Lost Pet Finders in The Rocks, Sydney | Community group
Lost Pet Finders
Locality: The Rocks, Sydney
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23.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Baci Have had Baci since he was 8 weeks old. Picked him because he was playing with water bowl. He was a very outgoing and curious kitten. But never a roamer. I was away for work and my partner said he had not seen him all day. Timeline however ended up being longer. This site was awesome in terms of checks and advice. Baci’s brother Buka has gone missing for four days and I worked through all the steps suggested on this site but that was through commons...ense. Having a go to point to ground you and give you tasks was great. I was amazed when I went to give a copy of leaflet to vet in my street, they were already printing one from the site. Great to know some vets check the site. I asked in flyers that I dropped for people to open sheds access to under house etc. someone must have done this as he turned up on doorstep safe but ravenous. Start early. Follow all the steps recommended. Get the word out there. - Julie
23.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Gizmo First of all I would like to thank you and the rest of the team in Lost Pet Finders for all your help in helping me find my beloved cat Gizmo. The last 5 weeks have been stressful and the regular reminders, tips, encouragement that I have received from the team has helped me a lot. The story of Gizmo wouldn’t be complete without telling you about his mother Smokey. She was a stray we found in the vacant lot (now with a building). She was a grey and ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Little Puss A friend of mine heard that a litter of kittens (from wild Cat), next door or near to his place had been found and taken to pound, one of the kittens must of got left behind and my friend found her, he could not keep her and advertised her on facebook, I rang him and organized to take her in, I took her to Vet`s for check-up and later again for her shots and microchip, it took months of coaxing for her to let me pat her, (and many times a scr...atched arm), definitely a wild little kitten she was. Little Puss has been with me for 5 years now, she comes running to greet me in my driveway when I get home from work After a few days of her not greeting me when I got home, I became concerned, I waited another couple of days and then advertised her as missing, I found by listing her on Lost Pet Finders, I also put flyers up at local shops etc. I felt as If I was letting others know that she was missing and that felt a bit better, although still missing her immensely, I wasn’t going to give up looking for her 2 weeks and 2 days after she went missing, I was pulling up in my driveway and Little Puss came running to meet me, I was so glad to see her and she wouldn’t stop meowing and rubbing against me, I am sure she missed me as much as I missed her, not sure what had happened but so glad she is back home. Thanks to all who kept an eye out - Russell
20.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Polly Message from the lovely finder Tanya: He flew into my back garden, and I suspected he was tame, so I put a dish of sunflower seeds in an empty wire hanging basket and hung it near him. He descended immediately and began to eat. I armed myself with my dog controller (hose with jet attachment) to keep my dogs away from him.... I stood about a metre away and chatted to him, then I got another basket with a water dish, which he climbed onto while I was holding it. I hung the second basket so I had two free hands. He was offering his head for a scratch, then I started stroking his back with both hands so I could close them around him to pick him up. I put him inside my jacket and took him inside. Then I cut a couple of inches off both sets of flight feathers, just in case he got lost again. I phoned the closest vet, who agreed to house him. They posted him on Facebook and I posted him on your site. The owner saw the vet’s post and was reunited with ‘Polly’ on Friday.
