have finally managed to source some melt containers that I’m happy to use. These are very sturdy, recyclable and reuseable over and over again. So once you have finished your melts save the container and pour your left over wax from you candle! Brand new melts and no wastage! Great time to also find all your crystals that have fallen to the bottom.

20.01.2022 Today is a big hurray day! Ten months of trialing natural preservatives, microbial testing, formulating, studying ingredients, learning techniques, calculating percentages (so we did need maths at school )...our very first hydrous cosmetic formulation is on the shelves. It’s an entirely different world creating hydrous products to making anhydrous products that I’ve made for years. You will only need to use a very small amount of this hand lotion to have the softest and si...lkiest hands! Infused with rose petals, purple hibiscus, great Aussie ingredients including Kakadu Plum extract, Desert Lime extract, Lemon Myrtle and Fragonia essential oils. The beautiful silver lid tubes are only available from @themicrocollectivekalamunda at this stage, all online orders have white flip top lids and website will be updated shortly. I wanted one product at least before Xmas..goal achieved! #naturalskincareproduct #believeinyourself $14.95 See more

19.01.2022 How gorgeous are these candle tins! Custom made, one of a kind and not available anywhere else. Beautifully embossed lids and all stainless steel. Testing all completed and can’t wait to have these in store soon. These would look fabulous on the (can we use the C word yet?) Christmas table #oneofakindgifts #naturalsoycandles

18.01.2022 I’m like a kid in a candy store today . Boxes and boxes everywhere! New packaging made in AUSTRALIA and fully recyclable!! What a mammoth task to find suitable packaging that would fit my labels that I already had printed so as to not waste resources and $’s to get new ones made...I detest waste. The labels look quite small on these but I’m a bit of a minimalist anyway, all ingredients etc are listed so all good Some of the products going into these will be the Botanical Cleanser, Face Mask/Scrub, Face Lotion, Hand Lotion and Body Lotion. Best of all you will be able to squeeze every last drop of product out of these tubes then even cut them with scissors if you waste! It’s going to get very busy around here next week

15.01.2022 If you are heading to the night market tomorrow don’t forget to drop into The Micro Collective shop in The Central Mall and have a look at all the Libellula goodies and other local makers.

13.01.2022 Hyaluronic Acid..sounds scary doesn’t it? Well it actually occurs naturally in your body and decreases with age. It exists in the epidermis and keeps the skin hydrated and supple due to its high water retention ability. As we age our production naturally decreases and we begin to notice changes in our skin such as wrinkles or dryness. I’ve been busy behind the scenes (while having a much needed social media holiday) formulating and testing this all natural addition to my face lotion. This HA is made from bacterial fermentation using glucose that is corn derived and NOT from animals. Products containing Hyaluronic Acid would be best suited for mature or dry skin to help restore smoothness and elasticity of the skin. More of scary sounding ingredients that actually aren't coming soon

12.01.2022 Don’t just toss your box of melts on the them in your lingerie drawers or linen cupboard. Your smalls (or bigs like mine ) will smell lovely and so will your sheets and towels

09.01.2022 For those that have been asking...these are on their way! I prefer these over the electric ones as I always forget to turn them off. Using the 4hr tea lights they extinguish all on their own and it’s plenty of time for a melt to be...well melting. Good news is they will be around the $15 mark. I’m running low on a few melts now and not sure when they will be in stock again because of shortages of raw materials. If you are a lover of the Lavender & Ylang Ylang, Orange Cedarleaf or Citrus, Sage & Chamomile get in soon and still 3 boxes for $20

08.01.2022 The CEO helping unpack today’s deliveries and the Secretary outside snoozing

08.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to stop and realise the magic that surrounds us. Such a lovely weekend spent with beautiful souls under a full moon Meaningful chats on crystals, meditations, fun, laughter and watching your friends create and live their dreams. All topped off with a day of cleansing rain, happy croaking frogs, candles, coffee and a good book Do what makes you happy! #gratefulheart #magicalmoments

