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My Hands My Heart

Phone: +61 412 347 332


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21.01.2022 Got me some new hair today! I had forgotten how sparkly and transformative it feels to have a new do!

20.01.2022 A W O R K I N P R O G R E S S I received beautiful words of appreciation from a gorgeous client the other day and there was one sentence that struck me the most I’m still a work in progress. When I read this I literally fist pumped the air and said, fuck yeah girl!!!! Why did this statement stand out for me?... Because she is not chasing the elusive concept of if I do this or that I will be ‘healed’ or ‘happy’. She has met and accepted herself for what has been, what is and what is coming. She has a beautiful fluid understanding that her state of being is just like those of the seasons, our bodies, and our life experiences, ever changing and evolving. She is on her lifelong journey of meeting herself in the challenges and the joys with a progressing sense of self-responsibility. With the consideration of ourselves as ‘a work in progress’ we give ourselves the grace of compassion. From this place of compassion, we can be open and vulnerable enough to keep learning ourselves with curiosity. We can love and meet ourselves and others just as we/they are not as we think we/they should be. We can allow ourselves to be present to the exact moment in time that we find ourselves in so that we can take full responsibility for ourselves. You and me, we are works in progress too. Each day we just need to step into our worlds with a heartfelt intention and openness that we are working towards gaining and adjusting our awareness of ourselves and others. Because awareness gives us the gift of compassion to recognise that in each interaction and experience we have, where we are unsure of feel we might have done better, we have the opportunity to Stop! Breathe! And choose again. And with awareness and kindness under our belts we can learn to enjoy the signs, during moments of difficulty and bliss, that show us that we are on the right track. Especially the subtle little ones that are there affirming and hugging us encouragingly to just keep going. Because we are all a beautiful work in progress. From my heart to yours Bryd Call or SMS 0412 347 332 for an exploratory call or to make an appointment.

18.01.2022 I N T E N T I O N Choose to surrender each thread of attachment to your past trauma. Instead attach to the potent wisdom and medicine that you’ve received from it and leave the experience behind. This wisdom and medicine makes you powerful and is key to pulling toward you the beautiful threads of love, growth, grace, possibility and the fullness required for a tapestry of creation. ... Each word, each breath, each step is communicating your intention. Will your intentions be expressed through the fear born of your trauma or from the powerful wisdom and medicine you have received? The beautiful thing is, it’s your choice!! I am a mindset coach who intuitively uses energy to deeply connect you to your awareness, love and connection with yourself. Let’s connect! Let’s get you claiming your powerful wisdom and medicine. For an introductory call or to make an appointment, call or message - 0412 347 332 From my heart to yours Bryd

16.01.2022 Witnessing a wispy pink sky while cradled in the arms of my love - perfect! No matter where we find ourselves in life. The simple act of being present and sitting in the heart space allows us to feel full and abundant. ... Stop! Breathe! Be present! You won’t regret it. From my heart to yours Bryd

14.01.2022 N A T U R E I S M Y M E D I C I N E I always return to nature when I need silence and spaciousness in my mind. Nature is my medicine. My heart cracks open and drops into gratitude as my senses come alive as I am invited to walk each step with presence. To experience all the shades of green. Water trickling and bird song echoing. To come into awarensss of all that the filtered light showcases. ... Are you aware of what helps you to clear your mind, of what invites you to drop into your heart? If you’re not, I invite you to explore these questions for yourself, for you to find the answer. Then go! Be in that space, come into you and I promise you that you will return more whole. From my heart to yours Bryd .................................... Appointments mindset coaching / energy work - 0412 347 332

11.01.2022 T H E H E A L E R G E T S A H E A L I N G Its just as important for me to receive healing as it for me to facilitate it. Not only do I take myself through my own processes, but I also have a beautiful team of people that I receive healing and learnings from too.... It’s humbling to reach out to those that can bring a different perspective to what I can’t shift myself or to what I may be blind to. To receive love, care and wisdom when I need it. It keeps my mind and body balanced. It deepens my connection to myself and means I can sit authentically in my work with you So today with gratitude I spend time preparing and sitting in session with one of my beautiful healers and I can’t wait to dive in. From my heart to yours Bryd