20.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Benson and Gertie Benson went missing with our other dog Gertrude and they were both somewhere in the bush and on farm land for 5 nights. It was a horrendous time for myself and my partner and the best of times when we were reunited with them. We believe they pushed through part of our fence but cannot identify the exact area; we are now in the process of refencing....Continue reading
19.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Buddy Buddy is the second litter to his mum Civvy. We have had Buddy 2 years. I noticed Buddy didn’t come home to eat 2 days ago, he does sometimes get the wanders and likes to be social.... Lost Pet Finders absolutely helped, I printed off the pet flyer and at 11pm started walking around my street letter box dropping. In the end, I was letter box dropping and looking down drains and calling his name. I then spotted him in the gutter where a parked car was, just sitting there. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I had been searching all last night he was nowhere. The advice I would give to someone in the same situation is to get onto Lost pet finders and read the TO DO LIST - Narelle
16.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Lillyann Lilly was seen being chased by a dog and disappeared into the neighbours yard. We aren’t too sure how she got into his place as his basement is always closed and his upstairs balcony is very high where he may have his doors open. She was gone for 7 days with no food or water. Last night the neighbour thought he could hear a cat meowing but we do have cats around. It wasn't until he heard some crashing downstairs with some cds that he went to che...ck. In his car, he had left his window down and he could smell cat pee but he wouldn’t come to his call. When i got home from work i went over and was calling her and she came out of a dark enclosed space under the stairwell. She was very frightened. She has not left my side and is settling well. We are grateful to have her home. Flyers were put in the neighbourhood mail boxes and there was some awesome social media sharing and suggestions coming from people. Its great to know there is such a caring community and animal lovers out there. Thankyou for all the support. - Melita
16.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Koko We bought ko-ko 18 months ago from our local vet as they have abandoned kittens for sale. I think he got lost initially and must have gone all day trying to reach home and we heard him meowing at 4am this morning. ... Maybe there was a snake the previous evening that scared him and he left his normal safe surroundings. Lost pet finders gave me support when I needed it most from outside of the normal community. My family were fabulous. I also prayed to God to send him home. My advice is just to reach out to lost pet finders and Facebook as the comments I received via my daughter in law were so uplifting. I don’t have a Facebook account, hence she helped in that way. Thank you - Bev
15.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Sam I got Sam from a shelter 4 years ago. He was approximately 11 years old at the time, and I wanted to give an old dog a nice life in his senior years. Sam is quite deaf and doesn't see well, so yelling out his name wouldn't help in the search. Sam was being looked after by an elderly friend, who has looked after Sam regularly. She's moving out to a retirement village closer to her family, so this was her last time looking after Sam. She opened her gate... to do some gardening and Sam took the opportunity to wander off. She didn't see him leave, and discovered, to her horror, that he wasn't there. She called the police, who told her who she needed to contact, which was very caring towards an 80 year old. She called me later that night, after getting her neighbours to drive her up and down the road, to tell me Sam was missing. I was on my way home from an event, and drove up and down the street. I went home, and googled what to do. I registered him as a lost dog with the council, put a post on local facebook sites and Pet Finders, boosting the post to a 2km radius. The most crucial thing of all is that I updated the microchip information, as my number on the register was no longer valid. Sam had no collar when he disappeared, and the microchip was how we were reunited. I had wonderful support from friends and the wonderful facebook groups. A lot of good suggestions were made, and people said they'd look out for him when they walked in the area. Friends offered to walk the area, and my 80 year old dog sitter knocked on doors in the area to see if they'd seen Sam The microchip was scanned and my corrected details meant I was located. He had been handed in to the Animal Shelter, and as that's almost an hour away, I'd never have called them. The people who found Sam were from that area and were visiting people in my area when they saw Sam. They picked him up, took him home and then to the shelter the next morning. The kindness of these people was amazing. Just get those details of your lost pet out there to as many people as possible. And make sure your microchip information is correct. I only corrected it 2 hours before I received the call from Animal Shelter and had never thought to check the info was current. People out there care and want to help. - Sian
14.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Runty We have been looking for him around the last few days, especially at night and shaking his treat bag, when we thought we heard his collar bells we went home to check if he's back and spent some time on the balcony calling and shaking his bag. An hour later he came back but he wasn't eating, drinking, he was very dirty and his claws were very damaged and tummy was red. He seemed very traumatised. Took him to the vet this morning and he's still there... doing x-rays. They suspect he have been hit by a car as it's common for claws to look like that. Please to anyone who gets their cat back if they are not eating or looking like they may have been hurt even if it doesn't seem like it's anything serious please take them to the vet for a check up!! - Darija
