Monbulk College in Monbulk, Victoria, Australia | High School
Monbulk College
Locality: Monbulk, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9751 9000
Address: 146148 David Hill Road 3793 Monbulk, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 It's R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. Today we're calling on Australians to learn what to say af...ter R U OK? so they can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. There's more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they're in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to
25.01.2022 Last week for our Year 12 VCE. Primary School Dress Up Day along with Year 12 teachers High School Dress Up Day. #lastdays #year12 #bitsmall #primarytosecondary
25.01.2022 So. Much. To. Celebrate. #year12 #lastdays #gruwho? #whatminions #celebrations
24.01.2022 Today I joined Dan Andrews to outline our roadmap out of lockdown. Importantly it includes some significant announcements for schools and early childhood I want to share with you. Students will begin returning to school next term in a careful, staged approach. For the first week of Term 4, all students will continue to learn remotely, except senior secondary students doing VCE/VCAL essential assessments on-site and, for VCE students, the General Achievement Test (GAT) on 7 October. Students in regional and rural specialist schools can continue to attend on-site. From 12 October, metropolitan Melbourne students in Prep to Grade 2, VCE and VCAL and specialist schools will return to on-site learning. Teachers will only need to be on-site to deliver classes if their students are, or to provide supervision for students who need to attend on-site. Otherwise they are able to work from home. All regional and rural Victorian students will return to on-site learning from 12 October. Schools will have local flexibility to determine the best staged approach for different year levels, with all students to be back on-site by Friday 16 October. Students in Years 3 to 10 in metropolitan Melbourne will continue remote and flexible learning, with a decision on their on-site return to be made based on future health data and expert public health advice. Early childhood education and care will be open to all children from 28 September, with parents/carers no longer requiring a permit. Sessional kindergarten will be open for all children to attend at the start of Term 4, and eligibility for outside school hours care attendance will continue to align with schools. I know how hard this period has been on everyone. I want to take this opportunity to thank all our brilliant school and early childhood staff, parents, carers and most importantly students.
24.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September and this years message is Theres more to say after R U OK?. Learn what to say next so you can have a conversation that could change, or even save, a life. Visit #theresmoretosay
23.01.2022 Come Together 2020 Arts & Technology Show
22.01.2022 Technology 2020 Arts & Technology Show
22.01.2022 YR11 Visual Communication Design: Pop Up Shop Designs. Students learnt about Environmental Design technical drawing methods and 3D model making to design and construct their Pop Up Shop concepts. #vcd #visualcommunicationdesign #3dmodelling #technicaldrawing #environmentaldesign
22.01.2022 Year 12 Casual Day Friday... Downball and Masks. Life's not that bad after all
22.01.2022 Photography is about freezing a moment in time, its not usually meant literally! Our second semester Year 9 Photomedia students have created beautiful MACRO images. Students considered the lighting, art elements, in particular colour, line, texture, tone composition, camera angles, specifically "MACRO. #art #frozenart #photography #photomedia #year9
22.01.2022 The health and safety of our students and staff remains our top priority and our school has been left without electricity and access to essential services. Stay safe. Stay warm. Keep learning.
22.01.2022 Year 11 Studio Arts 2021 off to a flying start. #materialsandtechniques #zartart
21.01.2022 Part 1/2 What a great morning to end SWOT VAC week. Year 12 VCE, VCAL and Headstart student celebrate Dress Up Day with style. #lastdays #celebrations #year12daysdone #evenTrumpwasthere
21.01.2022 The College will be closed for on-site learning Tuesday 15th June. Year 11 & 12 students are able to collect materials from lockers between 8:30am and 10:00am. Students, who are able to, will continue with remote & flexible learning. On Wednesday 16th June, Year 12 students will return to face-to-face classes and Year 11 students will continue their exams. See Compass for further details.
