Monaro Equestrian Association Inc | Community organisation
Monaro Equestrian Association Inc
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24.01.2022 2020 Five Clubs Challenge Dates:
23.01.2022 Five Clubs Challenge Dressage Virtual Protocol: Entries close today on Nominate:
23.01.2022 Entries open tomorrow for: MEA's COMBINED TRAINING COMPETITION, Cooma showgrounds, Saturday 7th November
23.01.2022 MEA's Club Day: Versatile Horse Competition ENTRIES OPEN MONDAY
22.01.2022 Tom Turnbull Memorial Horse Show THIS SATURDAY COOMA SHOWGROUNDS BIG REMINDER that entries are through Global Entries for this year's Cooma Horse Show. There will be no entries taken on the day. Global Entries close TONIGHT. To all the competitors and friends of the Show and those who want to make Tom's Memorial Show a great success, please volunteer to help where you can. Set up will be on Friday starting 10.00am. We will need helpers to set up the two hacking rings and the two showjumping arenas. If you know that you will be available on the Saturday please comment below or message Sue Wallace who is drawing up the helpers' roster.
21.01.2022 Luke MacDonald - Back doing farrier work in the area.
21.01.2022 The SE NSW 5Clubs Dressage Challenge had its second event at Bemboka Showgrounds on Sunday 8th November. The leader board shown here has both the MEA's results as well as those from this event. Again there would good entries with several riders coming down Brown Mountain to compete. Congratulations to Lis Walsh who has the lead in Prep, Clare Buckley with both Prelim and Novice, and Kim Kleven with both Elementary and Medium. CARC ran their 5CC event last weekend and we should have the new leader board posted soon. With only EDA's 5CC at Moruya to go, this has been a very condensed Five Clubs' Challenge. Good luck to all at Moruya.
20.01.2022 The Monaro Equestrian Association is affiliated with Equestrian Australia through Dressage NSW. You are probably aware that administrators have been called in to manage and restructure Equestrian Australia. Equestrian Australia Dressage Committee has called on all members of EA to support the administrators with their task. Please read their message below: Equestrian Australia Dressage Committee Message to Members By now, we’ve all received the latest update from the Administ...rators KordaMentha. The EADC fully supports the process being undertaken by the Administrators, and very much appreciates their reaching out to encourage all members of EA to participate in the restructure of Equestrian Australia. Your Committee is now calling on us all, wherever we are country wide, this can be our legacy to start the process where we rebuild respect and pride in our National Federation. We’re all EA our partnership with the horse makes our sport unique and very special from our Olympians to the interschooler and all riders in between, Equestrian sport is a peer sport within Sports Australia and the Australian Olympic Committee. Which is why they want us to ‘get it right’ and regain our proud position within the Australian sports community. Our message is simple: Please support the process being undertaken by KordaMentha at the upcoming second meeting of creditors on July 14th by voting for the first critical step approval of the Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA). Approval of the DOCA will start the whole Constitutional reform process and facilitate delivery of the core component that we’re all after ‘one member, one vote’. Trust is essential here All of our National Discipline Committee Chairs and members are unanimous in seeking your buy in and support here - We hope that as one of those National Discipline Committees, we have earned your trust in the way that we have built the communication lines with our State Committees and supported them in delivering our sport to you. Again, we need trust in the due process being undertaken and your Discipline Committees have that trust. It’s our time to take ownership of the future of our sport vote or give your proxy to someone you know is like-minded and will reflect your views. Thank you Prue Spurrett (Chair) Gill Botten, Virginia Creed, Julie Ely-Jones, Elizabeth Owen, Maree Tomkinson
20.01.2022 Reminder: MEA's AGM is tomorrow, Wednesday 9th Dec at 6.00pm at Coffey's Hotel. Stop for Xmas drinks and dinner after.
20.01.2022 MEA AGM 6.00pm Wednesday 9th Dec Coffey's Hotel. If you have some new ideas, or bursting to organise an event or two, please put your hand up to be on the new committee. If you would just like to catch up and have a few Christmas drinks and reminisce about the past 12 months you are also welcome. We will be meeting in the garden, and most of us will probably stay for dinner. All MEA members are very welcome.
