Martin Bullock Lawyers in Parramatta, New South Wales | Criminal lawyer
Martin Bullock Lawyers
Locality: Parramatta, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9687 9322
Address: Suite 101, Rivermark, Level 1, 34 Charles Street 2150 Parramatta, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 MBL believe in Tolerance, Diversity, Compassion, Professionalism and Justice. Please watch and share this video from 2017.
25.01.2022 After almost forty years, justice has finally been done in the infamous case of the "Family Court bombings". This was a horrific series of crimes committed against all lawyers and against the legal system. Let us hope that nothing like this ever happens again.
25.01.2022 At Martin Bullock Lawyers we have long thought about our values, and we try to practice them both in our professional lives and in our personal lives. That is who we strive to be as a law firm. Sometimes we fail, as everybody does on occasion. But we keep getting up every single day, and we keep trying to maintain these values.
25.01.2022 Abusive parents are abusing the Family Law system by making what is known as Parental Alienation claims. New research shows that in the UK, estranged fathers with an alleged or proven history of domestic abuse can use Parental Alienation claims to discredit mothers and gain parenting time with their children.
25.01.2022 Welcome to our office, little spider. Make sure you sign in using the COVIDSafe app before you come inside.
25.01.2022 People are living longer than ever. But, although lifespan has increased, quality of life has not necessarily done the same. Longer life can mean an increased need for long-term care, such as assisted living and nursing home care. The costs of the above can be significant, so it is therefore critical to have a family meeting to discuss who will provide care for you/your parents and how costs will be managed.
24.01.2022 The Coronavirus has turned the western world upside down in relation to so many aspects of our lives. If you have been putting off your Wills and Estates planning, then now is the time when it must be done.
24.01.2022 Today is the 54th anniversary of the day that Australia introduced decimal currency! Change is essential to our society as it grows and adapts. As the world changes, so do our economic, legal and communication systems.
24.01.2022 We decided to put up two new signs. Feel free to give us call.
23.01.2022 Relocation cases arise when a parent, following separation or divorce, proposes to move away with the children. Relocation cases are often highly-complicated and contested. They are arguably the hardest cases the Family Court deals with.
22.01.2022 In 2020, the NSW government passed a number of changes to our defamation laws. These are good changes that update the law to reflect the growth of digital technology and protect both freedom of expression and victims of defamation.
22.01.2022 The NSW Government has passed a new regulation that allows the use of digital technology to witness legal documents. This is an important piece of legislation in the current environment, as restrictions on the movement and gathering of people have made it extremely difficult to get important legal documents signed and witnessed.
21.01.2022 COVID-19 continues to ravage our legal system. The Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court have issued an updated practice direction, which confirmed that practitioners and parties will continue to use the courts electronically and also limited the need for people to physically attend the court.
20.01.2022 The Federal Circuit Court of Australia has implemented a new case management regime for any application for Property Orders and Spousal Maintenance. The purpose of this new regime is to prioritise the early resolution of family law matters, which we at Martin Bullock Lawyers wholeheartedly support!
20.01.2022 A toxic workplace culture is one where harmful attitudes such as misogyny and racism are ingrained within the structures and systems of the workplace. It is one where these attitudes and behaviours are so commonplace that they are simply accepted as a part of the organisation and often go unchallenged. Multiple recent allegations in federal parliament clearly display a toxic workplace culture.
20.01.2022 Around half of all Australians die without a Will. This can create a host of complications for the deceaseds loved ones, who have to manage the estate and the burdens that come with it while also managing their own grief. In a recent report delving into the complicated area of death and taxes, Australias tax ombudsman recommended reducing the tax burden on those left behind, by introducing Digital Death Certificates.
19.01.2022 Australia is the only western democracy that doesn’t have a Bill of Rights. Under the Australian Constitution, there is no right to protest. The Black Lives Matter protest held on Saturday 6 June 2020 at Sydney Town Hall turned into a legal minefield as a result of the Supreme Court of NSW’s refusal to authorise the protest until only moments before it was due to begin.
18.01.2022 We have previously written about the various requirements of valid Wills, including the need for testators (Will-makers) to have testamentary capacity. But what about Wills in less conventional formats, such as video, audio, or text? Are they valid? Are they appropriate? Are they a good idea? ... If youd like to know more, read our blog linked below. If youd need a Will, Power of Attorney or Appointment of Guardian, or help with another legal matter, call Greg or Jacqueline on (02) 9687 9322.
