Narelle Monteleone Holistic Healing in Sydney | Health & wellness website
Narelle Monteleone Holistic Healing
Locality: Sydney
Phone: +61 421 461 961
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24.01.2022 It is always possible to make a positive change
22.01.2022 CARD REVEAL - BELOW!! Pick a Card ~ 1, 2 OR 3 from the Cosmic Reading Cards by Nari Anastasia Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths while asking what it is you would like guidance with then feel, see, hear or know the card you are drawn to. I will reveal my interpretation of each card within 24 Hours. ... #clearquartz #quartzpoint #apophylite #danburite #barite #pyrite
20.01.2022 CARD FOR TODAY ~ Lifting the Veil ~ From The Starseed Oracle ~ Rebecca Campbell Questioning everything, Anything unaligned must go. Things arent always as they seem. This era is one of uncovering mistruths so we can remember ancient truths. Everything is in a state of recall and realignment. Anything that isnt in harmony with the planet will not survive. This goes for society and the world at large as well as in our own lives. If you pull this card youre being call...ed to energetically scan your life for things that may no longer be a vibrational match for who you are and how youve grown. To dismantle the systems and ways of being that once served you and others but no longer do. Some Starseeds are here to lift the veil between the seen and unseen worlds. To shine a light on things that are inauthentic or unaligned with the survival and well being of Earth. To stand for and protect those who dont have a voice. To look deeper and question everything that previous generations did not. Some Starseeds cannot tolerate things that arent congruent. Theyre here to bring society and humanity back into harmony with the planet and the creator at large. If we tolerate things in our life that arent aligned and congruent with it, we add to the misalignment of the planet. Youre being called to trust yourself, notice whats out of alignment, and then take the baby steps required to bring it back into harmony. This is no easy feat, but its so worthwhile. Both individually and for the planet.
19.01.2022 WHO IM VOTING FOR....And Its Not Who You Think
19.01.2022 ~ $70.00 Visit to purchase
18.01.2022 R ~ If you are pushing yourself to the limit, giving of yourself to everyone else but not taking any time out to recharge and replenish then you WILL burn out. It is so important to MAKE TIME to do what you love and to practice self care. If you only have 10 mins spare a day, then you only have 10 mins spare a day, but you can do so much in 10 mins to heal and relax your Mind, Body & Spirit. I would recommend allowing 30 mins - 1 hour ...a day but if you do only have 10 mins then the following exercise will have a positive impact. This can be done anywhere, inside or outside - somewhere in nature would be perfect - eg. In a park on your lunch break or sitting in the backyard. Place your feet flat on the ground and imagine them firmly connecting with the Earth below. Close your eyes and take 3 slow deep breaths in through your nose then breath out through your mouth Imagine you are sitting in a beautiful green field and the sun is shining down upon you regenerating you Imagine golden light coming up through the bottom of your feet and swirling around your ankles, then up your legs, then around your entire body spiralling up until it reaches the top of your head Then imagine a pure white waterfall of light flowing down from above your head all around your body and inside your body, cleansing it and clearing it of any negative thoughts or any illness within your body See anything that you have been worried about washing away with this waterfall of light and see it sinking into the ground below you Know that you are now in a positive state of being and think about the positive things you have in your life to be grateful for This process will only take a few minutes and you can do it in just a couple of mins once you get used to doing it regularly. You should notice a difference in how you feel if practiced regularly. If you would like to follow along to a Guided Grounding Meditation you can checkout my Youtube Video here or if you would like to Book a One on One Meditation Session via Zoom or In Person Contact Narelle Monteleone Holistic Healing or
17.01.2022 Pick a Card ~ Close your eyes and ask "What do I need to focus on right now?" then place the number of the card you are most drawn to in the comments below. I will reveal the meanings later today #narellemonteleone #mythicoracledeck #guidance #healing #readings #oraclecards #crystals #pickacard #energyhealing #reikicandles
15.01.2022 Larimar Bracelets for Sale - 2 LEFT $8.00 with FREE postage within Australia Msg me to Order LARIMAR (PECTOLITE)... Larimar is a blue variety of Pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, which is located in the Caribbean. Its colour varies from white, light blue, green-blue to deep blue. While Pectolite in general is not a rare occurrence, none have the unique blue coloration of Larimar, which is the result of cobalt substituting for calcium. Larimar is a high vibration stone that connects to both the Thymus (2nd Heart) and Throat Chakras. It is often used in self-healing or laying-on of stones. Larimar is a stone of communication, clarity and truth. It brings calm and balance to any situation, removing stress and negativity. Larimar will help to embrace change and move through the process effortlessly. Larimar resonates with the gentle, soothing energy of water, bringing a sense of tranquility and a reminder to go with the flow. It carries a strong energetic connection to dolphins and the sea. Larimar is a nurturing stone, which stimulates the process of healing to body, mind and soul. Larimar can assist in identifying and understanding behaviors caused by old patterns/programs that effectively sabotage the self, and allow for their release. Larimar helps to achieve a deep meditative state, a connection with higher vibrational energy that enhances communication with angels, guides, guardians and Source. Larimar can assist with chemical imbalances, mood disorders and infections. Use Larimar in healing layouts or grids. This is such a joyous piece to keep with you! Carry in pockets, pouches or medicine bags. (Source:
12.01.2022 If you have completed Reiki Level 1 and would like to become Attuned to Reiki 2, this is the last Reiki Workshop I am holding for this year. Reiki Level 2 builds on Level 1 and includes new symbols and enables you to send Reiki via distance. Message me with any questions you may have or to Book your place simply click below.
