MSSP Australia in Parkville, Victoria, Australia | Religious organisation
MSSP Australia
Locality: Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 403 843 796
Address: 477 Royal Parade 3052 Parkville, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Thursday 26 Nov 2020 Thursday of the thirty-fourth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 First Reading Rv 18:1-2. 21-23; 19:1-3. 9 A reading from the book of the Apocalypse...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Thursday 24 Sep 2020 Thursday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Wednesday 23rd September in the 25th week of Ordinary Time.) In today's first reading we are given two more proverbs to reflect upon. In the first proverb we find a warning to listen sincerely to God's word and allow it to act on us with all its strength. One temptation could be to try to water down God's word and make it more palatable and easy to accept. God's word is meant to challenge us and to invite us to live the life of God even now. It is my life t...hat has to change to be opened to God's word and not to change God's word to suit our likings. The second proverb is an interesting prayer we can adopt to ourselves even today. The holy writer asks God to give him neither poverty nor riches. One would perhaps expect to pray for wealth to be able to live a comfortable and happy life. Instead the sacred author requests of God to be spared extremes. His aim in life is to always love and serve God. He is concerned that if he becomes wealthy, then he would think he does not need any more because he would have everything he needs, moreover, if he becomes too poor, he might be tempted to resort to offend God by stealing in order to be able to live. This thought could be our prayer each time we pray to 'give us today our daily bread' in the prayer of the Our Father. In a similar way we pray that God provides us with our daily needs, not with wealth, but with what we need for our daily life to serve God. In a similar vein Ignatius of Loyola prays for holy indifference, so that he may not prefer wealth rather than poverty, health rather than sickness, but learn to accept whatever God provides him with only one purpose in mind, to love and worship God with all that he is.
24.01.2022 Saturday 19 Sep 2020 Saturday of the twenty-fourth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
23.01.2022 29th November 2020. 1st Sunday of Advent Year B. Stay Awake! Life does not stop! We continue our journey as humans and as people of faith. Life for us on earth only ends when we meet the bridegroom and then true life in God starts for each of us. While we are still on our pilgrimage here on earth, we are always waiting in hope. Our faith and our Christian hope assures us that we will, when our time comes, meet God face to face....Continue reading
22.01.2022 Saturday 26 Sep 2020 Saturday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Wednesday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Tuesday 22 Sep 2020 Tuesday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Tuesday 29th September in the 26th week of Ordinary Time. Feast day of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.) Today the Church celebrates the feast of the three archangels mentioned in scripture. Michael mentioned in the book of Apocalypse, is the leader of God's army against Satan and evil. Raphael, in the book of Tobit, travels with Tobias and brings healing to Tobit. Gabriel announces the birth of John the Baptist and of Jesus in the gospel to Luke. Our God is not a distant God, but a God who participates and interacts with us in various ways. We see this happening through the Old Testament prophets and especially through the incarnation of the Son of God in Jesus. In scripture God also sends his messenger to help and reach out to those who are in need. The word 'angel,' in Greek means 'messenger.' The angels are God's messengers delivering God's will to us humans. The three archangels get their title because they carry out important ministries in scripture. Through this feast of the archangels Michael (Who-is-like-God), Gabriel (God-is-my-strength) and Raphael (God-has-healed) we are given another opportunity to celebrate God's presence in our life. God never abandons us, God never leaves us alone. We do not see prophets and angels in our life today, but God still sends us his messengers every day in our life. God speaks to us through people we live with and people we encounter every day. God speaks to us through events and circumstances around us. God speaks to us when we stop and reflect on his word. Like the fish that cannot survive without water, so too, we cannot survive without God.
