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Martyn Iles


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25.01.2022 Have you noticed how literally everything has become political? Even coronavirus is politics. Politics is infesting sport, entertainment, school, science, vocabulary, even my identity is a political statement.... See, once politics divides over the nature of truth itself, literally everything is political... because truth is everything. Things that were once part of the consensus, or simply regarded as givens, or even regarded as irrelevant, are all points of dispute, because the foundations have changed. This is why it's increasingly difficult - and nonsensical - for churches, which are "the pillar and ground of truth" (1 Tim 3:15) to completely avoid politics. Truth is a theological question and it is the real political dispute of our time. Our culture is at war with itself over the very nature of truth. It is our God-given duty to provide answers.

24.01.2022 Grace to you and peace from Him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood and He made us into a kingdom, priests to His God and Fatherto Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye ...will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will wail because of Him. So it is to be. Amen. "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1:4-8.

24.01.2022 Yes, I am on Parler, @martyniles

22.01.2022 Join Martyn as he takes a look into 'The Great Reset' and into the hard truth around Victoria to Criminalising Christians. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: #TheTruthOfIt

22.01.2022 Premier Daniel Andrews is now simply bullying Victorians to wholly submit to his LGBTQ political views, or else... The next 4 days will determine how much of this oppressive bill becomes law. Be praying.

21.01.2022 'Elijah went up to the people and said, How much longer will it take you to make up your minds? If the Lord is God, worship him; but if Baal is God, worship him! But the people didn't say a word.' - 1 Kings 18:21 Silence speaks volumes. To those in leadership who decline to say a single word about the Bill that may well put me in jail for the things I say, which bans scripture on threat of criminal sanction, which makes parents family violence offenders for resisting LGBT i...ndoctrination of their kids, which specifically names prayer as a potential criminal offence, which condemns people to the pursuit of destructive lifestyles, which will put pastors under police investigation, which could even make a church code of conduct an act of criminality, and does even worse besides, which I shall discuss in due course... I say again - your silence speaks volumes.

19.01.2022 It won't be quite this big, but The Truth of It LIVE - Bundaberg is TOMORROW night, and it's about to fill up. Get onto it @ Tickets are still available for Bundaberg, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Mackay, Cairns (close to full), and Toowoomba (the QLD finale - will have some extra bells and whistles). Gold Coast is full. Regos for other states will open soon. Stay tuned.... (This photo by Visual Reality Productions is from Brisbane, maxed out @ 1,600 people).

18.01.2022 The Hordyk's case is finally being heard this week in Perth. Repost. From S5E5 of #TheTruthOfIt.

18.01.2022 "The legislation creates a legal grey area that threatens people with jail or investigation for providing support to people in good faith." We don't agree on everything, but massive credit to the Liberal Democrats of Victoria - the first party to announce they will oppose Daniel Andrews' Change and Suppression Bill. This is the most flagrant attack on faith and families in Australia's history, unworthy of a free society. It mandates up to 10 years in prison for something as b...enign as praying, or raising your kids according to your faith. Now to the Liberal party - your turn to move.

18.01.2022 Repost >>From S7E8 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode

18.01.2022 Spoiler alert: you don't know; act accordingly.

17.01.2022 "Harm" is often understood as hurt feelings, undermined self-esteem, or negative thoughts about one's inner self or identity. Conversion therapy laws are one example of this kind of thinking... ie: that impugning my sexual desires or gendered feelings is deeply harmful. This is where the message of Jesus Christ collides with culture.... Those in His kingdom are marked out FIRST as "poor in spirit" - ie knowing that in themselves, they are bankrupt and needy. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 5:3) They are marked SECOND, as sharing the sorrow of Jesus, which was His sorrow over sin. In our case, however, it includes our own sin. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." (Matt 5:4) Comforted, because such "sorrow that is according to the will of God leads to repentance." (2 Cor 7:10) They are marked THIRD, as those who are submitted, not to self-will, but to the will of God, in humble obedience. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matt 5:5) Note that to "meek" a horse meant to break it in; to break it's self-will, and submit it to it's master's will... This is how Christian conversion plays out. Anyone who wants to hang on to self, self-esteem, sin, unchallenged feelings, or their old life will be thoroughly offended. So offended that they might even call it "harm" and seek to criminalise it. But Christ commands that we come and die to self, to live new life in Him. That said, it could be that some are poor in spirit and mourning, but have not yet gotten out of that rut. Let me assure you of this - the Lord would never see you left there. "the one who comes to Me I certainly will not cast out." (John 6:37)

