Cr Melissa Ferguson South Ward Latrobe City Council in Yinnar South, Victoria, Australia | Political candidate
Cr Melissa Ferguson South Ward Latrobe City Council
Locality: Yinnar South, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 437 744 491
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24.01.2022 MELISSA FERGUSON PRESENTED WITH VICTORIAN PREMIER'S VOLUNTEER CHAMPIONS IMPACT AWARD Good News in Gippsland: Congratulations to Founder and CEO of Gippsland Fa...rmer Relief Incorporated, Melissa Ferguson, who was awarded a 2018 Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions’ Impact Award over the weekend at Government House. The Impact Award recognises those who have made a significant and positive impact on a community group, organisation or cause in Victoria. Gippsland Farmer Relief Incorporated is a community support and service group, providing on-farm, practical assistance to Gippsland farming families, such as food hampers and referrals to counselling services. "I look forward to continuing my work to better the lives of Gippsland farming families", says Melissa who juggles being a single mother, living with two chronic illnesses and her volunteer commitments. "Many farmers are facing financial and emotional duress with green drought, high fodder costs and other Industry pressures. Gippslanders can support Melissa and her mission to help Gippsland farming families by making a donation via Non perishable food items, toiletries and cleaning products are also much appreciated.
23.01.2022 Looking for some social connection ? Card games with other community members could be fun. The game is 500 and held regularly. Contact the Boolarra Community Development Group for more information
23.01.2022 It's all about connection, and one day of the year is truly not enough. It is an important start to further conversation. Showing you care for People is a consistent lifestyle. Listening and understanding consistently. #mentalhealth #caringforyou #RUOK? #Churchill #Boolarra #Yinnar #yinnarsouth #Jumbuck #Jeeralang #JeeralangJunction #Delburn #Budgeree #Boolarrasouth #Mirboo #Darlimurla
22.01.2022 Melissa Ferguson is a young mum living in Yinnar, raising a small child that understands the hardships that families can endure. She lives in the South Ward, in Yinnar South and works in the Latrobe Valley. She is an experienced community worker and manager that founded a local charity that provides emergency relief for drought stricken farmers and was the founder of the Boolarra Food Swap. She led a major emergency bush fire relief program during the recent devastating bush ...fires in Gippsland, aiding thousands of individuals in need. Her work as a community leader and volunteer saw her awarded the 2018 Premier's Impact Award and was a nominee for the Dame Elizabeth Murdoch Award. Melissa is a graduate of the Gippsland Community Leadership Program and is qualified in Community Services, Counselling and Business Governance. She has followed her passion for Mental Health Advocacy as the CEO of Barrier Breakers Mental Health Advocacy service based in Traralgon with outreaches and offices in Sale and Bairnsdale. She is extremely hard working, dedicated and is highly respected in the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland Region. When elected as the representative of the South Ward of the Latrobe Valley council Melissa will represent all people and all sections of the community and has no party political affiliations as she believes there is no place for party politics in local government. With a strong understanding of the community and a genuine concern and caring for people, she will make strong positive advancements for the residents of South Ward and will be a breath of fresh air within the Latrobe City Council with new ideas and as a true representative of the people. #Churchill #Boolarra #Yinnar #yinnarsouth #Jumbuck #Jeeralang #JeeralangJunction #Delburn #Budgeree #Boolarrasouth #Mirboo #Darlimurla See more
21.01.2022 Melissa Ferguson and President of the Churchill Football Club Mick Johnson #communitysupport #heartofthetownship #gettingthingsdone #vote4melsthward2020
20.01.2022 Melissa founding the Boolarra Food Swap in 2016. She is very happy to see it continues to this day! #community #caringforyou
20.01.2022 Fire preparedness is vital for South Ward. Our local Churchill, Yinnar and Boolarra CFA Brigades are our saviour. Thank you for all that you do. A wide range of publications to help you prepare are available on the CFA website
19.01.2022 Pass the word on the street, we'll be OPEN SATURDAY at 12pm! Government restrictions will be in place: - BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL (2 hour limit) - 50 patrons in our d...reamy beer garden - Masks must be worn when not seated - Max 10ppl per booking - If you are booking in meal periods you must purchase a meal Now to polish your shoes or pull out your bread plug thongs.. we don't care!
