Mackay Tournament Anglers | Non-profit organisation
Mackay Tournament Anglers
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25.01.2022 Ok so the MTA AGM will be held on Monday the 26th of this month. At the northern beaches bowls club at 6pm. In the lounge area of the bar. The agenda will be to form a new committee and to take the club forward into the further. After all the resent chatter about the club, I’m expecting to see a good turn out. Hope to see you all there.
23.01.2022 MTA monthly meeting This Tuesday 6th October 6.30pm at the MAFSA fish stocking shed, next to Northern Beaches Bowls Club
23.01.2022 Teemburra team Championship 17th October 2020 Mackay Tournament Anglers back in business with Teemburra Barramundi team championship for the first time in a cou...ple of years, it was not perfect organisation but generally it went very well. The Barramundi did not play the game but some of the big girls had a go. We had a great set up with the marquee and a smaller gazebo thanks to Jason Crofts. There was 17 teams entered, Geoff Busbridge and I coming in at the last minute, I could not fish it originally, I was just going to help with the running, however my daughter’s birthday dinner was cancelled so last minute 3pm Friday afternoon I phoned Geoff as I knew he was heading up to the dam to help, he said yes so we entered as Me names Geoff. It was perfect weather for the day a tad windy here and there with a fairly strong Easterly that kept gusting in different directions but generally good, the water temp in the main basin was 24.3 but a bit warmer in the bays 25.7. it was a strong field with anglers from Rocky, Dingo and Townsville with a good local mix too. It was a two-session comp 7am to 12 pm and 1:30pm to 6:30 pm best 3 Barra each session. Geoff and I had not done the usual pre-fish practice before a comp that we would normally do, both of us only visiting the dam once recently when I got a donut and Geoff caught a small Barra in our only separate visits. We went for the long point before the spillway way bay but never saw a sign of a Barra in the hour we stuck it out. We moved across to the little grass island in the middle of the main basin. We had a few Barra coming through but only the odd fish every now and again. After a couple of hours 10:25am, we boated a small Barra of 48cm. We could see there was boats continually moving so we decided to stay put as we thought it was fishing hard for everyone and another Barra would get us up there. At 12noon the session end we were back at the boat ramp with just the one bite and the word it had been hard for most anglers, but as always someone generally finds a few and that was the case. Team Scouting about (an appropriate name) of Peter Behrens and Nick Moore had a 3 fish bag for 199cm along with Team Chasin Tails (not sure about this team name) of Tallin Payne and Derrick Saw with a three fish bag for 158cm another 5 teams had a single fish each making only 11 Barra for 34 anglers caught. We had a great half time break thanks to Hayley Crofts and her business Tailored services along with Jason Crofts they had laid on a sausage sizzle and soft drinks for all the competitors, big shout out of thanks to Tailored Services. Second session was due a 1.30pm start but the anglers asked if they could start at 1.00pm after their big feed of lunchtime snags, and this we did. Geoff and I decided not to go back to the island spot we fished on the 1st session, but my mate Phill Lyons did and he smacked a cracking 110cm Barra 3rd cast of the session but unfortunately never had another bite. Geoff and I decided to go to the back of a bay down Teemburra creek and it proved to be a good move. Geoff hooked a nice 84cm Barra on a 120mm X rap after 90mins and that gave us the confidence to stay on the spot. I hooked one 20 mins later, on a 120mm X rap and was just sliding it towards the net when the hooks pulled. We had a quiet time and the Barra stopped running for a good while then when they reappeared, I boated an 84cm Barra 2hours later at 4:45pm caught on the green grunter slick rig so we were on the way to recovering the situation but obviously not knowing what was going on elsewhere. We needed one more for our bag and Geoff went and topped it off boating a cracking 101cm Barra at 5.20pm on a Black and Gold 130mm slick rig. That gave us a decent bag of 270cm comparing it to the morning session, but we did expect a better afternoon session. I picked up another 50 odd cm Barra not long after looking for up grades but we could not improve on what we had. When we got back to the boat ramp and heard the front runners Scouting about and Chasin Tails had struggled so we guessed we were in with a chance. At the result we had won the Teemburra Team Championship for the second time (although