16.01.2022 So, apparently Trump is the main bad guy. This might change your mind. Another of my most popular videos from 2020.

16.01.2022 Join me as I sit down with Paul Lyndon Burtwell from Reasonable Faith's 'Compelling Reason' talk show to speak on 'conversion therapy' and Victoria's 'Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020'

16.01.2022 >>From S8E1 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode >>

14.01.2022 GPS: It's like Christian bootcamp. It's the prep course you need to take your faith into the real worlds of university and work and be match fit. The January 2021 program may be COVID-limited, so get in quick to secure priority, 18-25* year-olds (*ish...). I'll be joined by genuine Christian experts in history, philosophy, science, sociology, politics, culture, and more, to do their thing and have a lot of fun.... I'm speaking every day for the first time. My talks will cover Christian worldview foundations, including: >DAY 1. 'In the Beginning God' (Genesis 1:1) Beginning with God / the ultimate foundation / only two religions / implications for thought, culture, creation, life / Romans 1 >DAY 2. 'Human Identity' (Genesis 1:26-27) Who am I / the image of God / it's meaning, loss, recovery / implications for the Christian life >DAY 3A. 'How Stuff Works' (Genesis 2) The creation ordinances / sabbath, work, gender, marriage, family, children, justice / implications for the common good >Day 3B. 'Gift of the Globe' (Genesis 1:28-30) The creation mandate / the creation order / dominion, subjugation and multiplication / environment and stewardship / environmental movements >DAY 4. 'God's Gender Agenda' (Genesis 1-3) The blueprint / different and equal / implications of creation / implications of the curse / New Testament reflections / counterarguments / gendered lies in modern times >DAY 5. 'The Anatomy of Evil' (Genesis 3) Origin of evil / the fall / the promise of evil / knowledge of good and evil / to be as gods / the human condition / implications >DAY 6. 'The Grand Plan' (Genesis 3:15) A curse and a promise / an eternal idea / theme of scripture / theme of history / Christ's victory / God's revelation / implications SIGN UP/MORE INFO: WWW.ACL.ORG.AU/GPS

13.01.2022 Discernment. Social media companies have just done a purge of dissenting voices. The main alternative Parler has suffered a coordinated ban by the platforms it needs to survive....Continue reading

13.01.2022 In the last 10 days, NSW has had 29 coronavirus cases. In the last 10 days, VIC has had 30 coronavirus cases. I am currently in the Sydney CBD. I’ve driven around it and been out for a walk to get some food.... It’s busy. People are everywhere. The city is open, vibrant, functioning. My hotel has some Perspex screens in the lobby, hand sanitiser aplenty and a cap on pool usage, but otherwise all is functioning and plenty of other guests are around. Meanwhile, today’s public holiday in Victoria saw a very different Melbourne. There are borders within the state, a 25km travel limit, churches closed, hospitality venues about to barely open, face masks, desolate businesses and shops, and endless more besides. The police are sending up drones to spy on everyone, to make sure they’re spending their public holiday obediently cooped up. Enforcement efforts have seen people fined for dong their daily walks with protest signs, sleeping in their cars because they’re homeless, opening their business because they’re about to go broke, and for making Facebook posts. Below the surface, this is not about keeping people safe it’s about ideology. Dangerous, destructive, foolish, but self-confident ideology. That is why I talk about it. The signs are there and it’s important that they are seen and understood. I’m not going to give it a label like communism or totalitarianism, because it’s not gone that far, but people of every generation have had to be wary of control-based, oppressive political ideologies that play god. They have had a long habit of seizing the moment in times of crisis, to great applause, and quickly turning *really* bad. The Andrews government may be the worst example Australia has ever had. May it not be a continuing trend. Good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. Sir Roger Scruton [NB: numbers are locally acquired cases... ie not including overseas acquired/quarantine cases].