14.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Alvin Alvin was a rescue kitten and my son fell in love with him so home with us he came and soon became part of the family and even befriending our two retrievers. He would play with the dogs, hang out with the dogs and eat with the dogs. When he went missing last Saturday we were devastated and putting him on Lost Pet Finders was fantastic. Just to have kind words, helpful tips and positive stories kept me hopeful and encouraged that he would return ho...me. We followed advice given on this page and around 5am this morning we heard a faint meow and there he was at the door. And here he is now. Back in his usual spot. Welcome home little buddy. - Krissy
14.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Beans Our story with Beans is both simple and complicated. We got her from a rescue, 6 months old, very very shy - a stray. We are very good with animals, so she 'warmed' up a little bit, but our mistake was to assume that a fly screen would stop a cat :-( She worked her way through it over night and was gone.... We live in a Street where every house has a massive backyard and 1000s of hiding spots, so we were hoping she had not gone too far away. So we continued putting out her favourite food in a quiet spot in our backyard, and it was gone typically 1 hour after we put it out. After a few days we occasionally spotted her, but she rushed off very quickly. The interesting thing was that the Mynar birds' alarm system pointed us into the right direction. We have gradually moved her food plate up towards our veranda, and we now watch her quite regularly ... and she gets closer and closer. We will have her back in soon. - Bernhard
13.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Max Max is a part of our family for almost 8 yrs. We got two cat and one dog. We been away for two nights, our neighbour look after them since we always do. When we arrived home Max was missing. It’s a bit odd for him after almost 8yrs. I done everything all the advised what to do till days and months past he’s not home but in my heart and my soul I don’t lost hope one day he will turn up. I always positive thinking.... Last Sunday early morning I heard meowing in the kitchen glass door, it’s him. I can’t believed in my eyes he’s a bit skinny and hungry but it seems very well. I was stoked and very delighted he’s home. Thanks for your support and advise, now he’s relaxing at home . - Myrna
13.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Rabbit Message from the lovely finder: The rabbit found me!! It was sitting on my front doorstep early on Saturday morning looking in through the glass door. It was obviously tame and well cared for but as I have 2 dogs I thought it best to take it to my local vet for safe keeping. I advertised on your site and other local facebook pages and the vet did the same. The owners claimed it on Monday morning from the vet and I'm told live nearby me but they ha...ven't contacted me to say thank you so I don't know anymore about how they knew where to collect it. I found your site very useful and easy to use. Advice I would give pet owners would be get your pet microchipped and keep the details up to date and take the time to thank the person who looked after your lost pet and facilitated it's safety. - Elisabeth
12.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Stormy Stormy is a tortoise shell coloured grey and ginger aged 6years. She disappeared on 18/09/20 while her and her mum(mamba) were outside - Another cat(BIG white one) jumped out of the hedge and chased them, mamba fled inside and stormy took off over the fence, we posted flyers in mailboxes and walked around our neighbourhood everyday and night while shaking cat biscuits bag, (we must’ve looked crazy) . ... On 23/09/2020 we let mamba(kept on supervised outings while stormy was missing) out and she slipped under the house and went running ... which made us all panic thinking we’d lost both of them(was starting to feel really sad at this point) - we stood outside shaking cat biscuits(food time to them) and to our surprise mamba and stormy came running inside. Stormy has been BANNED from going outside. Thank you to everyone who commented, liked, and shared the missing post . - Danica
10.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Banjo Banjo escaped from his family member carers residence whilst we were on holidays. He was missing for 3 days which had a significant emotional toll on all concerned. Friends, social media were notified and our vet recommended Lost Pet Finders as another means of locating him. Countless hours of searching by family and friends had failed to locate him in the area. Then an unexpected phone call from a person who found Banjo in his back yard playing wi...th his own dog. He called the number on Banjo's ID tag and advised he was only about 500 metres away in a parallel street from where he had gone missing. The most wonderful outcome for everyone. He was tired and somewhat dehydrated and hungry but otherwise no lasting effects from his adventures. Thanks to LPF for the hints etc to help in such a trying situation. - Greg