21.01.2022 It was a super productive day for both the intermediate and senior VCAL students today. School projects were organised and completed, including building a new path, bench seat construction, painting of signs, ivy eradication, kindling collected, bundled and delivered and general bush maintenance in our wonderful bush land area of the College. With such a lot of manual labour going on, the hospitality students treated everyone to morning tea and lunch with delicious home made food. All while wearing masks, social distancing and disinfecting as we went along. It was so good to get this day done before lockdown starts again. #gardenproject #vcal #handson #handsonlearning #giveback #gardenproject @Monbulk College
20.01.2022 And our Funky Sock Friday winner for 28/8 goes to Lily in Year 7 for her balloon dog socks! #funkysockfriday #igiveasock #msv #getinvolved @underworksaustralia Students, find your funkiest socks and post your photo here...
20.01.2022 Hey Monbulk! Upload a picture of your funkiest socks each Friday to the link below! Sign in with your @schools email or Teams Log in! Best socks each week will win your choice of a Monbulk Beanie, Cap, Bucket Hat, or a pair of black socks!... The weekly winner will also be posted on Monbulk College Social Media to support #igiveasock
20.01.2022 The Year 8 Visual Communication Design classes have been busy designing logos for their own companies. They were asked to think carefully about clarity of line and shape as well as colour choice and how these design elements could help to represent their company. Here are some of 8Cs brilliant submissions!
20.01.2022 Hi Monbulk College, Just wanted to say a huge thanks and well done to everyone for getting involved with the House Carnival and our Virtual Cross Country last week. We had about 250 participants in the cross country across the school including many of our staff. I certainly enjoyed seeing many of the fantastic pictures and videos of you all out there running and walking and many of you dressed up as well. Our main focus was on participation, staying active and remaining conne...cted to our school community and Im pretty sure we achieved all of that. It was great to see so many staff, students and families getting active which is so important at this time. I hope you all continue to do so. Here are our results. In our first ever virtual cross country we had a tie. Congratulations to Rivers and Forest for coming equal first. Also provided are the best Home Groups at each year level and the top three times in each age group (keeping in mind we all completed a different course). The final House Carnival results (including all points across the week) will be announced in Year Level assemblies on Monday. Go Monbulk! Mr Utting
19.01.2022 Part 2/2 Dress up day! Celebrated in style by our Year 12 students... How fantastic do they look? What a great morning to end SWOT VAC week. #lastdays #celebrations #year12daysdone #DanAndrewswastheretoo
19.01.2022 Our Funky Sock Friday for Friday 21/8 Winner 2 is Caitlin Y12 for her awesome Spock Socks. WE LOVE THEM! Keep hunting that sock drawer for your funkiest pair, take a snap and upload to the link on Compass! #igiveasock #funkysockfriday #msv @underworksaustralia
18.01.2022 Girls Will Be Bugs 2020 Arts & Technology Show
17.01.2022 Its R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. Today were calling on Australians to learn what to say af...ter R U OK? so they can keep the conversation going when someone says theyre not OK. Theres more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before theyre in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where were all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to
17.01.2022 Butterfly 2020 Arts & Technology Show
17.01.2022 Arts 2020 Arts & Technology Show
16.01.2022 Loving the gardens! And our Year 7’s helping plant a few more plants to make it even more lush! Welcome back! #gardening #schoolgardens #plants and a HUGE to Dave Sands from Grandview Monbulk for the massive plant donations! @ Monbulk College
16.01.2022 Finding remote learning hard? Struggling with COVID-19 restrictions? Is important to look after yourself and seek assistance if you need it...
15.01.2022 From class challenges to dress-up synchronous meets this Virtual House Carnival has had it all! AND its not over yet..keep uploading to your House link in Compass and/or ask your teachers for class challenge House Points. Your House Captains are counting on you!! Day 4 Point Count: FOREST - 854 RIVERS - 719... VALLEY - 713 RANGES -389 See more
15.01.2022 Next week, our annual Inter-House Cross Country event is going virtual! Lets hear a few words from Mr Utting Visit the link below to join our Facebook event!
