MD Acupuncture | Medical service
MD Acupuncture
Phone: +61 414 864 909
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24.01.2022 Today March 11 is Kidney Day and was started in 2006 to bring awareness to kidney health. But what about the kidneys in Chinese Medicine? In Chinese Medicine theory, the kidneys and bladder are partners and their involvement in the body is extensive however they play a part in the excretion and regulation of fluids, reproduction and our energy stores. The emotion related to the kidneys is fear, and if out of balance can manifest as chronic fear, anxiety, or panic attacks. In... TCM some foods that nourish the kidneys are; goji berries, walnuts, kidney beans, black sesame seeds, eggplant, wood-ear mushrooms, figs, dates, seaweed and oysters. #kidneyday #chinesemedicine #fear #anxiety #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #acupuncture #acupuncturist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturist #womenshealth #womenshealthsupport #womenshealthacupuncture #pregnancyjourney #pregnancysupport #pregnancyacupuncture
19.01.2022 March 2021 is also Craft Month. Celebrate by doing something creative. Just before Covid I attended my first pottery wheel class (results above) at and I loved it. Craft month has reminded me to take time out for myself to be creative. What creativity will you come up with this month?. . . . .... . . . #craft #craftmonth #pottery #potterywheel #masandmiekceramics #acupuncture #acupuncturist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturist #womenshealth #womenshealthsupport #womenshealthacupuncture #pregnancyjourney #pregnancysupport #pregnancyacupuncture See more
10.01.2022 Today March 10th is International Wig Day. To bring a little fun to life, a costume store in Denmark (Temashop), created this holiday. Post a pic of your wig below. #internationalwigday #acupuncture #acupuncturist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturist #womenshealth #womenshealthsupport #womenshealthacupuncture #pregnancyjourney #pregnancysupport #pregnancyacupuncture
03.01.2022 Today is Floral Design Day and what better to celebrate than this beautiful bouquet from @justcausebunch 100% of their profits go to various charities. #floraldesign #flowers #flowersofinstagram #flowerstagram #justcausebunch #acupuncture #acupuncturist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturist #womenshealth #womenshealthsupport #womenshealthacupuncture #pregnancyjourney #pregnancysupport #pregnancyacupuncture
01.01.2022 The Worldwide EndoMarch is a campaign to raise money & awareness of Endometriosis through events being held across the world on March 27, 2021. Check out @endometriosisaustralia for details. #endomarch #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endometriosisaustralia #acupunctureforendometriosis #acupuncture #acupuncturist #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturist #womenshealth #womenshealthsupport #womenshealthacupuncture #pregnancyjourney #pregnancysupport #pregnancyacupuncture
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