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Lower Limber | Medical equipment manufacturer

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Lower Limber

Address: 6/16 Napier Close 2600


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25.01.2022 How often has someone looked at you when you are doing an exercise and said your technique looks good.. unfortunately all too often you are relying on someone elses feedback for what essentially should be a feeling of correct movement. The Lower Limber has been designed from the ground up to facilitate what that correct feeling is. To find out more about how we can help you, contact us via our website (link in bio)! #athletes #fit #fitness #injury #prevention #cronicpain #backpain #growing #sport #sports #ageing #wellness #wellbeing #growth #lifehacks #lifestyle #fitforlife #flexible #stretching #dynamic #health #healthylifestyle #movement #mobility #mobilitytraining #bodybuilding #muscle #strength

25.01.2022 Flashing back to when Lower Limber featured in the Weekend Australian #sports #australian #performance #moving #stretching #backpaintreatment #injury #feelinggood

24.01.2022 So excited to be presenting @lowerlimber at the NSCA coaches conference tomorrow #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #healthy

24.01.2022 Stretching with my best mate

23.01.2022 Flash back Friday. Hear Arthurs thoughts after utilising @lowerlimber for first time at Canberra Sports Tech Innovation seminar Hashtags #lowerlimber #sportsperformancetraining #nsca #coach #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health

23.01.2022 Stretching isnt just about improving your range of movement, stretching is like changing the oil in your car: necessary if you want to keep moving! We like to think that everything is okay and that we can run a little longer, despite niggles here and there. It isnt until we give some proper attention to whats going on underneath that we realise how close to burning out we really are. At Fit to Manage, we also teach our clients how to use the Lower Limber as a diagnostic... tool to tell them when they need to top up (i.e. stretch more regularly) on the things they are neglecting. If youre interested in learning more, contact us directly via our website or give us a call (links in bio)! Happy Monday

23.01.2022 IMPORTANCE OF DORSIFLEXION Our feet can point forward (plantar flexion) or come back toward our shins (dorsi flexion).Just about everyone can plantar flex their foot but the same cant be said for dorsi flexion.Without an adequate degree of dorsi flexion it is difficult to squat for example without lifting your heels off the ground, which in turn loads up your knees.Tight calf muscles generally means limited dorsi flexion, which can lead to excessive loads on ankles jo...ints and the Achilles tendon.This inhibits youre ability to apply force when you run / jump all of which greatly inhibits performance and increase the risk of injury.So if runningfeels restricted, jumping has become an effort then go down and have a look at what connects you to the ground.By the way if you stand on a step with your heal down and think this is stretching your calves you are wrong - you can stand on the muscle your stretching and expect it to relax.That why @lower limber was invented- it allows muscles to relax, thats how you lengthen muscles. This is crucial for correct body positioning and strong efficient production and application of force. Using the @lowerlimber system gives us the ability to target this muscle group to improve range of movement through this area. As a sign of commitment to improving sports performance, please take advantage of my product code MOLONLABE to receive 20% discount on each Lower Limber. For further information visit for further information. #sports #tennis #mobility #stretching #fitforlife #fitness #personaltraining #health #performance #mobility #healthy #running #runningmotivation

22.01.2022 Nick Kyrgios @k1ngkyrg1os Performance Enhancement in 20 minutes with @lowerlimber Lower Limber has teamed up with physical performance coach, high performance tennis coach and former international tennis player Dimitri Morogiannis from @molon_labe_pt to demonstrate a revolutionary new movement based technology aptly named Lower Limber. This unique technology has been designed to rapidly improve sports performance while crucially being able to help predict, identify and ...address muscle imbalances / biomechanical deficiencies before they become injuries. See Nick Kyrgios amazing 20-minute transformation video. As the inventors of the Lower Limber system and having competed internationally in our chosen sports, it came as quite a shock to us when our children fell in love with tennis just how inflexible many tennis players were and the unnecessary injuries that were occurring as a result of their bodies not being able to cope with the many and varied dynamic movements associated with playing tennis. After all, tennis is very much a leg game - you have to be where the ball is or everything starts to fall apart. Lower Limber is getting behind Molon Labe because we also strongly believe that range of movement underpins our ability to move efficiently, allowing all of us the opportunity maximise our true sporting potential. As a sign of our commitment to improving sports performance, please take advantage of our product code MOLONLABE to receive a 20% discount on each Lower Limber (usually retail $149.00 Australian dollars which includes free shipping worldwide). Go to for further information. #kyrgios #king #sport #tennis #performance #athlete #injuryprevention #tennistraining #tennisaddict #tenniscoach #atptennis #bestpractice #stretching #alwayswinning #mind #body #nike #yonextennis

