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25.01.2022 GET READY TO REGISTER !! REGISTRATIONS FOR TERM 1 CLASSES AT U3A OPEN ON JAN 18. Many comments have been made about the enormous depth and variety of talents that exist here on Bribie Island. A visit to the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre (BICAC) will quickly confirm this. BICAC is home to a wide variety of facilities as well as displays of painting, woodworking, printmaking, stained glass, pottery, and gemmology. just to name a few. Bribie is very fortunate to hav...e these talents in its midst and is extremely fortunate to have a facility like BICAC where those talents can flourish. Another place where Bribie’s wide range of talents and interests can be seen is at the Bribie Recreation Hall at 156 First Avenue which the University of the Third Age (U3A) calls home. U3A is an international movement whose aims are the education and stimulation of mainly retired members of the communitythose in their ‘third age' of life. Australia's first U3A began in Melbourne in 1984 and has since established a national presence with centres across Australia in metropolitan, regional and rural areas. These centres are operated by all-volunteer staff and offer a wide range of subject areas that are dependant on the interests, expertise, knowledge and skills of members. Bribie Island U3A’s started in a small way in 1992 with classes initially held in a room in the local Neighbourhood Centre. In the first year there were just 32 students and 7 subjects. It grew rapidly and soon outgrew its premises and moved to a house on South Esplanade in 2000. Since 2005 the Bribie Recreation Hall on First Avenue has been home. Initially Council provided four classrooms, a computer room and an office. In 2015 a major extension of classrooms and office space was built and this has enabled further expansion of the number and variety of courses that can be offered. Further expansion occurred in 2018 with the opening of the Beachmere Campus in the Community Hall on Progress Street in Beachmere. Today there are 1800+ people enrolled for some 200+ courses on subjects ranging from computers to ballroom dancing to history to languages to musical instruments to theatre to environment (just to name a few). Classes start on the week on January 27 and enrolments open on January 18 from 9am. Come on down . as the show hosts say. For further details visit the U3A website at Editor MyBribieIsland
24.01.2022 #BribieIsland #Bribiebeaches #4x4Bribie #4WD #Beachdriving #loggerheadturtles #AboriginalHeritage #QueenslandMinisterforEnvironment #MemberforPumicestone #MemberforLongman UNLAWFUL 4WD’ing ON BRIBIE’S BEACHES. WHY DO AUTHORITIES ALLOW IT? WHY DO OUR MP’s SUPPORT IT? WHY DO BRIBIE ISLANDERS TOLERATE IT? The subject of beach 4WD’ing has been given quite a deal of coverage lately through radio, local newspapers and letters-to-the-editor. A number of relevant articles and p...Continue reading
22.01.2022 #BribieIsland #Bribiebeaches #QueenslandDepartmentofenvironmenandscience BRIBIE ISLAND’S NATURAL WONDERS AND WILDLIFE RECEIVE MORE PROTECTION WITH NEW NUMBER PLATE RECOGNITION, SAYS THE MINISTER. SURELY THAT IS A JOKE. WHAT WERE THEY SMOKING WHEN THEY CAME UP WITH THAT IDEA? Without the slightest consultation and discussion with Bribie residents who might be familiar with the problem, the Department of Environment and Science recently went ahead and installed a number pl...Continue reading
20.01.2022 #beachdriving, #loggerheadturtles, #endangeredloggerheadturtles, #4WDing, #nationalparkmanagementplan, #queenslandministerforenvironment PETITION LAUNCHED TO RESTRICT 4WD’ing ON BRIBIE’S BEACHES TO HELP PROTECT TURTLES AND OTHER ENDANGERED FAUNA Editor’s Note:... A number of readers have brought MBI’s attention to various comments on various web sites that claim that this posting by MBI is promoting a petition to ban recreational beach 4WD’ing. On behalf of those involved with MBI, we want to respond to those claims. MBI, as the website says, was created by Bribie Islanders to publish stories about Bribie Island for Bribie Islanders. MBI does not promote any cause other than the need to care for, and protect, this wonderful piece of the world so that it can be enjoyed by this generation and those to come. In regards to the petition referred to in these internet posts, the petition that is linked to the story below does not call for a ban on recreational beach 4WD’ing. It is unfortunate that those who have taken to the internet to criticise MBI and this petition have obviously not read it Editor, MyBribieIsland - MBI brings the attention of readers to a petition that was launched this week to restrict recreational 4WD'ing on Bribie's beaches. Back in 2010, the Auditor General issued a scathing report on the management of Queensland's national parks. The Auditor General noted that only about 