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25.01.2022 FLASHBACK TO 90s PILBARA Out of the ABC archives comes this retro-focus look at the Pilbara from 1999, complete with a young Russell Woolf. What do you think has changed?

25.01.2022 Give me wild life, animals, sea, plants, earth, air, water, fire any day over a stupid sell-out celebrity!

25.01.2022 Today I am laughing uncontrollably at cat faces put on other animals, please enjoy

22.01.2022 Dissociation was a coping mechanism that was so normal to me, I even had a name for it: my spaceship. It was like I was watching myself exist from above mysel...f. I was always there physically + gone mentally. With a distant look on my face, I could function, but I was also in a nervous system state of shut down. Of survival. Of autopilot. We learn to begin dissociating in childhood. When life around is feels to ‘big’ to cope. When we don’t have parent figures to guide, nurture, emotionally support us when we do not have a secure attachment + cannot fully be our core self. As I got older, I began noticing how I had almost no childhood memories. My friends would make fun of my terrible memory. I knew something was off. A part of me didn’t want to face it. A part of me thought maybe I had been sexually assaulted. When we are chronically dissociated, we cannot form memories. This is because the mind is protecting us from the painful overwhelm we are experiencing. I’ve healed so much of my dissociation. Through meditation, breathwork through beginning the journey of practicing consciousness every day. PS- this was the most requested series from my last post. If you have any other requests, leave them in the comments #selfhealers

22.01.2022 Lol .. oh yeah #pilbara #done

22.01.2022 We want to show you how to go with the flow! Which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to it flow to it through you! It is optimum creative experience! ~ Abraham

20.01.2022 My first Canoe make it with my boy samaka for CAIF exhibition in cairns at the tanks art centre . Such a good feeling teaching your boy and passing the knowledge on to the next generation. Teaching caving, painting, storys and work as a team!

19.01.2022 Our nervous system is in a constant communication with our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a mental database. It stores words + their meaning. It st...ores core beliefs. It stores memories we aren’t even consciously aware of. The subconscious mind allows the brain to conserve energy + do things without us being fully present. Sub means below. Subconscious = below consciousness. The nervous system also operates subconsciously. Our nervous system has one core objective: to keep us alive. The fight, flight, or freeze responses from the nervous system are survival mechanisms that have allowed human beings to survive. It’s why we are still here. At birth, we begin to experience life. Our nervous system + subconscious mind are imprinted in every new moment. We learn to respond in the way we are modeled by parent-figures. All of this happens beyond our awareness. The mind + body are imprinted before age 7. This is our conditioning. Our conditioning is patterned responses. Most of us are not conscious of these patterns, this is why conscious awareness is the foundation of healing. Without it, we feel stuck and the truth is, we are from a biological perspective. The difficult part about becoming conscious or awakened is that it’s incredibly uncomfortable. When we practice witnessing ourselves + being present within the body we feel everything we’ve been avoiding. Everything we’ve been distracting ourselves from. Pain (+ sometimes shame) comes flooding in. This resistance is actually protection. It’s like a mental + physical alarm going off saying: this is new! I feel unsafe! I feel uncomfortable This is why so many of us go back into autopilot. It’s comfortable. It what we know. What we know will (the familiar) will always feel safest to the mindbody. Healing is the practice of allowing discomfort. Getting past the mind in small amounts every day. Practicing breathing, grounding, + meditation to re-learn safety within the body. This is how we become creators of our life experience#selfhealers

18.01.2022 ... it’s so freeing when you grasp this concept! Luv Every One! Do no wrong to others! ... but yeah fuck ‘em n do you! Honour Yourself First Always!