20.01.2022 MEA's Summer Dressage Competition You are invited to our cool climate summer dressage competition at the beautiful Cooma Showgrounds 8th December 2019. Camping available. Entries close on Global Entries Monday 2nd December
19.01.2022 Prevent Cruelty to Animals. Being a member of the MEA in all probability you own horses and other animals and love them dearly. However, over the years, you have probably witnessed or even reported cases of cruelty and felt disbelief or despair when that cruelty is allowed to continue. NSW police does not have a specialist Animal Cruelty Investigation Squad to enforce the law relating to animal cruelty. Law enforcement is largely undertaken by the RSPCA. At present the RSPCA ...spends 2/3rd of their budget on law enforcement to prevent cruelty. This only leaves 1/3rd for all their other activities such as caring for neglected animals, veterinary costs, education etc. Furthermore, the RSPCA relies on donations; it is a charity. It does not have the legal authority or government backing of that of a dedicated police squad. At present NSW parliament is undertaking an inquiry into Animal Cruelty laws. We need to ensure that NSW’s law protects suffering animals. To make a difference please support this inquiry. If you have a particular beef about animal cruelty, have seen that your reporting made no difference and feel that the present situation is not acceptable, please put pen to paper about your experience. You can email a brief submission to Rebecca Main at [email protected] or visit the website: Please do this ASAP. Submissions will only be taken until the end of business Friday 13th March. See more
19.01.2022 MEA Sarah Dreverman Showjumping Clinic, Birrali, Sunday 2nd August
18.01.2022 What great news.... Lee Evans with the help of the MEA will be running the 2021 Cooma Horse Show. This will be a tribute to the memory of the late Tommy Turnbul...l. Let's make this a BIG event for Cooma. There will be showjumping and hacking events. There will be no sideshows and other distractions for novice horses so it will be the best event for horses and competitors on the local Shows calendar. Please save this date whether you are competing or not. We need all MEA members to support the 2021 Cooma Show as competitors, volunteers or both. We hope to see you there! Please comment below if you can volunteer. On the day, we need ring stewards for the hack events, ring marshals and pole replacers for the show jumping, Covid marshals, and office runners. Set up will be Friday. We aim to be packed up by Saturday evening. We also need to visit the Show's sponsors There are jobs for everyone! See more
18.01.2022 MEA's Belinda Mackintosh Rally O'BRIEN RESERVE, BERRIDALE, SUNDAY 16TH AUGUST Global Entries (Dressage) is now open for you to register for a Belinda Mackintosh group or private lesson at our next MEA rally day, on Sunday week. Riders wishing to take part in the afternoon poles lesson are reminded that they must first book into a group or private lesson. All riders must be members of the MEA. For those who would like to join in the rally day but only practice the obstacles for our September Versatile Horse Competition, please register on Global Entries so we can contact you if needs be. Please be aware of the Covid Safe regulations which are provided on MEA's Global Entries distancing, log in all guests, use hand sanitiser, byo lunch, avoid sharing equipment etc.
17.01.2022 Combined Training Entries / Updates open this Friday @ 7pm.
16.01.2022 MEA's Inaugural Combined Showjumping and Dressage Rally, 13th September 2020. We are learning that we have a little gem with our MEA Berridale Grounds. The weather forecast was worse than ordinary and yet the sun popped out occasionally, the wind died away and the facilities there were enjoyed by all. Our instructors, Sarah and Belinda excelled and although the Spring grass put a bit too much bounce in some of the horses, it was a fantastic day. Thanks again to Belinda and Sarah. Big thanks also to the Burns and Fairfield-Smith families for helping with Saturday setup. Apologies to the riders who I was not able to capture through the camera lens.
15.01.2022 MEA BELINDA MACKINTOSH RALLY SUNDAY 19th JULY 2020. At the next rally at O'Brien Reserve Belinda Mackintosh will again be giving discounted private and group lessons. As well, we will have the versatile horse obstacles set up for riders to practice. For more details, please go to Global Entries Dressage. All riders intending to come along for the day must be MEA members. Whether you are having a lesson or schooling over the obstacles (or both!) please register on Global Entries. Knowing the names and contact details of all riders will enable us to contact you if Covid or bad weather threatens to cause the rally to be cancelled.
