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Mowanjum CRC in Derby, Western Australia | Community organisation

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Mowanjum CRC

Locality: Derby, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9193 2790

Address: Derby-Gibb River Rd 6728 Derby, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Its the dry season and its time for burn offs But border restrictions are making it difficult for indigenous ranger groups to conduct this important work. Theyve had to get creative to make it work

23.01.2022 DERBY LIQUOR RESTRICTIONS Derby will be subject to take-away liquor restrictions until further notice after a number of alcohol-fueled incidents in town ove...r the last week. From 12pm today, bottle shop patrons will be limited to mid-strength beer or one bottle of wine, with spirits off limits for the duration of the restrictions. Derby Police Senior Sergeant Brendon Barwick said the restrictions were prompted by a number of serious assaults on both members of the public and police officers in recent days. The restrictions will remain in place until further notice.

23.01.2022 Gunditjmara Traditional Owners conducted a cultural burn on the Kurtonitj IPA in late May 2020 The burn, an annual autumn practice of the Traditional Owners, wa...s a collaboration between the Gunditjmara people, Forest Fire Management Victoria, Glenelg Hopkins CMA and the CFA. The cultural burn helped pass on skills between generations, and brought together a number of organisations to deliver positive cultural and environmental outcomes. Gunditj Mirring Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning DELWP BarwonSouthWest CFA (Country Fire Authority) Budj Bim Tours National Landcare Program

22.01.2022 CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE RECYCLE YOUR EMPTY DRINK CONTAINERS AND SUPPORT ALL SAINTS CREATIVE LIVING CENTRE'S BOAB AND BLACK PEARL NETWORKS. Containers for Change a new state-wide container deposit scheme that refunds 10 cents for each eligible drink container returned to an approved depot. The Creative Living Centre has registered as a Charity with 'Containers for Change' for the refund to be deposited directly in the CLC Westpac Bank Account. Reverse Vending Machines (RVM) use a scanner to read each container's barcode to check its eligibility, so the machines can't accept crushed cans. If using another drop off Point use ID: C10313752

21.01.2022 Black Pearl Network (BPN) visited Papua in 2008 and after hearing from the people of Papua the a lack of English was impacting people gaining good jobs. The BP...N rose to the challenge and there are now many Black Pearl Education Centres spread throughout Papua. Each school runs classes everyday. The students come to English classes after they have attended a full day at school. See more

21.01.2022 Darumbal and Yiman man Trent White picked up a camera to help First Nations clans preserve their cultures one photo at a time. Darumbal and Torres Strait... Islander mother Kayleen Adidi, and her son Jundamarli, were photographed at Hedlow Creek in central Queensland. More: See more

20.01.2022 Yorna ‘Donny’ Woolagoodja and his family are ready to launch his incredible book ‘Yornadaiyn Woolagoodja’. We can’t wait to see these young dancers in action! What a way to start NAIDOC Week

20.01.2022 All funds raised go to the work of the Boab and Black Pearl Networks in Australia and Papua, Indonesia

18.01.2022 Mail is available for pick-up now till 12.30pm today, at the Telecentre.

17.01.2022 A very special few days at Beverley Springs on Ngarinyin country! Lots of stories, learning, art workshops and swimming in beautiful gorges. A big thanks to Ros...s Gobby of the Boab Network for organising the trip and to Australian Wildlife Conservancy for hosting us on their property. Also thanks to Wananami Remote Community School for doing an amazing job of keeping culture strong. Lets do it all again soon. #mowanjum #mowanjumarts #mowanjumartandculturecentre #boabnetwork #australianwildlifeconservancy #wananamircs #indigenousart #aboriginalart #ngarinyincountry #keepingculturestrong Supported by WA Primary Health Alliance See more

17.01.2022 The old stock watering trough, Myalls Bore near Derby, reflects this sunset perfectly. Lesley Hodges shared this photo with us.

16.01.2022 Winba (fire) for good The Banbai Rangers recently travelled to Tenterfield to deliver a series of cultural burning workshops across Tenterfield Park, in part...nership with Moombahlene Local Aboriginal Land Council and Tenterfield Shire Council. The Tenterfield region was heavily impacted by the devastating 2019-2020 bushfire season, and the workshops offered an opportunity to reacquaint community with ‘the right fire at the right time’. Across the week Rangers mentored and worked alongside the local Aboriginal Community, school students, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, and the broader community. The cool mosaic burn carried out across the week reduces invasive weed species, and supports the natural regeneration of native shrubs and groundcovers, while reducing fuel loads and wildfire riskCountry needs the right fire, it’s a beautiful thing Tremane Patterson, Banbai Ranger Supervisor. The week also provided an opportunity for Michelle McKemey, Ecologist to present and discuss the outcomes of the collaborative research she has conducted alongside the Banbai Rangers including the ‘Winba’ fire and seasons calendar and cross-cultural monitoring. Winba Calendar - Cross Cultural Monitoring Paper - Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council National Indigenous Fire Network Country Needs People NSW Rural Fire Service Fire and Rescue NSW See more

