Dr. Paul Mason | Writer
Dr. Paul Mason
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25.01.2022 We've just received the Eldritch Kid Bone War hardcovers at Gestalt HQ. Now begins the mammoth task of packaging up pre-orders and rewards for our Kickstarter b...ackers! We'll be beginning to send these out as of Monday 26 August 2019! Eldritch Kid Bone War is written by Christian D. Read, illustrated by Dr. Paul Mason, coloured (and cover) by Justin Randall, and lettered/edited by Wolfgang Bylsma
24.01.2022 Griffith Film School is the premier destination for the next generation of filmmakers, animators and games designers. Our academic and professional staff suppor...t students to reach their potential by imparting knowledge and skills as well as empowering students through practical experience in our state-of-the-art teaching environments and connecting with industry for placements and work experience. Created by Griffith Film School alumni Michael Mier and Lav Bodnaruk, Directors of Brisbane-based studio Chop Shop Post Pty Ltd, this advert demonstrates our ongoing partnership and the close links retained with our alumni and domestic and international industries. To find out more about studying at Griffith Film School, visit our Film and Screen Media booth at Griffith Open House: griffith.edu.au/open-house
24.01.2022 Thank you to the Frew crew & Phantom Phans, you made the con. Cheers for the support & friendships. Special thanks to all the enthusiastic kids and adults who were excited for Frew Phantom books, Kid Phantom or The Phantom in ‘Nam. #brisbanesupanova
23.01.2022 "I've created a style based on some Indigenous forms of wrestling that are still surviving, thanks to the Canberra's Institute of Sport. Yawuru man Brenton McKenna develops ‘3 Tails’, a modern take on Indigenous wrestling. Great work once again my friend
23.01.2022 I would just like to say thank you to Livewire Australia/Starlight SER at the Queensland Childrens Hospital for a fun chat last night for their annual 'Legends Convention'. What the staff do for the kids and teens every time I see them or interact with them, is awesome. I also apologise for my thesis-like response to their last question regarding "hard or soft taco" preference. Anyone that knows my likes in food will know I've been training my whole life for such a question ;P
22.01.2022 An amazing story with a valuable lesson, from one master about another, who is gone too soon. Rest in Peace Mr JPL.
22.01.2022 Unfortunately Missed the big weekend and missed seeing old friends due to convention commitments, but very grateful to GM Jamie Moore along with Taekwon-do pion...eer Grandmaster Kong Young for being part of a fantastic group of martial artists being awarded over the weekend, presented by old close friends Master Neville Burn and Master Gary King (who both insisted we be in some sort of formal wear for the occasion too ;P) Thank you, and hope to see you next time when things aren’t so hectic. Taekwon. See more
20.01.2022 Observational drawing/demo sketches of Motorcycles during my Art Direction class at the recent Motorcycle exhibition at GOMA.
20.01.2022 Preparation is virtually complete for the next week kick off of this year's 2104GFS/7104GFS Comics and Sequential Storytelling course for Griffith Film School. https://www.griffith.edu.au//comics-and-sequential-storyte I want to especially thank Dr. Peter Moyes (head of the animation department) and the film school for their support, and writer Andrew Constant and artist Nicola Scott for agreeing to return online to chat writing and drawing respectively, and for the full h...ouse of enrolments for this year. I look forward to seeing another batch of potentially great short comics this time next month. All the very best too for Andrew and Nicola's Nightwing mini-series dropping from DC Comics in January: https://www.cbr.com/nightwing-nicola-scotts-future-state-v/
20.01.2022 Happy anniversary Kit and Guran Kid Phantom #1 was released across Australia on this day in 2017. Thanks to loyal readers for the support during the series ru...n. Included here are a couple of work-in-progress snaps from Paul’s archives (aka his phone), taken during the scribbling of the first issue back in late 2016. Back issues can be sort direct from Frew at: https://www.phantomcomic.com.au/collections/kid-phantom Digital versions available from comixology at: https://m.comixology.com/Kid-Phantom-Vol-1-The-adv//136787 As you were.