20% of Queensland's parks had a management plan. Despite various promises to address this situation, most parks, including Bribie's National Park, have no management plans in place. In the absence of any management plan for Bribie's National Park and protected areas, the Petition calls on the Minister for Environment to implement some restrictions on recreational 4WD'ing on Bribie's beaches. The Petition comments that this driving is just out of control. MBI encourages readers review the petition that can be accessed through the link below and sign it if in support. Some photos supplied to MBI that show some of the destruction that is currently occurring are attached to the article on MyBribieIsland’s web page. MBI expresses its thanks to those who supplied photos Editor, MyBribieIsland
20.01.2022 TRANSPORT AND MAIN ROADS MINISTER ANNOUNCES PARTIAL SOLUTION TO PELICAN DEBATE ON BRIBIE. BUT WHY DID THIS ISSUE HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE? . Last week the Transport and Main Roads Minister announced a partial solution to the pelican issues that resulted from action by his Department to replace the lighting on Bribie Bridge with more modern LED lights. The TMR’s partial solution involves re-using six of the former lighting standards as roosting platforms. Further details...Continue reading
18.01.2022 HAS ANYTHING CHANGED AT MBRC WITH THE ARRIVAL OF A NEW CEO? NO. NOTHING HAS CHANGED, SAY MANY RESIDENTS OF WELSBY PARADE On September 16, 2019 Grassroots Connections Australia released its report into the affairs of MBRC titled Scoping Study for Council’s Organisational Review This Study was initiated by MBRC to specifically review governance issues at MBRC. Grassroots Connections was extremely critical of what they found. In fact they found little that was positi...Continue reading
18.01.2022 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT INVITES THE PUBLIC TO HAVE YOUR SAY. ON ITS PROPOSED POLICIES FOR DEALING WITH WASTE Earlier this month, the Department of Environment issued a Media Release that invites Queenslanders to have their say on an Energy-from-Waste policy discussion paper that was released in early July. The Media Release can be found at . The Media Release contains a number of links where further information can be obtained. The Discussion P...aper outlining details of the energy-from-waste policy can be found at: It is open for consultation until August 26, 2019. . Details on the new Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy can be found at: . Central to this policy has been the introduction of a waste levy to encourage re-use of waste instead of sending it to a landfill. Besides being extremely unfriendly environmentally, landfills are extremely expensive to establish and maintain. Any effort to reduce the amount of material going to landfill sites is a positive step. However, the introduction of the levy has brought with it a mountain of criticism regarding the inconvenience and bureaucracy it involves. While it may have reduced the amount of material going to landfill, it is expected to greatly increase the amount of material that is illegally dumped on roadsides and other public property. Cleaning up that dumped material will add to local government costs. Whether the introduction of the waste levy will have the desired effect is still to be seen. . MBI readers are encouraged to have their say on this new strategy by responding to the Department. The above links will take readers to sites where they can make their input. . MBI welcomes feedback from readers on how this strategy is working so far. . Editor MyBribieIsland
17.01.2022 #BribieIsland, #Covid-19, #Queenslandelections, #Pumicestoneelectorate, #beach4WD, #newbribiebridge, #fixbribieislandroad This article was posted on October 24. It was much-visited and received many comments. Unfortunately, quite a number of those comments were nothing but attacks and abuse directed towards those holding a differing opinion. MBI was created to promote discussion. Not as a site for attacks and abuse. So the post was taken down. It is re-posted here for t...Continue reading
16.01.2022 TERRY YOUNG MP, THE NEW MEMBER FOR LONGMAN, MAKES MAIDEN SPEECH TO PARLIAMENT. WHAT AREAS SHOULD HE FOCUS ON? WILL HE DISTANCE HIMSELF FROM THE CLIMATE DENIERS IN HIS PARTY? The newly elected member for Longman, Mr Terry Young MP, made his maiden speech to Parliament on July 31. His speech can be viewed in Hansard at Alternatively, a copy can be downloaded from the MBI web site at In his ...Continue reading
