Love Parenting Newcastle in Lambton, New South Wales, Australia | Professional service
Love Parenting Newcastle
Locality: Lambton, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 455 955 700
Address: 55 Fitzroy Rd 2299 Lambton, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1652
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24.01.2022 "SAFE AND HEARD" Gosh I have valued being able to collaborate with Victims of Crime Assistance League NSW (Vocal), City of Newcastle ,and importantly, the dynamic survivor of Family Violence parents who have been coming through lately for the Reconnect Parenting initiative. Thankyou Kirrilee for this feedback.
23.01.2022 How will you creatively catch up online with family you can't see in-person this year?How will you creatively catch up online with family you can't see in-person this year?
23.01.2022 PROUDLY LOCAL Lambton NSW Mix and match whatever online and in-person support feels a fit for you across this year....... ...across all the years. #newcastlensw
23.01.2022 A friend of mine who kindly went ahead and had kids before me once pointed at her toddler absolutely strewing the room with pages he was tearing out of the junk mail catalogues and noted that she could freak out about the mess or see it all as important learning. Thankyou Michelle for that lightbulb moment that helped me consider what realistic expectations are....and the importance of giving kids lots of space to do what they feel pulled to. Life is so fast-paced these days.... Houses are increasingly fancy. Making schedule and home environment decisions that factor-in giving kids time and space to be kids takes soooo much pressure or if the big job we do. #realisticexpectations
22.01.2022 Heart Centred Choices Happy Saturday. All the best out there today.
21.01.2022 As well as the extra surface wiping, sanitising and sitting spaced...if you dress to stay comfortable we can sit with the Love Parenting Studio windows open and the fans on and take a walk as part of your Parenting Reset session. It's not just COVID we are focused on dodging, its anything thesedays that might cause us or the people around us to become unwell, need a test or need to isolate. Whatever you need, speak up. I would love to cater to whatever additional than that that you need.
21.01.2022 Him helping his toddler understand is priceless. What big news have you given your kids lately? How did it go?
21.01.2022 What a reframe Thankyou Braided Way Magazine / Free Range Learning
20.01.2022 Need a good dance to shake off this week's stress? What song gets you busting your moves?
20.01.2022 QUICK! While Callum and Graeme still have an abundance of it. $2.50 MEGA bunches of coriander at @newcastlefarmersmarket ... I am going to make squizzy Mexican lentil salad wraps with mine. What do you love coriander in?
20.01.2022 "But isn't that REWARDING bad behaviour Mel!?!
19.01.2022 Walking together while we talk is a boxticker. It changes the scenery up and gets our circulation cranking. Most importantly it turbo-charges the part of our brains we use for problem-solving.... If you want someone literally alongside you right there helping you problem-solve your way through parenting then get in touch. I'm here.
19.01.2022 BACK FOR TERM #4 Tomorrow's free intro chat timeslots are spoken for but the week after I'm wide open. What is at front of mind for you as we hit the last term for 2020?
19.01.2022 Free event for parents who are 'New-to-Newy' Moving somewhere new is a big transition. Shell from @pineapplefitness_ and I have both been there and really valued gatherings where we found ourselves casually situated alongside people we could ask our burning settling-in questions to.... Check out our Instagram story about what we are going to be doing to welcome in Summer. Essentially it is a slow sunrise sit down at Bar Beach Tue 1st Dec to marvel over the changing sky silently setting some intensions for the few minutes it takes for the sun to pop up over the horizon and then casual check-in chats over the chai and pikelets I will bring. Whether you are new to Newcastle, or are an individual or service provider who would like to support folk who are.... we would love you to join us. We will be in one of the wooden beach huts with our flags up opposite Bar Beach 'bowlo'. RSVP via an email to me at [email protected] if you are coming and I will know how much sustenance to bring along #newtonewy #freeevent
18.01.2022 ASKING OUR KIDS TO PUT SOME SKIN IN THE GAME A deterrent for having a crew of lads stay over can sometimes be the work and expense of filling all those apparently hollow legs. We are entering teen-ville over here and gosh it's lovely being able to bang out some bulk one pot wonders that are a solid alternative to the cheap pizza they also enjoy devouring like locusts.... I'm all about the kids putting some skin in the game when they want to host a sleepover. On this occasion I took Chewie for a walk leaving my 12 yr old son to chop up some rindless bacon (keeps it easy) and whatever veges were in the crisper that could go in fried rice. I came back to find carefully diced cucumber and tomato in the mix and was concerned... but flash-fried in a big flat paella pan on the bbq with some oil, cold cooked rice and soy sauce it just needed some chopped egg omlette added and we had kilos and kilos of food for the group of 6 lads to eat multiple bowls of. Easy wash-up. Only the paella pan and bowls/cutlery if you read remember to fry the egg first. And if by chance there is way too much it freezes easily for a lazy-nt dinner or in thermos portions for school. Also, if the child hosting has largely made it the others are more likely to hook in. That has been quite the phenomenon I have loved noticing. And if you have them bring in the pan and bowls in exchange for a precut bakery sponge (@jordans one with real cream is my pick) and a handful of serviettes you can put your feet up and relax while they skylark and bond. What else along these lines do you know that is low fuss, easy for your child to make in bulk, well received by most kids, economical, and fairly healthy? Posting here will help other parents keen to hear.
