My FootDr | Podiatrist
My FootDr
Phone: +61 7 3513 4000
Address: Shop 93A Stafford City Shopping Centre, 400 Stafford Rd 4053
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25.01.2022 INNOVATION - is one of our core values. But enough about us - what does that mean for YOU? You get access to treatments and equipment that we're often the FIRST to pioneer in #Australia Your #Podiatrists are constantly upskilling and learning new techniques, assessment tools and how to use leading technologies... While some problems are very 'textbook', other problems are complex and need a fresh and dynamic approach to thinking about the problem and the best solution. This is where our Podiatrists excel! We're innovative in that we'll combine numerous proven strategies and treatments to help you get the best outcome for your pain or problem We innovate in both our clinics - and outside of them. We apply our value to innovate in our partnerships and sponsorships with sports clubs, sports teams and charities that we support To sum it up, it means better outcomes for your pain or problem - and your health and life!
25.01.2022 Tradies, the shoes you wear every day become the ground you walk on and can influence your risk of injury and pain. Weve put together this safety boot fitting guide to help you use your work boots to not only protect your feet from hazards but also keep you moving well and feeling great on your feet.
24.01.2022 Occupational Podiatry - have you heard of it? Our fantastic Podiatrist, Ian, has had the pleasure of working with both the Brisbane City Council and Queensland Rail to help their teams prevent foot and leg pain before it develops. We give a big thumbs up to helping people stay out of pain and keep happy and active - it's one of the things we love about what we do and the skills we have as Podiatrists!... If your team spends long hours on their feet - anywhere across Australia - get in touch with us to see if we can help you too
23.01.2022 Attention Tradies- Do you know whats building on your feet? Your work boots may protect your feet on the construction site, but you can still suffer from a number of foot and lower limb issues If these top 5 tradie foot ailments look familiar to you, visit our podiatrists at My FootDr today!
22.01.2022 August is Tradies Health Month! Did you know that not enough tradies are prioritising their health? Make sure youre adding self-care to your toolkit Visit our website to see how our podiatrists can take care of your foot health
22.01.2022 Wondering if its time for a new pair of running shoes? Here are the top five signs that your running shoes are worn out:
22.01.2022 Why are shoes with adjustable fastening (laces, velcro, buckle) much better than slip-ons for kids? They: Secure the shoe to the foot so the toes do not claw to grip the shoe Allow you to adjust the shoe when your child grows Give the foot and ankle the most support, step after step... As podiatrists, we will always recommend these over slip-ons - for kids and adults alike! Learn our other tips for choosing the BEST kids shoes here:
22.01.2022 Do you get measured every time you buy shoes or joggers? Your feet can change over time for many reasons. For example, your #arches may naturally flatten as you age, pregnancy hormones may relax your ligaments leading to wider and #biggerfeet, and clawing of the toes may lead to your foot size appearing smaller. Always have your feet measured with every new pair of shoes especially if youre changing brands as sizes may slightly vary between different brands too. Dont Make sure youre measuring to your longest toe, which isnt necessarily your big toe! Most people have one longer foot, so make sure both feet feel #comfortable in the shoes Take the insert out of the shoe and stand on it If you have #orthotics, put them in the shoe and test for size and fit Make sure the width is correct - especially when youre in thicker socks
22.01.2022 Your child’s school shoes will help them put their best foot forward for the new 2021 school year So don’t take chances follow our new handy guide to help choose the best school shoes for your kids!