14.01.2022 #mentalhealthweek, #liftthelid, #covid-19, #mentalhealth, #australianrotaryhealth, #bribieislandrotary BRIBIE ISLAND ACTIVITY TO SUPPORT MENTAL HEALTH WEEK Its Mental Health Week this week. Various reports released in recent weeks have highlighted the huge social and economic impacts that issues like mental health and suicide are having on our community and our nation. The Australian Government estimates the direct cost of treatment of mental health in Australia was $10bn i...n 2018. The Productivity Commission estimates the cost to the economy in lost productivity is between $40bn and $70bn per year. The Commission further estimates other costs such as disability pensions and impacts of premature death at around $150bn. More about the Commission’s report can be found at Ask any social worker or school chaplain and they will tell you that the incidence of mental health issues has greatly increased during the pandemic as people grapple with lockdowns, loss of income, feelings of powerlessness and loss of self-worth. The consequences of these increased mental health issues will only get worse in the future. The Commission even goes on to estimate that deaths due to suicide will be much greater than deaths due to Covid-19. Clearly the status quo is not an acceptable go-forward position. MBI commends those who are supporting Mental Health Week through various efforts. Here on Bribie Island, Bribie Rotary is holding a fund-raising walk entitled Lift The Lid this Sunday (November 22). Funds raised will go to Australian Rotary Health (ARH) to fund research into causes and treatment of mental health issues. The Bribie Island community is a very giving and supportive community and local businesses have provided sufficient support for this initiative to cover all the expenses. As a result, 100% of all donations and cost-of-entry fees will go directly to ARH for research. The Walk is this Sunday, November 22 starting at 8am at Brennan Park. Details can be found in the attached poster or from the link MBI encourages all readers to come and support this most important event if you can. And don't forget to support those sponsors who have supported this initiative Editor MyBribieIsland Note: As a normal rule, MBI does not share its posts. However if readers wish to do so, feel free to do that
14.01.2022 #BribieIsland, #BribieGardens, #PDOnline, #MBRC, #wildlifecrossings WHAT’S GOING ON AT THE BRIBIE GARDENS SITE ON FIRST AVENUE? ARE THERE SOME DEVELOPMENT PLANS BEING PROPOSED THAT BRIBIE ISLANDERS ARE BEING KEPT IN THE DARK ABOUT? Last week, readers brought MBI’s attention to the pink stakes that have mysteriously appeared around Bribie Gardens. The Gardens are an MBRC operated facility on First Avenue on Bribie Island. For more details check the Garden’s website at https...:// The facility is maintained primarily by volunteers from Sandstone Point Lions. No one that MBI has contacted seems to have any clue why these stakes are there. They are obviously surveyor’s stakes. But what is the area being surveyed for? And who is doing the surveying? Some jogging MBI readers commented that they saw surveyors there some months ago and they asked what they were doing. The surveyors commented they were surveying to install a wildlife crossing across First Avenue. These are common in NSW and can be seen all along the Pacific Highway but they are rare in Queensland. The First Avenue site would be a crazy place to install one, But when it comes to spending taxpayer money, nothing seems to be too crazy. Other MBI readers commented that a developer had spoken to Lions over a year ago about plans to install an indoor area (presumably for a chapel) on Bribie Gardens site along with a 90-car carpal and crematorium. The developer had various drawings showing what was proposed. These were shared with the Lions members. MBI has been unable to find any details of any development proposal on the MBRC website. Such proposals would normally be filed on MBRC’s PDOnline. MBI readers also comment they have been unable to find any MBRC staff (or elected officials) who will admit to knowing anything about such a proposal. But someone must know. This site is under the control of MBRC. Someone at MBRC must have given surveyors permission to enter the site and install all those survey markers. There has even been some auger drilling undertaken in the area. Someone must have given permission for that. Do any MBI readers know what is happening? Is a wildlife crossing really being proposed? Is a crematorium / chapel being proposed? Please let MBI know. Readers should be aware that MBI rarely shares its postings with other Facebook sites. But if readers wish to do that, please feel free to do so Editor MyBribieIsland
