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24.01.2022 Radiotherapy done and dusted thank goodness. Wasnt much fun being locked into that contraption but hopefully theyve zapped it enough. Thanks everyone for all your well wishes and thoughts and your amazing meals. I cant tell you how much we appreciate them and how they have made a really crappy time that much easier. Recuperation from the surgery/radio combined is taking so much longer than I expected. I cant wait for the day that I can have a shower without being exhausted afterwards. Spending lots of time tv binging as I just dont the energy for anything else. Thank goodness for Netflix and Foxtel!!
23.01.2022 Big week this week for me. In an effort to give me more energy I had a blood transfusion on Monday. Unfortunately Im not bouncing around like the energiser bunny but hopefully that will get better. More importantly, though, hopefully I will become stronger and my immunity less compromised. Also went out and bought this stunning looking contraption so at least now Craig can take me for walks even if it is just around the lake or down the beach-just keep your just 1.5m distance!!! Always setting the trend in style!!!
23.01.2022 Hi everyone. Thanks to the lovely Veronica Maine and friends, the food train has restarted. I hate to ask for help but I'm taking longer and longer to recuperate from things and just don't have the energy to cook. Your beautiful meals just make life that much easier and we appreciate them so much. If you would like to add your name to the train(please no pressure) you can find the link at the bottom of the original post. It will only run a few weeks till I'm hopefully back on my feet a bit! (Theres probably an easier way to get to the link but my brain isn't working too well at the moment!!Anyway, thank you in advance. you are all wonderful.
22.01.2022 Going well ! Louise came home from hospital just in time to see her family on Mothers Day - which put a huge smile on her face !! Silver chain came to our home and removed her staples and come each day to check and dress her wound-they are amazing !! So with surgery done and enough drugs to keep her pain under control, she has jumped straight into 5 rounds of radiotherapy, last one on Monday, fingers crossed. The plan is to kill some of the cancer in her spine, before she gets back into chemo again. Still isolating and missing you all xxx
22.01.2022 Good news!!!!!!!! I'm going home today!!!!!!! Was not expecting that at all. Can. Not. Wait. Now I better ring Craig so he knows to come and get me!!!
21.01.2022 Radiotherapy done and dusted thank goodness. Wasn't much fun being locked into that contraption but hopefully they've zapped it enough. Thanks everyone for all your well wishes and thoughts and your amazing meals. I can't tell you how much we appreciate them and how they have made a really crappy time that much easier. Recuperation from the surgery/radio combined is taking so much longer than I expected. I cant wait for the day that I can have a shower without being exhausted afterwards. Spending lots of time tv binging as I just don't the energy for anything else. Thank goodness for Netflix and Foxtel!!
21.01.2022 I have been deliberating for some time now as to whether to open a new fb page primarily focusing on this Godawful trek thru breast cancer. My absolute main reason for not wanting such a page was because I most definitely did not want this to turn into a pity page, full of woe is mes and boo hoo look at me. That is just not my thing. My primary reason is that many people have been asking of my progress and while Im happy to tell, it becomes rather tiring repeating myself over and over. Additionally, there are people who would like to know but feel intrusive asking. My third reason (and this is a biggie): know that I absolutely hate asking for help.
20.01.2022 Just wanted to thank everyone who has offered their help during this time when I find cooking so difficult. I am also very aware that this is probably one of the shittiest times ever to be asking for help when people can be finding it difficult to find items to provide for their own families let alone others. Please, please, please dont feel obliged to provide a meal even if yr name is already on the list.Truly. Also in this time of social isolating, please dont think Im rude if I dont collect yr meal from the esky until after youve gone. My immunity is so compromised at the moment that Im really keeping my distance. Anyway, love and thank you to you all in these crazy days.
