Little Scientists in Sydney, Australia | Education company
Little Scientists
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 8080 0065
Address: 501/105 Pitt Street 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bubbles are fascinating: The spherical shape, the sheen and the rainbow colours, the way they float and move with the air currents They are a source of wonder; but how do they form? What makes them pop? What holds them together? AND can you blow bubbles on the Moon? World Space Week
25.01.2022 Hear inspiring STEM stories from fascinating scientists in our next FREE webinar - Tuesday, 2 Sep, 10-11am AEST. Register here
25.01.2022 #Repost2020 This time in our 'at home' series we are exploring static electricity. All you need is salt, pepper and a plastic spoon
24.01.2022 Every morning, someone in my family spills milk. Not much, but just enough for me to recall my mother saying, What a waste! But I also remember her patient attitude, Oh dear, never mind, accidents happen. It reminds me that milk containers have got bigger and bulkier, that practice makes perfect and that it’s no good crying over spilt milk! #STEMgem #LittleScientistsAustralia
24.01.2022 #Repost2020 To flush or not to flush, that is the question! With this activity we would like to investigate with you the things that should and definitely shouldn’t be flushed
24.01.2022 #Repost2020 In today's video we are exploring the world of sounds. A nice way to start any of these experiments is to lie on the floor (or on the grass outside) with your children and just listen. What can you hear? Where do the noises come from? How does the noise travel to our ears? Which parts of our body do we use to hear noise? If we put our fingers in our ears does that stop the sound?
23.01.2022 I spy with my little eye is a wonderful and fun activity most children love playing. It’s suitable for both very young and older preschoolers and helps develop their vocabulary and spatial awareness. Each peach pear plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg is a perfect book to spy with your little eyes! Read the full review here
23.01.2022 Hand in your application for the 2020 Little Scientists Early STEM Award by 31 August (only 10 days to go!) and win amazing prizes! Thanks to @Dyson, the National winner of the Early STEM Award will receive a Dyson Pure Hot+Cool purifying fan heater, so they can continue to explore and discover Air. With Dysons in-depth expertise in air purification technology, were proud to collaborate with them to provide our Air STEM workshops with hands-on practical demonstrations using their air purification technology. Read more here #STEM #dyson #insidedyson
22.01.2022 This year, we will be showcasing excellency in inquiry-based STEM education! At the beginning of each months, we will present an extraordinary early childhood teacher or educator with a passion for inquiry-based STEM. Meet our STEM leader in September 2020 - Cate Halbert from St Joseph's Hindmarsh in Adelaide, SA
22.01.2022 In the lead up to Father's Day we are posting a fun fact about seahorses. Did you know that the male seahorse gives birth to hundreds of babies? And on top of that they can dance and change colour! To celebrate this fascinating underwater creature we have uploaded a beautiful seahorse illustration that you can print out and let the children use their fingers and paint to add a coronet to the seahorse. There's even a Father's Day edition #NationalScienceWeek
22.01.2022 Explore water with all your senses, investigate the different aggregate states and test the solubility of various substances in our ONLINE water workshop this Wednesday, 9 September 9am-1pm AEST. Register here
22.01.2022 Little Scientists invites teachers, educators and parents in Victoria to see our inquiry-based approach in action during a FREE virtual interactive incursion, Tuesday 25 August 2020, 10-10:30am. Spark childrens excitement in STEM exploration by using everyday items that you can find in your home or service to explore alongside us. Please note that this incursion is for children aged 3-6 years old. #NationalScienceWeek Register here
22.01.2022 A bubble accelerator, every child’s dream! The participants in our recent Air workshop found creative ways to make air visible by creating soap bubble machines.
21.01.2022 Another great resource from our Science Week incursion! The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived (that we know of), bigger than an elephant and bigger than any of the dinosaurs we have found. This activity explores one of the reasons why it has been able to evolve to be SO BIG!
21.01.2022 This is the colourful story of Mr Seahorse, who takes good care of the eggs that Mrs Seahorse has laid in his pouch. While he swims about, he chats to several other fish fathers, who are all taking care of their eggs. The story ends with the babies leaving his pouch. Mr Seahorse has confidence in them and trusts that with his love and support, they will be able to make their own way in the world: I do love you, but now you are ready to be on your own. Read the full review here
21.01.2022 Alfie gets in first captures a real-life situation that even younger children will be able to relate to. Alfie, his mum and younger sister arrive home after shopping. While his mum is carrying the groceries inside and getting his sister out of the stroller, Alfie runs inside and slams the door shut. Read the full review here
21.01.2022 To all Victorian educators and families in stage 4 lockdown due to the overwhelming response to our FREE online incursion tomorrow, 25. August 2020, weve made more spaces available. Registrations close tonight at 6pm. Book now
20.01.2022 The town of Abberdoo-Rimey is smelly and full of rubbish until Michael Recycle appears and teaches its inhabitants responsible waste management. Read the full review here #RecycleWeek2020 #MichaelRecycle #EllieBethel #LittleScientistsAustralia
20.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what is in the air? Educators at our Air workshop last week were able to explore just this whilst playing with the Dyson hot+cool air purifier. We had so much fun exploring how to touch, see, smell, hear and even taste the air! What kind of experiment could you do to try and taste air? #AirWorkshopwithDyson #LittleScientistsAustralia
