Mallacoota Medical Centre in Mallacoota, Victoria | Family doctor
Mallacoota Medical Centre
Locality: Mallacoota, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5158 0777
Address: 21-23 Maurice Ave 3892 Mallacoota, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 LOCAL CORONAVIRUS UPDATE (11/5/20) By Dr Sara Renwick-Lau Over the past week Victoria has conducted a testing blitz - doubling the number of SARS-COV 2 per swab tests performed, from 100,000 to over 200,000 with the majority of tests performed as "screening" tests on people who had no symptoms of COVID infection and who were completely well. The tests were performed on those with the most exposure over the last few months Eg. health care workers, construction workers and th...ose working in supermarkets and retail. (unfortunately testing was not performed in Mallacoota as the closest state screening facility is in Bairnsdale which limits our ability to detect early outbreaks locally). Test results take about 5 days. Not all the results are in, but the numbers of new cases are low, despite the testing blitz. In Victoria there have been 10 new cases reported in the past 24 hours with 1/3 of the new cases being in health care workers. HOW DO WE STAY SAFE AS RESTRICTIONS ARE GRADUALLY LIFTED? As restrictions are lifted, the risk to our community will increase and our individual choices will become increasingly important. To protect the vulnerable people in our town we should continue to support those who are vulnerable to stay at home continue to socially distance and stay 1.5m from others wash your hands and follow the rules This means to only leave home for 5 reasons 1. Shopping 2. Providing care 3. Exercise 4. Work or education 5. Visiting friends and family if absolutely necessary (this does not include taking a mini-break or a holiday) *Don't forget to download the COVIDSafe App and when you're out and about, carry your phone with you and use available hand sanitizer. WHAT CAN HAPPEN IF THERE ARE CORONAVIRUS CASES IN MALLACOOTA? With lifting of restrictions, will come an increase in COVID infections around Australia, as sporadic cases and as clusters (outbreaks). It is important to avoid any local outbreaks as they may quickly overwhelm locally available health resources. If you are unwell, please stay at home, self-isolate and call the Medical Centre on Ph 51580777 The risk of an outbreak can be minimised by limiting large groups gathering (in workplaces and recreation groups) and by minimising travel in and out of the area. WHAT ABOUT TRAVEL? The Victorian Health Department (DHHS) advice on travel is very clear - going on holiday is NOT a reason to leave home and you should consider if visiting is necessary before deciding to travel. They also advise avoiding overnight trips and are very clear with their advice about the ongoing closure of camping grounds and caravan parks, with the exception of permanent residents, those otherwise without a permanent location and workers (where their employer is working toward limiting the spread of coronavirus)
23.01.2022 HEALTH AND WELLBEING TIPS AND SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES DURING COVID-19 Distress, frustration, sadness, big emotions and behavioural problems affect the well-being of most kids and teeneagers at some point. The addition of disruption, grief and loss following bushfires and now remote learning and COVID-19 restrictions, can mean we are dealing with these things a bit more often, when our resilience with managing them might be under pressure.... There is help available, with lots of easy-to-understand, practical advice covering a wide range of issues. This has been developed by Australian child psychology experts at Calm Kid Central. The GOOD NEWS is that this has been made available for FREE to all Gippsland families. (Subscriptions are funded by the Gippsland Primary Health Network). The course is worth $170 and provides parents with weekly information and the opportunity to ask questions directly of skilled child psychologists. "I highly recommend families take advantage of this offer as a practical and easy way to help parents feel more.confident, make home schooling less stressful and to help our kids develop the skills they need for managing these extraordinary times" - Dr. Sara Renwick-Lau (General Practitioner and mother of 3) To join for FREE - click on JOIN NOW and then tick YES on the COUPON question, scroll down and FOLLOW THE LINK for gippsland residents, type in your POSTCODE and you will be sent an email with your COUPON CODE. Don't forget that Teen Clinic and Mallacoota Medical Centre can help with personal and confidential assistance with any any issues that might be causing distress. We can also direct you to a growing range of local and high quaility support services. To get some tailored advice, just call to make an appontment with any of our clinical staff (doctors or nurses)
