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Fly By Night Bat Clinic


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24.01.2022 Late the other night we received a distressed call from home owners whose dog had grabbed a bat. We sent the closest rescuer & carer Bianca. As the conversation progressed we were told there was actually two bats. The weather was horrendous, stormy and cold. Bianca rushed to the location and was able to get both juvenile Grey Headed Flying Foxes. One had severe injuries, his buddy was found cowering under the deck, petrified. We called the vets ahead of hearing from Bianca as... often dog attacks cause fatal injuries. Lucky there was a 24 hr vet able to help. The survivor was very wet and cold, so Bianca did what we do best and got him feeling much better and eating, as you can see in this video. Its very sad he lost his buddy. We can only assume the fruit on the palm tree they were trying to eat broke and they both fell to ground for the dog to get them. Palm fruit is only eaten in deperate and starving times , as a lot of work for not much gain. Bianca Keating See more

24.01.2022 Super excited to share that Doug and Heathers childrens book Life upside down: Australias Grey-headed Flying-foxes, will be launched October 1st and is now available for pre-order. The great thing about this book (besides Dougs wonderful photography and Heathers great design) is that the information not only covers interesting things like body structure and behaviour (eg. there are images of them dipping, them fly out at night, eating pollen etc), it also gives kids some practical ways to help protect our wonderful flying-foxes. Published by Australian Geographic, the book is a 48 page hardback (280 x 262mm in size) for children between the ages of 4 and 9 years old, with a RRP of Aus $19.95. It will be available through all good booksellers, and Ive listed just a few places where it is already listed for pre-order. The ISBN is 978192238800. To see more of Doug's amazing work Doug Gimesy Photography

24.01.2022 The assault on wildlife by Colac council has started. This is what greeted flying foxes returning home at dawn this morning, and disturbed other wildlife in the area as they woke. They could face another 2 weeks of this (plus lights and smoke) if council get their way. If you havent already, please contact Colac council and let them know what you think of their treatment of our threatened flying foxes. ... Thank you to those of you who are local to Colac and have gotten in touch- its reassuring to have people who care on the ground keeping watch. If you are local to Colac or surrounds and havent been in touch, please PM us.

23.01.2022 Thank you to Lawrence Pope, President of "Friends of Bats & Bushcare" for getting these little memes in community papers around Melbourne. Nell's Meme Wild Paws Wildlife Shelter will be in 11 Star community papers in the South East Suburbs for three weeks and Alices will run in 6 Star community papers in the Western Suburbs for three weeks. Star has also kindly agreed to run free-of-charge the meme. Keep an eye out in your local paper! Thank you Star News Group

23.01.2022 12am Sunday morning we received a call from (a member of public) Jess for a Grey-headed Flying fox that appeared to have been hit by a car in the city. As we were aware of the hour, we weren't sure how quick a rescuer could get on site. So Jess put a sign up to alert people we were on the way. The amazing Candy was awake and went straight to her rescue! "Tilly" wasnt in great shape. However Candy gave her some emergency TLC until she could be seen the following morning at Melbourne Zoo. The awesome vets gave her some surgery and she is now in care with Bill. How great is the sign by Jess!?!

23.01.2022 Please read and share. Our bats are vital always.

23.01.2022 Great piece by Eurobodalla Shire Council. Our supporters may notice our famous golden child makes an appearance. Thank you to Janine from Shoalhaven Bat Clinic and Sanctuary WRSC Lic

22.01.2022 Do you remember Evan, the sad bat we found shivering and soaked on a roof? Well, hes made a full recovery and has gone back home Stay safe little one.

22.01.2022 ***UPDATE*** Evan, the poor little shivering boy rescued from a roof on Sunday is doing very well. Hes had a couple of days of quiet, solid sleep, has his appetite back, and has a friend in with him to keep him company. All going well, he can go home soon ( thats him on the right )

22.01.2022 Hello cute little man!

21.01.2022 Barbed Wire aka Torture, inhumane, cruelty, suffering wire. *Warning some images may be confronting Barbed wire fencing has no purpose. ... Particularly around the two barbed wire rescues from the last two days. Yesterday's was around a car park with access to either side of fence?? Today's was along a bike track with bushland?? We will be contacting both land owners to ask them to remove. Both had beautiful eucalptus trees on the fence line. The babies (12 & 13 wks of age) entangled have suffered extensive membrane damage and the little boy has minor mouth damage. They were EXTREMELY lucky. Neither are out of trouble, as just like netting we need to wait to see how much the membrane dies. Thank you so much to the amazing and patient members of public Charlotte, Erica and Colleen who went above and beyond to help these helpless babies. Thank you to Coby for assisting on rescue. Always to the vet and vet nurses from Zoos Victoria Healesville Sanctuary Melbourne Zoo Please do not use BARBED WIRE FENCING