13.01.2022 Regarding voter fraud, I keep encountering people who just don’t believe it would happen. To those people I say this: the world has changed. You seem to think that we still live in a culture of rational discussions and mutual respect.... Sorry, but those days are fading behind us. We increasingly live in a culture of power by almost any means. Your mutual respect is just a device to exert power over me. Your rational discussion is just a device to make me engage on your terms, to get power over me. Your truth is just your play for power. When I have power, I will invent new truth. Democratic institutions are only useful to the extent that they grant us power. Otherwise, we will change them as we please. Russia, Russia, Russia was baseless PR untrue, but done for power. The disgraceful, baseless, abuse of process and office that was Trump’s impeachment trial was not for truth, but power. The wicked destruction of Justice Kavanagh’s reputation to the extent of making him a gang-rapist was evil, but done for power. Social media censoring the Trump campaign 65 times in the leadup to the election was not for truth, but for power. Kicking the New York Post off Twitter and deleting nearly every instance of the Hunter Biden story across the internet was for power. Taking special care to delete information from doctors about advances in COVID-19 treatments was done for power no COVID-19 panic, and you have Trump round 2. Google massaging its algorithm to deprioritise conservative websites was very effectively done for power. Riots, burning down churches, anarchy in the streets, looting of businesses to make trump look divisive and offer themselves as the healers for unity. It’s just about power. There is an ever-growing strand of left-wing thought which is utterly incapable of understanding anything except by reference to power. It’s the Marxist bilge pumped into kids’ brains all their lives. The point: evil is done, wrongs are perpetuated, crimes are committed, because they are justified to obtain power from those they hate. Power is a higher goal than morality. Would a person who lights up a church building tamper with 10,000 votes if they had the chance? OF COURSE they would. Would a person incapable of a motive unrelated to power turn their mind to messing with ballots? OF COURSE they would. Would a senior Democrat official now working on a Trump Accountability Project to name, shame and destroy the livelihoods of everyone who took a pay-check from the Trump campaign act without regard to their literally Hitler opposition? OF COURSE they would. That is why they never engage. They just abuse, dox, cancel, and do whatever it takes ie seize the power. One recent discovery of mine is that they actually think we are the same; that we just want power. No some of us care about things that are higher than ourselves.

12.01.2022 This one is for all Christians aged 18-25(ish)... The summer GPS program was 100% full... but the good news is we have changed the venue, so we can take another 40 people :) January 10 - 17, on the outskirts of Canberra. $770 covers all food, accommodation, teaching and activities.... Program and rego link in the comments. I'll be speaking every day, so see you there.

12.01.2022 Thank you. Sitting down tonight, reflecting over some work stuff, I just felt like making a post to say "thank you." First, to thank God. Also, thank you to the donors. Thank you to the volunteers. Thank you to the pray-ers.... ACL is a big, expensive operation these days, financed *entirely* by small donors. I often wonder how it continues, but it does, thanks to you. 18 months ago I had a big dream to mobilise a movement of Christian activists to run epic people-powered campaigns. "Nobody will volunteer" I thought. Wrong. There are thousands of you signed up... a dedicated team is working phones all this week, to get hordes of constituents talking to Victorian MPs. Two years ago I thought about turning on a camera to record some videos, because of a gap in unashamedly Christian cultural analysis. "Nobody is going to watch this amateur hour" I thought. Wrong. Our videos reach millions of people every month. In the past 3 months, 1 in 5 residents of Sydney saw one. Stats like that are repeated everywhere. When I'm travelling (often), barely a day goes by that someone doesn't stop me in a cafe, airport, or just on the street to say they pray for me and ACL. Now that really blows me away. I'm sitting here tonight going over feedback sent in by young people who say how much they've been helped to engage with the world from a foundation of Scripture by following our media. Speaking of young people, our January GPS program filled up, so we've moved to a bigger venue. I could go on. But in a nutshell, there is so much to thank God for, and I want to say a very sincere "thank you" to you all for being part of His work. And one more thing - for those who pray, don't only pray for me. There is one of the finest and most committed teams assembled on planet earth working at ACL, making me look good, and doing great things. Pray for them. Now that's enough introspection to last a while - normal programing will resume forthwith - onward and upward ;) "For he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name." (Luke 1:49)

