M Pilates in Goulburn, New South Wales | Sport & recreation
M Pilates
Locality: Goulburn, New South Wales
Address: 248 Cowper Street 2580 Goulburn, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.mpilatesgoulburn.com.au
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25.01.2022 This weeks Zoom Online Pilates Classes have been awesome Thank you to all who have taken the plunge into this new online world & joined me for these Live Pilates classes. I appreciate your time, attendance & patience as we make a way through this new technology ... It’s a pleasure to offer these classes to your homes during this crazy time! Self care & me time is vital to keep our sanity ! Let’s get through this together! Join me tomorrow (Thursday) I have 3 FREE classes available live on Zoom: 8am, 12pm, 5.30pm To join in, just direct message Maria for details. #stayhome #selfcare #metime #onlinepilates #rightnowingoulburn #letsdothistogether #mpilates70 @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
24.01.2022 I have the best clients Thank you @montie060 for my cheeky little tote bag - I love it !! Always striving to be the best little Pilates Instructor I can be #mpilates70 #bestclientsintheworld #pilatesinstructor #pilatesisthebest #cheekytotebag #thankyou
24.01.2022 To celebrate another awesome year at M Pilates & to say a great big Thank You to the best clients in the world!! We are having an end-of-year shin dig, party, gathering, celebration on Saturday 7 December from 3pm at the studio! If it’s a nice day we will be out on the lawn (or inside if not). There will be bubbles, other drinks, food & nibbles, & a few surprises ... So come along!! Spouses & children are welcome to come along & see what this Pilates is all about Please let me know if you’re coming by Friday 6 December, for catering purposes #mpilates70 #pilatesendofyearfunction #bestclientsever #superpilatesclients #rightnowingoulburn #goulburnpilates #pilatesisforeverybody #pilatesparty #christmaspilatesfun
24.01.2022 With all that’s been happening in the world & locally regarding Covid-19 virus, I thought it important to let our little community know how we will be approaching things. I am doing my part to help stop the spread of infection in our own environment & keeping us all safe & well. Doing things together will make us stronger! I will continue to sanitise all equipment after every session, as well as door handles & other surfaces in the studio. However, taking into consideration ...the current situation, further procedures will be implemented starting tomorrow Monday 16 March to ensure hygiene is of a high standard: - All clients are required to wipe down equipment used upon completion of session. Hospital grade disinfectant & disposable wipes will be available. - a wash station with soap & running water will be available for clients to use before a session, or as required. - hand sanitiser available as usual. - hand & feet straps on reformers & cadi are removed & washed often, however they are unable to be changed after every use. Single use cotton gloves will be made available for use by clients. The gloves will be washed after each use. - instructor contact during hands-on adjustments will be limited. Unwell? Stay Home!! Please - if you have one or any combo of the following complaints: flu-like symptoms, fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath and/or sore throat please do not attend the studio. - if you or a member of your household has travelled overseas in the last 2 weeks, please seek advice from health professional before attending the studio. - if you have been in contact with anybody who is being tested for - or been confirmed positive with Covid-19, the recommendation is to stay away for 14 days (incubation period) and then only return if you are clear & free of symptoms. - if you have been experiencing vomiting or diahorrea in the last 48 hours please do not attend the studio. - if any member of your household has experienced any of the above symptoms for the last 48 hours please do not attend the studio. Let’s help each other stay healthy!