10.01.2022 L O V E I S A C O L L A B O R A T I O N I’ve been a little quiet guys and it’s because I have had a major health flare up. Severe pain, cognitive fogginess, intense fatigue and medical appointments have been my constant again! Living with a chronic illness is not easy! But it sure is made a little more light and bearable because I’ve got this guy by my side ... When the perfectionist in me feels unworthy because I can’t manage normal day-to-day activities, he is there to soothe me back into worthiness. When my little voice whispers to me that I am a burden because I can’t function or contribute in line with societal expectations, he speaks a little louder to remind me of all the ways I provide love and care to my family. He reminds me that it is beyond enough! When I am in pain he holds me and runs his hands so gently through my hair. And when I get a little confused and can’t pull my words from the fog he lovingly and playfully turns finding them into a game. Love is a collaboration that both parties are CHOOSING to be a part of! It takes communication, compromise, commitment, awareness, respect, sharing, and a willingness to constantly learn each other and to learn ones self. I love and are so grateful for my collaboration with this man! At times it flows. At other times it can be messy and fragile. But regardless of what form it takes and where we find ourselves, we are always choosing and taking self-responsibility to be in it together! If you’re dealing with acute, chronic or mental illness I want to tell you that I see you and I feel you! I want you to know that you’re so worthy! Your illness doesn’t define you and doesn’t take away from how amazing, strong and capable you are. Find what’s normal and meaningful to you and do life your way. Don’t let your worth be defined by your inner voice or by societal norms. From my heart Bryd

09.01.2022 S A T U R D A Y S U N S H I N E A beautiful Saturday filled with my favourites! Sunshine, beach, my long board and time with my loves. ... Play, connect and create with heart. Whatever you’re up to this weekend, I hope you’re enjoying it with heart. From my heart to yours Bryd

09.01.2022 C L I E NT L O V E The other day I received some beautiful words from one of my gorgeous clients and thought I would share... ... I stumbled across Brydie the day a mutual friend shared a post of hers. It almost felt like a sign. I knew I needed help in some shape or form & she looked so kind & approachable in her photo. From our very first session I felt at ease & that I could completely be myself without fear of judgement. I was in a pretty dark place, full of anger, negativity & unable to let go of past hurts and betrayals. While I’m still a work in progress, with Brydie’s guidance I have learnt to be kind to myself. Life is tough! I am practicing self awareness & listening to my feelings and emotions, & feel that with Brydie’s techniques I have things better under control & that I’m in a better place emotionally. When Brydie suggested meditation, I gave it a go and found it has helped me greatly to control my emotions & thoughts when they are heightened. I am just so incredibly grateful Brydie came into my life. If you are looking to take that first step I can’t urge you enough to reach out to her Biggest love in return from me to her. She has brought much openness, curiosity, courage and acceptance to each of her sessions and has been an absolute privilege to work with If you’re struggling or feeling curious about the work I do, I would love to chat - 0412 347 332 From my heart to yours Bryd

08.01.2022 W H Y Taking steps to come into awareness of yourself means that you can step away from judgement and blame. Doing the work to untangle from the past means you can move bit by bit into repair, self-love, connection, creation! ... Is taking the time to learn ourselves selfish or self absorbed? NO! It’s actually the opposite! Learning to quieten our minds, to be less reactive and more observant of our emotions and our feelings means our responses, actions and intentions come from clarity and wisdom. When you’re more connected to yourself you create a deeper understanding of yourself. You’re happier and more confident in yourself and can ride the ups and downs of life with more resilience and less judgment and blame toward yourself and others. And all of this means you’re less likely to do harm to yourself and others!!! So learning yourself is the most wonderful, connective thing you can do for yourself and all those around you! If you’re recognising where you could learn yourself better and you’re feeling you need some guidance, give me a call or message 0412 347 332 From my heart to yours Bryd

07.01.2022 I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. That you’re gently moving your way through your experience of isolation. What has isolation brought to you that you are feeling grateful for? For me and my family, I am grateful that our little isolation bubble is giving us time that we wouldn’t normally have together. It is allowing us to be slow and close. To enjoy walks on dusk, my favourite time of the day. ... Here is some of the beauty that has surrounded us on our walks. Gratitude From my heart to yours Bryd

06.01.2022 T O R E G O G N I S E I S A G I F T Where there is a painful charge there is an attachment to something. To recognise the charge, to allow curiosity toward the charge is the way to figuring out how to neutralise the pain. Let us explore... For the purposes of this post, can you recognise where you might be ignorant, arrogant, or judgmental in moments? What if it is a blind spot to you and someone else recognises you displaying these aspects? Can you allow your self-observation or another’s observation to land gently as a teaching or does it trigger, and cause a charged reaction from you? If we are charged it is usually because we attach ourselves personally to it and define ourselves as ignorant, arrogant, or judgemental. We see it as a ‘bad’ part of ourselves, or as an attack on our personality. But if we separate ourselves from it, we can see it as an aspect that we are displaying in a moment. We can get curious about it so that we can better understand why it might pop up in certain situations. Suddenly we can recognise we may be displaying an aspect that is hurting ourselves and others, but that we ourselves are not bad. Without recognition and curiosity, we continue to personally attach ourselves to the aspects. We continue to define ourselves by it. This can kick off shame, guilt and self-punishment or we reject it and deflect the observation, whether from self or another, and we continue along displaying the same aspects, the same patterns, and actions. We continue to cause and perpetuate pain for ourselves and others. With detached awareness we can recognise our painful charges as they occur. We can receive our self-observation or another’s not as an attack, but rather as the gift. An invitation to get curious, explore and deepen our understanding of ourselves so that we can neutralise the painful charge. When we neutralise the painful charge, we begin to respond and act more connectively and respectful to ourselves and others. We are calmer and more peaceful. Everyone should be safe in these explorations. I think this is a really good time to also talk about the way we communicate our self-observations to ourselves and/or our observations of those we love, strangers alike, with them. To stay connected in the conversation with ourselves/another we need to separate the behavioural aspect being displayed from the person. This will help ourselves/another to receive it in a gentler, noncombative way. It will help to minimise the reaction of defensiveness and attack. It will also help ourselves/another to be able to find separation from it so we/they might explore it more openly too. We all come from different experiences and have different triggers that charge us in different ways. So, go gently with lots of compassion for ourselves and others in these moments while still discerning boundaries. From my heart to yours Bryd For a chat or to book an appointment call or SMS 0412 347 332

