MRA South | Community group
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25.01.2022 ready for the next one
24.01.2022 Hi Everyone, A notification from Dept. of State Growth for anyone commencing their P2's after December 1st 2020, those that have already commenced their P2s prior to December can disrgard. From December 2020 all new Tasmanian P2 licence holders (car and motorcycle) will be required to display green P plates (green on a white background) on their vehicle.... If you progress to the P2 stage before December you will not have this requirement. This applies to car and motorcycle P2 licence holders. This is currently a requirement in all but one other state and has been found to reduce offences and assist policing of zero blood alcohol requirement in the P2 stage.
24.01.2022 Here's something for Philosophical Friday. Ride safe!
23.01.2022 Best with sound on.
23.01.2022 Rippin right off the roof
22.01.2022 *** UPCOMING APRIL & MAY EVENTS CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC *** South MRA Regretfully advises that we have cancelled the upcoming Annual MRA South Easter Time Bunny Run for 2020 and will be postponing the Tasmanian Volunteer Fire Brigade Fundraiser Ride until later in the year. We have made the decision in the interests of complying with Government Social Distancing and Health recommendations, we will however reschedule the event as soon as we are given direction fro...m the State and Federal Government that it is safe to conduct public events again. We are sure that you understand the difficulties facing the world at the moment, We look forward to advising a new date for the Volunteer Firefighters Fundraiser ride as soon as it is safe to do so. Stay Home & Stay Safe, South Motorcycle RIders Association of Tasmania, Inc.
21.01.2022 For those not participating in this years Toy Run and that wish to help out on the day with set up, bike parking, co-ordination and packing up then please get in touch with us as we are in need of some volunteers, volunteer places are limited so please message us if you are able to assist. Please Note: Be aware that there may be some moderate lifting required as part of your duties. Only genuine offers to help out on the day at either end of the Toy Run will be accepted. If this sounds like something you've done before or would be happy to do then we'd love to hear from you! Message us on Facebook with your contact details - You can do so by clicking our message button on our Facebook page or click the following link to message us:
20.01.2022 Hi Everyone, On the 18th of August Southern Motorcycle Riders Association Inc will be having its Annual General Meeting, Everyone is welcome, all committee positions will be available for nomination, if you want a voice and wish to contribute to the Southern Motorcycling community then come along and have a chance to give something back to the motorcycling public! AGM Starts at 7:00pm SHARP, Location details in link below.
19.01.2022 Before the lockdown, we challenged Fabio Quartararo to take part to our No Hesitation interview. We saw last season he was very quick on the track but will he make some snap decisions off the track too? Its time to discover it.
19.01.2022 **October update: PLANNING OF THE 2020 MRA TOY RUN IS FULL STEAM AHEAD!!** We have had to make a number of changes in order to keep this special tradition alive in the safest way possible, and to comply with the imposed laws and restrictions due to Covid-19. We are however, still ploughing ahead with permit applications, safety plans, and artwork designs for the MRA Toy Run on Saturday December 5. We need your support more than ever this year, as we continue to assist the Sal...vation Army with their Christmas Appeal - giving hope to those battling tough times. Due to safety restrictions limiting the number of people who can gather outside, and to allow for contact-tracing, the MRA Toy Run will have a capped number of participants this year (exact number limits to be determined). To do this, we will be implementing a ticketing system for this year’s Run, which will go live next Wednesday November 4. The purchase of a $35 ticket will ensure your involvement in the event, and each ticket will include a limited edition 2020 Toy Run t-shirt and badge! We have thought long and hard on how best we can still put this event together and include as many people as possible, and the only other alternative would have been to cancel this year’s run. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we finalise the remaining details to hold a safe and successful Toy Run as best we can. - The committee of the South Motorcycle Riders Association of Tasmania, Inc.
