Matt Hern Money Coach | Finance
Matt Hern Money Coach
Phone: +61 400 225 955
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24.01.2022 Whichever money habit you want to start, such as investing, saving more or repaying debt these three principles will help make it easy and sustainable. Same applies to breaking unhealthy money habits such as impulse spending and using credit. There are lots of little strategies within each principle so message me if you like to explore strategies that will work for you. It's not one size fits all.... #habits #moneyhabits #saving #moneyforlife
24.01.2022 Thinking about money more than you like? Want to think about it less than an hour a week? If you're in Perth, I'd love to meet you at this event next Wednesday.... Full details and registration here: #money #saving #budgeting #perth
24.01.2022 The belief that to save more we need to be more disciplined can get in the way of us even trying to save. The truth is, you don't need more discipline. It's something else... #savingmoney #fifo #saving
23.01.2022 Do you dream of being your own boss one day? If so, check out my 3 tips in this video to help you afford to launch sooner. It was a fun interview with Babett Fekete for her Foreignpreneur channel, and the advice applies to everyone who wants to be self-employed one day.
23.01.2022 If you're in Perth then would love to see you at this event in a fortnight! There'll be networking and some ideas shared by me on how to afford the life you love! Full details in the link below.
23.01.2022 Delightful reply to receive from a budget coaching client on a Friday afternoon after checking in on their progress. If you want to save more and faster toward your goals then message me to learn more. #moneycoach #savingmoney #fifo
23.01.2022 I bet that several of my suggestions are not what you'd expect or read in other articles on this topic. Please let me know in the comments which of the 7 best ways to use your tax refund most resonates with you this year. #money #tax #taxrefund
22.01.2022 If you have a goal you want to save toward but the mere thought of the word budget puts the brakes on then consider this alternative. #money #moneycoach #savingmoney
21.01.2022 Very interesting phraseology by USA based financial educator Dave Ramsay. Asking similar lines to the 'you either make time for health or make time for illness'. What do you think of Ramsay's bumper sticker?
21.01.2022 Desperate to speak with your partner about money? But they avoid it, or it's become so massive it's hard to start? Try these five steps to get started.... #relationship#money #fifo
21.01.2022 Looking forward to a tax refund this year? Six great options in this article, including one from yours truly. Here's the idea I shared:... ----- If you've got some tax refund left after doing the smart things the other advisers would recommend, then spend in a way that gets the most buzz for your buck. Spending money on shared and shareable experiences provide the most joy per dollar, according to research on money and happiness. You get the most buzz by planning in advance (anticipation), doing the experience with loved ones, telling the relatable story to others and then again by reliving the experience through photos and memories. A holiday is a common example, but if your tax refund doesn't stretch that far, an activity like ice skating or bowling works. One school holidays, my kids and I booked a buffet breakfast at a fancy hotel and we still 'dine out' on that memory. ---- I'm passionate about helping people afford a life that lights them up. Message me if you'd like to learn more about what the research suggests is the way to get more buzz for your buck. #tax #money
21.01.2022 Many years ago, when I was a young lad learning about budgeting a colleague told me that he pays all bills monthly in instalments, rather than upfront to help with managing his cash flow. Even when it was more expensive to pay in instalments he felt it was better than paying credit card interest because he rarely had the money to pay upfront. Made sense on one level, but can you see the problem in his approach?
21.01.2022 Thrilled to join Mining HQ this week to discuss money tips for FIFO and mining workers. Listen from 8 min17 secs. We covered: * 3 FIFO money traps and tips * The biggest reocurring money problem I see and how to fix it... * How you can save more while still enjoying life. #mining #fifo #fifolife #mininglife #money