09.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Mozart It was so touching how much our community helped to bring Mozart home! He is my younger brothers best friend. Mozart was hand raised by one of my best friends and colleague and became a massive part of our family. He is such a loving and cheeky parrot. ... He is still learning the ropes of flying and especially landing which is how he got lost. He didn’t mean to get lost from home but he got scared of the outside world when he miscalculated his landing and accidentally ended up outside. He tried to land but the more he flapped and circled the higher he got until He got stuck in a cloud draft. Our family spent hours on end searching for him from dawn till dusk for 2 days. We put posters up everywhere and posted it all over social media. It was heart warming to see the community come together by sharing our posts and keeping an eye out for him over the past few days. A lovely family called my work yesterday morning because a parrot had come to their back door and took a liking to their son. He was so exhausted and very hungry. They were kind enough to bring him into my work where I could instantly identify him. He was so grateful to be home and my brother is overwhelmed as much as the rest of us at how caring and helpful our community was to bring Mozart home. Mozart is feeling very sorry for himself and is currently soaking up all the attention from his family. My advice is to never lose hope!! We made Mozart known to social media and the surrounding community in hopes that he would be seen and found and he was. My brother was very doubtful and very upset that he would never be reunited with his best friend but this story just shows that it is possible for a bird to find their way home no matter how long or quick it takes. - Elly
09.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Blu Blu is 7 and a half months old, we got Blu at the start of the second lockdown. I came across Blu via a pet shop in Croydon, straight away I knew she was coming home because she was so loving and gentle. Blu went missing on Saturday the 5th of September after her harness had snapped, I try to take Blu to the park every weekend to get fresh air and sun. I’m sure then along with petfinder and numerous posts blue was located yesterday at a school. We went to the school today and she was no where in site. We then decided to check the park up the road and BAM there was blu. I had issues getting her down as she was so high up but with the help of the fire brigade she was retuned home. - Alyce
08.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Fudge Fudgey is beautiful boy. He loves to play fight with his adopted brother Kitkat (who is the same age and similar looking) and hiding in small nooks and crannies! They're both rescue cats. I got Fudge when he was 6 months old, he's a year old now, and Kitkat when he was 8 months old (so a couple of months after Fudge). We recently moved and within 5 minutes of getting to the new place Fudge escaped outside and bolted. We couldn't find him anywh...ere, and we were so worried about him. He's very timid and scares easily, and when he gets frightened he stops eating, but we tried calling him and shaking his food anyway. He didn't come for a day and a half. I went all around town and gave out flyers, made Facebook posts, and got my family to help me search for him. Eventually we found him hiding under some fallen logs, he meowed when we called him. He wasn't stuck, just stubborn! We had Kitkat follow us around (he is like a dog, follows us everywhere, very friendly and laid back, the complete opposite of Fudge) while we were searching, to leave a scent trail in case Fudge was lost and also because Fudge always follows Kitkat around when he feels frightened - Kitkat seems to calm him down. We couldn't get him out of the log but as soon as Kitkat walked up to it he came out to him! What a good brother! Now Fudge is back to living like a king! The local community were so helpful, I've been back to most of the places I gave flyers to now to let them know we found him, and they were all so happy when I told them, it was so nice. A lot of them weren't meant to put flyers up in their shop windows but made exceptions because it was a lost cat. Everyone was very helpful. I had a few people call me because they got the Lost Pet Finders audio message, and tell me they had sighted a cat similar to Fudge. It didn't turn out to be him, but it made me feel better knowing that people were thinking of me and keeping their eye out! - Jaimee
07.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Dari I just wanted to say a Huge thank you to lostpetfinders, your website and resources was so helpful. I’m truly grateful for being able to use your website to ask people to help me find my bird. Sorry it took me a couple of days to reply. My Darri bird needed my attention after her big adventure in the wild. Darri is healing up nicely and very happy to be back home with her family....Continue reading
07.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Cheetah How can a cat survive for 13 days without food? If a cat is hiding near the house (where it was eventually found) why wouldn’t it touch food left out for it? Some questions I hope you might be able to answer. Cheetah disappeared the night I got her, when she seemed very traumatised, hiding under furniture. In the morning I couldn’t find her, I assumed she had found an escape route behind the bath and was out! At that stage the rest of the ho...use was closed off. But maybe she just hid near the house and came back in. But if so why didn’t she touch food left out for her, both inside out outside?. After 13 days she was eventually discovered in the front room of the house, where she had found a very dark corner to hide. (we had searched all the rooms) When noticed she was making a beeline for the front door, which may have been left open at times during the day maybe she was going in and out . She may have found water that way. Maybe even food. It's a mystery what happened and how she survived - she didn't seem too skinny! Petfinders helped in that we were able to print professional looking posters very quickly. My neighbours, everyone in the community was very supportive. She is now settling in and seems very content, which is amazing after she hid for so long! Thanks again for your help - Helen