we had both had different team mates previously) with a 2 session 4 fish bag for a total of 318cm just holding off Scouting About by 26cm. The top 3 teams all had 4 Barra each but fortunately we had a better stamp of fish. Again it was a tough session with only 11 Barra caught for 34 anglers, only difference was from the 1st session they were bigger fish. The highlight of the comp for me was the team Living the Life made up of Darcy Mc Farlane 13 years old and Isaac Mc Farlane 11years old. They fished out of a small Tinny with a 5HP motor and gave it to most of the teams. At the start they were set up with a UHF radio, so was I and so was Jason for in case they needed help. We never heard a whisper from them all the comp and to be stood in the car park and see them steaming back to the ramp full crank with their little 5HP motor screaming in the half Dark at the end of the comp was inspiring. They boated a 95cm Barra 1st session and 84cm Barra second session to finish in 6thplace, it makes me feel so proud to witness and be part of such an event. Darcy stood up at the presentation and gave us a talk on how they caught the Barra, what a team Living the Dream. Congratulations to the new committee made up of Chris Ballard, Mitch James, myself, Jason Crofts and Tom Marshall as I said earlier it wasn’t perfect, we will learn from it but without them it would not have happened. Special thanks to Haley Crofts for the sausage sizzle and Jason for the time and effort he put in setting the marquees up. A big thanks to Julie at the Pinnacle pub for keeping the pub open for us and serving us dinner, the pinnacle pies go down well after a day’s fishing. To all the anglers who fished, the online registration went well just a few hiccups, everything was completed by the evening before the event. No money changed hands and the winners will be paid out in the next few days by B pay. Finally, thanks to Geoff Busbridge for stepping in at the last minute to make up the team. There will be more information released on what MTA will do next after our next meeting Tuesday November 9th at 6:00pm at the Fish hatchery
23.01.2022 MTA monthly meeting Monday 6.00pm MAFSA fish stocking shed next to Northern Beaches bowls club everyone welcome.
23.01.2022 MTA are back running Tournaments, but 1st we are having a social day at Teemburra information below and the Teemburra team championship. There are also 3 other tournaments scheduled for the 1st 3 months of 2021 and Sooty comps at Eungella later in the year There will be a social event at Teemburra Dam on Saturday 19th September, All MTA experienced anglers are encouraged to attend to help local anglers not so experienced but interested in angling and tournaments. 7am start some workshops on knots, sounders, lures, tackle etc. Sausage sizzle around lunchtime for those who would like to stay for an afternoon fish. For those who are hanging out for MTA tournaments the Teemburra team Championship is back. Saturday October 17th Briefing 6.30am at the Teemburra boat ramp Session 1 :- 7am to 12 noon best 3 Barra mid session break Sausage sizzle, donation Session 2 :- 1.30 to 6.30pm best 3 Barra Presentation 7.30 Pinnacle Hotel. Due to COVID-19 we implementing contact less registration and payment. The links below are for the membership and entry forms. The forms after completion will need to be scanned and emailed to [email protected] The entry fee and membership fee will need to be paid by bank transfer; the bank details are on the bottom of the forms. There needs to be a membership form filled in for each team member and one entry form for the team. We will be limiting the event to 20 teams so get your registration in early, October has been the best fishing at Teemburra in the past. We are limiting entries to 20 teams so get your teams together Membership form Entry Form See more
23.01.2022 Hi all the MTA AGM will be held on Monday the 15th of October. At the northern beaches bowls club at 6pm. If your interested in a role in the club or just want to see where it’s heading please come along. We will be appointing a new committee to get the MTA back on track. A the moment we will be sitting in the main bar area but if we get enough numbers I will book the small function room. So please if you are planing to come along can you please comment below so I can get some ruff numbers as to wether to book the room or not. Hope to see you all there
23.01.2022 Entry List Teemburra Barra Boater - Non-Boater Shared weight individual Tournament. Saturday January 16th Briefing 6.15am at the Teemburra boat ramp... Session 1 :- 7am to 12 noon best 3 Barra Session 2 :- 1.30 to 6.30pm best 3 Barra Presentation 7.30 Pinnacle Hotel. Registration by this FB page see post with membership and entry form. Boater Non-Boater 1.Geoff Newby 1. 2.
