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25.01.2022 So... You know how I was going on about having continual change in my life... Well, I decided in a super short timeframe to begin homeschooling!! Yup, that means, in addition to my business, my writing, developing an online program, and hosting overseas students, I am now homeschooling. Yesterday was Day 1, and was an epic fail (I am laughing so hard as I type this), clearly my book "Surrender Experiment" is working wonders on my Type A personality!! ... I also see that perhaps my "I'll-wing-it" attitude may need a teeny bit of fine-tuning. This also means that the plan I had for building online programs, as well as my goals for my blogs will take a little longer to eventuate. AND you may see more of our new life journey :) I have gone from hesitant ("ahh I don't think I'm quite the home schooling type person"), to excited ("well my corporate career was in managing learning departments, creating training programs, and I did hate school, so perhaps I could make it more fun for them"), to nervous ("buuut we're all so social and I love working, so will this be enough for all of us"), to resigned ("I only need to begin with 6 months then we will know"), so back to excited ("I love spending time with my girls, and I always said the first 5 years I wanted to be more mom than professional. Now we can go about doing all the fun things, and I can teach them what I know along the way"). So I've buckled myself in and here I go. Wish me luck!!! Mwah, Hannah - Online holistic health counsellor and homeschool mum #homeschooling #homeschool #homeschoolwa #homeschoolperth #homeschoolmom #homeschoollife #waldorfhomeschool #naturalparenting #spiritual #mum #mom #momlife #mother #motherhood #singlemom #singleparent #instagram #post #from #holistic #health #coach #therapist #in #perth #westernaustralia #australia #
25.01.2022 Following on from my discussions on perspective and how we create our experiences. I want to offer my first technique that will help reconcile internal conflict hindering desires for; love, health, weight, money etc. As I said in my last few posts; life causes you to create conclusions about life. These are thoughts you have continued to think. Unchanged, they become your beliefs. Beliefs are not just shaped by you, theyve been moulded early on by;...Continue reading
25.01.2022 This afternoon I took a moment (or 10) to turn my face to the sun and soak in the joy that is my life... No thought, no agenda, no lists, just me, the sky, the birds and the pleasure of being alive. Enjoying is such a present-moment thing isn't it. ... Actually, enjoying has even ben scientifically proven to extend your life. The Huffington Post reported that although happiness and positive thinking were easily proven as ways to good health, wethether or not a good attitude could actually help you to live longer has never really been easily established. Not any more.. A team of clever scientists followed thousands of older men and women from 2002 until 2013 and found enough evidence to prove that your outlook on life greatly impacts your time here on this planet. Have I given you enough juice to go out there and have that wine, hang out with that bestie, visit that favourite spot or simply stop, turn your face to the sky and smile... That's what we're here for! Here's to a spectacular weekend. Love, Hannah - online holistic counsellor #enjoy #pleasure #satisfaction #enjoying #enjoyinglife #takingabreak #good #positiveoutlook #instadaily #satisfying #heart #heartfelt #present #livingmybestlife #powerofnow #happiness #positivethinking #positivevibes #positivity #longevity #antiaging #livelife #livelovelaugh #liveauthentic #beyourself #enjoythelittlethings #enjoylife
24.01.2022 This is by far the most important discussion ever. Following from two posts ago "tell me what you see...", the critical element wasn't what you saw, but what emotion/s you felt. The mind controls everything; emotions, health, body, biology, how we make sense of the world & what we get back.... Today I want to focus on the mind & emotions because this relationship is the precursor to everything we want out of life. So why the girl on the beach? It was a demonstration of the link between observing something & creating an emotional response. As you saw, there were different observations, producing a variety of emotions. That is because we process what we observe through the personal filters we've created throughout our life. The mind is therefore the overseer of whether something we observe is "good", "bad" or "insignificant", creating emotions that feel good, bad or nondescript. But why is this so critical to what we want? Because emotions are vibrational and vibrations manifest into our physical reality. Ever heard the popular phrase raising your vibration? Simply put, it means to elevate your emotions. This is what Einstein is talking about when he says; match the frequency (=vibration), (=emotion) of the reality you want, and it must come. Lets look at this in action. You want the perfect body. Now you must ask "why" to find the emotion. I want to feel happy. But if you observe a girl who has the body you want and feel unhappy, then you are sending vibrational energy out which brings you more unhappiness. But, it would be too much to ask to look at someone who has the body you want and feel good about it. Rather, you could find other things to observe in the world that make you feel happy. As Einstein said "if you match the frequency (happy) of the reality you want (a body you feel great in), then you cannot help but get that reality. That is physics! Hannah Online holistic counsellor #spirit #spiritual #manifesting #manifestation #manifest #lawofattraction #mind #mindful #mindfulness #instapost #emotions #quantum #einstein #physics #bendingreality #happiness #desire #vibration #positivevibrations #mentalhealth
23.01.2022 The most interesting thing happened to me this weekend... I'm someone who has an intense level of focus when determined to do something with zero patience. I'm full tilt into something or not at all. Smidge perfectionist with a touch of over-achiever! However, equally as ripe within me is a love for life, socialising and doing crazy things just because it felt like a fun thing to do at the time. Becoming a mum knocked so much of that out of me. So much planning and thinking... for my free spirited brain. For a while life became more serious along with a new type of fun. I love being silly with my girls in and around organising, negotiating and learning (or should I say growing, growing, growing!) This weekend gone I went out to celebrate my birthday (a week early but hey!) and didn't come home till the early hours. I have not done that in YEARS!! There wasn't anything super exciting to report but just being out with friends for 2 days, not watching the clock took me waaay back. And all my pre-kid memories came back. The interesting part was when I woke the next morning I felt in awe at how