19.01.2022 Our one and only Lawrence Pope , doing his amazing work. Thank you Lawrence! Thanks also goes to Australian Walkabout Wildlife Park for the star Grey Headed Flying Foxes. Wildlife Victoria Tim Smith MP - Member for Kew Friends of the Earth Melbourne SBS News Yarra City Council #friendsofbatsandbushcare Doug Gimesy Photography @ParksVictoria

19.01.2022 Silly Billy "Bill". Rescued by Ericka, low in tree, extremely hungry. He had an x-ray to check he doesnt have any breaks, it appears he may have just sprained his wrist. Now for some much needed R & R. He loves his grapes.

19.01.2022 Ms Milly was stuck in a courtyard behind some heating units for a number of days. Flying Foxes can often get stuck in concrete courtyards and alcove type spaces that don't have places for them to get height for flight. She may have miscalculated and fallen into this space, we don't really know how they end up in these dilemmas, high winds could be a factor. She is a little sore as she has some minor cuts and abrasions.

19.01.2022 Thank you Britt , Ericka, Brett and Matt !! Microbats of Melbourne Jemena Zinfra

18.01.2022 This Gorgeous creature is a Grey Headed Flying Fox. Miss Molly is in care with her human parents Chris and Christine from Kangaloola Wildlife Shelter Inc. She is a threatened keystone species and will grow into a pollinator of our Eucalyptus forests. Molly has a massive task ahead of her to help her species to regenerate the masses of burnt forests up the East Coast of Australia.

17.01.2022 LOVE THIS! Heart-warming story of Punki and the students that protected him!

16.01.2022 Look up to save a life ! This beautiful girl was rescued from the body of her deceased mother. Unfortunately electrocution is a high cause of deaths to our Grey Headed Flying Foxes. ... If you ever see a Flying fox on powerlines please report to your local wildlife rescue organisation. Her baby girl was lucky, most are not spotted and they die slowly. Thank you to CitiPower and Powercor Australia and linesman Simon & Jesse for coming and getting her down. Simone is now in care with Layla Wildlife Nurse Shelter Operator with her buddy Jesse.

16.01.2022 Mr. Cole enjoying some #dinner. ~ Mr. Cole a Gould's Wattled #microbat was found caught by his leg on the thread of a #hammock. Luckily he seems to have only sustained minor lacerations. ~ #microbats #chiroptera #nocturnal... #bats #wildliferehabitation #insects See more

14.01.2022 Australia lost over 3 billion animals in bushfires, yet this kind of persecution is still happening to our native wildlife. Law makers must be brought to account.

14.01.2022 Amazing flying mammals! BATS


12.01.2022 A snippet of Annette Ruzicka Photography video featuring some of our Grey Headed Flying Foxes the video is about our worry for their future. Our amazing Lawrence Pope explains. Please watch, you can watch the full video a few posts down.

11.01.2022 Some very good news for bats in Victoria! Please share: Home Garden Growers please be aware of the new POCTA - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Regulations 2019. New laws have been set in place to protect our wildlife. ... Netting : If you are netting your Backyard Fruit Tree it must not be used or sold if it has a mesh/ aperture size, when at FULL stretch, greater than 5mm x 5mm. (Finger test, no finger should be able to go in holes) Smaller the hole the better. Non - compliant netting traps, maims and kills thousands of native animals a year, including many threatened species such as the Grey Headed Flying-fox. Glue / Sticky Traps : The sale and use of glue traps for trapping animals is prohibited in Victoria and includes use by commercial pest controllers for rodent management. If you are aware of anyone using or selling these items please let them know, as they may not be aware of these new regulations. Please see below links for further advice on protecting fruit trees and wildlife, and helping injured wildlife.

10.01.2022 Great segment by Gardening Australia and our friends Bat Conservation & Rescue QLD. Please watch and share with your friends and family! How you can help!... Use safer netting: avoid green and black netting, which many animals cant see, and dont use netting that has holes big enough to stick a finger through - birds and bats can easily get stuck in this. Look for white netting with a fine weave instead, often sold as hail guard netting. Individual bags around fruit helps too. Share your harvest: Bats will go for ripe fruit, often knocking it to the ground. If you put this in a bag and hang it in the tree, the bats will go for this and leave your less-ripe fruit alone. Plant the right species: Cocos palm seeds are poisonous for bats when unripe and the seed can stick in their throats. The animals can also get stuck in the palm sheath. Safer species to grow are the native Bangalow or Alexander palms.