22.01.2022 Some people literally dont have the core strength that allows them to sit up and correctly align their spine. As a result, when they stretch instead of stretching the leg musculature all they manage to do is overload their back. Lower Limber supports and aligns your spine whilst critically allowing you to access your core muscle groups. Check out the link in our bio for our website which has many more stretches that will assist you with correctly stretching, no matter your current mobility or flexibility level! #corestrength #mobility #stretching #limber #babysofinsta #stretch #fit #fitness #athlete #core

21.01.2022 Flashback Friday Dean came to us after he injured his lower back and a MRI revealed that his spinal nerves were compromised. He couldnt bend below his knees, had trouble setting and because he had an occupation with a large manual component, he was told that he would have to change his career. Dean had lost confidence in his physical capabilities. He knew that his ROM wasnt acceptable before he had injured his back, so he was astounded at how freely he was able to move ...after performing the appropriate red zone stretching and activation exercises! This was the catalyst for Dean taking up regular exercise which also allowed him to lose 22 kg in only 10 weeks!

20.01.2022 #TBT Jays thoughts about Lower Limber after using it for first time at Sports Tech Innovation Seminar in Canberra. ...Jay was an elite soccer player and wished he had a Lower Limber during his career. Hear his story #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #soccer #sportstech #canberra #innovation

19.01.2022 Stretching with my best mateWho do you like to stretch with??? #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #medialist #gold #silver #bronze #paralympian #staffy #staffordshirebullterrier #staffysofinstagram #bestfriends #bestmate

17.01.2022 FREE SHIPPING!!!! To celebrate the beginning of a new financial year, for a limited time we are offering free shipping on all orders of the Lower Limber! Jump online to purchase today (link in our bio)

16.01.2022 Stretching with my best mate. Who do you like to stretch with???? #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #healthy #paralympian #bestmate #staffy #

15.01.2022 So it was another huge day for @lowerlimber at this NSCA conference. Here we are working with a current track and field star who is performing an ITB stretch and a basketballer who is performing a hamstring stretch - the general comments were super positive #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #healthy #NSCA #trackandfield #track #basketball

14.01.2022 Why does the @lowerlimber stretch and activate muscles in a way you can’t simply do to yourself? Why is it so effective and why do we constantly get feed back like ...I feel like I’m floating, my legs feel so light, the tightness in my back has gone ....As elite athletes we know the importance of being able to move freely. We have helped thousands people from elite athletes through to the elderly who were told that they wouldn’t be able to walk up their front steps again to realise the best help is self help ... we are all about dealing with the causal issues not masking the symptoms. Rethink the way you move. Watch our comparison video and visit our website for more information #performance #revolutionary #injury #backpain #sports #personaltrainer #stretching

14.01.2022 So .... this is @lowerlimber booth at NSCA coaches conference in San Antonio.... super exciting #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health

14.01.2022 This product will change the way you think & feel about stretching. Read what Olympic Gold Medalists have to say #Olympics #gold medal #stretching #lowerlimber #feelgood #sportsperformance #lowerbackpain #back #healthiswealth

12.01.2022 Stretching an afterthought in your lifestyle or exercise program? Why? Is your stretching ineffective so you cant see / feel the results? Stretching keeps the muscle flexible, healthy and strong and we need that flexibility to maintain our full range of movement... without it our muscles shorten and become tight, limiting everyday movements such as walking up stairs and impeding recovery from exercise. If you think its time to reconsider the importance of stretching, the Lower Limber achieves proven results because it stretches you correctly and in a way you cant stretch yourself. Feel the difference.

11.01.2022 Mariana Tolo, Australian basketball star said After rehabbing through 2 ACL reconstructions, Im always looking for an edge that will help me prevent injuries.... my flexibility has improved out of sight after using @lowerlimber #aclrecovery #basketball #NSCA #sportspecifictraining #rehab #athletic #athleticperformance #stretching #bestpractice

11.01.2022 We met John at the NSCA coaches conference in USA. He was keen to see how @lowerlimber improved athletes performances. John was amazed that he could go from his knees to touching his toes in less than 5 minutes. We discussed how many injuries could be prevented if every athlete used this. This system has been designed to allow athletes to detect and address muscle imbalances before they become injuries. Lower Limber is the latest technology that is taking the sporting world by storm. Check out what our world class athletes have to say. Proudly Australian #sports #stretching #sportsperformance #lowerbackpain #feelinggood #mobility #healthy

11.01.2022 Dan is a tennis player and coach who is passionate about the importance of good footwork. Hear his story about how@lowerlimber has helped him. #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #tennis #nsca #coach #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health

09.01.2022 Changed your exercise routine due to Covid 19? This product will change the way you think and feel about stretching and activation. Read what Olympic Gold medalists have to say# Olympics # Gold Medalists #Lowerlimber #sportsperformance #stretching #sports #covid19 #coronavirus #covid_19 #feelinggood #injury #backpainexercises