much I love my life. It was like I went back in time for 48 hours and then reappeared with those eyes into my home, with my girls and all I've created since..and was like HOW COOL IS THIS!! I love how much natural free fun we have. I love how much we laugh and play. I love our home and I love the work I've created. It wasn't because I was tired or regretted the night, quite the opposite. It took me away long enough to look at my life with new eyes and fall in love with everything. It's amazing how easily life rolls on and we get swept away with our creations not really able to see just how much we've built. Is there some way you can create "new eyes" for your life - go back and imagine what your earlier self would think of the life you've made for yourself. I know mine is dancing for joy. #blessed #lovelife #lovekids #lovehome #appreciate #all #there #is #magnificent #universe #createbydesign #refreshed #alive #focussed #recharged #lovinglife #successful #happy #joyful #abundant #emotional #instagram #love #play #laugh #spirited #happyheart #inspiring
23.01.2022 So happy to receive our @ponytailcapsaustralia beanies!! I am not an ambassador or promoter, just simply expressing how awesome these beanies are and how cute my girls look. Personally, I love how I get to wear my ponytail out while covering up some serious dodgy mama hair..though I'm not sure I look as cute as they do!! I've been a little quiet here as I am still finding my homeschooling feet. I got a bit over excited at all the activities, and found myself super drained ...come Friday. This week I'm looking for more balance for all of us... my theme song seems to be "LET IT GO...LET IT GOOOO..." I hope you all have had a super weekend and a rocking week ahead. Mwah, Hannah - online holistic counsellor and homeschooler #ponytailaustralia #unitycircle1 #letitgo #surrender #organising #kids #life #hussle #singlemomhussle #mumhustle #holistichealth #holistic #health #mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellness #happy #enjoyinglifetothefullest #balance #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #perth #australia
23.01.2022 When you're in your mummy's tummy your neural crest gets divided in two; your CNS (Central Nervous System), and ENS (Enteric Nervous System) - diagram following tomorrow. The gut is connected to the brain via the vagus nerve (nerve super highway). I've mentioned how the two work together a lot this week but today I would like to focus solely on the emotions.... Most people don't even know that their mood is being affected by an imbalanced gut. Problem is, an imbalanced gut often leads to behaviour that makes things worse. Giving in to cravings for sugar, processed food, refined carbs, drugs, alcohol, all exacerbate the imbalance in the gut causing the brain and hormones to get out of whack. This gets worse as your self-esteem begins to take a hit. Not just from your body's signals but also because you're likely beating yourself up for your food choices. Low self-esteem leads to poor life choices. Spending time with people who don't value you, and doing things that match how you feel about yourself. This is a common situation which often leads to more self beating resulting in bigger emotional imbalances. These imbalances feed the gut and body (explained in earlier posts) and can lead to some serious health issues. Further, if you're highly sensitive, the gut is also the emotional processing centre. So if you are prone to being influenced by negative energy, this can compound what's going on for you in a big way. If you're experiencing anything I've mentioned so far this gut-health week, don't worry I will close with a post on some remedies. Love, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #holistichealth #counselling #therapy #guthealth #gut #health #worry #emotions #emotionalimbalance #depression #anxiety #stress #worry #illness #sick #disease #pain #mood #mooddisorder #sad #blue #cravings #ibs #leakygut #crohns #selfesteem #worthiness #instagram
21.01.2022 Too many of us are caught up in how the body looks from the outside, but it's the inside that should be our ONLY concern. The outside will follow suit, I promise you!. As a holistic counsellor, I have studied the gut, mind and body. As a seeker for eternal truths I have studied our reason for being (soul purpose or hearts desires). All of these are extricable linked. Our mind controls our body's biochemistry (chemicals). The gut feeds information to the mind which creates tho...ughts (and therefore emotions). Our perspective influences how we feel and the stress of this is absorbed by the body (which often builds "padding/fat" to protect itself). Whether we're living on purpose affects every aspect of our existence (relationships, love, money, success, padding). All of this processing gets stored in the body. When repeated emotions, thought patterns and beliefs get housed in our body over a long period of time, the body takes over and begins feeding back to us our thoughts and emotions. This is what is commonly called emotional imbalances - depression, anxiety, stress etc. The quality of thoughts and emotions creates the quality of biochemistry. In laymen's terms; harsh, negative thoughts creates harsh damaging chemicals (cortisol that affects our immune system, adrenals and nervous system) and feel like stress. Kind, compassionate positive thoughts create harmony in the body (think endorphins) leaving you feeling revitalised and young. But don't worry about the body. It will eventually get what it needs. For you, however, that may look like a whole lot of slowing down. With so much to appreciate in life, why wouldn't you only think about what feels good. Especially now you know you're nourishing your body when you do. Here's looking at you and all your awesomeness!! Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic counsellor #health #wellness #wellbeing #fitness #hearthealth #positive #positivity #positivevibes #inspire #inspiredaily #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #spiritual #spirituality #spirit #divine #instagram #instadaily #instamood #sharethelove #appreciate #life #love #live
