Minnamurra Progress Association Inc. in Minnamurra, New South Wales | Community organisation
Minnamurra Progress Association Inc.
Locality: Minnamurra, New South Wales
Address: Progress Hall, Minnamurra Public School 2533 Minnamurra, NSW, Australia
Likes: 124
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25.01.2022 You can join us with Zoom tonight https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7583839318
23.01.2022 On-going Matters: 1. At their invitation, Graeme, Aapo and I met with Kiama Councils two new Directors last Friday, Mike Dowd, Engineering & Works and Jessica Rippon, Planning & Environment (incl DAs). It was a positive meeting where the new Directors wanted to find out as much as possible about Minnamurra Progress and our interests, and wanted to assure us that they stood ready to assist the Association and its members in any way they could. They have also been invited to ...attend future meeting when appropriate. 2. Kiama Council last night passed an amendment to the draft Precinct Committee Guidelines to clearly differentiate MPAs area and responsibilities from that of the relatively new North Kiama Precinct Committee (Kiama Downs) which previously overlapped with MPA. 3. Given the cancellation of next months meeting, if any item comes up that may impact Minnamurra residents and you want us to assist or act on this, please send an email or contact us via Messenger with any details and we will follow-up the matter as best we can. In the meantime, well all practice social distancing and I trust you and your families keep well and are not unduly effected by this national emergency.
22.01.2022 1st June Meeting 7:15pm Tuesday Guest Speaker: Aapo Skorulis A volunteer with Kiama SES1st June Meeting 7:15pm Tuesday Guest Speaker: Aapo Skorulis A volunteer with Kiama SES
22.01.2022 We're reviewing the Kiama Development Control Plan (DCP) 2012 and want your feedback. There's a draft on public exhibition which you can read and make submissions about. http://ow.ly/mwK550y7CdZ
22.01.2022 Found at Rangoon Reserve, Rangoon Road, Minnamurra. Get in touch if its yours!
22.01.2022 Transport for NSW has recently advised Kiama Municipal Council that it has been successful in gaining funding from the Australian Government Black Spot Program for the 2020/21 financial year. The Australian Government Black Spot Program targets specific road locations where crashes are occurring to reduce the risk of further crashes. Transport for NSW crash data has shown three injury crashed had occurred in the vicinity of this location.... Kiama Municipal Councils Road Safety Officer applied for funding through the Black Spot Program following community concerns and requests from the Manager of the Kiama Golf Club, Mr David Rootham to improve speed limits and pedestrian safety in Federal Ave, Minnamurra. Federal Ave is a local street that runs from Riverside Drive, Kiama and connects to the village of Minnamurra. Kiama Golf Course is divided by Federal Avenue and has high levels of pedestrian activity and local traffic, the location is a crossing point for golfers crossing the roadway to access the golf course from one side to another. Approximately 110 golfers cross this road every day, 7 days a week. The current speed limit of 50km/h will be reviewed with the view to lowering the speed to slow drivers at this location. Improvements will be made to Pedestrian Road Safety in Federal Avenue, Minnamurra. This will include a mid-block crossing and advanced warning signs to alert vehicles of pedestrian activity. Work is scheduled to commence in July 2020. The funding amount received for the project is $76,848.
22.01.2022 We will be broadcasting tonight’s meeting live on Facebook, subject to Telstra coverage!
21.01.2022 This Shellharbour ECO Tourist Resort DA0563/2019 is now on public exhibition and submissions close in 48 hours (11/12/2019). The present derelict building is unsightly overlooking Minnamurra River, but we need to make sure any replacement is an improvement and doesnt impact the river or surrounds. Minnamurra Progress Association has just submitted a strong set of questions and objections. Detailed 3D images are on the Council website.
21.01.2022 Just in time for the weekend! Councils construction crew has installed the remaining picnic tables and shelters at James Oates Reserve in Minnamurra. We have o...rdered a replacement for the picnic table stolen last weekend, which should arrive in time for Christmas. The crew has also installed the fish cleaning table next to the boat ramp, and the bench and plumbing will be completed next week. Anyone with information about the stolen picnic table is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1 800 333 000.
21.01.2022 In light of the current restrictions, the upcoming L'Étape Australia by Tour de France Community Consultation meetings have been moved to a single live stream meeting. This will be held through the L'Étape Australia by Tour de France Community Facebook group, and then will be available to watch at your leisure.