20.01.2022 If you're looking to buy a home in WA this is one of the most comprehensive summaries I've read.
19.01.2022 "Should I invest my savings?" Its a natural decision to ponder when interest on cash is almost zero and prices are rising faster than youre earning interest. #investment #money
19.01.2022 Get more happiness from your money with insights delivered in snack size episodes. Listen in your fav pod player: Apple: Spotify: Other links at Or search "Money for Life" in your fav pod player #happiness #money #financialwellbeing #saving #wellbeing #moneytips
19.01.2022 Do you want to save more but your partner is a spender? Money in relationships is complex and multi-dimensional. In this article, I share one strategy I have found that helps couples be on the same page. #relationships #money
19.01.2022 Thrilled to receive this review of my new podcast. If you want to get more happiness from your money, check it out. Listen in your fav pod player: Apple: Spotify: Google: In your browser: Or search "Money for Life" in your fav pod player #happiness #money #financialwellbeing #saving #wellbeing
18.01.2022 Ever felt "I never have any money left over to save. I need to be more disciplined"? Truth is, you don't need more discipline. It's something else... Our culture is designed to make you constantly want more and better and to make it easy to spend money to get it.... We are inundated with marketing messages and the marketers know our soft spots. Credit is readily available and tap-n-go and online shopping make it quick and easy to indulge our desires. Faced with an environment of abundant temptation and easy money, of course we mere mortals struggle to save. Struggling to save is not a lack of willpower, it's not a character flaw. It's a design flaw in the systems we've been using to navigate that environment. We can't easily change that environment nor our brains, so I believe our best step is to learn a budgeting system to successfully navigate the environment. A budgeting system helps us get control of our spending so we can afford what matters without relying on discipline. #money #FIFO
18.01.2022 "...I'm thinking of investing in Bitcoin" is something I'm hearing a lot. Speculative investing should be part of the "entertainment" category in your money system. Just like with gambling only "invest" money you can live without and afford to totally lose.... The value is the entertainment value of the experience. If you walk away with some money that's good. If you walk away with more than you started with, that's a lucky bonus and a good story to tell. Disclaimer: This is general guidance and not personal financial advice. Tweet is from Elon Musk on 7th May 2021. #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #crypto #investing
17.01.2022 Lovely of Yahoo Finance to consider my checklist good enough to republish
16.01.2022 You need something, it's essential, but you haven't planned for it and set aside money. How do you decide which option to buy? I was asked this question recently by a friend. What do you think of my approach? Let me know below... #fifo #money #saving
15.01.2022 Rather than being a massive overwhelming target that's not even worth pursuing, I believe financial freedom is well within your reach right now. Listen in your fav pod player: Apple: Spotify: Google: links at Or search "Money for Life" in your fav pod player #financialfreedom #money #MoneyForLife #wealthcreation
15.01.2022 Feeling stuck in your financial worry? Start with baby steps such as covering your commitments or automating a saving or debt repayment goal. A guide or an accountability buddy can also be helpful to help you stay in action rather than slipping back into being stuck. Message me if you'd like help taking and staying in action.... @jamesclear #saving #money #debtfree #fifolife
15.01.2022 A great habit to support yourself in being money fit is to make your progress visible. The start of a new financial year is a good time to take a snapshot of your financial position and compare it to your position: - Six months ago at the start of the calendar year - A year ago at the start of the last financial year - Further back if it is useful, such as 3, 5 or 10 years ago... Even if the pandemic has made your financial situation worse than six months ago its worth taking a snapshot so you can see your progress in six or twelve months from now. In the article I offer base and advanced snapshot versions.
14.01.2022 The goal of both investing and repaying debt is to grow your net wealth so you can afford more of what really matters to you in life. Net Wealth = Investments less Debts. So, ignoring interest for now, each dollar of either investment or debt repayment equally increases your net wealth. Whilst the mathematical angle is the common approach to this question, we're humans so I prefer to prioritise looking through the lense of wellbeing.... Fortunately, the two approaches align quite well. Discover when to repay your debts before investing #debtfree #saving #investing
13.01.2022 Especially at times of increased uncertainty like we have now, we tend to look to what others around us are doing. Does that serve us well? #money
13.01.2022 I loved reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, and frequently reference it. The Habit Loop provides an insight into why spending is so easy and saving is so hard. In my guide, cheekily titled 'Atomic Money Habits' I reveal how to apply James Clear's four laws to money, and design a system to make saving easy and overspending hard. If you'd like a copy of my guide comment 'yes please' and I'll send it to you.