21.01.2022 Science is showing us that when we help others it not only adjusts neural function in the person providing the help, it sets up improved neural function in the recipient too. In other words, being kind literally improves brain and physical function. "No one makes it until we all do" - Richard Branson... * Kindness Makes us Happy When we do something kind, we feel good. On a spiritual level, many people feel that's because it is the right thing to do, so we're hooking up to our true selves. However, biomechanically speaking, the good feeling we get is due to elevated levels of the brains natural versions of morphine and heroin (endogenous opioids). They cause elevated levels of dopamine in the brain and so we get a natural high (Helpers High). * Kindness Is Good for the Heart Acts of kindness produces emotional warmth which releases the hormone oxytocin in the brain and body. It also plays a big role in the cardiovascular system because oxytocin causes the release of a chemical called nitric oxide in blood vessels (expands blood vessels). This reduces blood pressure and therefore oxytocin is known as a cardioprotective hormone since it protects the heart (lowers blood pressure). Conclusion here is that kindness produces oxytocin and therefore is cardioprotective. * Kindness Slows Ageing Two main factors that increase ageing are; free radicals and inflammation (unhealthy lifestyle choices). Research now shows that oxytocin reduces levels of free radicals and inflammation in the cardiovascular system, therefore slowing ageing at source. These two also play a big part in heart disease - another reason why kindness is good for the heart. Scientific journals show the powerful link between compassion and the vagus nerve (I talk about this in my gut health series). The vagus nerve regulates heart rate and controls inflammation in the body. * Kindness is Contagious Let's not forget that kindness creates a ripple effect. So not only do we alter our health but we send a ripple out to help many others with theirs. From The Five Side Effects of Kindness A study reported that an anonymous 28-year-old person walked into a clinic and donated a kidney. It set off a pay it forward ripple effect where the spouses or other family members of recipients of a kidney donated one of theirs to someone else in need. The domino effect spanned the length and breadth of the US, where 10 people received a new kidney as a consequence of that anonymous donor. Just remember to always help without expectation. Do it for the pure bliss of feeling good. Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #bliss #helpinghand #helpingothers #kindness #kind
20.01.2022 Tell me the one thing that stands out for you in this picture and the feeling or emotion it inspires. Like this: Observation / Feeling (happy, sad etc) Tomorrow I will discuss why I've asked you this.... Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #observation #instapost #emotions #feelings #loa #exercise #activity #counseling #perspective #coaching #helping #shiftingperspectives #learning #growing #feeling #emotional #manifesting #teaching #lifecoach #training #lesson
19.01.2022 And so we enter into our week of mind health (in my gut, mind, emotions, body, soul series). I call it mind health as opposed to mental health because there is often stigma attached to the label "mental health". When I talk about mind health I talk about all aspects of the mind;... - Higher mind - Subconscious - Vibrational output - Thoughts - Beliefs - Function (who is running the show) - Clarity (receiving) - Focus - Perception The mind is the tool which sets everything into motion. Your life causes you to conclude things. Those conclusions become your perception which shape how you feel about every experience that comes your way. If you're up to speed on the science behind manifesting then you know like-attracts-like. Therefore what you feel comes back to you. Often people think life is happening TO them, when in fact, life is happening DUE to them. That is both good and bad news. "Hooray, we have control of what we want to bring to us!" "Bugger :( now we have to accept full responsibility for everything that comes to us". I am wildly passionate about this area. As a self-confessed BIG THINKER, I love contemplating all things that will help people align with their true self... ...that which is love, freedom, joy, peace and everything in-between. Love, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic counsellor #mind #body #soul #manifest #manifesting #lawofattraction #spiritualawakening #beliefs #thoughts #focus #clarity #perception #vibration #feelings #subconscious #mentalhealth #manifestation #spirit #brainfog #dailycalm #overthinking #highermind #god #source #infinite #infiniteintelligence #meditation #mindfulness #innerbeing #love
19.01.2022 So I've missed my actual birthday by over a week but hey that happens! This particular morning we had just woken up and because it was my birthday, Harper (my eldest 5yo), insisted on choosing our clothes and doing a photoshoot (bleary eyed and FOOB - Fresh Out Of Bed). And it was COLD!!... But how could I resist a frock-up! I tell you, I may be older and wiser but I sure do feel the same as I did 20 years ago. Any other Gemini's out there??! Or what is your star sign and do you relate to it? Huggles from us, Hannah - Meditating Mama Mama Bear and holistic counsellor #mom #mum #birthday #surprise #dressups #party #celebrate #enjoy #kids #delight #children #daughters #singlemom #singlemum #happy #content #blissful #wiser #youngatheart #mother #parent #goddess #starsign #gemini
19.01.2022 I'm sorry I didn't get to post a follow-up to yesterday's teaser I started it this morning but today got super busy, and then it ended with some roller disco with my gals. How could I trade work for this!!!... I hope you're all having as much fun as we are Mwah, Hannah - Rollerblading Mama #spontaneous #fun #with #kids #children #playful #havingfun #livingforthemoment #livinginthenow #kidsfirst #funfirst #happy #childlike #kindredspirit #love #noregrets #happy #happyhealthy #youngatheart #inlovewithlife #instapost #inspire #positivity #letgo #live #consciousparenting #spiritualawakening #awakenedparenting #present
18.01.2022 Holistic health simply means that everything that makes you human is considered when diagnosing a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual problem. Each and every part of you is inextricably linked to your greater whole. Your mind is the master computer programming your gut and body with good or bad chemicals (hormones). I seperate gut because it also has the ability to "think". Yes that's right. The gut-brain is connected via a super nerve highway to the brain. So when it i...s out of balance, it feeds information to your brain that says "you are under attack". This is translated by your brain as stress. Once your gut or mind have been kicked into fight or flight mode, your body joins the battle getting you ready to attack or run. It pumps cortisol (fear hormone), raises blood pressure and moves blood away from vital organs. When this happens repeatedly (think peak time traffic, job you hate, bad relationships, toxic food...), your body takes over and runs the show. Your body is now speaking for you and will copy past habits (damaging thoughts or cravings). Over greater periods of time the body breaks down; cue poor immune function, organ dysfunction, hormone imbalance, emotional imbalance and eventually major illness. Most medical practices treat the symptoms, not the emotional and dietary triggers causing the ailment. This results in recurring symptoms or "seemingly unrelated", new issues. Usually, without the correct treatment, people get beaten into submission by their body, eventually surrendering to better thought processes and lifestyle practices, leading to lasting healing. My aim in this life is to help people find those practices NOW, before the body needs to step in leading to emotional trauma. Your complex self requires complex support xoxo Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #holistic #holistichealth #health #wellness #wellbeing #guthealth #gutbrain #vitality #fitness #meditation #mindfulness #journalling #appreciation #grattitude #heart #centered #rituals #practices #cure #illness #disease #with #lifestylemedicine #westernmedicine #easternmedicine #hearthealth #soul #spirit #spiritual #spiritualawakening