18.01.2022 Some great and sound advice on riding with pillions from Canadas Ryan from FortNine, covers the main basics!
18.01.2022 A bit of a write up in todays Mercury (Page 14, Sunday 6th December 2020) with the gallery available on The Mercury's website, Thank you to everyone that came and supported the MRA Toy Run, donated gifts and non perishable food to The Salvation Army, a massive thank you to the committee that put in hundreds of hours organising and planning this event, such a small team who's only reward is seeing the difference that the Toy Run makes a massive thank you to The Salvation Army ...Tasmania who were with us every step of the way and Tasmania Police for assisting us to run a safe event on our roads year after year. Now the Toy Run is over we still have some work to do, for the people that couldnt make it due to bad weather, unforseen circumstances, we will be reviewing which items were not claimed on the day and will be in touch with those ticket holders over the next two weeks. Thank you again for supporting one of the most emotionally and logistically challenging events we've ever had to organise in 41 years, seeing it succeed make everything worthwhile! See more
17.01.2022 A quick reminder for those that participated in this years Toy Run to remove the check-in sticker from their headlights / front of bike if they haven't already done so!
15.01.2022 IMPORTANT MRA TOY RUN 2020 Update! You've been asking, we've been working hard to organise it under the most challenging conditions. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at 10:00AM via Eventbrite (See link at the bottom of the post) Make sure you get in as quickly as you can to secure a ticket, numbers are limited - tickets will not be available to purchase until 10:00am tomorrow at which time you will be able to access the ticketing option on the event. ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Last chance to get your ticket including t-shirt and badge, ticket sales close at 6pm TODAY so get in quick to secure your ticket, tshirt and badge before the ticket sales end! To buy tickets to this years Toy Run, click the link below. ... We're looking forward to seeing you all there!
14.01.2022 Repeat after me.. I will not buy another bike.. I will not buy another bike.. Better make some room in the shed for that bike I just bought...
14.01.2022 Toy Run 2020 - September Update The MRA South committee is working hard with all stakeholders to bring Tasmania a Toy Run this year, this work is still ongoing has created some challenges for all involved. The question you may be asking, What will Toy Run 2020 look like? ... What the MRA 41st Toy Run in 2020 will look like will very much depend on Tasmanias COVID19 status in coming months leading up to and on the day of the event and we will be complying to all the recommendations and regulations set forth Tasmania Police, Department of Health, Tasmania and by local, state and federal Government mandates. We have been meeting with Tasmania Police and will be working closely with them and the Salvation Army to come up with an event plan that puts the health and safety of those participating and that of the general public first and foremost. What does this mean? It is very likely that this years Toy Run will look very different from those in past years or those in years to come but with these challenges in mind we are hoping to make it unique and memorable should we be given the green light to proceed. We will keep updating everyone along this journey as discussions progress. Kind Regards, The committee of the South Motorcycle Riders Association of Tasmania, Inc.
13.01.2022 Gnarly hill climb!
12.01.2022 Some of us are more like Brain, and some of us are definitely more like Heart
12.01.2022 We are incredibly heart broken and sad to report that Leon Cupit, one of Tasmania's biggest motorcycle ambassadors and mentors was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident on Sunday morning whilst riding his motorcycle on an ANZAC day memorial dice run. Those that knew Leon, had ridden with him and those that had spoken to him either online or in person would know the kind of person he was, always welcoming and always willing to listen and give advice to riders from experts all the way to novices starting on their first motorcycle adventures. Rest in Peace Leon and thank you for everything you've done for the Tasmanian motorcycling community and our thoughts are with your family and friends during this incredibly difficult time.
11.01.2022 Happy POETS day
10.01.2022 Hi Everyone, MRA South is busily working behind the scenes to get everything finalised and ready for this years 41st annual MRA Toy Run. A reminder that ticket sales will end 6pm on Sunday the 15th of November (This Sunday!) assuming tickets have not sold out prior to that time. As of this moment tickets are still available via our Eventbrite event, click the link at the bottom of the post to secure your tickets so you don't miss out, once they are gone, they're gone!... If you are not participating in the Toy Run but wish to volunteer on the day then please contact us via message or by email at [email protected] with your Full name and mobile number, we will be requiring some volunteers at both ends of the Toy Run so any help you can provide would be amazing! Thank you to all those that have already offered to volunteer, If we hasn't got back to you yet, you should hear from us very soon!
