Merri Bee Organic Farmacy in Nannup, Western Australia | Shopping & retail
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy
Locality: Nannup, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9756 1408
Address: 3 Thomas Rd 6275 Nannup, WA, Australia
Likes: 1842
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25.01.2022 Please like the WA Forest Alliance page and get it to 10,000 likes
25.01.2022 "There is a 20 times greater chance of catching Kovid -19 with prolonged wearing of a face mask when compared to those who never wore a face mask." Source: U.S.CDC
25.01.2022 New bees have arrived to Merri Bee Organic Farmacy! So many bees have been visiting tulips and tagasaste, but from now on we will be getting honey from all our plantings over many years. We had the opportunity to buy several hives from an organic beekeeper in Perth who is retiring from the industry . Rolf has given a lot of advice to Stewart, who has been obsessed with beekeeping for a few months now, learning all he can. Only 3 stings in 2 days so far.......
25.01.2022 Well the rain is gone and watering by hand the newly established gardens takes up most of every day. Pulled out a lot of garlic last eve , the soil is still wet about 4 inches down, the grass still green where no watering takes place. Photosynthesis carries on with the toughest of plants ( kikuyu and a legume of some kind) So thankful for the dense cooling mat of grass that protects the soil from UV and heat. Here's a little more about us, particularly my amazing partner Stew , thanks to Katrina Lombardo.
25.01.2022 Hear this . Dr Natasha Campbell McBride talking about the many groups of people who can be helped with GAPS nutritional protocol ,. Including how Dr N came up with the diet and some great questions from the hosts, who themselves healed their son of OCD
25.01.2022 Proud to be green.
25.01.2022 Looking forward to running farm tours for the 5 weekends of the festival, start August 14th ! Here is what it says on their website: Merri Bee Organic Farmacy - Open Friday Saturday & Sunday Location: 48 Thomas Rd Nannup Enquiries: Stewart Seesink & Bee Winfield 9756 1408 Times Open: Open for tours every Friday Saturday and Sunday at 10.30am and 3pm [ 62 more words ]
24.01.2022 Nannup Flower and Garden Festival will have another stall today and tomorrow. We will be selling compost and seeds and potted thyme plants ( in pure compost) outside the caravan park !
23.01.2022 If we transition our farmlands to regenerative organic practices all anthropogenic carbon emissions would be sequestered in the soil. This is from the Rodale Institute. Share the great news that organic farming builds the soil and unless we all eat organic we have only 60 harvests left.
22.01.2022 Weve been having fun meeting lots of people on farm tours! Yesterday at 10.30 we had 2 wonderful ladies who braved a cold morning, and at 3 pm we had a procession of 17 or so . It was great to learn some tips from our tourists and many expressed their appreciation for the tips and tricks they learnt from us. Our canny Malaysian friends car pooled to the max so it cost them $2 each to do the tour! Air quality wins as well!
21.01.2022 Babies everywhere! Lambs , piglets and chickens all born in time for farm tours. A heavily pregnant cow, Belinda, may drop her calf soon , and it seems everywhere we went on farm tours yesterday afternoon, procreation was happening. Alby was quite a nuisance as Matilda is on heat. Even the goats next door were mating and our sow and boar were getting amorous . Thanks to Karen for keeping us on track and on time !
21.01.2022 What will next weeks honey be honey bees? The Farmacy has exploded into a riot flowers, some "insignificant" like coprosma, maple and oak, some herbal like sage honeysuckle and comfrey, and some so showy like red hot pokers, roses and fuschia. Plenty for a bee to choose from anyway . Listen to the birds and bees
21.01.2022 Just watched Sacred Cow , a new film out by Dianna Rogers and Rob Wolfe . It is really fantastic. A thorough explanation of how animals build soil and why we need to support regenerative farmers . I especially liked Joel Salatin's comments about connectedness with the Earth. . You can watch the film and share link! And it was cool to see my name in the credits!