19.01.2022 Reposting pics from instagram of a family that train at Taekwon-Do Lutwyche Mega Gym, who snapped some shots from Saturday morning's Kid Phantom signing. Many thanks, and hoped you had fun. Cheers! https://instagram.com/p/BXHHB55AQDC/
17.01.2022 JACK KIRBY Here’s my Jack Kirby story. It’s simple, but it’s gotten me through some dark times. I've posted it before and probably will again. November 1992, ...I had been working professionally in comics as a cover artist for about two years. I was doing Star Trek covers for DC, as was my friend Jerome K. Moore. Jerome and I were guests at a small convention in Pasadena. Other more notable guests were artists Paul Smith, Steve Rude and the King himself, Jack Kirby. This is before cell phones and texting, so to meet up with your party, you’d agree to meet at a certain place and time. So after the show I went to the designated spot to meet up with Jerome. I found a seat and waited. After a few minutes none other than Jack Kirby came and sat near me, waiting for his wife. I kept eyes forward because, while I revered him, I didn’t really want to meet him. See, while my covers benefited from my decent ability at portraiture, I was aware that they weren't very dynamic, and Kirby redefined dynamic. In other words I was mortified at the idea of Jack Kirby seeing my weak-ass art. So I sat, face forward, trying to act like there wasn’t a living legend sitting to my left. But it was Jack who spoke to me, in his wise-guy, New York accent. Hey Kid, you an artist? He gestured to the portfolio between my feet. I answered, Yes Mr. Kirby. He moved to the seat next to me, Well let’s see what you got. *aw shit* Well, you don’t say no to the king, so I handed him my portfolio. He started flipping through, Heeeeey, not bad! As he continued, he asked about different pieces, he was smiling, damn if he wasn't delighted. While this happened, his wife approached. He called out to her, waiving her over Roz, Roz, get a load a this kid! She sat on the other side of him to look at the portfolio Ooo Nice she said. He flipped to earlier pages, pointing out his favorites. He turned to me, and in a confidential tone, You getting work? I said yeah, I quit my day job and I’m doing this full time now. It’s enough to pay the bills." And then, with an honest to god twinkle in his eye, he gave me an elbow nudge and said, Isn’t it great? With this nudge, he welcomed me into a club called 'Guys who get paid to draw full time’ where we were equal members. This club seemed to mean more to him than the Pantheon of comic gods where he was Zeus. He was saying, 'do you believe this? We get to draw all day! We beat the system, how lucky are we?!' I really was confused at first and had a hard time believing he really liked my novice work, it being so different from his. I had a working theory that he just being kind. That he was aware that a critical comment from someone of his prominence could be devastating, but this speculation was dismissed by Mark Evanier when I told him the story years later, No, Jack was being sincere. He loved art, all art. And he loved other artists I don’t tell this story to say ‘hey Kirby liked my stuff’ but to share this lesson I learned that day. When I feel depressed because my career is not all I hoped for, when I bemoan the opportunities I blew, the disappointment that I didn’t make a bigger mark, I stop and think about Jack: ‘You an artist kid?’ -yes I am Mr. Kirby. ‘You gettin’ work?’ -Yeah I am. *nudge* Ain’t it great? -Yes Jack, it is. Kirby’s achievements and his continuing influence towers over all. He created characters that were incredible, uncanny and fantastic, and he wanted us all to aspire to be more like them. To be better than we think we can be. But he also taught this artist to never lose my appreciation for privilege of drawing. Thank You Jack.
16.01.2022 Brisbane Pop Culture Meetup from 6-7pm now if you wish to join :D
15.01.2022 Cat's out of the bag, so I can stop biting my tongue now :D
14.01.2022 Was great to step away from the desk, get back into a dobok and train with good people and friends. Thank you GM Moore, was great catching up and I look forward to training again shortly Taekwon.
11.01.2022 Brisbane Comic strip cartoonist Gary Clark: Hey Everyone, In light of the support so many recently gave Ginger Meggs and Bushy Tales being Australian cartoons, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age are trialing Swamp to replace Zits. Could I please ask you throw your support behind the inhabitants of Swamp and let the editors know you are pleased they are supporting local artist? ... Here are the email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] I lost a heap of newspapers at the end of June due to COVID so this is awesome encouragement to get this renewed interest. Thanks, guys!.....Gary
10.01.2022 Good man! Well done brother!
10.01.2022 Frew Publications The Phantom #1887, with my short back up story "Have You Ever Seen The Rain?" is now available digitally via ComiXology for $1.99 https://www.comixology.com/The-Phanto/digital-comic/930880
09.01.2022 I am very thankful to have 2 shortlisted comics for the 2020 Ledger Awards. It's not usually my bag to deal with these things, so I must thank both Christopher Sequeira and Wolfgang Bylsma respectively. Thank you to the judges, sponsors, my Gestalt collaborators Christian, Wolf, Justin, + Glenn Ford, editors, close friends & family, & the other nominees on this list. I wrote this better(?) on my own website via the link at bottom. Anyways. Cheers for the nod. I'm actually v...ery surprised. I have a love/hate relationship with working in comics in Australia, but it's nice someone tipped their hat. Cheers http://ledgerawards.org/2020-short-list-announced/ https://www.masoncomics.com.au//bone-war-and-phantom-vietn
09.01.2022 9faces thing you might see on socials atm, #faceyourart #ninefaces #facethiny whatever. Recent batch, and previous 9s, mix of a little published, and unpublished. Mostly grumpy.