09.01.2022 Good coaches connect, communicate and monitor all aspects of training and competing. Andrew Zedde is overseeing his athlete stretch down after training using @lowerlimber. Andrew knows about good coaching having been one of the best junior tennis players in ACT then moving to USA on scholarship to play tennis and study law.. #nsca # stretching # recovery # performance #bestpractices #tennis #coach #coaching #USA #lowerlimber #growth #achieve #achievement #athlete

09.01.2022 Why does the @lowerlimber stretch and activate muscles in a way you cant simply do to yourself? Why is it so effective and why do we constantly get feed back like ...I feel like Im floating, my legs feel so light, the tightness in my back has gone ....As elite athletes we know the importance of being able to move freely. We have helped thousands people from elite athletes through to the elderly who were told that they wouldnt be able to walk up their front steps again to realise the best help is self help ... we are all about dealing with the causal issues not masking the symptoms. Rethink the way you move. Watch our comparison video and visit our website for more information #performance #revolutionary #injury #backpain #sports #personaltrainer #stretching

08.01.2022 Russell Short, Paralympic Gold Medallist and holder of multiple world records who carried the flag for Australia at Beijing Paralympics. Years of extensive training as well as lifting heavy weights resulted in seven disc bulges and stress fractures. At his worst Russell was taking six Valium and six panadine forte a day Before using the Lower Limber system I couldnt get up to go to the toilet. I had to have injections just to move. The pain was so overwhelming After using the Lower Limber System my pain was completely alleviated . I went on to compete at Rio, my eighth Paralympics. #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #medialist #gold #paralympian #trackandfield #track

07.01.2022 You wouldnt build a house without solid foundations. Stretching and checking your ROM is like building the foundations of a house and, regardless of your age or sporting experience, should be your first step before commencing any exercise program. The Lower Limber stretches you in a way you cant stretch yourself and we would love to show you how! Get in contact with us today either via our website or by giving us a call (details in bio)!

05.01.2022 Its so important that we teach our children from an early age how to move their bodies correctly! Lower Limber not only helps you stretch. it allows you to feel the correct movement pattern whilst posturally aligning your spine and allowing your arms and your legs to move in a co-ordinated manner this is the key to increasing your ROM whilst addressing unforseen muscle imbalances. The Lower Limber has been designed to suit all ages and sizes! Enquire today to find out more!

03.01.2022 Another happy customer after using @lowerlimber at the NSCA coaches conference.... what an amazing experience #lowerlimber #NSCA #NSCAcoaches2020#sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health

03.01.2022 We are all set up and ready to go at todays Sports Tech Collaborative Innovation Day! What a fantastic opportunity to showcase everything that the Lower Limber can do to enhance sports performance! #innovate #australian #invention #sportsperformance #mobility #stretch #athlete #stretching #presentation #fitness #motivation #transformation

03.01.2022 Kim Brennan: "Rowing is a very physically demanding sport that requires whole body co-ordination and strength. Keeping joint mobility was critical in reducing my risk of injury. What I love about the Lower Limber System is how simple and supportive it is to use. Its a really time effective way to limber up and improve performance and recovery. #lowerlimber #nsca #sportsperformance #injuryprevention #rowing #stretching #recover #olympian #goldmedalist #gold

02.01.2022 Wanting to get back into exercise and dont know where to begin . Stretching should be the first point of call before undertaking any exercises program precursor to any new exercise program. It identifies muscle imbalances, addresses tight muscles and allows you to start exercising safely and enjoyably. Check out our website (link in bio) for a full range of stretches to try, based on your current mobility and flexibility level

02.01.2022 So excited to be in San Antonio, USA to present @lowerlimber at the NSCA coaches conference this #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #healthy #NSCA #coachesconference #USA

02.01.2022 Penny Slatter, Australian Triathlon Champion took a @lowerlimber to the World Championships in Maui where she placed 8th....Being an athlete that does a large volume of training the lower limber has been great as its really simply and easy to use, even just lying in bed at night. Its really helped me with injury prevention by improving my mobility and flexibility #lowerlimber #sportsperformance #tennis #nsca #coach #sportsrecovery #injuryprevention #stretching #sequentialstretching #sports #australianmade #spinesupport #health #worldchampionship #triathlon #triathlontraining #triathalete #exterra

01.01.2022 The idea for the Lower Limber was born from our passion to help Aussies of all ages, shapes and sizes achieve pain free mobility! While running your own small business is full of challenges, seeing our clients transformations makes it all worth it! Let today be a reminder to follow your passion and chase your dreams - no matter how big or small!

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