12.01.2022 Another #ThrowBack... now to that time Kochie wanted to talk theology on Sunrise...

12.01.2022 The Truth of It is back for season 8! Join Martyn as he takes a look into the United States Election Result, Trumps Legacy and shares some encouragement! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: #TheTruthOfIt

12.01.2022 As far as the eye can see... The pro-life movement is rising in Australia. I speak at rallies all around the country, and they just get bigger and bigger. Let's not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9).... #LoveThemBoth #ProLife

12.01.2022 The Bill that could put you in jail. Here it is. Some of you have asked, so this is the precise text of the Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 (Vic): "In this Act, a change or suppression practice means a practice or conduct directed towards a person, whether with or without the person’s consent ... ---(a) on the basis of the person’s sexual orientation or gender identity; and ---(b) for the purpose of ----------(i) changing or suppressing the sexual orientation or gender identity of the person; or ----------(ii) inducing the person to change or suppress their sexual orientation or gender identity.' MEANING: "Conduct directed towards a person... with the person's consent... inducing the person to to change... their gender identity" (all words straight from the section)... is a criminal offence that could land you in jail for 10 years. In other words, a transwoman (or gay man) who comes to you, and asks you to pray for them, give them counsel, or assist them to detransition (or remain abstinent) could complain of your response and send you to prison. Or a pastor who preaches abstinence based on a Biblical text... or a parent who encourages their child to embrace their biology... or any number of hypothetical examples. Yes, the Bill is this broad. It is the worst I have ever seen, anywhere. It almost amounts to an anti-conversion law, as you'd see in a Muslim country.

11.01.2022 More than 40 days have passed since the last locally acquired COVID-19 case in Victoria. And yet Victorians must carry a mask with them at all times unless they have a lawful reason not to, and must wear that mask in a range of circumstances. I get it that we like being COVID-free, but anyone who thinks this is balanced or reasonable is being wilfully naive.... There is an instinct for control and tyranny emerging in modern politics. People are welcoming it because they feel like politics can solve all our problems. They feel safer, and more secure in a range of ways. Some Christians welcome it because they think the government is a vehicle for 'compassion.' It'll care for people and do our good works for us. But in truth, this is starting to play out the same way it always does. The same controlling impulse is spreading into places it does not belong. The Andrews government is crushing ideas and those that believe them. They even propose to regulate what you can pray for, on threat of jail. They are pushing into the family home and deciding how you can parent. They want to make many Christian values a mark of domestic abuse. This is the 'change and suppression' bill. This is the latest demonstration of the Andrews government's instinct for tyranny. Mind you, whilst the Andrews government is the flag bearer in chief for this disastrous new politics, it is increasing all around us. It's an impulse that seems to persist throughout history, held at bay when people are alert enough to fight it off... and killing, stealing and destroying, when people are lethargic enough to let it increase. To say I am concerned about where we are headed in that regard is an understatement.