10.01.2022 Hi All, Here are the results of the committee elections on Tuesday Night for South Motorcycle Riders Association Tasmania, Inc. We are pleased to announce that all previous positions were nominated voted on and accepted which means we have the same wonderful people returned for 2020-2021. We will continue to work hard to progress the approvals for the 41st Toy Run which if allowed to go ahead will be on the first Saturday in December this year this year and Tas Rally which is returning to the South in March 2021! We will ofcourse keep you up to date as the discussions continue for Toy Run 41 with all stakeholders and Government agencies.
10.01.2022 Those looking to come to Tas Rally, please be aware that there are scammers trying to on-sell fake Tas Rally tickets online - This is the first time we've seen this kind of thing, Please do not purchase tickets from anyone else other than us. Your tickets should be in your name to guarantee you don't have a fraudulent or duplicate ticket given by a scammer, duplicate or fake tickets will not be accepted at the gate so please save your money and if in doubt you can rest easy and buy your entry at the gate at the event, Don't lose your money to a scam artist.
09.01.2022 Thanks for riding in or watching today's ride! We didn't have any issues :)
09.01.2022 The Rooftop Racetrack of Fiats Lingotto Factory-A Vespa racing event on the roof of Lingottos Fiat Factory, organized by Red Bull in 2011
09.01.2022 No hay sin suerte
08.01.2022 Toy Run 2020 mid August Update We have recieved a number questions about the Toy Run and if it is still going ahead this year with some talk about it being cancelled. I can assure everyone that there has been no cancellation at this stage and discussions are still ongoing with all relevant stakeholders and authorities and that until we announce one way or another one should assume that the event will proceed in some form or another.... We are working hard to get an answer locked in and as everyone can likely understand given the ongoing pandemic this is a hard process to work through. So, in short. No we havent announced a cancellation and we havent been informed by any parties at this point in time that the event cannot go ahead, all avenues of communication are still open with stake holders and authorities both local and state government under the direction of their federal counterparts. Dont write us off yet! :) Kind Regards, The committee of the South Motorcycle Riders Association of Tasmania, Inc.
08.01.2022 An Old Biker.... An 80 year old man went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, "To what you attribute your good health?" The old timer said, "Im a biker and thats why Im in such good shape. Im up well before daylight on Sundays and out sliding around corners, "shootin" sand washes and riding up and down the steepest, wildest mountains I can find at the crack of dawn." The doctor said, "Well, Im sure that helps, but theres got to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?" The old biker said, "Who said my dads dead?" The doctor said, "You mean youre 80 years old and your dads still alive? How old is he?" The old biker said, "Hes 99 years old and, in fact, he went riding with me this Sunday, and thats why hes still alive... hes a biker too." The doctor said, "Well, thats great, but Im sure theres more to it. How about your dads dad? How old was he when he died?" The old biker said, "Who said my grandpas dead?" The doctor said, "You mean youre 80 years old and your grandfathers still living! How old is he?" The old biker replied, "Hes 117 years old." The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, "I guess he went riding with you this Sunday too?" The old timer said, "No... Grandpa couldnt go this week because he got married." The Doctor said in amazement, "Got married!! Good Lord!!! Why would a 117-year-old guy want to get married?" To this old biker smiled and answered, "Who said he wanted to?" See more
08.01.2022 c1915 Triumph special
08.01.2022 Hi Everyone! A reminder regarding tomorrow's event! The start location is The Derwent Entertainment Centre Car Park located at 601 Brooker Highway, Glenorchy....Continue reading
08.01.2022 oh for TasRally
07.01.2022 apprentice FUBARs eh Cuz.......
06.01.2022 watch out when were allowed out
06.01.2022 Toy Run 2020 Update Hi Everyone, We have been receiving a lot of messages asking about the Toy Run this year given the recent cancellations and uncertainty around other large public events. ... The COVID19 global pandemic has caused a lot of event cancellations this year, especially those concerning large gatherings and the concern of the recent second wave of cases in Victoria has lead to the delay in commencement of the Salamanca Replacement Market has stalled due to public Health mass gathering concerns. Whilst it is our intention to try and get a Toy Run organised and we will work with all stakeholders and authorities to to do so, at the end of the day it will come down to the advice of Police, state and local Government and state Health guidelines as to if we will be able to hold such an event this year. We will of course keep everyone up to date as news comes to hand as the ever changing pandemic concern unfolds Regards, MRA South.