18.01.2022 This is one of the greatest truths one can come to know. It eliminates a lot of excuses used to explain why we feel bad in our life, and why we can't achieve what we truly desire (happiness, peace, joy, fulfillment, calm). "If only I could go there, then I would be happy", "If only I would meet The One, then I will feel loved", "If only my children would.....I would have more time, freedom, space", "If only my partner would adjust his/her behaviour then I wouldn't feel so ....... all the time", "If only I had my dream career then I would feel satisfied". We all have these limiting beliefs that something outside of us is preventing us from getting what we want. Yet at the basis of EVERYTHING we want is an emotion. Emotions are not created by anyone outside of us, they are created within. Creating emotions like peace, happiness, contentment, can happen anywhere. Don't let outside distractions pull you from carving out the emotion you desire. One way I teach my clients is to turn their attention away from the problem, and towards the desire. Once you know what you desire from the unwanted situation you can begin to pinpoint the underlying emotion you crave. From there, everything is possible because emotions are general, can be applied to many areas of life and therefore elicited from anywhere. Create a life by design. YOUR design, not anybody else's! Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #manifest #manifestation #manifestingdesires #focus #positive #positivity #emotions #feelings #lifebydesign #lawofattraction #emotional #spirituality #spiritual #instagram #inspirational #quote #dailycalm #calm #peace #joy #happy #happiness #silence #gratitude
17.01.2022 Another beautiful reminder of what is most important for raising our kids... This is from a teacher on what she sees in kids at school... We can check all the boxes (right school, right food, perfect playdates) but truly if they know love it plays out in the most magical ways all through life...way more than anything else.... Be gentle on yourselves beautiful mamas, you so got this! Love, Hannah - meditating mama Online holistic counsellor #love #above #all #else #loveconquers #believeinyourself #trustyourself #trust #in #your #children #kids #child #parenting #moms #dads #grandparents #carers #laughoften #live #to #fullest #loveyourkids #instamom #instapost #mompreneur #unitycircle1
17.01.2022 T R I P L E L O O P Do you want new active Australian accounts to follow? . Dont have the time for long loops? .... Simply head to @aussie_looping and follow the instructions for a 30 second loop . . #aussielooping #followloop#aussieloopingfollowloop #aussiefollowloop #supportsmall #smallbiz #supportssmallbusiness #shopsmall #supportssmallbusinessaustralia #brandrep #brandenthusiast #mumhustle #followforfollow #mumssupportingmums #brandrepbaby #mumswholoop #instamums #instamama #perth #westernaustralia #singlemum #health #wellness #holistichealth See more
16.01.2022 So many takeaways from this fantastic book... just the contents page is enough to get me drooling for more; *Trauma doesn't exist *People fabricate anger *How to live without being controlled by the past ... *Unhappiness is something you choose for yourself *What real freedom is... and more... I want to share this scrumptious thought with you; Excerpt: If you change, those around you will change too. They will have no choice but to change. Adlerian psychology (and I would argue life itself), is designed for changing oneself, not for changing others. Instead of waiting for others to change, or waiting for the situation to change, you take the first step forward yourself. Now this is my jam!! There is nothing you can do about other peoples desires, choices, thoughts or behaviours. Sure you can beat the ones who care about your happiness into submission - into doing what pleases you. But ultimately this doesn't lead to fulfillment, nor is it sustainable. Eventually you will attract another person into your life who will annoy you, and will not change no matter how much you jump up and down. If you want people around you change, you need to make the change inside first. Adjust those limiting beliefs, update those outdated habits of thought, find peace with the life that has led you to this point, and focus ONLY on what you want instead of what you dont want, and you will see magic everywhere you go. Im online and worldwide if you ever need me Mwah, Hannah - online holistic counsellor #thecouragetobedisliked #ichirokishimi #fumitakekoga #book #selfhelp #selfcare #selflove #change #changeyourlife #changeyourself #changeisgood #happiness #love #peace #joy #loa #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks #lifebydesign #focus #improve #grow #growthmindset #growth #heal #relationshipgoals #unitycircle1 #holistic
16.01.2022 When I started social platforms it was born from a desire to connect with others and to share what I know. My hope was to inspire new ways to think, move, eat, live and love be happier... I've said happiness starts with the gut. This isn't entirely accurate but when the gut is out it can cause some nasty life upsets. It is also the easiest and quickest way of gaining physical and emotional relief that leads to quicker improvement in other areas. Gut health has been c...reating quite the buzz for a while now. Yesterday I talked about how the body will only take so much hammering before it begins "giving it back". Today I want to look at why... But first it is important to know that the gut is also your emotional epicenter. This is where you process, not only your emotions, but your instincts from life (it's no wonder we've coined phrases like gut instinct, gut wrenching, stomach in knots). They point to a link in both the physical experience as well as the emotional subset? So what makes the gut noteworthy? *90% of us comprises bacteria cells with only 10% human cells (we are more bacteria than human being) *The GI tract holds the bulk of these bacteria cells *It is THE major player in creating health and modifying disease. *In fact 3/4 of your immune system lives in your digestive tract *Genetic diversity - highly adaptable, responsible for our evolution *Giant ecosystem: Digests food, regulates hormones, excretes toxins, produces vitamins and other healing compounds *Influences metabolism *Modulates drug interactions *Plays a role in diabetes & metabolic disease The gut - brain connection is so powerful, science is showing that diabetes, depression and other gut related disorders are precursors for alzheimer's and other brain degenerative diseases. AND IT STARTS 40 YEARS PRIOR!!! I've met people who didn't even know their emotional issues were gut related. Worth knowing huh. Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Holistic health counsellor #guthealth #gut #gutbrain #holistic #holistichealth #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthy #healthyliving #healthyeating #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #feelinggood #emotions #emotional #emotionalimbalance #disease #illness #lifestylemedicine #diet #nutrition #biohacking