21.01.2022 Remainder of November Meeting
21.01.2022 We will be broadcasting tonights meeting via Zoom due to the limited number of people we can have in the hall during the current COVID-19 restrictions. Get in touch by message for details.
20.01.2022 We have released the latest design for the proposed Minnamurra Boardwalk and Cycleway. Since the finalisation of the route of the boardwalk, consultants Cardno... have been working on the detailed design. The design work included feedback provided at community information sessions earlier this year. This guided decisions on the material, furnishing types, signage and construction types for the project. The detailed design is now 65 per cent complete, providing the community to make comment on the design aspect. You can view the latest designs on councils website: www.kiama.nsw.gov.au/your-council/consultations-exhibitions
20.01.2022 For obvious reasons, we just confirm previous advice that the April 7th meeting of the Progress Association is cancelled and the May & June meetings are similarly expected to be cancelled whilst the social distancing and stay at home rules apply. We are very fortunate to be restricted to one of the most beautiful places in NSW. Please let us know if any matters or concerns need attention in Minnamurra and well take it up with Kiama Council. Stay safe.
19.01.2022 Link here - https://www.kiama.nsw.gov.au//strategi/policies-strategies
19.01.2022 Upcoming training for helping our neighbours with mental health issues during this time. 24 August. Registration info in the attached image.
18.01.2022 Sad news yesterday regarding the Boral Sand Mine Expansion
17.01.2022 We're seeking seeking feedback on the Bike Skills Track planned for the Sanctuary Place Quarry, Minnamurra. We've now completed a concept design for the Track, including amenities, car parking, picnic tables, fencing and gates. Details: http://ow.ly/6K0B50ALUYv
17.01.2022 Notice of Meeting: 7:15pm Tuesday 5th November 2019 Picnic Table Theft Whats happening in Minnamurra? Kiama Council is spending $30,000 to improve paths and picnic tables in James Oates Reserve and is installing a Fish Cleaning table for local fishers. However, a new picnic table worth $3,000 was stolen over the weekend barely 24 hours after installation. Does anyone know anything about this? Well discuss this and other matters at the Minnamurra School Progress Hall, Char...les Ave, Minnamurra. Hope to see you at the meeting.
17.01.2022 Here is our submission to Shellharbour City Council with regards to the Eco Tourist Resort DA.
16.01.2022 The latest Kimunico is out and its chock full of quality council news. http://ow.ly/ko7o50yG7Zz
16.01.2022 Were reviewing the Kiama Development Control Plan (DCP) 2012 and want your feedback. Theres a draft on public exhibition which you can read and make submissions about. http://ow.ly/mwK550y7CdZ
15.01.2022 November Meeting - Partial
15.01.2022 We have written a response to the editor (attached below), to the recent overly negative article in the Bugle regarding the Minnamurra Boardwalk. It address some untruthful claims and provides clarity regarding the reasons for the increased financial requirements to complete the Boardwalk.
15.01.2022 It’s on tonight. Watch live on Facebook.
14.01.2022 Were seeking seeking feedback on the Bike Skills Track planned for the Sanctuary Place Quarry, Minnamurra. Weve now completed a concept design for the Track, including amenities, car parking, picnic tables, fencing and gates. Details: http://ow.ly/6K0B50ALUYv
13.01.2022 Hello Progress Members, well be holding our first meeting since early March on Tuesday night, 7:15pm 2 June, via Zoom, over the internet. Please refer to the link emailed out with the agenda this week. No need to go out in the cold winter night - just login from your comfy warm home. Please dont forget to enable your computer or tablet camera & put your hand up if you wish to speak. From experience, it doesnt work if everyone tries to speak at once.
11.01.2022 We're upgrading the existing car park at James Oates Reserve, Minnamurra, and are seeking feedback on the proposed changes. Details: http://ow.ly/87VV50B84DS
10.01.2022 Have Your Say MPA!! - RE: Boral’s proposed sand mining extension (5A & 5B) Come and support Cliff Mason, who will be interviewed by WinTV tomorrow (Tuesday 20th), speaking on behalf of the MPA. Meet us at 1:30pm opposite the Kiama Recycling Depot; and please remember to maintain social distancing :)... Let your friends know!
