Mars Brewing Supplies in Woonona, New South Wales, Australia | Homebrew supply shop
Mars Brewing Supplies
Locality: Woonona, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4288 1200
Address: 341 Princes Highway 2517 Woonona, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Froth heads, I’ve been busy brewing the home brew version of commercial beer & trying new recipes which are Tops & very drinkable but the kicker is I get to sample & taste these frothy quaffers in bottles or kegs - You could do the same - GO chat chin wag pow wow to the awesome staff at MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona & they will guide you on a never ending home brew journey until you get your home brew mojo. . Cheers. @blackrockbrewingnz @nzcraftbrewingco @morgansbrewingco @coopersbrewery @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #thirroulthunder #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona #woonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
24.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES has all you froth heads covered with some down right awesome recipes for your next quaffer. It’s never to late to give home brewing a go & if you get a brew going now you’ll be drinking them during the festive season if bottling but if keg’n you’ll be drinking within 15 days - so go have a chat with the awesome staff at MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona & you’ll be toasting the night away. cheers. @mangrovejacks @morgansbrewingco @nzcraftbrewingco @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona #woonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
23.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES has NZ Black Rock liquid malt tins back in stock. With additions & hops or no hops make up to 23L of outstanding personalised home brew so get’m while you can to brew your rock’n festive season quaffers. Plenty of recipes in store or make up your own. . Cheers. @blackrockbrewingnz @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
23.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES has Mangrove Jacks 750ml flip top bottles back in stock. Also stock Mangrove Jacks thick glass 750ml crown seal bottles & 500ml flip tops. Get your frothy quaffer bottled in these but be quick before they’re gone. cheers. @mangrovejacks @thirroulgprfc #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
22.01.2022 Ok Brewers - here is the ducks nuts home brew Ginger Beer kit the Bfw Ginger Beer can be made non alcoholic or alcohol ( yes please ) & either way will have your taste buds craving for more. Approximate cost $22.00 or with 1 kg of dextrose $27.00 to make 22.5L of quality ginger beer quaffer. . Call 42881200 or drop into MARS BREWING SUPPLIES to get advice on the brewing process for both styles & get one down. .... Just another home brew style to add to your - never ending and expanding home brew journey. .cheers. @mars_brewing_supplies @laybacklongboarders @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru @gas1007 #gingerbeer #homebrew #beer #neverendingandexpandinghomebrewjourney #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona See more
22.01.2022 Brewers New & Seasoned - Come & get ya Casey’s Beer wort kits from MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona the Illawarra’s only walk in shop stockist. . The wort kits are already made craft beer - all you need is a fermenter, additional water & yeast. Dry hopping optional. . Casey’s Beer wort kits priced from $49 to $65 - yeast & hops extra cost. ... . Give Pat the legend at Casey’s Beer a plug for his awesomeness. . Looking forward to talking all things home brewing about your never ending and expanding home brew journey so catch yas 930am - 5pm Tuesday 30th, Wednesday 31st March & Thursday 1st April as MARS BREWING SUPPLIES will close over the Easter Long Weekend & reopen normal trading from 930am - 5pm Tuesday 6th April. . . Cheers. @laybacklongboarders @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru @caseysbeer #homebrew #beer #craftbeer #thirroulthunder #neverendingandexpandinghomebrewjourney #marsbrewingsupplies See more
21.01.2022 It's White Labs Order time again. We will be putting in our next White labs Liquid Yeast order at the end of this week. If there are any specialty yeasts that you would like included in this order please let us know by 2pm this Saturday 17 April.
21.01.2022 Did someone say All Inn Riptide wort kit - the long wait is over for this oldie but a goldie frothy Summer Ale or try the newest All Inn Sabro Extra Pale Ale wort kit. Wort kits range from $49.00 to $59.00 without a yeast & $52.00 to $75.00 with a yeast. MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona has a great selection of All Inn wort kits so catch yas soon to get your quaffer of choice. . Cheers. @allinnbrewingco @morgansbrewingco @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #wortkits #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
21.01.2022 Brewers - MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Wootown will be closed over the Easter long weekend. . Now is the time to plan ahead so you don’t have to call the Brewer Crisis Hotline 4288 1200. . There’s plenty of All Inn & Casey’s wort kits ( pronounced wert ) plus all the other home brew goodies from Black Rock, Cooper’s, Mangrove Jacks & Morgan’s or add Edwards Essences, Still Spirit Essences & Duck Essence to some vodka.... . or look at using the Easter long weekend setting up a kegerator system for tapping your personalised brew into. . If you are wanting grain crack or not cracked - be sure to give staff plenty of notice ( at start of day or preferred 1 day ) with hop amounts & yeast as this process allows for a less stressful work environment, less disappointments & Onya’s for using this grain ordering process. . Have a safe & wonderful Easter with family & friends. . catch yas soon to talk turkey about your never ending and expanding home brew journey. . . Cheers. @laybacklongboarders @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #easterlongweekend #homebrew #beer #neverendingandexpandinghomebrewjourney #marsbrewingsupplies See more
19.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES - Christmas trading & Brewers crisis number. . Cheers. @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