18.01.2022 January Parenting Reset Sessions Available What a year. If the idea of taking time in January to re-calibrate sings to you then get in touch.... During big years like this one we understandably take short cuts that don't serve us long term. Bring whatever it is that you are noticing is hard over there and let's map out a different way forward. The enquiry form on the Love Parenting website is the place to start. Tell me as much or as little as you care to on there and I will get in touch for us to intro chat. #reset #repair #reconnect
18.01.2022 Daniella from @newcastle_baby swung in thismorning for the @corner.lane.espresso drop-in. The next issue of this free annual publication will hit the printers in October. Where that you go regularly have you seen it available? (So others can know where to keep their eyes peeled)... The current issue has a really useful article by Tracy Lynch from @repairing_relationships about Co-Parent relating once bub is brought into the mix. That transition going well is such a great setup to future parenting chapters being easier. Hot tip: Tracy and her team at @thrivewellnesshub have a buffet of evidence-based service offerings to keep us in our 'thrivey-thrivey' flow. #newcastlebaby #thrivewellnesshub
17.01.2022 FREE EVENT!!! Are you new to Newy? The transition is big! Mel and I are super excited to invite you along to welcome in the summer season with a cuppa and in our beautiful city (check the last pic for the location - opposite bar beach bowlo - look for our flags) on Tuesday 1st December. This invitation is for you if you’re new to Newy or are an individual or service provider who would like to support folks just like we are! RSVP to Mel [email protected] #freeevent #newtonewy @ Bar Beach, New South Wales See more
16.01.2022 ADOPTION PREPARATION I felt all gooey and glowy waving these two off yesterday afternoon after us spending the day together moving through conversations and activities designed for gearing them up towards their next exciting life chapter. It was different than a usual Parenting Reset.... I know all kids are important and deserve parents alongside them that are tuned-in and working towards providing the safest harbour they can, but something about being able to support a family in their situation felt extra yummy. I look forward to being someone they can return back to along their way. I loved the relief I saw in their eyes when I said we are all making this up as we go and there isn't any right way to do this. Just lots of staying as clear, calm, kind, considered and consistent as we can manage with our lighthouse of values guiding us. #adoption #newfamilymember
15.01.2022 DO YOU WISH YOUR PARTNER COULD JUST PARENT MORE LIKE YOU DO? Yep. It's a common concern. And energy-zapping to the HECK to be regularly concerned that your kids are not getting what they need.... Here is a different perspective to look at it from.... and some conversation openers. Our kids thrive when they see their primary caregivers playing to their individual strengths as a united front. Perhaps this video is one you could watch together. It was this month's connection tip sent out by newsletter. Sign up on the website if hearing from me once a month in a similar way sounds useful.
13.01.2022 What does it feel like to read these two lists? What do you notice that you experience as a body response even just considering the one on the left and then the one on the right?
13.01.2022 FREE TO BORROW Innovative Resources are my favourite to buy and use with parents to get them in the reflection zone. They also work beautifully as a family resource. Are you familiar with what they have available?... The 'Two Worlds' pack are a series of pictures to prompt conversations about how youngsters living across two households can have their needs met regarding birthdays, gifts, belongings, pets etc. And the 'Anxiety in Kids' pack is a treasure trove of tools to consider. I have about 20-25 different sets so sing out if ever you want to have a check-out of some and we can sit at Corner Lane Espresso one Monday morning exploring which set might be a good fit. I'd love to lend you a pack for a week if that can help open discussion about something with your peeps. Not everyone is in a position at the moment to afford a Parenting Reset or even subscribe to The Parent Huddle. This is an easy lend on my end if useful to you for now. Get in touch. Website in bio
12.01.2022 Been a big year? Parenting is a huge gig any time. Then when you throw in whatever this year has dealt you... chances are you've got some household funkiness going on over there that you want to tidy up.... Sing out and let's either set you up asap with on-tap support from me via Messenger, or schedule you a Parenting Reset for January. More details on the website for you to consider those two options. #reset #reconnect #recalibrate
12.01.2022 Beware:. If you are quite the planner then all this being in limbo not knowing what Christmas will involve will be elevating your potential for tantrum-esque blow ups. What lets some of the fizz out?