09.01.2022 VALE - Nellie Delhaas It is with great sadness that we report the sudden passing of Nellie whilst enjoying holidays in North Queensland. Nellie was an active committee member of the Progress Association and delivered our meeting notices in the southern part of Minnamurra. Her ready smile and friendly attitude will be missed by all and our condolences go to husband Wilco and members of her family here and in the Netherlands. Her funeral will be held at Stan Crapp Funerals Kiama at 2pm Friday 21st August, but numbers are extremely limited under OVID-19 rules.
08.01.2022 As an objector to Borals proposed extension to their sand mining operations in Areas 5A & 5B next to the Minnamurra River (their DA Modification 2), we have been advised below by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment that this application is still subject to Government review. However, youll see in the attached letter that a more recent Modification #3 application to use VENM material imported to Dunmore by road transport to extract the sand content and mix ...with their existing dredged sand has been approved. Apart from possible concerns re truck traffic on the highway, i cant see any problems with this, and its obviously being done as they are running out of sand in the existing ponds and need to find a way of meeting demand pending consideration of their plans for areas 5A & 5B. Its important that we keep the pressure on Modification #2 to ensure that if anything is approved, it will only be done if the river and the fauna (like the sea eagle) are fully protected. Please let us know if you have any queries.
08.01.2022 Fabulous job done by a local man, trimming the undergrowth.
08.01.2022 First meeting of the year! Ed Peterson came to discuss the first stage of the Kiama DCP review. In other business - Objection to Dunmore Eco Tourism DA - Restarting momentum for the Minnamurra Boardwalk, as it appears to have stalled. - Council have made some alterations to Public Water taps and Showers in-line with Level 2 Water Restrictions.... - Concerns about unsafe boating in the river - Suggested decrease of Speed Limit south of the bridge And much more. See more
07.01.2022 In the light of todays announcements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and meetings indoor of smaller groups especially in small meeting places, the Executive of Minnamurra Progress has decided to suspend future monthly meetings until further notice. There will definitely be no April meeting and well confirm whether May goes ahead or not nearer the time, but its probably unlikely. Please spread the word around to your neighbours and those not on our email list.
06.01.2022 A reminder that submissions about the detailed design of the Minnamurra Boardwalk close tomorrow (Friday 27 September). If you want to have your say go to: www.kiama.nsw.gov.au/your-council/consultations-exhibitions
06.01.2022 We will be broadcasting the November meeting live on Facebook for those members who are unable to join us on the night. Visit our page from 7pm to watch the live stream. This is instead of having a Zoom meeting.
06.01.2022 In light of the current restrictions, the upcoming Ltape Australia by Tour de France Community Consultation meetings have been moved to a single live stream meeting. This will be held through the Ltape Australia by Tour de France Community Facebook group, and then will be available to watch at your leisure.
05.01.2022 We've finalised the design of the Minnamurra Bike Skills Track at Sanctuary Place Quarry. The design has been refined to include a number of suggestions received while the draft design was on public exhibition. Details: http://ow.ly/gSOS50B336N
05.01.2022 The stuff of dreams!
05.01.2022 Christmas meeting tonight at 7:15pm Developments in Shellharbour LGA impacting Minnamurra residents
04.01.2022 Kiama Council is seeking further funding from the NSW Government to complete the Minnamurra Boardwalk. Councillors have approved the full project, which compri...ses both stage one (overland) and stage two (over the water). They have also voted to seek further funds to complete both stages, as well as an extension to the timeline of the project. The project received $4.5 million in funding in June 2017 via the Transport NSW Walking and Cycling Program. This funding has allowed Council to investigate and determine the route of the Boardwalk and conduct a range of environmental impact assessments. Council also now has a sufficiently detailed design, allowing it to estimate the full cost of the project. The request for further funding has been lodged with the NSW Government.