15.01.2022 MEA's Combined Training Competition has been rescheduled for 14th March, at the Cooma Showgrounds. All last Sunday's entries will be transferred to the new competition and global will open again for you to make any adjustments that you need. Please contact Sue West [email protected] if you are not able to make the new competition date and we will arrange a full refund for you.
14.01.2022 Are you a pet owner and living on your own? I hope you can help Toni with her research...
14.01.2022 2020 Five Clubs Dressage Challenge...excitement rises as EDA's dressage competition, the final event of the 5CC, is only two sleeps away! Winners and runners up for each level over the four events will win an embroidered rug and saddlecloth respectively. It has been amazing and we have had such good luck to be able to run the 5CC events considering Covid and the fires earlier this year. As a consequence what was supposed to be five events spaced over a year, became four eve...nts jammed into 6 weeks. For the most part, the 5CC events have run fairly smoothly even though it has been a rush to get the leader board scores published. Unfortunately mistakes occur in these conditions. All Clubs have been amazingly supportive. For example in our previous 5CC event at Pambula Beach, the organisers inadvertently tagged the wrong Prep test for the 5CC. Following advice from our governing bodies (who help to finance the trophies) we must keep a level playing field by awarding leader board points for the same tests at each event. Attached to this post is the Leader Board for the Prep E (with the Prep E from CARC, not the Prep A), 1B, 2B, 3B and 4B from MEA, BSS and CARC. Good luck to all 5CC riders on Sunday2020 See more
14.01.2022 CARC's 2020 Dressage Championships held at Pambula Beach was the third event of the 2020 SE NSW Five Clubs Dressage Challenge (5CC). The two days of dressage ran super smoothly with perfect weather. Competition was keen particularly in the "B" tests being the tests with the 5CC points. Since CARC's Championships, leaders have changed around with Belinda Mackintosh leading in the Prep, Clare Buckley still in the lead in the Prelim, and Sue Wallace moving to the lead in both the Novice and Elementary. Kim Kleven is still ahead in the Medium. EDA's Dressage competition this Sunday is the final event of the 2020 5CC. Good luck to all riders at Moruya.
13.01.2022 MEA is back in action after our enforced Bushfires/Covid hibernation. However, please be mindful that Covid 19 is not done and dusted and we must all continue to follow the health and safety guidelines at our MEA events Our first rally in over six months, and the first for 2020 will be this Sunday with dressage lessons with Belinda Mackintosh at O'Brien Reserve, Berridale. Private lessons are available but will fill quickly. Group lessons are also available. Belinda will als...o be doing her very popular trot poles lesson in the afternoon. This rally is a members only event. For more details and entries go to Global: The following Sunday Sarah Dreverman is running an MEA showjumping clinic at Birali. Again this is a members only rally. Sarah will be providing group lessons which cater for all abilities. Entries will be available soon on Global (showjumping).
12.01.2022 2020 SE NSW Five Clubs Dressage Challenge (5CC) The Challenge is under way and results from the first round held at Cooma Showgrounds by MEA last weekend are attached here. There was a great turnout at this event with many riders travelling from Canberra and the Coast. Unfortunately the uncertain rainy weather caused quite a few to scratch. Congratulations to all riders who made it such a great day. This Sunday will be Bemboka Show Society's turn to host the "5CC". Entries closed and the weather is looking good. Candela Adult Riding Club will host the 5CC at their championship weekend on 14-15th November. Entries are still open on Nominate. The final event will be held at Moruya on 29th November by EDA. Entries are open on Global. All 5CC competitors not a member of the EDA must take out day membership. Details are available on how to do this on the attached form. See more
11.01.2022 MEA's Sarah Dreverman Clinic TODAY 21 September is cancelled due to galeforce winds. Riders will be refunded.
10.01.2022 President's Report from the AGM last Wednesday : I think this is the best summary of a year which for the MEA has had its amazing highs and some sad lows. It makes a very long Facebook post but our president has a way with words which made me realise just how much we packed into the year we all want to forget: President’s Report for the MEA AGM...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Horse Barn's MEA Spring Dressage 20th October2019, Cooma Showgrounds. Entries close Monday 14th October Attachments area
08.01.2022 SE NSW Five Clubs Challenge We have amended the Novice leader board (see attached) as Sarah's score had been inadvertently given to Skye. Woops! It was pointed out that Skye had not even entered in the CARC comp! Mistakes happen. Please note that the tests which were advertised on the CARC's Championship schedule for the 5CC were the Prep A, and all the B tests.