24.01.2022 Reminder that there is no Pilates classes or studio sessions tomorrow - Monday 10 June! Keep enjoying the long weekend - I know I will be Back to it on Tuesday 11 June ... #mpilates70 #pilatesgoulburn #goulburn #longweekend #queensbday #livefortheweekend
24.01.2022 The new M Pilates timetable starts next Monday 15 July! Check out our new classes!! Have you been thinking if starting Pilates but don’t know where to start??! Well, we have a class for you!! ... Beginner Pilates is on Wednesday’s at 5.30pm & Friday’s at 6am. It’s an ideal class for people who are new to Pilates. In this class, we begin working on the mat to master the foundations of the Pilates exercises & then work up to exercises on the Reformer. It’s the class to do if your goal is to either progress to one of our Reformer classes, and/or progress to Progressive/Intermediate Mat classes, or both! Places are limited, so book in early! Clients are required to commit to at least a term of Beginner Pilates (10 weeks) before progressing to Reformer or other Mat classes. 10 week term is $200 or 5 classes for $110. Book your place today as classes are filling fast! To book in, send me a message, email: [email protected] or give me a call - 0438 690 296. Look forward to hearing from you soon!! Maria #mpilates70 #pilatesgoulburn #pilates #learnpilates #dopilatesitworks #lovepilates #pilatestimetable #personalisedpilates
24.01.2022 Every Thursday, this awesome lady takes me out of my comfort zone (Pilates!) & puts me though some other Personal Training. We do stuff like the sled push/pull, dead lifts, squats - I think you get the idea! & you can tell from how I look in the pic above (stuffed!) it’s quite full on Amy Hanger runs a home based business called Mind Body Republic. She is a qualified Strength & Conditioning coach, a Food/Nutrition Coach as well as selling a range of health food products. S...he’s the best at what she does If I didn’t do Pilates, I know I would not have the body awareness, core control or strength to do these sessions with Amy. She is an excellent & highly qualified trainer & I trust her instruction when she puts me through the grind! I love it! Cross training is important to cover all the bases of physical fitness. Pilates, Weights, Cardio, Gym, Yoga - the mix is good to tick off all your goals Check out all the local health talents we have in Goulburn - they are all awesome #mpilates70 #mindbodyrepublic #rightnowingoulburn #goulburnpilates #goulburnfitness #crosstraining #pilates #pilatesforlife #pilatesforweighttraining
22.01.2022 Hope you all had a lovely Easter!! Have been a bit quiet the last few days as we have been busily painting the new studio!! A massive 3 days (we had Sunday off) of prepping & painting - all our hard work has paid off! It looks amazing Have a giggle at the time lapse videos - we worked our butts off!! Thank you to my support crew who worked so hard - love you guys !!... Could never have done it without your help!! Damian Geary, Bec Norris, Caitlyn Vassallo Xxxxxxxooooo #newpilatesstudio #paintingwalls #newpilatesstudiocomingsoon #thebestcrew #veryluckytohavegreatsupport
22.01.2022 So excited !!! NSW have finally set Saturday 13 June as the date for us to be able to reopen !!! We look forward to receiving the official guidelines when released by NSW Health, but in the meantime the link below is what we know. Looking forward to having all my wonderful clients back in the studio and seeing some bodies working in this space again! More details regarding timetable & reopening details soon!! https://mobile.abc.net.au//nsw-coronavirus-restri/12310984
22.01.2022 End of Term 3! Are you getting ready for Term 4? Keep upto date - https://mailchi.mp/8fcaadd97c3b/end-of-term-3 #Mpilates #endofterm #newterm #pilates #goulburn #bookin #excitingnews
21.01.2022 Free Online Pilates Classes Starting Tomorrow !! Tuesday 31 March Classes will be live through the Zoom app. These are trial classes to see how this new platform works for M Pilates. A new timetable with paid options will follow next week. ... Here are the class times: Tuesday 31 March: 6am, 9.30am, 5.30pm Pilates Mat & Stretch classes Wednesday 1 April: 9.30am - standing & sitting exercise class 12pm - Pilates Nat & stretch class (45 mins) Thursday 2 April: 8am - Pilates Mat & stretch class 12pm - sitting & standing class (45 mins) 5.30pm - Pilates Mat & stretch class. Direct Message Maria for more information ! #pilatesonline #stayhome #pilatesathome #stayhealthystayhome #rightnowingoulburn #mpilates70
20.01.2022 We have been in the studio almost a month! Wow! Time flys! It’s been awesome I love teaching in the new space, & I hope you all love it as much as I do! It’s been a busy but very exciting time! I am in the process of getting the new website up & running. I had some photos taken the other week for advertising & social media - this is one of my favs I’d like to introduce my puppy Nella - who aspires to be a Pilates puppy...one day! At the moment, she is a bit too excitabl...e to stay focussed - one of the Pilates principles!! You may see Nella when you come to the studio - although we keep her at safe distance in case she licks someone to death!! Thank you to my daughter Natalie for taking the photos more coming your way soon! See you all in the studio soon! #mpilates70 #pilateshomestudio #pilatesgoulburn #pilatescadillac #pilatesreformer #pilatesteacherlife #pilatespuppy @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
20.01.2022 Back to Pilates for Term 3 2019! Classes back Monday, 15 July 2019 - https://mailchi.mp//back-to-pilates-for-term-3-2019-classe New Classes added to Timetable! Check it out !
