Manly Warringah Motor Cycle Club in Seaforth, New South Wales, Australia | Sport & recreation
Manly Warringah Motor Cycle Club
Locality: Seaforth, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9948 6688
Address: 91 Frenchs Forest Road 2092 Seaforth, NSW, Australia
Likes: 98
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25.01.2022 Day 5. Rode from Lake Mungo to Mt. Hope via Ivanhoe and Roto. 383 kms and only saw two cars and a public toilet.
25.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 5th November 2018 No Meeting held.
24.01.2022 The footage of the crash, Emu comes from the left.
24.01.2022 ISDE Chile day three, Wednesday. Our mens team is down to three but these three are running strongly. The lead over the USA is now 3.23 but Italy are not far b...ehind. Our womens team is awesome and have extended their lead to over six minutes. The juniors had a bit of a hiccup and back to 5th place but there are three more days to run. The host country always brings colour to the event, viva Chile! See more
23.01.2022 A reminder the first scheduled trail ride of the year is tomorrow. Meeting time : 8:30am Place: Frying Pan, Dungog (Ed. I have installed a new Tyre) When : This Saturday morning ... What for : Awesome dirt ride through the mountains, Paddock yarn and bevvies after It may be warm so please bring plenty of drinks to keep yourself well hydrated. Bernie said that his new bike can ride more than 145 kms with a full tank. (Ed. We are not doing 145 lol) Please come organized accordingly for a big day!!! A few of us are meeting for some Pub Grub in Dungog tonite and an early breakfast. See you there, Benno
23.01.2022 A Sunday morning start vlog.
23.01.2022 UP AND COMING RIDES FOR 2019 Adventure Rides For those of you that may be interested, on the weekend of the 23-24th February, there will be a ride to Yerranderie. It will be a camping weekend so you will need to bring your accommodation (tent), food, drink and may be petrol depend on the size of your fuel tank. If interest contact Frank Driessen on 0403 938 993.... And for those of you that need a weeks break there is a ride on from the 23- 30th June to Lake Mungo NP. It will be a camping and clamping week, so if you would like to camp bring all your gear that you will require and if you prefer to glamp then there is accommodation (Pub or Motel) you can organise along the way. Planned stops are Cowra, Willandra NP, Lake Mungo, Mt. Hope and Orange. For more information contact Frank Driessen on 0403 938 993. Trail Ride Our first trail ride for the year will be on the 9th March at Dungog. Camping will be at Frying Pan Creek. There may be a Sunday ride if theres enough interest. For more details contact Bernie Sendlhofer on 0402 476 556. Social Ride We would like to organise a social ride to the Gosford Classic Car Museum, if interested Frank Driessen on 0403 938 993.
22.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 15th October 2018 Reports Frank Cogan reported on Moto GP trip to Thailand with some other members of the Club.Stay in a small town about an hour from track. Weather was a bit hot. Trip cost $1500 for 6 days which included Grand Stand tickets.... Tai Irwin reported on an Adventure Ride to Cameron Corner. Craig Baker ran into the back of Rob Roberts whilst avoiding a kangaroo. Total of 4000kms in the week. Johan Strauss reported on a ride at Bulahdelah, conditions were quite slippery but had a good ride. Frank Driessen reported on a Nepean meeting, topics were Solicitor engaged with investigating anomalies associated with Ex-President, track maintenance required by machinery is out of order and funds are limited, discussion on purchasing a grader put on hold, changes made constitution re the number of directors. Correspondence NRMA, trailer insurance renewal. Accounts NRMA renewal of Trailer Insurance for $88.61, passed for payment. Club Debit Card expenses tabled, balance $26.21. Meeting passed to top up card with $250. General Business Members can now renew their membership for 2019 and will receive a Digital membership card which can be stored on their phone. You have to the end of February to renew. End of year Christmas Party to be held on the 19th November. Members are tasked to bring a plate. Wanted, For Sale, Spare Parts Tools, see Frank Cogan and Laurie Bimson. 2011 KTM 690 see Frank Cogan. Specialised Carbon Enduro MTB see Frank Cogan. See more