20.01.2022 Well they say "The show must go on!" but Sunday really was quite meiserable at Merri Bee Organic Farmacy.... just a trifle wet for farm tours. We went ahead with the morning tour for Permaculture students from Fair Harvest but cancelled the afternoon tour in view of the wonderful wet weather. It rained all night and all day and the next night. Could it be that regenerative grazing is helping? Starting the return to Earths safe climate? It just could be. Thanks to all those supporting and doing regenerative grazing. Dont know if I convinced our vegan friends of the vital importance to their health ,and to plant Earths health, of regenerative grazing and a bit of quality eggs meat and fermented dairy in their diet. Im sure they left with something to think about , anyway.
20.01.2022 Nice looking field of Dunn peas and broadbeans, thanks to the piggies plowing in May.
20.01.2022 Our flowers have been feeding other peoples bees for many years. And thats lovely, but time we had some hives of our own. Hopefully we do a good job at bee keeping.
20.01.2022 I recently qualified as a certified GAPS coach, following a 4 month full time course in 2020. Our farm, whilst regenerating fertile soil, prides itself on increasing diversity in the plant, animal and fungal world. We produce organic raw fermented probiotics, pasture fed meats charcueterie , eggs , organic fruit, nuts and vegetables . We stand well placed to not only coach those seeking to become healthy by literally rebuilding their body from quality materials, but to ...provide the building materials! We grow many medicinal herbs as well. We are are particularly grateful to Dr Natasha Campbell McBride for her knowledge of not only allopathic medicine ( it's benefits and harms) but also her deep respect for pure science, the human body and Mother Nature. Her knowledge of traditional Russian wisdom and her uncanny ability to pass all this on is truly amazing as any of her meny talks on You Tube attest. As her faithful student I feel capable of guiding people to reach true wellness. I believe the GAPS protocol can help every person and every family, as it is all about restoring a healthy gut microbiome. I would like to encourage you to make contact if you would like to set off on the path to regenerating your health! Interestingly it takes 2 to 5 years to transform dust into wonderful soil, and it can take that long to build back a person's health, but oh what a wonderful transformation awaits. See more
20.01.2022 Habiba!!!! Habiba is thriving, I thought it was near impossible but the will of the people there in Egypt is so strong! A movie has been made called Return of Eden. Im seeing the date circle growing well, my family put up the $ to buy the date palms and I helped to plant them. I see it all flourishing and wonder if my Nannup composting worms are something to do with it, the ones I bought over in my hand luggage. Im kind of over whelmed!
19.01.2022 This is an awesome sight. So many people showing lists of drugs they no longer have t take because they have moved to a animal foods based diet.
19.01.2022 Heat waves are caused by deserts , and deserts grow where ever there are heatwaves. Conversley, vegetation generates rain. When we set out to prevent or reverse deserts, there is a lot of effort for little return, but that effort will pay off . We have been growing trees.....tough species that will survive in hot , dry conditions. That may be a hill near you! We have cork oaks, Desert Ash, Aloe Aborescens, willows for wetter areas, stone pines for pine nuts, Wisteria ( fixes Nitrogen and looks spectacular in spring) plenty of succulents , bottle trees, lavender and geraniums.....all grown in compost. The Bambusa Olhameii are still alive but yet to flourish . We also have seeds of tagasaste, guavas, Japanese Raisons to name a few. So if you want to do something wonderful, please make contact !
19.01.2022 Love it when politicians lies are exposed. Yay for this letter in the South Western times by John Vukovich
19.01.2022 This is very good. Adam Bandt shows how rich some Australians are with rice, and points out how big Gas, coal and Oil companies dont pay a cent in tax. How can this be right?