15.01.2022 Robin Sharma said "when we were kids we had this sparkle in our eye" - "Adults are no more than deteriorated children" But there are some of us who refuse to be beaten down, to be hypnotised out of thinking we can conquer the world. We fight to keep our light burning bright against whatever odds.... If this is you, give us a HELL YEAH! One connected to who they truly are is more powerful than millions that are not - Abraham Hicks Let's shine our light together so that it is SO bright no one can look away, reminding others of who THEY truly are. Love, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor and light shiner #ligth #love #spirit #spiritual #peace #oneness #one #unity #higherself #higherwisdom #burnbright #beyourself #uplift #teacher #wayshower #inspire #inspiration #robinsharma #abrahamhicks #lawofattraction
15.01.2022 What a hectic week that was, talk about a life overhaul!! Here is our new classroom space. It's pretty cold here right now and I wanted an area the kids could go crazy in with no regard for mess. So I converted our garage into THE place to be for a few months. With lots of activity stations in our backyard for warmer days.... I am sorted for weekly activities and excursions, with some ideas for learning outcomes. It was so much fun getting inspired to bridge all I know about the body, mind and soul with typical school learning outcomes. Like, I will not only teach the structure of the body, but how thoughts program its biology. I am also super keen to help them understand that EVERY emotion is OK, but what to do to move out of the ones we dont enjoy. So now off to have some play fun. Mama needs a day off!!! What's one thing you would teach your kids (something that was a big part of your life)? Mwah, hope you all having fun. Hannah - online counsellor and homeschooler #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschooler #naturalparenting #fun #play #youth #kids #mama #mother #mom #instapost #youngatheart #parenting #momlife #momboss #classroom #teaching #learning #growing #lovinglife #children #havefun #with #child #followbackinstantly #unitycircle1 #perth
15.01.2022 So many people are still basing their life on "genetic predisposition" when in fact science has long proven that genetics signal only 1 health possibility for you. Did you know that you have to switch ON a cancer cell, or any other type of disease? Which means, we can switch it off...or better yet, not turn it on in the first place! Epigenetics (back in the 70's) demonstrated different results when the same cell was placed in different environments. Dr Bruce Lipton (founde...r) discovered that when you placed the same human cell into different environments (blood), completely different outcomes occurred - some grew bones, some muscle, some fat. What this proved was that it wasn't the gene that decided the outcome of the cell because they all had the same gene, it was the environment.... So if a cell is in a healthy environment, they are healthy. If theyre in a sick environment, they get sick. But what is the environment? Blood. What fuels blood? Its chemical composition. What affects the chemical construct of our blood? Our thoughts. The beliefs we have based on our perception of the world around us decides the types of chemicals we send into our blood stream. Simply illustrated, unhappy thoughts result in a cortisol fuelled blood stream. Happy thoughts lead to endorphins. I'm not saying negative thoughts are "bad", I'm saying that they point to beliefs that need altering. Change your thoughts until they feel good or look for alternative things to feel good about. When you do, your body and life will thrive. Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #health #wellness #wellbeing #mentalhealth #positivevibes #positive #positivethoughts #biology #genes #holistichealth #focus #hormonebalance #disease #chronicillness #goodvibes #science #biologyofbelief #universalintelligence #meditate #meditatedaily #meditation #stress #stressrelief #stressfree #happy #happyme #happiness See more
14.01.2022 I've said this before, Alzheimer's develops 40 years prior to onset and is linked to anxiety, depression and diabetes. That means that how we think (feel) and what we eat NOW is critical to how we spend our twilight years.. So here are some pretty important tidbits to know about this wonderful instrument we own... 1. The human brain comprises 60% of fat and is one of the fattiest organs in the human body (why eating good fats is essential to healthy brain function).... 2. The human brain has the capacity to generate approximately 23 watts of power when awake. 3. Although the brain accounts for less than 2% of a person's weight, it consumes 20% of the body's energy (why some fuel (food) livens the brain and others create "brain fog") 4. Of the total blood and oxygen that is produced in our body, the brain gets 20% of it (why deep breathing and exercise is critical to great brain function) 5. There are 100 billion neurons present in the brain. (This allows us to create or RE-CREATE learned thought patterns / beliefs) Have a wonderful week everyone. Love, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #mentalhealth #brain #health #brainhealth #braintraining #alzheimers #alzheimerawareness #alzheimersdisease #braindisease #braindegeneration #diet #exercise #for #health #fitness #brainfunction #brainfog #forgetful #forgetfulness #mamabrain #memory #healthcoach #feelgood #mama #holistic #instadaily #love #wellbeing #wellness #livefit See more