21.01.2022 Lunch time stop at Carcoar.
20.01.2022 Hi All There will be a Monday Night Meeting tonight, Monday, 5th November 2018 at the Neerlandia Club, Bantry Bay Road, French Forest. Doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start. Member can renew their club membership from today until 28th February, 2019. On renewal members will receive a Digital Membership Card which can be saved to their mobile phone.... Congratulations to Scott Campbell on his Sos Goddards Perpetual Trophy at the NSW Championships. Hoping to see you. Frank Driessen See more
19.01.2022 CLUB MOTO TRIALS In the interest of riders and officials the Club’s Moto Trials set down for the 5th April 2020 at Pacific Park has been postponed until the Covid-19 virus situation has passed. Hopefully this will all end soon, and we can get back to doing what we love. But in the meantime, let’s all stay healthy, look after each other, and look forward to the amazing riding that lays ahead of us once this is all over. Frank Driessen
17.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 20th August 2018 Reports Luca Facibeni went for a trail ride to Wallerwang. After 9kms end up back at car (got lost) and started again. Encountered many 4WDs, was concussed by GPS and end making own loop of 65kms.... Mantin OConnor reputed that Peter Scrivener had a triple heart bypass and recovering. Frank Driessen and Terry Peck attended a NMSC meeting. Ex-President has to account for $38,000. Problem seen to be that a lot of cash payments without notification/invoices. Track needs to be prepared to make it acceptable to ride on. Nepeans income is supported with 2 cell phone towers bring in $40,000 per year. General Business Adventure Ride this weekend see Frank Driessen See more
17.01.2022 2019 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Members can renew their club membership now and have until 28th February, 2019 to renew, Members can renew for 1 year ($35.00) or 3 years ($80.00), after this date you will be required to pay a joining fee of $5.00. On renewal members will receive a Digital Membership Card which can be saved to their mobile phone for quick and easy access. If you wish to have your photo added, please supply a photo which will be added and reissued. A form can be found on our website Membership/Renewal Form.
16.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 16th July 2018 Reports Laurie Bimson reported on the KTM Adventure Ride from Darwin to Alice Springs. 200 bikes were transported by rig to Darwin. Riders were given a table, chair, pillow and Swag sponsored by KTM. Navigation was done by pre programmed GPS, 500 kms first day with extremely dusty conditions. 7 riders taken to hospital on the first day including Laurie after hitting a tree. Cost was $2500 for the 7 days. Frank Co...gan blew his motor on the 5 day. Frank Driessen reported on a Nepean meeting he attended. President had been removed due to financial discrepancies. Track is in need of repairs. Accounts Affiliation fees for Nepean MSC 2018, $250. Passed for payment. General Business Milton/Batemans trail ride set for 1/2 September. Adventure ride North in late August. See more
14.01.2022 Day 3, Willandra Homestead and Ram Shed. Shortly after these photos while riding out of the park a Emu ran into me and I crashed. Damage was bent handlebars, blinkers, front guard, dash and pannier ripped off. Thanks to park rangers welding and spare parts I had, I was back on the road, sore and bruised. Reached Lake Mungo NP Late that afternoon.
14.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS Just a short message to finish up the year. Hoping that you all will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
14.01.2022 CLUB MEMBERSHIP Membership renewals are now due and for those that are planning to continue with their membership you have until the 1st March 2019 to pay, there after you are un-financial. You will receive an email notifying you to renew, renewals can be done by downloading a 2019 Membership Renewal Form from our website and either post, email or present at a Club Meeting. Those members that have paid and in advance will receive their Electronic Membership Card, stating the date that they are financial too. The Membership Card can be stored on your mobile phone for easy and convenient use. P.S. Please be patient as this will take some time template each members card for future renewals.
12.01.2022 SEASON GREETINGS To all our members, a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great New Year ahead. Stay safe and upright. Frank Driessen... President See more
11.01.2022 Found the tent a bit cold the first night....oops wrong photo.
11.01.2022 Day 2, Coffee stop at Grenfell and Camped at Willandra NP.
10.01.2022 CLUB MEETING There will be a Club Meeting tomorrow night Monday, 15th April 2019. Club House doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start.