13.01.2022 UPDATE ON POSTING ON ELECTION ISSUES Last week, MBI posted a Top 10 list of issues that MBI volunteers felt were the major Bribie Island issues that should be addressed in this upcoming election. This has obviously prompted lots of visits to the post along with lots of feedback and comments. Unfortunately, a large number of the comments have been little more than attacks and abuse directed at those who might have a different opinion. While that might be OK in some places..., it is not OK on MBI. MyBribieIsland was created to promote discussion on issues of interest on Bribie Island. It was not created as an outlet for attacks and abuse on individuals. Sadly, therefore, in order to remove those comments, the post has been deleted. This means that all comments and feedback have been deleted. The post will be re-posted for those wishing to read or re-read it. Readers are free to comment on the issues raised in the post. MBI encourages such feedback. But attacks and abuse directed at those who might have a differing opinion are not OK. Editor MyBribieIsland
12.01.2022 #sandstonepointtavern , #OLGR, #QPWS, #MBRC, #officeofliquorandgamingregulation, #Bribieisland, #desalonbribie IS THERE A LAX ATTITUDE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT ON BRIBE? WHY ARE SO MANY LAWS NOT ENFORCED? In the late 2000’s, SEQWater (the provider of bulk water in SEQld) advised that the predicted increase in water demand caused by the population growth in the Sunshine Coast area and north would exceed supply by around 2030. SEQWater concluded that there were no options for new...Continue reading
10.01.2022 #bribieisland, #4WDbeachdriving, #fixbribieislandroad, #bribiebridge, #agedcareonbribieisland, #covidlockdownononbribie THE COVID LOCKDOWNS ARE EASING. SO WHAT DiD WE LEARN ON BRIBIE ISLAND DURING THOSE LOCKDOWNS? When the Covid-19 pandemic started to show itself in Australia in early March after the fiasco with the Ruby Princess passengers, the Queensland Government acted swiftly with some draconian measures to halt the spread of the virus. Travel beyond a few kilometres o...Continue reading
09.01.2022 THE PELICAN SAGA CONTINUES. DO OUR POLITICIANS REALLY LACK SUFFICIENT INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY AS IS OFTEN CLAIMED? MBI readers who are involved in (or have been involved in) submissions to governments claim there are a number of Golden Guidelines to keep in mind. In this article we look at one of those Guidelines which relates to dealing with politicians. The Guideline essentially says that you can tell politicians anything. For whatever reason, politicians never seem to ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 WHAT IS IT ABOUT SOME PERFORMERS AND A PA SYSTEM ? WHY DO THEY INSIST ON TURNING THE VOLUME UP TO MAXIMUM ? What is it about some performers when they step up to the microphone? Why is it that some feel compelled to turn the volume up to maximum regardless of the time and place? Take the performers at the Blue Pacific Hotel at Woorim as an example. The residents of Woorim are now being regularly subjected to the extreme noise of performers playing in the outdoor beer garde...n. Even though this is just a small venue, invariably the volume is turned up to maximum. One MBI reader comments that if they just turned the volume up a little more, even the folk at White Patch could hear. Why is it so loud? Another reader suggests that maybe it is so loud to ensure patrons don’t notice the quality of the performance. MBI certainly hopes that patrons are following the example of a number of Hotel staff and wearing hearing protection. If patrons are not wearing protection, they certainly run the risk of hearing damage if exposed to that level of noise for an extended period. Inquiries about the noise levels with Hotel management have been met with the standard response.. we are within the guidelines. No doubt that is true. But it is also true that the guidelines are meant to cover intimate venues like the Blue Pacific beer garden as well as outdoor performances with up to 10,000 attendees. A little intervention is sorely needed to control the volume to a level that is appropriate for the venue and the time of day. By not intervening to consider local residents who have to put up with this noise, the Blue Pacific Hotel is showing its contempt for its neighbours. Venues for live entertainment are few and far between on Bribie. The opportunities for local performers are very limited. It is most unfortunate that Blue Pacific entertainers are wearing out their welcome in Woorim by showing little or no consideration for their neighbours. MBI and its readers encourage Blue Pacific and its performers to turn down the volume to what is required for just the venue they are performing in. If they want to turn the volume up to deafening levels, then go inside and do that and spare the residents of Woorim. Woorim residents just want to have a quiet afternoon. Do any MBI readers have a similar problem with other venues? MBI is always interested in hearing the views of its readers. Editor MyBribieIsland