18.01.2022 Folks, I need your help. Our South West WA native forests are diminishing and we need to protect whats left. Our state government is losing money on native forest logging. There is an opportunity to create thousands of good jobs in plantations and other related forest industries. ... Our forests need your help - Theyre being cut down for woodchips and charcoal. They should be storing carbon, producing oxygen, creating rainfall, providing a bee and honey industry, supporting cultural and eco-tourism, and maintaining biodiversity by providing habitat for Western Australias unique flora and fauna. So, here is where you come in. Photo: Harris River State Forest, north of Collie Please, talk with every group you belong to and propose a letter be sent to the government on behalf of their membership, requesting an end to the logging and destruction of native forests. Let them know this is important to you and that you expect all native forests on state land to be protected. Together, we can achieve this. Not a member of a group? No worries, you can send a letter as an individual too - every action counts. Your voice is powerful. Your actions will be noticed by the government. Collectively, we can influence government policies. Please send the letters and share this request to help our forests, our future, and our planet. Now is the time to end native forest logging. INFO AND TEMPLATES No time to write a letter? Add your name to our Email The Ministers campaign: Email The Ministers For our future, Diane Evers Greens Spokesperson for Forests
18.01.2022 We made a wigwam for the geese to lay eggs in. Hope they feel free to lay lots of their wonderful big eggs as they cell graze their way around the paddock in electro net fence. Best thing is tipping their pooey pond water out on an apple tree every day before refilling. Also how they transform Kikuyu grass into a sea of manure !
18.01.2022 For 3 months we have been losing ducks, geese and chooks, including my precious silky bantams and 9 young meat birds, to foxes. Last night we were blessed when a professional shooter came down from Collie. Half an hour later at around midnight we heard 4 shots and this was the result. K&A Rural Pest control, so grateful for your skill, time and investment in gear. Highly recommend we with fox problems get organized . Get together in your respective districts and get Kelvin in for a night to deal with them.
17.01.2022 A lot of great links in this nutshell.
17.01.2022 Dont give up meat until you learn the real truth behind meat, the environment and your health.
17.01.2022 Hi All, working on having a stall in Nannup this weekend selling compost, seeds and potted plants.
16.01.2022 The Royal Commission into the bushfires was released today.
16.01.2022 Well here we see it, finally. Sadly most of my trump hating friends left a long time ago and may take years to realize how they were mislead. But if any one remains, watch from the 30 minute mark. Please.
15.01.2022 Merri Bee berries will be at Margaret River Farmers market this WEDNESDAY, 7.30 till 11.30 am. We will also have garlic in gift bags ....and more
14.01.2022 So loving that tourists are enjoying the flowers and the science were sharing on Merri Bee Organic Farmacy tours. 10.30 and 3 pm on Friday, saturday and sundays except if it is pouring rain!
14.01.2022 I recently qualified as a certified GAPS coach, following a 4 month full time course in 2020. Our farm, whilst regenerating fertile soil, prides itself on increasing diversity in the plant, animal and fungal world. We produce organic raw fermented probiotics, pasture fed meats charcueterie , eggs , organic fruit, nuts and vegetables . We stand well placed to not only coach those seeking to become healthy by literally rebuilding their body from quality materials, but to ...provide the building materials! We grow many medicinal herbs as well. We are are particularly grateful to Dr Natasha Campbell McBride for her knowledge of not only allopathic medicine ( it's benefits and harms) but also her deep respect for pure science, the human body and Mother Nature. Her knowledge of traditional Russian wisdom and her uncanny ability to pass all this on is truly amazing as any of her meny talks on You Tube attest. As her faithful student I feel capable of guiding people to reach true wellness. I believe the GAPS protocol can help every person and every family, as it is all about restoring a healthy gut microbiome. I would like to encourage you to make contact if you would like to set off on the path to regenerating your health! Interestingly it takes 2 to 5 years to transform dust into wonderful soil, and it can take that long to build back a person's health, but oh what a wonderful transformation awaits. See more
14.01.2022 Beyond Meat, Beyond Belief: A Human Health, Animal Welfare and Environmental Catastrophe !
14.01.2022 What are the main benefits of consuming Kefir? Thanks to Dr Josh Axe for his combing the scientific literature :"Studies have found that consumption of kefir has been associated with improved digestion and tolerance to lactose, antibacterial effect, hypocholesterolaemic effect, control of plasma glucose, anti-hypertensive effect, anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidant activity, anti-carcinogenic activity, anti-allergenic activity and healing effects. Yogurt provides probiotics, vitamins and minerals, health benefits associated with yogurt consumption include support for gut health, cholesterol metabolism, antimicrobial activity, tumor suppression, increased speed of wound healing, and modulation of the immune system including the alleviation of allergy and asthma symptoms."