09.01.2022 Repost. From S5E4 of #TheTruthOfIt >> out now >> watch it here:

09.01.2022 Trump's first term is a good case study of something I’ve learned about accusations. They accuse him of being a danger to world peace. He is brokering peace in the Middle East like nobody before him three unprecedented deals so far. They accuse him of receiving election help from Russia. Facebook and Twitter are helping their election, brazenly. A new line has been crossed in recent days.... They accuse him of being divisive. They turn a blind eye to ANTIFA, BLM, and all their violence. They accuse him of being racist. They are dividing people by the colour of their skin, not the content of their character. They say building a border wall is evil. They live in walled off suburbs and enclaves. They accuse him of poor character. They’ve offered up the Clintons and Bidens (and Harris, the prosecutor of pro-life investigative journalists). They accuse his protectionist policies of destroying the economy. The economy says otherwise. They accuse him of moving too late on coronavirus. At the time, they said he was a xenophobe for moving at all. They say democracy is at stake. They’re all about packing the Supreme Court, changing the electoral college, and letting Silicon Valley censor political opponents. One thing I have learned in the public realm is this: people will loudly accuse you of their own sins. They’ll do it angrily, constantly, and convincingly, to the extent you start to doubt yourself. It’s a tactic. It affects people’s mindsets, and it affects the public narrative. Christians encounter it mostly through various slurs about hatred and bigotry. We know where that sort of thing comes from when it is calculated to be deceptive. Scripture has something to say about a great accuser.

08.01.2022 >>Episode 55 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode >>

07.01.2022 NEW! - Episode #55 Talking 'The Great Reset' and the hard truth that Victoria is set to Criminalise Christians (yes, really - these are unprecedented times). Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: #TheTruthOfIt

07.01.2022 I have been mulling the possibility indeed, the likelihood that a bill will soon pass in Victoria that could see me serving a jail term. It reaches across borders, into other states. It is not unconstitutional. The numbers in the parliament don’t look good. Daniel Andrews listens to nobody, ever. That doesn’t mean we won’t fight with a lot of energy and pray for success for the sake of our neighbours, but it is the candid, unsettling reality.... There are lots of good reasons to be troubled, but I was falling into the trap of worrying about myself and fellow Christians. Then, I found myself reading James. Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. [James 1:2-4] Joy?!?!? This is a reminder that trials are a means of progress in our Christian faith, not a barrier. It is a reminder that the Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint we are called to reach a great prize, and we are repeatedly called to endurance. It is a reminder that God needs mature Christians in this generation, and submitting to the ministry of trials on our life makes us mature. Then, the subsequent verses remind us that God not only allows trials to come, but He provides the resources we need to handle them when they do. What is it that makes us rejoice? The prospect of worldly ease? Or the prospect of Christian maturity? Our experience of material life? Or our experience of eternal life? James’ instruction to rejoice is not manufactured or fake it’s a candid assessment of reality. Food for thought.

06.01.2022 "This year, during a time of uncertainty, Australians want more than ever the opportunity to come together to celebrate the birth of Christ." If 50,000 can fill at stadium and cheer at a football match, then a few hundred can surely sing carols together at their church. Enough is enough. Thank you to Senator Matthew Canavan for tabling this motion in the Australian Senate. It PASSED. Now the states should act.... Note the names of the senators who also endorsed the motion.

06.01.2022 Jesus Christ said, "I will die for you." Abortion says, "You will die for me."

05.01.2022 Repost. >>From S7E4 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode

05.01.2022 Repost. >>From S7E5 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode

05.01.2022 Not clear on euthanasia? Here's a primer to clear things up. Repost. >> From S1E8 of #TheTruthOfIt - the early days!

05.01.2022 To all Canberra people looking for some Christmas spirit There is an outdoor carols event in Campbell, this Sunday evening, at which I will be speaking (about Christmas, not politics!) Feel free to come and say g’day. Should be a nice evening for it.... @ 17 Chauvel St Campbell, 6:00pm for 6:30pm start. Ideally, bring a picnic rug or chair.