12.01.2022 Following on from the last post, this diagram shows the relationship between the gut and the brain. And why every thought we think, and every item we eat impacts our health in a major way. And I do mean, EVERY element of health. Our emotional health, mental health, physical health and soul (heart) health. It only takes one to get out of balance enough and it causes a flow-on effect to all other areas, leading to fatigue, gut related discomforts (IBS, Leaky gut), disease (Cro...hns) or immune function disorders. As I teach in my gut health classes, stress is the NUMBER 1 disruptor of all things. This can be emotional stress, continued physical stress (without recovery), mental stress, perceived stress and real stress. As I've said before, both the gut and the brain are connected, passing messages back and forward to each other by the millisecond. What message you send the brain gets sent to the gut. Hating your life / job, unhappy in relationship, feeling pressure, all translates as stress to the gut which starts churning. The message you send to your gut via the food you eat (natural foods contain health codes for your cells), translates as either stress or pleasure to the brain. This forms your emotional state and feelings of wellbeing. Stress is the number one cause of unhappiness in the world today. That's the bad news. The good news is that stress is something you can do something about TODAY. What's your go-to stress reliever. Of course mine is meditation and adjusting any perceptions that leave me feeling bad :) Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #guthealth #gut #brain #gutbrain #stress #anxiety #worry #depression #autoimmune #disease #illness #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #ibs #leakygut #unhappy #perception #focus #class #holistichealth #holistic #hormonehealth #mentalhealth #physical #instagram #share
10.01.2022 With all these different opinions on "who we are", is there really ever any point in giving anyone's view of us a seconds thought. Here's to all the hardworking parents out there, doing their best in whatever way suits THEM ...(and hopefully, taking care of themselves in the meantime!!). LOOK OUT... HERE COMES MY MIND HEALTH WEEKIN MY GUT, MIND, EMOTIONS, BODY, SOUL SERIES (Is that a mouthful or what :)... Hope you all had a great weekend with wonder in store for this week Mwah, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #mom #stayathomemom #parent #parenting #jugglingmotherhood #singleparent #selfcare #wellbeing #perception #opinion #judging #workingmum #mumpost #instapost #momproblems #moments #momsofinstagram #momblogger #momstyle #pitbullmom #momlife
10.01.2022 We face reservations when becoming parents, & though I had no idea what was in store, in my mind it was simple love them with all my might and the detail can fill itself in. I wanted my children to know love to the core of their being. I also wanted to soak up the early years. Not because I felt I was the best person to shape them, but because that level of fun and joy is rare, and I wasnt going to miss a second of it! When I became a single mum I was faced with a choice. Work and tuck my kids in at night, seeing them every other weekend, or set aside my career to enjoy the girls. Although the choice was easy, I felt conflict between my ambitious heart and a knowing of what I will have wanted to do with this time when I look back years from now. Then the decision to home-school. At first, I tried to keep up my work efforts but as we began our home-school journey, the girls Dad got an away job. This meant full time schooling and parenting 24/7. THAT was quite the adjustment. The best thing I did was decide that I needed to commit to one or the other. The days I tried to bring my work into our day was stressful and I felt non-present. Whats the point in being home if I wasnt quite there. So I handed my work tasks to the Universe and said you carve it out for me. Amazingly the Universe did its job. Paid work came in ways that was fun, enriching and fulfilling whilst allowing me to be present for my kids. It took months to adjust to my new work concept but heres what I found myself asking; Whats the underlying emotions in my desires for kids and career? They were the same. Fulfilment. Satisfaction. Joy. Happiness. Contentment. And to be able to look back on this time with a sense of pure joy. When I bring it back to the emotion it gives me the best lens to view my life choices. Now there is hardly a day where I worry or question. Instead we are blissfully plodding along feeling like every day is a holiday. Isnt that what life is meant to feel like? #life #choice #decisions #parenting #motherhood #parenthood #homeschool #homeschooling #being #present #mindfulness #mindful #happy #lovelife #lifestyle #manifest #universe #singlemom See more
09.01.2022 Next I want to talk about how we create our reality through the lenses of our perception and perspective. But first I want to ask...who has been on the receiving end of misperception? How have you been incorrectly judged? Social media, whilst a wonderful platform for connecting can also create divide with false images and ideas.... Love, Hannah - online holistic counsellor #perspective #perception #perceive #good #bad #judge #judged #impression #image #selfimage #poorselfimage #comparing #socialmedia #instagram #facebook #poorselfesteem #waynedyer #thoughtleader #changetheworld #change #how #you #see #the #world #appreciate #gratitude
09.01.2022 A beautiful friend sent this round today and I have to say as much as I chuckled, more of me went WOW! What a great message to get one to take stock at all that mums these days are trying to achieve. It's a lot people!! So if you're a mum or any new age parent wanting the best for their children, take this in, you are a ROCK STAR!!... Mwah mwah mwah to you, Hannah - Online holistic counsellor and ROCK START Meditating Mama #mum #parenting #parents #parent #dad #mom #daddy #mother #child #children #spiritualawakening #spiritual #consciousparent #gentleparent #newage #enlightened #highvibration #kids #raisingkids #positiveparenting #love #sociallyconscious #emotionalhealth #wellbeing #kidsmentalhealth #schooling #schools #nurturing
09.01.2022 This was such a special moment for me. I have the soul of a horse ... everything about them draws me in. Then theres the deliciousness of sand and beach and my gorgeous girl Harps. Oh what fun #blessed Do you have an animal that resonates strongly with who you are?... It's now on my bucket list to do more often, now that I know BOTH of my girls will get on one. Hope you're all having a wonderful week Love, Hannah - horse wannabe and holistic counsellor #horse #horseriding #spirit #spiritual #blessed #happy #happiness #delight #pleasure #gift #poweranimal #spiritanimal #spiritual #mama #singleparent #parenting #riding #on #the #beach #carefree #free #easy #contentedn #peaceful #inspirationalpost #follow #instagram
09.01.2022 If you can't read the image, here is why you need to sit up and pay attention to how you nourish your gut and brain. The gut-brain connection is why; - You get butterflies in your stomach before going on stage - You can get nervous or stomach cramps before a hard workout or race... - Why antidepressants cause nausea and stomach upset, and stomach upset can depress you - Why overeating when youre anxious helps you produce extra feel good chemicals - Why stress makes you want to eat more - Why food intolerances or gut inflammation can cause serious behavioural issues - Why an unhealthy gut can make you feel stupid or sluggish And then theres your liver, which is also part of your digestive system! Imagine what happens if that important organ gets broken. IMPORTANT FACTS: BRAIN - 85 billion neurons, 100 neurotransmitters Produces 50% of all dopamine, 5% of all serotonin GUT - 500 million neurons, 40 neurotransmitters Produces 50% of all dopamine, 95% of all serotonin No wonder it is our gut which drives how we feel, and also why we reach for FOOD as a quick fix to help us feel better when our body or life aren't great!!! Now you know, you can reach for better choices that lead to serotonin inducing feelings for a consistently feel-good life! Mwah, Hannah - meditating mama Online holistic health counsellor #neurons #guthealth #gut #health #wellness #wellbeing #serotonin #healthybody #healthymind #healthy #perspective #joy #vitality #food #diet #nutrients #nourish #feelgood #feelhappy #feelbetter #foodintolerance #inflammation #ibs #kombucha #instagram #post #like #share
