Melville State Emergency Service in Murdoch, Western Australia | Community organisation
Melville State Emergency Service
Locality: Murdoch, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9332 9219
Address: 13 Bramanti Road 6150 Murdoch, WA, Australia
Likes: 1038
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25.01.2022 Severe Weather Warning for HEAVY RAINFALL For people in Lower West, South West and parts of Central West districts.... Issued at 7:42 am Thursday, 11 June 2020. Showers and thunderstorms associated with the passage of a cold front may produce heavy rainfall over southwest WA this morning. Weather Situation: The passage of a cold front over southwest WA during Thursday morning will produce showers and thunderstorms with the potential for heavy rainfall. Thunderstorms and showers are currently moving through the warning area, and this activity could result in HEAVY RAINFALL which may lead to localised FLASH FLOODING. Heavy rainfall is expected to ease by 11am Thursday. The passage of the front may also produce squally thunderstorms during Thursday morning. Tides will be higher then expected in coastal parts of the warning area. Locations which may be affected include Bunbury, Busselton, Mandurah, Manjimup, Margaret River and Perth. This is typical weather for this time of year but rainfall may cause damage to property and make road conditions hazardous. In the 12 hours from 7:30pm Wednesday to 7:30am Thursday the following rainfall totals have been observed: Dardanup - 55mm Brunswick Junction - 51mm Ferguson Valley - 47mm The Department of Fire and Emergency Services advises that people should: * If outside find safe shelter away from trees, power lines, storm water drains and streams. * Close your curtains and blinds, and stay inside away from windows. * Unplug electrical appliances and do not use land line telephones if there is lightning. * If boating, swimming or surfing leave the water. * Be alert and watch for hazards on the road such as fallen power lines and loose debris. * Keep away from flooded drains, rivers, streams and waterways. * Be careful of fallen trees, damaged buildings and debris. * Be careful of fallen power lines. They are dangerous and should always be treated as live. * Assess your home, car and property for damage. * If damage has occurred take photos and contact your insurance company to organise permanent repairs. * If your home or property has significant damage, like a badly damaged roof or flooding, call the SES on 132 500. City of Melville Town of East Fremantle
25.01.2022 WEAR ORANGE WEDNESDAY Show your support for the State Emergency Service today and wear something orange to work today. If your a vollie, wear your oranges to work! If your work uniform is already orange.........well just wear it Tonight, landmarks like Optus Stadium, Matagarup Bridge and the entries to the Graham Farmer Fwy tunnels will be lit up orange. If you drive past the statue of Eliza in Crawley, snap a photo for us and post it below.... Keep an eye out over the day for some pics of the guys and gals of Melville SES wearing orange. If your up for it, post a photo of you wearing orange at work in the comments below.
24.01.2022 Melville SES will be holding an information night for those that are interested in volunteering with the SES. If you live anywhere in the City of Melville or Town of East Fremantle, or close to these two Local Government Areas, we'd love to see you. We have compiled a list below of some the frequently asked questions. Please keep an eye out here for updates. Q: What time/date will the information night be? A: Tuesday the 28th of July - 19:00. Those wanting to progress will ne...ed to be available on the 4th, 11th and 22nd of August for inductions and training. Q: What does the SES actually do? A: When a natural disaster strikes or an emergency situation arises, SES volunteers can be found providing a wide range of volunteer services to help the community cope from the impact of a disaster. Q: What are the time commitments? A: We train every Tuesday night and there are also courses available on weekends. It is expected that you maintain a 75% attendance at training. Its hard to give time frames for call outs as we can go a month without a call out or have a high volume due to a large storm front. Q: I’m interested in joining, what do I do from here? Please register your interest by emailing [email protected] . For further information please visit * Feel free to post any questions below but please be aware there may be delays in response due to the work commitments of the administrators
23.01.2022 While we were hunkered down indoors last weekend, the SES were out in the storm helping their community. It looks like round 2 is here for the long weekend a...nd although this front is typical for this time of year, it can still pack a punch! Check out the vision of the SES in action last weekend, working through the 500+ requests for assistance - one of which required a bit of help from career firefighters and their Combined Ladder Platform (CLP). This type of job is not something the SES would usually assist with, however the loose roof sheeting on this building had the potential to come loose and blow across Leach Highway, posing a risk to passing motorists! Keep up to date as the situation changes: Find the latest warnings: Keep an eye on the weather: Find your local ABC Radio Station: If you need SES assistance, call 132 500 DFES Incident Videographer Ricky Harvey
22.01.2022 Our thoughts are with you Kalbarri SES with the sudden loss of one of your members. Sincerest condolences from our orange family to yours.
21.01.2022 Well April was a very busy month! We still have members assisting up in Kalbarri with the response. Great work by everyone!
21.01.2022 Good Morning, Please be advised Jesse has been located safe and well, thank you for all your concerns and assistance to help locate.