12.01.2022 The lime tree outside Love Parenting Studio is one of my favourite things to nurture. There is such a direct correlation between me loving-in on it and it thriving and it giving back. This is the last of this season's limes, but it knows I am alongside it and it's foliage is green, thick and glossy with baby limes already forming ready to use in the scratch and sniff exercise I love to use to land us into an in-person Parenting Reset session.... I love the analogy of a fruit tree for thinking about parenting and the relationships we have with our kids and partners. So often in the busy-busy of life we get into a headspace of wanting the juicy fruit ('good' behaviour, fun times and the feeling of connection) from our family members with the minimal of effort tending to our 'tree'. That the fruit should just 'happen'. That if we do 'good' parenting now that we 'deserve' 'good' behaviour right then and there. Nope. Doesn't work like that. The parents I spend time with who are most content, connected and sailing smooth have set their lives up in a way that affords 'gardening' time built-in in ways that works and feels good for them. They have slowed things down and know that a slower pace with room for spontaneity and actively connecting-in works towards them feeling good and spending way less time de-escalating themselves and their kids down out of heightened states..... and puts them most usefully alongside their kids as they grow out into their bigger worlds. We work together to continually consider ways they can meet their family members changing connection needs with small and large 'prunes', 'fertilisings', and 'waterings' that feel good from their end too. A key part to this is working smarter not harder. Working from their values and not from their 'shoulds'. Knowing their partner and youngster love languages. Keeping their expectations of their 'tree' realistic. Watching not to get overly attached to outcome. Knowing that they are playing the lo
11.01.2022 SPACE What do you do to make sure you get your fill?
11.01.2022 Wish we could grab a cuppa together for you to suss out the Love Parenting options? We can. That is exactly what the Monday morning drop-ins are for.... See the Corner Lane Espresso insta highlights for more info and get in touch to book a timeslot. Monday mornings 6.30 or 7am.
11.01.2022 What a voice! What spontaneous festive moments have you encountered across the years?
09.01.2022 Love Parenting takes parenting seriously but without taking it toooo seriously. What I have learnt professionally and personally across the years is that when we get caught up in striving to get parenting 'right' we lose perspective... ...and that loss of perspective diminishes the connection we have with our partner and kids.... So, if you are heading in to Love Parenting Studio for a Parenting Reset, or linking in via The Parent Huddle for support via Messenger, be prepared to share some laughs as we work through whatever you have going on.
09.01.2022 "I feel like I'm doing the walk of shame coming in here" is something a mama said as she plopped herself down heavily on the lounge in Love Parenting Studio lately. I was so glad to get to see her physical self visibly regenerate across the sessions we had together and then for her to sound more and more confident in her parenting role in the Messenger exchanges we have had since.... Parenting is a big gig. I love that my work is giving parents a hand through some of their tricky bits.
09.01.2022 So useful Thankyou Seed & Sew
08.01.2022 Do you regularly veer off into fixy-fixy? It's hard to be alongside them and their uncomfortable feelings. A mindflip to realise, though, that small regular doses of discomfort with them still feeling they have us alongside them emotionally is so powerfully GOOD for them.... Thankyou @hand_in_hand_parenting
08.01.2022 3pm slump? That's when I hear from lots of the 'Huddlers' (parents who pay a monthly subscription to be able to message me privately). From their phones waiting in cars at school pickup...or from their workdesks as they fight the urge not to visit the bikkie-tin AGAIN for a mid afternoon pick-me-up.... Another popular time is Sunday night while they are in a reflective mind space getting ready to welcome in a new week with some fresh intentions. It doesn't matter when they message, I am on a promise to reply by 9pm next business day. Together, across time, we brainstorm through whatever has gotten their knickers all knotty or things they want to celebrate the heck out of themselves about. It is an offering I set up in 2018 as a response to time-poor parents keen to build in a parenting professional on-tap. Look for The Parent Huddle on the Love Parenting website for more info.
07.01.2022 ITS A WRAP! All the best closing up your Term#3. My wish for you is that your school holidays bring delicious pockets of rest and memory-making.... Thankyou to all the parents that flowed through this term and so wholeheartedly and vulnerably engaged in the process of reflecting in order to powerfully map forward. I did my last parent appointment of the term thisafternoon and after a desk day tomorrow will board our little slide-on camper for a family adventure out west. Gosh I've learnt alot this busy last 6 months that I know will distill down while camping out under the big open sky. See you term three with some of those key topics as I find my groove blogging through Love Parenting's snazzy new website. What learning edge are you looking forward to stepping out onto this Spring/Summer?