05.01.2022 An American Christian who votes for Trump can do so with a clear conscience. They can do so without defending unrepentant sin. They can do so without minimising sexual transgression. They can do so without overlooking appearances of arrogance. In fact, they could vote for Trump and grieve for their country at the same time.... They can do so because they’re not living in a fantasy where perfection is an option. They can do so because they must choose between A or B, because A or B will certainly come true, with their help - silence or vote. A and B are not simplistically understood as Trump or Biden. Choosing one or the other is not a wholesale endorsement of Trump’s personality or Biden’s personality. Since when was that ever the case in any election, anywhere?? Rather, they are two policy platforms which will take a nation in two imperfect but very different directions, under two very different political establishments, and two very different sets of leaders in major public institutions. Those with the eyes to see and the conscience to care know that a Democrat establishment will roll out a program of ideological wickedness which makes everything Trump has ever done in his historic personal life look saintly (or Biden, for that matter it’s not like he’s got a huge lead on Trump in that respect). And no, that is not to minimise personal sin. It is a reminder of what’s at stake. Horrifying abortion practices promoted, defended, funded, expanded. Race-based violence and anarchy fanned, defended, unpunished. The Marxist destructive impulse aimed at the system ie the nation itself. Religious freedom eroded to become personal worship more than public expression. Conversion therapy laws over-reaching into limiting the gospel itself. Undermining the dignity of work in countless ways. Changes to institutions to entrench their power - Supreme Court certainly, electoral college maybe... among others. Transgenderism pushed on every hand, condemning many children to a broken life. This is underrated. Supreme court judges who legislate social policy from the bench. A failure to hold evil regimes, like China, to account. America weakened on the global stage, which is a disaster due to the alternatives. That’s just off the top of my head. And I haven’t even gone into Kamala Harris’ sickening corruption of power as Californian Attorney-General persecuting David Daleiden (see my video on that), or Biden’s own personal, moral rap-sheet. Nor have I touched on the enormous good that Trump's administration has done in 3 short years. Nor Mike Pence... what a guy! And Americans are supposed to feel the pain of a seared conscience by voting Republican? Please... Give me a break.

05.01.2022 Join me as I chat with Vision Christian Radio host Neil Johnson to discuss the most recent political agenda update... I give an in-depth update regarding the VIC 'Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020' which includes the push to revist religious freedom laws. I also touch on the radical SA Abortion to Birth Bill, as well as the movement of Tasmania legalising Euthanasia and the good news of the Christimas nativity event being reinstated in Western Australia.

04.01.2022 Despite Premier Daniel Andrews' posturing announcement today about banning "cruel and bigoted practices," conversion therapy laws are based on lies. There is no cruelty of this kind in modern Australia. Rather, the laws are a trojan horse to quite literally criminalise the gospel, and jail Christian parents, and pastors. I am serious. We are here. This is not a drill.... The Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill has been tabled in the Victorian Parliament and it does everything I just described.

03.01.2022 Breaking down Victoria's draconian 'conversion therapy' bill in detail, and the rise in removal of transgender children from their non-affirming parents. My weekly chat to Neil Johnson on Vision Radio's 2020 program. This takes place on Vision Radio every Monday at 11:00am AEDT.

03.01.2022 Remembering that time I was challenged about the gospel on The Sunday Project... #ThrowBack Strangely, they've never wanted me back since... Do you suppose it was something I said?

03.01.2022 Some fantastic footage from Saturday's huge March for Life in Brisbane, and my speech. Never lose confidence in this: It's worth it! Thanks to Cherish Life for doing so much organising, and Senator Matthew Canavan, Senator Amanda Stoker, George Christensen MP, Mark Robinson MP and Malcolm Roberts - Pauline Hanson's One Nation for being there and speaking up for life.