18.01.2022 Lager time - although FG was 1.012 making ABV lower due to brewing at cooler ambient temperature & using generic brewers yeast this recipe of Morgan’s Blue Mountain Lager, no:10 mix of 400g maltodextrine & 600g dextrose with 10g Galaxy hops. A light refreshing lager sure to quench the thirst or just happily enjoy the day & quaffer away. Cheers. @morgansbrewingco @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #beer #homebrew #lager #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
18.01.2022 Brewers - take your home brew fermentation to the next level with the Generation 2 Fermentasaurus conical PET uni tank fermenter starter kit & at the current price of $79.95. . Why wouldn’t you??? . If you want you can add $$$ the necessary equipment & turn this uni tank into a pressurised fermenter & serve straight from this awesome unit or transfer straight to a keg. ... . Why wouldn’t you??? . Call MARS BREWING SUPPLIES 4288 1200 or better still drop buy & talk with the awesome staff about your never ending and expanding home brew journey. . Cheers. @laybacklongboarders @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulgprfc @thirroulguru @mars_brewing_supplies #thirroulthunder #homebrew #beer #fermenter #conicalfermenter #yourneverendingandexpandinghomebrewjourney #marsbrewingsupplies See more
18.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona has you covered with home brewing gear up until Thursday 24th December 2020 or until stocks run out. Plenty of gifts in store with the none other than the amazing Morgan’s home brew starter kit or the ultimate keg fridge 19L keg set up. Don’t hesitate to call 4288 1200 if you have an inquiry or need some advice or call the Brewers crisis hotline during the festive season research & development period & hoping MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Wootown can sort you out. . Cheers. @morgansbrewingco @allinnbrewingco @nzcraftbrewingco @blackrockbrewingnz @mangrovejacks @stillspirits89 @puredistilling @coopersbrewery @caseysbeer @laybacklongboarders @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
16.01.2022 The Worts are back in wootown the worts are back in wootown - that’s Casey’s wort kits. So get into MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona who are the only stockists in the Illawarra for Casey’s wort kits & get your festive season quaffer sorted. . Cheers. @caseysbeers @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #worts #craftbeer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
14.01.2022 A new Great Wort of MARS BREWING SUPPLIES Woonona plus the usual suspects in store . There’s a New frothy flavour from All Inn - can you pick it out by colour - then come a get it - brew it - drink it & froth over it - only 7 available - don’t Wort around or they will go. Also check out the 24 hook handle 5L demijohns & all the other awesome home brewing gear. cheers.@allinnbrewingco @morgansbrewingco @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #thirroulfootballclub #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
14.01.2022 Happy days - 2 x 19L kegs of beer & 1 x 9.5L of cider for the weekend getaway. After the initial cost of a keg set up & a fermenter then a 23L batch of home brew will cost somewhere between $25.00 to $70.00 that’s incredible value for 2 & a tad cases of stubbies or 28 ish longnecks or put straight into a keg then gas it & your personalised home brew quaffer is ready. Check out MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona for all your home brewing gear. . Cheers. @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @laybacklongboarders #homebrew #keg #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
14.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES - MBS is proud to introduce its new flanno merch ( limited stock ) for the cooler nights & the flanno connoisseur. First run of this quality fresh stylish flanno with chest & back logo for $39.00 & option to add arm logo with your MARS BREWING SUPPLIES customer number on left arm for an extra $10.00 total $49.00 ( as shown ) - so if ya want one contact 4288 1200 or drop into MBS to size ( XL, L, M, S ) this street styl’n head turning flanno before they d...isappear. Flannos will only be men’s cut & logo colours may differ depending on flanno colour. MARS BREWING SUPPLIES are always happy to support local businesses so if you know who sells quality flannos at a reasonable price let us know. Thanks to MDP for logo design’s, Hi Tech Graphics in Auburn st Wollongong for their guidance with the embroidery & onya to all MARS BREWING SUPPLIES customers for supporting your local family owned brew shop who employ locals & sponsor local sporting clubs & events. cheers. @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #Thirrouljuniorfootballclub #hitechgraphics #flanno #embroidery #beer #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies See more
14.01.2022 Had an awesome couple of days with family, friends & peeps we know staying at Bendalong Holiday Haven. . Cheers. @laybacklongboarders @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #holidayhavenbendalong #family #friends #goodtimes #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Holiday Havens Bendalong
14.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona has BeerMakers liquid malt tins for the home brewer who wants that Aussie tap beer taste - so drop in to get your brew & give your taste buds that Aah feeling.. Cheers. @nzcraftbrewingco @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
13.01.2022 Home Brewers & football soccer enthusiasts. . This is where it’s at. . Onya vale for hosting the inaugural MARS BREWING SUPPLIES 7’s.... . Home brew, socialising & the baguette brothers. cheers. @mars_brewing_supplies @thebaguettebrothers @laybacklongboarders @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #homebrew #beer #football #soccer #goodtimes #marsbrewingsupplies See more
13.01.2022 Have you had a Casey’s wort kit ??? - MARS BREWING SUPPLIES In Woonona is Casey’s only Illawarra home brew shop stockist. So if ya haven’t had a frothy Casey’s wort kit now is the ideal time. See yas tomorrow 930 - 2pm to get your festive season bottle supply back on track or keg it & quaffer away usually within 15 days. . Cheers. @caseysbeer @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #wortkits #microbrewery #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
11.01.2022 We are about to place our White Labs liquid yeast order. Please contact us for any last minute orders you require. Cheers!