21.01.2022 Turf toe what is it? This "toe sprain" is a common pain at the big toe that happens during sports and running, when your toe is forcefully thrust upwards. We've shared all about what happens, the causes and effectively treating turf toes here:
21.01.2022 How many steps a day do you take? Did you know that: Waiters and waitresses take 23,000 steps per day Nurses take 16,390 steps per day Retail workers take 14,660 steps per day... Farmers take 14,037 steps per day Mothers take 13,813 steps per day Teachers take 12,564 steps per day Tradesmen take 11,585 steps per day Hairdressers take 9,209 steps per day Office workers take 7,570 steps per day And you can bet that all those steps add up! If you're getting foot pain at work and aren't sure why - this could be it! If you're in pain or discomfort - or you're sick of tired, achy legs at the end of your workday, get in touch. We love helping men and women stay happy and active on their feet - book your appointment by calling us on 1800 FOOTDR or online here:
21.01.2022 Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained these school holidays? Head over to our Kids on the Move webpage to load up on a ton of fun & easy kids games that will get the kids moving! Download our 'Yeti Says' activity sheet
20.01.2022 Noticed your feet turning yellow? Yep, it can be pretty unsettling! While some causes may be indicative of something more serious happening behind the scenes, other causes can be addressed with some simple changes or a visit to your podiatrist. Today, the My FootDr team have shared the top four reasons that you may have noticed your feet yellowing.... Read it here:
20.01.2022 Who has a higher risk of injury - men or women? You may be surprised about the reason behind the answer! Read it here:
20.01.2022 Are your shoes constantly rubbing against the back of your heels? We know - it's painful and frustrating. Here are the seven steps to stop your shoes from rubbing against the back of your heels:
19.01.2022 If you hold a DVA gold card, you may be eligible for a number of fully subsidised podiatry services. Learn about them here:
19.01.2022 Is toe walking normal? When a child is first learning to walk, it is normal for them to explore a range of walking patterns as they discover what they find comfortable and stable. Hence, it is relatively normal up to the age of three. For some kids, toe walking may be viewed as a fun activity that becomes a habit. Sometimes, prolonged toe walking may lead to a shortened Achilles tendon (as it is held in this position while they walk), meaning that kids are no longer able to ...put their heel to the floor. Either way, if youre concerned, we welcome you to bring them in for a kids foot health check. Well help you understand whats going on, why, and if there is cause for concern.
19.01.2022 We wish all our patients a very happy and healthy holiday season While our clinics will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year's Day, if you find yourself in need over the holiday break, please visit us at to book an appointment online.
16.01.2022 Tradies you feel exhausted at the end of your workday, and we get it. Many of you spend a large portion of your day on your feet, moving around, climbing stairs or ladders, operating machinery and generally tiring your body. So to help, weve solved your top five foot problems here:
16.01.2022 How does our podiatry team know exactly which shoes to recommend thatll be the best for your feet? Heres how:
16.01.2022 School holidays are here very soon! If youve been mega busy like us and havent been able to take the kids anywhere within school hours (combined with your busy work schedule!) then NOW is the perfect time to book them in. #healthyfeet #betterlives
16.01.2022 What goes through our minds when we make your running shoe recommendations? Good question! Weve shared the six KEY things that we look at and think about before we recommend your perfect shoe here:
16.01.2022 Is your child regularly walking on their tip-toes? When children are first starting to learn to walk confidently, they may tiptoe, and it may then become a habit. Tip toe walking should be outgrown by the age of 3. If it is not, it is recommended to have an assessment to rule out more serious causes of the toe walking and possibly treat physical and developmental conditions.... We love helping kids stay happy and active on their feet!
16.01.2022 A big Happy Fathers Day from the My FootDr team!
15.01.2022 Diabetic foot disease currently has mortality rates worse than many cancers, is estimated to claim an amputated limb every 2 hours, and costs the Australian healthcare system $1.6 billion annually. If you have #diabetes but aren't sure if you're taking the right care of your feet and legs - we can fill you in on what you need to know about: Your risks and vulnerabilities... Your current foot health status How to best protect your feet Signs and symptoms to look out for What you can expect going forwards Book in for your foot health check and we'll take you through everything - no prior knowledge about diabetes and your feet necessary!
14.01.2022 Pain in your forefoot? With so many causes of pain in the front half of your feet (including the toes), its important to get a clear answer of whats going on. It may be: Sesamoiditis... Bursitis Mortons neuroma Capsulitis Synovitis Plantar plate injury Hammertoes & claw toes Pain from arthritis Corns & callus Learn what each of these mean and how you can treat forefoot pain here:
13.01.2022 Tired, achy legs at work - is it normal to be feeling exhausted on your feet every day when you come home? When our legs feel achy and tired at the end of the day, it is likely that the muscles have been overused due to an underlying problem or alignment issue. The best way to find out whats causing your discomfort is a biomechanical assessment, which includes a treadmill gait analysis, to understand what your bones, joints and muscles are doing while you walk, and why experiencing your symptoms. From there, we can help alter the alignment to relieve excess strain from your muscles and reduce or alleviate that end-of-day tiredness! Ready to take the next step? Book your appointment online here:
12.01.2022 We shared the first five of the ten running injuries you may be vulnerable to last week. Here are the final five and what you can be doing to prevent them:
12.01.2022 Walking with your feet pointed outwards, often referred to as being duck-footed, can help children feel stable on their feet for the first 6 months after learning to walk. But what if this foot position persists into the later childhood years? Weve shared everything you need to know about out-toeing here: ...