21.01.2022 Meet Chris! This legend was part of our 2020 recruitment and is currently on his second deployment in Kalbarri. He was part of Taskforce Bravo last month and answered the call to fly up yesterday for a second round. Good on ya Chris! Taskforce Charlie was comprised of 6 members from Melville and we have another member on standby to deploy on Monday. Fantastic effort by all!!... Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA WA State Emergency Service City of Melville
20.01.2022 We're all set Are you? Thing you should be doing today:... Check your gutters and downpipes Move any loose garden or patio furniture into the shed if possible, or tie it down Take any side nets off your trampoline and tie it down. Remove all loose items from around your home If you live in a low rise apartment, please move your balcony furniture and any loose items inside. If Monday is your rubbish/recycling collection day, please don't put your bins out on Sunday as these may be blown over. To keep up to date with the latest warnings visit and Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA City of Melville Town of East Fremantle ABC Perth Fran Logan MLA 7NEWS Perth 10 News First Perth 9 News Perth Community News - Perth
20.01.2022 Today 6 of our members flew to Geraldton as part of Taskforce Charlie to assist with the cleanup from TC Seroja, while one of our members who was part of Taskforce Bravo returned home after 7 days away. Well done all! The hard work is far from over up there.
19.01.2022 Here we go again everyone. Whilst the warning doesn't include the Melville area, it's still worth making sure you don't have loose items around your home. Even a step ladder left standing can be blown over and smash a window. READ THE WARNINGS AND KEEP UP TO DATE Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA City of Melville Town of East Fremantle
19.01.2022 Today is the inaugural 'Thank a First Responder Day'. It’s hard to put into words just how much the individuals in our emergency services mean to us. Over thous...ands of kilometres from our capital city to the remotest corners of our State, those individuals step up to make a difference. Our devastating summer that drew the attention of the rest of the world seems so long ago, considering all that has happened since. First responders have continued to adapt to these challenges to protect and care for those in need. Thank you for battling fires both on our own doorstep and helping our fellow Australians over east, thank you for braving the storms, cyclones and floods and thank you for selflessly facing rough seas to make sure we are safe. This sentiment of thanks is a shared one, and the gratitude is evident in the heartfelt messages we see from the community everyday. Here are just a few of those messages from this past season. #FirstResponderDay #ThankAFirstResponder
18.01.2022 Prepare now for severe weather in parts of Pilbara, Midwest-Gascoyne, Goldfields-Midlands, Perth Metropolitan, Great Southern, South West, Lower South West Publication time: 03:48 PM, 22 May 2020 Locations which may be affected include Albany, Bunbury, Busselton, Carnarvon, Denham, Esperance, Exmouth, Geraldton, Kalbarri, Kalgoorlie, Katanning, Mandurah, Manjimup, Margaret River, Meekatharra, Merredin, Moora, Mount Barker, Mount Magnet, Narrogin, Norseman, Northam, Onsl...ow and Perth. WEATHER DETAILS - Widespread damaging winds, averaging 60 to 70 kilometres per hour with peak gusts to around 100 kilometres per hour are likely and could cause damage to homes and property. - Locally dangerous winds, averaging 80 to 90 kilometres per hour with peak gusts of around 130 kilometres per hour are possible near the low pressure systems during sunday afternoon and overnight. - Residents in coastal areas between exmouth and augusta are specifically warned of the potential of a dangerous storm tide. Tides are likely to rise significantly above the normal high tide mark with damaging waves and dangerous flooding. WHAT TO DO - Trim branches around your home to prevent them falling on your roof or car. - Clear gutters and downpipes so they do not overflow after heavy rain. - Store or weigh down loose objects around your home or work like outdoor furniture that could be picked up and thrown by strong winds, causing damage or injury. - Prepare an emergency kit with a battery operated radio, torch, spare batteries and first aid kit. Keep up to date as the situation changes Find the latest alerts and warnings: Keep an eye on the weather: Find your local ABC Radio Station: When you need SES assistance after severe weather, call 132 500
18.01.2022 Severe Weather Warning for DAMAGING WINDS For people in Lower West, South West, South Coastal, South East Coastal, Great Southern, Central Wheat Belt and parts of Goldfields, Eucla and Central West districts....Continue reading
15.01.2022 Severe Weather Warning for DAMAGING WINDS and ABNORMALLY HIGH TIDES For people in Lower West, South West, South Coastal and parts of Great Southern districts. Issued at 4:54 am Friday, 29 May 2020....Continue reading
15.01.2022 Our first priority is always protecting lives, and misinformation can be deadly. In the past 12 days we’ve had a staggering 2.5 million visits to our alerts and... warnings website, Emergency WA 63% of which were new visitors! We’ve noticed quite a lot of confusion on social media about where to get verified information, so here’s an update on what you can find on Emergency WA. ALERTS AND WARNINGS Since 1 January, we’ve issued 483 alerts and warnings, including 175 Bushfire Emergency Warnings. Our dedicated team is on standby to issue alerts and warnings to you 24/7, which means you get emergency information no matter the time or day. We publish information about fires, cyclones, floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and hazardous material incidents. This information comes directly from the Incident Controller on the ground as well as other agencies involved in the response (Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Power, Main Roads WA, etc), so you can be confident that what you’re seeing on Emergency WA is the latest verified info. INCIDENT AREAS Incident areas are a new addition this season, and can provide you with a better picture of where the fire or other incident has been. These areas are updated when new intelligence becomes available, but it’s important to remember they’re not a real time representation of current incident activity and shouldn’t be used to make your decisions. You need to follow the advice in the warnings. INCIDENT FEED Not every incident escalates to the point of needing a warning but all incidents we attend are displayed on Emergency WA as soon as they are reported through a 000 call. If you’re unsure if an incident has been reported, you can always check the incident feed. The icon on the map marks the approximate location of the incident according to the initial information received. TOTAL FIRE BANS & FIRE DANGER RATINGS Total Fire Bans (TFB’s) are also displayed for the current and following day on Emergency WA. TFB’s can sometimes change on the day, so it’s important to double check the website before you undertake any activities that could breach a TFB. You can find Fire Danger Ratings (FDR’s) for the whole State on Emergency WA. The following day’s ratings are normally published around 4pm. Click on your relevant region to see the FDR and what it means.