19.01.2022 So first I wanted to apologise for not getting back to people or replying to all your lovely messages.Its all just been a bit too much and too many tears. I finally saw the surgeon this morning. The news was not good and the images he showed us of my spine were even scarier. Without going into all the details, Ill be going in for surgery Tuesday morning(bloody public holidays) where they will screw bolts and rods into any bone they can find that that is still strong enou...gh to be used. I have never been so scared of anything in my life and just hope beyond hope that they find good strong bone to attach the bolts and that my legs decide they like walking. If ever Ive needed your prayers and/or whatever vibes youre into into, I really need them now. As if its not bad enough for me, poor Craig and Emily are also scared stiff so while they love your support,Craig especially just doesnt have the energy to answer telephone calls. He is exhausted. Please dont think were being rude and dont appreciate your thoughts. Again, will you posted with hopefully lots of good news and as always, onwards and bloody upwards. See more
18.01.2022 Sorry to say, but Louise is back in hospital again. She has picked up an infection and has a high temperature along with problems breathing. So when we went in for chemo today her oncologist cancelled it and replaced it with a bed in Hollywood hospital so she could have IV antibiotics and oxygen. She was resting comfortably when I left her tonight and hopefully will begin to feel much better over the next couple of days. Regards Craig
18.01.2022 Hello all and thank you for all your lovely messages. So I thought Id be getting out of hospital today but they love me soooooo much they wont let me go!(I wish). Reality is theyve discovered some unidentified infection in the upper parts of both lungs-which would explain why I huff and puff doing the most menial of tasks- and are going to perform a bronchoscopy tomorrow to take some lung tissue to determine what the infection is. Ive had the Covid test and ruled that out.... Theyve also discovered I have an infection in my port so unfortunately theyre going to remove the that on Wednesday and (fingers crossed) put in a picc line at the same time. If they cant do it at the same time Ill have the picc inserted under a local which I REALLY dont want!! I wasnt at all happy when they told me Id be here for another week but Ive resigned myself to it now and just have to suck it up! Anyway, as always, onwards and upwards! xxx PS Happy holidays to all my teacher friends xxx See more
15.01.2022 Louise has deteriorated rapidly in the past couple of days. Prayers would be appreciated. Regards Craig & Emily
15.01.2022 Hello everyone, Just a quick update. Louise is having some radiation therapy at the moment. 4 days done and 1 to go on Monday. It has made her nauseous and she is not feeling great. She is not up for physical visits but I am sure she would love to hear from everybody online, your news and what’s been happening etc. She likes a good joke too if you know any good ones. Rebecca V
13.01.2022 Louise has asked us to let everyone know that she is not up to seeing any visitors at the moment. Despite being on oxygen she is still struggling to breathe and the added effort to talk to people, no matter how much she loves them, is just too much for her at the moment. Love Craig & Emily.
12.01.2022 So if any of you are in doubt about the value of your private health insurance, here is my bill for the surgery and my stay in hospital. Yes,you read that right-it cost $35,270.35. We pay $10.35 HBF must really hate me!
12.01.2022 Louise lost her battle with breast cancer last night. After 3 long years she can now rest peacefully, free of suffering, chemo and pain. Towards the end I think it was only her love for all of you, her closest friends and family, that kept her going. Thank you all for your love and support through this difficult journey. Love Craig & Emily
12.01.2022 Hi all Marathon day!! Louise went into surgery this morning and came out 6 hours later with two rods running down her back held in place by 24 screws into her T2-T7 vertebrae to stabilise her spine. At the same time the compressed fracture of her T5 vertebrae was straightened out. So she is a little bit taller now!! Best news, after worrying about her spinal cord/paralysis, she can already wiggle her toes !! ... Thanks for all your best wishes - Louise is already talking about sharing a champers with you. Regards Craig
12.01.2022 Unfortunately, Louise won’t be able to come home for Christmas. She is still on oxygen and morphine to keep her as comfortable as possible. So we will be spending Christmas together at Hollywood hospital, but would love it if you could post pictures of your Christmas celebrations for us to enjoy. Regards Craig & Louise
10.01.2022 Hello all and thank you for all your lovely messages. So I thought I'd be getting out of hospital today but they love me soooooo much they won't let me go!(I wish). Reality is they've discovered some unidentified infection in the upper parts of both lungs-which would explain why I huff and puff doing the most menial of tasks- and are going to perform a bronchoscopy tomorrow to take some lung tissue to determine what the infection is. I've had the Covid test and ruled that out.... They've also discovered I have an infection in my port so unfortunately they're going to remove the that on Wednesday and (fingers crossed) put in a picc line at the same time. If they can't do it at the same time I'll have the picc inserted under a local which I REALLY don't want!! I wasn't at all happy when they told me I'd be here for another week but I've resigned myself to it now and just have to suck it up! Anyway, as always, onwards and upwards! xxx PS Happy holidays to all my teacher friends xxx See more
10.01.2022 Pity party time. I'm sick of hospital. I miss Craig, I miss Emily, I miss my cats, I miss my house. I'm tired of being poked and prodded, having things shoved up my nose and down my throat.I'm sick of breathing in radioactive gunk and having a Geiger counter waved over me to check how the oxygen is getting into my lungs or not. I'm sick already of having this picc line permanently hanging out of my arm. I'm sick and tired of being exhausted after I have a shower or go to to the toilet and have to go back on oxygen for all the huffing and puffing. The staff are wonderful and the care is amazing(but why oh why must they wake me at midnight and then at 6- didn't their mothers teach them any manners!) but Ive had enough and I want to take my cricket bat and ball and go home! Rant over!