20.01.2022 Today I received a lovely bunch of flowers from a beautiful soul, who I am privileged to call a client. She has been coming to see me twice weekly for Pilates private sessions since the start of this year. Every session she arrives with a smile, an open mind, & a willingness to learn & work hard toward her goal - to gain the confidence, strength & suppleness to move better & live a fulfilling life Her card to me is addressed to an Inspirational Woman. You my lovely ...are the inspirational one You have been through some tough times, & you still have this amazing outlook on life, & kindness for everyone Thank you #pilatesgoulburn #humblingmoment #pilatesinstructor #mpilates70 #pilateschanginglives #pilatesmakesitpossible #lovepilates #thankyoufortheflowers
19.01.2022 I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to the amazing people who helped move my studio on the weekend. I’ve been overwhelmed with offers of assistance, trucks to transport the gear & an offer of a space to use temporarily while the new studio is being built. It’s been humbling to receive so much assistance - I’m truly appreciative of everyone’s kindness. Thank you
18.01.2022 Pilates Temporary Timetable starting Monday 29 April Hang tight while we finish the "New Studio"! While we apply the finishing touches, Pilates classes and private sessions will run to a temporary revised timetable. ... ALL classes and private Pilates sessions will be held at the current temporary location 201 Auburn Street (old Athletes Foot Shop). Please find the revised temporary timetable below. This timetable will be in operation until we are ready to move into the New Studio. More information will be given as it gets closer. Thank you in advance for your patience while the works are completed. Revised Timetable - Starting Monday 29 April 2019 (All classes held at 201 Auburn Street - old Athletes Foot shop) Bookings are essential! Please contact Maria to book in for a class - don't miss - out limited classes available. Monday: - 6am - Reformer Class - 12 noon - Reformer Class - 5.30pm - Mat Class (progressive level) Tuesday: - 5.30pm - Mat Class (progressive level) - 6.40pm - Reformer Class Wednesday: - 9am - Mat Class (all levels) - 12 noon - Reformer Class Fees: Pilates Mat Classes: Term payment: Monday Mat Class 7 weeks: $115 (Queens Bday public holiday 10/06) Tuesday & Thursday Mat Class 8 weeks: $130 5 class pass: $90 (to be used during this term only) Casual visit: $20 Pilates Reformer Classes: 5 class pass: $110 (to be used during this term only) Casual visit: $27.50 Private Studio Sessions - Clients with private studio sessions will be contacted separately to arrange times. Please do not hesitate to contact Maria if you have any concerns 0438 690 296 The New Studio has been painted and flooring laid. It's all coming together beautifully! I am sooo very excited to have my studio in this lovely space, and I look forward to sharing this space with you all and enjoying many Pilates classes and sessions in the future. Maria xx
18.01.2022 When I’m not at the gym training, I’m doing pilates. Having a lower back injury, I have focused last 4 years building my core strength up to enable me to train ...in the gym the way I do. Over the last 4 years I’ve come to understand just how important it is to have a strong core and know how to switch it on when performing exercises. I’ve been blessed to of had such an amazing pilates instructor M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction (going to miss you) you always push for that ‘one more’ #pilates #pilatesreformer #pilateslovers #corestrength #strength See more
18.01.2022 A little ray of Sunshine Put something POSITIVE out into the world. Think of your 5 (or more) local businesses that have made your happy recently. ... -Go write them a positive review! -Share, like and comment on their Page -Tag a friend or 7 on their pinned post, if they don't have a pinned post just tag them in a deal you love and think your friends would love too. As a small business owner who just due to Covid-19 had my whole calendar wiped, postpones, rescheduled , WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT TO GET YOU THROUGH THE DAY, I know only to well how fabulous it feels when someone likes your work, shares a post, tags a friend, leaves a review, joins your group. too many of us only want to complain. There is enough negativity out there! Share something NICE! Please Share this post xox
17.01.2022 Christmas Break A reminder that M Pilates classes & studio will be closing from 21 December for the holidays We will be returning with a Summer timetable from Monday 13 January (details released later this week!).... As we get into the swing of the silly season, life gets busier & we can’t always do all the things we intend to! So, if you are unable to get to class before Christmas - I will be very sad , an hour of Pilates will help you through the craziness - promise! A message would be appreciated if you’re unable to attend classes #mpilates70 #pilateschristmas #pilatesclasses #sillyseasonishere #messagetheteacher
17.01.2022 Getting Closer...but still Online - for Now.... It’s looking fairly positive & there is now a plan for everything to slowly reopen again. In the grand plan announced by the federal government, our little studio sits inside Stage 2 of lifting of restrictions. This means there is light at the end of the tunnel - all going well we will be open once again for classes in the studio soon! I will have firmer dates when Aunty Gladys & the NSW Government make an announcement ... I have been sooo very lucky to have been supported through this time by so many of you joining the live Zoom classes & the online workouts on the website. THANK YOU I’m not quite sure I can let you know how much this has helped me through this difficult & uncertain time for me & my little Pilates studio Chances are, however, when we do get back to the studio that there will be some changes in how M Pilates can offer services & what classes will be available. There will be changes to the timetable, & some classes may not be offered. To help with planning for our re-opening, please let me know what you would like to see continue, new classes, days, times - your feedback is important! In the meantime, you can still move with us online - visit the website for all the details! mpilatesgoulburn.com.au Look forward to seeing you all again very soon !!!