15.01.2022 Y11 VCD students learnt skills in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign for manipulating type to create imagery and traditional layout/spacing conventions for arranging print based type layouts. #vcd #viscomm #illustrator #inDesign #printlayout
15.01.2022 Congratulations to a past student, Harry Cole for competing in Australian Ninja Warrior Heat 3 last night and coming in 8th position with a super speedy 46 seconds to the 4th obstacle, the bar hop! Hopefully we see more than a glimpse of your run in the semi final! #NinjaWarriorAU
14.01.2022 Heading back into Remote Learning and a period of restrictions with social distancing and isolation may feel daunting and overwhelming... Here are some tips that might be helpful... And, if you need assistance with this - contact us at the College!
14.01.2022 Finding remote learning hard? Struggling with COVID-19 restrictions? I's important to look after yourself and seek assistance if you need it...
13.01.2022 Aaaannndddd the first results are in.... Oakley is the fastest student... Ms Schenk is the fastest teacher... well the first, so that makes her the fastest too, right? And Dan & Taya have been having all the fun with it! Have you run your circuit yet? Take a photo or video and post it to your Compass Task for PE; or email it directly to Mr Utting! #virtualcrosscountry #housecarnival ... See more
13.01.2022 Parents, families & the college community, due to privacy concerns, we have elected to hold our Graduation Ceremony via Webex instead of a Facebook Live Stream. All families of Year 12 students will receive an email with the appropriate link to access this.
13.01.2022 Come on Monbulk...! You have 1 more day to get your entry in for the Virtual House Carnival and upload your times and track to be awarded points for your house... And maybe even come first in your age group... #virtualcrosscountry #housecarnival #housepoints
12.01.2022 Perfect Day 2020 Arts & Technology Show
12.01.2022 7C Cultural Greylead Portrait Drawings. Creative rendering skills demonstrated during remote learning. #art#drawing#remotelearning#keepgoing
12.01.2022 We look forward to welcoming back our Year 11 and 12 students tomorrow (VCE and VCAL), and those Year 10 students fast-tracking VCE subjects. And a reminder, we will be temperature checking all students before school (Year 12, Rm41 and Year 10/11 under the COLA). We will share more information as the week progresses, but as indicated by the Premier this morning, and updated by James Merlino, students in Year 7-10 will return to remote learning from Monday 20th July. (Remember..., the school holidays have been extended this week for students in Year 7-10, no classes, no remote learning). There will be time for students to collect materials, loan equipment (IT, Arts, etc) as needed to ensure that this return to remote learning is successful for all students. Thank you so much for your support. We are in this together, and keep working to make it work as best as we can. Stay safe and well.
12.01.2022 Knockin' On Heaven's Door 2020 Arts & Technology Show
11.01.2022 Check out this very engaged Year 11 Chemistry Class.. Very excited to be back at school and doing pracs again. This prac is of the students undertaking titration to determine the concentration of ethanoic acid in vinegar, comparing home brand and name brand. #chemistry #facetoface #backinclassrooms #f2flearning #vce
11.01.2022 Funky Sock Friday winner for 14/8 goes to Boudica! Love those koalas! #igiveasock #funkysockfriday #dontforgetotenteronCompass
11.01.2022 Today we made the significant decision to go to Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne and Stage 3 in regional Victoria. Its a tough call but one that had to be mad...e. Based on the advice of Victorian and national health experts, we need to go further in our efforts to drive the Coronavirus numbers down. So what does this mean for schools and early childhood? On Monday, students and staff will continue as they have been. Tuesday will be a pupil free day for schools. From Wednesday in metropolitan Melbourne all students in p-12 will learn remotely. On-site supervision will be available for students of permitted workers, vulnerable students, and in some cases, students with disabilities. From Thursday early childhood services in Melbourne will also only be open to families of defined workplaces where the child needs care and to vulnerable children. In regional Victoria all students will learn remotely although our specialist schools will remain open for students. On-site supervision will be available for all students of permitted workers, vulnerable students and any student with a disability. Early childhood services will also remain open as normal in regional Victoria. I know this is challenging for everyone but it something we simply have to do. We have no choice if we want to slow the spread of the virus. This is all about stopping around 1 million students, their families and teachers from moving around the state. For VCE students my message is clear. You will sit your exams and you will receive an ATAR by the end of the year. I know it is challenging but we will support you every step of the way. 2020 is turning out to be a year that none us could even imagine. But if we all stick together we will get through this. Thank you to our amazing principals, teachers, and school and early childhood staff who continue to do an outstanding job in circumstances that are extremely difficult. I could not be prouder of the work you do.
