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25.01.2022 The shocking bush fires in Australia are now global news. We all hope they end soon - the loss of human life, wildlife and property is unprecedented and there's nothing you can say to make things better. While the firefighters and other volunteers cannot be praised enough. My family stayed with friends down the south coast of NSW over Christmas and New Year, and we were surrounded by some major fires, though never in high danger. [ 587 more words ]
25.01.2022 Please accept my apology for the jargon overload in the headline. Back in pre-history, around 2004, I helped a number of competing print companies launch their Variable Data Digital Printers via a series of seminars, trade shows and other marketing activity. This disruptive technology delivered what many now call data-driven marketing. It was simply the use of relevant data to digitally print personalised publications and link readers to personalised landing pages. [ 304 more words ]
24.01.2022 Before I start this post dear reader, I declare I only speak one language - Australian. I respect anyone who can speak multiple languages. But because someone can speak a language doesn't mean they can communicate in the language they speak. I assume my international colleagues experience similar frustrations as we Aussies do, when you call a local company's "customer service centre" that is located in a country where English isn't the first language. [ 410 more words ]
24.01.2022 Well folks, another week and another bunch of fake facts and virtue signalling designed to create FOMO and con marketers into using the self-interested marketing miracle being touted. And what is this week's con? It's an infographic promoting the virtues of video marketing (previously known as television advertising) but as advertisements produced on video now also run on digital channels, they must have a new name. [ 591 more words ]
24.01.2022 I have a Kiwi mate dear reader, Henry Newrick, who decided to put the current lock-down to some good use. Mind you, New Zealand (like Australia) is a good place to be if you're trying to avoid COVID-19. Henry is a long time publisher and entrepreneur. He's worked for more than 50 years in New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the USA, so he's seen his share of crises. [ 519 more words ]
22.01.2022 If you’re like most of the population dear reader, you’re probably using less cash these days to pay for goods at your local retail stores. I certainly am. Apparently here in Oz, we’re one of the highest per capita users of electronic tap n go payments. Cash is declining rapidly. This is causing problems for local retail stores, particularly those for which a website is not essential for business dry cleaners, cafes, bakers, butchers, clothing stores and the like. [ 912 more words ]
21.01.2022 Last night, the Australian Federal Government announced a restructuring of university fees. It's an attempt to attract more people to study for what the politicians believes will be the growth-jobs in the near future, as we emerge from the COVID-Crisis. One decision they've made is to double the cost of a Communications Degree, as they believe communication skills won't be in demand in the near term - go figure. [ 498 more words ]
21.01.2022 Hello again. I’m currently writing a book on B2B marketing - adapted from my training courses. The B2B category has a lot of executives in marketing roles who have no prior marketing qualifications. They have sales, product or technical backgrounds. Some even call themselves social sellers. So, I’ve put together a little Marketing 101 Guide by the Numbers. Keep these in mind when planning your marketing executions, as they'll keep you focused. [ 784 more words ]
21.01.2022 My recent article about the Koala team's overzealous belief of their brand awareness reminded me of a story about one of my first bosses, Sir Peter Abeles. Sir Peter built the TNT global transport and logistics empire, which at one stage owned Ansett airlines. I was the National Marketing Manager of TNTGroup4, which was where I got loads of hands-on experience building databases and using direct marketing techniques for B2B and consumer marketing. [ 737 more words ]
20.01.2022 Marketers are a weird lot. We love to over-complicate things. We also have a strange penchant for renaming existing tactics and marketing techniques that have worked sometimes for more than 100 years, just because a new media channel has been invented. Take social media. Please, take it. I mean, is there any media channel that isn't social? By their very nature, media and the messages published/broadcast in them are social. [ 426 more words ]
20.01.2022 Of all the COVID-CAPERS dear reader, the choice of video conferencing tools has been one of the most fascinating. As are the skills of first-time home workers - here is the No.1 Rule for using video when working from home. But, for as long as I can remember, Skype has been the go-to software for video calls, be they business conference or just to have a social chat - though FaceTime is popular for personal conversations. [ 285 more words ]
19.01.2022 Now before you pile on dear readers, I am first and foremost a ‘brand man’. I’ve just written an article for a trade publication on how those who continue to advertise during tough times, come out of the downturn faster and more profitable than those who don’t advertise. But the human nature demonstrated in these last few weeks, seems to support that old classic - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and we’ve just added a lower foundation level. [ 208 more words ]