08.01.2022 I know I've already concluded with gut remedies but I received enough questions to go a little further into what you can do at home to have a well functioning gut BUILDING HEALTHY GUT BACTERIA PROBIOTICS... It's not proven whether probiotic supplements survive stomach acid. Many suspect that the live bacteria don't make the trip. However, the digestive process for food and drinks allows the carriage of live bacteria into your gut. Here are my top 6. DRINKS (easy and cheap to make at home) 1. Milk kefir has 30-50 LAB's - (Lactic Acid Bacteria) strains 2. Water kefir has 14 LAB's 3. Kombucha has 7 LAB's (considered more of a digestive) PREP & EASE: You simply buy the kefir grains and feed sugar water, or kombucha SCOBY and feed it sugar tea. Check out my website and youtube channel for more on those. FOOD (think fermented veg) 1. Kimchi 2. Sauerkraut 3. Any other veg So simple. Chop veg. Add salt and culture (often optional). Sit in cupboard. Enjoy. If you own Bragg's apple cider vinegar (make sure it says "has the mother") on the label, this can be used to pickle your veg. Low in calories and high in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C and B. Sauerkraut offers extra vit K while kimchi provides generous doses of vit A. A London study showed that sauerkrauts large amounts of tyramine (neurotransmitter), makes it a powerful aphrodisiac (equal to viagra!!). PREBIOTICS Once you have a nice plump colony that you're adding to daily, you want to make sure they're well nourished. They like things that sit and ferment in your gut; *Garlic *Onions *Leeks *Asparagus *Green bananas *Apples, and more (check google for the full list) If you have gut issues, this may not be enough. Excuse my gross oversimplification but here are some proven remedies; 1. Cut dairy, wheat (all gliadin products), sugar and hormone meat for 30 days. Reintroduce one at a time. 2. Detox, cleanse or fast (do your research) 3. FODMAP's for food irritations 4. Stressed gut, try enzymes 5. SIBO = bacteria overgrowth (if you have an aversion to the fermented food or drinks this could be you) I hope this has helped you and love the feedback. Love, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #health #healthy #wellness #holistichealth #gutawareness #awarenessweek #guthealth #ibs #leakygut #gutissues #gutillness #chronicfatigue #detox #prebiotics #probiotics #fermentedveg #fermenteddrinks #fermentedfoods #australia #fodmaps #food #drinks #healthyeating #diet
07.01.2022 After reading everyones responses and re-contemplating the skit on appreciating what you have, I began to think its so easy to compartmentalise which problems are bigger and which are smaller. But the truth is that isnt everything subjective! You cant really know how painful something is for someone unless you literally sit in their shoes. I know of people with cancer or disabilities, who internally are coping WAY better than someone who was going through their very first... breakup. In fact, havent we all seen people with less who are so much happier than those with supposedly more. I guess where Im going with this is that perception goes so much deeper than what we see around us. It is also how we CHOOSE to process what happens TO us. Why is it that one person loses a job and falls into deep depression whilst another sees it as an opportunity for a new adventure? Psychology has failed to fully explain why two children, same household, same experiences end up with opposite outcomes one may excel BECAUSE of the abusive parent, whilst the other falls to substance abuse BECAUSE of the abusive parent. Perception is only half the puzzle. Life experiences cause a reaction in us (good or bad), these experiences form our maps of the world so we can make sense of it. But perspective is the story we choose to create, and which defines who we are. Lets look at this in action: Perhaps due to your home environment you didnt feel very confident in your abilities, you may have been told you were silly or naughty. On their own these words can have a wide range of meaning but from your perception, because your parent/s may have been angry at the time, you concluded that these words meant Im not good enough. You then enter schooling unsure of yourself and therefore attract some strong characters who pick on you. You validate your conclusion with this must be true; I am not good enough. You now attract more of these situations to you, so this statement becomes a core limiting belief. This is now your story as the cycle of belief and then manifestation continues. This was MY story until I DECIDED to adjust my thoughts, through a shift in perspective, that things began to change for me You dont have to let life beat you into submission, you can make small changes today that will have ground-breaking results. I promise to bring you some proven strategies over the coming weeks, and dont forget Im online and worldwide if you ever need my help. Mwah, Hannah Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #perspective #perspectiveiseverything #perspectivematters #perspectiveshift #perception #changeyourperception #doorsofperception #mind #health #healthier #dalailama #dalailamaquote #healthcoach #spiritualcoach #mindshift #successminded #spiritual #spiritualawakening #limitedbeliefs #changeyourstory