06.01.2022 Purple hibiscus! how lovely are they?! It’s going to be fun extracting this beautiful colour for body and face lotions. A few different flowers in this lot..deep nearly black rose petals and gerbera petals all gifted to me by some amazing friends Lotions will be coming soon..I have not wanted to rush the formulating of these as lots of testing is required. My batches from January and March have passed microbial and challenge testing so super happy with that. The poor sa...mples have been outside, inside, in the fridge, in the bathroom, used without washing hands etc but it’s all part of the testing phase. I’ve been waiting for weeks for my broker to sort out extra specialised insurance ($$$$!!!) for my cosmetic formulating and it’s finally sorted...phew! During this waiting time it’s been very rewarding creating and testing new scents for candles and I will continue with this too. So it’s busy, busy around here and will try to find time to post more often and show you up close what I’m up to behind the scenes

06.01.2022 Tea light burners are in! Perfect for use with water and essential oils or wax melts. Excuse the crappy photographs but just wanted to get them on the website as I know a few of you have been waiting. The ones waiting on the black swinging ones, sorry but only white available. The scents burn stronger in tea lights so you may only need to use half a melt...also depends on the size of your room. There are a few of each available..if it shows no stock just send me a message and i'll rummage through the stock :)

05.01.2022 I’ve managed to source some lovely Australian yellow opals (the stone of hope) for these new large jars and I love them! I wanted to change up my crystals and create some earthy tones so have incorporated carnelian, bloodstone and banded agate crystals. These larger jars burn for over 60hrs. The scent from this one is a beautiful combination of sweet and spicy notes with an oak, amber and musk base. If you like a wood/nature scent, you will love this Oak, Amber & Musk one Check the website for a few other lovely scents and I have a couple more to come soon

05.01.2022 Heart felt thanks to everyone who has shared posts, commented and purchased. I’m closing early this year..some recent events have me questioning everything right now and I need to just try and process it all and take some time out. Something has to give. Still plenty of stock at The Micro Collective in Kalamunda if you need anything and I’ll just be plodding along replacing stock which allows me to do it at my own pace. I’d like to wish you all a happy and safe Xmas..take time out if you need too and look after yourselves

05.01.2022 Mother Nature really does give us all we need . These beautiful organic Calendula and Rose petals are about to get ground down and used in the botanical foaming face cleanser I posted about previously. The cleanser gives a lovely soft micro exfoliation that can be used daily, as well as a beautiful cleanse. All you need is wet hands to apply. You can add a bit of the clay face mask as it has very finely ground cherry seeds, once or twice a week for a more thorough exfoliat...ion. Please do not add sugar as it’s far too harsh and sharp for the face and will leave micro tears in your delicate skin. Sugar is great for your body...but not for your face . I had originally packaged these in glass but had second thoughts and now just waiting for some PET containers as they will be much safer for use in the shower. I should have this available in the next few days See more

02.01.2022 Life is pretty much a balancing act. So many things taking up so much time but I’ll be back in full swing next week! Some products won’t be available for a few weeks despite my efforts of trying to find suitable packaging as stocks are very low or non existent. So I’m still breathing, had some relaxing time over the Xmas break and now slowly getting the mojo back

01.01.2022 Phew! Made it to the end of the week and even managed to get some stock and orders done. I had to do a mad dash to get my Mum from the retirement village the other day as they had to evacuate. I must say I just loved spending the last few days with my beautiful Mum Lovely to spoil and look after her and know she was safe I am restocking the most popular products at the moment, Sleep Spray, Owie & Bug Bites, Headeze, Magnesium Spray,candles, melts and a few others. A few i...tems have been taken off the website for now due to suitable packaging shortages. It’s hard for most of us to ease our anxiety and stay motivated when we are locked down and have these terrible fires in our hills. Stay safe everyone and don’t forget your masks!

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