14.01.2022 The only source of information you can rely on. DON'T LEAVE IT TILL THE LAST MINUTE TO EVACUATE.... Read the warnings, take action. Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA
13.01.2022 Severe Weather Warning for DAMAGING WINDS in an area including PERTH METRO Issued at 7:45 pm Sunday, 28 June 2020.... A strong cold front is approaching the west coast and will move through southwest WA during Sunday night and Monday morning. This front is expected to be fairly strong, and there is a lot of lightening activity in it. Is has hit the south west capes and is expected to impact Perth Metro around 10pm tonight. If you require SES Assistance call 132 500 In a life threatening emergency call 000. ABC Perth City of Melville Town of East Fremantle
11.01.2022 Interested in volunteering with us? Live anywhere in City of Melville, Town of East Fremantle or surrounding suburbs? We are running an information session on July 28th. See our previous post for more information.... Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA
10.01.2022 Last night we held our Annual General Meeting and our new committee was voted in. Congratulations the our new and re-elected members. We also presented one of our members with life membership. He is one of only 4 members to have been given this honour in our 44 year history. Congratulations to you Anthony.
09.01.2022 This week we had a visit from one of the Western Power Emergency Response Vehicles. They showed us the different equipment they carry to safety deal with incidents involving the electrical network. Stay safe. If you see a downed powerline, keep at least 8m away and call Western Power on 13 13 51. Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA City of Melville Town of East Fremantle
06.01.2022 It was an early start to the day for two of our members. Anthony and Andrew have been up at our headquarters since 6am doing some preparation. Our question to you, what are YOU doing to prepare for the incoming storm? Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA Fran Logan MLA
05.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE this warning has been cancelled. The immediate threat of severe weather has passed. For the latest information visit --- ...Take action with severe weather coming in parts of the Perth Metropolitan, South West Update time: 05:37 PM, 14 January 2021 If you live in parts of Lower West and South West districts you should take action and stay safe with severe weather to come. Locations which may be affected include Dwellingup, Ellenbrook, Harvey, Kalamunda, Midland and Mundaring. Although gusty easterly winds are typical for this time of year, they are expected to be stronger than usual. WEATHER DETAILS: The Bureau of Meteorology advised a developing high pressure system to the south of the State will result in a surge of strong easterly winds across the Darling Escarpment and foothills. Damaging winds averaging 50 to 60 km/h with peak gusts of up to 90 km/h are possible about the hills and foothills in the Lower West and northern parts of the South West districts. This could cause damage to homes and property during the early hours of Thursday morning. The risk of damaging winds is most likely to ease after around 8:00am AWST on Thursday morning. ROAD CLOSURES AND CONDITIONS: Some roads may be closed Take extra care on the roads and do not drive into water of unknown depth and current. Road information may also be available from Main Roads WA by calling 138 138 or visiting or by contacting your Local Government Authority. WHAT EMERGENCY SERVICES ARE DOING: DFES is monitoring the situation. Keep up to date as the situation changes: Find the latest warnings: Keep an eye on the weather: Find your local ABC Radio Station: If you need SES assistance call 132 500.
03.01.2022 TOTAL FIRE BAN A total fire ban has been declared for the entire bottom half of WA. This doesn't just relate to open fires, it includes backyard fire pits, grinding, cutting, welding etc. Please read up on TFB's so you are aware what you can and can't do.... Let's all play our part to keep WA safe.
02.01.2022 Its been a busy week for us! We've had 36 requests for assistance since last Saturday. All swiftly dealt with by our amazing volunteers. There's been late nights, early starts and lots of wet overalls, but our area came through the last two storms relatively unscathed. Thanks to all the residents who took time to prepare your properties. It's very much appreciated Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA City of Melville Town of East Fremantle WA State Emergency Service
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