19.01.2022 China has unofficially banned Australian coal imports since October amid souring relations between the two countries, and in turn, increased imports from Mongolia and Russia. Mr Zhao said China had strengthened the examination and testing of imported coal regarding safety, quality and environmental standards "so as to better protect the legitimate interests and the environmental interests of the Chinese side". Coal is one of seven Australian imported products that have reportedly been targeted with bans by China amid rising tensions.
19.01.2022 GIPPSLAND DISASTER RELIEF PAYMENTS Personal hardship assistance payments are being made available to people whose homes have been damaged or destroyed by se...vere weather and flooding. Payments are up to $560 per adult and $280 per child (max. $1960 per family). Acting Emergency Services Minister Danny Pearson says, Support is also being made available to assist local councils with the costs of clean-up operations and the restoration of essential public assets. I ask anyone affected to reach out. Further re-establishment payments are available for alternative accommodation, removal of debris and home repairs. Further info from and
19.01.2022 A land of Droughts, Fires & Flooding Plains Melissa Ferguson Candidate for the South Ward in the up coming Latrobe City Council Elections is highly concerned about the rising unemployment rate in the Latrobe Valley. She is particularly concerned about the astronomical Youth unemployment rate which is one of the largest in the country. Melissa says " The Latrobe Valley has endured many set backs that have not been properly addressed by our council such as the closure of the p...ower plants and surrounding businesses that have relied on the sub contractors and the employee patronage. We as a municipality should be taking an active role in addressing these issues" Council has been very slow on the uptake on many issues, employment is just one" "Good people endured life changing issues such as job loss, that have left them and their families devastated and in serious financial hardship and even financial ruin, and to rub salt into the wounds they have had to endure CORONA COVID-19. Its just not fair on these people and small business, how much can they take" she said. Melissa wants council to put stronger strategies in place to encourage investment, industry and tourism hence creating more employment that will be readily available to everyone. She wants a particular focus on young people who would relish the opportunity to maybe work in the hospitality industry as an example. She said that encouraging investment and industry will encourage new apprenticeships, traineeships and adult apprenticeships enabling people who have experienced redundancy to retrain. Tourism would re-open our devastated Hospitality Industry she said. Council needs to take a proactive role in this area as Latrobe Valley with its long and extensive history and amazing places to see should be a place to come to, not a place to avoid. " To many people particularly tourists don't drive to the Latrobe Valley they drive through it" There is a lot more potential than Droughts Fires and Flooding in our city if only bodies like the council would take up the challenge and start taking a proactive role in making Latrobe Valley a place that people, business and investors want to be a part of! "This will be one of my major focuses when I am elected as the Councillor representing South Ward" Melissa said
18.01.2022 As our last fundraiser for the year, we are hoping to have a raffle at this years Christmas in Yinnar. If anyone knows of or has a local business that would be willing to make a donation as part of the raffle please let me know. Donations will need to be received prior to 7th December
17.01.2022 Melissa and the Director of the Gippsland Community Leadership Program Mark Answerth during the emergency relief campaign for victims of the recent Bush Fires in Gippsland #Churchill #Boolarra #Yinnar #yinnarsouth #Jumbuck #Jeeralang #JeeralangJunction #Delburn #Budgeree #Boolarrasouth #Mirboo #Darlimurla
17.01.2022 Position Vacant
15.01.2022 Breaking News - The Yinnar School Crossing Issue Melissa Ferguson candidate in the South Ward for the upcoming Latrobe City Council elections has come up with a plan to solve the school crossing issue in Yinnar. Melissa, a long time Yinnar resident is well aware of the whole situation, has spoken to the local school and the local Bowling Club and has found out that for many years a gentleman associated with the bowling club did the crossing as a volunteer for many years. Unfo...rtunately the gentleman passed away and since then the crossing has been unmanned. Melissa when elected will be negotiating with the school, the Yinnar Community Development group and the Bowling club to ensure that this crossing is upgraded and manned. She said this was an urgent issue as children are our greatest resource. We need to keep them safe. it only takes one child and one car to create a tragedy!!!!!!! She already has had discussions with members of the Yinnar the Bowling Club who are very supportive of her concepts regarding the crossing. and will be having discussions with the Yinnar Community Development Group in the near future Melissa said ' We have small pockets in South Ward and this is a great example when communities in these small hamlets come together to support all sections of their communities"future
14.01.2022 #2018 #1melissaferguson 24th October 2020
12.01.2022 It is normal to have strong reactions following an emergency or distressing event. There are a number support services available to assist you and your family r...ecover from the strong emotional or physical reactions you may be experiencing. If at any time you are worried about your mental health or the mental health of a loved one, call Lifeline 13 11 14.