16.01.2022 For the first time NAIDOC celebrations are being held in Mowanjum. It is being organized by the World Vision Impact program. The adults were cheering the childr...en in various races: egg and spoon, sacks, three legged and relays. The men’s race was closely fought with Lau taking out the prize. A BBQ meal was provided by the World Vision team who worked tirelessly in a marvellous community building event. Today is focused on cultural celebration where NAIDOC awards will be given out. The men have a beast in a pit cooking so there will be another feast tonight. NAIDOC stands for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee which originated in the 1920 to increase community awareness of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Thanks to Gail Cresswell for all the excellent photos. See more

16.01.2022 We believe education opens doors, and provides choices and opportunities for all children. Our Foundation aims to raise awareness as well as overcome the challenges facing remote Indigenous communities. When our Foundation first began gifting books over 10 years ago we never expected to end up where we are today. From creating early learning resources, to gifting over 440,000 books, and publishing 90 books in 18 Indigenous languages, we have been creating change. Our programs empower communities to tell their own stories, to read and write in their own languages, and give remote families what many urban and regional families can take for granted access to books. We receive no Government funding and rely solely on your generosity and that of our supporters and fundraising events. COVID-19 has meant that our fundraising events for at least the first half of the year have been cancelled, directly impacting our income by up to 60 per cent. This End of Financial Year, please consider donating what you can, and help us to facilitate literacy in remote Indigenous communities. With your help, we can continue opening doors to choices and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children and families. Please donate here:

15.01.2022 NEW MUSEUM A new museum that will showcase dance and cultural traditions of several Kimberley Aboriginal groups will be built near Derby. The facility wil...l expand the Mowanjum Arts and Culture Centre, and house costumes, instruments and traditional performance displays. Centre manager Barry Hayes said work on the $350,000 museum would begin in August. "[Its] starting construction within the next couple of weeks and were hoping that will be all completed - all the exhibition all the displays - by the end of the year," he said. The new museum will also be home to an interactive cave display showing Wandjina paintings, and an exhibition on Joonba - a traditional dance. The current Mowanjum Arts and Culture Centre

14.01.2022 Its time to get online. Come in to the TeleCentre Thursday for morning tea, and talk to us aboit how we can help you get connected, help with MyGov and setting up your own email address.

14.01.2022 Show us your bush ingenuity! If youve ever had to fix or make something using your own skills and cobbling random parts together, youll know how satisfyin...g it is - especially when it works! Frank Martin from Mowanjum is pictured here demonstrating a hand washing station outside the corporation office. It was designed by one of the communitys builders. Its simply two large buckets of water, a hose from an outboard motor off a tinny, and a foot pump. You just grab the soap and push the pump with your foot, Frank said.

14.01.2022 CSIRO and BoM Climate 2020 report. Hope our WA Government Climate Policy reflects the realities of our changing climate.

14.01.2022 Good afternoon Broome, This morning I approached the Broome Liquor Accord and asked them to implement additional liquor restrictions. This decision was not made... lightly and is a result of the severe impact on police and other essential service resources over the past few nights with a marked increase in alcohol fuelled violence and out of control gatherings. I am hopeful this initiative will quickly restore equilibrium to our community. I appreciate we are on the cusp of our town being reopened to tourism and am confident this measure will be very temporary. Thanks for your understanding and support. Senior Sergeant Dave Whitnell Broome Police Station See more

14.01.2022 Come down to the Telecentre and enjoy nalijar and mungardie, and have a yarn with Jenni our new CEO. From 10 O'clock today.

13.01.2022 Congratulations, Cissy Umbagai who won the $5,000 Telstra prize Emerging Artist award for Yoogu, an earth pigment painting on stringybark

13.01.2022 Thank you everybody. We have just reached $411 so far, for the Boab and Black Pearle Networks.

13.01.2022 King Sound Astronauts aboard the International Space Station took this photograph of King Sound, a large gulf (approximately 120 kilometers long) on the coast of Australia. The Sound has the highest tides in Australiain the range of 1112 meters (36-39 feet)and the second highest in the world after the Bay of Fundy in Canada. The strong brown smudge at the head of the Sound contrasts with the clearer blue water along the rest of the coast. This is mud stirred up by the tides and also supplied by the Fitzroy River, one of Australia’s largest. The bright reflection point of the Sun obscures the blue water of the Indian Ocean. Just to the west of King Sound, thick plumes of wildfire smoke, driven by northeast winds, obscure the coastline. To the east, the wide field of popcorn cumulus clouds is a common effect of the daily heating of the land surface. The Sound is named for Philip King, who surveyed the coastline in 1818. In the 1880s the area experienced a short-lived gold rush.