08.01.2022 #cleanupaustralia, #cleanupbribieisland, #bribieisland, #bribieislandchamberofcommerce, #bribiebowlsclub, #ozfish, #biepa, #bribieislandrotary, #beachdriving, #4WDonbribiebeaches MARCH 7 IS CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY. LET’S ALL JOIN IN AND CLEAN UP BRIBIE ISLAND AND MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE FOR US ALL March 7 is Clean Up Australia Day (CUAD) across all of Australia. It is an opportunity for individuals, schools and businesses to help clean up the area around them. CUAD had its begi...Continue reading
06.01.2022 GOOD-BYE WOORIM WATER TREATMENT PLANT. WHAT NOW? WILL IT BE REPLACED BY A DESALINATION PLANT? A piece of Bribie’s history disappeared last year when the Woorim Water Treatment Plant (WTP) met its destiny at the hands of a number of large jack-hammers. A number of before and after photos are attached. The Woorim WTP was the only treatment plant on Bribie for the longest time. It was operated by Caboolture Shire Council (CSC) until 2008 and then by Moreton Bay Regional Cou...Continue reading
05.01.2022 MBRC’s PLANNING SCHEME IS OUT FOR COMMUNITY CONSULTATION. RESPOND BY JULY 19 . In recent weeks, MBRC residents would have received an invitation to have input into the latest version of the MBRC Planning Scheme. A copy of this invitation can be found at . The first DRAFT versions of MBRC’s Planning Scheme were first released back in 2014 and 2015 and many MBI readers may remember the outrage that the release of those DRAFT versions caused. There wa...s the version in which MBRC did not abide by the Newman Government’s demand that local governments plan for at least 0.75m rise in sea levels by 2100. That early version was rejected and MBRC had to start again. Then there was the version where sea-rise was taken into account and this resulted in large amounts of real estate in areas like Toorbul, Meldale and Bribie Island being deemed as being flood-prone and unable to be developed. The then Member for Pumicestone spoke about this outrage in her address to Parliament on August 5, 2014. Her comments can be seen at As a result of her comments, MBRC passed a vote of No Confidence in Ms France. This was most unusual as most Council members are LNP supporters. That vote of No Confidence caused some bitter hostilities particularly here on Bribie Island and some of those hostilities continue to this day. . The latest invitation from MBRC calls for input in a number of areas as shown. The Planning Scheme can be viewed as shown and responses have to be submitted by 5pm on July 19. . MBI encourages readers to review the Scheme and comment as appropriate. There needs to be some significant response required if any changes are going to happen. MBRC has an extremely poor track record of responding to feedback. An example is the complete disregard by MBRC of the concerns raised in the 300+ objections lodged by affected residents regarding the recent request by Sandstone Point Hotel for more concerts. So the more responses there are, the greater the chance that there will be any likelihood of a change. . Remember, readers’ comments are always welcome . Editor MyBribieIsland See more
03.01.2022 WHY ARE CONTROL BURNS ON BRIBIE BEING CONDUCTED SO LATE IN THE SEASON WHEN POTENTIAL FOR THE CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE WE HAVE SEEN IS SO HIGH? Burning of natural areas by humans to control fauna and flora for various reasons is a common practise around the world. It was a practice commonly used by aboriginals since the dawn of time. However, aboriginals rarely engaged in the practice after April and never used control burns beyond May. They knew that after early winter, the amo...unt of combustible material greatly increased and fires would be more intense and more damaging. They knew also that by August, it was the start of breeding time and the impact on fauna could be extreme. So why are those charged with maintenance and protection of Bribie’s natural areas continuing this practice of control burns late into the winter season? Certainly there is a need to protect Bribie by keeping fuel loads in check. But by late winter, the amount of combustible material is at its peak. This fuel load, and the risks from it, will not reduce until the spring and summer rains bring new green growth. These spring and summer rains will also help with the decomposition of dead undergrowth. By late winter, fauna (such as nesting birds) have started preparing for the spring breeding period. Nesting birds will stay with the nest rather than flee in the face of oncoming fire. The potential for catastrophic collateral damage is at its peak at this time. This is not the time to be conducting control burns. So why was yet another late-season control burn undertaken on Bribie when the potential for the massive consequential damage we have seen was so great? Why was it undertaken at a time of changing weather conditions that caused it to get out of control? This fire has been so intense that the damage caused by this fire to the flora and fauna in those areas has been so great that it will take decades for the area to recover. If