18.01.2022 Do you feel this quote is true?

18.01.2022 How blue-tiful?! Meet Old Blue and his little baby splendid fairywren family from Bedfordale Mark Eatwell

17.01.2022 This is a very sad day for us all in the Dome family. My name is Nigel and Ive been the CEO and co-owner of the Dome Caf Group for nearly 20 years. I can reme...mber the time when our team numbers were counted in the tens and not the thousands that we have today. In that whole time whilst weve been expanding with new cafes and hiring more and more amazing people, weve been careful to keep things small, humble and hands on.carefully growing our beautiful cafes across the land. Never could we have imagined a situation such as that occurring over the next few days where all your favourite Dome Cafes will be going into a most unexpected period of hibernation. Each and every Dome Caf is a place of welcome and comfort, where people from all walks of life come to connect and interact. Unfortunately, at this most unusual of times, we are unable to be that much cherished place for you all. Wherever you may be from Esperance to Port Hedland, and everywhere in between, thank-you for making us part of your lives. To our amazing, beautiful owners, managers and team members who fill our cafes with sunshine and smiles each day, we cant wait to reunite with you on the other side and admire once again what you do so well. Until then and with all our love, Nigel. See more

17.01.2022 Just Heads Up Guys ... have your license or ID when purchasing alcohol as of today Just Heads Up Guys ... have your license or ID when purchasing alcohol as of today

16.01.2022 Let’s say that you woke up and you were thinking about something. It could be positive or negative, let’s just say you are thinking about it. Now let’s just say you are thinking about it. Now let’s say it’s not all that positive, then you check your email and there’s more about it in there and then you turn on the television and it’s kind of like that too. And then you call a freind and you kind of get some stuff going as you are facing reality and pointing at ... Esther on the airplane all the time, business people talking to their co workers or calling their co workers about things that they are trying to hammer into place. And she just puts her earphones on and puts her pillow on and focusses into her world and out of that. Because it doesn’t take very much of that focus before off you go. So if you are in that sort of momentum that’s not the best time for you to say I think I will meditate, because you will have a very difficult time quieting your mind under those conditions. Those thoughts already have enough momentum going that that’s when the lobotomy would be more helpful. Or a nap. We would meditate when there’s the least amount of momentum going. It’s sort of like, have you ever felt like you really needed to sleep but you couldn’t sleep and the harder you tried to sleep the more you couldn’t sleep. Well meditation is like that for you. You say I need to meditate, I really need this, but you can’t. Because you are focussed on what’s holding you away from it, so it’s what’s getting bigger. So what you do is, you wait for a sort of clearer space, that usually comes earlier in the morning. May be it comes after your kids leave the house. May be it comes when you are finally alone in your car somewhere. You can pull under a tree. You have to find a space for it and the earlier in the day the better. But you get better and better at it. It’s just a matter of focus. We recommend you that you focus upon something that doesn’t require very much thought. Because to say, I am not going to think about anything, now you are thinking about not thinking about anything and everything in the world you don’t want to think about, you are thinking about. But find something to focus on, it might be a bird in a bird bath it might be a dripping of a faucet. Just quiet your mind and allow yourself access to what your inner being knows about all the things you want and what you are most likely to receive a thought about now. Abraham

16.01.2022 Some nights I wish I could go back in life Not to change things, just to feel a couple things twice. Drake

16.01.2022 Lunar Eclipse in Gemini- Massive Changes Within the Mind, Communication Arises Outta the Blue, The Answers You Need Are Coming On November 29th/30th, we have th...e massive and fated Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees of Gemini. Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons on steroids and herald destined change and reversals connected to: manifestations, endings and completions. Gemini, the 3rd zodiac sign, deals with: the mind, communication, curiosity, malleability, flexibility and understanding. Get ready cause changes are in the air and they could appear out of the blue! The next 6-12 months will be colored by this Eclipse and they will usher in a new dawn of information and revelations. Wherever Gemini falls in your chart(especially potent if it's your: Sun, Moon, Ascendant or ruler of your axis points(1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) are where these massive and unavoidable events, situations and occurrences will take place. Surprise! Eclipses always bring in curve balls and unknown possibilities. Just when you thought 2020 had revealed all of its cray ways, think again, you are in for a big surprise! The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is here to bring massive communication downloads. A secret could be revealed to you at this time. Gemini energy is all about: learning, seeking and using our mental capacities. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini will reveal information that once was muddled or unclear. These confessions could literally come to greet you with little to no warning. Expect the unexpected. Eclipses always usher in a fresh energy connected to change in our destiny and plans. Since the Lunar Eclipse's ruling planet, Mercury, will be at the last degrees of Scorpio at the time of the Full Moon, some of these communications will be quite intense and will usher in a mental and spiritual awakening. There will be an element of surprise and shock with whatever comes to light on and around this powerful Lunar Eclipse. Downloads from spirit will reveal an answer to a piece of the puzzle that has been plaguing you... To read the full article, you have 2 options below. To view via my website, click here: To access the full article + the special extended horoscopes via my Patreon site, click here: On Patreon, I give tips and guidance for each of the 12 zodiac signs for this next lunar cycle. These forecasts are meant to empower you through these trying and tense times. You also will receive 10-20% off my readings. I am currently running a holiday sale (using discount code: ASTRO20) where you can also receive an additional 20% off discount until December 25, 2020. Your pledges on Patreon are so appreciated. I know it's not an easy time for many, and your support allows Astromomma to stay afloat and provide guidance to so many people. Thanks for your trust and contribution to the page. Happy Lunar Eclipse in Gemini my loves!! Astromomma, 2020 Image: LukeFitzsimons via DeviantArt #astrologyupdate #astrology #lunar eclipse #lunareclipseingemini #gemini #fullmoon #duplicity #duality #manifestations #portalenergy