12.01.2022 The West Kimberley Youth Development Program is recruiting an additional facilitator to support the localisation of the IMPACT Club program in Derby and Mowanju...m, and we’d love your help in finding the right fit! Here is a link to the job-ad and application page: World Vision Australia - Details - Project Facilitator, West Kimberley Youth Development Program

12.01.2022 BANNED DRINKERS REGISTER STARTS IN KIMBERLEY The region's first Banned Drinkers Register is up and running as of May 1. The new minister responsible for alco...hol, Reece Whitby, flew to Broome for the soft launch on Saturday afternoon. The trial requires bottle shop customers to present identification and have it scanned in order to make a purchase. People who have been banned from buying alcohol by WA Police or the Director of Liquor Licensing are then denied service. Minister Whitby said the 'soft launch' means people have one month to organise identification if needed. "This is an important development," Minister Whitby told ABC Kimberley at the launch. "It is a targeted response to a complex and difficult issue. "We don't want to penalise responsible drinkers and people who are doing the right thing. "Today we are announcing the soft launch for the towns of Broome and Derby, but it's already being trialed in the Pilbara and in the months it's been in operation it's been quite successful there." At the moment there are less than twenty people on the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) in the Kimberley, but the WA Government is expecting the number to increase now that it's more easily enforceable. The scanning technology will also be used to enforce daily purchase limits the WA Government's put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are exemptions in place for tourists travelling through the region, and those who request bulk purchases 72 hours in advance. What do you think of the BDR trial and will you have ID ready for scanning next time you make a purchase? Minister Reece Whitby and Kimberley MP Divina D'Anna at the Broome launch of the BDR. A file photo of the Scanek system in use in Kununurra.

11.01.2022 Wilinggin AGM 2020 done and dusted. Our 2020 Operations Report is here :

11.01.2022 The people of the Shire of Derby WK have done a great job in keeping us COVID free. As we move into Phase 2 our challenge will be greater, please stay vigilant, social distancing and hygiene are crucial #COVIDFREESDWK This update came from the Derby Police on Twitter

10.01.2022 It was a big morning at playgroup today for the NAIDOC celebrations. Lots of play and learning activities for the kids and babies plus a ton of food like kangar...oo tail, stew and damper. With a top of 44 degrees celcius today in Derby it was a bit warm! The staff of Bubanil playgroup did an outstanding job organising it all, with support from local organisations such as Wanangari & the school. I went along in my usual (small) background role of chatting to mums, holding bubs and helping in the kitchen. Nothing spectacular but glad to be involved in the local community representing Growing Families. -Linda #Growingfamiliesaustraliamissions #growingfamiliesaustralia

10.01.2022 Indigenous Rangers of the Wanumbal Gaamera Aboriginal Corporation comparing ancient rock art along the NW Kimberley coast recorded in 1963 with its present condition. Pictures from page 9 of Weekend Australian Nov 14-15, 2020.

09.01.2022 COOLING OFF IN BALGO There were some understandably happy faces in Balgo this week, as the town pool opened for the first time this year. Since it opened last ...year, the pool has helped boost school attendance and proven an important hub for kids in the community. : Royal Life Saving Society WA

08.01.2022 Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre is so very proud to announce that Kirsty Burgu has been selected as a finalist in this years Blake Prize. Now in its 66th year... the Blake Prize encourages contemporary artists to create works of art which tell stories of spirituality, religion and/or belief. Kirsty is a deep thinking artist who endeavours to pass on important messages through her work. She remains engaged in the traditional stories told to her by her mother and father as a child. Kirsty says: 'I really like painting. Painting is how I share all the stories I've been told with the young ones. The paintings I do now have the stories that Dad mob told me. There are so many stories and they all have so much to teach us about life.' Kirsty is one of a new generation of artists at Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre who interpret the old stories in new ways. Mowanjum Wandjina culture is a living culture and Kirsty uses a wide-range of traditional and contemporary materials including: ochre on bark, ochre and acrylic on canvas, ink on paper and woodcut, lino and silkscreen printing to tell those important stories. #mowanjumartandculturecentre #mowanjumarts #wandjinaculture #blakeprize #kirstyburgu