07.01.2022 This month's Dressage NSW's CentreLine magazine features the MEA in the "Postcard from the SE Coast" and also the Four Clubs Challenge. It can be downloaded at
06.01.2022 Combined Training has been cancelled today due to rain. Very sorry. Entry fees will be refunded.
05.01.2022 Reminder, Entries close today for MEA's Sarah Dreverman Showjumping Clinic, Birali this Sunday. See Global Showjumping for more details:
03.01.2022 L'Etape and MEA's Monthly Rally Berridale We had scheduled our monthly rally for this Saturday. However, this is on the same day as all the road closures for L'Etape, the big bicycle race around Berridale, Jindabyne and Dalgety areas. To avoid the road closures, we have cancelled the Saturday rally but Belinda has offered to run her lessons on Sunday. Please can you comment below if you would like to get a Sunday Belinda lesson.
03.01.2022 Woohoo! Wowie! Unbelievable! Fantastic! Yippee! This afternoon, John Barilaro, Deputy Premier, along with Bronnie Taylor MLC and Trevor Hicks who is standing ...for the federal seat of Eden Monaro visited O’Brien Reserve, made the official announcement and handed over the biggest cheque to the MEA that I have ever had the pleasure to holdway too big to fit into my wallet! The MEA has been granted just over $330,000 from the Stronger Country Communities Fund, Department of Regional NSW, to build a community clubroom and storage shed at our new homeground at O’Brien Reserve. Thanks to all the help from MEA members and the other clubs including the Berridale Bike Riderz, Cooma & District Obedience and Kennel Club and Upper Snowy Landcare Network , who helped with putting the submission together. Thanks also go to those who supported our application and who came along this afternoon to hear the announcement. See more
03.01.2022 Belinda Mackintosh MEA Rally, Berridale 28th September The fourteen horses which attended MEA’s rally at Berridale will be sleeping well tonight. Belinda worked everyone very hard. It is fantastic to watch those horses with a touch of the Spring Sillies in the morning become sensible hacks by the time they finish their poles lesson in the afternoon. Thanks Belinda for another excellent day of lessons. Thanks also go to Denise and Charlie for donating our wonderful BBQ which miraculously arrived at the clubhouse along with a big bottle of gas in time for today’s rally. You are both certainly excused of all MEA chores associated with bringing food or cooking for evermore! This is a wonderful gift as it saves having to find a member who has to bring a BBQ for each rally. Having the BBQ there and ready to go is a real luxury! Another big thanks goes to Petrea for her excellent talk on WEC’s (Worm Egg Counts) and the strategies involved in worming. We will be putting Petrea’s talk onto our web page for those who missed it and for those of us who want to refer back to it. Petrea pointed out the reasons why we should all be doing WEC’s before we worm our horses. These included reducing resistance to the worm pastes, cost efficiency, and why worm if you don’t need to? We will advertise the next rally when Petrea will be taking more nuggets for WEC’s . If you brought samples for Petrea today and haven't paid for them, you can do so on Global now(@$10/sample). Petrea has offered to give another talk at our next rally on equine health. Stay tuned! See more
02.01.2022 I never realised that the Australian Eventing Olympic team had so many heroes since Bill Roycroft...
01.01.2022 MEA Versatile Horse Competition, 20/9/20. What a fun club day. Thanks to everyone, Sally Weston and Kim Kleven for judging, Michelle Ripper for an all day pencilling stint, Craig Johnson who had set the course and everyone else who rode and helped and both! Also congratulations to the placegetters and everyone who managed to get over the bridge and through the noodles! Detailed results will be emailed to competitors.
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