07.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Evelyn I got Evie when I first moved out of home 3 years ago. She’s been my companion ever since - it’s always been us against the world! We bought a new house and had been living there for 3 weeks when we went away on holiday for a week. Halfway through the trip the person who was house sitting said she hadn’t seen Evie. The next morning she still hadn’t shown up so we raced home to look for her. We walked around asking all the tradies around our house ...(we are surrounded by incomplete new builds) and left flyers in letterboxes but had no luck. It was so hard to stay positive some days and there were days where I would just constantly cry. The local community were amazing. We had lots of texts and Facebook messages saying people had sighted a cat who could’ve been Evie. We investigated all of these possible sightings to no avail - often finding another ragdoll. After 6 weeks I got a Facebook message asking if this photo could be Evie. As soon as I saw it I knew it was her! The lady said she had been hanging around their house for about 2 weeks but they couldn’t get close enough for a photo. I raced there after work and called her but had no luck. We ended up getting a cat trap later that day and putting some of our worn clothes and some food inside. Evie tried to get the food from the wrong end of the trap but the lady who’s house she had been hanging around managed to sneak up behind her and catch her. Honestly, a designer cat isn’t exactly made for the wild for 6 weeks! But she is home and I couldn’t be happier! STAY POSITIVE! Keep searching! Evie is skinny (she lost 40% of her body weight!) but so happy to be home and has no permanent damage to her organs or anything! - Nicole
05.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Pan We found Pan in the house in a new hiding place! He was clearly asleep throughout our frantic search inside and in the adjoining neighbourhood. We couldn’t believe he got out as the only way out was a jump off the balcony and it was raining at the time. Lesson #1 trust your instincts! ... The email I received from lost pet finders was helpful because it reminded me to go back to basics and research the house. It was very reassuring and I’m now pleased to be connected in with a wider community to keep an eye out for other lost pets in my travels. - Kathy
05.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Magpie Magpie was spotted in the dark on the neighbouring street 3 doors down under a house by our next door neighbour. He is an incredibly fussy eater and I don’t think he’s had much to eat over the past week as he ate and drank solidly for about 30min. He’s quite skittish and grumpy which isn’t like him but completely understandable.... must have been quite an ordeal. If only cats could talk! He's in need of a good clean and groom and I’m sure he’ll be a bit put out having to sleep in the laundry tonight instead of his usual bed in the garden shed. - Jane
05.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Ziggy I got Ziggy at about 8 months old when the neighbours moved out. He is now 4 years old. As I have been working at home we currently spend most of the day together albeit with him asleep. He would usually be in during the evening having a cuddle on my lap, come up to bed when I do and then venture out in the wee small hours to deal to some vermin. He’d bound across the roof in the morning and ask to be let in though the bedroom ranch slider. Much ...more fun than using his cat door. When he didn’t come in on Monday night I started to worry. I knew something was wrong when he didn’t turn up for breakfast on Tuesday morning. At that point I registered him as lost with you and a couple of local Facebook groups. I also did a physical search at the back of the neighbouring properties. To be honest I was an emotional wreck. The not knowing was the worst thing and my house felt very empty. The advice and support from you and the community groups was invaluable. I distributed about 40 flyers and regularly checked the fb messages and emails. Getting personal messages really helped as I knew others cared and knew how I was feeling. There were high and lows but the encouraging messages really helped and outweighed the occasional negative comment. I often read the re-united stories and that really helped me keep my hopes alive that I would get him back. This morning I got a call from a neighbour about 6 houses along to say Ziggy was on his roof. The neighbour had one of my flyers. I coaxed Ziggy to the front of the roof and this lovely man brought him down. Ziggy was a bit stressed when I got him home but has settled now. In terms of advice I would say to anyone to register with you and raise an alert. Definitely connect with their local fb groups and get the flyers out with a photo. Here’s a photo of him back home. Thanks for all your help and support. - Judith
04.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Ducky Ducky is my daughter's cat that she has had from a kitten. He has always come to stay for holidays but now stays with us permanently as my daughter is currently living overseas. Ducky went missing in the early hours of Sunday morning and did not come back until Thursday evening. I contacted lost pet finders on Wednesday desperate for help. You guys have been very helpful and what is more hopeful. I received a list of what to do - most of which ...we had already done but it was good to check off what we should have done. I received advice from Josephine to check roofs of neighbours and to call out for him during the evening. We both called out for him last night and eventually he arrived at our back door. Losing a pet is like losing one of the family. Having them around is very comforting and fun. Our cat's best friend is a rabbit who was missing him too. Everyone in the community has been caring - including the local vets and the Council workers and the ranger. Everyone at Lost Pet Finders were very very helpful and supportive. Thank you so much. - Nicole