07.01.2022 Uh ho.... Here's hoping this is a one-off or a short-lived 'thing'
06.01.2022 All finished! I have loved how this has felt so much that I am contemplating making it an annual thing to book Jordan Lucky to put something fresh up first week of Spring every year! I wonder what else might work well on Love Parenting Studio's laneway wall?
06.01.2022 Really. It is a thing. Right there where you are.... You...or you and the child if they have capacity to. Is this something you already know about and do? If not... There is bound to be an opportunity really soon to give it a go. Be sure to comment with how it goes. Thankyou Hand in Hand Parenting #gamechanger
06.01.2022 I love all the stories that walk through Love Parenting Studio's door.
06.01.2022 All the best out there transitioning into Term #4 Wishing you all the best in who is called what, and which one needs to be dropped of at which location thismorning
06.01.2022 Nobody dropping in yet thismorning at @corner.lane.espresso so Chewie and I are just quietly setting our intentions for the week over a cuppa. Thankyou @heatherfoat for the inspo yesterday
04.01.2022 It's been big. What do you most pine for a break from?
04.01.2022 Anxiety. Do you or your kids live with it? Is this a technique you have found helps?
04.01.2022 I'm still blown away that I got stopped FOUR times at Newcastle City Farmers Market thismorning by people saying they love the @jordanluckyartist chicken on Love Parenting Studio's laneway wall. Who knew we all just needed more 12 foot chicken art to start feeling better? Anyway....the story goes that apon turning 18 Jordan ditched his chef apprenticeship, flew overseas, bought a cheap van, filled it with paint and painted his way around Europe. He has painted 100+ walls eve...ry year since. To paint my wall I sent him the brief of 'a fun and funky chicken'. He asked if he could just come out here and create straight into the wall. My initial reaction was to say "heck-no" and ask for drawings, but it was the first week of Spring and he caught me feeling a bit loose. Anyway....if you have a child you are worried is arty rather than doctor-y or accountant-y then spend some time with Jordan. There's a pep in that step that might reassure you enough that you can support your creative one to go do their 'thang' and love it to bits. Tys from @theprizmcreative creative snapped this pic with my phone. Follow him for more insight into Jordan's work with Big Picture Festival Oh..and help yourself to as many herbs as you can use from the garden tubs. There are scissors hanging on the fence ready for you.
03.01.2022 YOUR OWN KIND OF GIRL "The stories we tell ourselves and what happens when we believe them." Third time lent out ... Third time loved.... It even came back this time with the gorgeous gift of plucked-from-the-garden treats! Want to have it as your Summertime read? (No expectation that you bring goodies when you return it) @claireybowditch
03.01.2022 Newcastle common interest /hobby groups? What is back up and running now that COVID restrictions have eased? I continue to meet parents through my work keen to self-care the heck out of themselves again through getting out and about after giving away all regular-commitment interests while raising their youngins through those intensive early years.... Lots are new to Newy and looking to put roots down and build community through having somewhere they go and get alongside like-minded folk once a week/fortnight/month. I've posted this in the past in the Newcastle Echo Facebook group but am mindful that there has been a cheeky pandemic since then that caused quite the gathering 'kerfuffle'. Can we please start a list here of the shared interest/hobby groups that are back up and running, where, and who to contact to find out more? Three mums I've met in the past week are newly separated and hungry for connecting especially while their kids are with their ex-partners. Surely there are a plethora of options we can send their way.
01.01.2022 HAVE YOU TRIED THE BEAN DIP? Jodie Thornton, Parent Coach keeping it real for us. Talking through a strategy of Denise Duffield-Thomas 's that is super handy for this time of year. What conversation changers are you pre-loading with ready to sidestep the Helpful Harolds who you don't enjoy getting parenting judgement/advice from on Chrissy Day?
01.01.2022 The delight at being involved. It takes longer to involve kids but the magic that builds in, and the connection that it fosters means that our youngsters get their needs met in the day to day stuff and are WAY less likely to chase us with their unmet needs in all those ways that leave them and us discombobulated, stretched and not loving parenting. This 'connecting through involving in the everyday stuff' is a something I notice that the parents who are in a smooth flow have prioritised and built in juicy pockets of.
01.01.2022 Morning routines. What keeps you grooving the way you love to? I am one parent session shy of taking off on a roadtrip and inspired to come home to my Term #4 mornings looking vastly different than my Term #3 mornings have.... I was actually brainstorming ideas (instead of going out walking) thismorning and then a friend sent this through. #supertimely
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