10.01.2022 LAST CLUB MEETING FOR 2018 Hi All Monday, 19th November 2018 the last Monday Night Meeting for 2018 will be held at the Neerlandia Club, Bantry Bay Road, French Forest. This meeting will include our Christmas Party and those that are planing to attend are ask to bring a plate to share with others. You can bring anything such as snacks, hot or cold dishes, cakes or just surprise us. The Club will provide tea and coffee while liquid refreshments will be available for purchas...e. All are welcome. Doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start. Hoping to see you. Frank Driessen See more
10.01.2022 Tonight, Monday, 17th February, 2020 will be a Club Meeting. Club House doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start. For those of you that have not renewed your membership, you have to night to renew at Club meetings, after the 29th February a $5.00 rejoining fee will apply. if you are intending not to renew, please email the Club of you decision.... There is one more matter that needs to be rectified and that is we need a MOTO TRIALS SUB COMMITTEE to organise this years trials (3). To date I have not heard from anybody, so if you can help, please let us know. Our AGM is set down for the 16th March, 2020 and would like members to consider the following positions - Committee Members (5), President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Club Captain, Equipment Officer, MNSW Delegates (3) and NMSC Delegates (2). Hoping that members will make an effort to attend this meeting. Frank Driessen
09.01.2022 CLUB MEETING There will be a Club Meeting tomorrow night Monday, 4th March 2019. Club House doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start. Annual General Meeting... Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Manly Warringah Motor Cycle Club Incorporated will be held at the Club rooms, Neerlandia Club, Bantry Bay Road, Frenchs Forest on the Monday, 18th March, 2019 at 8.00pm. Agenda 1. To consider the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 21st March, 2017. 2. To consider, and if thought fit, adopt the Balance Sheet and Accounts in respect of the year ended 31st December 2018. 3. To receive and adopt the Presidents Report for the year. 4. To elect the Officers of the Club, 5. To transact any other business which may be brought before the meeting in accordance with the Constitution of the Club. 6. To appoint an Auditor for the ensuing year. Sub-Committee Elections Notice is hereby given that the Sub-Committee Elections for the Manly Warringah Motor Cycle Club Incorporated will be held at the Club rooms, Neerlandia Club, Bantry Bay Road, Frenchs Forest on the Monday, 18th March, 2019 at 8.00pm.
08.01.2022 Monday, 3rd February, 2020 will be the first Club meeting for 2020. Club House doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start. For those of you that have not renewed your membership, you have the 3rd and 17th of February to renew at Club meetings, after the 29th February a $5.00 rejoining fee will apply. if you are intending not to renew, please email the Club of you decision.... There is one more matter that needs to be rectified and that is we need a MOTO TRIALS SUB COMMITTEE to organise this years trials (3). To date I have not heard from anybody, so if you can help, please let us know. Our AGM is set down for the 16th March, 2020 and would like members to consider the following positions - Committee Members (5), President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Club Captain, Equipment Officer, MNSW Delegates (3) and NMSC Delegates (2). Hoping that members will make an effort to attend this meeting. Frank Driessen
08.01.2022 Mathew Small spectating as the 6 day, Chile Day 1
07.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 5th November 2018 No Meeting held due to lack of members.
07.01.2022 A reminder we are hoping to have a good roll up of members to catch up on all things "motorcycle" at tonights end of year meeting/Christmas party
05.01.2022 CLUB MOTO TRIALS In the interest of riders and officials the Clubs Moto Trials set down for the 5th April 2020 at Pacific Park has been postponed until the Covid-19 virus situation has passed. Hopefully this will all end soon, and we can get back to doing what we love. But in the meantime, lets all stay healthy, look after each other, and look forward to the amazing riding that lays ahead of us once this is all over. Frank Driessen
04.01.2022 CLUB MEETING A Club Meeting will be tomorrow night Monday, 18th February 2019. Club House doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start. 2019 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Membership renewals are now due and for those that are planning to continue with their membership you have until the 1st March 2019 to pay, there after you are un-financial. You would have receive an email notifying you to renew, renewals can be done by downloading a 2019 Membership Renewal Form from our website ...and either post, email or present at a Club Meeting. Those members that have paid and in advance will receive their Electronic Membership Card, stating the date that they are financial to. The Membership Card can be stored on your mobile phone for easy and convenient use. See more
03.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 16th July 2018 Reports Johan Strauss reported on a trail ride in the Wattagans, 6 riders starting from letter A to Jerrys Cafe, Farm House, Wisemans Ferry and Home.... Tai Irwin reported on an Adventure ride to Raymond Terrace, Gloucester , Walcha, Stroud and home. Luca Facibeni reported on a ride in the Wattagans with Ben Hargy, starting from the letter A, a 70 kms loop. Luca had pilot- jet problems. Gordon Shaw and Greg Taylor had a ride in the Blue Mountains starting in Windsor riding to Bilpin, taking the old mountain track to Mt. Wilson and on to Clarence. Accounts Invoice from Xero Accounting for $120. Passed for Payment. General Business Adventure Ride organised for the 24/26 August by Frank Driessen. Batemans Bay trail ride cancelled. Wanted, ForSale, Spare Parts 2010 KTM 300XE, $5000, see Johan Strauss. Mazda 6 Turbo Deisel, $10,000 , see Gordon Shaw. See more
