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Lotus Healing & Wellness Centre in Manly Vale | Medical and health

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Lotus Healing & Wellness Centre

Locality: Manly Vale

Phone: +61 424 779 739


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24.01.2022 Here is a wonderful link to a Global Peace Meditation I will be participating in tonight and invite you to do the same, whilst we are in this magical 11/11 portal! . . . .... Sydney time at 9:11pm will align with the millions of others around the world doing the same! . . For those that heard me mention facilitating an 11/11 meditation tonight , my intention was good and sincere but to be honest, after a challenging (albeit wonderful - but challenging) day with my toddler , I am now running on empty . . So instead , you and me, let’s join the millions of other souls around the globe doing this powerful practice for the good & healing of all. . . Much love to you all . . . . Repost picture from @globalpeacemeditation . . #globalmeditation #1111meditation #healing #theother1percent #collectiveconsciousness #calm #globalcoherence #calmness #globalconsciousness #peace #globalconnection #ascension #thegreatawaking #starseedsunite #starseeds #starseedsofinstagram #spiritguides #shiftconsciousness #globalpeacemeditation #awaken

20.01.2022 Be kind to your inner child , they are still inside you.

19.01.2022 Meditate and manifest!

15.01.2022 We are creators . We are manifesters . (Well why did we create this mess of 2020!? ... . Partly because A) it’s all part of the divine plan and the clearing , purging process. . B) plus we haven’t been creating very deliberately from an empowered place. . . .. But now we can) . . It’s time to step into our power , . To tap into our infinite potential . To know our worth and that we CAN declare and decree an outcome for ourselves and the world that we desire . . JOIN me tonight for a powerful guided meditation. . Where we . unite in peace . remove all distractions . Soften, comfort & transmute the parts of us that are fearful . . And use our powerful combined focus to create more harmony, flow, truth, wellbeing for all and . . Manifest the future we want to see for our children and the generations to come . . Now is the perfect astronomical, planetary , energetic portal for this. . . Join me via Facebook live at 8pm at the Lotus healing & wellness page . . Tag any friends who would be interested. . Optional - but have with you . A candle , tea light or any sort . Comfy clothes . Water to stay hydrated . Any crystals you have & want with you . Pen and paper in case you need to note an insight . . An open mind and heart . . It’s normally so busy right now but with so many of us in lock down - it isn’t really! So let’s use this time given to us very wisely ! . . Don’t fear or doubt your own ability to create and to influence reality for the betterment of all. It’s all within you. . Let’s gather . Let’s heal. Let’s rise . . #newearth #solstice #portal #uluru #newgrowth #manifesting #knowyourpower #timetounite See more

15.01.2022 So it’s a bit last minute notice here .. But since many are in lock down , I thought it worth the invite to virtually gather on this powerful day! for a beautiful intention of healing for the self and the planet

12.01.2022 Tomorrow is 11/11/2020 . . A powerful portal , gateway , energy for .. well... whatever you want it to be ! - .... That could be . Connecting with your higher self and guides . Connecting to your purpose . Aligning more fully with your soul path . . But whatever your intention for this auspicious date , i invite you to meditate on it and to add something like this; . . I choose and intend to embody Unity consciousness , compassion , peace, calm, kindness and tolerance.. (fill in the blank) and to emanate this outwards in all directions to all my brothers and sisters of Earth, infusing these qualities into the collective field that unifies us all.. . . And if you want to give yourself a liddle challenge . Send love and kindness to people with . Opposing political views to you . Opposing world views to you . Opposing medical autonomy views to you . People who have been causing you difficulty or insult . . And remembering , . they too want only Love . They too want peace . They too want wellbeing . They too want to feel safe . They too want to feel heard and valued . In that sense , we are all the same . . I intend to share a guided meditation tomorrow night and will invite you to join me , with the details , in a seperate post . For now , good night and sweet dreams Remember , we are birthing a new world and in so doing, all that is not in alignment with those higher qualities (more unity, equality and peace) will come up for clearing . And we are in the midst of a deep clearing .. . So let’s meditate through it . . #duality #polarity #divideorunite #unitedinspirit #metta #meditate #lovingkindness #meditation #calm #eyeofthestorm #universe #centeryourself #meditateforpeace #universehasyourback #portal #collectiveconsciousness #1111 See more

11.01.2022 Wishing you a Happy and peaceful Thursday

10.01.2022 It [the power of the heart] is like the secret hidden in plain view , like electricity was a long time ago. . It was all around us and yet people didn’t quite understand what it was or what you could do with it. .... . And once they figured that out , our world changed and it changed fast. . . The same is true for the heart. . . When we begin to fully access it and understand what it can do our inner worlds and then subsequently our outter worlds of what we live in today called planet earth is gonna change, and quickly. . - Howard Martin, HeartMath Institute . . Praying for all People around the globe as we move gradually into a more heart based world, while the not-so heart based structures crumble away. . . It can look like destruction or chaos. . But as when you wash your hair, it can look like a tangled messy mess. But once it’s brushed and dried and styled , it looks amazing ! And is clean as a whistle and fresh as a daisy ! . Weird analogy , but go with it . . But most importantly, trust your heart, come back to your heart time and time again. . . It will be like an oasis of calm in your inner world , even amidst any storm in your outter world. . . . Repost art from @cnikarts #heartopening #heartchakra #electromagneticfieldoftheheart #meditation #heart #heartcentred #rainbow