07.01.2022 As promised, here are a few classic ideas to improve or heal your gut microbiota. As I've said all week, having healthy gut flora teeming with good bacteria will contribute to; *Supporting your emotions... *Proper immune function *Great serotonin release *Maintaining a healthy weight *Fighting illness, disease and recovering from antibiotics To look after these babies, you can ADD to the colony (probiotics), and feed / nourish them so they work hard for you (prebiotics). Oh and don't kill them of course!!! Or put so much bad bacteria into the colony that they take over!!! Top tips: 1. De-stress!! * Perspective (is there a way you can shift how you view something so it feels better) *Rest (you gotta sleep the perfect amount of hours for you, at the perfect time...meditate! Do something you enjoy), *Recovery (move slower, think slower, achieve less, laugh more), Relax (Be playful, dont take life too seriously, be easy about it, achieve less - allow more) PRRR baby 2. Watch what you eat (without being stressed about it!). Lots of natural food with little to no processed foods, sugar, wheat, hormone laden dairy or meat (eat clean). 3. Introduce probiotic rich foods and drinks into your diet. Kefir, kombucha, kimchi... Not all bacteria is created equal. Variety is key!! My YouTube link in my bio will teach you how to make your own. 4. You certainly want to do tip 3 if you've had antibiotics or were born c-section and not breast fed (you get your microbiome via the birth canal and breast milk). 5. Feed your microbiome with prebiotics (fibers and natural sugars) which ferment in your gut feeding and nourishing your gut colony... think fruits, vegetables, wholegrain. If your digestive tract is having a hard time, pr you've damaged your villi so experiencing leaky gut or IBS etc, try introducing probiotic foods whilst giving your GI tract a rest (cooked veg like soups is a great start). Don't forget I'm online and help people across the world with their gut health, so if you have a niggling health complaint or emotions which are disrupting your life, reach out. Love, Hannah - Meditating Mama Online holistic health counsellor #destress #stress #guthealth #gut #health #wellness #wellbeing #healthy #nutritious #fit #happy #fermentedfoods #fermenteddrinks #fermentation #kefir #kombucha #kimchi #sauerkraut #probiotics #prebiotics #ferment #happy #hormones #emotionalhealth #bacteria #microbiome #food #diet #instagram
06.01.2022 My dad always said "My girl, make mistakes! That's the only way you're going to learn." He embedded such an important belief into my psyche... mistakes are a natural part of growth. How can we possibly desire anything better without them. And really, "mistakes", "flaws", are perspective so are just personal to us arent they?... Supporting and accepting ourselves as we discover flaws to rise above IS the underlying challenge. Learning to love the journey is what life is all about. I have many many "flaws" I am working through constantly...over thinking and trying to take control all the time are my current ones How about you, what are you working through and is there someone you can release while they make peace with their flaws? Love, Hannah - online holistic counsellor #flaws #perception #challenges #spiritualawakening #mistakes #risingabove #beingme #lovingmyself #acceptingmyself #lovinglife #lovingyourself #acceptingyourflaws #enjoyingthejourney #unitycircle2 #acceptingdifferencesbetweenmyselfandothers #life #love #lawofattraction #lawofattractioncoach #holistichealing #holistichealth #coach #awareness #awakening #selfdevelopment #emotions #heart #and #soul #calm #dailycalm #instaquote
04.01.2022 I am reading a wonderful book called The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer. My life is in a constant state of change (and I mean WEEKLY adjusting!), so this book has come at the perfect time for me to receive its powerful awareness. I am quickly understanding what going-with-the-flow truly means. I am experiencing another level of surrender to what life has planned for me. And this time not in a drama filled way, but a delicate, delicious unfolding through openness and c...alling. I love the feeling. Even though I am a self confessed Type A control lover, I am finding myself enjoying the place of pure allowance even more. Is anyone else experiencing this? Well on this beautiful Sunday morning, I intend to surrender to this day and see what magic the Universe can deliver. Over to YOU spirit. Love, Hannah - Online holistic counsellor #manifest #abundance #wellbeing #surrender #surrenderexperiment #michaelsinger #enjoy #peace #liveforthemoment #rested #soul #spirit #mindbody #mindbodysoul #manifesting #lawofattraction #rest #ease #playful #youngatheart #spiritual #heart #and #soul #instagood #love #share #wonder
04.01.2022 Hey there, I thought I'd drop a quick post to say hi with some fun question for us to bond over... 1. Who is your role model? 2. What did you want to be when you were small? 3. What's the one thing you would change about yourself if you could?... 4. If there were no restrictions, what would your dream career be? 5. What do you love about your career? For me... 1. Dr Wayne Dyer, RIP 2. To run a very big business 3. I would like to stop worrying about what others think (I don't give strangers much airtime, but those I care about can get inside my heart) 4. An author of self-empowerment with loads of travel!! 5. I love that I help people around the world because connecting is my passion #hello #hi #gettoknowyou #instapost #rolemodel #inspiration #desire #change #sayinghi #holistic #health #holistichealth #counsellor #therapy #counselling #wellness #wellbeing #fitness #coaching #mentoring #lifecoach #wellnesscoach #mindbodysoul #healing #pain #illness #disease #emotions #mentalhealth
02.01.2022 Confidence only gives you a boost in life...which is fine unless you are looking for lasting success. So, what directly contributes to success? 1. Beliefs... 2. Aptitude 3. Emotional management Ill break these down: 1. BELIEFS How you view yourself in life situations. "Who you BELIEVE you are, IS who you are". Your intrinsic worth is not connected to the outside world, but it is a value you place on yourself. You attract people who value you in the same way. When you take responsibility for everything you bring into your life you have control but you need to make the inner adjustments before you will see outer success. "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react or respond" 2. APTITUDE Aptitude is a skill; it is created by you. Therefore, you have control over it. Get good, or better at it and you have aptitude. "Confidence is a by-product." EXPERIENCE Do it to feel it PRACTICE make a conscious decision to improve TALENT even without natural talent you can develop any skill, it's simply time + positive attention Brains can rewire after just 7 days (neuroplasticity). This means WHO YOU ARE can rewire in just 7 days 4. EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT Ability to handle emotions of putting yourself out there. Emotions tell you everything. When a thought feels good, you are making progress, when it feels bad then you are thwarting your success with that thought. TIPS 1. Movement has a profound effect on emotions, it shifts energy as emotion gets stored inside the body 2. Reframe your fear by describing it as heightened excitement or exhilaration for something new 3. Self soothe. Rephrase what you say to yourself in any way that brings relief or elevated emotion 4. Meditate to receive inspiration 5. Only take inspired action (you will know because it feels good) I have always been a believer in coaching and have sought many in my life. I am here to help you if you are struggling to attract the success you want into your life. Hannah - Worldwide online holistic counsellor #emotions #emotional #beliefs #believe #believeinyourself #grow #growth #learn #buildthebelief
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