06.01.2022 St Helens to Strahan (ST2ST) ADV 2020 - 22nd Oct to 25th Oct. Yes folks, its on again. As part of the annual ST2ST Enduro Ride we are again extremely proud t...o be coordinating the ADV section of this terrific event. We have locked in quality accommodation and have plotted a great route. There will be a few more challenging sections this year for the more adventurous amongst you but of course we will have appropriate options for those not seeking that challenge. GPS files will be provided to all riders taking part so that you can ride at your own pace. We have a maximum capacity of 30 riders this year and it is going to be first in best dressed! The cost? $1,489. What does it include? 4 nights of quality accommodation. (Ride home on the 26th) All meals. Support crew, guides and sweep vehicle. Great riding on brilliant roads through some of the best scenery in Australia. Come and be part of this fantastic event. It has become an annual pilgrimage for many riders and it just keeps getting better. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and on the St Helens to Strahan Adventure page for updates. We still have a number of bikes available for hire if you cant bring your own. Call me direct to secure your place. Cheers, Bruce 0421 099 857 [email protected]
06.01.2022 I know we are allowed to lane filter on a full license in Tasmania but nothing like this elsewhere in the world. This is slightly sped up but strap yourselves in all the same!
04.01.2022 If you are unable to attend this years Toy Run or are after some information on how to donate directly to the The Salvation Army Tasmania Christmas Appeal then click our link below which includes information on what kind of gifts and non-perishable food items can be donated prior to, at and after the conclusion of the Toy Run event, also included are regional locations and their operating hours where toys, gift vouchers and non perishable food items can be dropped off by anyone.
02.01.2022 41st MRA Tasmanian TOY RUN 2020 - Mid November Update Firstly, MRA South would like to thank everyone that has jumped in early and purchased a ticket, we've been absolutely stunned and delighted at the support that everyone has shown to allow this years event to proceed under the most challenging of conditions, we have been humbled by your response and it has shown us that all of our hard work to date has been worthwhile, for those that have already purchased your tickets, yo...u made this possible and we thank you very much! We are very proud to announce that as of 7pm tonight we've met our forecasted revenue goal to cover the costs of the Toy Run and that surplus from the remaining ticket sales will be donated to the Salvation Army once the Toy Run event has concluded. As we will need to be ordering the t-shirts prior to the event and we will need a few days to package them up for collection on the day, everyone will need to get their tickets for the 2020 MRA Toy Run by this coming Sunday the 15th of November. The cut off time will be 6:00pm in the evening after which there will be no more orders being taken for the t-shirts and ticket sales will cease, as ticket numbers remaining are limited we would recommend if you haven't purchased your ticket via our Eventbrite event then please do as quickly as you can to avoid missing out, once the tickets are sold out you'll have missed your opportunity to take part in this years 41st MRA Toy Run. Remember, The last chance to secure your ticket and t-shirt closes by 6pm this coming Sunday the 15th of November, if all tickets sell prior to Sunday then the ticket sales will finish as soon as the last ticket is sold, don't leave it too late - get in as quickly as you can to avoid missing out on this special 41st MRA Toy Run event. Tickets are available by following the attached link to our Eventbrite event.
02.01.2022 St Helens to Strahan ROAD is asking you to help our tourism operators recover by Holidaying at Home. OCTOBER 22-26 We are offering a NO PROFIT COSTS ONLY ride ...that includes meals and accommodation only for all types of Road bikes. Help us Help our economy get back back on track
02.01.2022 Thanks for attending again this year! :)
01.01.2022 Only 10 more sleeps !!! Remember if you bring a car to the Rally, we have secure parking next to the Rally site for $10 per vehicle. Caravans, campervans and ...rooftop tents are most welcome also, with a separate area inside the Rally site next to the camping. Cars are not allowed in the site as it's not safe to be driving amongst people and bikes. MRA South will provide a ute & trailer ferry service to get all your things safely into the site when you arrive See more
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