09.01.2022 Hi, Louise had an MRI & CT scan this morning. The scans revealed that the cancer has eaten into one of her vertebrae (T5) which has caused it and the adjoining rib to bend, putting pressure on her spinal cord. This meant we had to rush her into hospital where she could be admitted to immobilise her spine to prevent her spinal cord breaking. Tomorrow a neurosurgeon will operate to try to stabilise her spine. Keep you posted, regards Craig
08.01.2022 Hi all. So after being rushed in to Hollywood yesterday, fasting, no moving, catheter in - all panicking, I am now not seeing the surgeon till Saturday and having surgery till Tuesday!!!!! Bloody hell! Thankyou for all u you lovely messages last night and this morning. It was a scary time so they were much appreciated. Better to be on the safe sound than sent home and be sorry. Will def keep you updated. Sorry for the scare. Louise xxxx
08.01.2022 Hi Fabulous Friends and Family, If you are able to help out with meals, please sign up in the doc below (just click the link). We eat everything and anything, as long as its not too spicy. Takeaway containers preferred. Please pop into esky at front door (although you all know that I love a chat, I am not up to it at the moment - thanks for your understanding). Meal roster starts Monday 23rd March. So appreciate your support and love xx... https://mealtrain.com/6w8nmz
07.01.2022 Seriously, I must have run over a lot of chinamen in a previous life. I now a DVT in my leg and Pulmonary embolism in each lung. REALLY??????
06.01.2022 Pity party time. Im sick of hospital. I miss Craig, I miss Emily, I miss my cats, I miss my house. Im tired of being poked and prodded, having things shoved up my nose and down my throat.Im sick of breathing in radioactive gunk and having a Geiger counter waved over me to check how the oxygen is getting into my lungs or not. Im sick already of having this picc line permanently hanging out of my arm. Im sick and tired of being exhausted after I have a shower or go to to the toilet and have to go back on oxygen for all the huffing and puffing. The staff are wonderful and the care is amazing(but why oh why must they wake me at midnight and then at 6- didnt their mothers teach them any manners!) but Ive had enough and I want to take my cricket bat and ball and go home! Rant over!
06.01.2022 Despite this page being created yesterday, this is MY first official post. Surrounded by many, many bubbles, wonderfully delicious food and loads of Love and laughter, Kelly, Rochelle and Veronica took total control and created this page for me knowing how much help I now need. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This breast cancer is one nasty bitch, which, while I am still fighting madly, can take sudden and nasty turns. At Christmas I was pounding the shopping centres for ho...urs shopping for gifts. Four weeks ago I visited a friends half built house to see its progress. Despite having a walking stick for support, I was able to ditch the stick and climb around scaffolding to view the second storey. This week I am unable to walk two feet without a walking frame and huff and puff like Ive run a marathon. Hence our asking for help with a few dinners a week. We are not fussy and will eat just about anything (although Craig and Emily are not big on spices). Hopefully this is just a bump in the road and Ill be up and about whizzing up culinary delights in the kitchen in no time!!! In the meantime though, there are not enough words to thank you all.Truly, thank you all. See more
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