13.01.2022 Hear Mark Tupman talking about commercial composts as opposed to compost made at home with care.
12.01.2022 Sir David is 93, has spent a life time bringing the wonders of Nature into our living rooms and is terribly concerned about climate change and loss of habitat for wildlife. His latest 2020 documentary falls a little short on solutions, I feel. He suggests we all eat less meat and that we grow vegetables in huge indoor set ups such as Holland has perfected. Allan Savory however, just as deeply concerned about Earth, has dedicated his life to figuring out how landscape function...s. He realised long ago that if the land was green and photosynthesizing it was cool ( cool as in temperature and cool as in "taken care of") He then realised that to stay green for the longest time in brittle ( seasonally dry) environments, grass lands need to be pruned off by animals on a regular basis. The grasses need the animals to eat ,trample and pooh and wee on them to be healthy and to spout anew. If grass isnt pruned it goes 'rank" ( brown dry, unpalatable) After more than a year without being grazed the grass turns grey and just sits there forever then. The only other way grass can be renewed to become green and growing again ( and pumping excess atmospheric carbon underground via photosynthesis) is by burning it. But that's a terrible alternative to tightly bunched and moving herds of ruminants! Burning it contributes to climate change on a massive scale and instead of the dry grass turning into rich soil in the rainy season, it's lost to the sky....becomes part of the legacy load of CO2 and the soil degrades. But man is resorting to burning as its easier than herding animals. I so hope Allan Savory will get to explain all this to David A, and why not Greta Thunberg too? Then Greta and David can stop promoting veganism, a totally false solution. The solution to climate change is that we support the farmers and ranchers rotationally grazing ruminants by buying their products. In the same stroke people will become healthier as meat and fat are what we evolved to eat most of See more
12.01.2022 Was great to host a soil course and the first farm tours of the Nannup Flower and Garden Festival. Thanks Lee Jones for helping us on the weekend!
12.01.2022 We have added 6 bee hives to our menagerie here, I wasnt sure if we could cope but Stewart is obsessed with bees. He loves them! And true to Stew form, he is "bee"vering away, building new frames and boxes at all hours of night and day to be prepared for a swarming event. All the native and exotic flowering plants we have been growing here for many years are now yielding permaculture honey and I feel happier than ever when I admire a beautiful flower and see it has OUR visiting it ! And the first honey has been extracted and it is really delightful, probably the nicest honey anyone round here has ever tasted! We will have a small jar of about 330 gms for $8.50, and a giant 2 liter jar for $52.00 but of course we offer the $5 refund if you bring a clean 2 litre jar along. Stew will be at Margaret River market this saturday morning. I will conduct farm tours at 10.30 am and 3 pm See more
12.01.2022 Merri Bee Organic Farmacy is a multigenerational family farm that is modelled on nature to produce delicious foods that are healthy, safe, and nutritious . Our animals are engaged in regenerative grazing, building topsoil out of atmospheric carbon, and are always humanely treated. We offer educational tours, internships and soil improvement courses.