21.01.2022 I hope everybody had a great Christmas and hopefully 2021 will be a lot less drama filled. Just a reminder that the Boater/ Non Boater comp is coming up in a couple of weeks, being held on the 16th January. At this stage we are a bit light on for nominations so I’ll try to add a bit of context around what we are trying to achieve by running this comp. We decided to organise this comp for 2 seperate reasons. Firstly, when the new committee was formed last year we decide to fo...Continue reading
20.01.2022 MTA Teemburra Boater Non-Boater The Dam fished as predicted after the rain not many Barra about and tough but we still went ahead with the 6 boats that turned out. All went very well and a there were 11 Barra caught and as we decided to count Sooty Grunter there were also 3 Sooties caught. Three of the anglers were juniors,11,12, and 13yo but showed great levels of angling skill and knowledge. Liam Robinson member of the recent ABT team of the year and his non boater Scott Fu...ller were the champions on the day with 3 Barra for 211cm. Liam must have had an easy day as he let Scott catch their 3 Barra on vibes and a squirrel, they also claimed biggest Barra with a 82cm fish. Second place went to Geoff Newby who was also out fished by his 11yo team mate Isaac Mc Farlane with 5 Barra in total best 3 went 182cm. Isaac boated the 1st 2 Barra on a Shallow diving Duo with 3 more Barra following:- 2 to Geoff and 1 to Isaac on 100mm slick rigs. MTA were donated $2,000 worth of Tackle World vouchers from a local Generator Hire company Chaffey Power, so we decided to donate the $700 entry fees to Mackay Area Fish Stocking Association (MAFSA). With the winning Team receiving $300 worth of Tackle World vouchers and a further $100 for biggest Barra. 2nd Received $200 worth of vouchers and the other 4 teams received $100 of vouchers each. The weather was kind to us and it was a good positive experience for all concerned and we now look forward to the Kinchant Barramundi Team Championship February 27th. This will be fished from 4pm to midnight and it will also be a Track My Fish live event so family and friends can follow the progress of all the competitors. Further information on the event will be posted in the next few days. See more
20.01.2022 Membership and Entry forms for Kinchant Team Championship Saturday 27th February 2021 4pm to Midnight best 3 Barra..
18.01.2022 MTA Barra Tournament Rules
17.01.2022 Team No 6 has just been registered for the Teemburra Team Championship with the youngest competitors ever registered. Darcy and Isaac Mc Farlane with a great team name "Living the Life" Good luck guys hope you smash a few.
16.01.2022 MTA monthly meeting This Tuesday 17th November 6.00pm at the MAFSA fish stocking shed, next to Northern Beaches Bowls Club.
15.01.2022 The Teemburra Team Championship trophy.
15.01.2022 A reminder that there will be a meeting at northern beaches bowls club this coming Monday at 5.30pm. The aim of this meeting is to plan the competition for this season. Everyone is welcome, especially if you would like to assist with the event.
15.01.2022 Hi all hope everyone got out on the water over the break and smacked some fish. We will be having the first meeting of the year this Tuesday 28th at the northern beaches bowls club at 6pm. Agenda will be sorting insurance & plaining the first comp for the year. Hope to see everyone there.
15.01.2022 We are now taking team nominations for this event. It has been a bit of a set back time wise with updating insurance policies etc. Comment below your team name, team members and your desired start/briefing time (either friday afternoon or Saturday morning). Competitors will first need to be briefed about the rules and pay entry fees to be given their numbered tag for photos to compete. Any questions regarding the event, feel free to ask!
14.01.2022 Here at the minutes from the AGM on Monday night. I’d like to thank those who made the time to attend and also stepped up and took on a roll within the committee. Mackay Tournament Anglers Minutes of Annual General Meeting Held Northern Beaches Bowls Club 26th August 2019... Present; Jason Crofts, Aaron McKell, Derrick Shaw, Rance Barnett, Jack Hislop, Nathan Ridge, Chris Ballard, Craig Birkett, Talin Payne, Tom Marshall Apologies; Geoff Newby. Nicholas Moore, Ben Cole, Bryce Corry Meeting was declared open at 6:10pm Jason welcomed all attendees and gave a run through of what has happened over the last twelve months. All committee positions were then declared vacant and nominations were called. President; Jason Crofts was nominated by Aaron Mckell and seconded by Talin Payne Secretary; Mitchell James was nominated by Talin Payne and seconded by Aaron McKell Treasurer; Chris Ballard nominated himself and was seconded by Jason Crofts Committee; Aaron McKell, Rance Barnett, Jack Hislop, Tom Marshall and Derick Shaw all nominated. A Teams tournament is proposed for the weekend on the 18th-20th of October. Jason to double check insurance and contact Sunwater re permit. Next meeting is planned for the 23rd of September Meeting was closed at 7:40pm
13.01.2022 Please see meeting minutes attached from last weeks meeting. Apologies to anyone who was interested in attending the social day at Teemburra dam on Saturday. We cancelled it as we had not had any interest from the public and decided to have a joint social day with MAFSA at the stocking shed giving us a bit more time to get things sorted, Date to be decided.