04.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Well here is our story in brief The wee cat arrived outside our house crying in the early hours of Monday 24th August. She was in good health, very friendly with a collar but no ID so clearly lost. I took her to our local vet in the hope she had a microchip but she did not. ... I then listed her on the Found section of Lost Pet Finders. This is a wonderful site, a great resource for people with missing and found pets. The flyer that is produced for you is very helpful. On. Tuesday 25th I placed the flyers around the neighbourhood. In the meantime we looked after the little girl. Every day I checked the Lost cats listings. After one week, I checked the new lost listings and there she was! I called the owner and he came to pick her up about an hour later. Put simply without Lost Pet Finders, I doubt we would have reunited them. My advice to people who have lost pets is please ( obviously before they get lost!) get them microchipped, it can make all the difference. Or if they have a collar, add a wee tag with your phone number. List them as lost. Please don’t worry about feeling you are reacting too soon, yes they may soon wander back home but they might be really lost so put the call out there sooner than later. In this case the owner did not list her as lost for 9 or 10 days. Not that he didn’t care or love her, he just kept thinking she’d come home and then he panicked. So thank you Lost Pet Finders. You operate an amazing service. - Judith
03.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Edward Edward came to us as a blessing born on the same day 8/8/2019 the same day with lost our beloved British Longhair Smokey cat Alfred to a freak seizure at the groomer. We named Edward (Eduardo) as the Son of King Alfred the Great! The 8/8 is known as the Lion’s Gate Portal which is associated with Egypt and cats so Edward, Silver British shorthair who is now 1 year old is deeply treasured & magical part of our family. We only let Edward outside fo...Continue reading
02.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: George I found George on a walk home in 2009, he was sitting in a front yard but something made me look closer and I saw he was injured. After trying all the closest houses I took him to the vet. After he was recovered I tried finding an owner but with no results and we became family George didn't come home one night and by the second night I knew something wasn't right as he always comes home. I started putting up homemade flyers and asking neighbour'...s. I then posted on social media sites and listed on petfinders. I put those flyers up everywhere, did more door knocking and searched for him every evening and early morning, call to all local vets, council and lost dogs/cats home. Neighbour's were fantastic printing out flyers keeping an eye out. Lost Pet Finders helped with advice connections and flyers. In the end, Neighbour found him in their shed. The advice I would give to someone in the same situation? Keep searching and asking. - Vanessa
02.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Sally Sally is 3 years old and went missing on June 9th 2020, she was gone 3 months. We discovered she was missing about 24 hours after we last saw her. I left it a week or so until I made flyers and contacted Lost Pet Finders and put her up on various lost and found pet pages on Facebook. ... I never believed she was dead, I thought she’s been stolen or jumped in a car. We had a sighting in a suburb 15km away but I wasn’t sure how serious it was, I did a drive around the area early July and asked a few people to no avail. We kept holding out hope but nothing, it was tough not knowing where she was and not having closure. On 7th Sept we were sat down for dinner and I got a message from a man in that same suburb saying he thought he’d found Sally and he sent through some photos and sure enough, it was her. My daughter, who claims Sally as her own, was in tears of Joy. We think she was stolen and found her way to this lovely mans house who tirelessly searched for her on Facebook, or she got a ride to there by accident and as someone mentioned on a thread on Facebook they think Sally was wandering the area for a while, unafraid of dogs, in and out of peoples houses. We are over the moon and Lost Pet Finders was a great help with the automatically available flyers we could print out and the regular emails with tips which helped us to hold out hope. - Rachel
02.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Max Max was a rescue cat and is best friends with our Labrador who he grew up with. After following the tips from Lost Pets I heard his very soft meow from inside a neighbours garage where he was locked inside. He was so happy to see me and then ran straight home to be fed.... I've attached a photo taken a few minutes after he came in our door. Thanks so much for the help and support as it boosted my confidence that he would be found! - Julie
02.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Tilley So Tilley was adopted by me back in august. She was incredibly timid and shy and never ventured far from under my furniture. One weekend I left the back door open a crack and after a frantic search discovered her missing. Luckily I had updated her microchip details and posted on every site I could think of. The outpouring of advice, support and care was incredible - I am humbled so touched. ... I received a call from the same shelter I got her from. She had been trapped and handed into the shelter the day before - a bit dirty and skinny but safe. Thank you again for running such an amazing service! I’m incredibly grateful!! - Amelia
01.01.2022 REUNION OF THE DAY: Zena Zena was a foster who come to us when she was just two and half weeks old, she took a liking to my son who suffers from anxiety. She as been apart of the family for 5 years now. We had been living in our new place for 3 weeks before I let the cats outside and they where only allowed out with us. The day zena went missing I had told my son to come inside and that zena would be fine for a few minutes by herself. We spent the next few hours calling an...Continue reading
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