09.01.2022 Have you seen a Flying Fox by themselves during the day? This is not normal behaviour and it is not ok. Please call a wildlife rescue group immediately. This particular rescue would have to be up there as one of our worst. This gentle boy was called in by a concerned resident as their fruit was no longer ripening and thought it wouldn't have anything to eat. Unfortunately he had been in their yard for 3 months. They and their neighbours thought it was nice to have a reside...nt Grey Headed Flying Fox eating from their fruit trees. If they'd called when they first saw him 3 months earlier, we would have saved him incredible pain. Obviously the home owner was absolutely distraught when we explained the situation. He had a compound fracture to his forearm that had been trying to heal, it had partially fused into the wrong position. He couldn't actually put his wing in the correct position. He was emaciated, approx 300g underweight. Injuries were possibly from being hit by a car. We took him immediately to Zoos Victoria for euthansia Please if you see or hear about a bat or flying fox alone during the day, call a wildlife rescue group immediately. See more

08.01.2022 Perfect example of how to use bags instead of full dangerous nets on your fruit trees! Thank you Suzanne for protecting our wildlife! Spread the word! Share the fruit!

08.01.2022 #threatenedspeciesday Christmas Island Flying-fox #Pteropusmelanotus The critically endangered Christmas Island flying fox is the islands only remaining native mammal.... These bats can weigh up to 500 grams. They have black or dark-brown fur peppered with greyish-white hairs. Christmas Island flying foxes live in the rainforest. They usually roost in groups, which may be up to several hundred bats in size. They breed once a year, giving birth to a single baby after a five-month gestation. Flying foxes leave their roost several hours before sunset to feed. They forage across the island, feeding on the fruits and flowers of more than 30 different plants. They disperse seeds and pollen as they go, making them an important part of the rainforest ecosystem. There are around 900 flying foxes on the island, down from more than 4000 in the 1980s a decline probably caused in part by feral cats and yellow crazy ants Australiahas the highest rate of vertebratemammal extinctionin the world ! #batsofaustralia #criticallyendangered #endangeredspecies #ecology #biodiversity #flyingfox #bushfiresaustralia

08.01.2022 Bat Appreciation Day Today!

07.01.2022 Sweet Aspen was found trembling in the breeze by one of amazing and dedicated bat carers Louise. She treated Aspen back from certain death. We dont know what happened to Aspen but she presented with significant wounds and was very emaciated. Her injuries are healing and the holes you can see in her membrane will seal up in time. Aspen is now amongst friends to keep her company. Thank you to our selfless carers that help our precious wildlife. PS. Sound up for eating noises

07.01.2022 The hover bat strikes again!!

07.01.2022 Thank you Microbats of Melbourne.

06.01.2022 *** BATS AT RISK- PLEASE TAKE ACTION*** The Colac shire council are at it again. We've had word that that as early as tomorrow morning, the bats will be 'dispersed'. This is a polite word for harassed out of their habitat. As flying foxes return from a night of pollinating our forests, council will terrorise them with smoke, lights and loud noises -for hours on end- in an attempt to stop them from resting in the trees they know as home. Exhausted, confused and scared animal...s will instead be forced to seek refuge in surrounding houses and be put at risk from angry residents or domestic animal attacks. Many of these bats are now heavily pregnant and are at risk of miscarrying their only pup for the year, through stress. For these highly social bats who seek safety and protection from their colony, this 'dispersal' will be one of the most traumatising experiences of their lives. This is no way to treat any animal, let alone a threatened native species who have already survived catastrophic heat waves, bushfires and starvation events this year. PLEASE TAKE ACTION to let council know what you think of this disgraceful treatment of our wildlife.

06.01.2022 Gracies story. 1. Gracie came to us through a Wildlife Victoria call to rescue. Some lovely residents of a group home called her in when she was found in their... living room and a staff member was going to use a broom to chase her out. Thankfully they stopped him in time and called us for help. As soon as we arrived and found her hiding in the folds of a curtain we realised she was special. Her size, longer wings more streamlined for higher faster flight, her larger feet and especially her ear shape told us we had an Eastern False Pipistrelle or Eastern Falsistrelle (Falsistrellus tasmaniensis). Later confirmed by her forearm length and weight. As seen in these photos she came in underweight lethargic, maybe a little sad and very hungry and thirsty. Nobody knew how long she had been indoors for but I'm very glad she encountered some people who cared and she was able to be saved. Follow Gracies progress in the next few posts. See more

04.01.2022 Thank you to AusNet Services , CitiPower and Powercor Australia Jemena for their ongoing support in retrieving electrocuted mums down from powerlines all over Victoria. We have unfortunately had an influx of electrocutions this season. We are not sure what has caused this increase, we can only assume its to do with the Grey Headed Flying Foxes having to forage closer into suburbia due to recent bushfires. Please continue to " look up for life" on powelines and also on deceased bats that may have fallen to ground for babies. Here are the latest 3 from their electrocuted mothers. Ruby, Rosie and Sir Robin (named by the linesman) Huge thank you to Ericka, Emma and Kirsten for waiting the long hours and triage of these precious babies. Microbats of Melbourne