22.01.2022 A Message from our rural medical colleagues SURPRISE OUTBREAK + OPEN BORDERS - don’t drop your guard on COVID just yet! Last week’s surprise outbreak of a COVID cluster in Adelaide combined with the re-opening of more state borders makes it critical that Australians do not let their guard down on coronavirus.... The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) warned today that, as restrictions are eased, there is potential for coronavirus to spread quickly again if Australians simply think the crisis is over and don’t take the necessary precautions. While things are looking promising for the rollout of an effective vaccine, we are not out of the woods yet RDAA President, Dr John Hall, said. As we saw last week, COVID is still with us and it can spread virtually unnoticed. In the case of the Adelaide cluster, it was only due to the good sense of a junior doctor that the cluster was uncoveredand as a result, South Australia seems to have dodged a bullet. While life seems like it is finally getting back to normal, getting to this point has been hard-earned and it would be terrible to find ourselves back in lockdown. The key to avoiding this is to ensure we all keep up the things that have been keeping us COVID safe. ACRRM President, Dr Sarah Chalmers, said self-isolating and getting tested if unwell remain crucial ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the community. We can’t emphasise it enough if you are feeling unwell with flu-like symptoms (even if only minor) please stay away from work (or school) and don’t go out and about in the community she said. Instead, get tested immediately and self-isolate until you get the results. And please, if you have even mild symptoms, make sure you phone your local general practice or hospital before attending, as it is critical that we minimise the risk of COVID infection in these settings. Ringing ahead ensures general practices or hospitals can be prepared for your arrival, or they can advise you of the best option for seeing you for a test or further treatment. It is also critical that all Australians: *consider wearing a mask when outside your household *continue to maintain at least 1.5 metres social distancing when outside your household *continue thorough hand-washing with soap and/or hand sanitiser *sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow *download the COVIDsafe app and state government ‘check in’ apps *follow the latest COVID health directives issued by state or federal health authorities*
19.01.2022 Mallacoota COVID update (7/7/20) There are over 190 new cases in Victoria today and a single new case of COVID-19 in East Gippsland. There have been no cases of Coronavirus in Mallacoota. Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will return to Stage 3 restrictions and NSW will close it's borders with Victoria Regional Victoria had very few COVID cases and the Melbourne lockdown will assist us to maintain low cases numbers in rural Victoria... PHYSICAL DISTANCING, cough etiquette and hand hygiene still remain the MOST IMPORTANT measures for preventing COVID transmission. Please use hand sanitiser, avoid unneccessary contact with others and stay one cows length from other people. If you are unwell with any COVID-like symptoms please SELF-ISOLATE and CALL the Mallacoota Medical Centre Ph 5158 0777. DO NOT COME IN to the medical centre unless you have an appointment. If you are presenting to the doctor and you are unwell, do not leave your car until you receive directions from a receptionist or your doctor. For Visitors/Travellers, if you or anyone with you (including children) develop a cough, fever, runny nose or any other COVID symptoms (the unwell person) must self-isolate immediately. Do not use any shared facilities and contact the Victorian Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or the Mallacoota Medical Centre 5158 0777 for advice and to arrange testing.
18.01.2022 Better access cardiac defibrillator By Dr Sara Renwick-Lau (from the Mallacoota Mouth article 13/5/20) The Heart Safe Community project was set to get underway in January 2020. It’s launch was somewhat interrupted. I did pledge at the time, to ensure that the Medical Centre installed a publicly accessible second Cardiac Defibrillator and with assistance from the Mallacoota Community Health Infrastructure and Resilience Fund. Here it is! (better late than neve...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Staying safe (11/7/20) Dr. Sara Renwick-Lau There are increasing numbers of COVID cases around Australia and getting informed about the risks can create anxiety. Border closures, permits and constant changes to restrictions can bring uncertainty. ... The health advice for helping to limit the spread of coronavirus and to keep you, your family, friends and community safe have not really changed much, the advice is unchanged . * Good hand hygiene * Physical distancing * stay home and avoid contact if you are unwell or if you are vulnerable * get tested even if you have mild symptoms The link below has answers to most questions you might have about quarantine, getting tested, wearing masks and mental health resources. The Mallacoota Medical Centre is performing COVID-19 testing. The preferred test is a throat and nose swab performed by a trained health care worker. If you have even the mildest of symptoms - please self-isolate and call the Medical Centre to arrange testing. Get tested and help to keep our community safe! Still have questions? - make an appontment to speak to a doctor - we are able to provide free telephone consultations.