12.01.2022 I am currently holding Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2 & Reiki Master Level - One on One Workshops. If you would like to begin your healing journey, Message me or visit for further details. #narellemonteleone #reikiattunements #reikilevel1 #reikilevel2 #reikimasterlevel #reikimasterteacher #healingmodality #healer #reikipractitionercourse #energyhealing
09.01.2022 Its almost Spring..Yay!! Time to thaw out....I will be making my next batch of REIKI INFUSED CANDLES over the next couple of weeks so that I am fully stocked for Xmas which is *gasp* 16 Weeks away, so feel free to place your orders NOW if you have a particular Fragrance, Colour, Crystal or Herb you would like, otherwise...WATCH THIS SPACE!! If you would like to check out some of my previous candles GO TO:
06.01.2022 Healing Sessions Healing Sessions incorporate Reiki, Seichim and Crystals to Release, Heal & Transform. Healing Sessions enable you to let go of what may be holding you back and to bring you into balance. Energy Healing is very calming and Heals Emotionally, Physically & Spiritually. Dis-ease can manifest in our physical bodies through emotional states, so releasing them is vital for optimal health and well being. ... My sessions are held in a nurturing, non-judgemental space in Merrylands, Sydney or you can receive a Distance Healing anywhere in the world. Checkout my Services for more info.
05.01.2022 ? ..... - , , . . , 131 114 / , , . , . - : 0421 461 961 . ..
04.01.2022 Learn about Energy and how to begin Healing not only yourself but others. As we begin to heal ourselves, our energetic vibration shifts, enabling us to let go of what is no longer in alignment with our highest potential. It is therefore a catalyst for spiritual and intuitive progression. Reiki is a lovely gentle healing energy and assists in promoting healing on a Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Level. I am currently holding Reiki Level 1 Attunemen...ts with a maximum of 3 people per Workshop. If you are feeling the call to do something for yourself that also helps others, Message me for further details. Reiki Attunements are available Weekdays and held in Merrylands, Sydney. See more
03.01.2022 RIDING THE ENERGIES INTO 2021 : IMPORTANT INFO TO ROUND OFF EARTH SEASON 2020 AND TRANSITION INTO THE AGE OF AQUARIUS Yep 2020 has been one big WTF...?! One epic surprise after another. Presenting out-of-the-ordinary challenge for everyone in some form. And... The energies of 2020 have also presented incredible opportunities and momentum for 2021. And beyond. It would seem that those willing and able to non-attach, let go, adapt and flexibly respond to the seemingly chaotic flow of The Universe And those dedicated to establishing a life path in alignment with their Soul purpose Have actually prospered. Especially in relevance to... - Personal growth, - Spiritual evolution, - New, meaningful directions, - Inspired creativity, and - Launching new ideas in genuine service to the world. Those already engaged in the "inner work, have had the opportunity to put years of spiritual experience into 3D action. And many of those who hadn’t yet explored a path of transpersonal introspection, have had little other option. In this way experiencing their own level of personal awakening and new self-discoveries. So yes, there has been a bounty of opportunity! Deep down inside we actually know this. Still it's been very easy to get triggered into the "fuckery" that Earth Season 2020 has appeared to be. That triggering was part of this year’s medicine though. 2020 has forced us to get clear on what we want and who we are by showing us the stuff that isn’t aligned. It’s shown us all the parts of self that simply cannot come with us where we truly wish to go. And highlighted what we need to be more grateful for. Not just individually but collectively. AND most importantly in our SOCIAL SYSTEMS. And if we look at the astrology for 2021 this is just the beginning the wheels are in motion baby. CHANGE IS HAPPENING! Systems MUST evolve. We're ALL feeling it. In particular for the Starseeds and Lightworkers inspired to pursue leadership and facilitate change This period of time, right here and now, is actually what we came here for. NOW is mission time more than ever! Game on! AND anything is possible. But there are just so many possibilities, different timelines and realities converging simultaneously. It’s been energetically hectic. It’s actually hard to identify the details of what’s REALLY going on. What is truth, what’s lies, what is crisis, what’s conspiracy, what is divine intervention and where it’s all going? And amongst it all, if you're a true believer that Love always wins and nothing happens outside of The Divine Plan Then no matter how challenging ominous, confusing, ludicrous or unfair it may have all seemed You will also need to acknowledge that this is all part of the divine outplay of our collective Soul’s highest intentions. A NEW EARTH IS COMING! It can't not be with so much of the old way dissolving. This gives us some major clues about what 2021 holds in