13.01.2022 Meeting minutes from the Mackay Tournament Anglers MTA meeting last Tuesday. The date for the Teemburra team championship is wrong and will be corrected in the next few days.
12.01.2022 Due to circumstances beyond our control this weekends Teemburra barra championships has been canceled. Our insurance has not been processed correctly therefor we have not been able to get sunwater permission to run the event. We would like apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
12.01.2022 Reminder that there is a meeting this monday the 14th at 5:30 at the nothern beaches bowls club. To hopeful put the finishing touches to the upcoming comp etc.
11.01.2022 Thanks to Mackay Tournament Anglers for donating $700 from yesterday’s Teemburra comp. and the 56cm female sooty delivered to the hatchery,result380,000 eggs.
11.01.2022 17 teams on the water for the first session of the Teemburra Teams championship. With some big barra been caught in the lead up its lining up to be a great day.
11.01.2022 Monthly meeting Monday 11th January 6.00pm at the Fish Hatchery.
11.01.2022 First up sorry for the delayed update about the AGM meeting so this is what happing with the MTA With a good turn out we where able to run the AGM. All positions where announced open jason crofts was voted into a duel roll of president and secretary, Arron McKell was voted in as treasurer. With the formal part of the meeting we moved forward to the social side. It was decided that we keep and run the teemburra teams comp on the 8th of December as the only comp this year. details on this with be posted soon so stay tuned. Hopefully we can get a great turn out for this round and set the bar high for the following season. Going forward the MTA will be a little quite comps wise for the first part of 2019 as we plain out a new formate and structure of the MTA. We thanks everyone for their support and are looking forward to next year. Next meeting dates will be posted shortly thanks. See more
10.01.2022 Although the registrations for the Boater, Non-Boater is disappointing we believe it will still be a good experience for the anglers who have registered so we have decided to go ahead with the event under a modified format. We have also been fortunate to have received some sponsorship dollars donated so we are also able to have good prizes and still commit to donating cash to Mackay Area Fish Stocking Association. The new format will be as follows. 1. All anglers to be paid u...p members of MTA and a $50 entry fee. 2. It will still be a Boater Non-Boater team event. 3. It will now be a single session Tournament fished from 7am to 1pm 4. Briefing at 6.15am Teemburra boat ramp car park where a draw will take place to pair up Non-Boaters with a Boaters 5. Both Barra and Sooty Grunter to count, best 3 fish of either-or combined species total length to count. 6. Presentation after the event at Teemburra boat ramp car park so anyone who wishes can continue to fish after the presentation. Presently there are 7 non-Boaters and 7 Boaters other angler can still register up to Thursday night 14th January. See more
10.01.2022 Entry List Teemburra Barra Team Championship. Saturday October 17th Briefing 6.30am at the Teemburra boat ramp Session 1 :- 7am to 12 noon best 3 Barra... mid session break Sausage sizzle, donation Session 2 :- 1.30 to 6.30pm best 3 Barra Presentation 7.30 Pinnacle Hotel. Team Name Angler 1 Angler 2 1. Swamp Dogs. - Jono Clark - Adam Walker 2. ACM Rods - Rhyce Bullimore - Ben Williams 3. Bit Hard - Mitch James - Chris Ballard 4. TBC - Peter Laine - Zac Hunt 5.Hard Bodies - Bradley Fox. - Judd Crompton. 6.Living The Life - Darcy Mc Farlane - Isaac Mc Farlane 7. Wet Dream - Cameron Hill - Jayden Tetley-Rana 8. Get Amongst It - Dean Krogh - Ryan Potts 9.Golden Crisp - Ben Marshall - Kelvin Nixon 10.