07.01.2022 Earlier this year a short comic of mine was published in The Phantom #1886, where I had the opportunity to write a little about Australians and New Zealanders who served at the Battle of Long Tan in 1966. The story was mainly a conversation in a Bar set in 1968 on the eve of The Tet Offensive in Saigon, which dropped some of the details that were true to the events as told by returning soldiers. For a film depiction, I recommend 2019's 'Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan', but I also highly recommend the documentary free to watch via YouTube here: https://battleoflongtan.com/fi/battle-long-tan-documentary/ Lest we Forget.
07.01.2022 https://www.phantomcomic.com.au//kid-phantom-issue-no-9-20
07.01.2022 Want a quick and easy way to read comics? Frew Publications is on ComiXology, which offers a huge range of their titles digitally to purchase. It’s also a great... way to try before you buy the physical issues if you like your digital copy enough and want to hold the books in your hands :D Here's some screen caps off the iPad of The Kid Phantom special #1, in the recent Phantom 2020 Annual (#1858) Written by Andrew Constant, scribbled by Paul Mason. https://www.phantomcomic.com.au//issue-1858-annual-special Digital: https://www.comixology.com/Kid-Phantom-Vol-1-The-//136787 Print: https://www.phantomcomic.com.au/collections/kid-phantom #KidPhantom #ThePhantom #FrewPublications #comics #KingFeatures
06.01.2022 Hey! Come catch up for an hour or so of pop culture stuff tonight.
03.01.2022 Been preaching this resource in comics and storyboarding classes for years, go watch these top cartoonists discuss my upcoming back tattoo ;)
03.01.2022 Lest we forget. #remembranceday
03.01.2022 What I loved the most was the young kids brought in to review and talk about the comic...that's the point of the book, and the hope for comics longevity in the future. Great job gents in getting their thoughts on Kid Phantom #9, and we also appreciate yours too :D
02.01.2022 Still in the Hotel in Hatfield, England, about to call it a night (the Darts are on in the Hotel bar...my kindgom for a decent sport on the TV ;P) Day 1 trainin...g- hit the local uni gym and as always, excellent sparring drills from Senior Master Moore, with my brother in arms, Sabum Gary King. Feeling good so far. Finally got a quick chance to shrink some photos from San Diego Comic-Con 2013 for FB. Met/Caught up with my comic book inspirations. All are gentlemen; and no egos whatsoever. Didn't realise that Greg had done TKD years ago. Greeted like an old friend. What an awesome dude :D Will throw a heap more up as I get a chance. Goodnight all, and good morning Australia. #GregCapullo #KlausJanson #MarkWaid #ChrisSamnee #JohnRomitaJr #ForTheLoveOfComicBooks
02.01.2022 Today in Australia and New Zealand we commemorate ANZAC day which is a day to remember those who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operat...ions and the contribution and suffering of all those who have served. We at CC want to say thank you to all those have gone before us. One of our favourite war and Phantom stories is where the ANZACs and Americans left comics with Phantom stories in them behind to be read by others including the PNG locals. Thank you all! #ThePhantom #Phantom #HappyPhantoming #LeeFalk #PaulMason #Frew #Fantomen #Fantomet #comics #Semic #Egmont #NewspaperComics #NewspaperStrips #ghostwhowalks #comic #comicbook #comicbooks #phantomcomics #frewpublications #goldenage #goldenagecomics #superhero #kingfeaturessyndicate #kizilmaske #ElHombreEnmascarado #ofantasma #luomomascherato
01.01.2022 Though it's nice to see stories make print, the Comixology digital versions provide a cheap and easy alternative to receiving the comics in the mail, and also look the closest to the original intent, given they're made on the screen these days... Having said that, I still like to own physical copies; but not a bad way to 'try before you buy'. Plus you avoid the ink smearing of the inexpensive newsprint. Here's a few random pages screen capped of 'the Phantom' 2019 Annual (#18...30) story I wrote and drew a while back. Print: https://www.phantomcomic.com.au//issue-1830-annual-special Digital: https://www.comixology.com/The-Phanto/digital-comic/820044 #thephantom #frewpublications #comics #kingfeatures
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