10.01.2022 "In our schools, that’ll mean teachers don’t have to wear a face covering while teaching but students attending for VCE, VCAL or for onsite supervision will, while everyone will be expected to wear one on the way to and from school." Otherwise, if you’re leaving your home for one of the four reasons, you need to cover your face. The Government will work with Victorian industry and unions to provide advice to workplaces in the coming days. Based on the latest advice from the Chief Health Officer, we’re urging Victorians: just as you remember to take your keys when you leave the house, you need to remember to take something to cover your face to help keep you and our community safe.
10.01.2022 Managing Remote Learning 2.0 during COVID-19. With the reintroduction of the lockdown and restrictions, parents and students are navigating remote learning again. Here are a few tips to help you through! @blackdoginst
10.01.2022 The exciting next stage at Monbulk College is another step closer, with builders appointed to construct the Science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics,... trade and home economics building pictured here! In the fourth and final stage of the upgrade project, we will also build a fantastic sports pavilion with change rooms that can be used by the broader community. These projects are part of more than $28 million worth of upgrades and investments underway at Monbulk College to give local families the state-of-the-art secondary school they deserve.
10.01.2022 Year 8's back in the lab making Chemistry! #year8 #chemistry #handsonscience #science
09.01.2022 Funky Sock Friday winner for September 11th goes to Tempest in Year 10, for her fantastic Starry Night Van Gogh knee high socks! This week is our last week for Funky Sock Friday submissions! Get on those funky socks! Students, find your funkiest socks and send in a photo using the link on your Compass News Feed! #funkysockfriday #igiveasock #msv #getinvolved Underworks Australia
08.01.2022 Our year 9’s had their second farm2schools event today with Isabella from Sugarloaf Farm. Isabella gave us a virtual tour of her farm and shared her knowledge of mixed farming practices. We learnt about growing mushrooms, looking after chooks, the hard work needed to get your spuds under way. She also spoke about how sustainable farming practices can work in small scale farming. Next week head off to a permaculture farm on the Mornington Peninsula called Santosha Permaculture.
08.01.2022 Great programs being run by this authority. Our year 9 Towards Success classes loved the session we had with Uncle Dave Wandin who shared his knowledge about in...digenous farming practices of the Wurundjeri people. We have more sessions booked for remote learning and hope to do on farm visits once excursions are back to normal. See more
08.01.2022 Part 2/2: Year 10 Food Technology working on their design brief to produce a celebration cake. They certainly looked delicious! #celebrate #year10 #foodtechnology #cooking #cakes #celebration
08.01.2022 Year 10 Visual Communication Design: Design Elements and Principles Posters. Students learnt about the building blocks of design; the elements and principles. They applied a range of elements and principles throughout their cropped compositions of an object found in their home using a range of rendering techniques. #artelements #artprinciples #design #designelementsandprinciples #visualcommunicationdesign #vcd #rendering #handdrawing #observationdrawing
07.01.2022 When lockdown 1.0, the VCAL PDS course was changed for the year; No longer could we complete projects within the community and with external organisations. Instead, we combined WRS and PDS to create a time capsule to encompass what we were living through. How perfect is it that after 111 days of lockdown 2.0, we in Melbourne will be officially released from very tough restrictions and we also got to showcase the work of the VCAL students in a museum display of all that 2020 has meant to them. The good, the bad and of course the toilet paper! #lockdown #vcalprojects #timecapsule
07.01.2022 Photography is about freezing a moment in time, it’s not usually meant literally! Our second semester Year 9 Photomedia students have created beautiful MACRO images. Students considered the lighting, art elements, in particular colour, line, texture, tone composition, camera angles, specifically "MACRO. #art #frozenart #photography #photomedia #year9
06.01.2022 Year 12 Casual Day Friday... Downball and Masks. Lifes not that bad after all
06.01.2022 Students in year 9 Game Programming were tasked with creating their own pixel art as an introduction to sprites for game programming. Here are some of their creations! Who knows what digital worlds these digital worlds they could be part of in the future. #gameprogramming #pixelart #year9
06.01.2022 Our Year 8s in Visual Communication Design have been creating their own Pictorial Words - this is where they have to use pictures to describe the meaning of their chosen word each letter has to represent the meaning of the word. Students looked closely at design elements and principles when creating their final pieces. They could choose to create their finals digitally using a drawing app or hand rendered.