17.01.2022 AN IMPORTANT COVID MESSAGE for Mallacoota residents and visitors (Dr. Sara Renwick-Lau) Australia is in a good position with regards to COVID infection rates. These low numbers are result of significant government imposed restrictions to separate people. This was able to stop the spread of this very, very infectious illness. Now, as restrictions are relaxed, it is more important that as individuals we take responsibility for our own role in stopping the spread of this ver...y, very infectious illness. When we first faced the risks posed by COVID-19, we diligently practiced careful personal hygiene. With the lifting of restrictions and with the increase in movement of people, the importance of these PERSONAL MEASURES becomes EVEN MORE IMPORTANT. It is important that we all PRACTICE CAREFUL AND DILIGENT PERSONAL HYGIENE before and after mixing with others. SO WHO MAY BE MORE AT RISK OF BEING EXPOSED TO COVID? You are at increased risk of COVID infection if you have spent time in close contact with others where physical distancing is not able to be observed. Some examples might include, employees who are unable to maintain physical distancing from others in their place of work travellers who are staying with others or moving in and out of a single/shared residence or using shared facilities people attending mass gatherings outside of current restrictions (protests, parties and pubs) "These types of contacts - between people who are moving from different social groups and geographical locations - pose a significant risk for the spread of COVID-19" (from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee 5/6/20) Again, If you are at increased risk of exposure, it is important that you PRACTICE CAREFUL AND DILIGENT PERSONAL HYGIENE before and after mixing with others, especially if you are travelling across different geographical locations and especially if you are in contact with those who are vulnerable to severe disease. As restrictions are eased the risk to our vulnerable community members increases - please do your part in protecting our community wash and sanitise your hands, maintain physical distance from others (including not shaking hands or hugging) cough and sneeze into a tissue or our elbow, Stay at home if you are unwell.
14.01.2022 Getting tested for COVID-19 Dr. Sara Renwick-Lau Testing is currently available at the Mallacoota Medical Centre for people who have been in contact with a confirmed COVID case (in the 24 hrs before they showed symptoms or after they showed symptoms) and for those with the following symptoms, however mild: fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss of sense of smell or taste.... Call (do not visit) the Medical Centre to receive your instructions on coming to get tested. The best available test, which should be performed, is a swab taken by a trained health care worker. The test takes around a minute and involves a swab from the back of your throat and nose. We will usually perform your test while you are in your car to avoid bringing symptomatic patients into the medical centre. If you have symptoms and require medical treatment we will look after you in a special isolation area of the medical centre where your doctor will be wearing protective gear. This will help keep symptomatic patients, staff and vulnerable patients safe. If are tested you must return home immediately after the test and remain in self-isolation until you receive your test result. I cannot stress enough, how important it is that if you develop ANY symptoms that you IMMEDIATELY self-isolate and stay isolated until you get your result and your doctor has advised you that it is safe for you to resume your usual (COVID safe) activity. The test is free for anyone with a medicare card and in addition, the Mallacoota Medical Centre has been providing mostly free care to Mallacoota and District and Cann River patients since 1st of January. Photo - Dr. Mubashar Sherazi getting ready to test some patients at the end of a busy day.