17.01.2022 Hope you’re all enjoying a wonderful Christmas with those near & dear Thank you to all my wonderful clients for your ongoing support & trust in me to teach you Pilates. It really is movement for life! Check out the great pics snapped during our final week of Pilates for 2019 It’s been a massive year, moving & building the new studio! I could not have done it without the awesome M Pilates tribe!!... Thanks again ! Looking forward to a an exciting 2020. See you all again from Monday 13 January #mpilates70 #pilateslovers #bestclientsever #goulburnpilates #rightnowingoulburn #christmaspilates @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
15.01.2022 Good morning Hope you all had an awesome weekend! I had hoped to have the new online timetable, booking & billing information all sorted by today.... I’m still sorting out a few technical issues & rearranging information on the website etc - it’s all taking a bit longer than expected. So I’ve decided to offer some free trial online Zoom classes again this week to keep us all moving! I will also be focussing on recording some online content that you can all access any time. Here are the live class times for this week: Tuesday 7 April: 9.30am - Mat & stretch (beginner to progressive level) 5.30pm - Mat & stretch (Progressive to Intermediate level) Wednesday 8 April: 7am - Mat & Stretch (all levels) 12 noon - Mat & Stretch (all levels) Thursday 9 April: 9.30am - Standing & Sitting (All levels) 5.30pm - Mat & Stretch (Progressive to Intermediate level) Please contact me to book in & please let me know if you have questions or enquiries. This is an unusual time to be living in - I’m still trying to get my head around it! We can get through this together - patience & positivity
14.01.2022 Always a student -training & learning how to do Pilates better, different - so that I can then share this knowledge with my clients. Back in September, I spent a weekend at @thepilatesworkshop in Wollongong with the super talented, inspiring & lovely Tamara who took us through the @balanced_body teacher training module for the Trapeze Table. An intensive 16 hour course that provided a thorough introduction to Trapeze table exercises as well as applications for beginning, ...post-rehabilitation & advanced clients. I learnt many new exercises & applications on the Trap Table, building on my knowledge - & I even conquered one of my fears - being up-side-down! With Tam’s instruction & encouragement, I achieved & learnt so much during this course! If you’ve ever thought of becoming a Pilates instructor, check out the @thepilatesworkshop who are highly qualified teachers of the @balanced_body Pilates teacher training - the leader of Pilates teacher training around the world! We are fortunate to have this training available close by! Thanks again Tamara!! XX I’ll be back for more training in 2020! #pilatesinstructor #mpilates70 #thepilatesworkshop #balancedbody #balancedbodypilates #trapezetable #pilatesteachertraining #alwaysastudentofpilates #lovepilates See more
14.01.2022 I just want to say Thank You to my beautiful, fun, kind, generous, understanding, accommodating M Pilates community Together we did our little bit to keep each other & the rest of the community a little safer from this virus that seems to be taking over our world & daily lives. Thank you to all of you for still coming to class, washing, sanitising hands & equipment & wearing cotton gloves! M Pilates will be on a break from tomorrow Monday 23 March as planned. Although I ...will not be travelling, I will be in self isolation for the next 14 days as my daughter arrived from the UK last night & I will be isolating with her. It will be a lovely time for us to spend together (challenging as well I’m sure!!) I will let you all know when we will be back in the studio. For now, keep moving!!! To stay healthy & keep our immune systems working well & our stress levels down - exercise is crucial! Get outside in the beautiful autumn sun (remember to keep your distance!) take a walk, do some Pilates at home!! Remember to stay in contact with friends & family during this unsettling time. Reassure each other that this too will pass Take care dear friends & I will be posting over the next 14 days. Stay tuned! Maria xxxx #mpilates70 #pilates #washyourhands #doingthistogether #lookingoutforeachother #caretactics #fuckoffcorona #thistoowillpass @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
14.01.2022 NEW ONLINE TIMETABLE // The new M Pilates online timetable is now available! The classes will be via the app Zoom, and cost $5 per class or you can purchase a weekly $10 membership which gives you access to as many live Zoom classes you like as well as access to uploaded videos on our website! We also have a new Booty Barre class which is guaranteed to get your legs and glutes burning! For more information on classes or to book into a class, please head to our website mpilatesgoulburn.com.au #mpilates #pilates #pilatesinstructor #rightnowingoulburn #stayhome #isolife #selfcare #exerciseathome
13.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all our M Pilates Mummas this includes all Mothers - Mums, Mums-to-be, step Mums, foster Mums, Auntie Mum’s, Carer Mum’s, Longing to be Mum’s - & just Mumma’s in general whatever form it may be I had a lovely, relaxing day at home. Enjoyed yummy soufflé pancakes for breakfast & then caught up with my children on Houseparty (like FaceTime !) & my fur babies A distant Mother’s Day but there was still love, laughter, food & family so it was a... very special day Hope you are all keeping well - spoilt your Mum today & enjoyed being spoiled too! Hope to see you all soon! Maria xx #happymothersday2020 #pilatesmother #family #housepartyapp #comingtogetheronline @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