17.01.2022 With more and more cases of COVID-19 appearing around the country, Australia is now right in the middle of the Coronavirus crisis. The government is telling us that they are in charge, that they have a plan to deal with the virus, but the reality is that very few governments have comprehensive plans for a situation like this.
17.01.2022 Relocation cases are often highly-complicated and contested. They are some of the hardest cases the Family Court deals with. Where parents are to share equal parental responsibility, courts must consider whether spending time with each parent is both reasonably practicable and in the childs best interests.
16.01.2022 At Martin Bullock Lawyers, we do a lot of domestic violence work in the Local Court at Parramatta. We can assist you with strategies to limit any harassment or intimidation by your ex-partner, and to ensure the best outcome for you and your children. If you know of anyone in a relationship under stress, encourage them to seek help.
16.01.2022 The good news is that life is wonderful. The bad news is that life is short and none of us get out of here alive. Unfortunately, too many of us pass away without leaving a Will or other instructions to our loved ones, and this can cause hardship and stress for friends and family during an already difficult time. Research suggests that more than 50% of Australian adults do not have a Will.
15.01.2022 Changes are occuring daily in public order and health offences, and it is important that we respect each other, treat each other kindly, and also and always be civil with each other. However, it is also important to protect yourself, and to be transparent and honest in relation to any potential offence or other dealings with the police.
15.01.2022 In part 2 of our three-part series on Relocation in Family Law, we explore the concept of "best interests" and the issue of freedom of movement. To find out exactly what "best interests" of the child are, how the interests of other parties relate to the children, and how both interact with a parents right to freedom of movement, read our blog linked below! If you need advice in relation to Relocation or another Family Law matter, Martin Bullock Lawyers can help. Call Greg or Jacqueline on (02) 9687 9322.
14.01.2022 Whatever your political persuasion, we live in a democracy, and democracy is a better alternative than any other political system. Democracies have amazing flaws, but one of their great strengths is that they allow transitions of power without bloodshed. The rule of law is integral in making sure that takes place.
14.01.2022 The High Court has now come to a decision in relation to two current High Court cases which asked the question: Can Australian Aboriginal people be considered aliens under the Constitution? The Majority held that a legal "alien" is not necessarily a non-citizen, but a "foreigner", and recognised a new category of a "belonger" - a person who is neither an Australian citizen nor an alien. This decision is likely to have wide-ranging legal consequences. To read more about the High Courts reasoning, click the link to read our blog.
13.01.2022 For a Will to be valid, the will-maker must have had testamentary capacity when the Will was made. Under certain circumstances, courts are empowered to create, alter or revoke a Will on behalf of a person lacking testamentary capacity. This is called a Statutory Will.
13.01.2022 On 24 April 2020, the Australian Federal Government introduced a new National Code of Conduct in relation to commercial leases. The purpose of the Code is to aid the management of cash flow for both landlords and tenants who have suffered financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
12.01.2022 Did you know that the Scottish Witchcraft Act was passed in Scotland in 1563 and remained in effect for 175 years? In addition, in Victoria it wasn’t until 2005 that witchcraft and fortune telling were removed as crimes. We wish you a happy Halloween!!!
11.01.2022 Here are a few updates regarding MBL: - In line with NSW Government regulations, we are now a COVIDSafe venue. - We recently said goodbye to one of our long-standing and valued employees, Mr Timothy Graham. We wish him all the best for the future.... - We are currently running a special deal on Wills, Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Guardian. Contact us if you want to save money and get the best legal advice possible.
11.01.2022 Australia is the only western democracy that doesnt have a Bill of Rights. Under the Australian Constitution, there is no right to protest. The Black Lives Matter protest held on Saturday 6 June 2020 at Sydney Town Hall turned into a legal minefield as a result of the Supreme Court of NSWs refusal to authorise the protest until only moments before it was due to begin.
10.01.2022 At Martin Bullock Lawyers, we have seen many bad divorces and we have seen some good divorces. Watch the video to see our seven tips on what you can do to have a healthy divorce.
10.01.2022 A big shout out to all of the wonderful people who supported us in raising funds in order to get Ismail to Canada. Here is an update on where Ismail is at the moment from the lovely Dawn Barrington, a refugee advocate, who organised the fundraiser. From our point of view at Martin Bullock Lawyers, this is one of the best things weve been able to do. Weve been able to raise money to help change and save somebodys life. We thank you all for that, particularly the generous people who donated to his cause.