store for us. And more importantly how we can harness these 2020 energies to choose our highest timeline in the ramp up to 2021. Because 2020 is NOT over yet no sirree. December 21, 2020 marks the date of The Great Conjunction. Jupiter and Saturn come into conjunction in Aquarius, signifying the commencement of THE AGE OF AQUARIUS! ( Da-da-daaaa! ) It’s a time for total completions and new beginnings. An era commencing a whole, new level of higher conscious creativity, and thereby aligned change. It’s a period where our collective, deeper aspirations, hopes and dreams can (and I believe will) make manifest. It represents new opportunities, a fresh starting point and being your own True Self in the world. Systems of governance, social systems and systems of belief will NEED to change in support of this new manifestation. The old systems of power and control MUST melt away. In short, this date is an epic turning point. It's perhaps the very reason why this year has presented so much in-yer-face realisation. It's all been necessary preparation. Humanity's going to feel a massive ramp-up of energies from here to the end of the year (and keep going). A lot of 2020 has been influenced by retrograde energies - the feeling and appearance of things going backward in relation to us, whilst we’re actually always moving forwards. It creates a strong dynamic of unfulfilled desire for aligned creativity and change. Thereby it causes a lot of intentional, creative energy to build up like an orgasm that just won’t quite happen. It’s this desirous, "I just wanna’ burst and be free" energy that we can all let go into now. If we can direct it consciously, it will be a powerful sling shot into the next year and beyond. SO HOW DO YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS LAST PHASE OF 2020? Well here’s my vibe on it 1. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR SELF. Ask your Soul, in its highest integrity, what it really wants to experience and create for YOU, through YOU. Own it without judgement. Permit it to be freely expressed. Tune into the feeling of that intention. Allow it to become a predominant aspect of your emotional and physical experience. Live in that feeling and vibration. 2. GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT FOR HUMANITY. Ask your Soul what it really wants to manifest purposefully for Humanity. Dream it in. Think BIG. What's your big role in this shift of ages? Remember EVERYTHING your Soul desires for the collective IS possible and accessible in The Quantum. 3. ACT ON YOUR HIGHEST, MOST ALIGNED DESIRES. That thing you’ve always wanted to do for YOU in your heart of hearts - start doing it NOW. Start taking steps, making plans and don’t stop! And start creating in the direction of where that overlaps with your Vision for humanity. The world is going to need the support of those called to serve humanity in alignment with their Soul’s highest intentions for purposeful service. 4. THINK, FEEL AND ACT WITH POSITIVITY AND LOVE. Hear this! There is some EPIC stuff happening on the planet energetically - the direction of humanity relies on our individual VIBE. So yes please Get in your heart, step out of fear and reframe the bejesus out of the year that was. Find every freakin’ positive you can about it! Love-up on your Self and others for no reason at all. Stop loathing or trying to prove yourself right or wishing things were different. Instead start the continued RADICAL PRACTICE of Gratitude, Acceptance, Compassion, Surrender and Letting Go. Our individual vibration has the capability to decide which timeline we travel collectively And Earth Season 2021 has potential to be a real beauty. In finalising, I just want to commend you by the way. I know you did you best, like we all did this year. And if others have challenged you please accept that this was their way of navigating it all. Remember, we’re all on a journey heading to the same destination whether we can see it or not. AND If you’ve been willing-in the integrous, high-vibe change necessary to finally see Humanity work together as ONE. [And I mean not One-World as a means of increased power and controlI mean as ONE in TRUE UNITY as a means to BE FREE.] I see you and honour you. Keep holding that VISION It’s coming baby it’s coming! Be ALL that you are Heath . #AgeofAquarius #greatconjunction #newearth #5d #starseeds #soulaligned #soulwork #soulconnection #ascension #higherfrequency #evolve #awakening #higherconsciousness
01.01.2022 CARD REVEAL BELOW........ Pick A Card from the Messages from the Mermaids by Karen Kay ~ Close your eyes and take a couple of breaths feeling the card you are most drawn to. Is it 1,2,3 or 4? Place your choice in the comments below and I will reveal the cards within 24 Hours
01.01.2022 For natural therapists, common stressors that may tell you that you may be burning out include Compassionate Fatigue, Patient Overload, Zero Turn Off Time and... Vicarious Trauma. Find out more about these stressors, ways to emphasise prevention and tips on how to recover from burnout
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