13.01.2022 Little bit of snow at 5am this morning!! The Pilates studio looking pretty with white fluffy cotton wool all around Very chilly though ! Glad we have heating inside Have a great day everyone !! ... #pilatesgoulburn #snowpilates #goulburn #fluffywhite #pilatesteacherlife #earlymornings @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
13.01.2022 Thank you for all the birthday love as M Pilates Studio turns 1 this week Thank you for all your lovely messages & to everyone who joined us for our birthday celebration class via Zoom on Saturday - & those who couldn’t join us due to the blackout (great timing!) I look forward to seeing you all again soon in the studio. Meanwhile, let’s keep moving together in the live Zoom classes.! Visit the M Pilates website for more details! ... See you all soon! Maria xx #pilatesinstructor #onlinepilates #zoompilates #pilatesstudiobirthday #rightnowingoulburn #wereallinthistogether @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
12.01.2022 How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard! Winnie the Pooh Goodbye from the M Pilates Studio ... The M Pilates studio has closed its doors in Goulburn. I will miss my clients & beautiful M Pilates studio space . I am now looking forward - a new beginning in Wollongong! I am so pleased to be part of the awesome, talented team at #thepilatesworkshop in North Wollongong If your looking for Pilates in the Gong they (we!) are the best! In Goulburn, I recommend Pilates mat classes from #silhouette_pilates and #lifeyogagoulburn Finally...thank you!! To all my clients for your wonderful support, beautiful smiles & great times we had moving together in a Pilates way. I hope you all continue to practice Pilates or a movement modality that makes you feel good & move happy! Move it or lose it! Stay safe & take care, Maria xx
12.01.2022 M Pilates Classes resume Wednesday 22 January! Thank you again to everyone for your support & understanding while I recover from my back injury. I’m happy to report that I am recovering well & will be back in the studio on Wednesday 22 January, with all classes going ahead as per the timetable! YAY Due to classes being on hold for a week, the term dates have changed. For all information, click on the link below. ... Term 1 will still run for 5 weeks & finish on Friday 21 February. Term 2 will run for 4 weeks starting on 24 February to 20 March. All enquiries directly to Maria - thank you https://us19.campaign-archive.com/
11.01.2022 Well, here it is everyone - the new M Pilates Studio is finally ready for business!! It’s been a hectic few weeks getting to the finish line, phew but we finally made it I look forward to welcoming you to this beautiful new space; instructing you and helping you achieve your Pilates and movement goals. The new studio location: 248 Cowper Street, Goulburn. The studio is purpose built shed located at the back of my house. Parking is available on the street out front, and ...also up the driveway at the side of the house. There is a change room and toilet facilities. Timetable resumes Monday 6 May! Reformer classes: Monday: 6am (limited spaces available) 12 noon Tuesday: 4pm (limited spaces available) 6.40pm Wednesday: 12 noon Thursday: 6am, 7am, 6.15pm (limited spaces available) Mat classes: Monday: 5.30pm Tuesday: 5.30pm Thursday: 9am Bookings essential! Contact Maria - 0438690296 or message; email: [email protected]
11.01.2022 Just a reminder that we are on a break from Pilates this week - Monday 11 to Friday 15 November. Classes return to normal from Monday 18 November. I look forward to seeing you all recharged & ready to go next week!... Maria xx #itsoktotakeabreak #pilatesbreaktime #goulburnpilates #mpilates70 #rightnowingoulburn
10.01.2022 Well yesterday afternoon the M Pilates Studio was transformed to the Party Studio !! It was so lovely to have the chance to share a drink & a chat with my wonderful pilates clients, who have been so loyal & patient especially during this past year as we have moved locations a few times until we found our own space in the M Pilates Studio Thank you to the very talented Elle from @leave_it_to_me_by_elle ... who put together a gorgeous grazing table for us to enjoy Seeing everyone gathered in my own studio was kind of humbling & amazing Thank You all for putting your trust in me each time you step into the studio, & continue to be inspired by the power of Pilates #mpilates70 #pilatesparty #pilateshomestudio #grazingtables #rightnowingoulburn #pilateschristmasparty #pilatesinstructorlife #lovepilates #pilatesforlife @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
10.01.2022 If you haven’t already seen this - then read all about this awesome opportunity to be part of the 30 day Challenge with Dave POW Tabain. If you’ve been wanting to improve your mindset, nutrition, & overall well being, this is the perfect opportunity to take action & be part of an amazing supportive community. Thank you to local businesses Mind Body Republic & Life Yoga for bringing this wonderful opportunity to Goulburn!