02.01.2022 "May it be said of us, that many an abortion was stopped because of their love." Repost. >> From S3E4 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode

01.01.2022 This is what Amnesty International is putting out. Note the theme - Christianity is harmful. Christian teaching, Christian communities, and Christian expression must be criminal. Premier Daniel Andrews' statement today was clear that the "ideology behind" "conversion practices" must be targeted.... Given that "conversion practices" apparently include prayer, scripture reading, teaching abstinence, and the idea of "change" among other things... I guess that means Christianity. His government's bill puts people in prison for these things. La Trobe uni found 15 people to tell stories like the one below, for it's report to the government. I guarantee I can find far more who will proudly tell you that they were changed by the power of the gospel, and it was the best thing that ever happened to them. But the government is erasing them, along with their faith. This is a government with an irrational hatred of this kind of faith - calling it "bigoted quackery." We will run a rip-snorter of a campaign against the Bill, but if it were to pass, there is only one solution: break the law. I will break the law, and I hope that many will join me. If we don't, an entire demographic will be cut off from the freedom found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)

01.01.2022 Unfortunately, this is not a joke. We've never seen anything like it. >>Episode 55 of #TheTruthOfIt >> watch the full episode >>

01.01.2022 A major force in the pandemic response has been politics. Many leaders know that following the fear will make them popular. It largely explains Daniel Andrews [VIC], Stephen Marshall [SA], Annastacia Palaszczuk [QLD], Mark McGowan [WA].... (Note: I do think Gladys Berejiklian [NSW] and Andrew Barr [ACT] have done much better). In short, pandemic politics is a vote winner, whereas the do not fear line is a vote killer. That is also why the Prime Minister has been fairly quiet in the face of state overreach. I think this reflects a massive change in people's psyche. Consider the famous words of Franklin D. Roosevelt at his 1933 inauguration: the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Those were hugely popular words at that time. Compare the wholesale attack on Trump’s comment that we should not let the virus rule our lives; we should not live in fear. Truth is, we have at some point become a fearful people. We have embraced rhetoric and politics that treat a waning virus, with improved treatments, with an overwhelming survival rate (young and old), like the black death. We have welcomed unthinkable destruction to save us from a manageable threat. There is A LOT to be said about COVID-19 which is very encouraging, but it’s not wanted. It’s almost as if we want to be ruled by fear; to be painstakingly safe; to avoid even calculated or minor risks, no matter the wider cost to society, to others, or to the future. Because it makes us 'feel safe' in this fleeting moment. The government has become some kind of therapist, to help us feel good, peaceful, zen, calm... whatever you call it. We rate these subjective feelings about safety above the economic integrity of a nation and, in many cases, basic humanity. In an age of obsession over mental health, which is defined ever more broadly, and government paternalism, which grows ever greater, civil liberties grow ever more fragile. In short, we have turned the fact that we can’t cope into a cultural wrecking ball.

01.01.2022 Politics is not all there is. Stay focussed. Repost.

01.01.2022 New Episode of The Truth of It out tomorrow, then weekly until Christmas

01.01.2022 Hey folks - over 70,000 of you follow my Facebook, but much fewer follow my Instagram. My fault for being a slow starter on Insta, but grateful if you can help me fix that @martyn.iles or follow the link in the comments Thank you :)

01.01.2022 Being an Australian is one of the great privileges of my life. It is objectively true that there has barely, if ever, been a finer place to live on all the earth. This is a land of rarest, incredible beauty, peace, prosperity, security, opportunity, freedom, technology, liveability, climate, and much more besides. In the context of history, it’s nearly impossible.... I've enjoyed visiting many countries, but very little fills me with more joy and gratitude than being one of the tiny population who call Australia home. Many of those who mark our national celebration with grievance and protest tell the world far more about themselves than their country. They demonstrate there are no circumstances in which they could find peace. Things will always be wrong with the world and with our circumstances. Every society will have its shortcomings, failures, and history. That’s why the relentless effort to do better continues. But if a nation and a society like our own is not enough to make us simply pause for a day and celebrate, then I suspect no nation or society will ever be enough. Whatever our circumstances, we must be grateful for this: that God made us Australians. I am reminded of the first scripture read in a church service on Australian soil: "What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits to me?" (Psalm 116:12) Gratitude is a virtue because it acknowledges that truth we are blessed by God. Happy Australia Day

01.01.2022 Well done Brisbane! #ProLife

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