06.01.2022 R E S I S T E N C E When resistance visits our relationship it is not always an invitation to close down to each other or to seperate. Rather it can be an invitation to dive deeply into each other. ... Resistance is usually something that is unheard and unmet. Be raw and honest without judgement and blame. Listen and learn each other. Allow the words, touch and the silent pause of reflection to be a remembering of the connection and love shared. Invest in this sacred dive into each other. This is important. It is the opportunity to explore possibility. A time to build trust. This is a time of creation between you. From my heart to yours Bryd

06.01.2022 D R U M My drum invites me to feel. She brings to the fore my shadow, my pain. ... She draws out anything that is hidden and unsettled within me. Anything that I cannot put words or meaning to. Each beat brings me into my centre, into my heart space, into clarity. She allows me to release. She can do this for you too! For appointments - 0412347332 From my heart to yours Bryd

05.01.2022 R E L A T I O N S H I P S During this time of global pause, we are being invited into reflection. A theme that seems to be emerging is the breakdown of relationships. ... So, I wanted to come on with a little reminder that sometimes it is not the relationship that needs to breakdown and die, but rather something within in it. Relationships are a two-way street. Both parties need to do and be doing the work. It is the responsibility of both to want to know themselves. For both to explore their shadow so that each can understand their past trauma, feelings, emotions, triggers, and reactions. Why? Because if we do not, we may not really see each other. We may risk mistaking the past for the right now. Because breaking old paradigms is the way forward to a deeper authentic connection with yourself and your partner. Why? To develop awareness of ourselves and each other. So that we can learn to feel and release and communicate in a way that connects and builds the relationship rather than causing disconnect and destruction. Why? So that we can create a safe space for each person to truly be themselves. One where we can be deeply seen and heard. Where we can learn each other intimately. Where we can lean in and be leaned on. Why? Because I don’t know a single person that has been vulnerable and raw enough to do this work that hasn’t been met with deep tenderness and connection. And that is something we ALL crave. How are you connecting to yourself and to your partner? Is it time for your relationship to transform? Where can you learn yourself and each other more? How can you see and hear each other better? If you need a little help with this exploration I am here. Call or SMS 0412 347 332 for an exploratory call or to make an appointment. From my heart to yours Bryd

04.01.2022 F E E L R E L E A S E H E A L My heart has been feeling much pain. So, today I have sat with my drum, my voice and my breath. I am feeling it. Honouring! Releasing! ... To heal we need to feel our pain. We need to release it. Our pain is energy that wants to move. We don’t need to feel scared of it. We do need to learn how to feel it and release it in away that doesn’t hurt ourselves or others. It can feel intense to allow ourselves to feel our pain. Sometimes it feels fucking excruciating. As if we might break if we truly feel it. But this is an illusion. It is the holding on, the suppression of it that will break us. Once we surrender and give ourselves permission to feel and move our pain it eases and we are left with a deeper connection to ourselves, to our relationships. We are left with wholeness, the medicine to move forward to truly understand the experience. We can channel our communication and love of self and others more with more honesty and purity. Give yourself permission to feel and release. I am here if you feel you need support in your process - 0412 347 332 From my heart to yours Bryd

02.01.2022 I M P E R M A N E N C E These photos were snapped along the beach this afternoon. They are a beautiful representation of impermanence. Every few steps I was greeted with different light, shades, reflections. ... The clouds moved and dissipated. The ocean rolled in and out changing the sea bed and shore as it went. I saw shades of colour in the shells that I’ve not seen before along this stretch of beach. It was clear they had rolled in from afar. Some had been polished so expertly by their time and journey with the sand and the waves that they were almost transparent in their form. This depiction of impermanence is poetic. No reaching, no desperation, just gentle happening and acceptance. With so much that is unknown and changing at the moment more than ever I am looking to mumma earth as my teacher. With love and gratitude I am using my time at the beach to learn to come into the same gentle acceptance of impermanence so that I may navigate my internal and external world. From my heart to yours Bryd

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