11.01.2022 Here it is frothy folks - MARS BREWING SUPPLIES - Session Cerveza with Citra hops recipe & it’s frothn awesome. If you start brewing now you’ll have this tasty pale lager ready by late November in bottles or if you keg it’ll be ready by end of October. Call 4288 1200 or visit MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona - closed Sunday / Monday’s for research & development - open Tuesday to Friday 0930 - 1700 & Saturday’s 0930 - 1400. let’s talk about making frothy beer, ciders, ginger beer or wort kits. It will be one of the best moves you’ve made plus save your rocket as well. Plenty of other recipes you can brew in store or make up your own recipe.. Cheers. @mangrovejacks @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc #thirroulthunder #homebrew #beer #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
10.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES has your 2020 Father’s Day Gift covered with the impressive Morgan’s Premium Starter Kit available now for $85.00 instead of $99.00 until August 31st 2020 or until sold out. The beer kit included can make up to 30 longnecks or around 2.5 cases of stubbies so you’ll get your money’s worth in the first brew & for extra value there’s vouchers included to get your next brew going. If you have never tried home brewing, still sitting on the fence umming & ahin...g or need some new gear then this Morgan’s Premium starter kit is the ideal package. Call into MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona ph: 4288 1200 - Tuesday to Friday 0930-1700 or Saturday 0930-1400 to secure this Amazing deal & the awesome staff will give you guidance if needed. Sunday / Monday closed for research & development. It’s never to late to start home brewing Ciders, Ginger Beer or Beer & you’ll be Froth’n with what you have made. Please read shop signage & use covid19 rules before entering MARS BREWING SUPPLIES. cheers. @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru @morgansbrewingco @allinnbrewingco #beer #homebrew #fathersdaygifts #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies See more
04.01.2022 OMG Brewers new Brewers old - what the Wort is going on at MARS BREWING SUPPLIES Woonona well as usual it is stocked with Fresh Wort kits from ESB, All Inn & Casey’s so get in quick to get your next quality brews fermenting then enjoy your quaffed. Worts are 15L to 17L then add water to the suggested 20L or more if that’s how you roll then pitch the yeast usually US05 Ale yeast or a premium Lager yeast & dry hopping another option. Cost of a Wort with yeast range from $52.00 to $65.00. Drop by, parking on site for customers only or call MARS BREWING SUPPLIES 42881200 & we can talk Wort ever you like about brewing. Before entering Please read covid19 rules. @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @morgansbrewingco @allinnbrewingco @caseysbeer #esbrewing #beer #wort #homebrew #shoplocal #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
03.01.2022 New shipment of fresh worts in store now.
03.01.2022 They’re back & ready to wort you but be quick before they are gone. . @mars_brewing_supplies @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru @laybacklongboarders @allinnbrewingco #wort #homebrew #beer #craftbeer #marsbrewingsupplies
02.01.2022 Thanks to Morgan’s - MAR BREWING SUPPLIES in Woonona has the ultimate gift for Christmas for the new home brewer or a top up of gear for the home brewer. The Morgan’s starter kit which is normally $99.00 is Now $85.00 until December 24th 2020. This deal is VALUE +. Drop into MARS BREWING SUPPLIES in Wootown & the lads will give you the run down or check out a heap of other top gift ideas.. Cheers. . @morgansbrewingco @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
01.01.2022 Our next White Labs liquid yeast order will be going in later this week. Please contact us by 5pm this Wednesday 12/8/20 with your order. Cheers!
01.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES has limited stock of the ALL INN Brewing Co 1.89L screw top glass growler for $26.00. Fill this tidy looking growler with your tasty frothy quaffer or contact your local micro brewery to fill & also an awesome present. cheers. @thirroulgprfc @thirroulthunderbirdsfc @thirroulguru @morgansbrewingco @allinnbrewingco @resinbrewing @illawarrabrew @dustylizardbrewing @rgbrewmachine #growler #beer #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
01.01.2022 New Covid - 19 signs for MARS BREWING SUPPLIES. Customers please take note, be patient & look forward to seeing you. @thirroulgprfc #covid19 #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona @ Mars Brewing Supplies
01.01.2022 MARS BREWING SUPPLIES new great Wort of Woonona - come in & get your wort on to get your frothy quaffer ready for the festive season or keg it & drink in bliss - either way you’ll be froth’n with theses quality worts. . Cheers. @allinnbrewingco @morgansbrewingco @thirroulgprfc #thirroulthunder #thirroulthunderbirdsfc #beer #homebrew #marsbrewingsupplieswoonona
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