21.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Monday 21st September in the 25th week of Ordinary Time. Feast of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist.) What are my gifts? As we celebrate today the feast day of St Matthew, one of the twelve apostles and one of the four evangelists, Paul invites us to consider the gifts we have been given to build the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit works in the Church endowing the members with different gifts so that together they can form one unity. Matthew was called to... be one of the twelve apostles, the foundation stones of the new People of God, and also to write the first of the canonical gospels. (Even though his is not the earliest gospel written!) We are not given gifts for us to boast about, but for us to be of service to the whole body of the Church. Like Matthew we too are called to be disciples, followers of Christ. Our first calling is to get to know Christ, especially through the gospels, and to build a special relationship with him. This invites us to submit to God's will and to order our whole life towards God. Then we are called to become missionary disciples, evangelists. Like Matthew, the gift of the evangelist is to proclaim God's good news for all to listen. I am not called to write another canonical gospel, but I am called to write the gospel with my life. The way I live and the way I give witness is my gospel, and when people see me, they can be led to Christ. When Matthew was called, he was a tax collector, considered in his time to be one of the greatest sinners. Jesus still called him and invited him to follow. Matthew's acceptance made it possible for him to become an apostle and an evangelist. Jesus does not look at our sinfulness, but at our willingness to follow.
18.01.2022 Friday 27 Nov 2020 Friday of the thirty-fourth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 First Reading Rv 20:1-4. 11 21:2...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Thursday 17th September in the 24th week of Ordinary Time. Death anniversary of the Servant of God Joseph De Piro.) By God's grace I am what I am, writes Paul to the Corinthians. Paul speaks of his calling to be apostle and of his gifts and mission to preach the good news to the different communities of the Church. Paul acknowledges that this is all a gift given to him by God, not because he deserved it, but in order to be of service to the Church. We too all called through our Baptism, and sent out to be of service to the community we live in. When we are called, we are all given our own mission which, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we need to develop and grow within us. We have a duty to develop the gifts we have received so that we can help build the body of the Church. What are my gifts? How do I develop and nurture them? Am I being of service to those I live with in my family, my friends, my Church? Paul also shares with us what appears to be a first formula of the creed that had been developed in the Church, the belief that Christ died for our sins and that he rose again. This is a basic teaching for Paul and for the early Church community, as it still is for us. Christ's death and resurrection is what brings us all together as one family of faith.
16.01.2022 Live streaming on Sunday 29 November at 2:00pm Australian Time (AEST).
16.01.2022 Wednesday 17 Sep 2020 Wednesday of the twenty-fourth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Monday 28th September in the 26th week of Ordinary Time.) This week we will be reading parts of the book of Job as a first reading. This book is classified with the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. It is a parable that tries to grapple with the concept of suffering. In today's reading we are introduced to Job, a wealthy, God-fearing man. He respects God, offers sacrifices for his family and trusts in God. We are also shown a scene in the divine God is depicted as a king surrounded by his courtier when Satan, the tempter, comes in to report back to God about his work. God gives Satan a new assignment; to test Job's faithfulness. The next part of the reading we are told of the great tragedies that hit Job all in one day. In each case the messenger is still in Job's presence before the next one comes in with more tragic news. When we read this book we need to allow for a different type of theology and a different way of understanding God than we do today. Today we do not believe that God inflicts suffering on us or that God allows suffering to hit us as a test. These images do not fit with the loving merciful God spoken of by Jesus. Yet at times we do face difficulties; challenging events hit our life. How do we cope with these events? Where is God in all this? This question is often asked today, and often the answer to the question is that God is in the good will of the people who turn out to give a hand to those who are suffering. How do I live through my suffering? At times we turn to God and express our anger at him. Perhaps a better alternative is to turn to God and, amidst our pain, ask God to show us how to live his will even in these difficult times. God suffers and cries with us when we face injustice, when we are in pain. Do I turn back to God in prayer or do I let my anger and frustration take the best of me? In the New Testament we new have the image of Christ on the cross, God himself who suffers for and with us. How do I carry my own cross in times of suffering?