08.01.2022 A VINEYARD....IN THE KIMBERLEY? In the Kimberley, work continues through the wet season to grow the region's first major commercial table grape planting. The... joint venture between the Fresh Produce Group and Fruitico is based in the Skuthorpe horticulture area, around 30 kilometres east of Broome. The crop won't be ready to pick until July next year but at the moment workers are being kept busy training vines through more than 50 hectares of trellising across the property. Kimberley Table Grapes farm manager Jesse Woodhead said the recent dumping of rain in the area hadn’t caused too many disruptions to their work. It’s very different to growing down south, there’s obviously the common basics that every farmer would know but it’s one big trial really, he said. I believe what we’ve got in the ground will workand we’ll turn it into something amazing. Mr Woodhead said they hoped to pick more than 130,000 cartons during their first season. I think it will be great, not only for the company but for consumers as well, he said. The fruit quality we’ll be able to have compared to imported stuff will be exceedingly different and I think a lot of conusmers would like to buy local. During harvest next year, the grape farm will require between 80-100 staff to hand pick the grapes Courtney Fowler

07.01.2022 Dear Hedland Community, This afternoon Id like to talk about Part 5B of the Liquor Control Act 1988, which enables an owner or occupier of a private premises ...or privately owned land to apply to the Director of Liquor Licensing to have their premises declared a liquor restricted residence, for a specified period. If friends and relatives regularly cause trouble when drinking liquor in your home, or youre concerned about other antisocial alcohol related behaviour occurring, you can apply to have your home declared a liquor restricted premises. Once a Liquor Restricted Premises Declaration has been issued, a notice must be displayed onsite, and one of our officers at the police station will be happy to assist. If someone is then drinking liquor or taking liquor into your restricted premises, you will be able to call the police, who will have the power to seize the liquor and may take action against the person who committed the offence. This year in Hedland were seeing a marked increase in strong community members, our elderly, and those with families and children, seeking to have their homes liquor restricted, and strengthen their way of life. If you would like any further information, please come down and speak to one of us, or visit some of our awesome local support services, because were keen to help and support you. Regards Senior Constable Dan Hunuki South Hedland Police Station

07.01.2022 Our morning exercise - a drive to Kimberley Freightlines, Forrestdale with ex. Govt. computers from Mandurah Musketeers and office chairs on their way to Mowanjum TeleCentre.

07.01.2022 Greg *the tech guy* in his office surrounded by computers and other gadget type stuff. He helps keep the Community Resource Centre at Mowanjum running plus work...s on prepping 2nd hand laptops to sell cheaply to local people, keeps the bills paid, the car running, helps supervise the boys schooling, amongst other things. We couldnt do what we do without him working away in the background. #growingfamiliesaustralia #Growingfamiliesaustraliamissions

07.01.2022 ICYMI: Robert Dutchie trekked 60km to find help, and his wife Mary Lou was forced to ditch her wheelchair and crawl through the sand. Listen the 63 year old grandfather tell the story. Read more

07.01.2022 Today we're excited to announce that our Ngururrpa Indigenous Protected Area has been formally recognised by the Australian Government, after several years of c...onsultation and planning. Senior elder Mickey Bennie says: That’s very good, we can look after country properly now, with our IPA Rangers. Look after places, you know, those important places. We can take kids out and teach them - us elders, we’re not getting any younger, so it’s good with this IPA, it helps us pass our knowledge on. See more

06.01.2022 Mowanjum NAIDOC celebrations. Congratulations Gail on her NAIDOC Award and excellent photos. Ross Gobby commented: This Junba is a rare event. In our more than ...ten years association with Mowanjum - I have never known them to have a Junba for themselves.. never in Mowanjum itself either. I have only known them to stage these at the Art Centre for what is a public event. I’ve long hoped that they would practise their culture for themselves to celebrate among themselves. either in Mowanjum or out in their own country that I hope might be the next step. ...... This Junba is a real life expression of this approach working. We Boab Networkers are a network. we all have a part to play in this. Speaking to you - a BN member - you are part of this event. See more

