Lindy's Rox | Public figure
Lindy's Rox
Phone: +61 477 692 371
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24.01.2022 Here a sneak look at painting I’m working on now
23.01.2022 Hi everyone I finally Finished my Cattle Herding painting Its called Long Days #cattleherding #longdays #cow #australia #cattle #cowpainting #herdingdog #cowboy #lindysrox #art #australianshepherd #australianartist #visitdeni
23.01.2022 ’Always Ready This is my favourite blue wren on a Australian Protea flower painted in watercolour #lindysrox #bluewren #watercolour #watercolor #superbfairywren #australianbird #visitdeni #proteaflower #australianflower #birdart #art #lovewhatyoudo #art #bird #enjoyeverymoment
21.01.2022 Hi hope you are all well and I got distracted so still working on Blue wren I will finish it tomorrow
21.01.2022 Hi everyone i can’t sleep so I decide to have a little blue wren sketch I will finish this watercolor tomorrow I hope your all doing well sending love to you all xx
19.01.2022 I just got some beautiful feathers from the Lovely Postman and Lovely lady from our chemist that have a young turkeys that are molting at the moment SO Big Thanks you guys they are so beautiful and delicate It’s inspiring me I think I will do a feather painting today
19.01.2022 Playing around with A hummingbird in watercolour my Art Journal While I was talking to my sister multitasking Love you sis #watercolor #hummingbird #behappy #beyou #lovewhatyoudo #birdart #lindysrox #liveandlove
17.01.2022 Hi everyone I’m back I’m still healing but thought I would share a New painting with you I did this abstract before my operation but didn’t know what it would become looked at it up and down and around Then this week boom I finished it It’s a little different then I normal paint So it’s called Journey to the City #abstractpainting #acrylicpainting #lindysrox #journeytothecity #livefornow #dowhatyoulove
17.01.2022 Hi everyone a cute galah ‘Pretty girl ’ #watercolour #galah #lindysrox
16.01.2022 Hi everyone Sorry I have not posted in a little while I will still try and post art work when I can but I have few medical problem at the moment (no it’s not the virius ) but I will have loads of time to do Pencil and watercolours while getting better so I thought I would post a old Painting I did a while back .we have remember to try and do things that make you happy and Keep on Raising Up We are all Strong and we CAN do this we all in it together so this one Was Called GET BACK UP When You feel life pulling you under you need to FIGHT to get back up to the SUNSHINE Thank you for always support Me and my son love to you all xx
16.01.2022 ‘Lest We Forget this canvas I will put on my fence for 6 am drive by Showing You Are Not forgotten and we might not be about to be at Anzac Day March but you are in our thoughts .Thank You to all serviceman and servicewoman that have fought and fighting for us We Will remember them
15.01.2022 Rose Robin I painted this little fella when I couldn’t sleep last night #australianbird #roserobin #lindysrox #bird #visitdeni #watercolor #watercolorbird #art #yinyang #lovewhat you do
14.01.2022 Hi everyone this is a little watercolour painting of Blue Wren my favourite bird I was lucky to spend the day watching them hop around out at Mathoura forest so i I will be painting more of them They are so cute #bluewren #australianbirds #watercolours #art #artist #birdart #mathoura #lovinglife
12.01.2022 Hi everyone I know there is a lot of Heart breaki going on all over the world So thought I would Say My thoughts and Prayers are with everyone and That everyday I will do a colourful painting and i encourage everyone to do some Art even if it’s just colouring in with Pens or pencils or cutting out favourite quotes or pictures I Love Blue Wrens So tonight I decide to Stop worrying and paint This one is called My favourite things #lindysrox #australia #bluewren #australianbird #wren #bird #watercolor #lovewhatyoudo
11.01.2022 Here is little sneak at my new painting for my room it’s not finished yet of course .Poppies always cheer me up :) xx
11.01.2022 Happy Easter Everyone i Hope you had good holidays even in these stressful time ..I have been doing a few kindness rocks around my town to Thank all the Essential Worker that has been working for us all Me and my son send BIG hugs and love to you all .It was our first time walking outside as My son had high anxiety about seeing people now But I do suggest to try and get a little exercise outside if you can We have a beautiful town to walk around As it does make you feel better getting out in nature . I will be doing more painting tonight I’m working on big on for myself at the moment
09.01.2022 Hi everyone I’m going to have a operation so I will be out of touch for a while and I’m not taking any commissions for a while .I will still do sketch’s and maybe watercolours in the next Month or so .I hope you all had wonderful Mothers Day This one called ‘I Love You and Will Carry you always ‘ Love to you all thank you for all your support I really appreciate it
09.01.2022 Hi everyone Here is a little Blue Wren This one is called Keep Your Head Up watercolour on arches paper. Im painting a big painting at the moment so thought I would blow off a bit of steam and paint my favourite Bird #bluewren #watercolours #watercolor #art #lindysrox #birdart #visitdeni #dowhatyoulove
09.01.2022 Hi everyone I’m painting tonight here is a sneak look at half done painting I’m working on I hope you are all safe and Well #lindysrox #acrylicpainting #rainforest #australianbirds #parrots #birdart
07.01.2022 Hi everyone Here are a few new watercolour I have done .I will be putting new painting in Brontes Tomorrow .I will take Some photos .This rooster watercolour painting I just framed is Going in . Its funny When i first did this painting I thought It was my running into 2020 Excited But maybe it was a sign for me to run through the year as fast as I can HAHA what a crazy year sending hugs to you all
07.01.2022 This one painting Needs a name .What do you think ? It’s Koala and Baby Painted on a Turkey Feather #featherpainting #koalaandbaby #snuggles #australian #visitdeni #paintedturkeyfeather #lindysrox #koala
06.01.2022 Hi everyone This painting I painted it for myself it’s called HOPE &HEALING #lindysrox #lovewhatyoudo #livelaughlove #enjoyeverymoment #charkahealing #poppies #hummingbirds #lovelife #art
04.01.2022 Hi everyone I have put some of my new painting up at Brontes Gourmet In Deniliquin .I will be changing again In about a week as I have New Paintings im working on now. I just want to say Huge Thank You to Kate and her amazing staff for always helping and supporting me and my Art .Im truly blessed to have Kate‘s Support I appreciate it so much .She is amazing lady .They have awesome Coffee and food there .My favourite is Coffee and lemon slice Its the best I have ever had .And Big Thank you to all of you that have bought my art .Im going to be trying more Oil Painting at the moment . I’m saving for new colours .So i really appreciate Your support Kind Regards Lindy
03.01.2022 Hi everyone Here is a painting called Next to me They are Australian Eclectus Parrots Painted in Rainforest . #australianbirds #lindysrox #acrylicpainting #rainforest #birdart #parrots #art #artist #artwork #colourmakesmehappy #love #lovewhatyoudo