16.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Thursday 24th September in the 25th week of Ordinary Time.) In the coming three days our first reading is taken from the book of Ecclesiastes, or Qoheleth. This short book forms part of the Wisdom literature in the Old Testament and, although it claims to be written by Solomon, the son of David, it was probably written much later, in the third century BC. This book is like a book of philosophy. The author look around himself and his personal experience and... tries to make sense of what he sees and of life itself. The book starts with a strange expression, 'vanity of vanities. All is vanity!' According to this author, everything in life is meaningless. In today's passage the author suggests that with all their hard labour, men and women will never achieve anything, they are just going around in circles. Even when it seems they have discovered some new invention, that is not new at all, since there is nothing new under the sun. Everything has already existed in some form or other. This seems to be a very pessimistic view of life, yet, when we look around us today, we realise that at times Qoheleth may be right. We work hard to build a comfortable life and we spend our whole life looking for things that can make us happy. Happiness is not in what we own or what we do, but in who we are, within ourselves. In the New Testament Jesus will remind us that the true meaning of life is in God. It is useless gaining the whole world if in the process we lose our soul, where God lives. Our aim in life should always be to place the kingdom of God first, and then everything else will fall into place. Love is meaningless without God, just as food is tasteless without salt and seasoning. God give meaning and taste to life. We live this life with our eyes fixed on God, in whose image and likeness we are created and whose breath we breathe. When we die, this mirror of meaninglessness, what is only a mere reflection, will shatter. Then we will get to see the fullness of meaning, love and life, we will meet God face to face.
16.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Saturday 26th September in the 25th week of Ordinary Time.) In this last reading from the book of Ecclesiastes, the author reminds us how fleeting is life, and how meaningless (vanity) it is, unless it is lived in God. The years of youth pass away and soon enough we find ourselves facing old age, those of us who are lucky enough to get there healthy! Old age is compared to the setting sun, while he also describes the different ailments associated with old This is one way of looking at life. It is all vanity and one day we will no longer be on this earth, and our bodies are returned to the earth, as we pray in our funeral celebration, 'earth to earth, dust to dust, ashes to ashes!' The book of Genesis tells us that Adam is fashioned from the dust of the earth. The name itself actually means 'from the earth.' Our earthly human body belongs to this earth and remains on this earth after it has done its job. The book of Genesis also tells us that God breathes his breath into our nostrils, giving us his Spirit. The Spirit of God, the life of God within us, our 'soul,' can never die and shares in God's immortality. At our death, it too returns to its place of origins, God. We are created to 'be fruitful and multiply,' to participate and enjoy this earthly life. The earth is God's creation and it too is an image of God, God is present to us also in his creation. Yet, as we enjoy the beauties of creation and as we enjoy life, Qoheleth reminds us that after all, all this is vanity if not lived in God. All this will come to an end and we will all be buried and forgotten. What is not vanity is the Spirit of God within us. While we live with our feet on this earth, we need to live with our head in heaven. While we enjoy the gifts that God has given us on earth, we need to praise God and live the life of God. If we abandon God, then our life will be totally meaningless. It is our relationship with God, and our being in God that give meaning and value to our human life.
15.01.2022 Sunday 20 Sep 2020 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Tuesday 15th September in the 24th week of Ordinary Time. Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.) Paul compares the assembly of the Church to a human body. In the human body there are many different members, each with a different function. The body can only work properly when each part of the body performs its duty to the best of its ability. The different parts cannot be jealous of the gifts of other parts because they all benefit from each other's gifts. In the C...hurch we too have different gifts that are given to us by the Holy Spirit. They are gifts and we are meant to use them to serve the whole body. We cannot simply be proud of our gifts and not share our giftedness. Perhaps at times we are not aware of the gifts that we have been given and we need to further develop these gifts to be of greater benefit to the whole Church. We discover our gifts through our service. Other members of the body can often point out our gifts to us which, in humility, we need to accept and practice. Paul also invites us to strive, desire, pray for the higher gifts so that we can be of greater service to the body, not out of jealousy or envy, but out of a desire to serve. Higher gifts are not a sign of honour but a sign of greater service, as Jesus said, those who want to be the leaders must be the servants of the group.