18.01.2022 Regular readers will know I've written about this before - (see below) But given the increased amount of television and outdoor advertising that Uber Eats is doing lately, I thought I'd revisit it. Curiously, I've not seen any Uber Eats advertising online...yet. (now that I've mentioned it, I'll probably be chased around the web thanks to cookies) By way of background, I've owned a suburban supermarket and a travel agency - in different suburbs in different centuries. [ 192 more words ]
18.01.2022 I am very concerned dear readers. But first, for international readers of this missive, I need to give you some background. An online newspaper - The Betoota Advocate - is one of the most refreshing and entertaining publications about daily life in Australia. You'll hear Aussies say "How good is the Betoota Advocate?" though not, I suspect, will you hear it said by our Prime Minister. [ 500 more words ]
18.01.2022 OR "How blockchain and cryptocurrencies are changing medical research funding forever..." Like most in the marketing industry, I haven't taken the words 'blockchain' and 'crypto' too seriously. There are many reasons for this, such as when companies like the "Long Island Iced Tea Company", changed its name to "Long Blockchain Corp", resulting in a share price surge of more than 200% [ 999 more words ]
17.01.2022 To say the world has gone mad in the last couple of months is an understatement. People stabbing each other in supermarkets while fighting over toilet paper, food hoarding on a scale that assumes a ten-year apocalypse, and most recently, seemingly sensible intelligent adults struggling with the concept of working from home. From some of the comments I've read, you'd think people have been asked to solve the vaccine for COVID-19 from their kitchen, rather than do what they do on a computer most days, except in their home, not their office. [ 1,172 more word ]
17.01.2022 Life used to be simpler. In the not-so-distant past you awoke, by whatever means, and depending upon your relationship might have had a cuddle or more intimate moment. Then you got out of bed and showered or had breakfast and prepared for the day. Some of us were woken by radio, so you could listen to the news before, or as you started your day. [ 665 more words ]
16.01.2022 Well not ghostbusters that's for sure. I've found the whole rush by marketers to become "customer experience" experts quite amusing. Why, just because people use hand-held computers, do marketers believe customer experience is a new phenomenon? The customer experience has always been at the heart of everything marketers have done since the invention of marketing. If customers enjoyed their shopping experience (that's marketing jargon BTW, not customer language) they returned to buy again. [ 292 more words ]
15.01.2022 Personalised marketing messages have been around for centuries - think mail-order catalogues posted to individuals, using those individual's name and address data. The personalised customer experience, including face-to-face customer service, is not new to the world. Buy now in the digital age, we can personalise almost every communication we have with consumers. We can use names, images, facts, charts and other data linked directly to individuals, to customise our communications - be they email, landing pages, websites, ads, SMS and more. [ 614 more words ]
15.01.2022 Prior to the invention of social media, your business card holder, Rolodex, or contact list was private property. Only you used the file and nobody else had access to it. Certainly, nobody could see who you were 'connected' to in your business life. It was your personal property and quite a valuable asset. But then along came social media - and in the business world, LinkedIn. [ 550 more words ]
13.01.2022 What can you say dear reader... Both Facecrook and Floptus use full page press advertising to try to rebuild credibility. Who do you trust - certainly not the digital channels that's for sure...
12.01.2022 A couple of years ago my agency created catalogues for an office supplies company different catalogues for different areas of their business and different types of customers. They had a catalogue for typical office stationery, another for bulk purchases of products delivered on pallets, and other specialty catalogues. They did some sophisticated testing, with the objective of moving clients to order via their website to reduce the dependence upon the call centre, as it took the majority of the orders. [ 302 more words ]
11.01.2022 As many of you will know, one of the major weaknesses of digital marketers is their lack of knowledge of marketing history. They naively assumed that just because a technology was new, all previous technology was useless, all existing media channels no longer worked, proven techniques suddenly failed, and human DNA changed forever. So they ignored everything that had worked pre-internet. [ 1,007 more word ]
11.01.2022 I declare some self-interest here folks. I haven't bought or worn a tie in more than 20 years. Can't stand the things. But I suspect my opinion on this subject will divide you dear readers - and I'm speaking strictly from a male point of view for those politically-correct types. I've always thought ties revealed that most blokes were either colour-blind or they lacked any fashion sense. [ 351 more words ]
10.01.2022 As robots and "automation software" increasingly take over the tasks of humans, the number of customer service problems and technical glitches seem to be increasing. Yet ironically, in most cases, the simple reason for the failure is the lack of human involvement. Here is the first of a couple of examples I'll share with you: Adobe is a very successful company and makes some great products, some of which I use. [ 1,262 more word ]