04.01.2022 On special request, this week's #ThrowbackThursday is about Jones Beach, Minnamurra and Kiama Downs. European settlement of the area started with James McBrien... surveying and mapping the Minnamurra River in April 1825, and the subsequent marking out of land grants. The 800-acres extending from Bombo Point to Minnamurra River was promised to John Cowell in 1825, then sold to Daniel Cooper in 1834 (James Holt was issued the deeds in trust for Daniel, who was then in England). The property was first called 'Hoolong', and later 'Eureka' when it was bought by Captain Charles, who ran Eureka as a dairy farm. Captain Samuel Charles brought great wealth to NSW. He was born in Ireland in 1818. He became a ship's master and travelled the world. When he visited NSW he saw potential and started exporting black coal to the US. He married a Kiama girl called Sarah Ann Gray. Samuel settled down on his dairy farm, Eureka, at Kiama Downs to raise his family. His family home is said to have been located on the now Gainsborough Estate. It is at this time that it is thought that he obtained the James Holt grant at Minnamurra. Much of the newly acquired land at Minnamurra was too rough to farm so he made a deal with the Sydney City Council to supply blue metal used for Sydney roads. He received a royalty of 1000/year. In 1872, Captain Charles, then an alderman, offered to allow a road 40 feet wide through his property from the punt to Kiama. In 1870 the design and specification for a bridge over the Minnamurra River was secured at a cost of 1000, creating an alternative route for traffic that would have formerly travelled via Jamberoo. The second Minnamurra bridge (single lane) was built in 1891 and cost 3000. It remained in use until 1964 when a wider bridge was necessary for modern traffic. The area between Bombo and Minnamurra was owned by the F(E?).C. Jones and C.S. Boyd families for 70 years, from around the 1890s until it was subdivided. Cyril Boyd was the Mayor of Kiama for seven successive years during the 1930/40s. He was also the Chairman of the Kiama Hospital Board during the 1940s. Boyd’s cow paddock, once known as the Monkey Flat race course, was transformed into a 9-hole golf course in 1933/34 (with cows). In 1957, the course was converted to an 18-hole course (today's Kiama Golf Links). After the Second World War, Minnamurra village developed from a weekend and holiday resort to a permanent village. Electric street lights were switched on in 1948 and a water supply scheme, at a cost of 13,000, was outlined in 1953. Around 1960, a new Kiama suburb was created on the land owned by Boyd and Jones, with the subdivision of Kiama Downs between Bombo and Minnamurra by Willmore and Randell, a land development business. Water and electricity were provided for the subdivision, which was developed with Kiama Downs beach as the focal point. The expansion of housing at Kiama Downs brought demand for more building lots, so from 1970, the old quarry land from the Minnamurra River entrance to Kiama Downs was restored for residential development. . . . #throwback #tbt #KiamaRemembers #minnamurra #KiamaDowns #JonesBeach #CathedralRocks #KiamaNSW #LocalHistory #NSWPublicLibraries #KiamaLibrary Gerringong Historical Museum
03.01.2022 It seems the decision on this controversial project will be made by delegated authority, rather than the Independent Planning Commission, as promised. https://thebugleonline.com//decision-on-sandmining-near-m/
03.01.2022 Weve finalised the design of the Minnamurra Bike Skills Track at Sanctuary Place Quarry. The design has been refined to include a number of suggestions received while the draft design was on public exhibition. Details: http://ow.ly/gSOS50B336N
03.01.2022 Kimunico is out for another week, with the latest on Jamberoo Mountain Road, the designs for the Minnamurra Bike Skills Track and more. Read it now: http://ow.ly/mEpN50AN2BM
03.01.2022 Please see preparations for this weekends fire danger by Kiama Council, and suggestions for residents. Please stay safe and monitor the RFS site and Council notices.
03.01.2022 Come and hear about Aapo’s experiences with this great community organisation. 7:15pm Tuesday 1 June, Progress Hall, Minnamurra
02.01.2022 The latest Kimunico is out and it's chock full of quality council news. http://ow.ly/ko7o50yG7Zz
02.01.2022 Kiama Golf Club Over the past 48 hours we have had some well-meaning members of our community attempt to send the club a message about water restrictions by ste...aling 4 sprinklers, vandalising the course and writing abusive messages to the green staff. We think that this stems from the assumption that we are using town or potable water for irrigation. This is not the case, Kiama Golf Course DOES NOT use town or potable water for irrigation. We are fortunate to have access to recycled water which is provided under a supply agreement with Sydney Water under guidelines set by the Department of Health. We take use of this resource very seriously and have a very strict set of operating guidelines for its use. We are very aware of the conditions of the Level 2 water restrictions that came into force on December 10th and have rigorously adhered to them. We share and understand the genuine concern about the current drought and bushfire crisis and have taken action such as canceling our NYE fireworks display to minimise our impact during these difficult times. If any Club members or members of the public have any questions about how we use recycled water on the course the, Superintendent and I would be happy to meet to attempt to dispel any rumours or clarify any questions on the matter. We would also appreciation the return of our sprinklers (no questions asked) and for the abuse of club staff to stop immediately. Thanking you in advance
01.01.2022 Good news for fans of the BMX track!
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