10.01.2022 It’s always the sweetest Pilates instructors that kick your butt the hardest! Thanks Dan from #pilateswithdan for another awesome Pilates session that kicked butt! But also had some sweet extension moments that had me walk out feeling 10 cms (at least!!) taller As a Pilates instructor, I look forward to my own sessions as - a client - with more experienced Pilates instructors that I can relate to & respect! This guy makes me feel like I can just move without judgement of... my movement skills rather, an appreciation of what I can do & encouraging me to go further - like sky diver on the ladder barrel! Who’d a thought ??! Thank you Dan for helping me feel ok to just move - I learn so much about Pilates, my body & movement stuff in general with every session. Until next time PS: the food pic was my after Pilates re-fuel!! OMG! The best! Assortment of mushrooms, with quinoa, dukkah, pesto on sour dough! at Market street Eats Belconnen Markets @ Pilates with Dan
09.01.2022 Studio walls all painted!! Ready for some flooring & lights - progressing slowly I must send a big Thank You to local plasterers On Point Plastering for working round the clock last week - at very short notice to complete the walls before the weekend so we could get the painting done!! Thanks Ricky & all the team!
09.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL // The M Pilates community has a new member! Welcome Anastasia Your beautiful Mumma, Mary, did Pilates before and throughout her pregnancy up until three day’s before she gave birth to her gorgeous little girl! Thank you for this lovely recommendation @msotiros for M Pilates! Maria made me feel very comfortable and supported throughout my pregnancy. I feel very grateful to have had someone so caring on my team! There was never a time I felt pushed or un...comfortable with any of the exercises and Maria always made sure that I wasn’t pushing myself too hard. I fully believe that the skills I was taught during Pilates, particularly the breathing exercises and deep stretches towards the end of the pregnancy, set me up for success during labour. I don’t have a horror birth story and had a beautiful water birth that was so special to me. Thankyou Maria for all the extra time and effort you put into modifying classes for me each and every week. I can’t wait to get back into Pilates with you postpartum. #pregnancypilates #prenatalpilates #rightnowingoulburn #pilatesmummas #stayhome #isolife #pilates
08.01.2022 Hey everyone! As of next Tuesday 8 October we can do Pilates EVERYDAY as we begin Term 4 - YAY!! I’m so excited to get back in the studio after our break. You should be getting an email in the next day or so with all the details. Below is a sneaky peek at the new timetable! Some new classes added & time changes to some classes (read carefully!).... Term 4 Timetable starting Tuesday 8 October: Monday (classes start back 14 October! 6am: Reformer/Circuit class 12pm: Reformer/Circuit class 5.15pm: Beginner Pilates **NEW CLASS** 6.15pm: Intermediate Mat Class **NEW TIME** Tuesday: 12.10pm: Express Reformer/Circuit Class **NEW CLASS** 4pm: Reformer/Circuit class **NEW CLASS** 5.30pm: Progressive Mat Class 6.40pm: Reformer/Circuit Class Wednesday: 12pm: Reformer/Circuit class 5.30pm: Reformer/Circuit class Thursday: 6am: Reformer/Circuit Class 7am: Reformer/Circuit Class 9.15am: Buff Bones Class 6.30pm: Reformer/Circuit Class Friday: 6am: Reformer/Circuit Class All bookings are essential & made directly through Maria - 0438 690 296 or email: [email protected] Or send me a message! #mpilates70 #goulburnpilates #goulburnnsw #rightnowingoulburn #smallpilatesstudio #pilatestimetable #pilateseveryday
08.01.2022 Pilates on the lawn at sunset anyone ??! Yeesss!! We have lawn at M Pilates, & I’m very excited You have all seen the progress over the past week, & on Friday afternoon we laid the turf (thank you Damian ) finishing around 8pm. Phew I have been watering, fertilising, & rolling the new lawn giving it the best start possible so we can all enjoy some outdoor Pilates this summer & a sneaky champers or two when we finish Check out the progress photos ... #mpilates70 #pilatesgoulburn #pilatesonthelawn #lawnpilates #outdoorpilates #pilateshomestudiolife #summerpilates #champagnepilates @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
08.01.2022 Thanks to Ricky & the team for a working round the clock last week to get my walls ready for painting over the weekend ! Check these guys out if you need plastering