16.01.2022 2016 Winds of Zenadth Cultural Festival - Thursday Island The Custodian of the Cultural Village

15.01.2022 VATICAN DRAGON BABYLONIAN BROTHERHOOD The serpent (Hebrew: , nakhásh) occurs in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. The symbol of a serpent or snak...e played important roles in religious and cultural life of ancient Egypt, Canaan, Mesopotamia and Greece. The serpent was a symbol of evil power and chaos from the underworld as well as a symbol of fertility, life and healing. Nachash, Hebrew for "snake", is also associated with the divination, including the verb-form meaning to practice divination or fortune-telling. In the Hebrew Bible, Nachash occurs in the Torah to identify the serpent in Eden. Throughout the Hebrew Bible, it is also used in conjunction with saraph to describe vicious serpents in the wilderness. Tanniyn, a form of dragon-monster, also occurs throughout the Hebrew Bible. In the Book of Exodus, the staffs of Moses and Aaron are turned into serpents, a nachash for Moses, a tanniyn for Aaron. In the New Testament, the Book of Revelation makes use of ancient serpent and the Dragon several times to identify Satan or the Devil. They are everywhere hidden in plain sight... VATICAN DRAGON BABYLONIAN BROTHERHOOD

15.01.2022 Chinese virologist claims she has proof COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab Bwhahaha

15.01.2022 12 Little Known Facts About Coffee 1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its seeds. The coffee plant also uses caffeine... in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants, so the coffee plant can attain more sunlight and grow larger. Caffeine is a pesticide, which causes genetic termination in living cells that come into contact with it. 2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. When the blood flow reduction was measured exactly, it was actually 52% less blood flow to the brain, after just one small cup of coffee. 3. Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed they presented the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinsons patients and pharmaceutical users. 3. Coffee can cause an urge to move ones bowels because this is one way the body tries to eliminate poison from the system. The sudden urge to "poo" after drinking coffee is one of the bodys defense mechanisms to poison. 4. Coffee increases energy via the human fight or flight metabolic response, because the body is afraid of the caffeine based poison. Coffee doesnt give energy, it removes it from the body. The energy a person feels when they drink coffee is the body going into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body. (fight or flight) Coffee removes energy from the system, leaving the person progressively more and more exhausted each day that passes, therefore setting up the worlds most dangerous energy stimulation dependence for energy. 5. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems in control of aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision making, jealousy, rage, anger, fear and paranoia. Coffee generates lower end mental functioning with a side of every negative emotional response the body can generate. 6. When measured, 1 coffee activated the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no other caffeine was consumed after that 1 cup of coffee. One cup of coffee poisons the body for 3 consecutive weeks, on a decreasing scale. 7. When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain is hyper activated and the higher learning centers of the mind inhibited. The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, reproduction, protection of territory, food acquisition and personal safety. The limbic portion of the brain is one of the least developed portions of the mind complex. When you want to out smart or dominate another person, its best that their limbic system is activated, because it brings them to a mental state equal to that of a child. 8. The birth control pill inhibits clearing of ingested caffeine. This effect is increased dramatically by alcohol or pain killer use, therefore causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which get treated as other things once the person reaches the hospital. 9. Coffee is proven to cause an enlarged prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (from the brain damage) behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, carpel tunnel, ulcers, low iron, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain, heart attack, stroke,TIAs (mini strokes)...and thats a short list. 10. Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the bodys flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does). This eventually changes the bodys primary fuel source requirement to one of fat. When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as its primary fuel source, over sugar or protein. Constant activation of the bodys fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder..... because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as opposed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein. Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) induced fat gain, weight gain and cellulite. Coffee also destroys muscle, as the body purposely flushes muscle, when its poisoned, to facilitate additional fat storage. 11. Coffee (caffeine) blocks iron absorption, causing the vast majority of anemia today. The entire threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolates, caffeine based energy drinks, caffeine based pre work out drinks and over 2000 over the counter and prescription medications that PURPOSELY include caffeine. 12. An investigation conducted by the author of the most extensive book on coffee ever written, reviewed almost every scientific research piece regarding coffee and his conclusion was that theres absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in anyway. He openly declares that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a blatant lie, doing grave harm to our entire society. The publication of any positive effects of coffee are false and all can be traced back to a very powerful, covert and secret "coffee lobby", which has both commercial and ruling family origins. The author reviews the research in the book at this added link. How many coffee shops have opened in your town in the last 20 years? So why the lying about coffee? Think of government and how governing a brain damaged population is easier than governing a healthy population. Start there and keep connecting the dots. Coffee is only one brain damaging weapon used against an uninformed slave class. The 10 most popular brain damaging weapons used against the slave class (in order of use) are 1) vaccines 2) coffee and caffeine products 3) alcohol 4) medical drugs 5) sugar 6) fluoride 7) cigarettes 8) processed junk foods and genetically modified foods 9) EMF radiation from wireless devices and 10) chemtrails. If youve ever posed the question, "why are people so stunned, as to not figure any of this out?"....................youre missing the point that the brain damage of the slave class is the primary agenda of the ruling 1%. Coffee and vaccines are the elites 1-2 punch within "operation brain damage" down here on the human farm. The best slave is a brain damaged slave, unable to think or care for themselves without the help from slave master. A helpless population guarantees a need for government. This is why the ruling families do everything in their power to create a helpless population, day in and day out. Governments exist because they perpetually create the conditions for their own existence. Ancient ruling families, who masquerade as modern altruistic governments, are not there to help the people progress, evolve or become more. You live on a chemically controlled slave based control grid. Coffee is just another massive lie inside the human control operation. Want to shut the human farm down? Want to really become more than the stereotypical diseased, overweight, dis-empowered, depressed, and dysfunctional human mess? Reject the poisons.

15.01.2022 I felt her long before I met her. She was in my soul long before she was in my mind. JmStorm

14.01.2022 ... as is all Water! We’re 99% Water Beings and only getting more Crystalline with this 3d to 5D Accession process! Feel like shyte .. go to a water source, lake, creek, river, beach, even rain forest or have a shower, dance in the rain and drink more water daily! Feel Gud! .. do all of the above more!

14.01.2022 Bill Gates ( The Vaccine Master ) - Describes Himself And His Agenda In Three Minutes If you dont know much about Kill Bill then read on.... Bill Gates is the of Microsoft and now sees himself as the messiah. The WHO ( World Health Organisation ) are directly funded by Bill Gates, who you may or may not know is also a eugenicist like his father was and wants to drastically reduce the population of the planet from 7 billion to just 500 million by 2030. A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people. Bill Gates is no public health expert. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go back to normal. The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before. Every single one of us has a duty as human beings, to make sure that Kill Bill doesnt succeed with his sick plans to kill as many people on the planet by way of vaccines. If You Care, Then Share