04.01.2022 Please rethink using netting, it kills so many. Please notify your family and neighbours if you see them using this type of netting. Cherries are readily available for human consumption at the shops. Our native animals have been stripped of so much habitat already of their own food. Let hope she makes it. Thank you Aurora Wildlife Shelter

03.01.2022 Please read & watch the video in the below article by Annette Ruzicka Photography.

03.01.2022 A great article about one of the priceless volunteer bat rehabilitators of Australia! Thank you Ebony!

03.01.2022 Percy (aka Tram Boy) is doing much better. Percy appeared to have unluckily crashed into a tram and was stuck there all day before he was called into Wildlife Victoria . You can see his ordeal here. He also featured on Channel 9 news.... It may have seemed a humorous event to some, but poor Percy was not in a great way. He was very fortunate and has needed intensive care to get him feeling much better. As Wildlife Victoria have mentioned, please, if you ever see a bat alone during the day always call a wildlife rescue group so a trained vaccinated volunteer can assess. Yarra Trams 9 News Melbourne Zoos Victoria

02.01.2022 Were right in the middle of winter, and the freezing wind and rain takes its toll on wildlife. This poor boy found himself stuck on a garage roof after crash landing and unable to get out. Thank goodness he was spotted by a caring resident through the window of her apartment above. When we arrived, it was clear hed had been there all night and most of the day. He was soaked from the huge downpour, hypothermic and barely able to move. But hes safe now, thanks to the quick thinking of the residents who called for help. Hes been cleared by the vets and will spend some time in care where its warm and dry before being released back home.

02.01.2022 Such Majestic creatures, Flying Foxes flap until they build the muscle strength to fly. If you look closely you can see their "wings" are just arms! 4 giant fingers and a thumb with forearm and humerus! The same structure as our arms! Wait for the slow motion! This is a juvenile Grey Headed Flying Fox building her muscles Edit: your phone brightness may need to be up to see clearer

02.01.2022 Poor Aether is a suspected cat attack :( listen to his disapproval of being cleaned.

01.01.2022 It's officially baby bat season one of our females in care gave birth to a beautiful healthy big boy Can you see baby?

01.01.2022 When you're rescue sister is more that 10X your size, the only appropriate thing is to use her as a bed Little Forest Bat and White Striped Freetail Bat Ba...ts are often found roosting with different species. As bats are social, housing them together while they are in care also helps to reduce stress. #littleforestbat #whitestripedfreetail #whitestripedfreetailbat #microbatsofaustralia #microbats #microbatsofinstagram #microbatsofmelbourne #batsofaustralia #bats #batsarecool #batsofinstagram #batsarecute #batlove #australianfauna #aussiebats #australianbats #animalwelfare #australianwildlife #wildliferehab #wildlifevictoria #wildlifecarer #wildlife #vaccinatedcarer #notouchnorisk #nativewildlife #saveourbats #batties #batsareawesome #batsareamazing #batsareessential See more

01.01.2022 BAT IN BARBED WIRE Earlier this week we received a call to assist with a flying fox stuck on a barbed wire fence in an industrial area. Maddi and I got there a...nd assessed how bad it was: his wing membrane was wrapped tight into the twists of the barbs. The only way to free him was to cut the wire. Equipped with appropriate protective gear, Maddi distracted him with a towel while I cut him down. We wrapped him up in a towel and provided some hydration to calm him down before proceeding to work on removing the wire from his wing with the assistance of Fly By Night Bat Clinic Once the wire was removed we were able to see the extent of the damage. He had significant holes and some of his bone would need to be removed as it had lost blood flow. After further assessment and observation at Fly By Night Bat Clinic, his wing had deteriorated further, swelling showed up on his fifth finger and he was determined one joint was broken (not dislocated as initially thought). The decision was made to end his suffering and put him to sleep. IMPORTANT: If you come across a bat, please DO NOT touch it. Please call first for advice. Thank you to Gail for reporting him to us, Maddi for assisting with the rescue and Tamsyn for assisting with triage and care. (Jayson) Donate today:

01.01.2022 Broadcasting 1pm today (Sunday) on ABC Offtrack National Radio However you can listen now on below link Flying-foxes are facing a wave of threats, many which leave behind orphaned pups. To get the rescued pups back out into their wild colonies - they need a little extra help.... GUESTS: Dr Megan Davidson, CEO of Wildlife Victoria Lawrence Pope, President of Friends of Bats and Bushcare See more

01.01.2022 Do we have any Colac or surrounds locals following us here? If so, please private message us ASAP.

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