10.01.2022 I can’t even begin to tell you how much she enjoyed her salt bath this morning . . . If you have trouble stilling you’re mind for meditation, gaze at a one of your crystals. ... . . Not only will it be beautiful to look at, it will . . give the monkey mind something to focus on . . emit calming frequencies for you to entrain with . give you a point of focus where images may then start appearing in your minds eye . . . Join me Tuesday night at Beaches Baby Freshwater for a delicious hour of meditation at 7:30pm. Book via beaches baby website . Or check out my soundcloud to enjoy some of my free guided meditations . Google Soundcloud Meagan Cohn and it will appear . . #crystals #crystalhealing #amethyst #crystalball #purple #calming #psychic #psychicabilities #intuition #meditate #meditatedaily See more

10.01.2022 Happy Friday! . . May you find (no- MAKE) time this weekend to simply .... Be . Breathe . Connect to your heart . And the peace that resides within you . All. Of. The. Time. . . But so often gets buried in thoughts and busyness . Yet is always there . . Waiting patiently . Like the sun behind the clouds . . Always there . . Repost picture from @crystalcastlebyronbay . . #crystals #crystalhealing #crystallovers #crystallove #crystalcastle #purple #crystalenergy #crystalcollection #crystalvibes See more

07.01.2022 If you’re feeling out of balance in any area of your physical or emotional bodies , try using these mantras in your meditation . . As you repeat these words, notice any sensation you experience, or I ages that show up in your minds eye , no matter how subtle .... . . And let me know how you go! . . Subtle changes in subtle energy produces big transformations in your inner and outter worlds . . . #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #chakraalignment #chakras #chakrasaligned #chakrabalance #chakrachant #mantras #mantra #vibration #vibrationalhealing See more

05.01.2022 Spiritual funny . . Repost from @tealswanofficial .... . #spiritualfunny See more

05.01.2022 Not always easy, . but a very powerful act , . And very much needed ... . especially in 2020 . . The global coherence project conducted but the heart math institute illustrated beautifully how our emotions effect the collective consciousness field. . . At time’s like 9/11 , princess Di’s death , super bowl and New Years Eve a clear change in the Earth Ionosphere can be seen. And this effects the electromagnetic field of every human heart, even if they weren’t directly impacted by the event. . . Equally , when thousands of monks were sent to war torn cities to meditate in peace, a statistically significant drop in violence , war crimes, emergency room admissions was reported. . The number of monks equated to 1% of the population . Which goes to show , it doesn’t take a huge number of people to effect the collective . . So your meditation practice , or any practice that cultivated calm, peace and unity within you, is a powerful service to your fellow humans . . Don’t underestimate your own power to generate good energy you are a beacon of light . . #nowgomeditate . . Repost from @jamie_butler_medium #meditation #collectiveconsciousness #theglobalcoherenceinitiative #heartmath #forbiddenknowledge #globalmeditation #globalpeace #collectivelycreate #meditatedaily #deepakchopra #quotes #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #cultivatecalm

05.01.2022 The star of Bethlehem Visible for the first time in 800 years ! That’s got to be a good sign

04.01.2022 At this stage, Lotus will be re-opening Thursday 24th December for all your pre-Christmas beauty & healing needs . . I will be in touch of course, with any updates as they come in from NSW gov. .... . Meanwhile , distance healings and gift voucher purchases are available . And due to lock down, I all of a sudden have available time slots for remote healings! . . Reach out any old time . I’m not doing much in lock down other then making huge piles of pillows for me and my 2 year old to jump on to . . #lotushealing #giftvouchers #christmas #adifferentchristmas See more

03.01.2022 The greatest gift you can give your children is your own happiness . - Abraham Hicks . . Beautiful Mumma’s ... . Its meditation time again at Beaches Baby Harbord Diggers . . Today ! Tuesday 17th November . At 7:30pm . For 60 relaxing minutes . Of guided meditation & deep rest . . To recharge the batteries . Fill up your own cup (and not just of coffee ) . Have some Me Time . And cultivate calm that will hold you in a supportive way for the days and weeks to follow . . Book via beaches baby website $30 investment . . #meditation #mumswhomeditate #timeoutforyou #recharge #allwelcome #relaxation #harborddiggers #meditate #beachesbabyfreshwater See more

02.01.2022 Thank you so much to all who joined me tonight (or will go through the recorded meditation in future) On this special day it’s an honour to gather with magical souls like you (albeit virtually) Solstice ~ Procession of the Equanox ~ Uluru ceremony ~ The Great Conjunction ~ the Shift of ages & more .. ... What a combo! If you feel an Energy Clearing & Healing , and/or an energy reading with your guides , would support you as we move towards 2021 Dont hesitate to connect ~ I’m here all week! And beyond . Photo from Stan Rose

01.01.2022 Just as I sit down to organise my diary for the week , Gandy comes to assist . . You gotto reward that behaviour with a snuggle .... Underneath Gandy is a diary that is getting very full in the lead up to Christmas So reserve your space now

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