19.01.2022 What does it mean to be good at Maths?
19.01.2022 Explore Indigenous Weather Knowledge with the #Yawurucalendar. The Yawuru people are the native title holders of the town of Broome, including areas of land and sea in and around the location. To learn more traditional weather knowledge gathered by Australian communities over thousands of years, check out Bureau of Meteorology Indigenous Weather Knowledge Website at #NAIDOC2020
19.01.2022 13 amazing gardening hacks that get your gardening projects in your centre blossoming
18.01.2022 We're looking forward to receiving your entry for the 2020 Little Scientists Early STEM Award
17.01.2022 We all know the feeling: A problem, represented by a dark cloud, suddenly hangs over our head. The child narrators reactions seem familiar too. Ignoring it doesnt make the problem go away and the longer we carry it around with us, the more we worry about it and the bigger it seems! It gets to the point, where the narrator has to face the problem, only to discover that there is a beautiful secret inside the problem: an opportunity to learn and to grow. Read the full review here
16.01.2022 Entries for the 2020 Little Scientists Early STEM Award are closing soon. Submit your application now and win fantastic prizes!
15.01.2022 Today is #InternationalLiteracyDay! "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr Seuss
14.01.2022 There is so much to discover in your backyard! If its beauty is sometimes hidden by the general drudgery of everyday life and the apathy of adulthood, try exploring the garden with the children to feel their awe and wonder. To kick-start your enthusiasm, we’ve got a blog post for you that will help you see the humble garden snail in a new light. #STEMgem #BackyardSTEM #LittleScientistsAustralia
14.01.2022 A baby is born into a weak family and refuses to eat until it is given mashed avocado one day. From then on, the baby eats avocados and grows ridiculously strong so that it can fight off burglars and move furniture around. A great example for adults and childrens different approach to stories, this may leave grown-ups looking for a message a bit puzzled, while children find the absurdity hilarious. Read the full review here
14.01.2022 Almost there! Tomorrow is the final day to submit your entry for the 2020 Little Scientists Early STEM Award
13.01.2022 How can we keep up the joy of discovery, the connection between service and home and the children’s attachment to their educators during a pandemic? Join us to hear how inquiry-based practices can help us and children navigate the world during uncertain times. We will hear an educational and developmental psychologist, a kindergarten teacher and a mother and neuroscientist discuss the benefits of inquiry-based learning for our children’s wellbeing. Register for our FREE webinar Inquiry based learning during Covid-19 to ‘meet’ Emily Berger, Hayley Drennan and Emma Burrows and learn from their research and experiences
13.01.2022 Did you know the National Winner of the 2020 Little Scientists Early STEM Award wins a lifetime subscription with Storypark - one of our amazing prize sponsors Hand in your application by 31 August 2020
12.01.2022 How do you coordinate eight arms? If you had eight arms, could you eat dinner with knife and fork while playing a card game and scratching your head all at the same time? What would our clothes, furniture and vehicles look like if humans had eight arms?
