Maarif Australia in Auburn, New South Wales | School
Maarif Australia
Locality: Auburn, New South Wales
Phone: +61 1800 622 743
Address: 2 Percy St 2144 Auburn, NSW, Australia
Likes: 851
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25.01.2022 Presidents of the Mosques in NSW payed a courtesy visit to Maarif today. During the visit the Ottoman Mehter equipment was handed over by Dr. Abdurrahman Asarolu representing all presidents to young Maarif students symbolized by the Mehter flag.
25.01.2022 Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han’n yadigar ve fethin sembolü olan Ayasofya Camii, 86 yl sonra ibadete açld. Milletimize ve Alem-i slam’a hayrl olsun. #AyasofyaCamii #AyasofyaiKebirCamiiSerifi #HayrlCumalar
25.01.2022 Friendships give your school-age child a sense of belonging, build self-esteem, and develop social skills.
25.01.2022 Newly appointed Turkish Consul General for Sydney Mr. Ali Sevim visits Turkish Maarif Foundation President Prof. Dr. Birol Akgün.
24.01.2022 Ataturk Memorial Day: 10th of November 2020 is 82nd Anniversary of the Commemoration of First President of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
24.01.2022 Welcome back to Maarif! It was incredible to see our students back today, we have certainly missed all of them.... Extra precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of our students.
23.01.2022 29 October Republic Song from Maarif Junior Choir!
23.01.2022 Bamszlmzn ve milli irademizin en önemli sembollerinden 15 Temmuz Milli Birlik ve Demokrasi Günü kutlu olsun. ehitlerimize rahmet, gazilerimize salkl... ve uzun ömürler dileriz. We commemorate July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day, symbolising our independence and national will. We pay a special tribute to our martyrs and veterans who fought to safeguard the sovereignty of our Nation. Nous commémorons la Journée de la Démocratie et de l'Union Nationale du 15 Juillet, symbole de notre indépendance. Nous rendons un hommage particulier à nos martyrs et vétérans qui se sont battus pour sauvegarder la souveraineté de notre Nation. #15Temmuz
22.01.2022 Maarif students are doing gymnastics at PCYC, Auburn to explore and develop skills which are considered beneficial throughout their lives. PCYC Auburn
22.01.2022 We celebrated 97th Anniversary of Republic of Turkey with many activities during the day including Cumhuriyet documentary films, singing competition, school choir Cumhuriyet songs, Cumhuriyet poems and award ceremony...
21.01.2022 Pray for Izmir, Turkey! Our prayers and thoughts are with those effected.
21.01.2022 LETTER OF APPRECIATION With the mission of predicating the common accumulation of mankind and the wisdom of Anatolian tradition, the idea to raise good people began with the establishment of the Turkish Maarif Foundation in June 2016 in Istanbul and surged all around the globe. With high quality 323 schools in 43 different countries and educating over 40,000 students, Maarif became the trademark of a unique education system. Australian children could not have been devoiced ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 International Maarif Schools of Australia moved to Auburn Gallipoli Campus...
19.01.2022 Maarif Okullar; Asya, Avrupa, Afrika, Amerika, Avustralya ktalarnda kalbi Türkiye ile atan çocuklar yetitiriyor! 29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayram kutlu olsun! #29EkimCumhuriyetBayram
19.01.2022 Special Eid-ul-Fitr messages from Maarif students... Mesajiniz var: Bakin Maarif ogrencileri bayraminizi nasil kutluyor...
17.01.2022 Vakfmzn resmi YouTube kanalna abone olmay ve bildirimleri açmay unutmaynz.
16.01.2022 Maarif clubs create unique opportunities and challenges for our students, contribute to grow world ready, tenacious and confident individuals and to achieve academic, spiritual and emotional excellence as part of our school’s mission.
16.01.2022 Maarif students have organised a fund raising event for those effected by the Izmir earthquake. Maarif örencileri zmir depremzedeleri için kermes düzenlediler.
14.01.2022 We commemorate the 97th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey on Oct. 29, 1923 and remember all the martyrs and veterans who fought for Turkey.
13.01.2022 Genel Merkezimiz ve Dünyann dört bir yanndaki Maarif Okullarmzda COVID-19 tedbirlerini eksiksiz uyguladk ve uygulamay sürdürüyoruz. Pandemi yurt dndaki okullarmzda ilk günden aldmz önlemler çerçevesinde yüz yüze ve uzaktan eitim devam ediyor. #EitimeDeer #MaarifOkullar
13.01.2022 Koronavirüs tedbirleri kapsamnda Uzaktan Eitime geçen Tanzanya, Burundi, Nijer ve Avustralya Maarif Okullarmz, yüz yüze eitime balad. Uzun bir ...aradan sonra okullarna kavuan örencilerimiz, öretmenleri ve arkadalaryla bir araya gelmenin cokusunu yaadlar. #EitimeDeer #MaarifOkullar
13.01.2022 Music training not only helps children develop fine motor skills, but aids emotional and behavioral maturation as well, according to new studies, one of the largest to investigate the effects of playing an instrument on brain development.