06.01.2022 Students in Year 8 Systems Technology have been challenged to create their own version of Crossy Road (for those who are a bit older, think Frogger!) using Scratch. As part of it they were challenged to create a pixel art character and logo to use in their game. #pixelart #frogger #gamedesign #pixel #systems (Post 2 of 2)
05.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September and this year's message is 'There's more to say after R U OK?'. Learn what to say next so you can have a conversation that could change, or even save, a life. Visit #theresmoretosay
05.01.2022 Part 2: Despite months of remote learning with no prac classes, 7A and 7C rocked it out in the theatre for each other in an 'Eye of the Tiger' play off! Both classes showed excellent performance skills and had a great time, despite some nerves! # #music #rockon #rockout #year7
05.01.2022 "How to motivate your teen to study..." Free Parent Seminar from Elevate Education Tuesday 4th August, 6pm. Book your seat online here: ... Elevate is an award-winning organisation that has been working with your childs school to help them become more effective learners. We realise that these are uncertain times and students may be increasingly working independently at home. How effectively they revise and prepare is key to their success in the next few months. Join us for an exclusive webinar where we will show you as parents the crucial study skills your child needs to achieve their best and how you can reinforce that at home.
05.01.2022 Today most of our students in prep to year 10 across Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire returned to remote and flexible learning. I know this is hard, but it is s...omething we have to do to limit the number of people moving around. My message to parents is please be patient. And don’t be hard on yourselves. Trust your teachers, they know what they are doing. They did a brilliant job last time and will do a brilliant job again. You will have good days and bad (I know I did with my kids!), but just remember everyone is doing their best. Some updates we have loaned more than 61,000 laptops and tablets to students who need them and a further 23,000 SIM cards and dongles. We have also provided more than 14,000 infrared thermometers for temperature checking of all students. For those students who are onsite, we have 1.2 million single use masks being distributed to schools in Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire starting this week. And schools will be a priority for the Victorian Government’s first order of reusable masks early next week. Whilst many will have purchased their own masks; will make one at home; or will choose to wear a bandana or scarf - schools will also have masks available for students who need them. We are all doing everything we can to slow the spread of the virus and save lives. And remote and flexible learning is a key part of that.
05.01.2022 Part 1/2: Year 10 Food Technology working on their design brief to produce a celebration cake. They certainly looked delicious! #celebrate #year10 #foodtechnology #cooking #cakes #celebration
05.01.2022 Starting Thursday 23rd July, all students attending the college will be required to wear masks whilst at school, including travelling to and from school. We know that this is another new thing, and we know it’s a bit annoying but its really important that we work together to keep each other safe. The Chief Health Officer has indicated that mask wearing reduces up to 85% of transmission and so we all need to do our part. What kind of mask can students wear?... Disposable mask Fabric mask Bandana or Scarf As long as the mask covers the students’ mouth, nose and chin and that there are no gaps on the sides. What if students don’t have one? Or can’t get one? We have a small supply of masks that we will give out to students, and they should collect one from Student Wellbeing when they need it. We are in this together, and we thank you for the support. @ Monbulk College
04.01.2022 7C have been concentrating on art elements and principles to create these wonderful Abstract Drawings. Celebrating colour, line, pattern and shape. #art #drawing #artelements
04.01.2022 This Thursday, wear free dress and bring a gold coin donation to support State Schools’ Relief ! Organised by Monbulk Student Voice (MSV).