12.01.2022 An attempt to re home Alby resulted in 1.5 K comments in 24 hours , so much hate , I took it all down at that point. We had something like 40 offers to take Alby but chose a local.lady with many children . Why do humans do judgmental commenting? If people only knew a bit more before commenting..... but to belatedly give some context, as if I should have to, and as if those hankering for someone to hate for a few days will be changed by this attempt to.provide context, let... me explain. I was given Alby to look after for 6 weeks, when he was 18 months old, and he had had 3 homes before us. In 1 of those places he was abused by a male, that was clear. So when the owner never came back in 6 weeks we were glad. This was about 9 years ago. He is not an old dog, has always acted like an old boy but is fit, healthy and slow paced. He is just not suited to guarding . He is a lover not a fighter. He is a star attraction for our , but more than a sweet dog we need a guard dog . Its not like he's ever been that keen on guarding. ...not like he's given us great service and is now worn out, or has medical issues. Of course we would keep an old dog who has given us loyal help for his or her whole life and was now too old to keep doing that. No, he's in his prime and will make this big family very happy... and we can get a dog that will help keep our poultry from cruel deaths by fox . Alby will latch his new mother as quickly as he latched on to me Im sure of it, but if I'm.wrong and I'm it, and he is pining he will have to come back. The lady understands that. For my sin of trying to re home him in his and everyone else's best interests the pitchforkers left 26 bad reviews on our page. Just so you know. I had to laboriously block and report them.all till 3 am . Their slander will remain on there. So what good are face book reviews,? easy to use as weapon. Easy to leave , impossible to remove. See more
11.01.2022 No pictures .....YET.....but today I got a phone call from Rod, I remebered him from a farm tour where he listened intently and then cleverly bought a 10 liter bag of fungal dominated vermi compost from us. He rang to tee up another bag which he will pick up from the market tomorrow. He was over the moon to report that his orchard had been transformed by the bucket of compost. He said he thought his orchard had always looked unhealthy becuase of its proximity to some gumtrees..., but the compost had made his orchard "go ballistic" . He had little pears all over a pear tree that has not born fruit for 8 years, he told me. I hope to film an interview with Rod tomorrow to give us all more details, But yes, I shared that an ancient plum tree we inherited had burst into life and given us several cratefuls of large delicious fruit after a compost tea application. You can learn how to make compost this good at our "From Dirt to Living Soil" event . Seems we deliver enormous value for little outlay ! See more
10.01.2022 Another day, another pair of farm tours, and meeting wonderful gardeners from far and wide. We are in the process of installing a water chestnut pond, and will have potted water chestnuts for sale. The potting medium is 100% compost. By the end of Autumn, after a summer in a pond, the pots should be full of delicious crunchy water chestnuts. Join us on a tour today or tomorrow at 10.30 am and 3 pm
10.01.2022 The Australasian Society of Building Biologists have a position paper on 5G . It has many references attached, too numerous to put here but look them up. Their 5 G white paper goes like this: "5 G refers to the 5thgeneration (not 5GHz bandwidth) of mobile communication technology that will fundamentally change the way we live, work and travel. 5G promises better coverage, greater download speeds and low latency that will provide the infrastructure to enable driverless car...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Well we just ran a course but didnt take a single photo! Thanks to Liz ad Lily for this one!
09.01.2022 Egyptian postive attitude was very inspiring. Glad I took this photo of a bamboo shade roof . Hoping to find time away from watering to do a lot of bamboo building. We've made two panels in 2 days and they are working as tomatoe plant trellises for now but will later be assembled into a hut. So fun to find the best type of bamboo for each component. In harvesting bamboo we are rejuvenating the clumps and/or controlling those that are encroaching into other plant's space.
08.01.2022 transcript of R. Kennedy Jrs speech in Berlin: "TRANSCRIPT Thank you everybody. (applause) Back at home in the United States, the newspapers are saying that I came here today to speak to about 5,000 Nazis. And tomorrow theyre gonna report that, yes, I was here and spoke to maybe 3-5,000 Nazis. And I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people who love democracy, people who want open government, people who want leaders that arent gonna lie to them, pe...Continue reading
07.01.2022 7 chicks so far, made their entrance during the second day of the soil course. Tough little ones because they obviously did not die the night before.... In my cleaning frenzy I accidentally dislodged the power cord and did not notice till morning. We turned the incubator back on immediately and 12 hours later the first cheeping was heard!
07.01.2022 Yes indeed climate change here is bad. But the summer rain we got and the first winter in a decade which enjoyed avegare rainfall, is just a reminder of how things use to be: hay everywhere, cattle blooming, lots of dry and evne green feed ahead of them. Sweet.This article is way too rosy. Can you see why? 2 reasons...