12.01.2022 Here is another resource from our Science Week incursion #scienceweek2020
12.01.2022 A heart-felt thank you to Australias early childhood educators! You are making a difference every day Early Childhood Educators Day
10.01.2022 Today is national R U OK Day, a reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, tomorrow and any day it's needed. Learn what to say after R U OK? so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit #RUOKDay #theresmoretosay #RUOK
10.01.2022 It is vitally important that the Federal Government invests in STEM education initiatives for the early years and school sectors in Australia. Together with the Australian Academy of Science, Little Scientists Australia has launched a campaign to promote the importance of STEM education. More from Prof Cheryl Praeger, Winner of the 2019 Prime Minister's Prize for Science
08.01.2022 What do a geoscientist, a microbiologist and a museum curator have in common? A love for STEM and incredibly curious minds! Educators, come and join us for this free webinar where we get to ask lots of questions, such as Are germs always "bad"? What is life in Antartica like? Have you ever had a Night in the Museum? Limited spots available! 2.9. from 10-11am
07.01.2022 Windows describes the experience of many children all over the world, whose spaces have been restricted and experiences limited during the pandemic. The children in the book observe clouds and people from their windows and prove that their imagination and creativity cannot be confined. Read the full review here #LittleScientistsAustralia #earlySTEM #STEMliteracyLinks #Windows #PatrickGuest
07.01.2022 We have teamed up with the Australian Academy of Science to work on a campaign promoting the importance of STEM education
06.01.2022 Ahoy, me hearties! Hope youve had a fearless @TalkLikeaPirateDay! Embrace the spirit of the day by immersing yourself into the perilous world of the ten little pirates, who disappear one by one, only to be reunited on a desert island. Read the full review here
06.01.2022 A Little Scientist at work If you and the children tried walking like a crab and still looking for more exciting STEM activities check out our running man activity
06.01.2022 Be part of our 3-part interactive webinar series for educators and parents and anyone who wishes to spark children's excitement in STEM exploration. Mon 21 Sep 2020, 7pm - Thu 24 Sep 2020, 8pm AEST.
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Physicist Cathy Foley on her appointment as Chief Scientist!
04.01.2022 Can you swim gracefully under water and then leap out of the water with a noisy belly flop like a spotted eagle ray? Do you think its more fun to swim with eight arms, like an octopus, or to use propulsion, like a jellyfish?
03.01.2022 Have you ever used a rock to put tent pegs in the ground when camping? Or a nail into the wall? Sea otters use rocks to open mussels and prise abalone off rocks. How do rocks help crows drink? And why do octopuses carry coconut shells around? Read our blog post and learn about amazing engineers in the animal world. You can also find a printable pdf about simple machines that you can use to explore basic tools further
03.01.2022 Watch the presentation by Charles Sturt University's STEM Research Group at this week's #EarlyChildhoodVoices2020 conference and find out the impact Little Scientists is having on the Australian ECE sector. #CharlesSturtUniversity #ECV2020 #LittleScientistsAustralia
03.01.2022 We were honoured to present the curious children and dedicated educators at #BambouEarlyLearningCentre in Victoria with the National Early STEM Award. Sibylle Seidler and Hayley Bates from Little Scientists joined centre director Haritsa Xenidis and the educators in an online ceremony that celebrated the joys of child-led STEM discovery. In line with the theme, we had invited @ShefinJoju, student of Aerospace Engineering and Astrophysics at @MonashUniversity, who showed the young rocket engineers that their childhood aspirations can come true. If you would like to read more about Bambou Early Learning Centre’s project, please head over to our website, where we’ve summarised our winning projects.
03.01.2022 World Space Week is just around the corner with this years' theme 'Satellites improve life'. Over the next couple of weeks we'll be sharing prompts and ideas how to make this complex topic more accessible to children, starting today with our natural satellite the moon, followed by weather and telecommunication satellites. Happy exploring! Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
02.01.2022 In this episode of our space mini series we are investigating space and sound. World Space Week
02.01.2022 Thank you to all the children, parents & carers and educators that joined our Deep Dive into the Oceans incursion today! We have had so much fun! Stay safe and healthy and always keep exploring! We want to hear your feedback link in the comments below!
02.01.2022 For many children, digging a hole is accompanied by a sense of adventure. It holds the possibility to find something special, something long lost, something that could tell a story. Sam and Dave dig a hole, determined to find something special. Through clever illustrations, the reader knows that the path the children are digging narrowly misses treasures again and again. Only moments before Sam and Dave would find a treasure they change their direction and dig away from it. Read the full review here #STEMliteracyLinks #STEMbooksForChildren #STEMinTheEveryday #SamAndDaveDigaHole #MacBarnett
01.01.2022 Join us in exploring the world of sounds! A nice way to start any of these experiments is to lie on the floor (or on the grass outside) with your children and just listen. What can you hear? Where do the noises come from? How does the noise travel to our ears? Which parts of our body do we use to hear noise? If we put our fingers in our ears does that stop the sound?
01.01.2022 #WorldSpaceWeek starts on 4 October! Check out this beautiful animation of different sun sets on other worlds
01.01.2022 If you are celebrating #Diwali this weekend, you may want to pause for a moment to appreciate the beauty of STEM in the vivid celebrations of the festival of light. You can observe and talk about light and shadow with the children, spot different colours and maybe even try to make your own colourful powders. Have a look at some of the beautiful #rangoli that are laid out to celebrate Diwali: Can the children spot patterns? What shapes can they see? Maybe the children would like to draw their own rangoli. If they cut them out, they can fold or spin them to investigate symmetry. #HappyDiwali #LittleScientistsAustralia
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