12.01.2022 Know someone who wants to quit working #fifo? Send them the free guide. (Instant download with no details required.) What struck me from my time working offshore in the 1990s was that many people told me I want to quit working away, but I feel I cant afford to.... Their stories broke my heart. To help people afford to break the golden handcuffs I have compiled my top tips in this free guide. If you know someone working away from home please freely share this link and guide with them. #MiningWA #fifolife #mininglife
12.01.2022 This episode last night was a fascinating insight into living through the great depression, made more poignant given we are in a recession. A family is transported back in time to the 1930s and each day experience a key theme from a year that decade. They eat the food, enjoy the pastimes and experience the job market. Highly recommended, especially if you enjoy the perspectives offered by history.... #money #recession #wegotthis
12.01.2022 Im as passionate about prevention as I am about supportive intervention. Stressing about money impacts our mental wellbeing, which then can make it harder to stay on top of our money. Financial wellbeing is also closely linked to the wellbeing of your romantic relationship, according to the Relationships Australia Relationships Indicator Survey.... As well as taking a moment to ask your mates and colleagues RUOK?, pause and reflect how do I feel about my finances? Four key elements of financial wellbeing highlighted by researchers Kempson, Finney & Poppe are: - Day-to-day financial control - Capacity to absorb a financial shock - Enough to enjoy life - On track for goals Take a moment now and rate your financial wellbeing on each of those elements (Low, Okay, Good). #ruok #ruokday #mentalhealth #fifo #mining #fifolife
11.01.2022 The festive season can be a financially stressful time for many people, gift wrapped with culturally ingrained social pressure to spend.. We want to express our appreciation for those we care about, but fear being perceived or openly accused of being stingy, and even ostracised. Then there are those we don’t care that much for but feel obliged to spend money on, for similar reasons. (Office Kris Kringle?)... My ‘money for life’ approach to this is to find ways to boost the ‘warm fuzzies’ whilst also reducing the cost. If you can make them say Nawwww then hopefully the cost will be irrelevant. One of my favourite ways to create Christmas magic on a budget is to give a gift of each person’s love language. For an intro to the love languages and 10+ 'gift' examples read more here: #christmas #saving #MoneyForLife
11.01.2022 If youre thinking about starting your own business and being your own boss one day then first build a financial safety net to give your idea the best chance to work. In this article, I share three keys to building a financial safety net so you feel confident to leap. Discover:... How much money to save before you launch your business How to make your savings last longer How to save that amount faster and easier Read here: #selfemployment #moneytips #finances
11.01.2022 Heard someone espousing the virtues of directing all your salary into your mortgage offset account then spending using a credit card? In this article I reveal who that may work for.
10.01.2022 Have trouble getting your partner to talk about money? Try creating a 'motivation ritual'* by pairing a money discussion with something your partner enjoys. e.g. I'd like to talk with you about our money goals for 20 minutes. Afterwards, I'll give you a neck massage.... You could set a regular schedule for a quick money chat using the same ritual until it becomes a habit for your partner. What ideas have you tried? What pairings might you now try? * HT James Clear, Atomic Habits #moneytips #fifo #fifowife
10.01.2022 To get more life out of your money without needing to earn more swap your spending to experiences and items that are more fulfilling to you so the buzz lasts longer. #moneyforlife #saving #fifolife
09.01.2022 Our human nature is to raise our standard of living to match our income. It's called lifestyle creep and is how the golden handcuffs get attached. We are all susceptible. A couple of questions to contemplate: How much is enough? What would you be prepared to consider changing if your health or your relationship depended upon it?... Get the guide "Afford to Quit FIFO" for free here: #fifo #fifolife
09.01.2022 If you dream of starting your own baking or catering business my sweet tooth would love to help you afford to pursue your vision Thanks Emporess Catering for the opportunity to taste test your new menu item of apple donuts. They are delicious and my kids reckon the ratio of apple to donut is perfect! Most of the box was gone before I was out of my PJs so no photo of me with the box, unfortunately! ... Perth folk please consider Beth at Emporess Catering for your next function. Their menu is so delicious!
09.01.2022 Yes/No - 'most of the people I hang with are good with money' (Go with your instinctive gut response.) The social pressure to spend was one of the top challenges to saving enough that was shared by a group I presented to this week.... A new dress for every festival or concert they attend Eating out at nice restaurants every week The type of car The suburb/area to live in and the house quality Have you got enough people around you that support you in being good with money? You may not need to be as drastic as dumping your friends. But, finding some people to act as your cheerleading crew may be helpful. #money #savingmoney #fifo
07.01.2022 Do you want to save more but can't think of what you can possibly cut from your lifestyle? These two overlooked methods will help you save more and get more life out of your money.