it ever does recover. Keeping fuel loads in check to protect the people and the built environment of Bribie is most important. But these control burns late in the season when fuel loads are so high have had a nasty habit of becoming out of control burns. Why are they being conducted so late in the season when the potential for catastrophic collateral damage is so high? Who is making such decisions? Why can’t those responsible learn something from the aboriginals about minimizing the damage from control burns? MBI suggests that those responsible for planning and executing these control burns learn something from the aboriginal’s practise of avoiding burns beyond May. The outcome of the recent control burn on Bribie shows just how irresponsible the current practice is. MBI further suggests that the Minister responsible evaluate the continued employment of those responsible for this latest catastrophe. What do MBI readers think. Editor MyBribieIsland
03.01.2022 MARCH 1 IS CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY. HERE IS A CHANCE FOR EVERYONE TO JOIN IN TO CLEAN UP BRIBIE ISLAND March 1 is Clean Up Australia Day (CUAD) across all of Australia. It is an opportunity for individuals, schools and businesses to help clean up the area around them. CUAD had its beginnings when its founder, the late Ian Kiernan, wanted to do something to clean up his local area on Sydney Harbour. That was back in the 1980’s. Thanks to Ian Kiernan’s vision and endless dr...ive and inspiration, CUAD has become the nation's largest community mobilisation effort. It has become a fixture on the annual Australian calendar and has spawned similar efforts overseas. Australians, sadly, are among the worst in the world for littering the environment. And even more sadly, Queenslanders are the worst in Australia for littering. Here is a chance to do something about that. Below is the list of sites that are registered (as of Feb 25) with CUAD for Bribie Island. All sites are open and would welcome volunteers to join. For more information, visit the CUAD website at Sponsor / Location / Time Bribie Bowls Club: On the foreshore opposite the Bowls Club. Cleaning up adjacent beach areas 8.00 11.00 Bribie Island Rotary: Rotary Park, cnr North Street and 8th Avenue. Cleaning up Rotary Park and adjacent beach areas 7.00 9.00 Private group. All welcome: Woorim Surf Club car park. Cleaning up beach south to Red Beach 9.00 onwards Bribie Island Mahalo Outrigger Canoe Club: BIMOCC compound on Sylvan Beach Esplanade, Bellara. Cleaning up the foreshore between the Bribie Island Bridge and the Sunset Park, Banksia Beach. 7.30 11.00 Bribie Island Environmental Protection Association: Park side of White Patch Esplanade opposite Coondiba Street. Look for BIEPA banner. Cleaning up Esplanade and adjacent beach areas 7.30 10.30 Woorim Neighbourhood Watch: Woorim RSL. Cleaning up areas to north and south of Woorim 10.00 12.00 OzFish: Hornsby Road and Dux Creek. Cleaning Up Dux Creek and associated roadside drains along Hornsby Road and Goodwin Drive 9.00 11.00 McDonald’s: Meet in McDonald’s carpark. Clean up area TBA Saturday (Feb 29) 2.00 3.30pm Other than McDonald’s, no business (or business organisation) has registered on the CUAD site as of today (Feb 25) to support this initiative. According to information supplied by CUAD participants on the garbage that is picked up each year, the bulk of the rubbish that will be collected on Sunday will come from fast-food outlets. The lack of participation by other fast food outlets (and other creators of the garbage that will be picked up) is therefore very disappointing. MBI has previously commented on the amount of garbage left by 4WD’ers on Bribie’s beaches. The lack of support for CUAD again this year by the 4WD community is also disappointing. But it’s not too late. Sign up now. Everyone is welcome. Editor MyBribieIsland
03.01.2022 #BribieIsland, #MBRC, #LocalGovernmentElections, #MBRCelections, #MoretonFuturesTrust, #OfficeoftheIndependantAssessor #SandstonePointTavern MBRC ELECTIONS HAVE FINALLY BEEN DECLARED. WHAT DID ELECTORS SAY? WHO WON? WHO LOST? WILL IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? Three weeks after the March 29 Local Government elections, the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has finally declared the polls for Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC). It is not known why there was such a delay i...Continue reading
03.01.2022 #fourwheeldriving, #beachdriving, #departmentofenvironmentandscience, #des, #4WD, #bribiebeaches JUST HOW GULLIBLE DO POLITICIANS THINK THE PUBLIC IS? Just how gullible do politicians think the public is? Very gullible if the actions of the Department of Environment and Science over the installation of number plate recognition cameras at Woorim are any indication....Continue reading
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