08.01.2022 Last night I had the pleasure of hosting a workshop on How to Engage the Core with 10 members from F45 Goulburn in the M Pilates Studio. What an awesome group they were too! Thank you so much for coming along & taking the time to learn some new techniques that I hope will enable you to get more from your F45 classes! ... Pilates consists of low-impact flexibility & muscular strength & endurance movements. Pilates emphasises proper postural alignment, core strength, & muscle balance. It is the perfect cross training exercise you can incorporate into any fitness regime to get the most out of every workout, as well as everyday life. Contact Maria at M Pilates for more information - visit the website: www.mpilatesgoulburn.com.au #mpilates70 #f45goulburn #f45traininggoulburn #engageyourcore #pilatesstrengthensmycore #pilatesbody #pilatesbreatheengagescore #pilatesgoulburn #rightnowingoulburn @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
07.01.2022 Finally! The studio has walls!! Yay After a few weeks delay, plaster is done; the sanding will be done on Thursday & the painting will start on the weekend. Flooring arrived today too - lots of work ahead, but getting closer to finishing The new timetable will be posted soon - promise ... #mpilates70 #newpilatesstudiocomingsoon #homepilatesstudio #excitingtimes #reno #paintingwalls #flooringinstallationcomingsoon @ Goulburn, New South Wales
07.01.2022 Thank you for all your support while I took time out from instructing to let my back heal. I appreciate everyone’s support & patience You’re probably thinking...How can she have a back problem ? She is a Pilates instructor ?! Well, my love for Pilates started because of my back problems. I was so amazed by its benefits & that it helped me put off surgery that I then decided to study & now teach Pilates. I have a few disc bulges in my lumbar spine - lower back. Basically,... a disc bulge is when the soft cushion (disc) that sits between the vertebrae of the spine becomes damaged and it may herniate or push out against the spinal cord and nerves. The pain is often felt not so much at the disc but along the nerve path. Think sciatic nerve - if you’ve ever had it you understand the pain! Also, the nerve pain felt is different for everyone! So, during my week of rest, I have been getting help from an osteo & physio, working to decompress my spine as much as possible and stabilising my pelvis by doing specific exercises that encourage and strengthen my core stability. Mindful movement using the breathe to switch on the deep abdominal stabilisers. Getting back to the basics! I have made a few videos of some of the exercises I’ve been doing if you’re interested have a look I am back instructing as of tomorrow! Looking forward to being back in the studio with you all!! But with limited demonstration for a few weeks until I’m feeling right again See you all soon Maria xx
07.01.2022 Welcoming the Start of Term 4! Don't miss out, see you all there - https://mailchi.mp/255bd85a80/welcoming-the-start-of-term-4
06.01.2022 A fresh new 6 week term of Pilates kicks off next week ! Monday 17 August Online bookings are now LIVE!!! ... Visit the M Pilates website & click on the Book Me In button. Purchase a term pass & get yourself 6 Reformer or Mat classes that you can use throughout the upcoming term. You also have the option of booking & paying for single classes - all online! Book in now to avoid disappointment as class numbers are limited. See you soon!! @ M Pilates - Professional Pilates Instruction
05.01.2022 We all want to offer our help during this desperate, terrible time to those who still have their lives, but have lost their homes and possessions. This is how we can help them by donating locally at Service NSW, and our help will reach those in need.
05.01.2022 Although M Pilates is on a break from classes at the moment, I would be right at this time be making the difficult but necessary decision to close the studio & any face-to-face lessons. This decision affects so many small local businesses as well businesses all over the country & the world. We need to look after each other by staying home! You can keep supporting local Pilates, Yoga & Fitness businesses, as well as looking after your own health during this difficult time - ...go online people!! There is so much online content from your local fitness providers. We are all going online to keep connected with our clients, helping you - & ourselves! - stay healthy & motivated during this trying time. More info to come regarding online content from M Pilates This too will pass...