06.01.2022 When it comes to getting more happiness from our money, socialising is a double-edged sword. Social connection can deliver our greatest joy and be our financial Achilles heel. In this episode we conclude our journey through the World Health Organisation’s Quality of Life framework and explore the domain of social relationships. ... Listen in your fav pod player: Apple: Spotify: Google: links at Or search "Money for Life" in your fav pod player
06.01.2022 There are two weeks until the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. It's always best to shop with a plan so you can resist the slippery slope of temptation. Sandra Lam - Psychologist and I share some tips on planning for the festive season. #christmas #money #saving #fifo
05.01.2022 Budgeting is about consciously finessing your spending to get more joy and meaning from your money. What do you think about that? I'd love to hear in the comments.... #money #saving #budgeting
05.01.2022 Cool to now add The Sydney Morning Herald as a publication in which I've been quoted. And there's some useful advice in the article too haha #MoneyTips #habits
03.01.2022 When I mention I'm a Money Coach a common early question is "which app do you use?" These days when we set a goal we seem to straight away think 'is there an app for that?' There is - but do they work in getting the result you seek? Earlier this year I spoke with Adam Parry of the FIFO Life show about this exact question, as part of my collaboration with FIFO Focus. #budgeting #moneycoach #saving #fifolife
03.01.2022 Friday Fun with Finance What does your want to do with your tax refund that your says no? Mine really wants to buy a cool wireless pack for delivering online presentations and recording videos.... What about you? Let me know in the comments below. Cartoon: The Awkward Yeti - Nick Seluk
03.01.2022 I just saw this question posted in an online forum. What would you do? ------- What the bank says is the loan term, or minimum repayment, is just the outer boundary of what they accept. You may make extra repayments and repay the loan sooner.... Lower rate + same repayments = interest saved & loan repaid sooner The challenge then is to stick to the higher repayment, which is easier if you plan for the predictable and isolate impulses. #debtfree #moneycoach
03.01.2022 Monday morning Afterpay and Qantas issued a joint media release announcing their new partnership. Whilst this partnership sounds like a good idea its actually a bad one. The biggest winners are Afterpay, Qantas and some retailers.... The losers are us. Buy Now Pay Later providers like Afterpay already make it easy to buy things you cant afford. We are the losers from this partnership in that it makes it even more rewarding to use credit to buy things you cant afford. The more rewarding, the bigger the craving next time you see something you want, and the more difficult to resist that temptation. This is how our culture subtly promotes overspending now, in preference to building financial resilience and saving for what really matters to us. Without becoming an off-the-grid recluse its hard to opt-out of that culture, and thankfully we dont need to. Nor do we just need more discipline. Instead, we need to implement a money management system to navigate the culture using the same behavioural science for us rather than against us. - Make it hard to overspend by restricting access to money - Make it unsatisfying to overspend using visible trade-offs - Make it easy to save using automation - Make it rewarding to save using visible progress In my e-guide Atomic Money Habits I expand on 8 key elements of a budgeting system you can stick to. Message me for a free copy.
02.01.2022 I was chatting to someone yesterday who's employer is undertaking a #redundancy program. It's can be such an uncertain time not knowing if you'll still have an income and I hope these 7 steps help you if your job is uncertain right now. #FIFO #mining #oilandgas
02.01.2022 Tomorrow is RUOK? Day in Australia. Beyond Blue have highlighted that financial health and mental health are intrinsically linked. Im as passionate about prevention as I am about supportive intervention. Stressing about money impacts our mental wellbeing, which then can make it harder to stay on top of our money.... Financial wellbeing is also closely linked to the wellbeing of your romantic relationship, according to the Relationships Australia Relationships Indicator Survey. As well as taking a moment to ask your mates and colleagues RUOK?, pause and reflect how do I feel about my finances? Take a moment and rate yourself against each of the four elements of financial wellbeing, shared in the linked article. #mentalhealth #ruok #fifo #ruokday
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