11.01.2022 Are your toes red? Been wondering why? We've listed our top five causes of red toes we see and treat here:
10.01.2022 Over the past couple of weekends, our Business Leadership and Clinical Leadership programs have provided our team the wonderful opportunity to learn from Belinda Hapgood and Annette Tonkin! The workshop provided fantastic, practical and immediately implementable strategies for crucial conversations, considering perspectives and recognising ambivalence. Thanks to all those who attended and shared their knowledge and experience
10.01.2022 We are very excited to introduce the team at our new multidisciplinary Brisbane CBD clinic! Podiatrist Christie Work, physiotherapist Adam Walker from Allsports Physiotherapy, and our lovely receptionist Ellie look forward to welcoming new and exisiting patients into our state-of-the-art Queen Street clinic To book a podiatry appointment visit or call 07 3634 5800
10.01.2022 Its Jeans for Genes Day We invited our allied health clinics to wear their best denim to help support the Childrens Medical Research Institute find cures for childrens genetic diseases. With 1 in 20 kids at risk of a birth defect or genetic disease & over 6,000 different known genetic diseases, we encouraged everyone to make a donation
10.01.2022 Recently, we treated a social runner in his 50s who was experiencing pain and swelling behind his knee. He couldnt recall any injury or reason for the pain, but it seemed to be getting worse, especially when he bent or straightened his knee. His diagnosis? It was a Bakers cyst and its a cause that isnt talked about very often. Learn all about how we treated him and the results here:
10.01.2022 Its Tradies Health Month As podiatrists, we treat many tradies who experience foot and leg pain as a result of their job. This month is about raising awareness and encouraging our Aussie tradies to prioritise their most important tool- their health! Add podiatry to your toolkit
09.01.2022 Its foot fact friday! Check out the foot fact for August thanks to Kids on the Move #appreciateyourfeet
08.01.2022 Its Womens Health Week here in Australia! As health professionals, its very important to us to carefully understand the unique differences when treating women compared to men. These differences can affect your injury risk and alter the way your joints, bones and the way your ligaments respond to stress and treatment.... Three key differences that we take into account are: Structural changes - like having a wider-set pelvis that affects the angle of the hip bones (Q-angle), as well as variances in the shape of the bones themselves (smaller bone dimensions), which can affect your injury risk Hormonal changes - the increased presence of hormones like estrogen has been shown to have different effects on the function and performance of bone, muscles, tendons and ligaments. This can also be affected by certain stages in life, like pregnancy, where hormones like relaxin are freely flowing in the body to result in greater ligament laxity Body composition - differences in body composition, like a predisposition toward lower bone mineral density, generally less muscle mass and a higher body fat percentage can influence your injury risk With this said, every assessment we perform and treatment we prescribe is 100% tailored to YOU - but its always good to know that your team has an innate understanding of the additional stresses that bodies can be placed under - and how to best manage these.
08.01.2022 Our custom-made footwear doesnt just feel great on your feet - it looks great too! We offer a wide range of shoes for our patients, including elegant fashion shoes, custom boots, medical-grade footwear, orthopaedic footwear, and even stylish sandals with orthotic support. Learn more about all the features youd like your shoes to include here: ...
06.01.2022 Feeling pain in the ball of your feet? Want to know what's causing it? We've shared all about our top six causes of pain at the forefoot in our new blog!... Having a longer second toe Overloading the lesser metatarsal bones/joints Morton's neuroma Capsulitis or synovitis Plantar plate tear Turf toe Read it here:
04.01.2022 Time to get the whole family moving Grab your copy of Kids on the Moves active alphabet below and spell out your name for some energetic fun!