14.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Friday 25th September in the 25th week of Ordinary Time.) In the form of a poem, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for different activities and happenings in life. The poem is arranged in couplets with opposing events or activities. Life and death (lack of life), love and hate (lack of love), peace and war (lack of peace). As we read through this poem, we wonder what the author means and why there should be a time for and life and a time for dying, a time for hating, a time for war. Why is there a time for undoing what has been done? What is time? For us human beings there is never a time for dying, there is never a time for us to let go of life, our own or the life of our loved ones. We want to hang on to life for as long as we can. Similarly, there should never be a time to hold back love or a time not to promote peace. Rather there should always be time to build, sow, gather and be positive. We recognise that there is our time (kronos), and God's time (kairos), and these two aspects of time do not always go hand in hand. Perhaps in the experience of the author of this book, our time is often not in sync with God's time. Just like in life we have to wait for things to grow and develop, so also we have to wait for things to happen in God's time. We need to wait and look out for God in our life. God works in strange and mysterious ways and we are invited to listen, wait, search for God's will and conform our will to his.
13.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Tuesday 22nd September in the 25th week of Ordinary Time.) Today and tomorrow we will be reading from the book of Proverbs, one of the books in the Wisdom literature section of the Old Testament. This book is attributed to the wise King Solomon and is made up of a series of wisdom sayings called proverbs. Each of these proverbs can be the subject of a meditation or a reflection. The first proverb in today's selection compares the king's heart to a stream o...f water. Even though the king is strong and mighty, like a stream of water that God can control and change its course, so also God can control and influence the heart of the king. We too need to be like streams of water in God's hands. In our prayer we need to open our heart and let God shape us and mould us. The prayer of the Our Father teaches us to pray to God that his will be done in our life. I need to learn to be flexible to God's will and respond to God's ways. The second saying reminds us that we cannot hide anything from God and, especially in prayer, we need to always be open to his guidance and will. Even though we might look at ourselves as upright people, it is God who will judge us and we need to be aware that our holiness is still lacking in front of God. We always need God's help to grow in our way to holiness, we cannot achieve this on our own. The best we can do is to resign ourselves into God's hands and in all humility pray 'thy will be done!' and in our daily life always strive to listen to and act upon God's will for us.
12.01.2022 Sunday 29 November 2020 1st Sunday of Advent First reading...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Thursday 17 Sep 2020 Thursday of the twenty-fourth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Wednesday 2 December 2020 Wednesday of the 1st week of Advent First reading...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Daily Reflection. Apocalypse 18:1-19:3. (Thursday 26th November in the last week of Ordinary Time.) In his visions, 'John' compares the Roman Empire to the Babylonian empire. In the past the people of Israel had suffered under the Babylonians who had destroyed both the northern and the southern kingdoms, Israel and Judah, and taken everyone into exile. Now it is the Roman Empire that is oppressor, persecuting the Christians. Using images and phrases from the Old Testament, t...he author is comparing Rome to Babylon. Just as Babylon was destroyed and turned into ruins, Rome, the new Babylon, will also be destroyed. In the Old Testament, the destruction of Babylon meant that the people of Israel and Judah could regain their freedom and return to their homeland, so also now, the hope is that with the fall of Rome, Christians will gain their freedom to be able to worship God unhindered. Even in the midst of persecution, there is hope that God will intervene and rescue his people. As we read these apocalyptic verses, we are encouraged to be hopeful. Even when things seem to be dire and negative, God is always the Lord of history and God will never forget us. There will be a time when we too will be freed from our oppressions.
10.01.2022 God’s thoughts are not our thoughts! 20th September 2020 (25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A) Isaiah 55:6-9; Psalm 144(145):2-3,8-9,17-18; Philippians 1:20-24,27; Matthew 20:1-16....Continue reading
10.01.2022 Daily Reflection. Apocalypse 22:1-7. (Saturday 28th November in the last week of Ordinary Time - Last day of the Liturgical Year!) On this last day of the liturgical year, as we conclude year 'A' of the weekend liturgical cycle and year '1' of the weekday cycle, we also conclude our readings from the book of the Apocalypse. Those who have worshipped the Lamb and who carry his name stamped on their forehead, will be able to see God face to face. It is not easy to follow the L...amb. Christians have often suffered persecution for their beliefs. This book is written for the Christians if the first century of Christianity, but persecutions have never stopped, even today we still hear about those who have died for their faith. Even if we are not persecuted physically, it is not always easy to live a good Christian life without clashing with the culture of the world around us; this too is a type of 'martyrdom,' a witness! Today's final reading from the book of the Apocalypse presents us the image of the heavenly Jerusalem. Once again using different images taken from Old Testament books, 'John' paints this picture of heaven. We can only talk about heaven in images, none of us have have ever seen heaven, so we can only talk about it using images. What is important is the assurance that at the end of our faithful journey, we will all be in God's presence.