11.01.2022 Local COVID update (22/7/2020) Dr Sara Renwick-Lau This information is to provide Mallacoota and district residents with local up-to-date COVID information.... There are currently NO positive COVID cases in Mallacoota. There has been a positive COVID case in the East Gippsland region identified on Monday. Those who may have travelled towards Orbost or Marlo over the weekend are at potential risk of infection. The DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) have very quickly, started formally contacting all those who have been identified as being at risk of COVID infection related to this case. These close contacts will be asked to quarantine at home for 14 days and will be COVID tested during their quarantine period. I am aware that those at risk have self-isolated very quickly and many possibly affected businesses have closed, before even the offical advice, to do what they can protect their communities. NO COVID cases have entered into Mallacoota, however this risk continues to increase, so it is very important that everyone in the community is aware of the health advice for reducing community transmission. And the advice remains mostly unchanged * Stay at home if you can - and particularly if you are vulnerable. * Maintain physical distance from others - don't hug or shake hands with anyone who you do not live with. * Always practice good hand hygeine * Self-isolate and get tested even for the mildest symptoms AND * Wear a mask when you can't physically distance. FOR TRAVELLERS and VISITORS Finally - My current advice to those who are travelling to and from higher risk areas, whatever the reason, please consider restricting your activity when you are (back) in Mallacoota. Monitor yourself for symptoms, get tested at the earliest sign of infection and be prepared to quarantine. I am aware that many travellers to/from Melbourne are already doing this... for 14 days after return/arrival to Mallacoota, either quarantining at home or at a minimum restricting activity to the 4 reasons to leave home (that currently apply to those people living in Melbourne) 1. Work and education 2. Health care and care giving 3. Outdoor exercise and 4. Shopping for essential supplies. As someone who is moving about, restricting your activity like this is currently your own choice. However it is one way that you can help protect the lives of vulnerable people in our town. Thank you to everyone who has come forward to get tested, stayed at home and followed health advice. Keep up the great work! For specific advice or for testing please call the Mallacoota Medical Centre 51580777
10.01.2022 MASKS To help to protect the continuity of local medical services and our patients - all adult visitors to the medical centre are asked to wear a mask. Please wear a mask when entering the medical centre and only enter if you have phoned ahead for an appointment. We encourage telephone appointments for anyone who can safely receive their health care over the phone. ... Symptomatic or high risk patients will be asked to stay in their cars and follow the advice of Medical Centre staff Remember - the advice is the same * Stay at home and avoid travel if you can * Maintain physical distancing * Practice careful hand hygeine * If you have even the mildest of symptoms self-isolate straight away and get tested Thank you everyone for helping to keep Mallacoota and district COVID-free! Photo - Elyssa demonstrating correct use of a surgical mask and hand santisiting.
06.01.2022 "Living a good life" - What helps us thrive? Tune in to 3mgb local radio at 12pm today for the Drs half hour, to hear Tricia Hiley and Dr. Sara talk about what we can do to build resilience and decrease a sense of overwhelm when things go wrong.
06.01.2022 New visiting surgical service to Mallacoota. Dr. Sandra Krishnan Friday 30th April saw the commencement of Dr. Krishnan's visiting surgical clinic at the Mallacoota Medical Centre. Dr Krishnan can provide an initial consultation for any general surgical problems, breast surgery and assessment for gastroscopy and colonoscopy where the treatment is performed at the South East Regional Hosptial (Bega hospital) Dr Krishnan also compliments the comprehensive cancer diagnosis and treatment offered by Dr Jenny Schlager and our regular GPs. She is able to perform skin grafts and surgical treatment of complex skin lesions without the need for patients to travel out of town! Thank you Dr Krishnan for providing us with this hugely valuable service Please contact your GP if you would like see Dr Krishnan. See more
05.01.2022 ***Updated post - program change. Listen in to 3MGB local radio Thursday 12pm, for this week's episode of "the Doctor's half hour". This weeks is a Coronavirus update, with information about "rapid containment and the new COVIDSafe App. Next Week Thursday 7th May Tricia and Dr Sara will discuss Dementia and how to distinguish between normal ageing and how those close to a sufferer can help with diagnosis.... 12pm Thursdays - Mallacoota 101.7 and Genoa 96.9 Please message the Mallacoota Medical Centre Facebook Page if you would like us to discuss any particular topics or answer any questions.
04.01.2022 Important health warning for those with ASTHMA, HAYFEVER WITH WHEEZE or those needing to use VENTOLIN. There is cutrently an increased risk of THUNDERSTORM ASTHMA Please stay safe by making sure you use your PREVENTER MEDICATION (purple, red or brown puffer) EVERY DAY.... Experience has shown that those people who did NOT do well in similar conditions were NOT using a preventer. If you are needing to use ventolin regularly, or you have hayfever and an undiagnosed wheeze or cough, please make an appointment with your doctor to talk about Preventer medications
03.01.2022 If you are eligible for a free government funded INFLUENZA IMMUNISATION please call the Mallacoota Medical Centre NOW to arrange your immunisation
01.01.2022 Attending medical appointments is one important reason to leave your home. Below is a video from Victoria's chief medical officer about making sure you still attend for cancer screening. Early detection of breast, bowel, cervical and skin cancer saves lives. Please call the Medical Centre to make a face- to-face or phone consultation with your GP - We are never too busy to assist you with staying healthy. ...
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