04.01.2022 Looking for some fun kids activities? Head over to our Kids on the Move page for some great printable activities such as this Yeti maze
04.01.2022 Running injuries: Up to 70% of recreational runners will sustain an injury this year. So what are the top 10 injuries and how can you prevent them? See the first five and what you can do here:
04.01.2022 Its foot fact friday! Did you know your feet have close to 8,000 nerves? Head over to our #KidsontheMove corner for more big facts on little feet
03.01.2022 How does My FootDr help people with rheumatoid arthritis? In so many ways! We can help: Improve structural alignment of the heel, arch or forefoot... Reduce strain from Achilles, plantar fascia (arch), ankle and toes Redistribute force from the forefoot (ball of the foot) Help ease the pain associated with bunions and clawing/hammertoes Cushion sensitive calluses and corns that form under the foot Remove calluses and corns that form Trim back thickened toenails and perform nail surgery if required Help heal pressure ulcers or sores that wont heal on their own Supplement a loss of natural plantar foot padding Learn more about RA and how we can help you here:
02.01.2022 Shoe shop smarter - not harder. When buying new shoes, shop in the afternoon as feet often swell throughout the day. Wear the same type of socks youre likely to wear with the shoes, and make sure your longest toe feels comfortable in the shoe its not always your big toe. #shopsmarter #smarternotharder
02.01.2022 The Ekka Royal Queensland Show has been cancelled this year - so lets recreate Ekka at Home. Well all miss visiting the animals and having fun on the rides, so Kids on the Move has put together some animal-themed and show day fun that you can safely enjoy at home! Head over to our page to download the activities -->
02.01.2022 How are the feet affected in Down Syndrome? Were privileged to work with many patients with Down Syndrome across Australia to help them feel more stable and confident on their feet. When you have Downs, you may be affected by: Smaller and/or shorter limbs, fingers, hands, toes and feet... Low muscle tone and loose ligaments Broad feet with a deep plantar crease Flat pronated feet Decreased ankle range of motion Abducted and wider base of gait / support Excessive external hip rotation (feet pointed outwards) Inadequate heel contact during gait (tendency to walk on toes) Poor foot clearance during swing phase (tendency to scuff the foot and trip) Poor balance Learn more about how the feet are affected - and how we do our part to help here:
02.01.2022 Today for R U OK? Day we encourage everyone to check in with the people around you. This year has being a challenging and uncertain time for all making it even more important to show support for each other. Remember that even a small conversation can create a positive impact Here are some of our My FootDr team members showing their R U OK? Day support!
02.01.2022 5 runners. 5 patients. 5 very different problems. For all our runners, weve shared the top 5 things that have been stopping our patients from running lately - ranging from knee pain to painful toenails. Learn what they are, how they affected each person, and what we did to help here:
01.01.2022 With many of us now back at our workplaces, the longer commutes and greater time on our feet can mean foot pain. And its not surprising as on average: Waiters and waitresses take 23,000 steps per day Nurses take 16,390 steps per day Retail workers take 14,660 steps per day... Farmers take 14,037 steps per day Mothers take 13,813 steps per day Teachers take 12,564 steps per day Tradesmen take 11,585 steps per day Hairdressers take 9,209 steps per day Office workers take 7,570 steps per day We are dedicated to keeping Australia on their feet and comfortable at work - so have shared ten common problems we see and how we can help in our blog!
01.01.2022 When you have foot or #legpain or an #injury, your SHOE is NOT just a shoe. We actually look at it like a medical device that's going to keep your feet stable, controlled and supported throughout your #recovery They're going to control how much your ankle rolls freely from side to side, the way you put pressure through areas of the foot, the force and shock that goes through your bones when you take a step - and MUCH more.... That's why #footwear is such an important part of your treatment plan. You need to keep walking, right? But if the way you walk is one of the reasons you've developed that pain in the first place, then what's going to stop your pain from getting worse instead? That's right - your shoes. And some orthotics if we assess that you need them. Your shoes will become the ground you walk on - and you want that ground to be helping your recovery - not slowing it down. Need help finding the right shoes for your feet and your life? Our knowledgeable team can help!
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