10.01.2022 Saturday 28 November 2020 Saturday of week 34 in Ordinary Time First reading... Apocalypse 22:1-7 The Lord God will shine on them; it will never be night again The angel showed me, John, the river of life, rising from the throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing crystal-clear down the middle of the city street. On either side of the river were the trees of life, which bear twelve crops of fruit in a year, one in each month, and the leaves of which are the cure for the pagans. The ban will be lifted. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in its place in the city; his servants will worship him, they will see him face to face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. It will never be night again and they will not need lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will be shining on them. They will reign for ever and ever. The angel said to me, ‘All that you have written is sure and will come true: the Lord God who gives the spirit to the prophets has sent his angel to reveal to his servants what is soon to take place. Very soon now, I shall be with you again.’ Happy are those who treasure the prophetic message of this book. _ Responsorial Psalm Psalm 94(95):1-7 Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Come, ring out our joy to the Lord; hail the rock who saves us. Let us come before him, giving thanks, with songs let us hail the Lord. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! A mighty God is the Lord, a great king above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his. To him belongs the sea, for he made it and the dry land shaped by his hands. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Come in; let us bow and bend low; let us kneel before the God who made us: for he is our God and we the people who belong to his pasture, the flock that is led by his hand. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! ________ Gospel Acclamation Lk21:36 Alleluia, alleluia! Be watchful, pray constantly, that you may be worthy to stand before the Son of Man. Alleluia! ________ Gospel Luke 21:34-36 That day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Watch yourselves, or your hearts will be coarsened with debauchery and drunkenness and the cares of life, and that day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap. For it will come down on every living man on the face of the earth. Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen, and to stand with confidence before the Son of Man.’ Copyright 1996-2020 Universalis Publishing Limited: see Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. Text of the Psalms: Copyright 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.
09.01.2022 Daily Reflection. Isaiah 11:1-10. (Tuesday 1st December in the first week of Advent) The prophet Isaiah is writing to a people in exile hoping for a time when they can be set free to return to their own land, the promised land. Isaiah promises that the time will come when the promised messiah, the new ruler will set them free. In a first instance did this happen when the Israelites were allowed to return home to their own land, and rebuild their temple. As we prepare for Chr...istmas and the birth of the child we know to be the Son of God, this prophecy takes on a much more significant meaning. Christ is the one who is promised to us. His reign will be one of peace. Usually the lion will go chasing the lamb and eat it, in the new kingdom this type of 'violence' will no longer exist. Instead all we 'fear the Lord.' We stand in awe of the greatness of our God. This young child we await, God himself born among us as a human person to introduce us to God. This is the time of peace promised to us. In the Old Testament we often hear of a people who are afraid of their God and do not know how to relate to him. In the New Testament we meet a God who is a loving Abba, Father. The 'Lion' who in the Old Testament seemed to have been intent on eating up the 'Lamb,' at least that is how at times God is understood, is now a tame, loving, generous 'Lion' ready to play with and protect the weak an fragile 'Lamb.' This is the God Jesus shows us, this is the God we worship.