03.01.2022 Clubs Last Meeting/ Christmas Party 2018
03.01.2022 Day 4, Lake Mungo NP, recovery and sightseeing.
02.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 19th November 2018 Reports Bernie Sendlhofer and Johan Strauss reported on a trail ride from Milton to Batemans Bay. A great ride with a early arrival around 4:00pm. Little rain with a few fallen trees and explored some new tracks. Sunday rode a trail but was blocked by a new estate. Reached East Lynne by 10:00am. Found some new trails around Termeil about 30kms of trails.... Tai Irwin reported on Andrew Clubbs Snowy Ride. Starting at Bowral riding to Therdbo and returned via Cooma and South Coast. 27 riders in all. Frank Driessen reported on Nepean regarding its future. Frank Driessen Reported on an Adventure Ride to Denman. Four rode and three drove.Boys rode via Lithgow, Turon Gates, Glenn Alice to Rylstone for lunch. It was a very hot day and looked like a big storm was coming, so with that in mind we continued. Passing through Belong Greg McLaughlin got a front flat and Andy Driessen stopped to give a hand while Peter Strain and Frank Driessen continued riding not knowing what had happened. With an unsuccessful tyre repair (pinched tube and wasted bottles of air) Andy began to ride after Peter and Frank who had now travelled 40kms and stopped to notice Greg and Andy were no there. After a long wait they turn around to find them only to bump into Andy who was just about to give up. On their return to Greg the weather had changed and started to rain, pour and hail. 40kms back Greg waited for their arrival and again a borrow tube and air bottles saw 4 riders changing a tube in one of states worst storm and weather conditions. Back on the rode again, soaked through, it was another hour before they reached Denman. After a shower and into dry clothes it was off to the local RSL for dinner later returning too the Pub for drinks and a great night. Neil Watt with the help of Wayne and Ewen Laird drove to Denman to be part of the Weekend. Sunday saw the boys ride home via Singleton and Wollombi. It was reported that Michelle Owen was in hospital and all is now well. Ken Smith informed the Club that the Classic Dirt will be on the 3-5th May at Queensland Moto Park. See more
02.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 17th September 2018 Reports Martin OConnor reported on the NSW Moto Trials Championships on the 15/16 Sept. at Pacific Park. 12 sections each day over a large loop. 75 riders entered, some from interstate. Martin won Masters, Frank Hull 3rd in Post Classic.... Frank Driessen reported on his adventure ride with Paul Farthing and Toby Cooke, starting at Sydney and riding to Singleton, Gundy, Nundle and on to Barrington Top were we camped, conditions were pleasant with no rain as forecasted. Next day back to Nundle and Walcha Road were Toby called it a day as he was not well. Frank and Paul continued on to Yarrowyck to Franks sisters farm. Returned via Walcha Roads train line to Nundle, Broke and home. Andy Driessen reported on a MNSW meeting he attended. Topics discussed were MA Alliance Agreement, a Life Membership, MA insurance to change providers, MNSW to spend $60.000 on promoting MX over the next 3-5 years, changes to Dirt Track rules regarding tyres and wheels. Correspondance Shannons auctions, Soar & Roar Show on the 9 December, Charity ride stating from 6 places and ending at Sydney Motor Sports Park. Accounts $50 to Martin OConnor for track hire for Moto Trial held at Favelle Property. Passed for Payment. See more
02.01.2022 CLUB MEETINGS Our first Club Meeting for 2019 will be on Monday, 4th February 2019. There after they will be held on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month, except for Public Holidays. Club House doors will be open at 7:45pm for a 8:00pm start.
01.01.2022 CLUB MINUTES Monday Night Meeting Minutes Micros 4th February 2019. Reports On the 28th January some Club members rode in the Wattagans. Good ride but really wet running into the wattle trees full of water. Another ride was held on the 3rd Feb in Cooranbong area, only a few rides attended.... General Business Membership renewal due. Classic Dirt 15 on the 2-5th May in Queensland. Adventure ride on the 23-24th Feb., starting at Bowral riding via Crookwell to Yarrenderie where we will camp overnight and returning to Sydney via Jenolan Caves. Another Adventure Ride is planned in June (23- 30th) to Lake Mungo NP. You can camp or glamp on the way at Cowra, Willandra NP, Mt. Hope and Orange. Contact Frank Driessen if interested. Trail Ride set down for Dungog (Frying Pan Creek) on the 9-10th March. For Sale 2017 KTM 350, $9500, See Johan Strauss. See more
01.01.2022 All ready to go on a seven day ride in our back yard. Day 1, Sydney to Cowra. Watch this space.
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