12.01.2022 Breaking News Melissa Ferguson Supports our Young People Candidate in the Latrobe City Council elections in the South Ward Melissa Ferguson said there need to me more support and services for the young people within the municipality.... She said that when elected she would ensure that a Council supported and funded committee was established consisting of council youth services officers, youth workers from the various community agencies, workers from government agencies and representatives of the young people from each Ward to look at the needs of young people in the municipality. She also said It’s all well and good to get workers together to look at these needs but we need to have significant input from the young people themselves and conduct significant consultations with them. They are in the best position to know what they want and need Melissa said she would love to be a part of this committee. Melissa said that the needs of young people change significantly in short periods of time and with our ever changing society, such as the effect of available jobs, traineeships and apprenticeships with the power plant closures as just one single example. She also said that the needs of young people differ significantly from Ward to Ward in Latrobe and this is a major factor that needs to be addressed. We need to set ways that the needs in each ward can be separately and collectively addressed. She said it will be imperative that the already established Latrobe Youth Governance Committee and the Latrobe Youth Space play an active role in this process. Once the consultations and the committees work is complete she would hope that a significant youth strategy that will identify young people’s needs within the Latrobe City and in each ward individually that will be adopted by Council and used by the various agencies to promote working together. She emphasized that will not be a documents that just sits on the shelf but a document that is actually acted upon funded and implemented by Council. She said she had been talking to a number of young people that just hang around Hazelwood Village which through no other reason accept being present might intimidate shoppers and families utilising the supermarket, food outlets, post office and other shops. She said the young people tell me they are there because there is nowhere else to go and nothing else to do She also pointed out that these types of issues were common across the whole Latrobe City and said she had spoken to young people from communities in Boolarra and Budgeree to the inner areas of Traralgon.
11.01.2022 Melissa Ferguson Candidate for South Ward in the in the Latrobe City Council election has visited the iconic Gaskin Park in Churchill with the President of the Churchill Football Netball Club Mick Johnson and has identified serious concerns about the dilapidated state of facilities at the venue. Melissa identified serious issues around the change rooms at Gaskin Park including the Umpires facilities. She said the umpires facilities were like a small jail cell. When I visited... Gaskin Park last week I found that there are urgent maintenance works that need to be done on the whole change room building that have been ignored by council for too long she said. Club President Mick Johnson said the change rooms were built over forty years ago and are not up to today’s Occupation Health and Safety Standards and have several structural defects. Melissa discovered that a master plan for the park including the change rooms was done over ten years ago at a substantial cost and to date it had not been acted upon. She doubts it’s even been revisited in that time. She said the one small jail like room with serious defects for up to fourteen umpires on game day and are used by both male and female officials was a disgrace. It is regularly plagued by rats and other vermin. On inspection with officials of the Football Netball Club she found that the outside public toilets at either end of the change room facilities were far from adequate. This put considerable pressure and strain on the toilet facilities in the club’s function/club room facilities according to the Club President. Mr Johnson said There are a lot of problems here that can’t be allowed to continue The facilities at Gaskin Park used by the club are connected to septic and not connected to the main sewer and this had caused problems for many years. Melissa Ferguson is taking up the fight to have the Gaskin Park Master Plan immediately reviewed and take immediate and substantial action to get these urgent works commenced to fix these problems. I was stunned! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I will certainly be demanding that these issues be addressed as an urgent matter by council and I will be fighting for allocations of money by council to step up and fix the problems. Issues regarding the great facilities in South Ward can no longer be ignored. South Ward will no longer be the poor cousin in the Latrobe City. People in the ward need to be given a fair go. We are important too. We only have one voice on council here in the South compared to other wards that have multiple Councillors so our voice needs to be a loud and strong and I will be! Authorised by M. Ferguson, Brewsters Road, Yinnar South, VIC, 3869.