10.01.2022 Have a read of our blog about the six stages of quarantine under the Coronavirus. Australia has introduced a mandatory 14-day self-isolation period for people arriving from overseas. Whilst governments are saying that they want cooperation from everyone, if people dont cooperate then there will be enforcement measures. Under the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW), people who do not comply with the self-isolation protocols can be fined up to $11,000 or sentenced to six months in pr...ison. We have no doubt that there will be more legislation rushed through each state parliament shortly to enforce self-isolation. If you need more advice as to how to deal with the Coronavirus, then give us a call. Stay safe. Be kind.
09.01.2022 Government regulations regarding the COVID-19 epidemic are changing by the day. This is causing a lot of anxiety and stress for parents who are separated and trying to deal with how to best manage a childs time spent with each parent.
08.01.2022 Last week, the NSW government introduced legislation in an effort to deal with the public health risk of COVID-19 and its possible consequences. So, what exactly does this mean for you?
08.01.2022 Canadas Supreme Court recently sided with a woman who was arrested for refusing to hold an escalator handrail.
08.01.2022 Family violence and domestic violence is an epidemic in Australia. In excess of 1.5 million women have experienced family violence, be it physical or sexual, by a partner in their own home. Community awareness of what domestic violence is and how to respond to it, lack of support and protection for victims, ineffectiveness of current responses and a need for legislative reform of domestic violence laws are all legitimate problems that require solutions.
07.01.2022 Did you know that not only has Greg Martin been lecturing at Western Sydney University for 11 years, but he has also been running seminars for lawyers for over 20 years! Give Greg a call if you have any questions about any area of law.
07.01.2022 The Father, a recent film starring Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman, has gained critical acclaim for its harrowing and often brutal depiction of what it is like to live with dementia. I so want to see this film. My father got Alzheimer’s disease at a young age, and my mother got it in her 80s. I saw what it did and I still weep for the fear, the claustrophobia, the moments of clarity and joy, the fog of unknowing and loss. I urge you to watch this film. It will give you some understanding of why it is important to have discussions with your family, with your parents and with your children in relation to what you want.
06.01.2022 A week ago, the Australian Federal Government launched the COVIDSafe phone app. Its purpose is to speed up the process of finding and contacting people who may have been exposed to COVID-19, by tracking the locations and data of people who sign up for it. The government is encouraging all Australians to download the app, however there are a number of potential issues to consider.
06.01.2022 So, our work internet was, and is, still down, which means no phones, emails or work, basically. So I thought that I would make a short video with my iPhone. Never listen to an old man giving advice. Lol
06.01.2022 The Australian Federal Government last night announced new privacy protections for the COVIDSafe app. These are necessary protections, but there are still ongoing issues in relation to the app working properly. It is important that the government gets the app right before we start to rely too heavily upon it and ease social distancing measures.
05.01.2022 It is important to know what types of estate planning your parents have done, so that you can assist them should they suffer trauma or accident. It is also important that your parents have a set of legal documents in place that can speak for your them when they can no longer speak for themselves.
04.01.2022 Today is International Women’s Day! It is both a celebration of womanhood and a protest against society’s treatment of women. "For us to progress and move forward and be something mighty, which Australia can be, we have to learn to listen. Listen to the stories that are being told and bring a better understanding of who we are as a nation." - Leah Purcell
03.01.2022 Under certain circumstances, courts are empowered to make, alter or revoke a Will on behalf of a person lacking testamentary capacity. This is called a Statutory Will.
02.01.2022 Family law, whether it involves divorce, property or children, is often emotionally, financially and time expensive. One American man has experienced this firsthand and has requested an unusual route to settle his dispute - trial by combat!? To learn more about the surprisingly strong legal basis for such a request, read our blog linked below. While Martin Bullock Lawyers cant settle your matter through trial by combat, we can help you with a range of other legal solutions. Call (02) 9687 9322 to arrange an initial consultation.
02.01.2022 End-of-life planning isn’t an easy topic of conversation, but it is an important one. Almost four out of five people think that having discussions about aging and death is important, but less than a third have actually had such conversations. So, how do you approach having "the talk" with your parents?
02.01.2022 A recent case in Canada involving a man who wrote his Will on a McDonalds napkin has been resolved after five years. Although the Will was ultimately found to be valid, the case caused unnecessary stress and legal costs to the mans family. Dont leave it to chance. Dont waste your money and your loved ones time. Get your Will done by a professional!
01.01.2022 End-of-life planning isnt an easy topic of conversation, but it is an important one. Almost four out of five people think that having discussions about aging and death is important, but less than a third have actually had such conversations. So, how do you approach having "the talk" with your parents?
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