06.01.2022 Best dancers of the night and their prizes

06.01.2022 This week we are profiling 2020 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Indigenous Art Award (NATSIAA) finalist Leah Umbagai. Leah is a proud Wor...rora woman from the North West Kimberley. Her passion for art comes mainly from the time spent with her grandfather and the incredible, spiritual experiences she had while exploring with him. Her grandfather used to take her to the cave sites. He taught me about the land, water, rocks, teaching me what I needed to learn about our culture. We walked seven hours a day looking at the caves. When you are there, the spirit speaks to you. It is glad you are around. Some places can be interpreted and in others I wonder what they are saying. This is why I paint. Leahs totem is the freshwater barramundi. It is my Ungud, my dreaming. It belongs to the story about Ungud (the snake). In traditional storytelling, Ungud is given to the father or grandfather through dreams or as a living animal to the parent. When the child dies the spirit returns to the animal. What is taken by the earth is given back. If you have a special animal you cannot eat it. It just doesnt taste right. Leah combines her two cultures through an amalgamation of art techniques. "As a painter, Ill try anything. At rst I didnt like using ochre on canvas as, traditionally, ochre is painted on clay, slate, or bark. At rst it was awkward to change the traditional way of painting, but now the paintings I make look beautiful and use the two mediums." Leah aims to pass on stories to her young relatives by painting and drawing with them. I draw cars, cartoons and stu they play with, and I show them how to draw faces. We paint together. I look at stu and I can draw it. I tell them everyone has their own way of looking. We are all dierent. These works and others are available at our online store #mowanjum #mowanjumarts #kimberleyart #indigenousart #natsiaa2020 #telstraawards

05.01.2022 Rottnest Island was a prison for over 3,700 Young Aboriginal men, incarcerated as part of the process of colonization to break tribal structures so the women an...d children could be enslaved and their land taken. Some 370 of these prisoner died while in custody, many having come from the heat of the north died from the cold and physical abuse. This is the biggest deaths in custody in Australia, See more

05.01.2022 Kiwirrkurra Mens Ranger Team is kicking goals! We are so proud of how well the Kiwirrkurra Mens Ranger Team has settled in to work this year with excellent at...tendance and amazing outcomes both around the community and out on country. Recording new sites, cleaning out rockholes, spraying weeds, continuing to set up our new shed, surveying camels and rabbits and doing odd jobs to support the community while its in lockdown. Its really heartening to hear such positive feedback from community members, staff and the rangers themselves. Too deadly fellas! See more

04.01.2022 Today the Year 10-12 students had the morning at the pool as a reward for sitting their OLNA tests. They had a great game of water polo and fun on the inflatable.

04.01.2022 We would not be having this summit if global political leaders had started listening to the science on climate change and acting on the advice of scientists, f...orty, thirty or even twenty years ago. - Kerry OBrien, our host at the first instalment of the National Bushfire & Climate Summit 2020. The summit launch was a powerful and inspiring night which brought together experts from across Australia and the world, to unpack the challenges and solutions to Australias escalating bushfire risk. The summit continues until the end of July, and will deliver its recommendations to the Bushfire Royal Commission and to governments. Join us for the wrap-up event on Wednesday, July 29, 6pm AEST. Register here:

04.01.2022 This is sooooo good. A bedtime story of 2020

03.01.2022 A must watch video by Jeremy Rifkin

03.01.2022 This is fantastic! For the past 30 years, the Elliot Hawks have had to travel the 500km (!!!) round trip to Tennant Creek to play all their matches in the AF...L Barkly. But today, they dont have to go anywhere! The remote NT town of Elliot will be hosting its first ever BAFL match on their newly grassed oval, which has taken almost two years to prepare. supplied AFL Northern Territory

02.01.2022 Cathy Freeman courageous, determined First Nations woman Australian role model, we applaud you

01.01.2022 Pearling Slavery in WA - from Wikipedia Pearling in Western Australia existed well before European settlement. Coastal dwelling Aboriginal people had collected ...and traded pearl shell as well as trepang and tortoise with fisherman from Sulawesi for possibly hundreds of years. After settlement, Aboriginal people were used as slave labour in the emerging commercial industry in a practice known as black birding. Pearling centered first around Nickol Bay and Exmouth Gulf and then around Broome to become the largest in the world by 1910. The farming of cultured pearls remains an important part of the Kimberley economy, worth A$67 million in 2014 and is the second largest fisheries industry in Western Australia after rock lobster. The origins of the Presbyterian Mission at Kunmunya in the NW Kimberely in 1912 was to provide protection from Pearling Slavery. See more

01.01.2022 We were thrilled to find evidence of this young bilby at one of our monitoring sites on the Kiwirrkurra IPA today but worried when we saw fresh cat tracks going... past the burrow, and a cat photo on the camera. So the Kiwirrkurra Rangers followed the cat tracks from that burrow until they found the cat, and then burnt some firebreaks to protect the spinifex around the bilby burrows. See more

01.01.2022 Mowanjum community we have some 2nd hand Desktop computers for sale. Come in now and get a bargain! Open Tuesday and Thursday 9am till 12pm

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