09.01.2022 Well guys we have a comp, 16 teams which is a great attendance for our 1st comp back in a couple of years. All on line registrations for teams entries and membership spot on, just a couple not got there cash in but that will be sorted before the comp. Good moon for a day comp with some big Barra showing as normal for this time of year and there should be an early bite so no messing at the start. Looking forward to catching up with everyone and especially the sausages. Good luck to you all.
08.01.2022 Due to unforeseen circumstances the Teemburra Team Championship, which was to be held this Saturday the 8th has had to be cancelled. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this cancelation will cause. At the moment we plan to reschedule the comp early in the new year. For those still keen for a fish up the dam on Saturday there will be a number of anglers that had registered for the comp heading up for a social fish. Once again we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. Stay safe on the water over Christmas and we look forward to your support in 2019.
08.01.2022 Late team entry Me names Geoff - Geoff Newby - Geoff Busbridge.
07.01.2022 Sorry for the late update Monday nights AGM had to be cancelled due to numbers a new date will be picked and post here in the coming days
04.01.2022 We are scheduling our AGM for Tuesday, 11th of August at the Northern Beaches Bowls club at 6pm. We aim to discus the logistics for a comp/s to be run in the coming months as the barra bite starts to heat up. Anyone that would like to be a part of this and or assist with this is encouraged to attend. We would love to see a local comp go ahead in what has been a very unusual year.
03.01.2022 The scheduled monthly meeting for Tomorrow Tuesday is postponed to next Tuesday 17th November 6pm MAFSA hatchery.
02.01.2022 MTA are pleased to announce the 1st Barramundi Boater- Non-Boater shared weight event January 16th 2021 at Teemburra dam, This is in response to anglers requesting the resurrection of MTA after a 2 year lay off and to grow the numbers of competitors. Boater Non Boater tournaments have been very successful on the bass and Bream and with the introduction of the shared weight system it has made the time on the boat very friendly as both anglers share the result of their sessio...n catch. We are aware of numerous anglers interested in Competition fishing but they are not sure what a comp consists off. This is the perfect opportunity for those anglers to experience fishing with an experienced comp angler and for the experienced angler to grow the numbers. Registration will be online as per the forms on the attached link. Format for Barra Boater-Non Boater 1. Two session event a 1st session 7am to 12:00 noon .b 2nd Session 1.30pm to 6:30pm 2. The Non-Boaters to fish with a different angler each session with shared weight. 3. A live Face book online random draw to take place the night before the comp to decide who non-boaters fish with each session 4. All competitors must be MTA members 5. $50 entry Fee for Boaters 6. $50 entry fee for non-boater There will be two separate prize list one for the boaters and 1 for the non-boaters 7. Briefing 6:15am Teemburra car park 8. Presentation Pinnacle Pub 7:30pm This is the perfect opportunity to grow the sport in our region, so we need the support from the anglers. This will also be a MAFSA fund raising event so all money raised will be to help fish stocking in our region Following this event there will be 2 more Barramundi Team Tournaments Kinchant Team Championship Saturday February 27th 4pm to Midnight Peter Faust Team Championship Saturday March 27th 4pm to 2am Sunday
01.01.2022 We are now taking entries for the Teemburra team championship on December 8th 2018 all details below. Team Name Angler 1 - Angler 2 1. Flat Chat - Geoff Busbridge Kevin Flanagan 2. Barratrauma - Peter Laine - Zac Hunt ... 3. Far Kit - Talin Payne - Mitchell James 4. Castaways - Mel Le Grand - Matt Le Grand 5.Threadybuster Lures - Ben Williams-Keegan Hayden 6. Filthy Oars - Derrick Saw - Benjamin Wayville 7. Casting Cowboys - Brendan Pollard - Mark Gifford 8. Hook, Line & Drinkers - Brad Purdy - Shane Hausen 9. Likely Lads - Geoff Newby - Phill Lyons 10. Silent Assassins - Nick Rutherford - Judd Deegan 11. Team Tairyo - Cameron Hill - Michael Campain 12. The Hard Bodies - Judd Crompton - Brad Fox See more
01.01.2022 Apologies for a slight error in the final result sheet, after a change I didn't formulate the data and there is a minor place change. Team Living the Life the McFarlane boys move to 5th place and Team Robbo moves to 6th. Sincere apologies but I was a tad rusty.
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