07.01.2022 Diana Rogers on methane: It’s repeated over and over again: cow farts are ruining our planet - they’re worse than the transportation industry! Not only is a red herring for the fossil fuel industry, but it reflects a poor understanding of methane and the carbon cycle. Before we chat more, let me clear the air (pun intended): Cattle don’t really fart methane; they mostly belch it as a part of their digestive process. Let’s be accurate, shall we?So what’s the difference between... the carbon impacts from cattle versus fossil fuels? Methane emitted from cattle are part of the natural, or biogenic carbon cycle, whereas fossil fuels are not. Fossil fuels come from ancient carbon that has been locked underground for millions of years, and when it is extracted, it’s adding new carbon to the atmosphere, which lasts thousands of years.In the case of cattle, they are transforming existing carbon, in the form of grass and other fibrous materials, into methane as part of their digestive process. Methane is then belched out and after about 10 years, is broken back down into water and carbon dioxide molecules. The CO2 and H2O are cycled back to grow more grass and the cycle continues.What’s more? Cattle up-cycle nutrients. They convert grass and other plants that are of little nutrient value to humans into high-quality protein while improving the quality of our soil. Can our cars do that? So the next time you hear someone say that cows are the culprit of climate change, pull back this methane smoke screen of the fossil fuel industry and say: It’s not the cows, its the cars. See more
06.01.2022 For skin gatherings and tumors my herbal books say mash up and make a mixture of the following herbs/weeds in equal parts : Ground Ivy ( Glechoma Hederacea) , Groundsel (Senico Vulgaris) and Ragwort . That is groundsel on the left
06.01.2022 You had to be brave in the Eastern states to come out and protest against medical mandates.
05.01.2022 Just for the record, I believe corona virus is a bad bug, it is most likely an escape from a lab. Although I know no one who knows anyone in their social circle, who has had it, I do have a relative who has had it: my sister ( lives in Victoria as do my parents ) . I believe we have to boost our immune systems to cope because we have to eventually be exposed and develop immunity to this and whatever else. Boosting immunity is all about replenishing the gut microbiome on a d...aily basis with organic fermented foods, both dairy and vegetables. It is about healing and sealing leaky gut membranes with meat stock. It is about removing irritants to the gut ( gluten, lectin, oxylate, phytates etc. and other plant defense chemicals ) so our diets cannot be plant based. We need to supply the building blocks of protein and fat to our bodies so they can make healthy cells, make hormones, replenish neuro trnasmitters and rejuvenate our heavy skeleton, liver, brain, heart , lungs. Boosting immunity is about removing toxic load from our bodies as much as we can by sweeping our houses of toxic furnishings, pesticides, personal care and cleaning products. 2 things that destroy immunity are vaccinations and electro magnetic radiation. I am sure only the wise will survive the coming challenges. I want you to be one of the wise, and do all you can to fight 5 G and forced vaccinations. one of the wise.
05.01.2022 Delicious and healthy. Wonder if you can make a healthy pavlova with honey?
05.01.2022 Merri Bee berries will be at Margaret River Farmers market this WEDNESDAY, 7.30 till 11.30 am. We will also have garlic in gift bags ....and more
04.01.2022 Best season for a while but also compost extract at work we think
03.01.2022 Please join the Prescribed Burning? Face Book page. On it you will find this most eloquent comment by Dr Carol Peters" Excellent letter Bart (congrats to the persistence of all who support the work of the DFSG), there can be no holding back from the facts, no matter how often the Department of Burning Attractions, whoops, the DBCA, uses the same tired words in an attempt to sugar coat the facts. Those carefully observed and photographically recorded facts include many shockin...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Wonderful compost and the food we grow in it heading To Margaret River farmers market this saturday . See you there!
02.01.2022 Amazing how fast baby animals grow! The chicks are now between 1 and 2 weeks old, and are no longer scared of people because Bee has been feeding them bugs about 4 times a day.
01.01.2022 We absolutley loved showing no less than 15 groups of people just a snippet of Merri Bee Organic Farmacy, our permaculture Zoo here in Nannup during the Flower and Garden Festival. These tours proved to more than one farmer you can farm without chemicals . And the smiles at the end told me people are relieved and happy to know this.
01.01.2022 Spring is in the air, and the farmacy is bursting into bloom! Geese , ducks and chooks are laying, eggs are in the incubators and the pace of life better pick up if we are to be ready for Nannup flower and garden fest farm tours .
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