09.01.2022 This week a marketing clerk at Coles made the ridiculous decision to stop using one of its most powerful media channels for retailers - printed catalogues. For international readers, unaddressed catalogues distributed via letterboxes, are one of the strongest generators of retail store and online traffic in Australia. The reasons given by the clerk were ridiculous to say the least and naively woke - and Coles has rightly copped a backlash from both consumers and industry. [ 794 more words ]
08.01.2022 As you well-know dear reader the marketing industry loves its flashy job titles. Though when I first started working in marketing, the most senior roles were Marketing Director, National Marketing Manager, VP Marketing, or a mashup depending upon geography. For example, APAC Regional Marketing Director. But we're a funny lot we marketers. We weren't happy because we believed we weren't taken seriously at Board level. [ 606 more words ]
08.01.2022 The year 2000 was wonderful for Sydney-siders dear reader. We were hosting the 'greatest games ever' and the city was party-central for this fabulous festival of sport. Even the weather obliged with sunshine for the most part. And because trucks were off the roads, only delivering at night, and most of the city's occupants were on holiday and using public transport, the lesser traffic ensured the blue skies above were as clear as they'd ever been. [ 560 more words ]
08.01.2022 I'm no die-hard Star Wars fan, but was just told that International Star Wars Day is next week, so thought I'd say what Yoda would probably say in this crazy marketing world we are living in. I've been asked to republish a popular article I wrote last year, mainly due to the embarrassing plethora of fake COVID marketing experts pushing their 'expertise" since the pandemic started. [ 1,019 more word ]
07.01.2022 Those who have read my missives or attended my seminars, are aware I've been calling out the online zealots and their snake-oil since the invention of the information superhighway. So here's today's polite rant. The internet and all it brings, is one of the most positive developments in the marketing industry. Yet the industry has been infested with dodgy, dishonest and downright diabolical deceivers, the likes of which have never been seen before. [ 706 more words ]
06.01.2022 Here's another digital marketing case study folks from the "you can't make this shit up" files. As you know the marketing industry has become infested with Virtue Signallers and fake marketers who make outrageous claims and sweeping generalisations about the industry, to try and position themselves as legitimately having some sort of expertise. Sites like LinkedIn are covered in self-serving wallpaper covered in miracle ways to be a LinkedIn legend, glib motivational statements for instant success, secret sauce sellers, and " [ 561 more words ]
06.01.2022 Forget the second wave of stupidity folks, the third wave of stupidity is gaining momentum in Australia. Suburbs with no recorded COVID-19 cases are rapidly running out of bog rolls again, as TPHS* spreads its deadly tentacles. Yet, despite my recent vigorous research into what humans fear most, the fear of running out of bog rolls doesn't appear anywhere - on any list in the world. [ 275 more words ]
04.01.2022 Well folks, just when you thought the world couldn't get any stranger, along comes the Corona Virus, or COVID-19 as it's technically known, to reveal an insight into humanity. And while it is tragic that people are dying from this virus, the behaviour of humans during these early stages is curious to say the least. I promise to spare you from any puns in this story as I share examples. [ 615 more words ]
04.01.2022 If you work in marketing you will no doubt be a recipient of the vomitron that is the content marketing of the "martech" companies. I've never understood the claims these companies make about their marketing expertise. It's the equivalent of a medical instrument salesperson claiming they're a surgeon. Just because a company supplies software used by marketers, does not automatically translate into that company possessing marketing expertise. [ 1,202 more word ]
03.01.2022 In most western countries the mattress and bedding industry is highly competitive. The tactics usually involve retailers creating loads of different brands and price points, so it's confusing and not easy for consumers to compare apples with apples, so to speak. If you're interested in just how weird the industry can be, check out this story from Fast Company about the online mattress industry in the US. [ 658 more words ]
03.01.2022 The England team did their country proud. Though it's quite ironic the similarity between English World Cup predictions and the digi-hustler predictions about marketing in a digital world. Here's how football fans viewed the semi-final...
02.01.2022 As most of you readers already know, in tough times the marketing rule of thumb is to keep investing in your marketing. Though it's easier said than done if your business is closed and your customers don't have jobs. But that being said - there has never been a better time for real contact, as against digital contact. As I've shared previously, there is a heap of [ 1,001 more word ]
01.01.2022 There's nothing like a global financial crisis, or new technology, even a pandemic to release the jargon-monkeys and cyber-hustlers from their lairs. Like a zombie invasion, they just appear from nowhere, spraying unsubstantiated platitudes and buzzwords-aplenty to position themselves as knowing not what we know, but more and better secret stuff. And the COVID-CRISIS has them appearing in droves. Buzzwords are spreading like a... [ 1,132 more word ]
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