04.01.2022 7A attended the Mission2Mars activity run by Swinburne Institute on Wednesday. They learnt about the impact on the human body when living in space with less gravity than Earth and the requirements to live on Mars. They used Scratch to code the movement of a Mars robot car. The students really enjoyed this activity and one student when asked What was the best part of today’s activity? replied with Everything! The students were very engaged. What was really nice was that we had to login to KIOSC canvas to watch a video and also the Scratch program. Some students achieved this far quicker and then helped the other students over Teams to log in. It was all very exciting.
04.01.2022 Braden's River Table Pour 2020 Arts & Technology Show
04.01.2022 Funky Sock Friday winner for September 4th goes to Emily in Year 11 for her penguin socks! We loved her awesome model Banjo as well! Students, find your funkiest socks and send in a photo using the link on your Compass News Feed! #funkysockfriday #igiveasock #msv #getinvolved Underworks Australia
04.01.2022 Monbulk College ‘Virtual’ Athletics Carnival 2020 Entries close Friday 16th October Following on from our successful virtual cross country, we are now running a virtual athletics carnival. This event is run by School Sport Victoria.... The Monbulk College ‘Virtual’ Athletics carnival starts in the last week of Term 3, will run over the school holiday and into Term 4 until Friday 16th October. The below link has all of the information on how to participate and enter your results. It’s very simple. GUIDELINES: There are 11 events you can have a go at including: 60m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m or 1500m, standing long jump, standing triple jump, tennis ball shot put, even a heptathlon. This is a House competition. The most events entered by a House will be the winner. By taking part in this great event, you also score points for our school. It is a non-competitive event, where again the focus is on participation, trying your best and staying active. SUBMITTING RESULTS: When you enter your results you need to do the following: 1) Go to: 2) Enter your name, age group, email address and results 3) School name is: Monbulk C 4) Region is: Eastern Metropolitan Secondary 5) You also need to enter your PE teachers email address so they are notified of your events. Steve Utting- [email protected] Rose Carn- [email protected] Craig Smith- [email protected] Brock Mason- [email protected] Emma Hyett- [email protected] Rose Van Kampen- [email protected] You can also receive a certificate from SSV after you have entered your results. Good luck, stay safe, have fun and be active!
04.01.2022 Next week, our annual Inter-House Cross Country event is going virtual! Let's hear a few words from Mr Utting Visit the link below to join our Facebook event!
03.01.2022 We will share some more information as the week progresses. Thanks for your ongoing support; stay tuned to Compass emails and updates here. Stay safe and well!
03.01.2022 Year 7 Systems Technology have been exploring Turtle LOGO to prepare them for using robots when they return to the classroom. Last week they were challenged to use what they had been learning to create their own artwork. #systems #logo #robots
02.01.2022 Our thoughts and support goes out to the whole Dandenong Ranges community -- but particularly our local school community. We know that our families will be impacted and some might need additional support; and some more than others as you can see from one of our students on the front page of the Herald Sun today. Monbulk College will reopen on Tuesday 15th June, and we can't wait to see all of our students! If you need assistance or support please contact Student Wellbeing.
01.01.2022 Year 7 Metal Technology have been working on Zoos Victoria STEM Design Challenge. Students had to generate design solutions for new enrichment ideas for the Giraffe enclosure. Students not only enjoyed the webinar with Zookeepers to learn more about Giraffes but also created prototypes and diagrams of their fantastic ideas at home. These included an exercise ball, sensory curtains, apple trees, scratching brush and a variety of feeding heights and methods. #metal #stemlearning #giraffe @zoosvictoria #stemdesignchallenge #zoo
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