11.01.2022 Melissa shoots from the hip For too long South Ward has been left behind by the Latrobe City Council. Too often do we see the council resources being poured into Traralgon, Moe and Morwell without a thought for beautiful little hamlets like Boolarra and Yinnar and thriving growing communities like Churchill. What's even worse, rubbing salt into the South Ward residents’ wounds is the fact that we are only allocated one Counsellor which is the smallest representation of any ...of the wards in the Latrobe City Council. Some wards have two Councilors and one ward has four. It would be my privilege and honour to be elected as the South Ward Councilor to represent you, I will be a strong and loud voice putting your requests and issue that affect you forward. I will represent you on all issues and wont be tied to any alliances, political party's or in house clubs as a Councilor. I will get things done for you. I will address the real issues that Council actually has direct control over such as planning, roads, rates, drainage, community services, recreation facilities, school crossings, youth services, walking a bicycle tracks and many other every day issues that affect you directly. No longer will I allow South Ward and its residents to be treated as the poor Cousin!
11.01.2022 Why vote for Melissa ? At 43, Melissa is an experienced Community Development worker. Local government plays an important role in fostering community development. Councillors develop a range of strategies, plans and initiatives to help ensure the prosperity and wellbeing of the people in their ward.... Melissa has already identified areas of concern through extensive community consultations in South Ward. She has already developed strategies to get results when elected as your councillor. It is not just about photos and promises, it is about real action and plans to deliver results for you. Make your vote count Authorised by M.Ferguson Brewsters Rd Yinnar South 3869 #mel4sthward2020 #Latrobecity #community #caringforyou #gettingthingsdone #boolarrasouth
11.01.2022 6 ITS OUR 6th BIRTHDAY What an adventure!... It has been 6 years since we opened our doors, We have been blessed with the amazing support from all our loyal customers, we have made great friendships & met some fabulous people. A special thank you to all our staff past & present. This has been a great journey! We have had a very trying year, but we have made it! In celebration of our 6th Birthday we are giving away a $50 voucher! Like and share this post to go in the draw! (Must also like our page!) Winner announced Friday 4th December.
10.01.2022 Source: Latrobe Valley Express Journalist: Michelle Slater #Vote1MelissaFergusonSouthWard2020 #Churchill #Churchill #Boolarra #Yinnar #yinnarsouth #Jumbuck #Jeeralang #JeeralangJunction #Delburn #Budgeree #Boolarrasouth #Mirboo #Darlimurla
10.01.2022 #16daysofactivism #respectvictoria #orangedoor
09.01.2022 In light of the recent storms that ravaged Victoria, we want to ensure that you are keeping safe. We have provided the following advice for households who are without power as the severe weather event continues
09.01.2022 It is great to see our local businesses preparing for restrictions to lift
09.01.2022 I noted Ruth McGowan former Mayor of Baw Baw Shire and political advisor's comments about dummy candidates. In some political circles these are called "Running Mates" so another candidate can get preferences! This practice is illegal and I do not support these type of practices. In saying this I am the first and only candidate in South Ward to publicly show my preferences and how I am asking voters who support me to cast their vote. As you will see from my preferences I supp...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Congratulations to our new Latrobe City Mayor Sharon Gibson #LatrobeCity
05.01.2022 A farmer's recommendation
05.01.2022 What a great way to help our local economy :) We have some lovely local gift shops such as the Yinnar General Store to purchase lovely gifts. Feel free to drop a link to your local businesses in the comments. #shoplocal For our local businesses follow the link on the post to register :)
03.01.2022 Community members from Yinnar and surrounding district are advised an Information Centre will be manned by Council officers, today, Sunday 13 June between 10 am... 5 pm at the Yinnar Memorial Hall. Council officers will be able to register residents and provide assistance and referrals to relevant services. Please note, that this isn’t a relief centre, it is a place to seek information. Residents will be able to access power to recharge devices at the Memorial Hall, with a hot shower on offer at Churchill Leisure between 10 am 12 noon. Great news! Yinnar and Morwell Transfer Stations are now open, with access now clear and safe. If you’re not aware, for community members who have spoiled food waste as a result of power outages, you can deposit your waste at our Transfer Stations, on presentation on your driver’s licence or proof of identity that notes your address, for no charge. Please note the following open hours for today and tomorrow Yinnar 9 am -4.30 pm Morwell 9am 2pm Sunday and 8am 2pm Monday, public holiday hours This Information Centre is following all COVID Safe requirements, if you have any questions please let us know via inbox. Yinnar General Store Yinnar Community Hotel Yinnar & District Preschool 2021 Yinnar Community Garden
01.01.2022 Melissa Coordinating the Emergency Fire Relief Program with the Green Blue Crew during the Gippsland Bush Fires. (Military, Police and Paramedics)
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