13.01.2022 Wow! These are AMAZING! Beautiful!

12.01.2022 December is here in its glorious beauty. Before I share the astrology, can we all take a moment to appreciate that THIS IS THE LAST MONTH OF 2020! Please tak...e time to appreciate all YOU have accomplished this year. You might not realize it because you've been so busy getting THROUGH it, but you have a lot to be proud of! You might feel you're in between what you're leaving and where you're heading. You might not even know where you are going. That's all part of the divine plan. Letting go of the identities and intentions that didn't represent your true nature is what this year has been about. December brings a paradigm shift with a once-a-century meeting with our two social planets Jupiter and Saturn. I have so much to share about this! I'll be offering you a lot more about this in my forecast video (coming soon). In the meantime, reflect on your strength, fortitude, and beauty. You've got game. BTW - my annual forecast event 2021 Illuminated - 4 Days of Forecasts, Magic and Healing is on sale for $80 off. The sale ends at midnight. If you want to take advantage of it go to: It's going to be epic!

11.01.2022 A Dreamer is One who can only Find his way by Moonlight , & His punishment is that He Sees the Dawn Before the Rest of the world. ... ~ Oscar Wilde

11.01.2022 BHPS RUNAWAY TRAIN Check out the scene from BHPs derailed train! The train, full with iron ore, was deliberately derailed by BHP after it travelled for mor...e than 90 kilometres without a driver in WAs Pilbara. The train, made up of 4 locomotives and 268 wagons, was travelling from Newman to Port Hedland at 4:40am on Monday, when the driver hopped out to inspect a wagon near Turner siding. But the train took off from the siding before the driver could get back on board.

10.01.2022 Love fearlessly!

07.01.2022 Yum!!!! Makes me LUV them even more!!

07.01.2022 Someone asked us recently, "Is there any limitation to the bodys ability to heal?" And we said, "None other than the belief that you hold." And he said, "Then why arent people growing new limbs?" And we said, "Because no one believes that they can." --- Abraham

07.01.2022 Just like the wild beasts, you want your own autonomy. You want freedom. You want freedom from negative emotion. You want freedom from somebody telling you what to do. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not what all of you want is a sense of Well-being. -Abraham

06.01.2022 Curious about the life path you chose for yourself? Learn more at #takemebacktuesday #lifepurpose #awakening #soulregression #spi...ritual #lifeplan #soul #karma #reincarnation #healing #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #souljourney #soulpurpose #yoursoulsplan See more

06.01.2022 With only 5 days to go Sisters until our first event and only 5 tickets left we took the 4WD bus for a test run. If you are worried about coming on your own pl...ease send me a message. I (Lee-Anne who has only been here 5 months) will be at the Port Pick up and Mel a local teacher who has been here 8 weeks and her lovely Mother in law Marlene will be there to greet you at the South pick up. Please lets get behind our Sisters at the Jinparinya Community who have worked so hard to give us this unique experience before we head off yonder! Book here

04.01.2022 15 Things You Dont Know About Polio 1. A pesticide common in the 1800s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. 2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure. 3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure. 4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other simila...Continue reading

04.01.2022 The #EnergyUpdate for (I can't believe I'm saying) December, 2020 is here. This year has gone fast, and has been a landmark year in so many different ways. The ...first message that I got for December is there is a Bright and Sharp Energy of Clarity and Support that will be moving in during this month. Several other themes come up this month including, Creative Triggers and Activations, Topsy-Turvy Energy - meaning nothing is quite as it seems, and predictions are harder to make than they used to be for that reason. But in general, December is set to be a lighter, brighter month if you look at the picture overall. Check out for the full Energy Update for details on these themes and more. Big love, Lee x

02.01.2022 This courageous couple wasnt going to let racism keep them apart

02.01.2022 This baby zebra wags her tail when shes reunited with her mom and dad

01.01.2022 OMG I FUCKIN KNEW IT!!!!..... STILL A CONSPIRACY?!!! THIS IS HAPPENING AND SERIOUS SHIT!... WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! (If u DONT watch this ur a DICK!) Alex Rose Betts & Jason Shurka

01.01.2022 One of my favorite interviews of Muhammad Ali, bringing his signature humor to the conversation of black vs white in society.

01.01.2022 We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, weve lost our connection to ourselves. Andy Goldsworthy

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