08.01.2022 Today we celebrate the death anniversary of the Servant of God Joseph De Piro.
07.01.2022 Friday 18 Sep 2020 Friday of the twenty-fourth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Saturday 19th September in the 24th week of Ordinary Time.) It is not easy to explain the mystery of our resurrection. What will the next life be like? The difficulty in explaining this mystery does not make it any less true. Paul tries to explain this reality to the Christian Church in Corinth. Paul uses an image from nature. When we observe nature we notice that we bury a small seed in the ground and it produces something very different and much bigger t...han the original seed that had been buried. The seed itself disintegrates in the soil and disappears, giving life to something new, something more beautiful. Here, when we die, we bury in the ground, a corruptible sinful body; in the resurrection this seed give rise to a new and glorious body. The body that we bury is the body we inherited from 'Adam,' the being made from the dust of the earth. The new body we are given in the new life is a copy of the glorious body of Christ. The body we bury here is limited, because it is of this earth; the body we are given in the resurrection shares in the life of God. Just as one cannot tell how the plant or tree will look like by simply looking at the seed before it is buried, so also we cannot tell what our glorious body will look like in the resurrection. What we as Christians need to hold on to is the truth that just as Jesus rose from the dead and is now with the Father. So also we, after this life on earth, after we have run our race, we too will be in the Father's glory.
06.01.2022 Doing the Father’s will. 27th September 2020 (26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A) Ezekiel 18:25-28; Psalm 24(25):4-9; Philippians 2:1-11; Matthew 21:28-32....Continue reading
05.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Wednesday 16th September in the 24th week of Ordinary Time.) In yesterday's first reading, from his first letter to the Church in Corinth, Paul encouraged the Christians to desire higher gifts, not for themselves to boast about, but to be of greater service to the body of the Church. In today's reading, Paul tells the Corinthians that there is a gift that goes above any other gift that one can have. What follows is Paul's famous canticle of love. All gifts ...that the Spirit gives to the individual for the service of the Church need to be tempered with love. Paul says that even the greatest witness of all, dying as a martyr for the gospel, if it is not done with love, is a great waste to time and energy. There will be a time when we get to see God face to face and at that moment all gifts become useless, but love prevails because love is God himself! All the most amazing gifts of the Spirit, gifts of teaching, prophecy, healing, and the variety of other gifts that the Church is decorated with, have only one aim, to help us discover God. God is love, and the greatest witness we can give to God is not the variety of gifts but our love itself. Love is not jealous, it always forgives and overlooks any mistakes. Love is a decision to reach out to the other person and always journey with him or her. Our love needs to be an image of God who is always forgiving, merciful and accepting. Love, like God himself, never ends! It would be a good exercise for us to go back on today's first reading and use it as our examination of conscience. Do I love like God loves? Am I ready to give up everything I have out of love for my sister and brother?
02.01.2022 Wednesday 30th September Wednesday of the twenty-sixth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Tuesday 1 December 2020 Tuesday of the 1st week of Advent ________...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Sunday 27 Sep 2020 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Friday 25 Sep 2020 Friday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
01.01.2022 St Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila and Companions martyrs of Japan.
01.01.2022 Monday 28 Sep 2020 Monday of the twenty-sixth week in Ordinary Time Year 2 Welcome to participate with us at daily Mass every morning at 9:00am through Zoom. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to catch up with other parishioners present on the Zoom platform. Meeting ID: 919 4821 1939 Passcode: mass...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Daily Reflection. (Friday 18th September in the 24th week of Ordinary Time.) Our firm belief in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and of our own resurrection is at the very basis of our faith. Paul today defends this faith against those in the Corinthian community who were denying that Jesus rose from the dead or that we, like him, will also rise. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus has wiped away all our sins and has also destroyed the power of death. Although w...e die in our physical bodies, because that is the destiny of all that is created, we live in eternity in God. This is our sure and certain hope and the proof of this is the fact that Jesus himself rose again, as is witnessed in the gospels. Paul reminds us that if our life were only for this earth, our reality would really be a sorry one. We love our sisters and brothers, we give up our own needs to help others, we go through pain and suffering, if all this ends with our death, then there is no hope for us. All this is useless. It is our faith in the resurrection that makes our Christian faith special and different. We believe that like Christ, who is the first fruits of the resurrection, we too will all enjoy new life in God. We entrust our sisters and brothers who have died to the love and mercy of God in the knowledge that they enjoy eternal life in God and that when we die, we too will live in God.
01.01.2022 Monday 30 November 2020 Saint Andrew, Apostle - Feast ________...Continue reading
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