Mindbodynurture with Pete | Mental health service
Mindbodynurture with Pete
Phone: +61 447 722 139
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23.01.2022 These two love an adventure - I swear we come to this playground 3x a week, and every time they find something new to explore/play with. Kids are experts at this stuff - watching their imagination play out can teach us big kids a lot of lessons!
18.01.2022 Ever started a new diet, routine or exercise plan and found even if you kept consistent with it - you struggled to see results? Unfortunately this is a reality for so many in the age of information - too many opinions, theories and conflicting messages, I don’t blame anyone for struggling to figure out where to start.. So what’s the go? How does one lose the weight, improve their physical or mental health without unrealistic diets or routines? ... HEALTH COACHES! Of course, not every success story has a HC behind them - but increasingly people are turning to health coaches to help them find the simple and effective changes for their body and mind. Health coaches are a perfect companion to dive deeper on what lifestyle, nutrition and mindfulness changes can help you find your health and well-being with minimal effort and big results. We are trained in all dietary theories, healthy lifestyle choices and the full spectrum of primary foods that can help you create a balanced and healthy new you!
12.01.2022 MONEY MIND-SET This one is a fresh one for me and my family personally - our relationship with money has been tragic to say the least! Our mindset towards money and our relationship with our finances have MASSIVE impacts on our health in almost every way perceivable! ... For as long as I can remember, I have been afraid of my bank accounts, loans and bills! Always behind on bills, sacrificing self-care and opportunities for irresponsible spending and lack of awareness of where our money needs to go. This all ended last week - I sat down and created a budget plan for our money, allocating money to self-care aspects such as holidays, savings, beauty and health spendings etc. as well as putting enough money aside for bills each pay so we aren’t living paycheck to paycheck. Money has always held me back, I ebbed and flowed between avoiding my finances to over-stressing about them when we were in financial stress. Between ignoring my responsibility to then being so unhealthily fixated on how bad the situation was - I never managed to do anything about it! The physical, emotional and spiritual relief I have felt from creating a budget we can stick to has seen us already save more then we ever thought we could, spend money on the things we love and have ample money for bills when we need it! All with the same income as before - treating money and finances as a primary food has great health impacts and can help you better manifest the life of your dreams. What is your relationship with the primary food of Finances?
10.01.2022 WE MUST END OUR FEAR OF FATS After following unsound scientific conclusions that fat was the leading cause of heart disease and cancer in the 60s, 70s and 80s - we now know from further study and research that % of fats in diet has little to no affect on CHD and cancer. The transverse has been found when fats were excluded and carbs replaced them - which the western food pyramid suggested we do! Healthy fats are our friend! Nuts, avocados, olive and coconut oils, high quality cheese and creams etc. are all something we should be embracing and not avoiding!
09.01.2022 FATHERHOOD I always knew I wanted to have a family, but I never quite saw it happening at 20! Becoming a father at such a young age has been transformative in every conceivable way. When my eldest was born I was merely a boy, I didn’t understand responsibility, self-care, nutrition, how to be present or mindful and I certainly did not understand how to be a good partner or father. I was addicted to being distracted, avoidant of stress and shied away from any sort of... responsibility - often having to be pushed and pulled by my loved ones to move forward in life. I was not in my integrity and didn’t have any ambition or desires for myself or my family. COVID hit and we were homeless (living with family), jobless and directionless - and I was inconceivably content with being the victim and finding comfort in a situation I /thought/ I had no ability to control. I was facing separation from my partner and family when it all started to click. As a lover and father it is my role to lead my family to safety, security and our dreams. I had spent over 3 years being complacent, waiting for the life I (never) dreamed of to come to me - expecting that life just happens, that it’s not created. Since mid-2020 I have been on a fierce and painful journey, ripping up all of my insecurities and fears - searching the depths of my soul for what I truly want to achieve in this life, the father I want to be for my gorgeous girls and the partner I want to be for my dearest, who has always pushed me to realise my true potential and loved me with the utmost love and compassion. Through the past 6 months I have grown from an uninspired boy with no passion for life - to an awakened father, lover and self-lover. I will be harnessing this journey and it’s many lessons to help others on their own journeys to love, health and happiness. Health is found when you are present with yourself and intentionally taking steps towards better each and every day. Journal, meditate, exercise, eat good food (and bad food sometimes too), trust yourself and don’t forget to look up at the world around you - it’s why we’re here. Pete
03.01.2022 SELF-CARE We’re all busy right? I know I am, with 2 daughters below 4 but! Regardless of your schedule, responsibilities and commitments - taking time to take care of yourself and slow down should absolutely be your #1 priority! Whatever this looks like for you, whether it’s meditation, yoga, long showers, massages or even just a walk in the park! Make time every day to have at least 5 minutes of YOU time where you are focused on your body, mind and be without distracti...on of your busy day - you’ll have time for that later! What does your self-care routine look like?