13.01.2022 Congratulations to our Maarif Leadership Team on the exceptional success in attaining our 5 year registration with commendation by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) in our second year of operation.
12.01.2022 The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day (Atatürk'ü Anma, Gençlik ve Spor Bayram), is an annual Turkish national holiday celebrated on May 19 to commemorate Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s landing at Samsun on May 19, 1919, which symbolizes the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence leading to the establishment of the Turkish Republic. Maarif students celebrate this special event with the famous Flag (Bayrak) Poem.
11.01.2022 Our Principal, Dr Zeynep Yaseen, attended 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day of Turkey event in Turkish Consulate General. The day was commemorated by honouring those who lost their lives while defeating the failed coup of 2016 and to remember the bravery of the nation.
11.01.2022 "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." Albert Einstein
11.01.2022 Maarif students celebrated last day of Term 2 with Harmony day... They had lots of fun with plenty of activities.
11.01.2022 30 August Victory Day is commemoration of the decisive victory in the Battle of Dumlupnar, on 30 August 1922.
10.01.2022 Maarif students observed World Kindness Day on Friday. World Kindness Day presented to students with the opportunity to reflect upon one of the most important and unifying human principles that bring people of every kind together. In support of the recent devastating earthquake in Izmir, Turkey, Maarif students conducted a food stall and raised $3000 for the victims and their families. Thank you to all Maarif parents, students and staff.
10.01.2022 Directors of Maarif Mr Necmi Uzun and Dr Abdurrahman Asaroglu and Project Manger Mr Izzet Anmak attended the occasion of the 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day at Turkish Embassy in Canberra.
09.01.2022 Book Week is being celebrated at Maarif this week! Maarif students and staff enjoyed dressing up as some of their favourite characters and watching live performance by Perform Education!
09.01.2022 It will be incredible to see our students back on campus on Monday, 1 June. We can’t wait to welcome all of our students soon.
09.01.2022 We are very pleased to inform you of the new publication of our Principal, Dr Zeynep Yaseen, of Springer book Learning from Animations in Science Education. Congratulations to Dr Yaseen for her great work in contributing to the publication of this work in science education.
08.01.2022 "Maarif Foundation becomes Turkey's global education brand." #MaarifintheMedia DAILY SABAH News
07.01.2022 Maarif Bülten'in yeni says çkt! Vakfmz faaliyetlerinin bir ksmn içeren ve ylda dört defa yaymlanan "Maarif Bülten"in 7. saysna aadaki balant ...üzerinden ulaabilirsiniz. Bülten New issue of Maarif Bulletin is out! You can reach the 7th issue of our quaterly "Maarif Bulletin" containing the activities of the Foundation and Maarif Schools via the link below. #MaarifBulletin #MaarifSchools #BultenMaarif #MaarifOkullar
07.01.2022 Avustralya Maarif’ten zmir’e geçmi olsun
07.01.2022 Turkish Consulate General Mr Melih Karalar’s Farewell visit to Maarif...T.C. Sidney Bakonsolosluu / Turkish Consulate General in Sydney
06.01.2022 Happy Teachers’ Day !
06.01.2022 Maarif Mehter practising
06.01.2022 Extra precautions continue to ensure the safety of Maarif students.
05.01.2022 2020 Yl Mevlid-i Nebi Haftasnn temas Peygamberimiz ve Çocuk. Hafta münasebetiyle bugün Auburn Gelibolu Cami Din Görevlisi Enes Özkan hocamzla birl...ikte, Avustralya Maarif Okulunu ziyaret ederek örencilerimize Bakanlmz yaynlarndan Learning About My Prophet/Peygamberimi Öreniyorum ve Learning About My Book/Kitab’m Öreniyorum kitaplarn hediye ettik, Mevlid-i Nebi hakknda ksaca bilgilendirdik. Bu vesileyle Uluslararas Avustralya Maarif Okulu Sorumlusu Dr. Necmi Uzun hocamza, Okul Müdürü Dr. Zeynep Yaseen hocamza ve dier öretmenlerimize ve çalma ekibine teekkür ederiz.
04.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to Maarif Mothers!
03.01.2022 The new Maarif Bulletin has been issued.
03.01.2022 29 May 1453 Conquest of Istanbul 29 Mayis 1453 Istanbul’un Fethi
03.01.2022 The new International Maarif Magazine has been published.
02.01.2022 Cumhurbakanmz Sayn Recep Tayyip Erdoan: "Türkiye Maarif Vakf, ülkemizin yurt dndaki en önemli temsilcilerinden biri haline gelmitir. Vakfmz; 43 ülkede, 332 eitim kurumu, 42 yurt, 38.846 örenciyle eitim faaliyetlerini sürdürüyor." #EitimeDeer #MaarifOkullar
02.01.2022 Music lessons at Maarif develop the skills that provide a firm foundation for learning.
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