03.01.2022 Well, 1 week into isolation & we have been making the most of some online classes from my beautiful friends #thepilatesworkshop in Wollongong. Doing some Pilates & Barre classes with my daughter, Caitlyn - has been a wonderful distraction from the daily iso blues & helps to keep us moving & healthy in these trying times! I’m getting some inspiration, & playing around with the technology - online classes coming soon from M Pilates! Yay! ... Miss you all so very much & hope you’re staying safe - at home!! #pilatesathome #pilates #mpilates70 #stayhome #ingoulburnrightnow #goulburnnsw #isolation #pilatesinstructor #lovepilates #stayconnected #pilatesonline
03.01.2022 Welcome 2020! Time for Pilates to start back for another bumper year at M Pilates! If you haven’t already booked into your fav class - now is the time! All classes are almost full so get your shimmy on & get booked in NOW!... Please note: There has been a few changes to the timetable: * New Reformer class on Wednesday 6am - replaces Thursday 6am class. * New Pre/Post Natal Class Tuesday 9.30am starts Term 2 - 17 February - more info to come! * New 9.30am Reformer class on Wednesday replaces the 12 noon class I look forward to seeing you all again in the studio next week!! Maria
03.01.2022 We all know how to wash our hands - right??!! Check this video out for some hand washing skills
03.01.2022 M Pilates is proud to support this very important fundraising event, hosted by local businesses highlighting Ovarian Cancer. If you don’t have ticket - get one now! They are selling fast!! Here is the link for the event page where you can get tickets, also from #yourhomemattersgoulburn & #rumoursandrunwaysgoulburn A great night out for an important cause that could help research this insidious disease that silently kills women regardless of age.... Frocktober Goulburn - frock up for Ovarian Cancer #frockcancer #rightnowingoulburn #helpfightovariancancer #raiseawarenessovariancancer #goulburnbusinesswomen #girlsnightout #rumoursandrunwaysgoulburn #yourhomemattersgoulburn
02.01.2022 Fear of moving after injury is real - having confidence to move again takes courage. But not moving at all, will most certainly not help the pain or the injury. My mantra everyday! So...let’s all just MOVE! Enjoy life a little more
02.01.2022 As we head into the Final Week for the M Pilates Studio...I just want to say a great big Thank You to all of my clients for your support, understanding & well wishes as I recently announced my plans to move to Wollongong, and sadly close the M Pilates Studio from Saturday 26 September, 2020. I will miss all of my amazing Pilates tribe - the BEST clients ever!! Some have been with me since I first started teaching in 2016. The support and encouragement I have received durin...g this time has been amazing! You believed in me and inspired me to continue. Thank you All classes will go ahead as scheduled this week (unless you have been notified of changes). If you missed a class and would like a make-up class or do an extra class before I go, here is availability for this weeks classes: Monday 21 September 6am Reformer - 3 spots Tuesday: 22 September *Extra Class* 11am Reformer - 3 spots Wednesday 23 September 6am Online Live Zoom Pilates Mat class *Extra Class* 6.30pm Reformer - 1 spot Thursday 24 September 5.25pm Pilates Mat - 2 spots 6.30pm Reformer - 1 spot Send me a message to book you spot!! Maria xx #pilates #lovepilates #livepilates #homepilatesstudio #newbeginnings #changeisgoodforthesoul #missmyclients #rightnowingoulburn
02.01.2022 Reminding you all Pilates is back this week - starting tomorrow Monday 18 November! All classes back as per timetable - except this Wednesday 20 November there is no Reformer 12 noon class. There is room in Monday or Tuesday 12 noon Reformer class if you would like to book instead. All enquiries, contact Maria.... I look forward to seeing you all in the studio again for some fun !! #mpilates70 #pilatesgoulburn #rightnowingoulburn #pilatesworkout #pilatesisthebest #lovepilates
02.01.2022 Just a reminder that the M Pilates studio will be on a break from Friday 21 June. All classes & studio return back Monday 15 July. New classes & timetable coming soon.
02.01.2022 For all the soon to be Mumma’s Please take the time to read this post - it will assure you that your body changes are part of your pregnancy journey. Strengthening abdominals & pelvic floor during pregnancy may lead to problems during labour & delivery. Isolating & strengthening these muscles during pregnancy can also increase your chances of Diasatis Recti. Your body is doing it’s best to open & release, especially towards the end of pregnancy. Carolyne Anthony from the Centre for Women’s Fitness
01.01.2022 Hi Everyone! The M Pilates Studio is turning 1 - yep! It’s been 1 year since we built our beautiful studio. Which sadly, we can’t all physically be together in at the moment. But...help us celebrate!! We would love you to join our FREE live Zoom Pilates Fusion Class at 2pm, May 2nd! Pilates Fusion is a mix of Pilates, Barre and Stretch, a nice combination for everyone of all levels to enjoy! If you’re a Pilates lover or new to Pilates, this class has something for you! EVERYONE is welcome, please use the Zoom meeting ID 87479035233, and grab yourself a mat and a high back dining chair! We look forward to seeing you live & online! #pilates #pilatesinstructor #pilatesstudio #pilatesstudiobirthday #isolation #pilatesfusion #rightnowingoulburn #comejoinus #freeonlineclass
01.01.2022 NEW Pilates Mat class !! Thursday’s 9am To book in send me a message!! $15 per person, 1 hour. All levels catered for. Hope to see you on the Mat!! ... #pilatesmatclasses #goulburnpilates
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